@ItsOver9000Productions Минут бұрын
There are a few good things Toei executed better than Toriyama and this is one of them. This is a show about characters pushing past the odds no matter how insurmountable they seem. It bothered me when i read the manga to see the Z-Fighters not even try and just let an 11 year take on this monster on his own. Yes, their attacks don't do shit, but it's a much better narrative to have them TRY and persevere in the face of the death and inspire Vegeta to do the same. Having everything focus on the Saiyans alone sucks, especially when we fell in love with these human characters way before. This moment is the ultimate culmination of everything up to that point from episode 1 for all characters. Not just Goku. Great video dude. I'm fine with filler if it doesn't contradict anything or undermine the actual circumstances of the story.
@hia5235 2 сағат бұрын
DB Kai isnt Dragonball Z
@hia5235 2 сағат бұрын
I agree The anime improved the Manga here
@SidGameReview 7 сағат бұрын
While I love the anime version with filler way more than the manga version, I disagree that Vegeta wouldn’t have helped without the z fighters first, trunks just died, and Vegeta already attacked cell once, and gohan gave up his arm to save Vegeta, makes no sense Vegeta wouldn’t attack cell when he had the chance, I like to think that he was charging the attack, that’s why it took him a while to hit it.
@The_Gamebuster 8 сағат бұрын
Finally. Somebody said it. I love this version of the event so much more. Thank you for explaining this topic better than i ever could, ive gotta show this to my buddy.
@stevenwoods5787 18 сағат бұрын
Actually I think the main thing with vegeta was, yes there was some fear, he been getting punked by cell over n over now, and yes his pride is there, but trunks being killed is really what pushed him. Helping gonna went against everything he believed in, but at this point fuck it dude killed his son right before him, he dies regardless who kills him
@MrAweeze 20 сағат бұрын
Just one example of how the filler only helps Z. A rare accomplishment in anime indeed. DB sure was special. Garlic Junior was great fun, imo. What a way to tease out the time til we saw Goku again. I have to point out, however, Jackson's non canon take on Helms Deep undermines the feats of not only Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas by inserting Elves who were never there, but the entirety of the people of Rohan in general. Good movies, bad adaptations.
@gingerpotter21 Күн бұрын
Another based vid from reetay37🗿
@MSCDonkeyKong Күн бұрын
Personally I actually liked a lot of the additions the anime made to the Cell saga, ignoring the additional Mr. Satan ripoffs they added. Aside from that, they had a lot of really good changes. Like actually seeing Vegeta go SSJ. Gohan actually gets buildup and focus as a character before the final confrontation. Dragon Ball as a whole does have a lot of fairly inspired filler, I remember that's the only time they made Chi-Chi contribute to an adventure.
@MSCDonkeyKong Күн бұрын
I do agree with the sentiment that the Frieza saga absolutely did NOT have good filler, that's kind of inherent to the Frieza saga as a story being this high-stakes intense time-sensitive rush for the Dragon Balls.
@FinoClips Күн бұрын
Excelent moment! I didn't know it wasn't canon
@dr.tacophd1239 Күн бұрын
I don’t like it because it made them look very weak (especially piccolo) and accomplished nothing, when an injured Vegeta was somehow able to distract him. The idea is great, don’t get me wrong, but it just ended up being not only pointless, but humiliating. Lame.
@luminous6969 Күн бұрын
5:03 Woah, look how huge Krillin is compared to 18.
@NamekianScholar Күн бұрын
11:40 my filler fights always end like this
@butthemeatwasbad 2 күн бұрын
The more I think about DBZ and the differences not only between manga and anime, but even dub vs subs, the more I realize there is no 'perfect' dragon ball canon.
@volcanicz6739 2 күн бұрын
I think Vegeta smiling at the end was just him being petty that he messed up Cell's plan and that he helped avenge Trunks. It's not common for people to be happy for one second, then become depressed once the adrenaline hits them
@plasmanarwhal 2 күн бұрын
Agreed. They're Earth's guardians. It doesn't matter if they're going to die, they're going to fight either way (even Krillin, whose nervous jitters are often played for comic relief).
