Stick with it
2 ай бұрын
FINALLY. I can share this.
3 ай бұрын
@Sethmotley Күн бұрын
@DroseMr 3 күн бұрын
Real nice! Thanks Rock
@RockWILK 3 күн бұрын
Thank YOU
@spacelord1913 3 күн бұрын
Great video and discussion, best on your channel that I have seen. Making me miss Manhattan, I only visited a few times - area around the UN building and the walkway down near the water is lovely and quiet. I resonate with your talk about the feeling of spirit that you feel in certain places.
@RockWILK 3 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for the kind words, and yes to the spiritual nature of making art. To me, that's everything, and I always follow those feelings. Thanks for coming through and for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate that.
@steveschnetzler5471 3 күн бұрын
I love it here in Cologne Germany (after the USA), since it is full of life here (like where you are). There is a real mix of people, languages, ages especially in the summer. You should do more European city traveling, you would love it. thanks.
@RockWILK 3 күн бұрын
Yes!! I've been in London performing many times, spent months at a time there, and I LOVE it. I almost moved there years ago, but family stuff kept me home. My father had just passed, and I didn't want to leave my mother here alone at that time. I DEFINITELY plan on making my way there more often. Italy, Spain, France... I have friends in those places and so.... here's to finding the time and opportunity. Thanks so much for coming through!! Appreciate you.
@colintofts8629 3 күн бұрын
Another thought provoking message. Love the city scape sequence, feels very pov from the lense. Again promoting doing what you can ,with what you have. I too am fed up with the endless gear reviews, with almost no one out there actually filming anything for the review. Trees, garden, more trees in slo mo. Your chanel is a breath of fresh air to those of us who are or want to just go and do It. Respect
@RockWILK 3 күн бұрын
Ahh, thanks so much for the kind words, and yes to too much slo mo and all the same footage over and over again. Story is always the thing, and I'm sticking by that. :) Appreciate you coming by with the good energy, thank you!!
@AllThingsFilm1 3 күн бұрын
I loved watching the imagery of New York passing by in your views from a train. I miss New York. I'd love to get a place in New York that I can always go to. I lived in New York, uptown Manhattan on 96th West End to be more specific, for about a year before the recession sent me back to California where I moved from. The energy of New York, and Manhattan, really "fit" my inner energy. When I walked through the city, the hustle of the people walking all around me didn't bother me at all. In fact, just the opposite. Because I could hear and see a variety of people around me. I would hear so many different languages, see different people, and it was great. For me, New Yorkers are more real and honest then I've found elsewhere in the country. Especially California where I live now. I mean, I love the weather and environment of California, with the hills and mountains, ocean, etc. But, the people of New York were always kinder to me. More helpful. As a clear example: When I first moved to New York (upper West Side), I was walking around the streets of Manhattan one morning with a laminated map of the subway system in my hand. I was looking for the A train. Standing on a corner at an intersection, I looked down at the map. Looked up. Looked around. Where do I go to get that damn A train? Suddenly, a man in a business suit, briefcase in hand, said to me, "Where do you want to go?" I looked at him, "Uhh, I'm looking for the A train." Without hesitation, he said, "Ok, follow me." So for three blocks, I followed him. After the first block, I waited for him to point somewhere. But, he kept going. After the second block, I felt kinda bad that I was probably taking him out of his way. But, he kept going. I kept following. Then at the third block, I looked at him, and he stopped and pointed at the stairs leading down to the A train. I thanked him profusely and headed down the stairs to the A train. I'll never forget that. Because I've only ever experienced that kind of kindness, that kind of community, in New York. Thanks again for another inspirational video. You reminded me of the wonderful things I can experience and find in New York. Cheers.
@RockWILK 3 күн бұрын
I've always said that New Yorkers are the kindest people, but of course I'm biased and definitely a NYC snob, but I DO believe all of it. ;) I lived on 95th Street between Amsterdam and Columbus for more years than any other place in my life. That block will always feel like home to me. I was the very first customer at Famous Famiglia Pizzeria on 96th and Amsterdam, and still friends with them to this day. ;) Here's to the melting pot, the true diversity that is NYC. We are the best, and we are the worst, and any real New Yorker will tell you that. ;) Thanks for coming through, as always, and armed with all the good energy. Appreciate you.
@DanFarrar 3 күн бұрын
The photographer in me is a true Anarchistic individual. Zero shits given by the photographer, he’s just after light, composition, and moment. It’s up to me personally to figure out the meaning of the captures. But, ya, that photographer, he can be a problem for me. lol. Hey! Great city scene captures btw! Your videos make me introspective friend. 🙏
@RockWILK 3 күн бұрын
Thanks so much, Dan. And here's to anarchy, I'm all about it. Keep creating with your own voice, there's nothing like that.
@WRPugsley 3 күн бұрын
I can't say how much respect I have for you. From your BBC documentary-style quality of filming yourself (What great lighting!) to the gravitas of your presence, to the sincere words you speak, I could only dream of having the mindfulness you exude. I film and photograph and film some more but fear I have nothing substantial to say.
