The Prophet Will Know When It Will Happen
The Beginning of the Armageddon Phase?
16 сағат бұрын
The Church At Large Will Not Know . . .
The End of The Final Empire
14 күн бұрын
@jaklumen 8 минут бұрын
A topic very close to my heart
@lindamartinez7006 12 минут бұрын
It says angels speak through the power of the Holy Ghost .
@bobwerner6512 14 минут бұрын
LOL a million times times a Million
@bobwerner6512 14 минут бұрын
The Bishop holds the Keys of the Ministering of Angels.
@lindamartinez7006 15 минут бұрын
Please say what it means .i always thought it meant baptism for the dead .
@jaklumen 10 минут бұрын
That is absolutely part of it. The dead and the living help each other. The sealing power allows them to do so
@jaklumen 9 минут бұрын
The alive and the departed help each other thanks to keys and the sealing power
@allengreg5447 19 минут бұрын
Isaac Newton said it could not come before the year 2060.
@gigorahk4740 21 минут бұрын
Great insights! I guess we have had a lot more Angelic experiences then we realize. It would make sense with the perfect order of the Priesthood that Angel's would often be the main messengers to us. Neat to realize they do it through the Holy Ghost.
@jaklumen 7 минут бұрын
I reckon I absolutely have had a lot
@bobwerner6512 21 минут бұрын
When we go to the house of the LORD we are Ministers to those we take through the House of the LORD.
@jaklumen 14 минут бұрын
That absolutely has been the experience of my wife and I. But even tho we haven't been there in a little while, she talks about them all the time. We have both talked to them- departed family, friends, et al
@lindamartinez7006 24 минут бұрын
Even if the prophet knows doesn’t mean he will tell us .
@MrElmoCA 29 минут бұрын
Pray, repent and draw near to the Lord now, the day and the hour of His return is irrelevant. Even if He notified the prophet the night before, what good is that to anyone? That’s already too late in the game to do anything about it. Love the channel. Keep it up.
@bobwerner6512 30 минут бұрын
As a Missionary and I don't have my old handbook in front of me right now but in the front it stated that I was a dually called Minister.
@berryfeliz 32 минут бұрын
I have been studying this too! So cool! I have been thinking about it a lot because of Come Follow Me. Thanks Jared.
@bobwerner6512 32 минут бұрын
no longer Home teacher but ministers
@CryptoCliffnotes411 34 минут бұрын
So when the Aaronic priesthood blesses and passes the sacrament they are inviting and allowing through their keys, angels to be present. It does sound like a, of course, moment but you are right, I have not really made that connection before. So I have recently been thinking why deacons pass the sacrament when in the scriptures it sais they don’t have the authority to administer the sacrament. Essentially can’t anyone pass the sacrament then? But they do have the keys to the ministering of angels. And I think this is why they are asked to be apart of the passing instead of any random member. Hmmm more stuff to think about, thank you!!
@jaklumen 13 минут бұрын
I hadn't thought of that but I think you're laser spot on!
@bobwerner6512 34 минут бұрын
18 on the like button
@xrpirate536 35 минут бұрын
I always learn something new.
@cindyandersen943 44 минут бұрын
I was told by a bishopric member just a few months ago that the church DOES have a temple ship. Hmmm, 🤔
@wendyray7895 49 минут бұрын
Jared, thank you for your willingness to work through so many questions in the thorough, thoughtful way that you do. In this time & culture of answers-right-now, that’s powerful and needed. If all you ever accomplished through your channel was to remind people to sit with their questions a little longer, patiently trust God a little more, study a little more, weigh what has already been taught… that alone would be a huge impact for good.
@shirleyaltenes2770 50 минут бұрын
FYI Verizon is down including SLC in many places throughout the U.S.
@CatchTheBuzz1 33 минут бұрын
Hmm. I got it here in Idaho
@shirleyaltenes2770 6 минут бұрын
@@CatchTheBuzz1 Verizon confirmed it . Lots of major cities are affected.
@shirleyaltenes2770 3 минут бұрын
The FedX man said that he only has a list of deliveries but no information connected to the deliveries and said it was very unusual. Hope they get it fixed soon.
@lindamartinez7006 37 секунд бұрын
I liked this . I see why we need both priesthoods.
