Attached - Animated Short Film
Unbreakable- A Zelda Animation
4 жыл бұрын
Reflections- A Zelda Animation
5 жыл бұрын
A Powerful Bond- A Zelda Animation
Always With Me- A Zelda Animation
Sworn Brothers- A Zelda Animation
Together - A Zelda Animation
6 жыл бұрын
A Happy Farewell - A Zelda Animation
Behind the Mask - A Zelda Animation
Twilight's Shadow - Midna's Farewell
Masked Courage - Zelda Animation
Masked Courage - Animation Teaser
- Lost Without a Regret - lll
8 жыл бұрын
@zenyehoshua0333 12 сағат бұрын
@zenyehoshua0333 12 сағат бұрын
@zenyehoshua0333 12 сағат бұрын
APLAUSOS!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@haidyluminedeguadalupebazp9305 19 сағат бұрын
@Narwhyn Күн бұрын
Take as long as you need. We're all excited.
@TechKing-128 Күн бұрын
It’s just a stupid video game The video game
@haidyluminedeguadalupebazp9305 Күн бұрын
@haidyluminedeguadalupebazp9305 Күн бұрын
Porfin es ocarina o majora's jajajajaa❤
@MeatSim9 2 күн бұрын
I'm so looking forward to what you have for us. I'm so excited!
@RayanKelai 2 күн бұрын
All those who are still waiting, like this comment pls
@BenOlsberg1995 2 күн бұрын
I've had the first episode of this series in my watch later playlist for a couple years and now that I finally decided to devote the necessary time to begin watching it, I can't properly put into words how wonderfully this was done. I've been an avid fan of the Zelda franchise since I was 7, ironically with Ocarina being the very first Zelda game I ever played. And to see a series that serves as a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time (even if it IS fan made) is nothing short of incredible. It's so unbelievably cool to see adult Link armed with the Gilded Sword and Mirror Shield. I've always loved the Gilded Sword, it was easily one of my favorite fantasy weapons when I was a kid. And to see the continuity properly expounded upon with Link in his adulthood wielding it is so perfect. Even going so far as to have the characters only speak in dialog boxes without the use of added voice acting makes this feel so undeniably authentic, it's breathtaking. And I also love how Link's current attire is a weathered shade of brown instead of the trademark green he's always worn. The brown gives his look a more appropriately worn in appearance. Not dilapidated or anything of that nature, just that he himself has gained some age and experience since he was still a kid at the beginning of Ocarina of Time. I know this series only has 5 full episodes out presently (and given how long I imagine they take to make that doesn't surprise me at all) but I'm going to make sure I avidly follow this series so's not to miss out on whenever a new episode is dropped.
@TheDanieru 2 күн бұрын
After I watched this conflict of Link choosing an answer I had a theory on a meta level: What if the green texts are really Links thoughts, but the blue chooser is in reality Zelda or the goddess on a meta level? What if the title „The Legend of Zelda“ is a sadistic way to say „The Entertainment of Zelda/the Goddess“?
@talithagoncalves01 3 күн бұрын
13:37 Link go to sell this stones to the Skull Kid to buy a new shield (it’s a reference of a fan animation) lol
@richardritz.official 3 күн бұрын
This is truly amazing work, story and all, and so emotional, Nintendo needs to work with you!
@richardritz.official 3 күн бұрын
15:22 sheesh, really pulling on the heart strings 🥲
@cherryartes 3 күн бұрын
There's an eye in my tear
@hlp8043 4 күн бұрын
duuude i haven't even played these games and I'm crying all the time, this is too good, makes want to play them much more, great stuff <3.
@Ozarka0 4 күн бұрын
Hold on hold on, I just realized something else. And yes, I know I already made a comment when this episode first came out, but here I am again. You said you wanted this to be as close to canon as possible. Most of the choices you made seem to go really well into that. But these are what's on my mind; 1. What was the point of making Hylia evil? There was no good reason to do that. 2. The thing I just realized now is WHY Ganondorf couldn't get his hands on the full Triforce. It's because he did not have a heart that properly balanced Power, Wisdom, and Courage. And yet this Ganondorf possesses all three traits in *spades*, if we go by your telling. And I know he's currently trying to get them and there's the implied doomed destiny he's having to work with. But there is also the utterly baffling realization that he's doing all of these horrific things and practically feeding Demise on his own by slaughtering a people who had nothing to do with his people's suffering for... what? 3. Link's not Courageous. He's a puppet in somebody else's scheme, which ruins his entire role in this story. Why write it so that his story is so... I dunno, just... pathetic? This whole "slave of destiny" thing makes every single heart-wrenching sacrifice Link made on his adventures less about his choice and more like he was just a puppet, completely destroying the meaning behind those sacrifices. This isn't quite as bad as Loki where everybody's actions were pre-ordained, meaning that Tony's sacrifice wasn't, and he was just always going to do that because he was meant to, destroying people's emotional investment in that. It's not quite as bad, but it's damn near up there. 4. Back on the Hylia thing and on the canon thing; if this is meant to be canon, then why is Hylia such a mind-raping control freak? The most manipulative thing she has done, as shown in Skyward Sword, was use Link's desire to protect Zelda to her own ends. And even then, her guilt for what she did--and yes, this can be said that this is Hylia's guilt as Zelda has fully reawakened her memories of who she was before she became Zelda by this point--cannot be understated. You could even say she hated herself for what she did. But in the end, she chose to protect her world. 