@martinfurtner2136 Сағат бұрын
It is truly nothing special in Austria to have buildings dating from 1074. I can show you some that date from 800.
@houghi3826 18 сағат бұрын
Traffic is something that people learn. So why not to an online drivers test, so you know what rules you do know and more important what you do NOT know. The example you gave with the light too high, there was a light at the right as well. No right on red is because of cyclists and pedestrians. It is also to NOT have any exceptions. Again, something people learn during driving lessons and will be asked during tests. Changing the station happens automatically for a LOT of years. Called RDS. Holidays are known YEARS in advance, they might be different from area to area, so find a website that says what the holidays are. And concerning events. Just go and have a drink in your local kneipe and talk to people. Yes, learning the language is a big plus, but they will tell and know. Smoking is mostly allowed outside. So if you sit outside, people will be allowed to smoke. Even when they are restaurants. So sit inside if it bothers you. There will still be some localities that allow smoking inside. Just go elsewhere if that bothers you. I know I do. Efficiency is not always the case. They pretend to be efficient, but are not really. There still is a ton of paperwork needed for many things. Bakeries? Yes! Best in the world. There is a HUGE difference in the US and European gardens. In many locations you are only allowed to have grass. That is not the case in Europe. People put a lot of their individuality in the gardens. Opening hours is indeed way more structure. But also the eating culture is different. People often go to eat because of the social aspect, not because they are hungry. You also do not get rushed out, like they do in the US. If they put the bill on the table here, it means you are not welcome anymore. And even then they will perhaps say 7 times that are closing, but you STILL need to ask to pay.
@bleifussKA Күн бұрын
Why you say pepper when there is a paprika?!
@somersault4762 Күн бұрын
I for myself try to understand what is the history of a castle. Who build it and why. What battles have taken place there. What were the challenges to build that castle. If I just run through the ruins in a hurry like a Japanese tourist trying to see as many sightseeings as possible in 2 weeks in Europe, I will forget everything in a blink of an eye. Do you know anything about Königsstein.? What the purpose of this castle was? what happend there during WW II? Have you seen the impressive well in the center of the castle ? Maybe it's just me but if I just film a building or a picture superficially without understanding what's behind it, this is nothing I will remember still in two years and can think of how great it was. For instance 20 years back I've been to the Louvre for a whole weak and I still know a lot about the painters , pictures , sculptures and the epoch.
@CompassChronicleTravels Күн бұрын
We did actually do pretty extensive research on each location after filming in order to condense a brief history via voiceover for each location. This video was intended purely as a fun experiment, but we actually spent probably a good hour or so at each location so as to try and take everything in a bit more. On a regular occasion, of course, we wouldn’t try and fit so many into one day. However, given how many you all are blessed to have here in Germany, we thought it would be a fun experiment to see how many we could feasibly explore in one day. We did also mention that in the video, and that we plan to try and do some videos in the future on individual locations with longer historical information so hopefully we will get to do that soon.
@mondfee71 2 күн бұрын
Driving without knowing at least the most importend rules in a forein country is plain stupid. So dorn't complain. Sorry. Especially when you plan to drive in different countries here in europe. Do yourself a favor and look up the rules. For radios in cars there is something called a manual. Read and learn how to fix your channel problem. In my ANDROID phone i have settings for holidays in all countries. If you don't have that there are something called APP. Download it.
@xasanth6318 2 күн бұрын
you do know that there are some trafficlights on your hight at the side? you don't need to stick out your head Oo as for the music... well there are regionbased stations with lesser range and some with huge ranges - but there is always the ability to add your phone and use your phone for music - also depends a lot on your radio in your vehicle get kids - you'll never miss a holiday again... or a better calendar :P hmm smoking... I offer my bank account for everyone who is burning his money anyway... so I like the restrictions :P bakeries are sadly rare now these days... :( most are only a shadow of a real baker and quality is far less even though far more cheap which has nothing to do with the orignial craft... so... go to the real bakeries how long restaurant have open depends on where it is and how many customers they get to certain times - makes no sense to keep open if noone wants to eat there... right? in the bigger cities they are nearly open all the hours...
