@chrisgibson8863 3 минут бұрын
I always find it interesting that violence, even horrific graphic violence is usually ok for people but when it comes to sex it's always too much for them. Sure it's ok for Khorne to pile human skulls into the stratosphere, rip out spinal cords and choke people with them and drown entire planets in gore, no one bats an eye. But ohh no Slannesh shows up violates people sexually and everyone geta freaked out.
@micketm3 8 минут бұрын
Nah !! Have you seen the femstodes ? 🤦🏻😅 Slaanesh is thriving... 😩
@joakinzz 12 минут бұрын
for me slaanesh makes sense as the god of lacanian joy, not pleasure. It s the paradoxical relationship between desire and pain (or insatisfaction) that creates more desire, an excess or tension (not a release like pleasure)
@oceandark3044 15 минут бұрын
It kind of makes you wonder if the Chaos Gods are, in fact, opposed by gods of order which are rising, and that is their anathema. The Emperor is the great representative of humanity, and maybe Ynaed will become the "Empress" of the Aeldari, or as close as that gets. And where there is a Chaos Undivided that unites to face common threats, maybe the Chaos Gods will lose one of their own at a sort of "order undivided" that kicks off a whole new phase of the war.
@GogarevPulstin 17 минут бұрын
I’ve never read a single WH40K novel or played any of the games. But if they told me that I was going to meet the “God Emperor of Mankind” and he turned out to be some vegetable with less functionality than of Stephen Hawking I would be quite unimpressed.
@GarGhuul 26 минут бұрын
For a moment I was worried that Payment Processors had entered the chat. An interesting topic alternative from that, great video. Thanks.
@williamang504 27 минут бұрын
Ah yess, who doesn't like seggss?
@sakomanlee Сағат бұрын
Im surprised He lasted this long. Considering that: 1) Orks reproduce via spores; 2) powerful Human psykers are either sacrificed to the Emperor or celibate Marines; 3) the rest of humanity is so downtrodden that sex is probably just a spasmodic reflex; 4) all the degenerate energy of the Drukhari is fed back to themselves; and 5) the Tau have such a small psychic imprint that even planet wide orgies probably barely register. Considering the Votann are clones, the Necrons machines, and the Tyranids are Tyrandids, who is the whole wide Galaxy is actually indulging in sexual excess?
@sakomanlee 58 минут бұрын
I wrote this just based on the title, obviously. But i will watch the whole thing. I swear!
@FriendlyUncle Сағат бұрын
Appeal to the wider audience. Wider audience says why so expensive?
@PAUL-jl2tz Сағат бұрын
For the God Algo
@ronaldcote8077 Сағат бұрын
Incept the chaos!!
@Teifling Сағат бұрын
I think the reference to Saw isn't a lowbrow choice. Jigsaw/John Kramer's philosophy totally vibes with Slaanesh and feels like a Drukhari flavored heroic bent.
@RezaQin Сағат бұрын
KZbin is so bad you gotta blur the thumbnail, huh
@countswagula6150 Сағат бұрын
As a sisters collector, (1st army almost at 1k points) i think slaanesh is important to my faction as the only one of the chaos gods a sister has fallen to, i think its one of the more interesting C gods
@virtualhimeji462 Сағат бұрын
Sensation feeds slanesh. When you breath deeply on a summer evening enjoying the smells of nature and smoke, when you fall to substances, when you consume food good and ill, and when physical pleasures are enjoyed. To live and experience the world feeds Slanesh but those that fall to excesses obviously provide greater sustenance
@countswagula6150 Сағат бұрын
As a sisters collector, (1st army almost at 1k points) i think slaanesh is important to my faction as the only one of the chaos gods a sister has fallen to, i think its one of the more interesting C gods
@countswagula6150 Сағат бұрын
As a sisters collector, (1st army almost at 1k points) i think slaanesh is important to my faction as the only one of the chaos gods a sister has fallen to, i think its one of the more interesting C gods
@nunyabusiness7018 Сағат бұрын
Would love to hear you talk about ork memes vs orks as theyre actually written. Love the vids!
@darthcheesecake3392 Сағат бұрын
I'm sure that will get them more blackrock investments. Just have to destroy the setting then they'll be free to chase that wider audience. As far as I'm concerned there hasn't been anything new with 40k since before Cawl. Just like every other setting the soulless megacorps have decided to coopt.
@Thyinternet Сағат бұрын
Long as I’m here to ****, ****, *****-**** until I ***** into my own ***** Slaanesh isn’t going anywhere
@googlename1759 Сағат бұрын
Likes for the Luetin God! Comments for the Algorithm Throne!
@DenethorDurrandir 2 сағат бұрын
PC culture slowly killing 40k, nothing new.
@danieln6700 Сағат бұрын
After disney, marvel, starwars etc. 40k is a prime target to ruin
@jameswhite699 2 сағат бұрын
Luetin's comment on movies brought brought to mind the throne room scene in the movie "Flesh Gordon" (Flesh not Flash)
@jordanmay3287 2 сағат бұрын
This is the only intelligent discourse on Slaanesh I have ever heard.
@dzasays5516 2 сағат бұрын
My favorite part of Slaanesh lore is that they receive a portion of ALL worship (for any god) bc of the feelings and experience that occurs during worship. I heard it in a video a while ago (probably one of Leutin's tbh). Slaanesh skeeving part of every Chaos God's worship could make them the most powerful diety in the warp.
@stevehansen4112 2 сағат бұрын
This is a pretty distinctly American problem...other places don't all have the same hang ups about lurid content. I'm not saying its entirely the fault of Christian nationalists but I'm not not saying that.
@RainedOnParade Сағат бұрын
@Humus404 2 сағат бұрын
5:57 I left my computer for 1 minute and this is what i come back to
@klauthwarthog9936 2 сағат бұрын
Can't watch just yet, but here is a sacrificial comment to appease the Algo anyway.
