@curtainsavatar Күн бұрын
N64 graphics are typically wack. Typically chugging low-poly, but blurry in every way. Antialiasing just makes it even more blurry. N64 is essentially the same as Jaguar.
@seawaterthing Күн бұрын
This feels oddly like retro youtube, i dig the vibes :P
@robkearsy2995 2 күн бұрын
The Prison I think is in Silent Hill as well don't hold me to that. Other than that this is a great game between this & Silent Hill 2 can't pick a favorite.
@Vakantscull 2 күн бұрын
Yeah a few people have pointed out that some locations are techilnically in silent hill. I think I meant more as a general wandering the streets when I mentioned not going to the town itself :)
@TheUKArcadeGamer 3 күн бұрын
The factory music is terrifying though
@TheUKArcadeGamer 3 күн бұрын
PS1 doom is the real doom in my opinion it just sounds and the music is just more superior and creepy
@turnpiketumbler8938 3 күн бұрын
Man, I loved Doom for the PS1. I even have the cover on my keyring! The music transformed this port. It's so atmospheric, especially the baby crying, that's f-cked up. I never unlocked the Super secret level, I must buy a pre-owned PS1 and replay it.
@billpreston8421 3 күн бұрын
Bought a N64 just for this game, my friends and I used to hook 2 playstations up to 2 tv's and play doom all day. I remember sitting in a chair playing one of the later levels of Absolution and it was thundering and lightning outside and was doing same thing in the game, great stuff!
@eazydoesit866 4 күн бұрын
This is my personal favorite doom game. Old play style with better looking graphics. I love the dark creepy feel of the game and find some of the levels to be tranquil and medetative.
@BeachTypeZaku 4 күн бұрын
Aubrey Hodges is an underrated and underappreciated sound designer that knew how to make you feel the horror of the game and get under your skin with his soundtracks for Playstation Doom and Doom 64. As a matter of fact, many of the sounds in this game are in Doom 64 as well.
@matthewhaddad9086 4 күн бұрын
stay true my n.,
@hymiecamp 4 күн бұрын
I just love playing quake 2 on my modded PSP
@JezNoir 4 күн бұрын
Great video! I have very fond childhood memories of Corporation, despite being enraged by the awful ending when I finally beat it. Never did figure out how to escape the prison cell without the bomb. In my own (extremely stretchy) headcannon, the 1994 b-movie Death Machine felt like it almost could have been an adaptation of this interesting little game
@Vakantscull 3 күн бұрын
@Sodaholic6502 5 күн бұрын
Just to note, the game did actually use the PSX Doom engine as a basis. The room-over-room stuff is actually a massive hack. The renderer was different and allowed actually displaying pieces of geometry that would normally be hidden, but the underlying game engine is still Doom. The way the room-over-room stuff actually worked was by shifting the floors, ceilings, changing the light levels and textures etc as you approached the different ways to go over/under. This utterly prevents multiplayer because it would immediately break the illusion. Like, say player one has approached the path toward the topside of the bridge, suddenly player 2's view and ability to go through the underside has been eliminated, and if player 2 walks over the trigger, suddenly player 1 just sees a wall in front of them. This is also why monsters are deliberately set to be unable to enter the over/underpass areas, because otherwise they would essentially be vertically teleporting above and below the bridge.
@Vakantscull 4 күн бұрын
Yeah a few people have mentioned, I think I was a little blown away the second I went room over room and thought "hang on, doom can't do this!" haha. oh well lesson learned 😅
@Sodaholic6502 5 күн бұрын
"More of a claymation feel than the original Doom sprites" Heh, ironic considering most of those were literal clay (and in some cases latex) models that were photographed.
@smaariseth 5 күн бұрын
Amazing port, I have houndreds of hours in this in my teens
@dieggro5326 5 күн бұрын
the first way i ever played doom scared tha shit outta me as a kid lmao
@baronofdoom 5 күн бұрын
I had an N64 when it first come out and bought Doom 64 not long after it released. I'd been following it's development and couldn't wait to play it. Loved my N64, I still have it and all my games.