@carolynkeiser7082 Сағат бұрын
Shemitah and Jubilee both have to do with 7'S. Jonathan Cahn has done some interesting video's about the number 7. Thank you for your work to help us be aware of our times and watch the signs 🙏 😊
@pattibench4192 Сағат бұрын
2025 we study the Doctrine and Covenants for Come Follow Me. - yesterday at church - our service missionaries discussed how they have been taught that service missionaries are the same as teaching Missionaries - a thought came to my mind that Jesus Christ taught his apostles to be both. In our fifth Sunday lesson we discussed how to be successful in teaching our Sunday school lessons at home with our families. - I had this feeling that - just as we were given “Home centered and Church Supported” plans before the trials we had to go through - I believe that a shift is happening for us to face something similar soon. - all these little changes are adding up to be something more than we can imagine in our mortal minds - but God knows. - this past week I was studying Jeffrey R. Holland - banishing All Shadows - 2018 The quote keeps coming back to my mind - “… God says “Today - if you will hear my voice - Today I will hear yours.” - I think that sometimes it is easy to fall into the trap of separately focusing on if God is going to reveal something new through His Prophet - we know that He will reveal in His time and His way - through His Prophet. - The part that is easy to sometimes forget is - He already has. - I believe He requires me to learn how to understand and be true to what He has already revealed - before He will reveal more. - if I am not mistaken - a few conferences ago - there was someone that pointed out that President Nelson had planned on revealing some revelation - but because the church as a whole was not ready to receive it - it was held back. - (I can’t remember who said that - if someone knows please comment - I would like to add it to my notes.) - my point - until I learn from, value, conform my life to, and stay faithful to the things God has already given me through His Prophets - past and present - I probably won’t receive any more - or when more is revealed - what is the chance that I will recognize it as coming from My Heavenly Father - through His Prophet? - there are many people who deny that what has been revealed is really from God. - many are teaching that revelation for The Church of Jesus Christ or the world doesn’t have to come through His Prophet. - being prepared to receive - Personally - willing - and watching - will probably stay in my area of responsibility until I see Him personally. Also following, praying for, seeking confirmation of President Russell M Nelson’s guidance is a better choice than following someone else in hopes of getting guidance from Jesus Christ. - because I have already received confirmation that he is God’s prophet. - my thoughts. - I appreciate the work you and others put into your watching and sharing and commenting. Thank you
@iamanempoweredone6064 Сағат бұрын
The great “falling away” has barely just begun. We haven’t seen anything yet.
@smuir6104 Сағат бұрын
it is stated over and over that people when people see Christ, when he visits them personally, it is common, if not always that he shows them ALL thing from the beginning to the end. To me that would include the second coming. They would of course only be those the Lord can trust 100%. That is my opinion.
@DonnaKillian-p8w Сағат бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on such an important subject!
@bobwerner6512 Сағат бұрын
It is not 100 years from now. Days or weeks.......
@CatchTheBuzz1 35 минут бұрын
@@bobwerner6512 amen amen
@bobwerner6512 2 сағат бұрын
"Joy to the World" a second coming anthem. We should sing it over and over
@tamichristiansen387 16 минут бұрын
@@bobwerner6512 and the new Hymn, "Come, Lord Jesus". I love that one!
@cjolley3341 2 сағат бұрын
To me it always seemed kind of stupid to think that Jesus created this earth (under the direction of the Father) and is the God of the Old Testament, atoned for our sins, died on the cross for us, but not know when he’s coming back… like the Father was just going to leave him out of that??? Also, we are called to be ready. The scriptures say “watch” so that we aren’t surprised by it. Like when it’s raining you sit at your window waiting for the lighting. You know it’s coming you just can’t pin down the exact time. Same concept.
@carolynkeiser7082 2 сағат бұрын
Have you heard of Jonathan Cahn and the wonderful books he has written?
@sallyspencer5624 2 сағат бұрын
We are told to prepare and watch for the season. The scripture says we won't know the day and the hour, but it doesn't say the month or the year. I have wondered if after the Redemption of Zion and as the time grows closer that we would know the year and the month?
@celindahearld1328 3 сағат бұрын
Its clear in my spirit if anyone woukd kniw the coming of our Savior it would be whoever our Proohet is at that time. That doesnt mean the Proohet will announce the day or hour but would a prophet noy do what President Nelsen soeaks to us tiday? Fir Ptesident Nrlsen ti say we half way through the 9th inning speaks volumes to me. I recrive thst in get your house in irder, read, study the scriotures. Stay in prayer, do all you csn to be soiritualky prepared for the heavy tribulations. Judgements of God upon us and to be ready to meet our Savior.