@RockWILK 3 күн бұрын
Mr Pugsley!! I so deeply appreciate this, you honor me with your comment. And you know... we all have something to say, and I believe it's an act of genuine kindness when we are willing to do that, to share, because there are so many of us in the vast world, and with this platform that we all have, you just never know who you are going to reach. Look at you and I. Opposite sides of the world. Who ever thought something of that nature could even happen? That we are communicating one-to-one across oceans and cultures. Amazing, and something not to ever be taken for granted, and so, I say all this to say, you have something to say, and when or if you are willing to share, there will be people out there who your thoughts and images will resonate with. Thanks again as always for the amazing positive energy and support, I really appreciate it. Means a lot. Onward!!!
@colintofts8629 3 күн бұрын
Another great set of insights , I enjoy your shares and the honesty around your life experiences . Best of all you bought the kit, learnt your way of working and you do it. Big difference between talking specs, finishes and gear promotions with big sponsorships with free kit and someone who writes a story, puts a production together and goes out and films it.
@RockWILK 3 күн бұрын
Oh man, thank you so much for the kind words and for the acknowledgement, I appreciate that. I will always be about doing it and not just talking about it. I'm only talking about what I hope others find their way to doing as well, if that's what they want to do. ;) Thanks for coming through and for taking the time to communicate and connect, I greatly appreciate that, and onward we go!!
@adamdallas6096 4 күн бұрын
Your video really spoke to me. Thanks for sharing. A new subscriber here from Sydney, Australia. Cheers.
@RockWILK 3 күн бұрын
Ahh, that makes me happy, thanks for the kind words, I appreciate you letting me know. Thank YOU for coming through and for taking the time to comment, I greatly appreciate that. Onward we go!!
@zariamultimedia 6 күн бұрын
Shot a 30 min long doc using 3 different anamorphic lenses last year. One piece of advice I would give is use a light 35mm anamorphic lens on a gimbal with the DJI LiDAR Range Finder with the motorized follow focus to basically achieve auto focus with your anamorphic lens, game changer. 🎥 PS love the weed in the backround and the Star SKI & Hutch sounding soundtrack! Great job Rock! 👍🏼 BTW, I'm from that area and I don't know where half those locations are!? Idea for a new channel, "Rock off the Grid" or "Off the grid with Rock" You go around with your little portable chair to remote locations but you give us the grid coordinates in the YT description! 😅😂
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@zariamultimedia great idea, although I don’t really use auto focus at all. But I’m sure if I did, I would probably find it useful. And that’s pretty hilarious, you’re the second person who mentioned what was growing behind me, which I have no idea. I don’t even smoke weed, I have no idea what it looks like, so that’s pretty funny to me. Crazy. Yes, I love that old music, and I am going to seriously think about doing something with that little retractable stool, I’m always traveling all over the place, it would be awesome to do something like that all around New York City, and all the way up state as well. Maybe even down to the Jersey shore where I lived for a couple of years as well. We’ll see what happens, that’s a lot of time, but I just might be crazy enough to do it. :-)
@JayFingers 6 күн бұрын
Ahhhh man, I love anamorphic lenses. I grew up in an era where seemingly every movie was shot with anamorphics on Kodak Eastman 5247. 😆 It’s a very specific look, that’s for sure, and it’s one that I’m obsessed with. But yeah, trying to shoot yourself with anamorphics can be a pain in the ass. The minimum focus distance is a bit of a nightmare, and focusing overall can be difficult. But again, I just love the look these lenses give me. I have a few budget anamorphics from Sirui like the ones you mentioned. Haven’t used them in a while - you might’ve just inspired me to go out and shoot something today. 😆 Also, that collapsible stool is dope! I gotta get one of those! I’d watch Travels with Rock! 😆🙌🏾
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@JayFingers if I inspired you, I’ve done my job! :-) I don’t really have any issues focusing because I never use auto focus anyway, but sometimes exposing from far away is challenging for me. Usually, I can get it, but sometimes on extremely bright days, where I generally would not shoot a real project anyway, just for KZbin it’s tough. I never shoot an actual film or documentary in the middle of the day if I can avoid it. And as far as me and my little retractable stool, you never know. :-) I might just have some fun with that. Thanks so much for coming through and for all the good energy as always, I really appreciate it and I don’t take it for granted.
@DroseMr 6 күн бұрын
I am very good at reproducing moire. Not sure Y. Half way in this video and 🚀to outerspace. Honestly love the custom button for ibis to switch for panning. You can tell me anything any how.422 is not always an option. Have you mixed 420 footage w 422? Autofocus has a lot of quirks w multiple subjects. Talking Gh7 is intresting. Not sure what im doing except getting my rigs down . What your zebras set to in log?i got arri log and just found out it doesnt transfer to prores raw hdmi out.Trying to stay positive. Ima shutup now😂!Thank You
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@DroseMr this comment is kind of all over the place, I’m not really sure what you’re saying or asking, but I’m gonna try to answer some of these questions. :-) I’ve seen moiré about three times over the last two or three years on my camera, so I don’t even think about it anymore. I don’t have the GH7 so I don’t really know anything about it, other than I’m sure it’s another great Panasonic camera. When I shoot log, I generally use waveforms to check exposure, but honestly, I usually just eyeball it in my monitor. I know what it’s supposed to look like when I shoot it. I have my zebras set to 100, and I just make sure I never see them. Unless I absolutely have to make a choice to expose my subject, and there’s no way to avoid clipping. Sometimes I’ll blow out the sky on purpose because I like the way it looks. Especially if I’m shooting black-and-white. As far as ibis, I’m not sure what you’re saying with regards to panning and the button. You can mix pretty much any footage together, as long as you are good at color grading and you know about aspect ratio. I hope that answers some of these questions, if they’re even questions? :-) Thanks for coming through and commenting, I really do appreciate it.