5. Why does this whole "break free from destiny" thing have to make both Hylia and Demise evil when it was perfectly fine as it was? The reincarnation curse thing was ALL Demise. And it's just Hylia and her chosen hero, Link, having to be reborn to stop him. Why make Hylia this asshole for no reason? Why make it so that when Link tries to be understanding of his mortal enemy, she takes over and makes him attack? Seriously, man, what's the point? 6. And about the Gerudo. Where the hell did this "oppression" thing come from? Oppressed by what? Yeah, Hyrule has a darker history that most of its people don't know about. The Shadow Temple is described as a place that hides Hyrule's bloody history, but that temple is where the Sheika took Hyrule's enemies during a war. All nations go to war, and all that, but WHY was this translated to the Gerudo being "oppressed"? Please, somebody tell me if I missed something, because in all of the games I've played I do not once recall any sort of talk about oppression regarding the Gerudo. Like, if that were really a thing, then wouldn't the Gerudo, I dunno, MENTION that in canon somewhere? At LEAST in Ocarina of Time?? All of the changes that "stick as close to canon as possible" that I have seen regarding this story seem to be doing the exact opposite. Very little about this seems to share any sort of canon so that it can do its own thing, and while I'm usually fine with that, I take a very strong issue with people who take heroic characters and make them evil for no justifiable reason. As if destiny is a horrible thing. As if Link wouldn't have chosen to help those people regardless. As if Link would have just stayed in the Kokiri forest and ignored the Great Deku Tree's calling. As if he would have ignored Zelda's plight. Zelda, who I might remind you, *is Hylia*. Which this series seems to be implying that she's intentionally manipulating Link into serving her by both Ganondorf's words AND by those mind-rape illusions Link suffers during his chat with Ganondorf. And yet we see her doing the exact opposite; trying instead to get him to lay down his sword so that they do not make him fight. To sacrifice more of his life for nothing. Hell, if anything, Hylia (through Zelda) should be shown to be as much of a victim of this cycle of rebirth as Link and Ganondorf are. Not as a villain! As much as I have been loving this series for its exploration of Link's mental state and him coming to terms with what his life is now, I really, REALLY hate what this episode did to Link. What it does for Ganondorf is fantastic, but it took several steps too far and made Hylia a villain for no reason, and Link a mere puppet. It ruins Link's sacrifices, and makes him nothing more than a puppet of fate that he did not need to be. There's struggling with a terrible destiny (which should be Ganondorf's story and his alone), but then there's character assassination in one of the strangest routes to get to that point that I have ever seen.
@randymarsh1729 4 күн бұрын
How did 300,000 people watch the first and not the second!? the detail is so good! the vine that you climb to enter the castle along the dirt wall before finding a great fairy fountain!
@randymarsh1729 4 күн бұрын
Astounding... This is better than any netflix original by far! the cinematography, the foreshadowing, the camera depth and transitions, the hints at nostalgia, the music...
@graceperez9636 4 күн бұрын
So like when is episode gonna come out???
@RainVine 5 күн бұрын
Better back these videos up- nintendo went after the last animators who did this IIRC :( Super cool! May they always be available <3
@AlicjaWojtalska 5 күн бұрын
But sheik is Zelda
@MagikEscap3 5 күн бұрын
So, no one is going to talk about Tael? 😭 💔
@Beej220 5 күн бұрын
@stargirl7646 5 күн бұрын
Awwwww this is lovely! And they get to play!
@JohnDoe-vj7hn 5 күн бұрын
Omg all these twists and turns! Its like im watching a real anime movie or something. I love these!! U dont know how much we appreciate you and your work. Zelda Ocarina of time is my childhood and my only favorite Zelda game. This means so much to me. If theres any way i can support your work let me know! Much love❤
@JohnDoe-vj7hn 5 күн бұрын
This was beautiful. Though i was anticipating seeing Princess Zelda. But this was beautiful. Good job man. I laughed so hard after he lft Kokiri forest and was chased by the kids on helicopters. Lol
@graceperez9636 5 күн бұрын
Zelda and link should just get married already lol
@manuelhernandez-oi5uv 6 күн бұрын
Sigo esperando con ansias el siguiente capítulo
@ShadOwFax2287 6 күн бұрын
Is there any updates on episode 6 ? I have just discovered all these and binged the first 5 episodes and gutted to see there are no updates on the next one. PLEASE GIVE ME AN UPDATE ??!!! 😍
@Joe2Cool4You692 6 күн бұрын
in the next episode, we need a conversation between Skyward Sword Link and Demise on why they won’t let these two end the curse
@Repyhebuc 7 күн бұрын
excellent job with this animation. It makes you realize even more how plain TP's storytelling was. The whole game felt half-assed and not really worth the time we waited for it.
@sam-jn6nl 7 күн бұрын
wouldn't be even crazier if Demise was the vessel/ reincarnation of Null, still trying to erase the world by creating chaos. like an endless cycle
@Retro_Sketcher 7 күн бұрын
6:08 giggity.
@Tmarriott220 7 күн бұрын
Soooo are we getting the next video?
@angelgutierrezarreola663 7 күн бұрын
I wish to see link using for last time the mask of fierce deity
@Serenade-B 8 күн бұрын
Esrb rating
@nickolasdavis8373 8 күн бұрын
The transitions between fight Ganondorf and oot link were just smooth AF
@ZeldaLover65304 8 күн бұрын
Darunia, stop hitting people1
@BroDragonBoo013 8 күн бұрын
i go back on asking to be reborn with her... i plead with God to end this cycle of events, which i started, long ago when Hylia lost her life... and i gave in to temptation for her heart, at the expense of all our freedom.
@BroDragonBoo013 8 күн бұрын
charity... charity begats courage. courage begats wondrous growth. wondrous growth begats goodness. goodness begats charity. but sadness... is a part of the sacrifices necessary to make for others... to ensure their safety and wellbeing.
@Sszzs 8 күн бұрын