When the price outweighs the value
EQUUEST: She scammed everyone
3 ай бұрын
How horse games promote bad riding
SSO Skit: We want representation
Astride: Bad launch, good response
@gewoonstan 4 сағат бұрын
As a new player, your damn right...
@gewoonstan 11 сағат бұрын
They should make the subscriptions worth the money and update the game to look better defiantly graphics since it still looks like a game from the 2000ths and u still can't play as a male (very not ok) and update the game's main storyline faster also the marketing is BAD anyway this is everything i realized in 3/4 days of playing the game ...
@gewoonstan 11 сағат бұрын
We also need more big updates instead of new horses (that dont even exist in real life) or clothing every week
@moonwatcher4047 23 сағат бұрын
Okay I've downloaded Rival Stars but haven't played in ages, So when I saw they had a new breed I lost my damn mind. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
@godofchaos6610 Күн бұрын
covid causing everyone to work at home for video game companies especially with outdated tech can actually effect their ability to work on the game more, but not as severely as they claim it did.
@hvideulv2617 2 күн бұрын
It's rather sad to hear about SSE management short-sighted decision making. Can't say I'm surprised, though. It's more like a storefront these days. I've been missing the story-telling aspects for years now. . So much so I've turned to writing fanfiction instead of actually playing the game. Expanding on lore and the world outside of the quests in-game. I'm one of those elder players that are forever stuck on 21-22~ levels because I never complete the quest whenever I am on spring star. I mostly log into game to ride around with the ui turned off, and maybe do a main quest here or there when I feel like it. And currently to scout out the landscape for fanfics.😅
@radicoco9650 2 күн бұрын
I'm genuinely so happy big creators are talking about this - global chat on firestar is exactly the same as nightstar, players talking about explicit content and such around children. If you're someone who's done this, this is really embarassing for you...
@PrinceLuigii 2 күн бұрын
I've said this before when it came to any game under the sun, if the company has no reason to stop making whales out of their player base then they wont do it. The only way to enact change is to stop feeding the beast.
@GaleneIanthe 3 күн бұрын
I watched this video recently and I'm happy to say it convinced me to give Ranch of Rivershine a try! I'd been looking at the game on steam for a while, and even when it was on sale, I just wasn't sure I was comfortable paying $20+ on an early access game. I figured since it's been a year since you reviewed it here that some of the issues you brought up would be improved upon, and I think they have been! There's still a grind, but it doesn't feel quite as bad as what you described. I also just adore the level of detail and real-life accuracy they gave to the coat color genetics system. It makes breeding the horses really fun for me, as I get to use my real-world knowledge of horse coat colors to try for the coats I want! Anyway, thank you for making this video. It helped me find my new favorite horse game!
@_planesandstuff 3 күн бұрын
I think a couple weeks ago before Wednesday when they update the game, on the mobile version of the game when you open the app the first thing you see on the screen is a bunch of star coin offers thrown in my face.
@thebabypenguin2 3 күн бұрын
God I wish I could play crimes and punishments again… why can they not just make more of THAT
@KiraKitty2 3 күн бұрын
Guys what if we just stop paying for star rider. Think abt it, if no one pays, they'd have to lower the price or remove it, or perhaps add a one time payment like 30 bucks. I'm sick of paying 10 bucks a month for it, we're eating from the palms of their greedy hands.
@Ariento 4 күн бұрын
I've barely started the video and as soon as you mentioned Minecraft I knew it was gonna be bad.
@vaekal 4 күн бұрын
Sadly it did not turn out that great😭
@saborblaze762 4 күн бұрын
Buy horses online
@Serasugee 5 күн бұрын
I want an option to completely turn off all of the annoying rainbow festival stuff every year. It's terribly ugly and I'd like games to be an escape from having to see it irl.
@spicysalad3013 5 күн бұрын
the only horse game allowed to be realistic is RDR2 because they had a team of like 50 people focusing on temperature horse balls physics (jokes aside it's very difficult to get realism right without a large team, not saying it can't be done but every realistic horse game is gonna be compared to rdr2, both fairly and unfairly) edit: I wrote this comment exactly two seconds before she made the same joke LMAOOOOO
@spicysalad3013 5 күн бұрын
@spicysalad3013 5 күн бұрын
"all taxation is theft" being shown loud and proud on Hannah's profile and the general RAHHHH AMERICAAAAA vibes is an immediate red flag for me before even getting to the rest of the video lol
@ry_jin 6 күн бұрын
I play on the first german server, and my god, the stuff you see in the global chat AT ALL TIMES is just disturbing. I've made it my personal mission that sometimes when I get bored, I just stand at Steves for a while, take pictures of the global chat and report nasty accounts.
@tristamfs3542 6 күн бұрын
If Hannah wasn’t a weird racist who hurt so many people I’d wish her the best and hoped she got the mental health professional she needed. But she seems like a genuinely destructive, toxic and insanely manipulative and paranoid person she hurt so many others that at this point she made her bed and better lie in it. Also she very VERYYYY much seems like some weird republican with the n word thing, the bio and the “serve and protect”
@MikeJupiter66 7 күн бұрын
The only two Sherlock Holmes games I've played thus far were _Crimes and Punishment_ and _Jack the Ripper._ Guess I didn't save the best for last, lol.
@violetsilentmoon 7 күн бұрын
It’s back to StarUnstable!😍😍🥳🥳🤩🤩🤩
@violetsilentmoon 7 күн бұрын
Honestly your next sso video should be titled: Star-Unstable. Because that’s what they are rn💀💀💀
@mela5396 7 күн бұрын
it will be going down and down if they wont listen to their players
@tinachen9728 7 күн бұрын
That is almost the same with a 3d game that you grow from a baby dragon to an adult dragon but it’s not in full release because of the developer being a scammer and taking people money and not finishing the game.