Star Trek 1x12 "The Time Trap" Reaction
@christopherbako 11 сағат бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if something like this has happened.
@ZharelAnger Күн бұрын
Aside from the flying SFX this felt like a TOS episode.
@ZharelAnger Күн бұрын
12:30 Pike chooses romance partners poorly - which is rich material for stories 😆
@ZharelAnger Күн бұрын
10:11 Your heart is showing again. Pike can be adorable.
@ZharelAnger Күн бұрын
“Thence for nine days' space I was borne by direful winds over the teeming deep; but on the tenth we set foot on the land of the Lotus-eaters, who eat a flowery food. There we went on shore and drew water, and straightway my comrades took their meal by the swift ships. But when we had tasted food and drink, I sent forth some of my comrades to go and learn who the men were, who here ate bread upon the earth; two men I chose, sending with them a third as a herald. So they went straightway and mingled with the Lotus-eaters, and the Lotus-eaters did not plan death for my comrades, but gave them of the lotus to taste. And whosoever of them ate of the honey-sweet fruit of the lotus, had no longer any wish to bring back word or to return, but there they were fain to abide among the Lotus-eaters, feeding on the lotus, and forgetful of their homeward way. These men, therefore, I brought back perforce to the ships, weeping, and dragged them beneath the benches and bound them fast in the hollow ships; and I bade the rest of my trusty comrades to embark with speed on the swift ships, lest perchance anyone should eat of the lotus and forget his homeward way. So they went on board straightway and sat down upon the benches, and sitting well in order smote the grey sea with their oars." - Homer, Odyssey
@joaocreature Күн бұрын
The actor who played the field kehlar did such a great job, that could have very easily been corny but i think he pulled it off.
@ahatfulofreactions1414 Күн бұрын
Yeah, I really liked that guy. Definitely the stand-out newbie of the episode.
@lornamiller1991 Күн бұрын
@ZharelAnger Күн бұрын
Good afternoon
@lornamiller1991 Күн бұрын
Love it
@CRAkins1020 Күн бұрын
I still have no idea what "Lotus Eaters" means (since Armand saying it to Belinda)
@ahatfulofreactions1414 Күн бұрын
Season 3 of the White Lotus sometime in 2025 I think. 😄
@ahatfulofreactions1414 Күн бұрын
Sorry for the late post. I went away for about 4 days, so my schedule is all screwy. 😅 I didn't get a lot of time for the audio balancing part, but hopefully it's not too bad.
@LittleJoeTheMoonlightCat Күн бұрын
L🤣L, What's the Devil Doing in New Jersey? It's Jersey, The Devil loves The Jersey Shore.
@LittleJoeTheMoonlightCat Күн бұрын
Humans Break A Leg, CATS Bust a Tail, And Do Not Fail. OOOH! His wish is to be The best Play write ever, And because it's The Twilight Zone. William Shakespeare: WRITE ME HAMNET SCHLEMIEL! Maury Winkler: Hamlet it's Hamlet. Hamlet's Wish was for Maury to write with him. So is That a Bootstrap Paradox or what? Be careful how you word your Wishes, because something like that may Happen. Oh, Okay Stranded forever. Yes Roberts Blossom is the Burning Man. Oh Genetic Evil, Men like Kim Jong Un, Hitler, and Trump. That's a creepy ending That boy is evil.
@LittleJoeTheMoonlightCat Күн бұрын
Shout outs for Karen Black, Sandy Dennis from who's afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966) Sweet November (1968) The Out of Towners (1970) And The Execution (1985), And Meryl Streep. Danny Kaye looks like he's 44 and not 74 Danny Kaye 1911-1987. Human's Break A Leg, CATS Bust A Tail, And Do Not Fail.
@LittleJoeTheMoonlightCat Күн бұрын
Oh this episode, Star Crossed lovers Separated by time. Shaking the thermometer was an 80s thing, it's how you handle those type.
@darthroden Күн бұрын
You wish that someone could tell Pike that the chair isn't the end of his story, maybe even tell him about Talos 4 and what Spock will do for him.
@jamesraykenney Күн бұрын
There is a Kzinti crew member on board the USS Cerritos in "Lower Decks". There were two episodes of the animated series that were considered Canon back in the old days. But from what I have heard, they have made them all canon now.