@steveschnetzler5471 6 күн бұрын
I wonder if you had a reflector in front of you , leaning on a small tripod/light stand, could you get a nice flill light (cheap and light)?
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@steveschnetzler5471 Yes!! Perfect solution! But I had nothing with me. I might actually throw something into my car to live with my stool. Awesome idea. Thanks!
@DroseMr 6 күн бұрын
Looks like marijauna growing behind ya in the river shot.def not ready for animorphic. At least when ready I got the right cameras for it! Prob have ta get that stool before i start too😊.🔥🚀ROCK in . Thank You
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@DroseMr I doubt that’s what’s growing, but I don’t even know what that looks like, so I don’t really know. :-) When you start to shoot anamorphic, you’ll never look back. :-) And get yourself a stool, it’s good for your soul. :-) Thanks for coming through.
@DroseMr 6 күн бұрын
@@RockWILKCool Cool! Thank You
@JohnJohn-fz6nt 6 күн бұрын
Have you ever seen Tarkovsky's MIRROR? For some reason it popped into mind in capturing mood via ARRI 35mm and LOMO (Russian) anamorphics. His films are almost spiritual meditations on life, not "entertainment". Anyway, a good example of anamorphic benefits.
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@JohnJohn-fz6nt I haven't seen it, but I'll be watching it this weekend, thanks so much for this. And thank you so much for coming through and watching, and for taking the time to comment, I greatly appreciate that.
@JohnJohn-fz6nt 6 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK I think you will appreciate his work. He made beautiful pictures.
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@JohnJohn-fz6nt really looking forward to it, thanks for guiding me.
@DanFarrar 6 күн бұрын
Something about how the light responds to anamorphic is magical. I’m thinking it would take time and patience to work it alone and your scenes looked great!
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@DanFarrar Yes!! There’s something very special about shooting anamorphic and the way it deals with light. Shadows too, and when you shoot directly into the sun, it creates that filter kind of image that really looks like a movie. Some people would say it’s not sharp enough, but I love the way it looks. Especially when you’re dealing with a real film, and not just a KZbin video, when you’re telling a story, if you’re really intentional about how you’re using the light, I guess as the same with any lens, but when you do that with an anamorphic lens I think it’s even more pronounced. Personally, I love working with these lenses.
@DanFarrar 6 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK Agree. Seems like a very deliberate type of workflow. I noticed my S9 has an anamorphic preview so the screen represents the view flattened out. I haven’t used anamorphic yet but someday lol. I did review a strange little lens yesterday though…check it out.
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@DanFarrar I will. And anamorphic is definitely a deliberate way to work, which I think is awesome.
@CABRALCREATES 6 күн бұрын
Great video! I got a couple of dream lenses on my wish list but I still don’t have anamorphic lenses on it because it’s a bit troublesome.
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@CABRALCREATES yes, it definitely takes a lot more effort to shoot with anamorphic lenses, but with your skills I'm sure the results would be magical. And these Sirui lenses are really affordable. Especially if you look on mpb or ebay. Or even used at B&H or adorama.
@CABRALCREATES 6 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK that sounds good, I will add them to my list 😁 my favorites are the Biotars from Meyer Optics I love those senses.
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@@CABRALCREATES I’ve never worked with those, but I’m sure they’re amazing. I think these lenses would surprise you, especially on a Panasonic camera. Hope everything is well for you. :-)
@CABRALCREATES 6 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK Take care brother! 👌🏾
@RockWILK 6 күн бұрын
@bukuga 10 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure that GH5 will last another 5 or 10 years too
@RockWILK 9 күн бұрын
@@bukuga awesome camera for sure. Technology and progress are both great things, but I can't believe anybody would feel like they're "stuck" with a gh5. 💪😉
@DroseMr 11 күн бұрын
Rock🫵💯🤯Thank You
@RockWILK 11 күн бұрын
@@DroseMr 🙏
@DaddyDaughterMovieNight 11 күн бұрын
I just watched your film on Tubi with ads not knowing it was on KZbin. But still, I'm gonna be thinking about this work for a long time. Brought up a lot for me. I'm not adopted, but I'm from the Bronx, and even the superficial exteriors/interiors of your building is exactly what I remember and is infused in me. And you talk in the cadence that I still think. Looks like you went to Yonkers to the cemeteries or thereabouts, my father is buried up there also. And he chose things in life other than being my dad. Lots of stuff you dredged up for me and all I can say is thank you for making me feel them.
@RockWILK 11 күн бұрын
@@DaddyDaughterMovieNight AHH, thanks so much for watching and for all the kind words. My biological mother is cemetery is way out in Long Island actually, and when I shot it it was the first time I had ever been there. It was a pretty deep experience for me. :-) sorry about the commercials, but I'm actually happy you went to to be because I'll get a few pennies for that. :-) but I uploaded it here because I don't want people to not watch it if they don't have Tubi. In any case, I really appreciate you taking the time to watch and for the comment, it means a lot to me. I actually just finished the sequel to that film, and it just recently won a best feature film award at the Manhattan film festival. It's navigating through the Festival circuit, but you'll be able to see it sometime next year. Thanks again, and keep making that amazing content that you make.