@chrisblanc663 2 күн бұрын
I agree. The anime did it better with everyone contributing.
@frostyfrenchtoast 2 күн бұрын
The Anime saved the Cell Saga imo. In the manga, so many crucial elements and pieces of development were either relegated to a panel or page, or simply not *there* and it made the emotional moments seem very rushed and unsatisfying. Trunks especially gets the short end of the stick in this arc, paying eternal rent off of his great introduction for decades despite only really being a glorified plot device that spoke every once in a while. The anime gave filler scenes to so many characters, like 16 and Gohan, or Trunks and Gohan, that fleshed out the themes of the saga more. It also again gives the Z fighters their last amount of shine in Z before becoming truly sidelined all the way until Super, as GT pretty much sidelines all of its legacy cast. It was shocking seeing stuff like the Gohan/Goku time chamber sequence literally only being a page in the manga lol
@fjod1689 2 күн бұрын
Me too, but would have been better if they had combined their attacks with Gohan´s Kamehameha
@mc.type_guy 3 күн бұрын
As someone who's read the manga and watched anime, the added scenes and episodes do so much to add to the overall narrative. The characters and world feel so much more fleshed out. The manga is iconic but personally, scenes like these make the anime legendary
@Valientlink 3 күн бұрын
Christmas of 1998, just got the N64 and Ocarina of Time for Christmas and am up watching DBZ at Midnight. Those were the days.
@Valientlink 3 күн бұрын
"All I need is my.. family" lol. That line is spoken so terribly, I miss the cheesy 90s dubs.
@Valientlink 3 күн бұрын
One thing that doesn't make sense to me is how a severely injured Vegeta got anywhere near them. Piccolo was already near Vegeta's strength level and not injured, and Vegeta was base form in the manga. Piccolo helping distract Cell for Gohan would've felt so much deeper. As for Vegeta's attack messing with Cell's aura, it's so weak in the manga literally Cell just turns his head lol
@velodus 3 күн бұрын
I've seen others say something similar to this and my reading is that it doesn't really have to do with strength and power levels in this moment. For me, the reason Vegeta disrupted Cell in a way the others didn't is because Cell never imagined Vegeta would do it, whereas the others doing something to help Gohan was in line with how they'd act and something he could've anticipated. Like Cell wasn't prepared for Vegeta because it's so out of character for him to do this selfless act that in that moment - when Cell was putting everything he had into finally overpowering Gohan - Vegeta's blast caught him off guard. And so Vegeta essentially saves the because he ascended to the same level of selflessness as the others, in a way that Cell - a person with Vegeta's cells and knows exactly how he thinks - didn't anticipate. It's Vegeta becoming more human, in a way, that saves the day.
@Valientlink 2 күн бұрын
@@velodus yeah the anime definitely does this whole thing better. I get the blast was so big, but that still doesn't mean none of them could attack from a distance like Vegeta did, though he was closer in the anime like everyone else. It's just hard to follow the logic that they couldn't be anywhere near it when yaji was watching Goku and Vegetas beam clash. I think he got knocked back? I don't remember, but he was a fly compared to them. Either way none of them were gonna go out and it's a shame such an iconic scene is like a few pages in the manga. Nice touch showing Gohan actually jump with his Kamehameha, but the walking is far more iconic.
@GreedGibbon 3 күн бұрын
Honestly I agree I think the anime is wayyyy better than the manga
@23Revan84 4 күн бұрын
Despite them being weaker and the situation near hopeless, the Z fighters still fought and tried to help. Never given up!
@inshambles2 4 күн бұрын
@VegarotFusion 5 күн бұрын
It emphasizes that Vegeta was the only one other than Trunks that was strong enough to help Gohan.
