I Found Everyone's New Fetish
I Found A MILF Revenge Manga
I Literally Made A Hentai
4 ай бұрын
I Would Let Her Beat Me To A Pulp
I Got PTSD Thanks To This Eroge
I Would Die For This Man
5 ай бұрын
I Review The Top 10 NTR Doujins
When NTR Goes Wrong
10 ай бұрын
I Ruined My Marriage In Osaka
This Manga Is Yandere Done Right
@getdownthisisarobbery6413 25 минут бұрын
This is what Rooftop Swordmaster could’ve been… and then it became shit.
@gymnopedie4445 48 минут бұрын
@Luny-May 8 сағат бұрын
Poor Syd. I mean, playing "Euphoria" and expecting just another quirky death game, only to find yourself knee-deep in some of the most twisted, gut-wrenching content out there? That's a special kind of nightmare. First off, major props for pushing through that hot mess. It's one thing to be curious about a game, and another to endure the grotesque rollercoaster that "Euphoria" turned out to be. Feces options in settings? Human toilets? The sheer madness of the plot twists? I can't even begin to imagine the mental fortitude required to not just quit and burn your laptop. Your description of the 'true ending' hunt had me in stitches, though. The perseverance is admirable, if not borderline masochistic. And the hentai as a palate cleanser? Classic move. It's like watching a horror movie to relax after a rough day - doesn't quite work, but you gotta respect the attempt. In any case, consider this a badge of honor. You've survived something most would run screaming from. Here's to hoping your next gaming adventure is a bit more... euphoric, and a lot less scarring. Cheers to surviving the madness, Sydsnap. You're a braver soul than most.
@walkindead876 9 сағат бұрын
You like fictional yandere men too! FINALLY!
@Luny-May 20 сағат бұрын
Well, well, well. If it isn't a list of anime that shouldn't exist. I've seen my fair share of questionable content, but this? This is a whole new level. Esther, Koppa Major II, Kodomo No Cheek, Iken, and Mysterious Ex-Girlfriend - consider yourself lucky that I don't have you in my crosshairs. First off, Esther. A young succubus princess needing "man juice" at ten years old? Disgusting. And the incestuous undertones? Just... no. Then there's Koppa Major II - a forgettable mess that somehow managed to become popular despite making absolutely no sense. The gore ain't worth the confusion. Now, Kodomo No Cheek. Pedophilia wrapped in a twisted tale of love? Fucking sickening. It's disturbing enough that it leaves me questioning humanity. Iken tries to push boundaries with its fanservice, but ends up being more laughable than titillating. At least it provides some entertainment value compared to the rest. And finally, Mysterious Ex-Girlfriend. Swallowing your classmate's saliva to avoid illness? What the fuck did I just read? Now that's a recipe for disaster. Seriously, whoever came up with these ideas needs to reevaluate their life choices. Overall, these shows prove that sometimes, creativity goes too far. So, yeah. These five anime? They really shouldn't exist.
@Luny-May 20 сағат бұрын
Wow, Sydsnap's playthrough of Doki Doki Literature Club was an absolute trip. Watching her go from curiosity to complete psychological meltdown was like witnessing someone get thrown into the deep end of the mindfuck pool without a lifejacket. I mean, her initial naivety was almost cute, thinking it was just another dating sim. But oh, how wrong she was. Seeing her face the brutal reality of Sayori’s fate, it’s like she got punched in the gut. It was kind of like watching someone get blindsided by a sniper shot - you know, the kind of clean, unexpected hit that leaves you reeling. And Monika. Oh, Monika. The way Sydsnap kept pushing for her, only to find out she was the puppeteer behind all the madness? That’s some next-level horror. The “Just Monika” mantra turning into a nightmare, those unsettling eye shifts - pure psychological warfare. Watching her unravel was oddly satisfying, a reminder that not everything is as it seems. This playthrough is a perfect example of how appearances can deceive, and how the most innocent faces can hide the darkest secrets. Sydsnap’s reaction was raw, real, and completely relatable. An excellent reminder to always be on guard - you never know what kind of twisted reality you might step into next.
@grruwugayslaymeow Күн бұрын
It disgusts and angers me so much how you have the audacity to talk at this volume and act pissed or shocked on this matter and trying to normalize these atrocities, you're no better than the people that make them and you should ne ashamed of yourself
@CalvinBernard-es8nt Күн бұрын
Ain't read it yet but I made a quick scroll through the first few chapters and the comments and can say it ain't that bad compared to most
@kymo6343 Күн бұрын
Overall art should be covered under freedom of speech and freedom of speech should be protected. But that said, when one is depicting very serious crimes in a positive/sexual way, it also makes sense why that could rile people up. People who have gone thru that/know ppl who have are never not going to take that seriously if it's not done tastefully. I completely understand the father's horror at seeing what his child was consuming but then again it's up to him as the father to teach that kid right from wrong too. No one should get arrested for something like this unless they did it to a real person or distributed it directly to children, but also if you make something like this don't expect ppl to not side-eye you at the very least/possibly avoid you or even call you a sicko to your face.
@Krelianhoe Күн бұрын
Don't let me catch u😊
@Dieblo200 Күн бұрын
Holy shit, your voice is fucking annoying
@subbinbacktoallsubbs5272 2 күн бұрын
this is great, its rare to see a good reverse ntr story
@thelittlestwookiee7795 2 күн бұрын
Bro… I thought I was alone. It’s nice to know I’m not alone
@rebootcomputa 2 күн бұрын
LOL, the father would of had a heart attack if he saw Guro Hentai LOL...
@Jody577 2 күн бұрын
Tighnari is a fox boy 😰😰😰
@joeyschlagenhaft3447 2 күн бұрын
You should definitely do another video like it in the future, it was a lot of fun!