@lornamiller1991 2 күн бұрын
Love it
@MamoruChiba1 3 күн бұрын
Although NBC rejected "The Cage", they felt that the series concept was strong enough to give Star Trek a second chance, despite having already spent an exorbitant US$630,000 on the first pilot. The network ordered three scripts, from which they would choose one to be developed into an unprecedented second pilot. The three scripts were "The Omega Glory" by Gene Roddenberry, "Mudd's Women" by Roddenberry and Stephen Kandel, and "Where No Man Has Gone Before" by Samuel A. Peeples. The advantage of "The Omega Glory" was that it showcased Roddenberry's "parallel worlds" concept and could be filmed using existing studio sets on the back lot as well as stock wardrobes. "Mudd's Women" was mainly a shipboard tale and could also be shot using the existing Enterprise sets left over from "The Cage". In addition, both required a minimum of new outer space effects shots. However, "Mudd's Women" guest starred "an intergalactic pimp", selling women throughout the galaxy, exactly what NBC didn't want, and "The Omega Glory" wasn't very good. The network finally chose "Where No Man Has Gone Before" which, although it required many new special effects, sets, props, and costumes, was the most powerful and compelling of the three scripts.
@montylc2001 3 күн бұрын
Another good reaction, kiddo. One of my favorites, I read the short story by Niven, "The Soft Weapon" before I saw this when it first aired. As a 12 year old I was ecstatic. This particular episode also has a special distinction that no other The Original Series of TV or movies has....this is the ONLY one that does not have James T Kirk in it, he's not even mentioned!
@christopherbako 3 күн бұрын
Oh, I loved this. Thank you. And thank you Doberman 😊 Every abused woman needs a little help. We all do
@LittleJoeTheMoonlightCat 3 күн бұрын
I figured it out, The Glasses show the Future, Already it's better than Time At Last. This was right after Reaganomics, and the poor are still suffering. Yikes, They lost the farm. Yeah she did the hair thing. Yep you called it, A Laughing rich man. You're good, are you sure you can't see into the future? Maybe your in The Twilight Zone. Aw happy ending he gets the girl after saving her life. The Bank can just shove it. He loaned Vern Slater money to save his farm, which means he invested in some good fertile farm land, Vern will probably pay back every cent with interest and Make Warren Cribbons a partner, Warren and Sandy get married, Slater is The Best Man. And The Bank is out one Highway, He who laughs last Cutler. And you can use that Cribbons, Slater, Sandy Ending in the Intro of your next vid.
@williamreynolds4435 3 күн бұрын
Once again, ea episode with lots of pink/purple stuff. Rumor has it that director Hal Sutherland was colorblind, and these tones simply looked grey to him. But it seems like someone might have taken him aside at some point and said, "Hey, Hal..."
@richelliott9320 3 күн бұрын
Ive read Ringworld a few rimes. The first time about 1980 maybe a little earlier.
@richelliott9320 3 күн бұрын
In the books the Kzinti were 8 foot tall and 500 pounds
@montylc2001 2 күн бұрын
They are this size here as well.
@richelliott9320 3 күн бұрын
I always liked how Niven never spoon fed you information in his stories sometimes you had to think to understand the threads if the story
@richelliott9320 3 күн бұрын
Dear God! The Kzin now possess the slaver hair dryer!
@richelliott9320 3 күн бұрын
Niven stories are definitely full of ideas. Light on character development but thats just fine with me lol
@richelliott9320 3 күн бұрын
I saw this before i ever read any Larry Niven who is in my tip five sci fi writers. When i read the original story several years later i thought this sure seems familiar! Where had i read it before? Only later i remembered this episode
@ZharelAnger 3 күн бұрын
This was a tight episode with a good dose of sci-fi lore. I like it when the story does not over explain but simply builds a world the characters inhabit. All unneeded extras were eliminated, no extra crewmembers, no Enterprise - just the required setting.
@ZharelAnger 3 күн бұрын
19:37 Robert A. Heinlein's "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress" has the protagonist exploiting several loopholes in AI programming and reasons an AI that controls the boring admin work of the moon into being a covert agent in the moon's revolution. There is quite a bit of clever humor in that book.