@meesteranonymous8177 5 күн бұрын
Not everybody's born with chad saiajin genetics and potwntial which is why the self sacrifice especially by tien earlier on was very impactful
@foodank_atr817 5 күн бұрын
Yes Micheal Crichton 'science fact' writing in a book about a dinosaur park made from cloned dinosaurs, or a book about a lost civilization that uses generations of bloodthirsty primitive gorillas as guards
@beatrixkaelin5120 6 күн бұрын
I dislike it for the Exact same reason, but different understanding. Not a single one of the Z-Fighters' attacks did Nothing. I want to believe if they all helped, they could match up to Vegeta. Instead, it makes you all understand, "Not a one of these people are important enough in the story. It's a Saiyan Show from here on." And the worst part is, YEAH, it becomes a Super Saiyan Bargain Sale. Not a Single one of them mattered, yet if you try to say "They inspired Vegeta to do it!" Then you rob Vegeta's Character Turn of his agency. Vegeta attacking by himself is showing he is willing to be Second fiddle, that he's willing to be part of something better. Instead the Anime gives you just what you said, it's shaming him into it. It's not his choice. The "Smile" he has you point out, could be a Smile yes, but face squish on the anime hides his mouth entirely, and combined with every panel after that, Vegeta is down cast, gritting his teeth, and generally upset has the same furrowing of his brow. His expression didn't change, it's face squish that matches the same general upwards turn that his mouth takes when he's gritting teeth in your next anime scene. The thing you're so easily glossing over, is that both of Vegeta's attacks on Cell after he comes back even more Perfect, is because as soon as Trunks was just shot to death. The second cell comes back, everyone turns to look at Cell, but the second Cell attacks and kills Trunks, Vegeta's attention is only on Trunks. Everyone else is grunting or quaking in fear, but Vegeta only says Trunks' name, and Damn you for the next two chapters, until he apologizes to Gohan. The first attack is showing that Beneath all his egotism, he does care about trunks. It started with Trunks blasting him making him proud of him, and after a ten day skip, he's here enraged at the loss of his child. AND not to mention, The FIRST attack that he did caused Cell to tense up and defend himself. It shows that Vegeta's rage boost put him in a space where he's a danger to Cell again. And the gang up doesn't make him more imposing. Instead, it makes look Him weak. His Cell Jr.s were rocking the Z-fighter's worlds, and yet here they can stand up over and over after being knocked down. That's not imposing, that's not awestriking. You know what makes an enemy imposing? Gohan saying vegeta's given up. Piccolo howling to the heavens, cursing that he's not strong enough. That even though Gohan is willing again to try thanks to Goku's contribution, the third strongest fighter on the hero's side is calling for everyone to run away because it's too dangerous, they start running, and yet are still blasted away. All three years of preparation and a life time of fighting, and they're STILL NOTHING. That is what is shown in the Manga. You lose that by making everyone willing to keep fighting. That they could even help or be seen as nuisance makes Cell less imposing. It ESPECIALLY makes Gohan less heroic, because in the Manga, he alone stood up to save them, finally losing that cowardice he had as a child and gaining the courage to be strong. Cell being less imposing and the rest of the gang being up and ready to fight at a moment's notice ruins that. And there's something about Pacing, I'd love to leave you with. Every fight with Supersaiyan in the Manga, lasts less than a few chapters, if that. The anime bloats it constantly, but the fights aren't slow. The fights Toriyama did were fast paced, explosive, and short. Because this was no fight. It was a Domination. SSJ2 Gohan obliterated Perfect Cell, and it took a confidence boost from dad, and an eleventh hour distraction (That's all it was, it wasn't even damaging to Cell) for Gohan to win. In the Anime, the fights are drawn out, and characterizations can be lost. For instance, remember how I told said Vegeta in the Manga, from the second Trunks got shot to apologizing to Gohan, he uttered not a single word save "Damn you" other than his son's name. The anime makes him cry about his pride and his being overshadowed, and that's honestly not the point. I would honestly point out that the fact that each and every movie villain was a copy paste of what was going on in the manga/anime at the time to show you that not a single one of the anime's writing staff is *good* at writing, and yet they're embellishing something that was already good, and not always with more good. Sometimes you get great work like the first Broly Movie. But then you get literal steaming piles of poo that are the Third Broly movie.