@agn855 2 күн бұрын
Well, if you stop your car right before the *white* stopping line of a traffic light you definitely see it, and btw. if there’s a traffic light in front "above" you, there’s another one standing beside of your car too! Simply move your head to the right or the left - and in 80 of 100 times there’s a "Kontaktschwelle" below you to manage the traffic lights. Radio - simply use your effing mobile and stream whatever radio station you prefer to your radio via Bluetooth. That way you won’t become "victim" of overlapping radio frequencies - why not get used to that populated regions in Germany are that much closer together so "local" radio station frequencies are changing more often. One reason why your radio offers "favorite station" buttons - so you can manage a single station that is swapping its frequency with the press of a button. The "freedom" to eat at whatever time you like is forcing someone else to work at whatever time *you* like. If you would have come to Germany a decade ago every shop had closed at 6PM MO-FR, except on Saturday (plus in small towns Wednesday even nowadays) at 12AM. So shopping times have already been "liberalized" to serve, at least partially, your way of life AKA consumerism.
@michaelschuckart2217 3 күн бұрын
Color of the lines: It gets worse. Just go next door to Switzerland, there are the normal lines yellow and in construction zones they are red.
@georgiosntanis4353 3 күн бұрын
I mean that was a proper döner but it definetly doesn't have to be red meat! I always get it with chicken which is also very normal, maybe try it that way?
@da206hbe 4 күн бұрын
In most European countries we've had RDS radios since at least 35 years. RDS stands for Radio Data System. It allows messages and rolling text, as well as displaying the name of the station (not just the frequency or frequency band). Many radios also had/have a function called AF (Alternate Frequencies). If you want to listen to a specific channel AF searches for at a minimum the 5 strongest frequencies in the vicinity, for that channel. The one with the best connection is automatically chosen. If you want to stay with the same channel all the way through a country, the AF function compares the 5 frequencies and always automatically alter to the one with the best reception quality. While you're driving new masts are found and AF choose the best 5 it can find. There's also a function called PTY (Program Type). This allows you to tell the radio to look for channels with a certain content. ROCK, NEWS, DRAMA... There's up to 31 different codes.
@bryantwhitis6446 4 күн бұрын
The greatest bonus about living in Germany which ever direction you go you wind up in a popular tourist destination. 😯
@bryantwhitis6446 4 күн бұрын
Actually the name of the duvets are commonly referred to as an feather bed. The good quality ones will not have the feather stems that polk through the shell. 😯
@bryantwhitis6446 4 күн бұрын
Hi, you two. I grew up in Germany greatest experience ever didn't wanted too come back too America always have something to explore. Even visit my mother hometown Stuttgart. 😊
@karstenkailer4669 4 күн бұрын
I live here
@1986affe 5 күн бұрын
Its intresting i saw a lot of those typs of Videos an even every creator says to normal peper taste thats taste like bbq in Germany bbq flavor its so different to yours
@WendyYIvEdV 9 күн бұрын
Go to smaller villages and not the big city's... those big city's are all tourist traps.... in the small villages you will find the real dutch foods and not things the made just for stupid tourists (sorry if I offended you but I mean the general tourists)
@Dutchbelg3 9 күн бұрын
My favorite way to eat fresh white aspergus is to combine it with smoked salmon cooked with some good boiled potatoes . It is a fancy treat for sure! The aspergus needs to be finger thick. Any thicker is lower quality.
@johnlabus7359 9 күн бұрын
When I was in Berlin a several years ago, I thought it was really interesting that Germans were incredibly adamant about following rules around crosswalks, bike lanes, being on time, etc., but that didn't seem to apply to smoking at all. I saw folks smoking in all sorts of No Smoking places. As for the inclined moving shopping cart ramps, we have those in the USA. My local Publix had one for 20 years but it's now being replaced with the side by side escalators: one for people and one for the cart. Those seem to be more common than the moving ramps in the USA.
@qualitytraders5333 10 күн бұрын
Those fries look soggy, like needing a bit of Viagra. Besides, I wouldn't buy fries at a place called "Pont Neuf". We, the Dutch, don't eat your "stroepwaffles". We invented them for you. I'd never go to a place that has Dutch flags on, or in, their food. By the way, you can get all that Dutch food in the US. Just go online and search Dutch food. And don't come here!
@deetgeluid 11 күн бұрын
As a Dutchie, I have to say Belgium has the classic and best Asparagus dish. Hollandaise sauce, potatoes, ham, and crumbled hard boiled egg.
@hansbrinker2770 11 күн бұрын
Go to Deventer, which is a very interesting old city. You can buy Deventer koek there, which is made since 1593. The is also a village called Udenhout, near the town of Tilburg. Can buy 'Udenhoutse broeder' there, kind of like a raisin loaf, but way better. And in Den Bosch you have the 'Bossche Bol', which is a chocolate covered pastry filled with whipped cream.
