The Voice of Saruman explained
4 жыл бұрын
Why Galadriel turns dark
4 жыл бұрын
Sauron was not an eye
4 жыл бұрын
The Real Faramir explained
4 жыл бұрын
@lucyosborne9239 5 сағат бұрын
Mad Grammarian here... or rather, syntactician, one milleniUM plural millenniA. I blame it on boarding school in the '60s.
@lucyosborne9239 5 сағат бұрын
This is three years on since this was published but I'm going to comment anyway. I was reared in a culture in which young ladies did not take paid positions after we married and only either a teacher or a nurse before we married. I wanted to be a veterinarian but Mother said that this profession was for boys. It was the job of men to provide for their families and for women to run the household and bear children. You must also know that we came from extreme privilege. The only good thing that came out of that for me was the best education money could buy. I went to college in the 60's when women were continuing the slow repair of our egos, whom we loved and what we were "allowed" to do. I burned my bras and the young men my age burned their draft cards. I ended up as an RN but Mother never understood that a Registered Nurse in Critical Care wasn't the same thing as a Red Cross Volunteer aide who wore a cute little blue uniform and hat once a week to make beds and give baths at the local hospital. I read The Lord Of The Rings when I was 10 years old, shortly after it was first published in its completed form. I saw Galadriel as a powerful, deeply feminine and strong elven maid who took crap from no one, not even her beloved Celeborn. She ruled Lorelinorinen and that was that. She gave me hope that we, as young women, could choose our own paths, not taking the "Stepford Wife" life into the oblivion of doing aught but changing diapers and solving grade 3 math for our sons. And it was sons who were important. She had only one son and four daughters. We cleaned my brother's room, made his bed, obeyed him and treated him like a king. He had his own suite with a sitting room, his own guest room, study, bath and a private entrance into the very large house. He also had his own valet. We four girls had enough room but certainly not our own suites or personal servants. Mother had a ladies' maid and Father had a valet, as my brother did. That was how it was, period, full stop. Tolkine's books opened my mind on so many levels of how my life might be when allowed to choose my own life. I'm old now and still practising nursing. I have two daughters to whom I gave a blank slate to choose how they wanted to live. My elder and her wife live on the Canadian border in Vermont. She speaks 4 languages, has two Master's degrees and makes a living as an American Sign Language Interpreter. She and Julie, my daughter-in-law, have decided not to have children. My younger daughter is a professor of Astrophysics and Cosmology at U Chicago and does her research in Antarctica. She is now a globally known and recognized physicist, winning every major prize on the planet except for the Nobel, for which she has been nominated twice. She has two children and lives with her husband, and they are raising my grandchildren with their own blank slates to choose as they will. That is what came out of Tolkien's legendarium, Galadriel's character being the inspiration.
@WickedPrince3D Күн бұрын
Easy enough, even she knew she wasn't proof against the corruption of Sauron's "One-Ring." - she'd spent thousands of years hiding her own Elven Ring to protect herself from being indirectly corrupted by Sauron's ring. She'd watched each of her parents and siblings die from their own hubris in thinking they could take on Morgath and she realized that even the Noldor weren't powerful enough to take on a Maia let alone a Vala.
@MrDacat 2 күн бұрын
I prefer the movie, I hate how the Eagle just come out of nowhere its so cheap. also the movies show the battle instead of summoning up what happen after skipping the whole thing
@Corristo89 2 күн бұрын
Movie Denethor is unjustly portrayed as broken and defeated. He doesn't organize defenses, prepare his troops, protect his people or take meaningful interest in his son Faramir partaking in a suicidal charge against the orks at Osgiliath. Book Denethor on the other hand actually put his back into defending Minas Tirith with great vigor. He was also strong enough to use the Palantir and stand up to Sauron in a battle of wills, but it drained him physically.
3 күн бұрын
The Ghost Army involvement was pants.Just happened to be on the way and it’s use rendered all other circumstances pointless.Just needed Ghost Eagles to complete the fiasco!
@jaratt85 3 күн бұрын
This isn't the full story though as in the Hobbit she takes the dark form to drive off Sauron. I believe it has more to do with tapping into either Sauron's power through the ring, or the powers of the gods that give elves their eternal life.. and when she taps into it fully it skews to dark either from the ring's influence, or because she's doing it for herself and not the good of others. Case in point how all the Maya/Istar were good in the stars originally, but once they were brought to Valinor they started making their own choices and some turned dark. Saruman was always petty and self centered, but many others were seduced by Morgoth and eventually turned into 23 Balrogs.
@PurpleHelmut 4 күн бұрын
I love hearing about Morrrrrrdorrrr and Saurrrron. I wont be watching anything from this channel.
@FrenchBasicsStream 6 күн бұрын
Excellent answer. The Ring is not a burden for the eagles to carry. They are natural and divine creatures, they would have recoiled and crumbled under its darkness.
