an honest life update
6 ай бұрын
can i talk my sh*t again?
11 ай бұрын
a girls night alone
Жыл бұрын
what to do when tragedy strikes
my glamorous life in LA
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when life seems to go downhill
moving to a new state alone update
lets cook and chat
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day in my little insomniac life
my first day living in LA alone
why im moving out of utah
2 жыл бұрын
baby's first new york fashion week
2 жыл бұрын
something really weird happened
in my single era
2 жыл бұрын
how i transformed my body
2 жыл бұрын
my *WILD* 19th birthday vlog
3 жыл бұрын
@ccw2613 9 сағат бұрын
So sorry you're going through so much. What a crazy few years.
@alex-ql3do 2 күн бұрын
wow avrey i relate so much especially when you said you have the all or nothing mindset and about wishing away your days. please make more vids we miss u on youtube<3
@TheR3alBoazB 5 күн бұрын
Ur not alone, babe ❤❤❤❤
@Fish_eyes.png08 8 күн бұрын
I think I have a crush in your brother
@cf6408 8 күн бұрын
When you said "I was so scared that they were going to recommend me to go back on birth control, which is what messed me up in the first place" I HAVE NEVER FELT SO UNDERSTOOD. I was on birth control for 2,5 years and before that, just as you, I was super healthy, had regular periods and no issues at all. It's been 1,5 years since I quit (I'm almost 21 now) and my period still isn't regular. I struggled with physical and mental problems during birth control and after. At some point my doctor also suspected PCOS, but I never got a clear answer since it could apparently also be due to the birth control aftermath. I have now finally had two semi-regular cycles and I literally cried. But I'm scared that it's temporary. I know, every body needs its time, some more than others, but it can be frustrating at times to live in this uncertainty - as you said "how much more time?". Sending you lots of energy <3 another thing: It's insane how a blood/hormone panel can cost 2000$, I live in Europe and I got one for free because my doctor recommended it. And I'm happy I didn't have to pay anything because it brought me nowhere so far...
@abbeykelley1380 11 күн бұрын
i think your apartment is classy, timeless, and i hope to make my own apartment like it some day!
@Saraho7 11 күн бұрын
I love you but you complain a lot and its bad for youuuu
@rosekodal 24 күн бұрын
Holy shit. Wanted to cry watching this video. You just described almost my exact journey the past couple of years. Birth control fucked up my hormones, and I haven't been able to get back to my body the way it was before birth control. It feels so frustrating and isolating, and every day I wish there was an easy fix... Thanks for talking about your struggles, Avrey!
@elisazouza 24 күн бұрын
I haven’t watched you in a while and I’m so sorry you went through this, when I was with my first boyfriend I had the hormonal implant which caused the heaviest periods and cramps and so much blood loss from those periods that I decided to switch to the non hormonal implant and I have 1-2 day periods with hardly any cramps just intense emotional moments sometimes but I’ve heard of early menopause in young women and I can imagine not having a period for that long is a weird feeling 😊❤
@cutieshan 25 күн бұрын
Avrey, if you’re back in utah check out Dr Josh Redd. Ellie Mecham from ellie and jared literally healed herself getting a regimen with him!!! she swears by him
@nelselson Ай бұрын
When you’re dealing with being chronically sick it’s really hard to live in the moment. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Your situation is really hard, and it’s healthy to acknowledge that.
@Whoamiiiiiiiiiiii Ай бұрын
Birth control also completely destroyed my body in MANY ways smfh
@hannahcarstarphen8074 Ай бұрын
I love what you said about not wanting to wish your life away. I'm also waiting for something specific to happen in my life, and I've found that the best way for me to not focus so much on it, is by praying and focusing on the beauty that God has given me everyday! Even through hobbies and finding a community, Jesus has taught me to just live in that enjoyment. Know that you situation does not define you. You are a beautiful human!
@sammi8967 Ай бұрын
increase calories, increase frequency of eating, increase quality of food and GET SUNLIGHT. those 4 things have helped me big time throughout my PCOS journey.
@ramah6975 Ай бұрын
have you tried drinking sage and rosemary? Boil water and pour it on top of those herbs and drink it daily...I hope your issue gets fixed soon-hang in there, we all struggle one way or another <3
@Zuzuloveslife Ай бұрын
Idk if anyone else has mentioned this but vitex supplements is helpful for menopause and some menopausal women get their period again when taking it. Read “woman code” just download it on your phone and reference it for meal ideas and other tips
@user-rm7vm2us6p Ай бұрын
You probably won’t even read this but you should try the AIP diet, I completely changed my life and hormones in just 30 days ! I have a sex drive back after almost 10 years! It is very restrictive but totally worth it !!!