@DanFarrar 11 күн бұрын
In summary: Go Do!
@RockWILK 11 күн бұрын
@@DanFarrar Word.
@AllThingsFilm1 11 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing more of your personal experiences and insight. For me, I'm afraid no one will relate to the stories I tell. I'm afraid of creating a character that resembles someone I know and that they will recognize themselves, even when I didn't intend to make a character that's like them. A solution is to create a composite character that has attributes of multiple people to avoid such circumstances. I know some of my fears are just me getting in my own way. But, these are the thoughts that go through my mind as I decide which of the short stories I'm currently developing I want to move forward on.
@RockWILK 11 күн бұрын
@@AllThingsFilm1 I don't think you need to think about any of that because the stories that you create are your stories. If somebody thinks you've created something based on them, tell them to not flatter themselves. :-) you own what you create, and nobody should tell you what you can or can't do. Create freely, it's the most powerful way.
@AllThingsFilm1 11 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK Very true. You are great at sharing ideas that inspire me to get back to writing. Thanks for the support. I always appreciate your input and suggestions.
@RockWILK 11 күн бұрын
That really honors me, thank you so much. Guide me to your work when you finish. ​@@AllThingsFilm1
@steveschnetzler5471 11 күн бұрын
Make a movie, thanks.
@RockWILK 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for the good energy!
@zariamultimedia 15 күн бұрын
Broooooo, found you totally by accident tonight just surfing KZbin. I clicked on your video cause I also have the 44-2 lens but when I saw the Mid Hudson bridge in your backround I was like Ohhhhh snap, dude is in Poughkeepsie! I grew up in PK! Me and my wife are both from PK but we live in TX now. Anyway, I mainly do events especially weddings and Quinceañera's. I am all Sony, I rock with two FX3's and an FX30. I also have an FX6. Your video motivated me and shamed me into realizing that alot of what you said is actually so true. I definitely have G.A.S. but I do have a vision, I did do a 30 minute documentary on a very interesting person. I did the whole video with anamorphic lenses too. I use the Siuri full frame anamorphic lenses, I have the 35, 50 and the 100mm. That ending shot on the trailer regarding Collaboratory brought me back too cause I used to do a weekend radio show on WVKR 91.3 FM back in the day with DJ Mr. VINCE. Wow, we eventually gonna have to talk, we're probably around the same age and electronically we have alot in common. Keep up the great inspiring work man.....1
@RockWILK 14 күн бұрын
Ha! That’s funny that you were just surfing around and you wind up in Poughkeepsie. :-) I moved up here right after the pandemic from the Bronx and I like it up here. I just watched your video on that photographer, really cool guy. Great work. I’m about to shoot a feature and I’m considering shooting the whole thing with my anamorphic lenses, but I’m not sure because I do everything by myself, and I don’t know if I want to carry around those lenses everywhere all the time. :-) But I might very well do it. I just finished a feature that I shot up in this area, actually from here to the Jersey shore and everywhere in between, you might be interested because the Hudson Valley is prominently a part of the story. :-) The film just won the Manhattan film Festival, and so its still navigating through the festival circuit, but when it’s out in the universe, you should watch. :-) I made another feature during the pandemic which I actually shot on my phone. There’s a link in the description or at my website if you’re interested in that. I moved up here because a friend of mine told me about an apartment that was available, she is a prominent artist up here, everybody seems to know her. I needed a change after Covid rocked the city and so here i am. ;) Do you know poet Gold? We’ve been friends for a long time. Anyway, thanks for coming through, and for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate that, I can’t imagine the change moving from New York to Texas, that must feel like a whole new life, hope every day is a good one for you. Thanks again.
@zariamultimedia 14 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK Appreciate the detailed feedback, just got through watching another video off your channel, will try to absorb one a day like a multi vitamin! LOL Thanks for watching my documentary on Robert and I appreciate the kind words as well, that edit almost killed me though bro, took way longer than the actual shoot time, will never do another big project like that without time code EVER again! Can't say that I know the name Poet Gold but I'm sure I know people that will know her. I got a big wedding in the morning so I'm gonna keep this relatively short. Oh, I may have to come back East soon for a funeral for an ailing family member up in Elmira, definitely would like to link up and vibe with you. My family wants to visit the East coast, they are home sick! LOL All my family is in PK, NYC and the East Coast. Know any Griffin's? I used to live in Poughkeepsie, Hyde Park, Yonkers, Manhattan and Brooklyn and my father used to live on Grand Concourse close to Yankee Stadium so I'm very familiar with many parts of the city. Miss it sometimes but Texas is very good to raise a family and run a business, best thing I ever did was get my family out of NY. Talk soon....1
@RockWILK 13 күн бұрын
@@zariamultimedia so sorry to hear about your family member, I hope for the best case scenario for you and your whole family. Honestly, I don’t really know anybody up here, I just moved up here from the Bronx a couple of years ago and I still don’t really know anybody up here, but I’m really enjoying being up this way. I’ve lived in the city most of my life, and I lived in Spring Valley down in Rockland as well. Keep making that great art, and let me know when you’re around this way. :-) Until then, glad you landed in a place that you think is good for you and your family, and I hope you take advantage of every single day of your life.thanks for all the good energy, I appreciate it.