@revain2383 6 күн бұрын
My interpretation of what happened is when Sauron realised he was f*cked he leads the final sortie to reach Orodruin, perhaps to create a volcanic inferno that destroys the last alliance. When he reaches the mountain and starts to descend, on one of the platforms Gil-Galad and Elendil reaches Sauron and duels him. They fight and wound each other several times. At last Sauron gets the overhand and flings Elendil aside. Gil-Galad pierces Sauron with Aeglos but is simultaneously hoisted up in the air and scorched by Saurons hand. Sauron takes his ring and drops Gil-Galads lifeless body, but before he can put it on Elendil tackles Sauron, flinging them both over the edge of the platform, crashing down at the side of the mountain. Narsil brakes beneath Elendil and the king dies in the fall. Sauron, wounded and weak tries to drag himself towards Vilya. Isildur finds him, takes his father’s broken sword and cuts off the ring from the dark lords hand, creating a shockwave from the separation of Sauron from his power. Tell me what you think ;))
@bigbadcatbigbcy2933 8 күн бұрын
She is strong enough to refuse the one ring
@fgtrhwu2 8 күн бұрын
Guess you are done with youtube. Hope you are well. I enjoyed your videos when you used to make them
@Espanyol_Espaghetti 10 күн бұрын
Alter your voice. It sounds so annoying.
@GustavoGplay 10 күн бұрын
Great video, but I'd suggest lowering the volume of the music in some points. It's almost impossible to hear what you're saying
@18996doug 12 күн бұрын
Wish we got to see more of the human Sauron forces in the movie, (obvs the only Rohan elephant charge).
@rasmus5341 13 күн бұрын
Oh, as very much a novice in the lore, is this really correct? Was it the Balrog's spells and knocked the doors in and not the orcs/goblins? And what about the Goblin being hit in the head by stones, is this from the books? Edit: I'm sorry but, even I know from the books that Balrog actually escaped the water out of fear for the nameless things, through tunnels, in which Gandalf followed him to not be lost. I get the sense that you are not really staying the trail of the actual books. Tell me if I am wrong thou as some important details are ommitted or falsely added :)
@quor2243 17 күн бұрын
The Elven rings were created before the one ring. Though I'm unsure of their connection to Sauron and the one ring, they did have power all of their own long before the one ring was created. No reason to believe they would lose their power after the one ring was destroyed. We also see Galadriel turn into this dark form in the Hobbit. She does so when she is fighting/using magic. Probably one of the best scenes in the entire Hobbit trilogy when the wizards and elves take on the Nazgul and Galadriel banishes Sauron's spirit. So no, the dark form has nothing to do with who she would become if she got the one ring. The dark form could be connected the corruption of having her ring for so long, not sure, but I disagree with your lore of the rings.
@LightTruthLove 20 күн бұрын
And why in the hobbit?
@_-JonDoe-_ 20 күн бұрын
I think it would have been cooler to see more ents than surprise elves.. but I can see how expensive it would have been to have the Huorns animated for a second major battle. Such a shame. This scene could have been even cooler.
@verward 21 күн бұрын
The movies were a great visual spectacle and the ride of rohirrim was done so well. I specifically prefer 2 details of the book: 1) only the outer gate of minas tirith being breached and Gandalf rallying the defenders to go out to help the rohirrim. 2) Aragorns ghost army only being used to scare the corsairs which frees up reinforcements for the big battle. Especially the second detail bothers me a bit. What even was the point of the entire battle if they had the deus ex machina of the oath-breakers. The rohirrim were not even required since the whole army was going to be destroyed by ghosts anyways.
@michaelmapple8201 25 күн бұрын
The dialogue between host of the west and the Mouth of Sauron is perhaps my favourite part of the book.
@samg8939 Ай бұрын
Thank you for making this, you are great!
@johnmooers5594 Ай бұрын
Sauron was unarmed. No mace, sword, etc. Likely Sauron was badly wounded, and Gil Galad thrust Aegilos into Sauron's body. Sauron pulled himself up the shaft of Aeglos, grabbing Gil Galad by the neck or head, immolating him with the heat of his body (estimated at 900F degrees). Elendil thrusts Narsil through Sauron's heart, mortally wounding Sauron's mortal form. Elendil dies from wounds and/or burning and falls across his sword. Narsil was made brittle from the heat of Sauron's body with the blade of Narsil breaking about a foot from the hilt when Elendil falls upon it. Isildur describes the One Ring as being "hot as a glede" when he took it. Tolkien was fond of old English in which "glede" meant a red hot burning coal. Little wonder that Isildur was never free of the pain from the ring burning him.