@lex9468 Ай бұрын
please go to a real doctor. these “holistic” doctors don’t know what doctors know!!
@kam1277 Ай бұрын
Oh Avrey, I've never felt so seen-- I suffer from a rare chronic autoimmune disease and recently came out of remission. I completely understand that feeling of betrayal you get once you realize that your body doesn't work right and the feeling of helplessness that comes with it. I also suffer from that "once I feel better, I'll be able to..." mentality. It's so exhausting to always be waiting to feel better and then just... never feeling better despite doing everything "right." It's such a trap; you're stuck within the pain and the anger and all you want to do is wish it away, but you know that will never happen with chronic issues because you know they'll never go away. What's really been helping me is journaling and approaching my situation in a different light-- for example, would I speak to a friend the way I speak to myself in my head? Would I blame her for having a bad day or being unproductive if I knew the pain she was in? Would I want my friends to blame themselves so harshly for something that's out of their control? I try to treat myself as my own best friend, which is hard when you feel like your own body is betraying you, but it does help. It's definitely a skill to work on and get better at. Forgive yourself, give yourself grace, you deserve it-- you're going through something difficult and it takes all measures of strength to get through it, and sometimes strength comes in different forms. Thank you for sharing!!!! I'm rooting for you!!!!!!!
@user-lp6cu1ub8e Ай бұрын
I'm really sorry to hear that you're struggling with your health. I hope you find strength and comfort during this challenging time. Remember, you're not alone, and many people, including myself, are wishing you well and sending positive thoughts your way.
@chloecagle6493 Ай бұрын
Naturopathy is not at all science based and they are taking advantage of you for your money. You cannot get PCOS from birth control.
@JennyferLisa Ай бұрын
I am also experiencing a period loss, so it's nice to hear other stories. mine has been missing for 9 months now. i also believe it has to do with the birth control ..meeting with a gynaecologist this month to help find out what I can do. I definitely get what you meant when you say have the choice of having a baby... it makes me feel less like of woman to have a lower chance (although i know thats not the case).wishing you light in this journey♥
@aneeta8239 Ай бұрын
Thankyou Avery for sharing. You are not alone in this.I am also a 20 year old with kinda same issues.
@le3ni1 Ай бұрын
i am 18 years old and i went on the pill at 15 for 2 years, i stopped taking it bc i suffered from heart racing and panic attacks. My gynaecologist said this was not a side symptom of the pill but my body was literally on „emergency mode“ when i was on bc. I stopped taking it last year, i got my period 3-4 times and in february my cycle completely stopped. Been to my gyn multiple times and i feel so misunderstood and not taken seriously. Thank you for speaking about this, it made me feel more understood 🩷
@sydneymarie2074 Ай бұрын
Have you seen the book “No period, now what” Even if you are not “underweight”, it could be this! Doctors usually miss it
@neharamachandran7508 Ай бұрын
Avery! I shadowed the Mayo Menopause and Sexual Health Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and if you are able to I would definitely reccomend seeing them. This is exactly the issues they specialize in and they are the worlds leading experts in that area
@mariannamarinelli6292 Ай бұрын
I would highly suggest you go see an endocrinologist, I have also dealt with period loss and hormonal imbalance and seeing an endocrinologist was litterally life saving (I found out I had a pituary tumor and a rare chronic disease). I'm very sorry that you guys in the USA haver to ponder if you can afford seying a specialist, it should not be like that and I'm truly sorry. Fingers crossed for you <3
@anac.4280 Ай бұрын
Idk how birth control doesn’t have like a 1000 warnings about all the possible illnesses it can cause??? I started the pill after getting married and it f me up, I’ve been off of it for a year and still dealing with candida and gut issues. At least we know we’re all in this together 😅😂
@Jansushiheart Ай бұрын
Yes. All of this. Thank you for talking about this ❤
@MinnieMousey06 Ай бұрын
birth control doesn't cause PCOS. you already had it before getting on birth control. PCOS can be triggered by stressful events and symptoms will be worse if your body or mind is stressed out.
@sammi8967 Ай бұрын
Yes hormonal birth control absolutely contributes to PCOS. You're shutting down your cycle while on it. No ovulation, no menstruation (the bleeding you experience while on HBC isn't a period, it is a withdrawal bleed). Pumping your body full of unnatural hormones and "tricking" it into thinking it's pregnant does absolutely cause damage. Of course it would. It's also 100000% reversible if you put in the work and build your body back up through nutrition, sunlight, sleep and joy.
@itsscaeleycx Ай бұрын
wait y’all have a brother?