@travismarshall3089 5 күн бұрын
The tried and true "Jaguar Version". I love this version! The pros definitely outweigh the cons of cutdown levels and a few final bosses taken out. I'd like to believe there has to be a custom .wad out there that is full PC version, but with the PSX's ambient lighting. Be that as it may, this definitely holds a place in my heart of MUST HAVE Playstation 1 games along with Tomb Raider, Crash Bandicoot and Twisted Metal 2. Didn't know about a password generator! That's cool! For curiosities sake, the password system is compatible across both the PSX and Saturn version of the games. i.e. play through playstation at home, jot done the password, go to your friend's house and continue on his SEGA Saturn.
@vagabond251 6 күн бұрын
As long as the baby noises aren't actual babies being bullied outside your door when you fire the shotgun, I'm good.
@joshuac4772 6 күн бұрын
When ur hud pops up in real life, ur health displays 23%😅😅
@CaptToilet 7 күн бұрын
Shame this wasn't included in the latest remaster from night dive. Like quake and quake2 did with their Nintendo 64 variants.
@Vakantscull 7 күн бұрын
I'm holding out hope for a total conversion to show up in the community mods for my ps4 copy of the latest release, happliy playing the aliens total conversion in the meantime! :)
@verbalkent6877 7 күн бұрын
........ Hey, at least it's not the silent Hill 2 remake....... . I'll be playing silent Hill HD collections instead of that
@kmartpunk95 8 күн бұрын
Surprisingly, Doom 64 was the first Doom i ever played. My brothers had an N64 at my grandmother’s house; this game scared me and intrigued me. I was only 5 years old and this game was a total BITCH to play since it was so dark, and the CRT i played on was already dark itself. Great memories though!
@lordterra1377 8 күн бұрын
My only issue with the PS version is the less variety of textures. The rest is amazing. I love how it feels darker and more horror themed.
@skyrocketautomotive 9 күн бұрын
This is the Doom I grew up on, and was amazed at how the original (played on the XB1) felt almost "happy-go-lucky" with the original soundtrack I wasn't aware until I played the original how much story there was because of the missing tidbits of story and some missing levels, nor how relatively smoothly it ran With all that said, the PS1 version is a darker form of the game thanks to the soundtrack and SFX in my opinion, and I love both equally, PS1 Doom is scary and fun, Original Doom is exciting and fun. Thanks for an interesting video!
@soulblazerz 9 күн бұрын
OST= ERASERHEAD Soundtrack.🎉🎉
@MrNihilist74 10 күн бұрын
This was the first version of doom that I played. I bought it right away after playing the ps1 game called, "Disruptor." Disruptor was the first first person shooter I had ever played. It was great. I tried to get every first person shooter in the ps1. A co-worker told me about doom on the pc a long time ago. I bought doom and final doom for the ps1. I loved the story of doom, the dark lighting and the creepy atmospheric sound. I was so disappointed when I first played Ultimate doom for windows 95 on my first pc because it had the midi music instead of the creepy sounds of ps1 doom.
@MiSambra 10 күн бұрын
I find it kind of crazy that Quake II on N64 ended up looking and playing the way it did, when you compare it to a game like Turok 2.
