@Zaki_Arx 20 минут бұрын
"what sidelanes?" -ARAM players 🤣🤣🤣
@justinnichols4453 5 сағат бұрын
hey man im itz mobo#NA1 and ive managed to improve quite a bit since finding your content, could you make a video detailing consistency?
@ralphschraven339 7 сағат бұрын
I was expecting click-bait nonsense, cheap commentary riddled with errors most viewers can't spot anyway. Instead, I was awarded with golden content, perfectly thought out analysis and a staggering amount of game insight.
@theprocter4176 9 сағат бұрын
This goes so crazy. Thank you sir!
@ZaZaZealot 10 сағат бұрын
@Londronable 11 сағат бұрын
I mean, people doing the first mistake don't watch professional play? Surely? 2 people dead, including the jungler, means baron. So does 3 or 4 people dead. Baron > 2 extra kills. Simple.
@Valentin_Teslov 12 сағат бұрын
I didn't understand most of the things this guy mentioned, but I know something that is true no matter what patch I'm in: apes strong together!
@-__Shadow__- 12 сағат бұрын
"can't roam" sounds like a skill issue.
@buildfight555 18 сағат бұрын
Thankfully this change came through, went from D4 50% Kat otp to Master 160 LP 68% wr on Kat
@kokutai3331 20 сағат бұрын
Compared to other popular games now days, league has relatively stayed the same for over a decade. The impact only really noticeable to pro players tho, unless it’s something like them changing the jungle layout
@TheJProducti0ns 22 сағат бұрын
This was a great guide. More jungle stuff! I just started playing this game
@dyocolfiro9836 23 сағат бұрын
Super interesting to have someone actually explain because ive been playing for a while and had the concepts mentioned but never actually explained so very useful super appreciated
@IkaikaArnado Күн бұрын
Well done
@joshbrucks Күн бұрын
Riven has the best short trades in top... Wrong side imo. She can't just all in from full hp. She short trades a few times using e to not take dmg THEN all ins.
@sasukefaan Күн бұрын
Really insane tips you can literally apply in every single game. This video delivered
@danielh.8602 Күн бұрын
Great video 🧐👌
@Faraonqa Күн бұрын
Damn These changes! Will never effect me nor i care because i haven't touched summoners salt since s5, ARAM BAAABIIII
@EroticInferno Күн бұрын
You’re telling me kayle mid isn’t healthy???????
@ender7966 Күн бұрын
what about if you are not jungling Is it worth roaming as midlaner?
@Sinzari 2 күн бұрын
6:34 This feels a bit disingenuous, if you do get the kill, you're getting way more than that amount of gold and xp swing because the Kaisa would have a death time denying at least a wave and likely getting you a plate as well. I think as with everything in League, nuance is important and whether you should chase depends on how certain you are that you'll get the kill, and what objectives you would be able to get instead. In this case, I think chasing is a fine call if Kaisa doesn't have flash, so it's not a bad call by plat standards.
@SahilP2648 2 күн бұрын
Macro is way more important than being fed. I have been in games when either I or some lane on my team was ahead, but they have zero macro, so when 1-3 people die, they just back like idiots and don't push lane (I can understand if they are super low like less than 15% HP or if they have 2k gold left to buy stuff) or take objectives. And then there are times when I as the jungler will ping multiple times to take dragon when the bot lane is free (1 or 2 or both plus jungler is dead) but they don't listen to my pings and try pushing the bot tower instead (which is bad later on but good early on). And people just don't listen to pings generally. Probably a lot of that is because a lot of people play camera locked and not unlocked, which allows you to see a good chunk of the map and you are not guessing and estimating stuff.
@apackman1822 2 күн бұрын
so we are stacking one player now
@ddv1647 2 күн бұрын
Inaction is action
@markradick72 2 күн бұрын
did not expect to actually learn something. then realized your name said coach. very interesting at 1:20
@Beleth420 2 күн бұрын
Meanwhile everyone leaving ranked due to shit matchmaking and to much grinding.