@Zeeland_Mapping 11 күн бұрын
You guys knew there were translators for the Ravelijn show right??? 😂. The Efteling made an entire series of Ravelijn. About it’s pronunciation though, Dutch has ‘ij’ as a letter with a separate pronunciation, different from i and j. But Ravelin, is also understandable. I recommend you don’t learn Dutch. It makes no sense at all, lol
@uebelgunne 13 күн бұрын
If you want to try something similar with marzipan, I recommend "Mozart Kugeln". They don't have any walnuts, but they are also a well-known and popular confection. However, they are of Austrian origin.
@classesanytime 14 күн бұрын
The traditional frikandel (dutch sausage) gets it's deep brown colour because they're pre-cooked in coffee which also adds a little flavour to it!
@charlesdoolen6806 14 күн бұрын
Sachertorte isn't german, it's austrian - sorry
@erzsebetnilsson580 15 күн бұрын
29/46 It takes your attantion from the REAL CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION of the EMORION od rhe GODs Message that the SAVIOUR is born for all people.....!!!! and will DELIBERATLY take you by the nose to the tcch world for to forgot what is ACTUALLY CELEBRATES THAT NIGHT which is the BORN of our SAVIOUR.... WE celebrate it here in a queit family and or some one we know who otherwise will be alone go to the MESS in some of the chrurch or Cathedral all light up and all with candles singing and praying after the Christmas dinner in the mid night mess. or stay at home and sing Christmas carols and hyms at mome always at Christams eve after dinner and after opened the presents = and celebrate it the night twhen the Saviour was born.
@erzsebetnilsson580 15 күн бұрын
3.16 It does not matter if it is smaler in the State becouse the State is only a bit over 300 years old and the culture here is like endless back.... but... The main thing is that you HAVE and started to adapt it which is sooooo good . and with the time it will be better bigger and so on. In some countries in Europe the jewish people celelbrate Hanuka which is some time around that time and they put on some lights and candles of that tradition and some market too for cherrities but they do it very modest and give the Christians Christmas to enjoy for ALL WHO WANT TO TRY.
@erzsebetnilsson580 15 күн бұрын
You look sooooooooo good in the ORIGINALLY RUSSAIN HATT. Just souit you the colour and stiyle somehow.
@erzsebetnilsson580 15 күн бұрын
I am not a big drinker either but Christmas market is a must drink hot glogg as you did or drink hot tea with lemon or cinemon and just start to go around with it... but the wine is the best in the cold weather for to go around and look around
@erzsebetnilsson580 15 күн бұрын
Kebap or Doner is like our European Mc Donalds used as a 'every day' food but in some places it taste so GOOOOOOOD and in some place is less but one can always get it down when hungry. I personally like Doner and the REAL white souse is just out of this world delicious. Depence on where to buy and once one find a good place than it will easy go down in a stomach
@gabrielegener7331 16 күн бұрын
Spagetti ice and döner Sandwich is very normal in germany. Also nicht besonderes. So wie für andere Leute sushi.
@gabrielegener7331 16 күн бұрын
First Look of Frankfurt am main and Steigenberger hotel is 5 Stars hotel . And Spagetti ice is nice. I live near Frankfurt am main..
@dieSterbendeGiraffe 17 күн бұрын
I love seeing your reaction to my "home park"! Even though I live in Switzerland, I've been visiting at least once a year since I was around 6, and still love going at 30. Even had my bachelorette trip there lol
@CompassChronicleTravels 17 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! We LOVE it! It’s our home park now as well and it’s truly a special place. What a fun place to have a bachelorette trip!! We also absolutely loved Switzerland when we were able to visit and hope to get back soon!
@ivowalvis9228 17 күн бұрын
The Dutch eat asperges with ham and bioled eggs. Really good. (of course, don't forget to mash the eggs in mayo with salt and pepper)
@aka99 17 күн бұрын
Nobody gave you some recommendations about Idstein‘s buildings. Well, it is a small oldtown, but check out the Unionskirche, Unionchurch in English. It doesn’t look special outside, but colorful inside. It is an evangelical church and it’s rare, seldom not common, an evangelical church looks like this as evangelical churches looks simple inside. The prominent Witchestower is most time closed. Only within certain days a year you can go inside, but no witch was ever imprisoned in the witchtower. The witches were imprisoned in a building which doesn’t exist anymore. Limburg an der Lahn got a nice oldtown too. The cathedral is under reconstruction now untill 2030, but you can still go inside and visit the cathedral.