@JimbobG.A.D 2 күн бұрын
@shadowwwwwwwwwww 2 күн бұрын
she mothered and then she slayed (literally)
@Gordonfreeman551 2 күн бұрын
Sydney screaming and shouting like she just saw something horrifying, I TOTALLY get it 0-0 holy crap. I better get back tin xen
@Lemonseedwastaken 2 күн бұрын
Here is a good NTR series "My strong wife is ntr proof"
@laughatdarkness1286 3 күн бұрын
Im an introject of Saya from Saya no Uta and i guess its no surprise i like messed up eroge, i find it comforting as a sa trauma holder. Its like I’m taking back control.
@supremiumz 2 күн бұрын
ur a real one for this
@laughatdarkness1286 Күн бұрын
@@supremiumz awww ur sweet!! Then theres me an alter who likes messed up eroge simply bc im a degenerate LMAO - KAngel (we have a lot of introjects. Its like a frickin comicon in our brain.)
@jQuery473 3 күн бұрын
Lol, this sounds normal when your speaking hentai. I mean I read far worse shit. This could not be cause for arrest.
@osmanthuswine5336 3 күн бұрын
Guys come on, cn government is scared of blood and sex, they just babies let’s respect them😢
@artsleep8586 3 күн бұрын
You can induce lactation without being pregnant
@sarmadhabibkhan3036 3 күн бұрын
"It wasn't that long ago" Ma'am it was 22 years ago. That's quite a long time ago.
@dstempest 3 күн бұрын
Sydney's taste pretty based ngl
@user-ml4me5mh2f 3 күн бұрын
The Chinese government will arrest their citizens for whatever reason that includes making books Japan hold my beer
@finalbreath15 3 күн бұрын
The way you pronounce tag is like how i pronouce vague, and vice versa lol weird! 🤓
@SBANxDestroyer 3 күн бұрын
What is this from?
@PenniDeadful 3 күн бұрын
Sei so tsui dan sha is one of my favorite doujins! Its right up there with bondage fairies and Alice in Sexland! 🤩
@xc_OuMa 3 күн бұрын
I read this shit on a whim and even though I expected the ending I got insane whiplash.
@Nicole_whatsgood 4 күн бұрын
14:19 omg thats been one of my favorites for years lol
@billviola7884 4 күн бұрын
She hasn't done a snuff film.
@katherinebattle3780 4 күн бұрын
I think necrophilia is a song of severe trauma, but it's extremely disturbing. If ANYBODY in your life has signs of necrophilia, PLEASE help them get the help they need
@coldlandmine 4 күн бұрын
* violence against women * japanese government: 😁 * genitals not censored enough * japanese government: 🤬
@danielnemesio3388 4 күн бұрын
She did a big service for this community. Almost every MILF hentai/doujin is with a shota for some reason and I ABSOLUTELY hate it, so she had to subject herself of sifting all that smut for us
@Hana-Dara 4 күн бұрын
Oh, darling, this review was a wild ride! Bowsette truly is the chaotic waifu we didn't know we needed. Sydsnap perfectly captures the sheer madness and allure of this dragon-princess hybrid. I mean, who wouldn't be intrigued by a character that blends Bowser's raw power with Peach's charm? The sass and spunkiness of Bowsette definitely make her a top-tier waifu. And yes, I totally agree - we needed another edgy princess in the kingdom. Rosalina had her time, but Bowsette is here to shake things up. The explosion of fan art and cosplay just proves how much of a phenomenon she is. I'm all for embracing this new religion of Bowsette. Also, the comparison to Naruto's Sexy Jutsu - spot on! It's that kind of crazy yet captivating twist that keeps the internet buzzing. Here's to hoping Nintendo capitalizes on this and gives us some official Bowsette merch. Until then, I'll be basking in all the fan-created glory. 8/10 for sure. Keep the waifu reviews coming, Sydsnap! 👑🔥 #Bowsette #WaifuReviews
@maxpayne930 4 күн бұрын
Notice how woomen always say MY kid next to never our kid nope it,s hers and hers alone and they wonder why men who love they mental health avoid the like like no one,s business. Well now u know
@lordplague3555 4 күн бұрын
What about BERSERK? that is just about the darkest and most disturbing manga I ever ever read. Still damn good though
@ShiroiTengu 4 күн бұрын
Sooooo whats the title of this anime?
@ShiroiTengu 4 күн бұрын
Oof. The sexual tension though 🤤
@aced.jamero7359 5 күн бұрын
This is uncomfortable to watch Holly jesus
@RoyAkahoshi-tsukasa 5 күн бұрын
Kazuya image made my day
@artsleep8586 5 күн бұрын
Thank you for this recommendation 🙏
@ThePlagueDoctor_or_SCP049 5 күн бұрын
Sydney's therapist is gonna need a therapist... and that therapist is gonna need a therapist...
@thesamsquatch2704 5 күн бұрын
Why does she pronounce ‘volume’ as ‘valium’?
@TheSilentdesolate 5 күн бұрын
@Avipoppy 5 күн бұрын
Japan: *arrests this guy* Ok cool, so you arrested this cannibal right? Japan: nah, we didnt, we’ even let him make a manga about what he did
@Avipoppy 5 күн бұрын
If you know you know
@laabsenceofcol8079 6 күн бұрын
Japanese are a little twisted in that department. Love hotels give it away.
@enigma7310 6 күн бұрын
*The problem is Japanese men (most of asia to be honest) they are extremely sexually frustrated because most of the working class work day and night with strict jobs while the rich enjoy theyre lives and have acess to the top tier women most men dont get so they rely on pornographic content to relieve theyre stresses and i also think theyre mad at women for treating men differently based on class and looks, I'm not saying this is the true reason but it could be one of them..*