@hootingmandrill239 2 күн бұрын
Not saying the tip for ADCs is wrong or anything, but isn't using this MF game as an example a little misleading? With her W she's far more map mobile than most adcs, making it a lot easier for her to move between the lanes and out macro her opponent. True, as another adc you can still probably push mid, then catch a top/bot wave, but trying to get another mid wave thereafter and then also going bot on 25 second intervals is going to be slower and more difficult. She's also doing this in challenger, where players understand that the ADC needs to absorb gold and aren't going to flame her for "stealing their waves". And her team already has a 4k gold lead at the start of the clip, meaning she has a lot more freedom to move around the map and push waves since the entire team is already actively oppressing the enemy. Would just like a little more clarification, because I feel like the highlight was pretty close to the ideal scenario for the MF to achieve this kind of macro play, and it'll be much harder to do with consistency in other games. If I'm in plat how do I consistently pull this off?
@MrCagree 2 күн бұрын
jungle tip requires human teammates lol
@_zzeero 2 күн бұрын
The thing about these jungle routes is that they don't work for Ivern. It's really sad because I wanna learn that champion but every single jungle tutorial simply does not work for him. (I am a support main that wants a jungle pocket pick to when I get autofilled in jg)
@angelfury8182 2 күн бұрын
Ok the midlane tip was insane. Not gonna lie
@mifster83 3 күн бұрын
2:25 hes allowed to play with kids?
@mysticflow467 3 күн бұрын
1:50 in bro.. holy fuck I didn't know. so THIS is a big reason my roaming isn't doing as well omg... and the reason adcs are mid
@codcrecks 3 күн бұрын
thats why my winrate on bard is so high. i always bait the enemies with chaotic plays to chase me deep into the jungle and most of the time i get out of this. Meanwhile they lose a bunch of exp and gold
@fdmugen4724 3 күн бұрын
So you're telling me when both lane champs go mid..it becomes Farmville like top lane
@jonas0608 3 күн бұрын
Activate Windows Go to Settings to activate Windows.
@DeezeNutsInYoMouf 3 күн бұрын
so ur telling me that the nerf to adc items was unnecessaey… it had to do with minion waves
@nnicou 3 күн бұрын
Waa waaa I'm a midlaner crying waa waaaaa
@goldenphoenix5945 3 күн бұрын
So the jungle perspective is when your team is pushing you should hover between too lanes to either dive or counter gank... however if the enemy is pushing in the wave, it's also a great time to gank because they are far up... so when does your jungler want to farm? Hoping for an answer that doesn't involve having just aced the enemy but rather everyone is still up and alive... when does jungle farm based on ally wave placement?
@eddieriven 4 күн бұрын
Too much info bro, just push your waves before roaming guys thats pretty much it.
@SupremeKeyboardWarrior 4 күн бұрын
Or play malzahar, e w, start roaming with 25 seconds left
@assilbeg 4 күн бұрын
and dont forget guys the real goal is to get gold IRL
@HoobaScuuba 4 күн бұрын
this guy really does not like fiddlesticks
@flops1792 4 күн бұрын
and that's a very unfortunate neeko nerf, which i absolutely hate
@TheCosmicAstro- 4 күн бұрын
Its funny people are whining about it but when i saw the change i was so happy about it lmao. sad they walked it back (i hate roaming champs)
@steviejrr 4 күн бұрын
no way really? if I recall before you do I get to the point faster wow? That's crazy ty
@Blaze-kf3ds 4 күн бұрын
the power of counter jg i cant wait till i learn this enough to just passively think about is
@devoreking 4 күн бұрын
•Overchasing •Freezing after lvl 6+ •Overlooking Mid T1 •Bad Recall/Tempo
@Blaze-kf3ds 4 күн бұрын
dam only 46 links on the eariler shorts?
@AlexMontanino 4 күн бұрын
the casters giving like half xp of a melee is crazy i didnt know that and im a master top laner - they're the most risky to take and also give the least gold :O gone are the days of greeding for those. based off tempo often i would just damage the casters then run away for a faster recall so that i would not lose plates in lane, glad that works out nicely (not missing too much xp from it)
@goldenarmour7975 8 сағат бұрын
I mean it makes sense that the harder minions to get are not wrth a lot, cuz in a losing matchup it's natural to not be able to secure them as easily. We don't want too much snowballing just because of the matchup.
@alozyyy 4 күн бұрын
Q start is better than E start against high range mages to try fighting for the push level 1. You can't even auto them after E because they are too far away.