@velodus 4 күн бұрын
It's all subjective so you're entitled to your opinion, even if I disagree with it of course, haha. I will just note though that in the anime, that screenshot where you see Vegeta hanging in midair that's in kinda the same pose as the manga frame he was smiling in was moved, in the anime, to be immediately before Piccolo talked to him - indicating that he was upset and moping, whereas in the manga, that frame of him smiling was right after Gohan won and everyone else was smiling too. (I just felt the need to mention that since that anime screenshot was positioned in such a way that when you see it, you can totally infer he's not smiling, but that it might not be clear unless you've just rewatched the scene.) But like I said, everything else is totally subjective!
@robertwyatt3912 7 күн бұрын
It’s bad
@TheSonic1685 7 күн бұрын
The final fight between Gohan and cell in the manga was about 5 seconds. The anime was the way it was because it had a bigger Budget and more people working on it. Vegeta needing someone else to kick him into gear instead of him working it out for himself doesn't make him look stronger.
@crapnuggets202 7 күн бұрын
I love the fact that you felt the need to apologise when you made a single mistake 8 hours into a 9 and a half hour video essay series that has more attention to detail and consistent continuity than Lost itself got from its creators
@user-us8wu6fn3u 7 күн бұрын
it was an improvement.. would have been awesome if Piccolo used a fully charged special beam cannon though...
@omenafro 7 күн бұрын
you cooked bro, you've earned a like! Also vegeta not smirking but being unsatisfied in the anime works way better when you think about Majin Vegeta's speech. About how humiliated he felt that a low class warrior's son surpassed him AND as a child. Btw I understand Vegeta's speeches are dub only and not in the manga or sub but they're iconic BECAUSE they were added and they all build up to that amazing moment 🔥
@BrendanSith1997 8 күн бұрын
Crazy Alien!
@Andrew-xx3wo 8 күн бұрын
I couldn’t agree more with your take, and it always bothers me in other adaptations when you *don’t* see the other Z fighters’ contribution. Most notably with DBZ: Kakarot, which is otherwise an amazing game!
@VonKappallot 9 күн бұрын
I like this scene because it was never about them actually doing damage to him. It was just the principle of standing on business even if it meant certain death
@patrickperot6296 9 күн бұрын
1. They don't make pressing the button automated because of fear of computer error/malfunction. This stuff was installed in 1979/1980; technology was not that good. 2. The goal was to leave two people in charge of "saving the world" in three week shifts before being relieved by the next pair, and the pairs were monitored at all times in case something went wrong. 3. The numbers were put on the hatch by Dharma in the 70's as an identification marker. 4. Quarantine was marked on the inside of some station doors, indicating that the outside was dangerous, an incentive to keep members at their stations, likely in case their replacements were delayed indefinitely (like with Desmond). 5. Dharma doesn't want the secret of what's really going on at the Swan station getting out, so they lie and tell the Pearl station that they are monitoring a psychological experiment. However, they are just there to monitor Swan and report if anything out of the ordinary happens. 6. Desmond continues to take the vaccines because he isn't convinced that they don't do anything. 7. Sawyer was most likely delirious and/or hallucinating when he asked Kate why she killed him. 8. The lockdown was caused by the supply drop. There is a 20 minute warning first, but Locke couldn't hear it because the speaker system was old and broken. The design was to warn the two members and have one stay and push the button while the other puts his mask on and grabs the supplies. The lockdown is to keep the button member safe from the Hostiles (as Dharma calls them) while his partner is gone. 9. The map was likely drawn on the door by Radz to keep himself sane. 10. There is an overabundance of food because Desmond has been getting food for two for years. 11. The food drops are sent by drone via two guys in a warehouse who get the coordinates sent to them. 12. The Others could have injected Michael with a number of things including a sedative, psychotropic drug, or even sodium pentothal. 13. Tom wears a fake beard to appear more savage and primitive as part of the rouse that the Others are pulling so that the Losties don't know how actually advanced they are. 14. The capsules from the Pearl were being dumped in the jungle because they weren't important, but Dharma wanted Pearl to think they were. Dharma wanted Pearl to think they were doing real work (when really they were just making sure Swan was running smoothly), so they had them write reports and send them out, but they were of no use. 15. The Island can heal people, like Rose's cancer or Locke's paralysis, but it can't stop things from happening to people, like this guy getting shot or that guy getting sucked into a jet engine. 16. The Island didn't heal Locke to reward his faith in the Island, it healed him to GIVE him faith. So yeah, it wasn't happy when he questioned his faith and tried to restore said faith. That was most of the questions you asked.