@moojoo1972 15 күн бұрын
To me the word "disposable" carries a negative connotation. Maybe another word (such as transient) from the philosophy of Wabi Sabi could be better.
@RockWILK 15 күн бұрын
@@moojoo1972 Well… it’s my working title for now, and to be honest, that’s the word that I thought about when I was a little boy. That I literally felt that that word defined me. That’s how I felt. But I have a play that I wrote and performed for five years called Brooklyn Quartet, that I think is the most important work of my life, and the original title of that play was Privilege. Which I thought was perfect, but a great Dramaturg that I know who works at Disney gave me the title of A Brooklyn, Quartet, and I took out the “A”, and like I said, it was the most amazing five years of my life working on that play, so who knows? I’m assuming that this title will probably change over time, as I continue to write this screenplay, and as things evolve, but it’s where I have to start, because it’s the most honest place. But thank you so much, I really appreciate what you said. I always take feedback from people as an honor. So thanks again.
@dangerrayy 12 күн бұрын
I read about a little article about a psychologist who became widely recognised for his stages of man (life). And if you mature that you will move through these stages. As we get older we start to focus on our legacy and what positive things we can do for the next generations. One more thought: Tarkovsky the great russian film director believed arts purpouse was to ready people for death. I thought that this was a beautiful and noble cause, because if we are ready for death maybe we can really live. And maybe then, just life is enough.
@moojoo1972 15 күн бұрын
"So to become the artist is the most important thing. To have something to say means you have to live." -- Christopher Doyle
@RockWILK 15 күн бұрын
@@moojoo1972 🙏❤️
@dergelenkspreizer5272 15 күн бұрын
A7RV+24-70 2.8 GM II zoom here. From tripod on a fixed target. 1st image in crop mode 40mm at f/2.8. 2nd image in ff medium raw 60mm at f/4. Both images have 26 MP. I put both images in Photoshop in layers to get them compared in depth. Ignoring I had to double the exposure time for the f4 image, guess what the difference was.
@RockWILK 15 күн бұрын
@@dergelenkspreizer5272 nothing? Or very little.
@aurorasigma 16 күн бұрын
Hello, Good Sir. I was about to surf the YT for information about the Lumix GH5. (Current EM1 Markiii owner) And your video has stood out and caught my attention. Leading me to this video. I must say... from a foster kid to another, this was very heartfelt. Hearing you speak and based on your frequency, seems like you have overcome a lot throughout your journey. Thank you, so much for sharing your story. I am very delighted to have stumbled upon your channel. Hope all is blessed.
@RockWILK 15 күн бұрын
@@aurorasigma Ahh, thank you so much. I think we all go through a lot from day-to-day, nothing is easy, but at the same time, it’s really important to find some joy in every day. You should check out my movie The Center of Distance since your background is relatable to mine. I think you might find it really interesting. There’s a link in the description of this video. Thanks so much for coming through, and for the kind words, I really appreciate that and I don’t take any of it for granted. Thanks again, and have a beautiful day.
@aurorasigma 15 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK True indeed. Well said. I will add this to my watch list for this weekend. Thank you!
@RockWILK 14 күн бұрын
@@aurorasigma Enjoy!!
@lwrcs 16 күн бұрын
Going through a particularly hard time and this hit me particularly hard. It's a terrifying idea to be forgotten but also freeing in that the things that hold me back from doing what I want to perhaps aren't such a big deal.
@RockWILK 15 күн бұрын
@@lwrcs I think everything you do should be a big deal to you. And as long as you create work with the intention of sharing it, I think you’re on the right track, at least in my opinion, but it is a complicated and complex, layered conundrum. Life is fleeting, but we have to find joy in every day, and hopefully find that in what we do with that day. Thanks so much for coming through, I really appreciate that, and remember that the good thing about our fleeting life is that tomorrow can always be better than today. Here’s to possibilities.
@NoelleV 16 күн бұрын
Thank you!! 😁 Such a BIG topic; I can't wait to see how your exploration of it blooms into a new story for us to behold & absorb into the fabric of our selves. I think also that there are subtle, invisible effects from all the things we consume, whether those things are temporary (like theater) or etched into some semi-permanent medium (like film), and that those effects ripple out across space & time, so that potentially, in a way, nothing is ever truly lost... // ...birth, existence, being, becoming, creation, creativity, art, legacy, memory, fleeting, ephemerality, impermanence, disappearance, death, life, to be, to have been, to be no more, and what does it mean, WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN, because it has to mean something... #proofofexistence
@RockWILK 16 күн бұрын
@@NoelleV the first win is that I decided, or found something inside of me, to try and find out. #ArtHeals
@DroseMr 16 күн бұрын
Beautiful.Thank You
@RockWILK 16 күн бұрын
@@DroseMr 😉🙏
@AllThingsFilm1 16 күн бұрын
I love that you're starting a new film project. As a member of Patreon, I look forward to seeing your journey with this new film unfolding before us. Thank you!
@RockWILK 16 күн бұрын
@@AllThingsFilm1 Thank you so much!! Onward we go!!
@angelabrasington6368 16 күн бұрын
Love this! ❤ Life is interesting.
@RockWILK 16 күн бұрын
@@angelabrasington6368 ❤️🙏❤️
@DanFarrar 16 күн бұрын
Looks great at 20mm! The light changes add to the authenticity IMO. Good luck with your project!
