@dtm4trix 5 минут бұрын
My continuing question is how is cargo gonna be loaded into the Carrack? There is no direct access to the cargo area of the ship.
@_brutalista Сағат бұрын
It's nice to see the development on Star Citizen from the sidelines. Maybe I'll get the lowest tier package for this game at some point in the future.
@supersasquatch 2 сағат бұрын
Bring back co-op bed logging
@PandaTheGray 3 сағат бұрын
@0:07 because you're making baseless claims and theory crafting about something that CIG hasn't prioritized. What is there to explore? Why should we be hyped for something that isn't even on the roadmap?
@eramires 5 сағат бұрын
Not only "Where is my ship" but hatter "Dude, where is the gameplay loops for my Carrack?" hehehehe
@legochaser9020 7 сағат бұрын
45? Now it 52 or 55 😱
@ZachlyS 8 сағат бұрын
It's great to see them finally adding stuff that'll be useful and fun when the game releases in the next 10-15 years. Also, developers are finally realizing that micro(macro in this case)-transactions come first, and the actual game later. Go support the project so the devs can keep making more ships!
@simply_the_dev7588 11 сағат бұрын
Mine is on a NVME not SSD. Will it cause problems? It hasn't yet.
@metacube9913 12 сағат бұрын
Why is anyone still believing this clown ass WK ? He's been wrong literally 90% of the times regarding feature releases.
@Flakschiff 12 сағат бұрын
Thx for your great work Space Tomato <3
@EricFroehlich 13 сағат бұрын
Looks impressive. You and your team is the closest thing to Gods. Wonder how ai will impact your amazing 3D world or if it will side step it by creating an imagined space on the fly.
@vkmicrov 14 сағат бұрын
they better adjust the economy to make trading a lot more profitable cuz for a profit of 50-100k nobody is gonna spend 2 hours loading and unloading cargo
@TheKaluNaama 14 сағат бұрын
This space tomato dude is legit the only black person I know who doesn't sound like a black person.
@Nommicus 15 сағат бұрын
Ahh exploration, yes we have a lot of bases on the single system we can has, possibly 2 with pyro when ever that is... But i feel Exploration gameplay needs places we havent seen to explore....
@GTRNights 17 сағат бұрын
We won't see hangars or cargo anytime soon. CIG is hiding something. They said they didn't give us the hangars because of the duping issues with the cargo and that's total nonsense. They put out the distribution centers but simply disabled the cargo system there so that it's just the doors and they don't work. Why didn't they do the same thing with the hangars and give us something we've been wanting since they all-knowingly took our hangars away years ago? It would have been such an easy win for PR. So what's the deal? The deal is they overpromised and ran their mouths AGAIN. Like they've been doing for the last 15 freaking years. Then when they realized they can't deliver, they came up with an excuse. All my friends were super hyped when they heard hangars were releasing and I told them it was all smoke and mirrors. Sure enough, "dude, they delayed the hangars". OF COURSE THEY DID. I TOLD YOU THEY WOULD. I've been a backer since the beginning and if there's one thing I've learned, you can't trust anything they say. Ever. I wouldn't be surprised if people revisit this video a year from now and hangars still aren't out "because reasons". That's why I don't even bother playing the game anymore. Every time my friends get hyped talking about a new feature or new this or that, I just say "I'll believe it when I see it." At this point, I've been disappointed more times than I can count. I've been disappointed by CIG so many times I have forgotten things I was disappointed about because they're so many. Their communication has always been garbage and still is. They try to keep the hype train rolling, but can't back up their bark. Makes them just look incompetent.
@Malisa1990 19 сағат бұрын
You people are seriously believing that this "game" will ever come out with all of these features and other shit... This is next level... I would cry for humanity if it wasn't hilarious.
@Tetemovies4 22 сағат бұрын
Do credits also get whipped ?
@paulmartinek1716 22 сағат бұрын
Well, Finally we are getting some interesting gameplay, I think we are getting to the point this might be worth putting some time into.
@Bigfeats1337 Күн бұрын
Like to see said mile stone first. Forsooth Less it falls over and crushes what little hope I have for this game.
@trydierepeat8208 Күн бұрын
I'd be surprised to see the single shard / server mesh not utilize a large amount of AI controlling it.
@b-l1969 Күн бұрын
They have no plans. They are just "doing stuff".
@-DarkFox- Күн бұрын
Sadly, Im not built for long distance probing. Got to be really close.
@lyadderouazi4219 Күн бұрын
As much as i love ur content, everything is now just recycled content, alwsys the same thing
@NORKIE Күн бұрын
Not really much to explore, so no, its not soon. It will more than likely be a thing when they ad two or more solar aystems at once and thats a decade away.
@JuanBrolo Күн бұрын
There's nothing to explore lmfao
@refisherdesktop Күн бұрын
A scenario that occurred to me while you were talking about maps was that you go into say, an UGF to clear out some bad guys, and you have a map from a previous visit, but they've either altered the structure (by blocking passages, for instance) and / or set up traps, etc. So you can't trust your map and if you go to download a more recent version in the facility it may have been hacked or otherwise be inaccurate. So you're on your own with unreliable info - however, the infiltrators would have to know where they could and couldn't go, so as you kill and loot them you can assemble a map or an understanding of the current situation / layout. That's another kind of exploration - covering once-familiar ground to assimilate new info as needed.