@Hgwells159 3 сағат бұрын
D&C 88:93-97
@phoenixrising5338 3 сағат бұрын
Well, let's see . . . . . we have people in my ward and stake who are breaking the law, lying under oath in court, refusing to provide ministering brothers or sisters for ward members, refusing to provide access to the bishop's storehouse because they don't like the people who need help, abusing their wives and children, ignoring that women and children are being abused, incredibly lacking in empathy toward each other, bearing false witness, and using their positions of power within law enforcement to subvert the law. I'm so disgusted and find so little of Christ here that I find going to church makes me literally ill at this point. Maybe the prophet and G.A.s should take a harder look within the church. I have yet to figure out how Nelson's "living in a higher and holier way" and "thinking celestial" isn't just a rebranding of the same things we have always been asked to live. And I'm rather tired of the breathless repetition of them with no corresponding Christ-like behavior by church members. I'd be a lot more impressed if there had been a genuine improvement in members' behaviors. There hasn't. The truth is that both prophet and G.A.s are generally so vague and non-specific that their words can be bent to advocate for whatever you want to make them mean. You only have to read the comments here to see that. Finally, the word "contention" in the LDS world is problematic. Contention has come to mean simply disagreeing with someone, having a different point of view, asking questions that others find uncomfortable or just thought-provoking, or pointing out wrong-doing. If you attempt to right any wrong, you are contentious. If you file for divorce from an abusive husband, you are contentious. If you point out that someone in a church setting is saying things that are factually incorrect, you are contentious. Being called contentious has become a way to shut up everyone church members or the church leadership doesn't want to hear from, whether it's simply to ask, "Why do the boys have a $25,000 budget but the girls only have a $3,000 budget?" or to say "I have a different perspective" or "That doesn't work for my situation and here's why." No one in the LDS church has ever defined "contention" and everyone uses it to shut down what they don't want to happen or hear.
@pagevpetty 3 сағат бұрын
You forgot to highlight the most important part of the 40 years: The blessing at the end of them. "We have once again been blessed with a 'sacred outpouring of the Spirit'. I hope you will repeatedly study the messages of this conference throughout the coming months." The number 40 is significant in the scriptures and often symbolizes a period of testing, trial, purification, or preparation. Here are notable instances where "40" is used in the Bible: Old Testament: 40 Days and Nights of Rain: During the Great Flood, it rained for 40 days and nights while Noah and his family were in the ark (Genesis 7:12). 40 Days of Moses on Mount Sinai: Moses spent 40 days and nights on Mount Sinai without eating or drinking while receiving the Ten Commandments (Exodus 24:18; Deuteronomy 9:9). 40 Years of Wilderness Wandering: The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years as a consequence for their lack of faith in God (Numbers 14:33-34). 40 Days Spying the Land: The spies explored the land of Canaan for 40 days before reporting back to Moses and the Israelites (Numbers 13:25). 40 Days of Goliath's Challenge: Goliath taunted the Israelite army for 40 days before David confronted and defeated him (1 Samuel 17:16). 40 Days of Elijah's Journey: After eating the food provided by an angel, Elijah traveled for 40 days and nights to Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:8). 40 Years of Reigns: Several kings in Israel’s history ruled for 40 years, including Saul (Acts 13:21), David (1 Kings 2:11), and Solomon (1 Kings 11:42). 40 Days and Nights of Ezekiel's Laying on His Side: Ezekiel lay on his right side for 40 days to symbolize Judah’s sin (Ezekiel 4:6). New Testament: 40 Days of Jesus' Fasting and Temptation: Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and nights before being tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:2; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2). 40 Days After Jesus' Resurrection: Jesus appeared to His disciples and others over a period of 40 days after His resurrection before ascending into heaven (Acts 1:3). The repetition of the number 40 across these examples reflects themes of testing, transformation, and divine purpose.
@Avoicecyringinthesuburbs 3 сағат бұрын
How do you even know Nelson, or any of the 12 brethren, will be the ones who will lead the members up until Christ comes? In Christ's 1st coming, was it the current leaders at that time informing the Jews that Christ had come? Brigham Young stated the gentiles will be as much mistaken about the Lords second coming as the Jews were about the first.
@lindamartinez7006 30 минут бұрын
We aren’t gentiles . We’re Israelites Jews are too but broke off.
@lindamartinez7006 29 минут бұрын
Maybe the first presidency. Won’t be here possibly Jeffrey R Holland either but I’m sure all the rest will .
@lindamartinez7006 28 минут бұрын
@Avoicecyringinthesuburbs 21 секунд бұрын
@@lindamartinez7006 True, but the book of Mormon calls the Latter-day saints gentiles.
@jandyson9030 3 сағат бұрын
With the first coming of Jesus, Samuel prophecied that He would be born in 5 years (thats pretty specific!).... Does anyone know if prophets have been that specific with the 2nd Coming? If not, i wonder WHY?
