Why do Horse Girls? 🐴
4 ай бұрын
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@alabaster253 12 сағат бұрын
The sad part is that most women who truly are internally misogynistic were or are in an abusive situation like a patriarchal religion or father or husband. Most are doing it out of fear and insecurity and they don’t even realize it. They will be pulled out by empathy and education and self confidence, not by being called names.
@carrieon2912 13 сағат бұрын
I think another argument about "the other woman" is the context that BOTH women were unaware of the lies, for example, a "mistress" would often be unaware of their "boyfriends" wife and family, in which case she would be another victim of a lying and manipulative man. However, if the mistress WAS aware of the family and partner, but continues to pursue a relationship regardless of this fact, that is seedy and gross. Praying for the downfall of another relationship when there are plenty of single and available people in the world is a very uncomfortable and shady thing to do. Being upset at a woman that KNOWINGLY pursues a relationship with a married, engaged, or otherwise unavailable man is absolutely justified.
@chreeess 13 сағат бұрын
Been subbed for OVER A FCKIN YEAR AND WHERE TF IS THE GD COW?! I like, I subscribe, I do everything necessary see this cow! Unsubscribed because no cow
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 17 сағат бұрын
The unidentifiable BeastFriend ear bobbing in the lower left of the frame for several minutes is hypnotic ngl.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 17 сағат бұрын
Stephen Crowder's Stage Dad shows you just how wrong this can go.
@TheRikaido 17 сағат бұрын
The crazy thing about all this, is the cis hetero man, they just get bored about all this, and let you guys and the haters discuss yourselfs about, all my friends are thinking about work, games, their pets, and sometimes sex and love, sometimes, and when we enter to talk about modern social movements, we just "oh f this thing again, people are still stuck on these questions? Well, lets wait more 2 - 3 years and hope that get outdoors in a pub become fun again, maybe one day, or maybe never, like, we are already at one century of this shit talk" Guys are just f to this, yes are some boomers really upset with what others do with their asses, but the vast majority just don't care, the thing is.. cis het men are unable to make friends and maintain friendships with certain movements because they are toxic, as if the guy's sexuality were a moral sin for being cis, and that is why movements against it emerge, and at a certain point it becomes hypocritical ostracism, because treat each other as they didn't want to be treated, and then two sides that live separately will hardly accept each other properly, but the vast majority of men just choose not to get involved, because they're not against it but they're also not welcome, and the idea is to stay away so as not to be stressed.
@Ayyylien51 20 сағат бұрын
I'm a conservative kid, I have little to no conception of the topics I'm scripted to discuss, but my dad says he's proud of me for saying my lines.
@elise1409 21 сағат бұрын
I don’t think I ever realized how horse girl adjacent I was and I absolutely galloped in elementary school (also the autism probably explains a lot)
@callen8908 21 сағат бұрын
What’s the expression? Is it “internalized misogyny”. I think that’s it. Maybe Stockholm syndrome? Self-hating one’s gender? Pick me? Some of these women expect other women to do all the changing, make all the accommodations. Suspect
@Olivia-nr9qp 21 сағат бұрын
Ok, so maybe I'm just more stupid than your average conservative child, but why would a home seller feel like they need to add $25,000 to the price? It doesn't matter who pays the down payment, they're still getting the same amount? Like, if my mom said hey I'm gonna pay your down payment for you, that money is going to my bank not the seller, and the seller is getting the agreed on amount no matter who put it in the bank. It feels like these hypothetical sellers saw an idea to try to make houses easier to sell and said actually we're going to make them harder to sell.
@shouflalam 22 сағат бұрын
we're never gonna see that cow are we ...
@shadyguy23 23 сағат бұрын
I feel like outright banning kids from *using* the internet, while probably beneficial for a lot of them, would be extremely difficult to implement; but I feel like there need to be some kind of regulations against exploiting your kids for content at the very least.
