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@bvrdy Күн бұрын
EMS IS cocaine. Every shift, you hope for the one that clamps you down, makes you pee a little, and then bam it happens and it’s minutes or hours of terror and adrenaline, and then it’s over and then you keep goin.
@charlesderosas5577 5 күн бұрын
I would say this is a spiritual sequel to Taxi Driver same tone and character traits of decay. Also RIP Tom Sizemore.
@cjcataract 10 күн бұрын
Daniel doesn't abandon H.W. because he was 'unable to take care of him', as we know they have a lot of money coming in. He thought H.W. was trying to murder him in the fire (in Daniel's mind maybe for various reasons. For example maybe he might have been bitter towards Daniel for his treatment of him (whiskey milk/short temper over not understanding) or that he was trying to take over/compete with Daniel (As was explained with Daniel and Henry's first night of drinking together "I don't want anyone else to succeed")), when H.W. was actually trying to kill Henry, but didn't realize that oil could burn the whole house down hence his shock. H.W. couldn't communicate this to Daniel for possibly various reasons since Henry was always around Daniel. In the scene before Henry and Daniel drinking together at night, H.W. goes through Henry's things and finds Daniel's brother's diary. H.W. can't read or write yet (thus can't communicate his words) so he can't make out what is written (hence holding the diary upside down), but finds a picture of a woman and a cut out advert for a gun. H.W. doesn't know who Henry is because he can't hear and doesn't trust Henry for two reasons: First he was raised by Daniel and has learned previous to his loss of hearing from Daniel--not to trust anyone and that everyone is trying to steal from them. Second, the gun advert might suggest to H.W. that Henry intends to kill them and take their empire away. After 'abandoning' H.W. (btw he didn't really want to, hence the tear during the train scene, asking about H.W.'s housing situation, possibly the feelings that the basket boy was the only person he has really ever trusted/pity for the orphan), he tries to create that same relationship in Henry only to begin to have repeated feelings that Henry was trying to get something from Daniel/use him (He claimed that he doesn't need anything from Daniel then turns around and asks him for money/the beach scene where Henry is still hungover and when Daniel mentions bring women to the 'Peach Tree Dance', and when Henry doesn't respond as enthusiastically as Daniel--Daniel's demeanor changes critically in the scene (If they were brother's wouldn't they both have the same desires? “after all, if it’s in my blood it must be in yours.”/thoughts about how if they grew up in the same place wouldn't Henry know about the local dance and wouldn't he be just as excited?) Since Daniel is always weary, jealous, and paranoid of everyone around him, he then realises he's made a mistake which he has always prided himself in not making--trusting a stranger explicitly with no vetting or confirmation. He 'redeems' his own sin against his own rule by 'burying' Henry. Comes upon the diary and learns the truth of his brother and his thoughts of family return to no other than H.W.. Daniel so desperately seeks out to make everything on his own, yet he desperately wants someone that he can trust--almost wanting to clone himself. He then comes to a realization that his treatment of H.W. was wrong as he shouldn't have been so hard on the boy, who he knows he has always trusted before. He takes back H.W. for his own redemption of his pride and goes through with getting him educated, but also the relationship with Henry has even blurred the relationship with everyone--including H.W.. Ultimately, over the years Daniel has been drowned in success even to the point of being able to fire the gun from the advert from Henry in his own mansion next to his own home office. Ironically Daniel is also drowning in the sense that he will forever be alone in his own ambitions even against the boy H.W. who embodies his failure in Henry. His scene of the 'Bastard in the Basket' shows of his way of being about to justify his separation from H.W. in a way to help him feel remorseless, but ultimately goes back to his own selfish and narcissistic failure in both H.W. and Henry. After all he's sacrificed, even H.W. didn't want to be like him--again proving to Daniel that he has no family and is alone. Sacrifices are extracted in the form of competition in Eli (Oil, religion, the feeling of having power over people), betrayal in Henry in the form of false family, honest men like the father of H.W. killed in an accident working in the creation of someone else's wealth, and self, when Daniel nearly kills himself digging up precious metals/scraps for his own launch into his future. You could say the title is fitting, there will be blood--if you truly follow perfect ambition.