@dameoo Ай бұрын
@aliceg1622 Ай бұрын
It’s possible to get your period back! Don’t let them tell you you’ve gone through menopause!! I personally know an acupuncture primary care physician whose helped MULTIPLE people with this issue. It’s possible!!
@ania5038 Ай бұрын
I had a traumatic time when I was in middle school (almost two decades ago now) and I lost my period from crying every day. I've taken the pill for 12 years and I think it might be contributing to my migraines (don't know for sure because I haven't been off of it long enough to know if I still get migraines without taking it) but otherwise I haven't had any side effects. You should definitely explore more options next time you do decide to take birth control because I don't think an implant is right for you.
@Frichickenistaa Ай бұрын
I was on an IUD for 6 months and I bled the entire time before I got it out, then I was having 2 periods a month for a year. Try looking into ovasitol, it’s great for pcos
@adrianne-arca Ай бұрын
while I am very fortunate enough to have a “normal” period cycle, I stil found many aspects of your video VERY HELPFUL and eye opening! Just overall made me feel seen. Especially the part where you talk about not feeling like yourself in your own body. As someone who deals with anxiety and panic symptoms, I feel like many aspects of navigating through the process of healing and reaching a point of normalcy are similar in that you feel helpless and isolated. Just watching your video made me feel better about myself and I am truly thankful. All the best.
@sophiasparkles3645 Ай бұрын
Do some research on Ovasitol, it’s been proven to work for PCOS. Ask your doctor about it first though. Hope this helps!
@angmarie711 Ай бұрын
The system is so broken for women’s health. I am so tired of doctors pushing birth control onto women like it’s candy. I have suffered from an hormonal imbalance since I started taking birth control at 15 for acne. I wish I knew the repercussions and if I ever have a daughter I will never ever let her get on this crap. I am about to begin the journey or getting off birth control for good in July and I am terrified! It’s going to be a long road and I’m nervous myself if I will be able to conceive down the road when I’m ready. I am hoping you find the answers you are looking for Avery. Best of luck ❤
@tessalendis 2 ай бұрын
This video is really comforting to me because I’ve been struggling horribly with hormonal imbalances, especially since being on the pill, which I had to get off of because it made me feel horrible. I have hashimotos disease, so seeing an endocrinologist was extremely helpful for me, but I still struggle every day to feel okay. Despite having healthy eating and lifestyle habits, the last 2 years I’ve had horrible acne, stomach issues, exhaustion, you name it. Its definitely a journey but you are not alone ❤
@gallen9489 2 ай бұрын
I am in the exact same situation as you, thank you for sharing…let’s do this together ❤️
@itstonycia 2 ай бұрын
Wow it’s crazy that a pill can make you not bleed out of ur vagina every month, something that is apart of womanhood is taken away from you… a part of ur cycle is altered…because of men? or not because of men idk but I don’t think I would ever want to be on birth control.
@itstonycia 2 ай бұрын
Oh wow. Today I’ve been watching a lot of ur videos and the first video I watched was a I vlog from 2 years ago. Ur 1st day in la alone. You said that you were so tired all the time and everyone else probably feels tired too and I thought to myself “no, that’s not the case. It sounds like pcos or some sort of imbalance” another KZbinr I watch named Remi Ashten has opened up about her pcos journey and that’s how I’ve been educated a little on the issue. So that’s why that statement caught my attention because she said the same thing exactly in a recent podcast. Wishing you well in your journey and thanks for sharing! I’m learning about cycles and hormones too. They don’t teach this stuff in school!! Thank goodness for google 😅 as gen z it’s ingrained in how I navigate life’s questions
@itstonycia 2 ай бұрын
I watch Kennedy Walsh already and you kinda remind me of her at times, no wonder y’all are besties
@itstonycia 2 ай бұрын
I’ve never seen someone with so many liked songs on Spotify 😅 i have like 200 from summer 2023 to now and I thought I had a lot! I clear it out evry couple of months tho
@itstonycia 2 ай бұрын
Ur making me tear up 😢 I relate and understand some of the things ur explaining
@itstonycia 2 ай бұрын
The text on screen moving with the flicker of the gas stove knob. I love!!
@itstonycia 2 ай бұрын
Omg ! Who j oh s that photographer 😍 those photos are stunning
@itstonycia 2 ай бұрын
Ur apartment looks so so nice and warm. Like I’m not taking about ur furniture choices but the apartment bare and the flooring choice, the lighting from the windows, and the wall color and molding
@itstonycia 2 ай бұрын
3:46 I love that transition! And omg ur gorg!
@itstonycia 2 ай бұрын
I came from the recent girls talk on TK’s channel. I wanna experience the tastemaker lol 💕