@sandeakilpatrick2386 2 сағат бұрын
It's probably not that close yet. Say 5 years away, for example. I do believe they will tell us because they did in the Book of Mormon.
@jenniferbeachepiphanyofsou7098 Сағат бұрын
@@jandyson9030 I have always wondered the same thing. I know a few people that would clean up their lives if they had a deadline and I think the second coming is a test of integrity. A pop quiz, if you will, for those that actually pay attention in class and study.
@StaceyMayer 3 сағат бұрын
My RedAlert app has been going off A LOT this morning. Spoke to my friend in Israel, she tells me millions of Israelis have been evacuated from the line of conflict, and she adds, " none of Israel has any rest". I find current updates here, texasnewsstudiotv on twitch, and my friend is going to find another English language Israeli source to share with us. Prayers sent.
@pagevpetty 3 сағат бұрын
22:04 I've noticed people using "1984" (the title of a book by George Orwell ) to convey a dystopian, totalitarian society. For example: Alex Jones on the Tucker Carlson Live show said, "If they try to give us 1984 we will give them 1776!"
@janetmanning1195 3 сағат бұрын
Could we get some prayer for my daughter. She was talking to a friend last night. And found out this morning that he committed suicide through the night. 😢
@maryjr3857 3 сағат бұрын
That's so sad! Prayers for your daughter and her friends family!
@johnharvey4448 3 сағат бұрын
You can add a person's name to the temple roll, on the official church website now.
@celindahearld1328 3 сағат бұрын
Prayers for your daughter and family of those who lost a child. This just saddens me to hear these things. Hearing more of this now. 😪😪😪🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@ChristianHomesteader 2 сағат бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear that! 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
@BettyHorn 2 сағат бұрын
Incredibly sad! Prayers for all affected.
@teresajohnson9723 3 сағат бұрын
Amos 3:7 Everyone should read. In our LDS library, we have The book of Mormon Over and you can go to October 1983 where it clearly states what years is each seal that has opened and the seventh seal opens about 2000 to 3000 BC. if you go back to Spencer W Campbell, he is telling you that we are ending that time. And the millennium was beginning. A lot of people were missing this. That year was perfectly marked with the Lord having us build 38 temples in one year. Up until then they’re only been 64 temples that were dedicated and it took 137 years I believe to build I would have to look that up, but in one year we built as many temples that took them to build in over 100 . We do learn from the Doctrine & Covenants, the book of Mormon, New Testament, and Old Testament that the Lord delayed his coming. D&C 45:26. Also, if you look at the title of chapter 9, it clearly states that to Israel, Gabriel reveals the Lord‘s timing. When does Gabriel do that? The children who are watching will know that when our daily sacrifices are taken away. We then awaken and come to understand the numbers that the Lord is given us is for those that are watching. And he starts given us exact times and dates. So the questions should be is why did he delay his coming? I was taught by my grandma when I was five years old that the Lord‘s time upon the earth was precious . And that time would be the exact amount of time that he delays his coming. Some people say that he comes 2000 years from the time that he died and so that’s why by the time it’s 2033. Both are correct. He is here with us. We actually learned a lot of this at Education Week about 10 years ago by David S Christianson when he taught the class, “No man knoweth the day nor the hour but what about the week, the month and the year?” In Thessalonians when Christ is talking and he says he doesn’t know. I say keep reading. He also says that the children of light will know that it does not come to them as a thief in the night. We also learn that there comes a time that he will know. Why because in revelations it says that he is handed the seventh seal and he opens it when this happens we also learn that the host of Angels will know and the Prophet knows, and the Prophet reveals it to the world. We also read that the Lord himself will reveal it to many that are watching, seeking and asking.. you can know for yourself. Just ask him.