@richelliott9320 3 күн бұрын
My favorite Heinlein book
@Cassxowary 3 күн бұрын
I love those housing areas that have their own path to different houses where cars can’t go like a tiny carless neighbourhood within one big block yknow “those things are vicious” don’t be like that… and first of all, they’re not things they’re fellow animals&earthlings and second, they’re not vicious unless they’re trained to be, but even then they’ve still got functioning hearts&brains&more unlike most humans who see themselves as superior and entitled to everyone&everything and that all others (that aren’t white (men)) are objects or slaves or problems… they’re beautiful angelic fellow animals&earthlings this episode though…
@ZharelAnger 3 күн бұрын
9:44 Your interest in the Kzinti suggests that you might be interested in "Tiger by the Tail" by Poul Anderson. It's in the public domain and easy to get online. It is about arrogant, tribal aliens with a well-organized plan for conquering the Terran Empire; Captain Flandry, a Terran saboteur, accidently finds himself in a strategic position to foul up the plan.
@Cassxowary 3 күн бұрын
the hellgrammite method one wasn’t, it was his fault for not looking up what that word means lol and the trance one wasn’t either, he asked for it by faking it lol
@ZharelAnger 3 күн бұрын
5:21 The spacesuits accommodate tails uncurled for extra comfort!
@ZharelAnger 3 күн бұрын
Woke up late, have a cuppa, fried pancakes, and Trek. Thanks Hatful!
@Craigy2818 3 күн бұрын
So, you know that episode where Phoebe kills that man, in the future? A theory is that it can now be explained that she was killing him by filling his head with intense emotions, causing him to die.
@anthonyleecollins9319 3 күн бұрын
I mostly didn't follow the animated series (I think I was in an "I'm an adult now -- too old for cartoon shows!" phase), but for some reason I saw this episode and it confused me, since I'd already read the Larry Niven story it's based on, and it I couldn't understand how that story had suddenly appeared in the form of a Star Trek episode. Well, I did watch one other episode (yet to come) -- it was written by a friend of mine. 🙂
@ahatfulofreactions1414 5 сағат бұрын
Uh oh. I need you to tell me the name of your friend, or the episode name right now. 😄 I think I described an upcoming episode as if it was written by a child, so I'm sweating. 😅
@indetigersscifireview4360 3 күн бұрын
Larry Niven adapted his story The Soft Weapon for TAS. There is a whole galaxy of stories for you to explore in his Known Space series of short stories and novels. Okay I paused at 8:00 minutes. I'll finish watching the video now and add more later. Okay I'm back having watched the rest of the video. I have been waiting with bated breath for you to get here, so if my breath smells like worms you know why.😂 It is established later on that Vulcans are vegetarian. For Larry Niven I would start with World of Ptavvs. We get to meet a Slaver in the book and get the basic story of how their empire was defeated. Larry has also opened up his known space universe to other authors so that we can get stories about the Man Kzin wars. Larry admitted he doesn't know how to write military fiction having never served. D. C. Fontana knew Larry and asked him to submit a story. Some of the lore about the Kzinti race. No really big spoilers. The Kzinti must earn their name. Without a name they are referred to by their profession. Like Telepath was in the episode. Chuft Captain is a partial name. Somewhere along the way, I think it's in one of the Ringworld novels, it is revealed that Kzinti females were intelligent in the past but the male Kzin bred that out of them. With all of the Known Space material out there you may have never found that out on your own. Finally, being called cat-like in your agility is no longer a compliment to humans because the Kzinti are cats and may be related to the Catians, Lt. M'Ress' race.
@ZharelAnger 3 күн бұрын
Thx. All I knew about them was from the animated series and Starfleet Battles.
@lornamiller1991 3 күн бұрын
@ahatfulofreactions1414 3 күн бұрын
Hey Lorna
@caramelpapi_ 3 күн бұрын
Here I am again Binging more Hatful💜⭐️
@ahatfulofreactions1414 3 күн бұрын
Howdy. Happy Sunday to you. 😄
@Butch1980 4 күн бұрын
TO THE CREATOR: Some advice, with respect of course, I'm not sure if you know Joe Bob Briggs, but that style of show might fit you better. As in, intro, play a section then react to that section. Instead of stopping and riffing off things. I think you would have gotten more views if you just played the episode.
