Why Was Dark Souls 2 So Bad?
The Sol Badguy Experience...
The Guilty Gear Strive Experience
Anime Isn't Cool Anymore...
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The GREATEST Rpg Combat System...
@nyonlight357 31 минут бұрын
Huh.. Funny how people have different experiences, I'm having a blast playing this with friends
@iydmoh961 Сағат бұрын
Never really run magic in souls but it's not "hated" the only instance where one can really see magic being "overpowered" is when facing gankers because managing a crazed unlimited fp freak spamming you while his boyfriend charges at you with a bleed build can get annoying
@anarmyoffrogs8219 2 сағат бұрын
I think its actually good to have something like that that gives a soft easy difficulty
@samelabed9824 3 сағат бұрын
And there is sire gideon ofnir the omnicient
@rezz__emiya5948 3 сағат бұрын
Souls fans try not to be loser nerds about everything challenge: impossible
@jacksonrolles2706 3 сағат бұрын
As a casual who’s never played a souls game but enjoys magic themed novels and movies I just started with it because it looked cool lol I didn’t even know what parrying was when I started
@JonnyTime 3 сағат бұрын
Maybe just let people play the game how they want to? My first jump into the souls games was Elden ring. I never played a magic build but ran a arcane/dex/faith build for awhile and now running a pure dex/faith build for the dlc.
@s.bs.b5834 3 сағат бұрын
A friend use a strenght/bleed build and in 2 hit dealt so much damage that 25% of mesmer hp got destroy On top mesmer got stun giving my friend the opportunity to frontstab Most well done build are op not just magic
@grmrapr4720 4 сағат бұрын
@TheUnkindledTarnished 4 сағат бұрын
Erm actually it’s pronounced “unga bunga” not “oinga boinga”
@wilburforce8046 4 сағат бұрын
Honestly I find magic spam to be mid against bosses when compared to whatever happens to be the meta ash of war on le meta weapon.
@josh-mf7lt 6 сағат бұрын
Because they don't know what they're talking about. I did strength and quality builds all my souls playthroughs and i just did magic for the first time and holy shit it's so stupidly hard. Stagger doesn't fucking exist, i absolutely NEED summons so i can actually get alot of my better spells off for these instantly up your booty hole bosses, and blocking is also not great because shields that have better guard on them require str. Now a str/magic user would be good but it would be because of the strength. I get some free bosses that are slow which is like three of them but str and probably dex users get free bosses two. If seen playthroughs of strength builds r1 spamming enemies and bosses to death that i have to dodge roll for five minutes so i can cast one spell to do 1/30th of their health. I am having a blast playing a magic build though, its an entirely different kind of game for me now. Also ive learned that magic is about cheesing the system. You literally have to work smarter because you will die if you try to actually get in and fight most things. Lorettas greatbow is bread and butter for snipping enemies that will decimate you otherwise.
@KxngKUDA 7 сағат бұрын
I think the weirdest thing about DMC, is that the more surprising development than, apparently, Vergil f*cks, is that AGNES F*CKED AND BOTH BEFORE DANTE💀
@ItMyWeapon 8 сағат бұрын
Its funny because i was getting cooked in the dlc when going int/fai build but as soon as i respect into str all the bosses were two or three tries at the most. I think magic is good against overworld bosses but when you're in an small arena it sucks
@BlenderHmn 9 сағат бұрын
Yall just bad at the game if you whine over how "op" it is. There's a thing called spell parry, use it noobs
@hifumiilahtr602 9 сағат бұрын
i hate mimic and magic user for same reason. with both of this thing you don't even try to dodge bosses' movements. i think it's disrespect to the enemies moveset its not an idle clicker game you need to use more than one button...
@levirasmussen9439 10 сағат бұрын
What about the fingerprint shield spear users haha 😂
@rcarrion5000 11 сағат бұрын
Those loser are the one how kill u evwrytime in pvp thats why the hate.
@tr9165 11 сағат бұрын
Shield & sword for me pal
@keiton9512 11 сағат бұрын
Meanwhile I play as a paladin...