@migol1984 11 күн бұрын
This was the way i interpreted the film the first time i watched it. I think when it comes to faith/spirituality, stalker, the character, represents our own spiritual journey. In the scene towards the end, when he pleads his case to his wife as he is on the bed, he says that people are just intellectuals, never using their imagination, or something along those lines. There are also a lot of references to the bible, something i highly recommend everyone to do, even if youre not a person of any religious affiliation. Just read it like pure poetry. The passage he references when the two men who are on the road to emmaus dont realize that jesus is with them. But at some point when he begins to break bread after he reads them moses and all the prophets, that's when they realize who jesus is. I think what Tarkobsky is saying is that these "esoteric" knowledges that we seek are innate to us. The room represents our very own true cosmic nature. Our subconscious. Our spirits. The writer and the professor represents the part of our nature that tries to keep us from this driving force that gives us hope, meaning, faith. Whatever you want to call it. Spirituality. God. Art. Imagination. In the end, the child is seen moving objects with her mind because a child is constantly in that state. The child was mutated/transformed by the "zone". Thats what Tarkovsky hopes we find. For us to be transformed by that zone. Or God, himself. I am sure that i am missing a lot but that's the basic gist of it.
@Onepiece-sk7od 12 күн бұрын
Pls return, u have good content man.
@mitchycool92 18 күн бұрын
“Kurosawa did in under 4 hours what Marvel took a decade to do.” Well put!
@daanachmad4032 20 күн бұрын
When I state my favourite film directors, Tarkovsky is always mentioned. Kubrick? Well, sometimes. I love Tarkovsky while I have conflicted feelings about Kubrick. It is not the godlessness that bothers me. It is the emotionlessness and cynicism of his works. As much as I love thought-provoking-ness, I also think the purpose of arts and entertainment is to make us feel humans. I can definitely be cynical at times.... and I hate it. I wish I can get rid of the cynicism in me.
@BlueBirdsProductions 23 күн бұрын
Bring back the channel if you got the time man, you make great content!
@billgalen9014 23 күн бұрын
Life is-strawberries and cream.
@pickleman40 25 күн бұрын
7:40 something i only realized the last time I viewed the movie is that the bandits are attacking because they are equally desperate for food as well. When Kikichiyo disguises himself one of the bandits reveal this, and is also evidenced by the scene of the deserting bandits.
@upollard7023 Ай бұрын
"Michael Clayton" is a really good movie, too.
@lex_rodriguez Ай бұрын
My issue with the Theatrical Cut is that you can't really interpret the film as Donnie just being mentally ill, with everything happening in his head. That interpretation only carries weight if Donnie's death is due to suicide, but it isn't. The final few minutes confirm that he did in fact time travel, but we aren't given anything WITHIN the film to deduce what is happening and why. In the Director's Cut, the mental illness aspect still work from an allegorical point of view.
@thewhiteskull4003 Ай бұрын
Drugs are fun
@neerajwasnik9450 Ай бұрын
A deep intelligence and insight of yourself and life is essential to understand Tarkovsky. I suggest that to understand Tarkovsky, you should read and listen J. Krishnamurti. He also advices to stop thinking and just Observe whatever is happening. Not trying to justify it, not trying to decide whether it is right or wrong, not trying to make a sense of it but to just Observe it. Because Observation is real understanding and thought is just a distraction.
@neerajwasnik9450 Ай бұрын
Man! I was trying to understand this movie since I watched it, it'd been months but I was not even near of understanding it. But today your video helped me a lot and that tarkovsky quote is the thing that singularly made me understand what tarkovsky wanted to say. An advice from me, those who want to understand Tarkovsky must read Dostoevsky. Why? Because: "Dostoevsky could be understood as the whole point of what I want to do in Cinema" ~ Tarkovsky himself. Especially if you want to understand Stalker, you should read Notes From Underground. That man is also a faith lacking Nihilist.
@scottbivins4051 Ай бұрын
This is a killer movie always loved it! DDL was the top 3 actors of all time.