@RockWILK 16 күн бұрын
@@DanFarrar thanks so much! I love how the sun went down at a perfect moment, and then came back up at the very end. It was perfect. Thanks again for all the good energy, I really appreciate that.
@AllThingsFilm1 16 күн бұрын
You truly have a gift that is rare on KZbin. You share your experience and views on creating art that reaches a wide audience and focuses on inspiring others. You don't just talk about inspiring others, you actually DO inspire myself and the people that watch your videos. I used to concern myself with watch hours. But, as someone who works full time, I still struggle with making videos. I have a lot of products that I acquired for the sake of making reviews. But, I'm at a point where I want to create narrative work more than product reviews. It's a mental wrestling match between my ears. But, I try to keep my head above water and focus on writing stories. Mostly short stories at the moment. There are moments where I look at my subscriber count and wonder what do I need to do to boost the numbers. But, now I try not to think about that so much, and turn my focus back to storytelling. And there in lies another struggle. I try to outline a compelling story. Sometimes I'll script out a scene in script form with dialogue. I find that I write good dialogue, but still struggle with the story itself. And that's my journey so far. I'm sorry that you're getting such a run around with Patreon. I have a couple people that I support on Patreon, but I recently realized I'm not interested in what they're doing right now. So, I'm going to see about switching my support to you on Patreon. Hopefully, I won't run into the road blocks you talked about. Thanks again for another compelling and inspiring video. Your talks really help with keeping me going. I could not be more grateful for your work. Thank you.
@RockWILK 16 күн бұрын
For me, the story always comes first, and then the characters who are going to drive that story, but I can see creating characters and then the journey they'll take, but I think that's more of a challenge. But either way, once you get a good page or two, you will be well on your way, and that is a great place to be. Chasing down the story to the end. What happens along the way to solving the problem. An amazing way to make art, at least to me. ;) Thanks so much for all the kind words, as always, and I am VERY INTERESTED in what happens if you really go to my Patreon and become a paying member. There's a link in the description here. Please let me know if there are still issues. Pisses me off. ;) And THANK YOU for considering joining. I will honor your support, my word. Good luck on your narrative work, you'll find so much more spiritual fulfillment in that kind of focus over views, subs and watch hours. Look at how my videos have slowed down since I got to 1000. It's insidious, but I'm not here to play that game. I'm keeping it organic, always....
@AllThingsFilm1 16 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK Thanks for sharing more inspiration. I will keep you posted about my Patreon experience. Cheers.
@AllThingsFilm1 16 күн бұрын
I signed up on Patreon to support you. So far, no glitches.
@RockWILK 16 күн бұрын
@@AllThingsFilm1 I really appreciate that, thank you so much. The problem was actually when people were trying to sign up for the higher tiers, it seemed like patreon was only allowing people to sign up for the lowest tier. Either way, I am humbled and I will honor your support, thank you so much
@MaxoticsTV 16 күн бұрын
20mm is the bomb :) Which you'll probably realizing watching this footage.
@RockWILK 16 күн бұрын
@@MaxoticsTV Yes! As long as i keep a decent distance from the camera i don’t get any of that wide distortion. Beautiful focal length to work with. Thanks so much.
@DanFarrar 17 күн бұрын
20-60mm is well above average IMO. Nice roll with the video shots! background music is A+. Thanks for the push…you motivate my friend 👍
@RockWILK 17 күн бұрын
@@DanFarrar yes I agree, it's an awesome lens. For me, it's much more flexible than the 28-70 that I was using, even though I loved that lens, 20 mm is so much wider than 28. And I have a great 28mm vintage prime, so this was a good move for me. And thanks so much for the kind words and for the constant good energy, it means a lot to me.
@DanFarrar 17 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK You do a terrific job sharing your thoughts and the production value and edit style is easy on the eyes. I know you don’t watch much KZbinrs (I get that lol) but I did a vid recently I’m pretty happy with. If time permits I’d love to hear your honest feedback. It’s called The Story of the Green Bridge.
@RockWILK 17 күн бұрын
@@DanFarrar thanks for the kind words. I’ll definitely check it out when I get home later tonight. Thanks for letting me know.
@grabedigger 17 күн бұрын
Hell man, the insight on this is awesome. I am about to finish filming a ton of crap to start my own channel. In Portugal from all places and in portuguese from all languages. Is it a wise decision to go with portuguese and not english? I don't know. But damn I want to give out something to my community, tell something, help folk out. Let's hope this algorithm thing helps out. And let me edit this comment to add the following, yeah it might seem like these companies are stopping you from growing and one might feel influenced by "Curated by the website to you", but yeah, be yourself nonetheless. I also see myself as an artist, photography being the big deal here and this is maybe why I also don't see myself as a content creator and this is also why I have this gut feeling that I might fail at this KZbin game. But I won't quit!
@RockWILK 17 күн бұрын
You won't fail. You can't, because you are the only person who gets to decide something like that, and the fact that you want to contribute to your own community is everything. If you're concerned about language, why not add English subtitles to make it more "global". I appreciate this message, thanks so much for coming through and taking the time to comment, it means a lot, and let me know when you open up your channel. As much as I won't understand the language, I would love to see what you do. I watched the film 1917 without sound a few times, so words are not always necessary to tell a great story. There's that... ;) Peace and respect and thanks again.
