@robperry5293 5 секунд бұрын
... ☣💉💲☠.
@robertjones7327 14 минут бұрын
We still have Covid- intervention could still be studied…
@donackerman4529 28 минут бұрын
For a guy it is “science” there’s very little curiosity to discover and learn. I think it’s pretty clear that he’s an authoritarian and he has very little interest in science
@sjwill1956 33 минут бұрын
Rather than individuals it reflects our general admiration for Machiavellian traits, dominance over competence.. we are a hierarchical species but we often create these toxic hierarchies were the valued skill is climbing the status hierarchy based on your ability to play politics rather than ones actually skill at doin the "thing" .. hence u get what u get in positions of power and authority .. talking heads, cheer leaders skilled at suppressing and controlling anything that makes them look "bad"
@liz9284 47 минут бұрын
I’m not a doctor, but yeses ago I was in a college psychology course and I had to choose a topic to write a paper on where the psychology of the ppl involved in the event had, what I believed to be, a significant effect on the outcome. I chose the Spanish flu bc even back then, as a young college student, I had a lot of curiosity about medicine and research. Anyway, to sum it up, I hypothesized that a lot of the containment efforts had actually made the spread of Spanish flu worse, and it had spread like wildfire. So as soon as I started hearing our government talk about “flattening the curve” with Covid (20+ years after my Spanish flu paper) I posted on FB that these “containment efforts” would contribute to it spreading faster, and it would do nothing to contain it. All of it was familiar to me based on my previous research, and so I dug into it again wondering if anything had changed since 1918, and as far as what made the Spanish flu worse, nothing had changed IMO. I got completely skewered on social media for it, ppl told me I was selfish, a conspiracy theorist, that I just wanted grandmas everywhere to die. My own grandmother died at the end of January of 2020, and though we hadn’t even heard of Covid 19 at the time, nor did we have a test for it, when I heard of Covid in late February and March, I just knew that’s what it was. It was certainly pneumonia (she was 91). So the accusations were cruel and they hurt, but they didn’t change anything, I KNEW that cloth masks were only going to lead to bacterial infections. I also knew that a shot in the arm would have zero chance of stopping transmission of a virus that entered the body through the nasal passages and eyes since our immunity is stratified in our bodies. All of it, I knew, and literally no one I talked to listened. I told ppl to go outside, get some sunshine, and wash their hands. They told me I was crazy. Years later, it’s still very frustrating. Ppl were terrified of the Spanish flu, and locked themselves up with the sick, they didn’t go outside unless they had to. Aspirin was also a new drug and doctors didn’t know the dosage limits, and that killed a lot of ppl I believe. 20 times what we know is a lethal dose today were given regularly (we don’t have an exact lethal dose even now, since body metabolism is different for everyone, but we can get close enough to say that no one should be taking what they were prescribing back then). Anyway, just random thoughts on this, but it’s frustrating and vindicating at the same time to have all this coming out now in studies. In other words, I knew I was on the right track, and in many cases I was spot on, but I don’t feel good about it bc so many ppl who refused to listen died or were harmed.
@davidhauk4163 48 минут бұрын
They were not trying stop a pathogen, they were trying on Authoritarian Rule.
@bustermalcolm6969 Сағат бұрын
in Canada we don't have Doctors, we have pharmaceutical agents
@vijayparabdeen4680 Сағат бұрын
I am just amazed at how there are so many Podcasters coming to Jesus with "newly" discovered info...yet with little effort these were always available 4 years ago...
@carbonoffset2151 Сағат бұрын
He also destroyed the trust of these medical institutions. I now question everything that I believed was true from the medical communities. A trust I don’t believe will ever come back. It has also become very obvious to me that if you elect a Democrat, these police state mandates will happen again. Evidence? Not one Democrat, in this hearing, had a problem with Fauci or the response.
@aaronc4899 2 сағат бұрын
"Most academics don't see it my way because they didn't keep up with all these things." Yes. When you watch discussions, the pro-establishment person is always the less-informed one.
@ETicketM 2 сағат бұрын
Imagine if the approach had been ”We are not sure yet, but are recommending 6 foot distancing while we study the issue.” Versus the “do what we say or we will destroy your life” approach that they took.
@joelpilgert4373 2 сағат бұрын
When you realize all of the policies had nothing to do with Covid then it all makes a little more sense
@ETicketM 2 сағат бұрын
He is too arrogant to hold his job. Once he makes a claim he has to support it and discredit all contradictions else his ego would crumble.
@TomsRebelHealth 2 сағат бұрын
I need to find a doctor like you locally. Most medical professionals seem like ignorant corporate idiots that pay no attention, make guesses and only have chemical poison interventions. Thanks for your insight!
@ginomartell4237 2 сағат бұрын
Without watching the video, yes it worked to see how gullible and compliant the bottom 1% are.
@singjosingsing 2 сағат бұрын
Thank You so much for your honesty and professional opinion on the studies and viewpoint on the lack of oversight on Fauci’s harm to our nation. Shame on him
@kathypaige7216 2 сағат бұрын
It was all about fear and control, and to interfere in the 2020 election.
@robinsonmertilus5232 2 сағат бұрын
The double downing and the gaslighting is what’s doing them in. They’d do it again for Covid “some other year”.
@laus7504 3 сағат бұрын
OMG this video doesn't have KZbin's BS link to the CDC Ministry of Truth COVID website!
@isaacwhull 3 сағат бұрын
they also didn't explore the number of children who completely dropped out of school and ended their education at 16-17 years old.