@GroovingPict Ай бұрын
It's a sad fact of reality that a movie in a foreign language (to your own) can never be fully translated in a way that catches all nuances of language. You can never capture the nuances and double meanings etc, because those nuances or double meanings might not exist in that way in the language you are translating to. And so some meaning must therefore be lost. This I think is particularly important in a movie like The Seventh Seal. In the scene where Antonius created a distraction by knocking over the pieces, Death asks "hadde du glädje av ditt uppskov?"; Antonius: "Ja, det hadde jag"; Death: "Det glädjer mej". And while the translated subtitles are technically correct, it misses the nuances of the no doubt deliberately chosen language. Notice the word "glädje" in both Death's question and Death's response to Antonius's answer. "Glädje" means happiness, but it is also used in the context of someone benefiting something from a situation, or a "gain" like the translator chose in the subtitle here. So Death's question can be taken several ways: "did you enjoy your little distraction?" or "did your distraction give you happiness?" or "did you benefit from your little distraction?". Antonius straight-forward answer is simply "Yes, I did". To which Death's response can again be taken several ways, with the different meanings of "glädje" (and his little smirk as he delivers the line). It could be as simple and straight-forward as "Im glad you enjoyed it". Or it could be "Im glad too, that your selfless act had the outcome you hoped" (possibly for the sake ot Antonius's soul in the afterlife). Or yet a third possibility could be a more chilling "It benefits me too" (even though the "too" isnt spoken). I think this is very deliberate, and I think to some extent all those subtly different meanings are intended to be true. So again it is sad that it is lost in translation when translating to (for example) English.
@cristyangonzalez3578 Ай бұрын
This makes no sense. So he’s in a tangent universe and has to send something to the main universe to explain the jet engine? So he dies from a random jet engine from another universe? It doesn’t solve anything
@althafhussain6401 Ай бұрын
Now watch this same Director's Churuli If you think this is an acid trip Churuli is its Walter white version version of it I am not even exaggerating
@robertmitchel2194 Ай бұрын
One of the greatest peices of cinema ever made. You're Want/Need distinction in the characters was well articulated and added a new layer of depth for me. Great video.
@Rocky-xx2zg 2 ай бұрын
The actress Mother of the kidnaped child is not listed in the Cast, if anyone knows her name , let me know. Thank you in advance.
@mikegarrett7933 2 ай бұрын
Got this wrong in many ways...first off, I don't see Plainview as the bad guy
@randallrutherford1384 2 ай бұрын
But I always thought Batman Begins was technically the best of the series to me. 1. Batman Begins 2. The Dark Knight 3. Dark Knight Rises ( even still, I watch this one most)
@11DMorales 2 ай бұрын
Hey what’s up?
@loltanios 3 ай бұрын
I’ve watched a few videos about Raging Bull. Yours is by far the best… the story details from the book are great to know. I liked Raging Bull, it had me hooked the entire time watching it and I can’t stop thinking about it since. Will probably watch it again soon. It was a movie unlike any other I’ve seen. I didn’t enjoy seeing Jake act the way he did, but by the end I did think it was a beautiful telling of his story, and the sort of redemption by the end was satisfying.
@monica_gee 3 ай бұрын
The teachers always confused me. This helps clear it up a bit, but now i'm wondering why drew barrymore's character is the only one not waking up out of the 2 at the end lol
@k-dawgwestmore4643 3 ай бұрын
It’s no secret that Taxi Driver inspired Joker, but I think what you’re missing is that Taxi Driver is a critique of the Western hero, whereas Joker is a critique of the Superhero villain.
@entertainingandfun2719 3 ай бұрын
I have always desired to know what colors they are all wearing. Anyone know if any props or records survived?
@iamjacksalias6071 3 ай бұрын
Hey, good analysis. This movie reminds me of George Carlin’s bit on George Bush and the Gulf War. Carlin basically said we bomb countries in which the people have bigger dicks than us. Check it out
@iamjacksalias6071 3 ай бұрын
One more thing, I reckon Dr Strangelove falls Under the sexually insecure, partially because of his inability to control his right hand, like a kid who just discovered how to masturbate
@barktwid 3 ай бұрын
I saw this movie when it first came out. I've seen it 20 some times since. One of my altimeter favorites.