@PH-0046 17 күн бұрын
Beautiful episode, and the idea of being true to oneself, and not chase the clicks, will feel better by each year passing, Like the Alfred Tennyson poem "Ulysses": We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
@RockWILK 17 күн бұрын
@@PH-0046 ... and not to yield". Amen and forever. Thanks so much for the kind words, and for the inspiration. It is much appreciated and not taken for granted.
@DroseMr 17 күн бұрын
Love when you say iso 4000💣💥! Looking forward to finishing soon. Thank You
@RockWILK 17 күн бұрын
@@DroseMr on my camera, because of the dual native iso, I only shoot at either 640 or 4000. Everything is really clean at those two settings.
@DroseMr 17 күн бұрын
Vast hrs should be addin up🫶🤪usin 4000 in tha gh6. Vast story broke wide open and vast show on you vast channel💯🫡Thank You
@steveschnetzler5471 17 күн бұрын
It is summer time, weather is nice, spending less time watching youtube. It may just be the summer lull. Interesting b roll, looks like I need to check out the 20-60 on the used sites. I have the 24-105, but it is too heavy for me to carry around all the time. Thanks.
@RockWILK 17 күн бұрын
@@steveschnetzler5471 I think it's a great lens. I have a cinebloom filter on it, and I always use an ND filter, but I needed a 20mm focal distance, and the more I use the lens, the more I actually love it. It doesn't Focus as well as my vintage lenses with regards to manual focus, but I actually use the autofocus button to capture Focus sometimes, because the focus ring, even though it's set to "linear", definitely doesn't work like an actual manual lens. And obviously I can't zone focus or anything like that, which is what I'm used to, but having said that, I could have this lens and no other lens and do all my work for sure. It's really awesome. And most importantly, it makes the footage look beautiful. Thanks so much for coming through, and watching this video, I really appreciate that a lot.
@CaleMcCollough 18 күн бұрын
Your mic sounds great, but I'm sitting here looking at your mic and it breaks the illusion.
@RockWILK 18 күн бұрын
@@CaleMcCollough of course, I completely agree with you, but this is a KZbin video. :-) When I’m making an actual film, I’m definitely going to hide all of my audio gear, but for KZbin, I feel like it’s actually better to show people what I’m using, because that’s what KZbin is for. But I appreciate the comment, because when it comes to telling stories, what you point out is actually very important. But I consciously choose it this way because, again, it’s a KZbin video. :-) Thanks so much for coming through, and for taking the time to watch, and for commenting, I know that takes time and I really appreciate it and don’t take it for granted.
@CaleMcCollough 18 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK At least cover up the green light. It's just really distracting when you're talking.
@NeonCucumber 18 күн бұрын
Hi what's the lens/focal length on your intro talking shot? I like the framing and look and was wondering. Thanks.
@RockWILK 18 күн бұрын
@@NeonCucumber 28mm. And thanks so much for the kind words, I appreciate that.
@DocBoA 20 күн бұрын
Sold all of my gear to lock in with S5iix. Hands down best decision i could have made. Great content!
@RockWILK 20 күн бұрын
@@DocBoA thanks so much for the kind words, and best of luck with your new camera!
@Lorde_raph 21 күн бұрын
@RockWILK 21 күн бұрын
@@Lorde_raph 🙏😉
@Lorde_raph 21 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK it’s a n honor.. I’m just about starting are career in photography… I’d love to be this vast 💯🫡❤️
@RockWILK 21 күн бұрын
@@Lorde_raph thanks so much for the kind words. Just stay open, don’t let the paranoia and the negativity of the Internet suck your soul out of your body, and you will be as vast as you want to be. Thanks so much for coming through, and for commenting, I greatly appreciate that, and I don’t take it for granted.
@Lorde_raph 21 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK okay, i will always stay positive 😊. The pleasure is all mine
@RockWILK 21 күн бұрын
@@Lorde_raph that's an act of powerful Defiance in this world we live in. Just keep doing what you do, because art heals.
@JayFingers 22 күн бұрын
Appreciate you for sharing your thoughts and advice on this. You’ve got me thinking of how I can go about shooting something on my own. 🙏🏾
@RockWILK 22 күн бұрын
@@JayFingers that makes me feel good. If I can inspire people to get out there and do something beyond what they thought they could do, I feel like that's a real honor. Like I did something useful. Hope you do it, because you can. :-) thanks so much for coming through and watching, and for taking the time to comment, I greatly appreciate that.
@JayFingers 20 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK Yessir! I also subscribed to the channel. I wanna catch all the jewels you’re dropping. 😄 Cheers, my man!
@RockWILK 20 күн бұрын
@@JayFingers thanks so much! I really appreciate that. 🙏💪💯
@DroseMr 22 күн бұрын
Purple haze is where im at. Gerald has cool new interveiw stuff. Got Gh7. Ive been having issues w xlr2 32 bit . Hopefully soon ill figure it out. I put levels at the max. Gotta go hope ta get back. Thank You
@RockWILK 22 күн бұрын
@@DroseMr congratulations!! Hope it serves you well, you should make a video about it.
@DroseMr 21 күн бұрын
@@RockWILKim workin on montage or idk mess just edit of video clips out in a day or 2🤪🤷🫡ROCK in movie maker at 37:01 catchup later.Thank You
@RockWILK 21 күн бұрын
@@DroseMr very cool. Do it up!