@outsidethewall8488 Күн бұрын
This is off topic but your bookshelf has pretty much all the same books as mine in it
@julie-zmb Күн бұрын
24:25, brooo what makes eating a burger a pick me behavior 🙁
@SimmersNest Күн бұрын
When do we meet the cow??????
@user-lp2ju9pw1u Күн бұрын
Because trans people using their preferred bathroom is predatory, but using your kid as the front of your brand in which they are vulnerable to adults wanting to hurt them isn’t? So much for the “what about the kids” mindset of the right
@crystalkirby Күн бұрын
Do people remember that Vine family from about 10-13 years ago back in the day? I feel like whatever that 'father' is doing is like the bad end to that type of thing. Where that Vine family was doing it to be funny, and the impression I got was that it was all just for laughs and consensual, the family being talked about in this video... Well it doesn't take a genius, I'm sure most people here see the problem. There's manual for how to raise a child but the fact that these little kids are spouting such things, things they likely don't understand the ramifications of, and it's being put online for all to see? Is shocking and heartbreaking...
@the_conflationist Күн бұрын
Fuuuuccccckkkkk! … I don’t know. This is a sensitive topic. Ans I will never live with roommates again.
@bunkle96 Күн бұрын
On the bastardization of terms: I've literally seen several people saying "stay awake, not woke" and want to pull my hair out
@Amandanumnum Күн бұрын
Hold on the way I’m also on level 114 of Love and Pies lmao
@Pheelleep Күн бұрын
Thats crazy! I always thought slang terms like “bruh” “fam” “vibe” “cancel” and such came from the corporate suits who ran Vine back when it was a thing, I never knew those terms were AAVE
@veraroder7529 Күн бұрын
In other, less depressing news, your book collection 😍
@tiamorton1927 Күн бұрын
You cant just do an entire video in front of a (very well stocked, mind you) bookshelf and not plan on doing a bookish video soon!
@skywares Күн бұрын
HOW did it take me two days to see this video??? Yt do better 👏🐄
@_Jak_Hollow_ Күн бұрын
"Dude why can't you and I just get along? "Because you just stabbed me and have been continuously stabbing me every day for basically my whole life and everyone elses lives." "Okay but, like, that's YOUR opinion, and that was sooooo long ago." "The knife is still in my chest." "Wow, y'know maybe if your people weren't so hostile and rude, things in the world would be so much better."
@torgeist. Күн бұрын
Love your videos, can't wait to meet the cow someday!
@ShadowPack90 Күн бұрын
32:30 i'm just trying to draw in peace, let me have this/j ;-;
@dizzylilthing Күн бұрын
while it is fun to dunk on these people, it is really important to remember that these are the people who think it is inappropriate to teach children how to say no to unwanted contact. Conservatives are looking for ways to increase their access to children, every conservative is either a PDF file or has been tricked by one.
@dizzylilthing Күн бұрын
conservatives want to dismantle the program that stopped me from hanging myself when I was 12 because it is grooming to take care of LGBT children but they believe that unpaid child labor and forcing them to be political talking heads isn't grooming? I guess it makes sense, all conservatives are minor attracted people.
@carlosescudero9845 Күн бұрын
lol criticizing brainless kids while pushing dumb mobile games 😅
@alisaurus4224 Күн бұрын
Nooooo I can’t download Love & Pies because I already did when they sponsored Jammidodger!
@Kristoph-69-69 Күн бұрын
They care about which bathroom their kids use at school but they won't do anything to prevent the kids getting shot in school.
@fleurgriffthis4294 Күн бұрын
Another thing is as an autistic girl lots of my fellow autistic girls had a special interest in horses and as a lot of autistic people do with there special interest especially as children they spend most of their time and money on that interest. It is very common for autistic people’s joy (especially woman) to be mocked and this reminds me a lot of that.
@maxhundred3437 Күн бұрын
@sherikrupp Күн бұрын
I’m a conservative kid, of course my dad doesn’t understand or believe in science