@patrickperot6296 9 күн бұрын
I have an answer for almost every alleged unanswered question you posed throughout this video and others, if you'd like to hear them.
@docproof26 9 күн бұрын
3:14 imagine how cool it’d be if Tien and Yamcha had Ultimate forms.
@spaghettiking7312 9 күн бұрын
This always has been one of my favourite scenes in the series, filler or not. The idea of guys so much weaker standing and doing everything they can to save the planet, it really feels like a reward to the viewer if you've been watching since the beginning for these characters to be involved in this scene. It ups the scene in every way compared to just Vegeta helping Gohan, though Vegeta actually saying sorry to Gohan and helping deal the finishing blow is also awesome for his character.
@chriss.249 9 күн бұрын
Pre watch: Ngl, i never vibed with the notion the Z characters just sat on they ass, grunting and sweating, as an 11 year old with a busted up arm fought ALONE to save them all. "Cell was too strong" Guess what? If gohan loses, everyone dies anyway. What do u have to lose? 😂 "Gohan was the only 1 who could handle him" Gohan is an 11 year old kid. Powerful or not, no grown man should be sitting on his ass watching a pre pubescent CHILD fight for them. "What could they do?" Bite the mfs ankles, or heck, have 1 of them dash off and grab dende or make a wish to heal gohan or give him a power boost. "It had thematic reasons" Again, there should be no reason the grown men let a child fight their battles. They had multiple ways to help but sat there. And I'd argue it would mean more for everyone that is in cells dna to fight agaisnt him. I called them Z characters, because the way they sat on they ass while gohan fought alone? Yeah, they are no fighters.
@robinrudzinski5669 11 күн бұрын
I won't lie, I was enthralled with this show but dragged in season 3 and flat out quit in the middle of season 5. I couldnt figure out if it just wasnt for me or what, and after like a month of having troubled thoughts about why the whole moving the island plot was my breaking point, I found your reviews I think it's a very respectable goal to avoid dunking on the show just for the sake of dunking on it, but theres also a joy in delving into splitting opinions. There are very real merits to Lost, but It's a boring world where we all agree on the same things, and there's a very real thrill in imagining the full uncaptured potential of what this show could've been.
@Anotherandoman93 11 күн бұрын
Season 2 and 3 are the best imo. 4 is where it starts to break, but I find the show enjoyable all the way. Things don't have to be perfect.
@SeanEXtommy 11 күн бұрын
I think lost is ment to be watched now when all 6 seasons are available, watch it in one go and take in the experience and figure out what the show means for you. When you start picking it apart ....well your review series was great.
@JVision1 11 күн бұрын
I always thought that it’s dumb how they went behind Cell as they could get killed with Cell if Gohan wins. They should’ve fired ki blasts alongside Gohan instead
@JVision1 11 күн бұрын
I wish DBZA left this moment in
@cadeheinberg3047 11 күн бұрын
The dumbest part to me was that the freightor was supposed to explode if Keamy died. He tries to use this to threaten Ben which makes absolutely 0 sense. Like Ben has been all he can to keep Widmore and his ships away from the island, so why on EARTH would he care if the ship he never wanted there gets destroyed. Keamy is literally saying hey if you kill me you also get rid of the ship you never wanted here also!! Like BRO WHAT