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@birgir3399 Сағат бұрын
"theres no such thing as a non-skillbased matchmaking" Yes there is? There obviously is? Theres matchmaking based on connection alone. Thats the best matchmaking currently.
@AleK0451 2 сағат бұрын
a game called liero did the real time worms thing donkey's years ago, shit was fire although it didn't have physics for the destruction
@HiGlowie 2 сағат бұрын
When pro gaming started to be lucrative the AAA gaming industry started going downhill.
@Pannicusthethird 3 сағат бұрын
Slow is nice and all but i want games that force me to work at a million miles an hour its just more fun for me
@speemus6223 3 сағат бұрын
now this. is a video
@HiGlowie 5 сағат бұрын
I never understood why they’re so afraid of lImInAl sPaCeS
@themystikone 10 сағат бұрын
Been reading through the comments and i only have 1 question and its the most Important that no one i have seen has really pushed on. Define "Fun" whats "Fun" to me (Fighting game background) is the nerdy frame data stuff. Pressing buttons gets boring really quickly I like to know what im doing and why im doing it. Beating people who are on a lower level than me is not fun its boring. I LOVE Fighting opponents the same skill lvl or higher because i get to learn what Im doing and why I'm doing it as well as those tense moments where im 1 hit and they are 1 hit and its 10 seconds on the clock. I love learning "Oh shit I got hot by that move when i get off work tonight imma lab it and see if I can sidestep/ challenge/ counter." Im not a pro and I'm not a sweat. To me getting better is apart of the experience and its partly why i enjoy fighting games more than any other genre. I'm not saying pros can't be wrong, I'm say assuming that pro player's suggestions aren't "fun" because you don't want to learn how to play os a weird argument to make. What if there is a character with a move that locks you in place/ its a charged move so maybe byper armor/ and plus 5 on block, its locked behind a stance so you have to weave it into your block strings to make the move shine, if you are paying attention it is an easy sidestep and you can launch it for free. Casuals won't understand it and probably won't know it's easy to sidestep so they fight a person who uses the character and get washe and then will cry about it being broken. Pros will laugh and say its the easiest thing to punish in the world and nerfing it would only make the character even more useless than they already are. Who do you listen to? I've gotten so much hate mail in For Honor and Tekken and Street fighter its not even funny. "Bruh why are you trying so hard? This isn't Evo grand finals!" When all I'm doing is playing the game in the way i find fun, which is learning how to use my character properly and finding my groove. It's also weird that some people just assume that pros want the game to appeal to their needs when this whole conversation is about appealing to theirs...strange. I know it's crazy but you know that some pros want the game to be balanced so newbies don't get crushed by people who exploit certain mechanics/ improve the general experience not every pro wants their main to be meta, some pros want their mains nerfed because they think a move they have access to is stupid. It isn't rare either you can find many different clips of folks wanting their mains nerfed for balance sake. Lastly yes Balance doesn't equal fun but unbalanced doesn't equal fun either. Balanced don't always mean "Optimal" it could also mean equal/ manageable. What is "Fun" is subjective and it's useless to argue what is and isn't fun the more useful conversation is how we can achieve the goal the game has in mind? Is it meant for casuals? Sure go nuts. Is it competitive? Then treat it as such. And if you don't like Casual or Competitive games then maybe the target audience isn't for you and you should probably pick a different game or adapt to the new one. Not saying you can't criticize it, just make sure your criticism doesn't fly in the face of the goal of the game.
@RosieSapphire 11 сағат бұрын
Thank you, John Carmack.
@salsamancer 12 сағат бұрын
This comparison makes no sense, it's like comparing soccer to basketball because they're both games played with a ball. Totally different design, different experience, different expectations and on top of all that it's not hard to like both for different reasons.
@PickleSurpriseVEVO 12 сағат бұрын
God you’re bad at delivering information. Crap voice, wrong info about the hitboxes, that epic sjw joke from 2014. Try something else, explaining mathematic theory is not your strength.
@user_2793 13 сағат бұрын
No Playstation Rob is actually nice 😔
@ObossRocks 13 сағат бұрын
This looks terrible dude Dont quit your day job 😂
@legioonalainen 13 сағат бұрын
/mlpol/ won
@Pabliski577 16 сағат бұрын
Freedom of speech is being slowly eroded on the internet, at the same rate as plants growing
@dum_tard5528 16 сағат бұрын
soyjaks are THE worst memes
@JulesThicc 17 сағат бұрын
Having to do networking for your first game is like being born blind and deaf. Good luck
@JulesThicc 17 сағат бұрын
Why does this video have horror undertones lmao it made it unreasonably funny
@nanachisaisho8037 17 сағат бұрын
"you can do anything magic skeleton"
@keecko8169 21 сағат бұрын
also a lot of the time that pros ask dev's to "make a weapon more balanced" they're essentially asking for it to become boring, unfun, and never used
@adonisparts1343 Күн бұрын
Erm that just happened
@nuntius1 Күн бұрын
you yapped about everything on the internet until I know you would f up at a certain point, and then you started talking about Political ideologies like communism and anarchism... are you saying we're not supposed to discuss those things?
@kingofthorns203 Күн бұрын
Future generations studying this era will find a lot of valuable information in this chronicle.
@ItsNotUnusual-mp5qd Күн бұрын
I loved Reach. It was my favorite halo because of how grounded the story was. I always wanted a war story in my Halo. And war stories need people to get hurt
@lampenpam Күн бұрын
"they didm't limit the size to the hitbox to the sprite" but THEY DID. That's why you can shoot above/under enemies when they are close to a ledge so that the auto aim doesn't tag them, or when shooting projectiles while they move under/above the projectile. They only removed vertical collision from them, to make collision less expensive. But the actual hitboxes have about the same height as the sprite. Also I can see how one can confuse the simplified collision, which is also known as 'infinite tall monsters', with the three dimensional hitboxes.