@dylanadvyt9769 Ай бұрын
I wish he didn’t stop uploading 😢
@sidkumar2010 26 күн бұрын
@MysteriousAlly Ай бұрын
Amazon need to see this video. Maybe then they would just keep ruining that show of their's.
@Robot.Palmtree Ай бұрын
"i am a servant of the secret fire (flame imperishable) wielder of the flame of Anor". If you had read the Silmarillion, you may have deduced that Anor = the Sun and Ithil = the Moon. Also, remember that Gandalf was the keeper of Narya, the ring of fire. So, that being said, it could be assumed that wielding the flame of Anor probably meant that he could tap a fiery power on par with the power of the Sun. Flame of Anor = Sun-Fire, bright white burning light, as opposed to dark red orange flame of Udun.
@eetswa3855 2 ай бұрын
You sound like a nerdy borat
@Badvibesdude 2 ай бұрын
Love the detail on the tactical map of the black bolt heading towards Barad Dur after the Witch King is killed.
@xboy6373 2 ай бұрын
Tolkiens would have been a great medieval battle general 😮
@nole8923 2 ай бұрын
So, in essence Sauron was like Vladimir Lenin.
@frauleinhohenzollern 2 ай бұрын
Why do some people really lean into the rolling of the R's? Is that the actual pronunciation?
@Liqweed1337 3 ай бұрын
How many times did you say Sauron in this funny accent?
@meloralovesdarkness2495 3 ай бұрын
I think that the fellowshigota Story of Awesomeness without p could have called upon the Great Eagles, and they would crtainly HELP, as they Always do for Gandolf, and that would be the end of the Story!!! We got a story of Awesomeness, without commen sence in the end of the Hobbit! The Eagles have Always diturbed me as a fan of LOTRs! & I do not like the explanation of this documentary either! Katie
@meloralovesdarkness2495 3 ай бұрын
Sarman started out Good! Saruman was not a Satan!, but rather a follower of Sauron and coveted power glory through the ring.. Nothing more or less. He was very smart, but not smarter than Gandolf the Grey! We see what happened to him. Power is addicting and Will bring down intelegent beings. Sauron was brought down.
@Cliperclaper 3 ай бұрын
I still love the movie version tbh, it scratches my strategy game itch.
@Tar-Míriel 3 ай бұрын
Cannot wait to see this in Rings of Power!
@Maringer86 3 ай бұрын
Here are the names of the Nine aka (Nazgûl). 1. Witch-King of Angmar--- Er-Mûrazôr --- (Ad. “Prince of Black Fire”) --- Númenórean 2. Black Easterling or Dragon King --- Khamûl --- (Wm."Spirit-Man") 3. Dog-Lord, the Dark Marshal --- Dendra-Dwâr 4. Black Assassin, the Betrayer or The Grim Southron --- Jí Indûr 5. The Storm-King, the Blind Sorcerer --- Akhôrahil or Khôrahil --- Númenórean 6. The Black Threat and The Ice-King --- Hôarmûrath 7. The Dark Messenger, The Knight of Umbar and The Quiet Wraith --- Adûnabêth --- Númenórean 8. The Fire-King, the Unclean --- Ren Jey 9. The Black Horseman, The Shadow-Lord and The Reaver of Khand --- Ûvatha Achef
@mingthan7028 3 ай бұрын
Damn, Noldorin High Kings always died horrifically
@gurmsekhon4185 4 ай бұрын
Yes, the name of this battle is the Battle of the HORNBURG, since we're talking "Book version". The phrase "Battle of Helm's Deep" is an Action Jackson misnomer that does not appear anywhere at all in the text of JRRT's The Lord of the Rings.
@j1nchuika 4 ай бұрын
Great video
@Kraziel797 4 ай бұрын
Lmao this guy Ssaurron. This dude legend had it he can pick up any babe in the club with that accent by just talking Lotr lore.
@keithyostin4482 4 ай бұрын
Great video
@emeraldcity789 4 ай бұрын
Wow! This is fantastic. Thank you.
@fabinret1239 5 ай бұрын
nice video, I believe saron came out to try to break the siege because anaron was hit by a bolder from bardor and killed seeing panic in the enemy lines, and i wouldnt say saron isnt a great fighter, he was a mia and even gandelf said that saron was the most dangerous thing in middle earth, and tokien wrote in a letter that if gandelf had taken the ring and bent it to his will and confronted saron that the battle would be a close one.
@plasmaarmelund 5 ай бұрын
I wish we could have seen more of the fight on the movie
@ahmarsaeed6085 5 ай бұрын
Damn man I did not expect poor Haldir's head to be tossed like that.
@jonasscherman9522 5 ай бұрын
Je suis Balrog!
@solomonwells9290 5 ай бұрын
Erling Haaland is a modern day Eomer - with or without a horse, the man is a tank
@tommie7996 5 ай бұрын
I’d rather the movies they were dope