@M4tti87 17 күн бұрын
A thick hollandaise sauce is a good sign for a selfmade one ;) Since its an instant emulsion with the egg, and wine and butter. And it literally has to be made on order and keep the temperature otherwise itll seperate the emulsion. So thickness is always a good sign. Some are even like Vanilla Pudding/Sauce. One reason that white asparagus is expensive is that they have to be kinda dug out from under the earth individually. there is no machine doing it.
@Astrofrank 18 күн бұрын
Spaghettieis im Becher? Das sieht nicht mal aus wie Spaghetti!
@matthewrandom4523 18 күн бұрын
Nothing fits white asparagus with sauce Hollondaise and potatoes better than a Schnitzel or a beefsteak 😊👍 That's my tip for your next try! Next year 😁
@markalexander71332 19 күн бұрын
Hi guys. Go to a Apotheke and ask for manually Calendar. There are all Public holidays.
@SheratanLP 19 күн бұрын
When I make schnitzel with asparagus, I don't use the usual sauces, but instead buy a packet of asparagus soup from Kaufland, but cook it with less water so that it is nice and creamy, and then pour it over the cooked asparagus. It tastes much better than butter or Dutch sauce.
@Charles-oo8bq 19 күн бұрын
Ive been living in Bavaria for ten years now and I just recently finally visited the eagles nest. The Alps are truly breathtaking ❤
@thorstenrusch8652 19 күн бұрын
If you are in y Hometown of Hamburg one day try our special dish "Labscaus" at the "Old comerial Tea Room" at least once. Loscouse is a dish from the 16./17. century, originaly made from leftovers on the ships at sea.
@CompassChronicleTravels 19 күн бұрын
Lovely! We will do that! Hamburg is definitely on our short list of places to visit!
@thorstenrusch8652 19 күн бұрын
@@CompassChronicleTravels thanks :)
@therealtomf9974 19 күн бұрын
You know what? That Asparagus is served like 💩! Maybe the Holondaise was bad itself too. It looks like a dusgusting meal with that melted Butter...
@geneviere199 19 күн бұрын
Why don't you eat a chicken Döner. Ok, with other meat it is better but you can find that at many places, too!
@CompassChronicleTravels 19 күн бұрын
I have actually tried it that way in the past and it was really good! 😋
@anna-ranja4573 19 күн бұрын
Why on earth you ordered the spaghetti ice as take away and then sit down. It would be way better if it be served on a cold plate, and of you sit down, why you haden t done it?
@CompassChronicleTravels 19 күн бұрын
We actually sat just outside the restaurant in a spot so we could try and avoid filming others.
@kayatwood5183 19 күн бұрын
It is always great to try new things.
@CompassChronicleTravels 19 күн бұрын
Yes! It’s a really fun part of the experience!
@guinessdraught2758 19 күн бұрын
yes, yes, asparagus. It is sold in Germany like caviar… and tastes like water in one piece. Try cauliflower with tomatoes or hollandaise sauce. Asparagus are flower stems. best wishes
@CompassChronicleTravels 19 күн бұрын
We will add that to our list and try that one sometime in the future!
@karinwenzel6361 19 күн бұрын
Most people would order spaghetti ice not to take away, but in an icecream parlour (Eisdiele) where it will be served on a cold plate with a base of very cold whipped cream covered by the vanilla icecream noodles topped with the strawberry sauce and the shaved white chocolate. In this way the spaghetti ice doesn't melt as quickly.
@CompassChronicleTravels 19 күн бұрын
We will definitely have it this way next time. We sat just outside the restaurant in a spot to try and avoid filming others.
@butenbremer1965 19 күн бұрын
Idstein (pronounced Eedstine) is truly a beautiful town. If you went by train (RE 20, RB 21/22 from Frankfurt), Limburg is also well worth a visit and only a couple of stops further north. Spaghetti Ice really does look more appealing when served in a decent bowl, like glass or porcelain! Glad you obviously enjoyed it, though 🥰
@CompassChronicleTravels 19 күн бұрын
Ooo we haven’t been to Limburg so we will definitely take note of that to check out! Thank you!
@butenbremer1965 18 күн бұрын
@@CompassChronicleTravels I'm a local GER resident of the Frankfurt / Wiesbaden / Mainz Metro Region. In case you'd like some more advice and tips on day trip or weekend-hideaway opportunities of this (beautiful) region, please let me know, I'll gladly help you out!
@karinwenzel6361 19 күн бұрын
The fries look very delicious, I'm getting really hungry now. 😅
@CompassChronicleTravels 19 күн бұрын
Haha they were VERY good 😋