@JClif Күн бұрын
The exploration gameplay I am most interested in. I have the 400i, Odyssey, and Aquila ready to go.
@JSmith73 Күн бұрын
This was the video my Carrack needed me to watch.
@sketto1283 Күн бұрын
Exploration is about placing items and features in the verse, while using the tools needed to find them. However it is not that simple, nor should it be, but it could also be VERY simple for CIG to build exploration into the verse. Example: Aaron Halo - explore the asteroid belts - note patterns - explore these patterns - conclusion, belt #5 has the highest density, therefore has the highest density of quantum asteroids. Sounds simple, but a huge amount of work and exploration was needed to get there. All cig had to do was up the % of quantum rocks in the center of belt #5.
@ParaquatSC Күн бұрын
They spoke about regular thruster travel without quantum, boosting and jumping (both using quantum)... but now we have NAV mode too, which seems to be thrust + small quantum field). So we'll have 4 modes of travel. Looking forward to them adding some lore for how NAV mode goes higher than thruster speeds using a mini Quantum bubble
@Bastienreturn Күн бұрын
BMM owners: 💀
@goname31 Күн бұрын
Man those feature watch are chef kiss Tomato!
@user-if4sv4fn1q Күн бұрын
in this game players should be creating sites, derelic ships, citiez and more. There is nothing in close to that, servers just will not be able to handle it.
@mrfluffyribs3141 Күн бұрын
I think best way to fully make exploration a thing would be a no man sky or starfield type scanner where we dip into collecting a list of every animal and plant we see kinda deal
@MCJamZam Күн бұрын
Love this style of video. Also I can't wait for more exploration gameplay! Star Citizen is such a beautiful game, one of my favorite ways to play is to just simply fly around looking for beautiful locations or interesting POI's. Always wished for more though, this is one area where Elite Dangerous actually outshines Star Citizen - rewarding explorers for valuable finds. I made many millions of credits in Elite years back from just flying around scanning planets, and some locations came to be legendary in the community and turned into something like tourist attractions for travelers. Some locations were difficult and dangerous to get to, like extremely high G planets or extremely hot ones located extremely close to the nearby star. Players would still brave the dangers in deep space to get a glimpse of the legendary views. Of course, that was until they changed the planet generation and basically removed those locations from the game (RIP). I hope for something similar in Star Citizen one day, and I hope the players who first find those unique locations get the recognition and rewards they deserve. I do think we'll need at least a few more star systems before gameplay like this is really viable though. Hopefully uninhabited systems can be faster to create for CIG than the current inhabited ones, if anything like that is on the roadmap. I just want funky unique space locations to explore, something weird and unexpected! Until then, I'll enjoy the vast variety that can be found even in just the one star system we have. Even without in-game rewards, I get some damn good screenshots to look at.
@user-if4sv4fn1q Күн бұрын
just watch every exploration that took place in history or movie. It means going somewhere for very long where no one has been. It takes time, it takes every possible needed vehicle to be transported within mothership you need hibernation capsules for keeping you alive for long time before you get there ( think about how to go in other space time within a game ) and etc. So star citizen exploration level is flying Aurora in every imaginable place and not need anything else. Pathetic scam!
@h3llofademon Күн бұрын
I just want to be able to park my big ship somewhere in the space and create a marker on that spot and use my smaller ships to do whatever and go back to that big ship and deposit stuff in it and take it to the space ports after it is full: We can do that with delivery boxes but we cannot QT to them. And be able to use towing and QT together in my SRV
@user-if4sv4fn1q Күн бұрын
why to use long system probing when you can still go there with Aurora ? Every planet can be entered with Aurora.
@user-if4sv4fn1q Күн бұрын
there is nothing to explore. you can enter any planet with every spaceship, no weather, gravity or any other forces will keep you from going where you want, Thats not exploration. No scanning and working with data, no biological harazd nothing. just go wherever you want how you want Lol. tomato close your channel we know you are just a paid shiller.
@taccntb4345 Күн бұрын
If you have no narrative you have no game
@yomigaeru4486 Күн бұрын
Loved this video. 🤩 Maybe you could do a video about what each exploration ship can bring to each exploration type game loop.
@looshm8 Күн бұрын
Thinking how far RSI has come with these games is amazing. The haters are getting very quiet.
@sarfa8193 Күн бұрын
I’ve been enjoying your feature watch series. Though I do enjoy your longer tomato talks sometimes I just want to get through a video in 10-15 mins. Keep it up
@Zasfarr Күн бұрын
Tomato, these shorter lower scope videos are great! Thanks for putting them together! Bets of luck on the house fix up, you and miss tomato rock!
@unknownpwn428 Күн бұрын
Well said
@lordneador3724 Күн бұрын
Damn i gotta say, the editing on your vids is so satisfying
@Sebastian-co9jg Күн бұрын
So they basicly say there is no unique gameplay, just do what you are already doing...
@terrandysart3587 2 күн бұрын
This idea would take years for them to realize. We’re going to get a super watered down version