@ridiculousrichie8947 11 сағат бұрын
Play the game how you want. It doesn’t matter what play style you use. A lot of the people in the souls community have a toxic mindset
@ridiculousrichie8947 11 сағат бұрын
So I stream this game and the shadow of the erdtree dlc. Ive gone full strength. Colossal hammer. And I’ve had a few people tell me. Using a full strength build is overpowered. That’s why you’re beating the game….so it seems to me every build can be overpowered. If you have enough stats.
@darthxlev6028 12 сағат бұрын
Every build can be OP. Magic has a drawback and it’s being a glass cannon. And that problem gets exemplified in ng+. Like strength builds bully the game in ng compared to magic. People only complain cause they are bad, all magic has VERY easy tells and isn’t crazy hard to dodge especially after the nerfs. Git gud
@Rjfromoutsouth.04 12 сағат бұрын
I mean it’s magic, it’s supposed to be an extraordinarily powerful and mystical way to attack something that’s probably way stronger than us in game
@fuzzythoughts8020 12 сағат бұрын
Yup. Ive literally got more hatemail from mages whining that I dont even TRY to fight them than i have from anybody. You invade me with magic, enjoy your free win, i usually just jump off a ledge or put the controller down. Its not because I can't beat them, but because I've been dancing this dance since dark souls dark bead spam. Magic has always been overtuned, and its not fun to play against. The best fights are with the people who just focus on a single melee weapon, dont rely on cheesy finishers, and beat you because their good at movement and timing. Like seriously, theres no reward for winning, the entire point of pvp IS the fight. Why rush it by using buffs and bullshit?
@DfectSpect 4 минут бұрын
I'm 150% with you.
@TheoBandzK2 13 сағат бұрын
Skill issue
@Discount_Let_Me_Solo_Her 13 сағат бұрын
What if I do bleed, dex, and strength at the same time? What then? The greatsword with bleed is my baby!
@DerKirschemann 13 сағат бұрын
This video is a little... bit.... rambly.... I also don't see people shitting on a magic build since you dodge enough times, they will run out of magic and flasks in pvp. My dex build literally just lets me move around and harass. In addition, there is so many bosses that basically fuck over magic users. You might just surround yourself or go to places with bitter people that complain about stupid shit.
@I.K.E.L.O.S 14 сағат бұрын
Honestly any type of build can be overpowered depending on how you min maxed it. I feel like if your doing a no summon boss it's easier being a melee focused build to read the attacks and do damage where as having bosses quickly closing the distance on you as a castor can make things take longer as you focus on running away. But with a summons it's pretty easy to just chill in the back spamming spells while the summon takes agro.
@MonkLee149 14 сағат бұрын
If you play life and do it not in hardcore mode, like loosing both legs on war, being homeless or being slave on work, relationships, you are loser😂
@jugoyyung 14 сағат бұрын
What is blud yapping about
@PlzCallMeMommy 7 сағат бұрын
​@@jugoyyungfluent yapanese
@Ghorda9 14 сағат бұрын
part of the reason why dragon communion uses arcane is because arcane scaling increases status buildup i.e the rot and ice breath incantations. Please do your research.. arcane scaling is what can make bleed and frost oppressive.
@thelytz9806 15 сағат бұрын
Everyone knows that blood builds are the true meta
@nero2153 16 сағат бұрын
Removing Arcane is a pretty bad take. It keeps regular faith builds from becoming too versatile with the dragon communion incantations, and is also used in bleed, or even non-bleed ARC builds with weapons such as Marais' Executioner's Sword or Putrescence Cleaver.
@jugoyyung 15 сағат бұрын
Yeah this is fair enough,I’ve never actually used a bleed build in Elden ring and only tried one out recently and I realised why arcane is so important .