@dorothypugh2614 3 сағат бұрын
Most of Fauci's reputation rests on the work his organization did to understand AIDS/HIV and to develop effective treatments. But I also remember vividly how hard activists struggled to get this started. Angels in America had to happen, and lots of people were dying. So I'd like some documentary to put this all in perspective.
@michaelschmidt6536 3 сағат бұрын
Keep going, Dr. Prassad
@falliblewonder 3 сағат бұрын
Just look up how much politicans and faucci get paid out by pfizer. They can't shamooze with doctors anymore. . . Even trump got an incentive to spear head warp speed
@mancavecomics6832 3 сағат бұрын
Keep up the great work Doc!
@CaptainPhilosophical 3 сағат бұрын
How is the data interpreted? You have strong opinions toward the measures being ineffectual. Some may interpret the following from the paper as support for the measures. How would you respond? 42% suggest outcomes improved following more stringent responses (“helpful”). one common thread is that the data available for studying policy responses are messy and complex, resulting in analyses that may also be complex Existing studies of COVID-19 response impacts range from unrealistically positive to dismissively negative, further complicating balanced assessments demonstrates that about half of all models suggest government responses were helpful, and half unhelpful when examining either of the three indices models 2, 4, and 6 range from 55 to 70% in the helpful direction none of the models tested can tell the extent to which any government response could have improved COVID-19 outcomes. Nor can we learn from this study what COVID-19 outcomes would have been like in the absence of these responses. In sum, this comprehensive analysis of government responses and COVID-19 outcomes fails to yield clear inferences about government response impacts. This suggests that strong notions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of government responses are not backed by existing country-level data, and scientific modesty is warranted when learning from the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
@jannz1942 3 сағат бұрын
Thank you for providing this examination of our country's failures by NOT doing the scientific studies. It appears the highly paid " scientists" got complacent... and became drunk with the celebrity status that media attention provided.
@vincentprospero2809 3 сағат бұрын
Very good information, always. Just to define terms: exited the workforce = unjustly fired Good politician = liar/bad doctor 😅
@tomkunich9401 3 сағат бұрын
I disagree with you concerning the acts of Anthony Fauci. He IS a mass murderer and should be treated as such. Who paid to develop that disease in the first place. And then give Trump the advice to give the pharmaceutical industry legal protection when he had Trump's trust? He absolutely must be prosecuted. Public officials absolutely must be held responsible for their actions.
@franktribbiani2041 3 сағат бұрын
I see you figured out how to get views and make money from your channel.
@nukeomatic 3 сағат бұрын
Fauci can’t be culpable for not following the data since he refused to collect any 🫠
@nukeomatic 3 сағат бұрын
From day one I asked “Where is the data that supports these policies?” - we had the capability, the technology, the scientific models necessary to evaluate every single intervention. Heck, if the data had been collected properly, we could have *predicted* what impact a given intervention would make. We did none of that.
@anomadhunter 4 сағат бұрын
Fauci and his family will need protection for the rest of their lives.
@trg9765 4 сағат бұрын
@williamcuthbertson6575 4 сағат бұрын
This guy should be in Trump’s cabinet
@RobRaptor49 4 сағат бұрын
Perhaps behavior and human psychology is the proper level of analysis here. My question - are our institutions even capable of addressing an issue of this kind?
@ChrisCapoccia 5 сағат бұрын
Maintaining school closures were not just about health of students. Probably a bigger driver was health of teachers. Many states prioritized giving early vaccines to teachers, even mandating vaccines for teachers, so that schools could get enough traction with teachers unions to actually open. Teachers themselves had views about their own health risks
@haggaisimon7748 5 сағат бұрын
Economists will prove what is needed for them but not what is real.
@cheriesvansson5117 5 сағат бұрын
Spot on video Vinay Prasad! Fauci is a complete narcissist and was the main cause of damaging so many people's lives from Covid.All he did was lie. He is NOT a scientist and should be prosecuted and put in jail for his crimes.
@christopherdew2355 5 сағат бұрын
The authorities in England ensured that everything was open for business, including the church. (Robert Tomes. The English and their History, rev 2023).
@lennyv3358 5 сағат бұрын
Did some countries get it right and why?
@stoneagedjp 6 сағат бұрын
I see it your way. Interventions by human intellect in poorly understood complex systems rarely if ever achieve stated goals. Usually they accomplish the opposite.
@kathiemarie 6 сағат бұрын
Short answer - NO.
@Ridingrules10000 6 сағат бұрын
When you don't want to know that you're wrong, you don't run the study. Period.
@trianglehat6994 6 сағат бұрын
It was pointless. Myself and everyone I know got covid at least once.
@trianchannon7235 6 сағат бұрын
I think the media is with him cause if they criticize him now, they would be guilty as well.
@atendriyadasa6746 6 сағат бұрын
🎉Ross is a very nice GATEKEEPER! 🤭
@atendriyadasa6746 7 сағат бұрын
Many, many thanks for staying on the Case, Vinay!! Keep on Rockin'! 🥰
@scottneumann551 7 сағат бұрын
This video is awesome-you’re real rockstar-thank you!!
@pepesmama7515 7 сағат бұрын
@childofthe60s100 7 сағат бұрын
The problem, really, was that there was no lockdown! Some people obeyed the rules - common sense. Many thought that it did not apply to them (UK Government especially!). People still went about their (to them!) important business, flights arrived and departed. To break the transmission chain, EVERYBODY needed to stay in and stay away, for a short time. That never happened, so there was no REAL lockdown. ALL estimates and studies, about the success/failure of lockdown are flawed - THERE WAS NO LOCKDOWN.