@radagastaddams3703 10 күн бұрын
they need to rerelease these on PS4/5. they've done Twisted Metal, RR4 and other great PS1 games but never these. (plus Critical Depth please) I still have my original boxed copies complete with the cheats written on little cards & tucked inside. If you've never played them it's well worth it..the lighting & atmosphere are really unearthly. even when I finally played the PC Doom games I still think these PS1 versions are my favourites..😊🐹
@bvdatech1 10 күн бұрын
The damn facehuggers are so damn annoying on Trilogy
@gospyro 10 күн бұрын
I worked on this game (coloring and cleaning up some of the art). While I don't think you gave this game the play or attention it deserved, I will say that it is the ONLY game, that I worked on, that I was not able to finish without resorting to using cheats! (but I was also never very good at 'fighting' games)
@Vakantscull 10 күн бұрын
While my issues with Comix Zone all revolve around the gameplay/mechanics, I have to commend you because whatever hand you had in the visual presentation must have contributed to just how gorgeous Comix Zone is visually :)
@kproer 11 күн бұрын
Invader Gir intro ❤️
@ISuckAtVideoGames4Ever 13 күн бұрын
I just bought the game today for like 6 euros, I recognized the game name and case because I played the demo back when I was a kid. And now that I own it, I can finally enjoy the game to its fullest! (im 18 to ths day.)
@theatrum95 13 күн бұрын
I wish this version of DOOM would release on the PS store. I'm glad we have the regular versions as well as 64, but this is also iconic.
@Vakantscull 12 күн бұрын
Well now there's the rerelease with community mod support I'm crossing my fingers for the psx total conversion to appear for my ps4 copy 😊
@mr.pavone9719 15 күн бұрын
My cousin and I used to link our PS1s together, set our TVs back to back and we'd play deathmatches until the sun came up.
@gozinta82 7 күн бұрын
My friend and I did the same thing but played CO-OP together. Such a treat :)
@daveprime7278 18 күн бұрын
The shambler is cute, I want to hug him!
@daveprime7278 18 күн бұрын
Don't compare anything you make to digital foundry, they sure can analyze technology, but that's about all they can do without going full corporate propaganda mode with their opinions and suggestions. Great video as always, I'm binging your channel a little.
@daveprime7278 18 күн бұрын
I really like the quality of the footage, it's making me so nostalgic, even though I was too young to play this on release. This channel has great, specific content.
@debrehsan630 18 күн бұрын
Need a remaster this!
@Vakantscull 18 күн бұрын
still waiting for the total conversion mod to be available in the new release!
@Ramt33n 22 күн бұрын
As masculine and cool looking/sounding a video game could ever get back in the 90s! This game is really hard and there's so many combos and variations to make each playthrough a fun and unique experience. Loving all your comments people, the review, meh, not so much!
@mrtodd4798 24 күн бұрын
Back when compilations had some meat on them. Now they release 10 games on a bluray or Switch card, if you're lucky.
@Metoollhead 24 күн бұрын
Best blind purchase I made as a kid. The back-of-the-box blurb said something about a smooth framerate and the screencaps were nice, and that got me to nab the game. Looking back at it, I think it was a real precursor to the character action game popularized from the PS2 era.
@manicsforever 26 күн бұрын
''A big ringing dinner bell'' is a brilliant way to describe using the torch, that made me laugh. Another great video.
@kakashiproductions 28 күн бұрын
It was always a silent hill game, the whole it was changed through development was a rumor. I’m pretty sure the only thing is that this was supposed to be a spin off in the silent hill world instead of a mainline title
@gabrielbravo2212 28 күн бұрын
this is one of my favorite sera games
@davidnone8951 Ай бұрын
oof that like dislike radio 😂
@Vakantscull Ай бұрын
Tis a thing of beauty 😊
@leadlefthand Ай бұрын
05:00 - Fun fact: the first Medal of Honor game had a control option to use dual analog sticks. But because there were no crosshairs, you had to rely on the bullet trails if you intended to run and gun COD style. Or you could just tape a makeshift red dot on your TV to know where the crosshair should be at all times. Medal of Honor underground has the crosshair option so that feels even more like a modern fps game on the PS1.
@ezequiellezcano4186 Ай бұрын
@commenterminator Ай бұрын
The real bosses in this game are the enemies 🥲
@Kaden10 Ай бұрын
That face on the id card in the lower left hand corner looks suspiciously like Jeffery Combs.