@teresajohnson9723 3 сағат бұрын
Amos 3:7 Everyone should read. In our LDS library, we have The book of Mormon Over and you can go to October 1983 where it clearly states what years is each seal that has opened and the seventh seal opens about 2000 to 3000 BC. if you go back to Spencer W Campbell, he is telling you that we are ending that time. And the millennium was beginning. A lot of people were missing this. That year was perfectly marked with the Lord having us build 38 temples in one year. Up until then they’re only been 64 temples that were dedicated and it took 137 years I believe to build I would have to look that up, but in one year we built as many temples that took them to build in over 100 . We do learn from the Doctrine & Covenants, the book of Mormon, New Testament, and Old Testament that the Lord delayed his coming. D&C 45:26. Also, if you look at the title of chapter 9, it clearly states that to Israel, Gabriel reveals the Lord‘s timing. When does Gabriel do that? The children who are watching will know that when our daily sacrifices are taken away. We then awaken and come to understand the numbers that the Lord is given us is for those that are watching. And he starts given us exact times and dates. So the questions should be is why did he delay his coming? I was taught by my grandma when I was five years old that the Lord‘s time upon the earth was precious . And that time would be the exact amount of time that he delays his coming. Some people say that he comes 2000 years from the time that he died and so that’s why by the time it’s 2033. Both are correct. He is here with us. We actually learned a lot of this at Education Week about 10 years ago by David S Christianson when he taught the class, “No man knoweth the day nor the hour but what about the week, the month and the year?” In Thessalonians when Christ is talking and he says he doesn’t know. I say keep reading. He also says that the children of light will know that it does not come to them as a thief in the night. We also learn that there comes a time that he will know. Why because in revelations it says that he is handed the seventh seal and he opens it when this happens we also learn that the host of Angels will know and the Prophet knows, and the Prophet reveals it to the world. We also read that the Lord himself will reveal it to many that are watching, seeking and asking.. you can know for yourself. Just ask him.
@HowdyfromRowdy 3 сағат бұрын
@johnfortney6016 4 сағат бұрын
M.Russell Ballard gave a talk entitled,"When will these things be?". He said that neither he or any of yhr brethren knew when the Savior was coming,and he then said that none of us knew when the Savior was coming as well. Any thoughts?
@ramsrnja 4 сағат бұрын
Not at that time, which he said that. Doesn't mean that it wouldn't be revealed to his prophet later.
@jenniferbeachepiphanyofsou7098 4 сағат бұрын
My thoughts are the prophet Nephi prayed to know how long the persecution would continue and the Savior said He would come that night. The brethren may not know right now, but they will know close to or immediately before that. The grand council at Adam-Ondi -Ahmen would also be an announcement to the brethren. Also, my personal belief is that average members that live by the spirit will also receive personal revelation of the second coming of Jesus for themselves. I’ve had similar personal experience in other matters.
@bobwerner6512 Сағат бұрын
@@jenniferbeachepiphanyofsou7098 Yes WE are not the leader of the church but that does not mean we cant know the truth and have a Testimony of it. We can have the same vision just like Nephi seeing what his father saw. That did not make Nephi the new leader it just told him that what his Father saw was true.
@denisebagley2342 4 сағат бұрын
7 years from when Jesus died , 2040 think about the 7 and the 40
@mikeporter6952 4 сағат бұрын
When Christ came the first time the prophet Nephi was told the night before!
@debbiemelander289 32 минут бұрын
So true! Also everyone was told 5 years earlier by Samuel the Lamanite, most likely to the day. I wonder if Christ’s second coming will follow a similar pattern.
@lunchplateboy 5 сағат бұрын
I wouldn’t be surprised if the church already has a few portable temples.
@jackfarris3670 5 сағат бұрын
I had a dream two nights ago that the second coming happened. I was terribly disappointed when I woke up and found out it hadn’t yet.
@CatchTheBuzz1 4 сағат бұрын
Man I feel you on that. What a disappointment
@xitheris1758 Сағат бұрын
Something to look forward to then. Keep those memories as a source of hope.
@nanizon 5 сағат бұрын
The last day Israeli War doesn't happen until the "Whore of Babylon" or Secret Combination Powers take more global control and the antichrist rises up turning the world against her, including the USA. It's important to watch our Election for more signs of the timeline. If Biden doesn't complete his full term a President, things will escalate very, very quickly. Many believe that the secret combinations will take power over the USA and that will be the change that the antichrist needs for the King of The North to make war against her.
@CryptoCliffnotes411 5 сағат бұрын
There is a book titled, Finding Christ in ancient Jewish Marriage and Family Customs. It explains how and why the father knows and the son doesn’t know until of course it’s time, but when it is time the son now knowing sends a messenger before his arrival. So yes, the messenger would know. Maybe not that exact moment but that he was on his way and to be ready.
@CatchTheBuzz1 4 сағат бұрын
@tamichristiansen387 4 сағат бұрын
That's interesting! I might need to get that book. I wonder if that actually applies more to His first coming rather than His second. He had a messenger to prepare the way then. I always am amazed at how many times and ways the prophecies can be fulfilled.
@deannd.6179 35 минут бұрын
Love that book!
@lindamartinez7006 25 минут бұрын
There is a pod cast on that subject really really good how the ancient Jewish marriage is leading up to Christ second coming .
@swanteal2355 5 сағат бұрын
Thank you Jared 🌺 UK
@Crissnikk 5 сағат бұрын
This October eclipse will go over “La isla de Pascua 🗿 “. Easter Island or “Passover” island !!