@ahatfulofreactions1414 3 күн бұрын
Yeah, there's always room to shake things up with the style of review/watching along. Not with this show as I've already finished it in my time, but maybe in the future. 😅
@Ioannis-malewitch 4 күн бұрын
Again you are very good at predicting certain things. I guess the writers were like "we're done with greek mythology let try Norse". I went I first watched those episodes I was so focused on when Leo and Piper are going to get back together but after countless rewarches I'd say that this first half of season 6 has the most inconsistencies regarding the script and I will comment on the next videos. After the Chris reveal everything is going back on track in my opinion.The Piper wanting to remain a Valkyrie plot was clearly a repeating of Phoebe wanting to stay a mermaid, Paige even mention the episode and Cole. As for the empathy (which by the way is a greek word and has a negative meaning in modern greek😅) I liked that they finally gave Phoebe an update making her a little stronger although they took it even that biker gang knew "Xena" 😂ps2 I suppose you know Jason's actor from"Grey's anatomy "as Mark Sloan his nickname was "Mcsteamy "ps3 sorry for the huge comments the line "I didn't know you had it in you is being repeated to Leo at the season finale, I guess you can call it foreshadowing.
@ahatfulofreactions1414 4 күн бұрын
This episode had some pretty wild stuff. Chris killed a Valkyrie (or 3?). It seemed like Leo killed a couple too. The girls forceably took Daryl's soul and could have killed him. (I think that might be my least favorite moment of the entire show, because they weren't under an evil spell when they did it) I haven't actually seen any of Grey's Anatomy. Someone on my patreon asked for it, but I calculated it would take me at least 10 years to get through it all. 😅
@Ioannis-malewitch 4 күн бұрын
@@ahatfulofreactions1414 you're right about Grey's anatomy. It's a lot😅. But the absolute worst moment on the show at least in my opinion is coming this season when Phoebe and Paige actually indirectly kill her old classmate while they were many other options.
@ahatfulofreactions1414 4 күн бұрын
@@Ioannis-malewitch You might be right. I'm rediscovering each episode with the edits. 😄 We'll see how I feel when we get to it.
@Ioannis-malewitch 4 күн бұрын
@@ahatfulofreactions1414 of course I comment when you upload (in nothing happens to me by then 😁) but it almosts destroys my favourite episode of the series "morality bites" in which Phoebe is burnt for killing in the future.
@deirdrestatham5730 4 күн бұрын
Oscar was played by Evan Marriott who was on the first season/iteration of "Joe Millionaire". Everyone thought he was a millionaire looking for a wife. He was actually a construction worker and the woman who won was peeved that she wasted her time. They both split a million dollar prize for finishing the show or something but she dumped him the minute her obligation to the reality show was over for publicity stuff. The stunt casting wasn't great at the time and it doesn't work at all now. It also means that his grin and crack about "a million reasons" whizzes right over everyone's heads that has no context.
@ahatfulofreactions1414 4 күн бұрын
Oooh. That's great to have some context for the "million reasons" line. I've heard of Joe Millionaire, but never watched it. 😄😄
@jamieleecurtisfan 4 күн бұрын
my all time fav movie.. i flew from my home in england all the way to the filming locations... the lighthouse is breathtaking x
@ahatfulofreactions1414 4 күн бұрын
The movie has a great vibe. I still think about it from time to time. That's amazing dedication to head out and see all the locations. 😄
@amethystb12345 4 күн бұрын
OMG you look like Tonks I love your vibe lol 😆 There is a game I think you might like; it's very witchy & cozy called Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood
@ahatfulofreactions1414 4 күн бұрын
Haha Tonks. I'll take it. 😄 I might look that game up. There's a steam sale on. 😊
@amethystb12345 4 күн бұрын
@@ahatfulofreactions1414 I played the demo & just that was amazing 🤩 I love games where your choices matter haha Fable 3 is one of my favorites in that aspect hehe
@lornamiller1991 4 күн бұрын
@mooshue1991 5 күн бұрын
I'm so ready for this season 😃
@VonPatzy 6 күн бұрын
Not a bad idea but the execution was a bit bland oatmeal. I know I’ve watched all these episodes before and my brain recalled NOTHING about this. It had literally left no impression.
@ahatfulofreactions1414 3 күн бұрын
I thought it was a pleasant enough one. Then again, I enjoy toast for breakfast with nothing on it. 😄
@empirejeff 6 күн бұрын
This was commentary on Vietnam.
@wuxin5847 8 күн бұрын
inflation is relative- things cost less back then but salaries were also less - during the great depression inflation was low - but people did not have any money so they could not buy things - that is why the gov always tries to avoid inflation going to low -