@Ghorda9 14 сағат бұрын
@@jugoyyung arcane scaling increases status buildup for things like ice and rot breath or swarm of flies even
@darkspiro6467 16 сағат бұрын
I don't get the hate on magic its fun as hell to use
@Dusii156 16 сағат бұрын
Unga bunga all the way
@MrDante1655 16 сағат бұрын
And theres a 4 person, the cry baby hater like yourself for making this stupid reel Bravo👍👍👏👏😅
@benwil6048 16 сағат бұрын
Strength builds are easy mode, not magic lol
@man____moth6468 17 сағат бұрын
My biggest problem with magic users entering pvp is that it’s just genuinely boring. Ultimately, every spell and incant is easy enough to dodge, but keeps you from getting close, so my fight with a caster invariably always goes one of two ways: you either wait tediously dodging until they finally drain their Fp and then win the fight easily which takes ages, or you get frustrated with how long it is taking so go for a very risky poke that gets you killed
@doesfireburn8532 17 сағат бұрын
Problem is the spam. In extreme cases you are dealing with 5 active spells at the same time that you need to dodge. each of them cause massive amounts of damage and obscure the screen sometimes. one combo would be : Ancient rancor spells cast 2x, rykards rancor 1x, rannis full moon 1x and to top it all of comet azure or stars of ruin. All of these spells can be casted where the other player has to deal with them all at the same time. Another problem is how much damage they do. I had magic damage negation at 90 k and there was little to no effect after all buffs were applied because in pvp talismans and buffs have their % downscaled. Which means they are not as effective as the stats would show. There is no other class in this game that one shots me so concistantly than mages. I even survived a guts greatsword lions claw with buffs. even the weakest spells like glintstone pebble do massive amounts of damage + have one of the fastest casting speeds and tracking in the game The only effective way to counter mage spamming is lightning spear because how fast you can quick draw it and most mages are too slow to cast spells with the exeption of all comet spells and glintstone spells it also doesnt help that mages in my 100ds of hours of coloseum battles are one of the most toxic classes. After mages bleed maxers are the second most toxic players for sure. But there are a lot of mages trying to spawnkill you and show close to no respect at all and try to act as toxic as possible. Its like they know how op they are and are just trolling at this point
@joym3357 21 сағат бұрын
yall allways say "everyone" when like 99% of people just play elden ring to have fun and enjoy magic perfectly fine and are not plugged into your unhinged reddit fuled echo chambers, most people use co-op, most people use spirit sommons, a lot of people use exploits, like 85% people really loved dark souls 2, its not "everyone" yall are annoying
@WhiT8 21 сағат бұрын
Arcane is for blood build, you get more dmg if you have more arcane. Nice video btw
@Ro-fw3lc 21 сағат бұрын
See,no one can hate me when I use magic because I just do it to do cool shit (like gravitational missile and then using messmers orb) But i think the reason why is because stars of ruin has been known as the mega cheese strat in PvP and it was usually accompanied by a heavy armor/high poise build as well which made getting in and staying in pretty annoying. That being said,it's not always that bad.
@johnevans4314 22 сағат бұрын
Then there me. Dragon & chaos incantations. Omen cleavers. Blasphemous blade and a wakizashi with assassins gambit.
@Dzimko-rc2io 23 сағат бұрын
3d is an optimized murder machines. They are playing to win
@ChanceCravesDeath Күн бұрын
Sorcery and incantations are cool and fun, what the hell is wrong with you, fun hater?
@coscosam Күн бұрын
The soulsborne community hate magic because it’s magic and magic is gay. even if magic was trash it would still be hated on because it is magic there is no way around this it’s the same thing with dex
@t-mac1236 Күн бұрын
I would disagree with this in PVE but for PVP totally spot on. You are such a fucking loser if you spam spells in PVP. How’s that even fun? I honestly hate spell spammers in PVP. I want to have a sword fight I don’t want to dodge roll for 10 min.
@ivansandoval3921 Күн бұрын
The loser is the one criticizing others players for having fun playing a game they paid for
@PlzCallMeMommy 7 сағат бұрын
Did you not watch the video....
@7heKl0wnG0D Күн бұрын
Me laughing in 99 in every stat 🗿
@RomanvonUngernSternbergnrmfvus 15 сағат бұрын
Is the game even fun anymore at that point
@charlesi1117 Сағат бұрын
@@RomanvonUngernSternbergnrmfvusyeah the dlc still kicks everyone’s ass
@metalsmoothie2335 Күн бұрын
After a couple playthroughs of the game, I’d say overall magic is much more balanced than people give it credit for. Really the issue between op magic builds and op physical builds is the ease at which those op builds are found. With magic you just find the “nuclear bomb lightning Armageddon” spell or the “giant shitfuck laser” cast and you’re set. OP melee builds typically sit in between taking 12 different kinds of tarnished steroids and using a giant fucking hammer or the dorkiest looking weapon imaginable that you find of some shack with no other explanation. Either way if you actually want to really challenge yourself you can do that in any build imo.