@DroseMr 20 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK would love to know what you would call what i created. Please Let me know the good bad and ugly. No offence takin. Means alot. Thank You
@RockWILK 20 күн бұрын
@@DroseMr your comments are turned off. Beautiful family, that's why we have the tools that we have, to document our lives. Looks like you're making the gh7 a tool put to good use. Beautiful life. I hope you never take it for granted. :-)
@AllThingsFilm1 23 күн бұрын
Thank you for continuing to contribute to our community, and to the quality of life as well. You brought up the point that the cameras that have been coming out lately have been very high in quality and ability. And how much further can they go? There will come a time when these "prosumer" cameras will get so close to the cinema line of cameras, to the ARRIs, the REDs, the Sony Venice cameras, etc., that they will likely start to cut into the sales of those higher end cameras. The latest iPhones, the 15 Pro/Max, with its Apple Log profile can be shot and shown on a theater screen with no issues. When I shot my first clip with my iPhone 15 Pro in Apple Log and looked at it in DaVinci Resolve, I was blown away with the quality and how clean it was. A lot less noise then I saw in my iPhone 12 Pro Max footage (which is what I had before the 15 Pro). As far as KZbin goes, your style of video / editing is actually becoming the more popular style right now. From the flashy, motion graphics heavy, fast paced cutting to now where less editing and more talking head slower paced, more personal, videos are becoming the preferred style. In that respect, you're ahead of the game, as the saying goes. What separates, and lifts, your videos from the rest of the crowd is your focus on story and the importance of telling stories and giving back to the community. That's the one thing that is beautiful about your content. You keep it real. And your advice and commentary are the gems buried deep in the ground below the pile of KZbin videos that some of us have been fortunate enough to find. Thanks again for sharing your views. And as usual, I am inspired to create more content myself. I do work full time from 7am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. So, my weekends are the best time to create. But, that doesn't stop me from creating. I'm still developing stories, especially short films. I feel with my schedule, that shorts are more doable. Either way, I want to continue to create whether its writing on the weekends or the occasional video I drop on KZbin, I've started to ignore my watch hours and just focus on creating and not worrying about it. It's more important to me to keep creating and sharing whatever that looks like, and going from there. Thanks again for the inspiration.
@RockWILK 23 күн бұрын
@@AllThingsFilm1 thanks for this message. I really appreciate it. That iPhone sounds pretty incredible, but for me I really enjoy the whole vibe of using a proper camera. I don’t doubt that these cell phones can rival regular cameras and lenses, but it’s just not the same experience in my opinion. Plus the flexibility of interchangeable lenses makes a huge difference. At least to me. And dealing with aperture is the dealbreaker for me. I’m so happy that you’re inspired to consistently make new work, I think that’s really important, and good for the planet. That’s how I honestly feel. :-) Thanks again for all the kind words, I don’t take them for granted, and onward we go!
@CABRALCREATES 23 күн бұрын
Man this video has a lot of interesting topics. That Gerald Undone video was a waste of my time and as a result I unsubscribe. Reputation is very hard to earn but very easy to lose. Great video keep on going!
@RockWILK 23 күн бұрын
@@CABRALCREATES I actually think in his own way, Gerald was making a statement. Because his last video about “we’re talking about cameras?“ Was kind of the same waste of time, but he’s not a stupid man, I think he’s making an intentional comment on the state of KZbin, or specifically the camera space. But I totally understand how you feel, and as you said, it takes a long time to gain somebody’s trust, but it can take a split second to lose it. But maybe think about it a little beyond the obvious and perhaps he’s making a comment that is supporting somebody like you, who is making beautiful art, as opposed to wasting peoples time with the same review that 100 other people are making. Maybe what Gerald did was in support of you. I’d like to look at it that way. :-) Keep making great art like you do. I think you’re doing really important work. Don’t ever quit.
@CABRALCREATES 23 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK Thanks you too! Gerald is very smart no doubt about it at least from the technical side of things, now he’s having issues seeking attention on KZbin because the KZbin audience wants authenticity and creativity and he’s trying to get that attention by using methods like bashing on Lumix and other creators over a trip (gozip) and clickbaiting. I do think when someone is too technical they have trouble being creative I believe that’s the issue with him. Now watch everyone else copy him so that we small creators suffer the consequences of his clickbait video, people will loose more trust on filmmakers/creators on KZbin. Imagine if you tried that on KZbin people would grill you or me if we tried. I think he should use this opportunity of this KZbin change to actually film anything with the gear he has, put the knowledge into practice.
@RockWILK 23 күн бұрын
@@CABRALCREATES I agree with you 💯% . Like I said in my video, I wonder if somebody like him even has any desire to do something creative. I believe a lot of KZbinrs are just technical nerd geeks, which is fine, but if people are bored with that, who can actually tell a story? I guess we're going to find out. :-) but as far as I'm concerned, just keep focusing on yourself, that's what I'm always doing, and let the universe provide. Just keep making art, that's really what's most important.
@CABRALCREATES 23 күн бұрын
@@RockWILK Man wise words! If you ever come to NYC and want to film let me know! 👋🏾
@RockWILK 23 күн бұрын
@@CABRALCREATES will do. 🙏❤️💯