@diegomiranda1952 4 ай бұрын
I would also show my kid those films and Naruto. And El Topo, obviously.
@diegomiranda1952 4 ай бұрын
I would also show my kid those films and Naruto. And El Topo, obviously.
@tobetrayafriend 4 ай бұрын
Subscribed this morning, but when i heard you whining about the lack of - sigh - "strong female characters" I had to unsub. Your generation is f**ked. Not your fault, you've been fed a toxic diet of divisive identity politics since elementary school, but I just can't put up with it. It's a boring, predictable trope. I'm out.
@Jimbo-123 4 ай бұрын
I was obsessed with this film when it first came out! I'm surprised how it's fallen under the radar in the past decades since its release. I re-watched it last night for the first time in a long time. It's definitely a unique film, especially in terms of editing and lighting effects. I've never seen a film that looks like this---the way it's almost de-saturated, yet anything colored white is almost glowing, as well as, reds, blues, yellows, and oranges, to some degree. Also, I've never seen Ving Rhames in a role like this, and he crushes it as Marcus.
@andydufresnefromshawshank5866 4 ай бұрын
I relate to Yoff out of all characters
@omiliag904 4 ай бұрын
What i like about this movie. Or at least my interpretation is that in contrast to Taxi Driver which is a story about apathy this one is about empathy
@ericruiz4404 5 ай бұрын
The mute girl’s only line of, “It is finished” is actually word for word Christ’s on the Cross. The significance, which you mention and which I’d like to deepen, is the joy set before them. Both Jesus, Christians and the mute girl understand death is a doorway - behind they leave suffering, and before they enter joy. References: “It is finished” - John 19:30 “Joy set before” - Hebrews 12:2 “Everlasting joy/peace” - Revelation 21:4
@maxfarris7492 5 ай бұрын
Did 10yrs on the box. All the characters are all identifiable to people I've known. The company literally changed my "late notification" an extra 15mins because I kept showing up late to try and get fired and they were refusing to fire me. You never quit. Finally quit during "lock down" because of all the shady stuff going on and what the nursing homes were doing.
@juanpadilla3203 5 ай бұрын
Nicely done 👍
@romulcah 5 ай бұрын
I realise that this is your interpretation but i disagree with a few of your fundamental interpretations which has knock on effects to your later analysis.
@johnb2422 5 ай бұрын
Tarkovsky looks like Jason Bateman with a mustache.
@mayhemsnowgames7265 5 ай бұрын
succ movies
@kushyglowy8409 5 ай бұрын
Truly inspiring
@MikeMarlowe-ym3zy 5 ай бұрын
Watch Leaving Las Vegas! One of the best movies I’ve ever seen
@dimitriospoulos7554 5 ай бұрын
The fact that it takes place in 3 days and is a full moon is very important as well. Scorsese-a Jesuit, not a Catholic-infuses his films with symbolism. There is a subtle mockery of Chistianity (especially in the Marcus-not an accident his name-character) as salvation cannot come from it. Salvation is found only in companionship.
@sodea13 5 ай бұрын
over rated movie...don't understand how he can easily murder people with no consequences...looks like a phsychotic character...there is no clear message in the end...many better movies with better messaging
@starlightpancake 5 ай бұрын
I watched Stalker for the first time ever the day after my most recent ketamine therapy session. I’ve done psychedelic therapy for the last two years and it has completely transformed my perspective on just about everything. So when I went into this movie, I felt the expanse of it beyond just the film itself. It was deeply profound. I savored every moment of every shot, felt every word in my bones. The final scene however, I did not vibe with. I did not find it much different than the implications Kubrick had with the ending of 2001, but that’s esoteric filmmaking for you. It’s often the same message being repackaged differently. Trace it down to the root, might not like what you find.
@DimaShinder 5 ай бұрын
Great analysis, this film is criminally underrated
@D33Lux 5 ай бұрын
Taxi Driver was a much better movie overall, the grittiness of NYC, the fashion, the nostalgia of that era. I've even moon lighted and watched the movie as many have before past 3-4 a.m. and finished it as the sun came up. Watching that movie tired, can put one in Travis's shoes as he suffered from insomnia. Great movie!