@andarchy1386 2 сағат бұрын
She who never gets mentioned the prince of silence!!
@FortuitusVideo 2 сағат бұрын
Free cities existed in the medieval era. Local democracy functioned just fine within the wider context of autocracy and feudalism. In fact, they were free specifically within the feudal system and evolved out of feudal laws and concepts of government.
@notYisan 2 сағат бұрын
I thought its commonly understand that you cant truly "kill" a chaos god because to truly kill it you need to extinguish all aspect of Slannesh which is excess. which would mean there will be no joy, no pleasure, no wealth, no suffering. in the absence of those things what kind of universe would it be? and is it worth it living in one?
@MrBenMcLean 2 сағат бұрын
Slaanesh probably will be gotten rid of because it represents gaytrans negatively.
@fedyno4reviews 2 сағат бұрын
This is hilarious, i whishthe men that went to war could see who runs their countries now.
@troublemaker9899 2 сағат бұрын
Now we all know that the best sex scene in history exists in Team America: World Police.
@kostadindobrev4814 2 сағат бұрын
But Dorn's not dead...
@alphaomega938 2 сағат бұрын
Painting transgenderism and sexual depravity as an absolute evil isn’t very kosher nowadays, happy Juneteenth 🏳️‍🌈
@szabi4242 3 сағат бұрын
Respresentative of the Luetin sleep gang here😅
@killgazmotron 3 сағат бұрын
that certain demographic in dire need of disappearing from this mortal realm just cant keep their fingers out of anything that was ever good..............
@michaelriddick7116 3 сағат бұрын
It was bound to happen. Everything Slaanesh represents is being "normalized" and displaying it as evil, abnormal or corrupting is pRoBlEmAtIc 😑😠
@IM-xs3uv 3 сағат бұрын
For an IP based around "grim dark" GW/Black Library always tiptoe around Slaanesh. I remember reading one of the Ciaphus Cain books and was left with the feeling of "That's it? Where's the grim dark?". Although it was pretty good in the Horus Heresy and Bequa Kynska.
@alphaomega938 3 сағат бұрын
Fulgrim is a great modern book, because of the fall, because it’s familiar and relatable to our times, slaanesh can be done right, with plenty of perversion but will we be able to look in the mirror?
@Toccen 3 сағат бұрын
Sleeping to this one was abit of a challannge :P
@georgeaird4637 3 сағат бұрын
Perhaps that’s why Vashtor has been introduced, he’d be a more commercially safe 4th Chaos God
@alphaomega938 3 сағат бұрын
Everything is about sex Except sex, sex is about power
@jonadams7700 3 сағат бұрын
In the comics we do see leviathan take on a human projection inside his form but unlike his brother abaddon who rules over hatred . Leviathan hate humans they're disruptive to the order of the universe he craves and only let's the cenobites within his realm do as they please so long as they maintain the order. Their some short stories where an artifact kills a bunch of kids at Christmas party and leviathan sends pinhead to rewind time remove the artifact and save Christmas for sake of order. Another time leviathan sends cenobites to try and rig an election because the race riots are disrupting the country . Leviathan craves order. Lust desire pain everything in between is merely a tool to inact his will and any level of depravity is allowed within his labyrinth domain
@SleightWryder 3 сағат бұрын
I'll do it.
@VictorianTimeTraveler 3 сағат бұрын
This God is the most Insidious of all because worship of Slanash always leads to pedophilia.
@hpph7133 3 сағат бұрын
So I think us Americans will have to take the blame on exporting the value system of violence over sexual themes with the American variation of Puritanical values. A noteable case comes to mind from the comic book the Extremist (DC/Vertigo 1993), an erotic murder/revenge story written by Peter Milligan and drawn by Ted McKeever. I spoke with the artist, McKeever, and he mentioned various censorships he had to deal with despite it being on a label that published "mature" comics. One instance - he was forced to cover up a drawing of bare buttocks of a man exiting a shower from behind. He is alone except for his killer hidden in the fog. The artist had to add a towel. The editor's rationale? The appearance of a man's bare buttocks could constitute a hint of homosexual acts. Ted got his revenge a few pages later by finding a loophole in depicting a woman with a strapon actively inside a man. Again, this was 1993. Oh, and the blood, murder, drug usage, and frequent appearance of women's breasts weren't the problem.
@MorteWulfe 3 сағат бұрын
So did the Alphabet Mafia finally realize they ARE included in WH40K?
@andrefasching1332 3 сағат бұрын
The idea of excess is so easily applicable. Even the most innocent thing like the soft and gentle touch of another human being. The sensation of experiencing the bare minimum of physical contact. A handshake. A handshake is great. Every hand feels different. A new thrill every time. A new powerful sensation with every new hand. A ever enlarging consciousness of how scars, the hand size, the muscles or the number of remaining fingers change the experience. Feeling how the blood pulsates through the hand you are more vigurously shaking with every other human you encounter. Soon, you encounter a special hand. It feels so unique. You got to have it in your possession either way. But this feeling wont go away. This one hand with the other useless parts still attached cant quench your thirst. You need more. These hands need to be compared. Their mysteries unraveled. Their existence enhanced. The collection needs more examples. The information needs to be experienced and modified, Improved. Old hands, poor hands and rich ones, young hands, broken hands, strong hands and weak ones, infected hands, stumps, skinned hands, crushed hands, the hands of hated ones and loved ones. You gotta shake them all. Own them all. Enhance them all. Collect them all for the experience. Every single last drop of it. An exhibition consisting of thousand upon thousands unimportant individuals and their precious hands solely dedicated to the excessive experience of greeting another human being by shaking their hand. You are, the handshaker.