My master plan to bring Xenos into it. Keep it historical. To intro Orks? War of the Beast. To intro Tyranids? Macragge. To intro Eldar? Fall of Iyanden. Allows them to focus on one Xenos army at a time and thus really do them justice in terms of unit variety.
@themilo1567 Жыл бұрын
100% agree. It would be awesome to have new armies come out as the timeline moves towards the present status quo. A lot of the appeal of Epic comes from the fact it allows you to have conflicts that feel more like what you read about in the lore. It's perfect for a more "historical" approach.
@owenthomas5103 Жыл бұрын
The structure of having a main force and support force could allow then to test the waters with eldar who intervened in the heracy
@NapoleonicWargaming Жыл бұрын
I'm printing eldar as we speak
@richardharrison4762 Жыл бұрын
In a recent White Dwarf a reader question letter was - where were the other races during the Heresy. The answer is - Eldar reeling from the birth of Slannesh, Nids still a ways out, Necros sleeping… but Orks? They were around and scrapping
@richardharrison4762 Жыл бұрын
@@owenthomas5103pretty sure GW is playing wait and see
@CyberSammael Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the shout out to Tactical Command. While the boards are (much) less active now, we have moved discussion to the discord server. Although this is, in spirit, Epic - being 40K adjacent background at small scale, its a big departure. Different scale of minis, different units and vehicles on the table, different background and theme, more focus on specific Marine legions, no xenos... Personally, I will be treating it as a different game, that I can play alongside Epic Armageddon. We have Horus Heresy and 40K at 28mm and now we have LImp and EA at 1/4 scale too. I hope that this renewed enthusiasm and focus on this scale brings new people into games at this size, but my core worries right now are that GW have kind of forgotten that army scale games are different from 28mm games (some of the rules seem at odds with the level of games that are intended here), and the bottom line cost of the minis on the table.
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
I didn’t know about the discord server, thanks for the heads up. Yes, some of the rules look extremely overblown to the simplification of E:A but I guess we will have to see how it all plays out
@flag5enemyinsight397 Жыл бұрын
The first rules for Ork Gargants made them act like walking buildings so if the fires didn't make it blow up, you needed to send troops in to clear it floor by floor. It was awesome.
@Bigmackenzie Жыл бұрын
remember the ecosystem of BFG, 40K, and Epic? Where you could have an epic battle planetary landing/invasion after a BFG space battle to repel the invaders and break out into a 40k game where you clear the orks out of the gargant floor by floor to determine the next stage of the campaign? That was always the dream for teenage me, having access to all of the above models and rule books to play massive games that spanned weekends over months
@theylivewesleep.5139 Жыл бұрын
3:20, thanks for showing this art. I hadn’t seen it before.
@shonklebonkle324 Жыл бұрын
" Big Death, *Big Death, BIG DEATH* " - Wilson
@liberatumplox625 Жыл бұрын
A fully realised version of Space Marine, is the only thing that could tempt me back into GWs clutches.
@GloriousGrunt Жыл бұрын
The 3d printing epic community is huge and has been well established for years now with incredible minis. GW will get a slice of the action but they are too late to take the cake on this, maybe if they were not so inconsistent with their mini game support (dreadfleet springs to mind lol) they would still have the market on epic.
@capacamaru Жыл бұрын
Bought an Adeptus Titanicus box and some Xiphon Interceptors in anticipation of putting together the forces of Prospero. Always did like looking at all the Epic stuff in White Dwarf back in the day.
@BroadHobbyProjects Жыл бұрын
Ive said this on a few other content creators videos. Something that would be great is nee races entirely frok the great Crusade that the Imperium had to fight against. In particular as a gateway maybe a Ullanor campaign with a Prime ork warboss, or one for each clan and more better equipped orks. Almost how the Orks went about their business in The Beast arises series.
@hooliganblack832 Жыл бұрын
I never really played Floorhammer. I played Floorpic because the Space Marine box and separate upgrade plastic boxes have you so much stuff that the dining table couldn't cope. The only thing I had more of than tiny plastic men was force organisation cards.
@Adept24 Жыл бұрын
Space Marine was one of my first games the games were always massive, great and fun to play, looking forward to seeing what this new game is like. Am guessing they have set it in the Heresy era so they don't have to produce too much and then see how it's received on launch before adding new factions.
@PinkyJustice Жыл бұрын
I'm so excited, honestly. Even though i know no one will play with me
@add3to6 Жыл бұрын
All depends on the price. It's astonishing to think they'll likely charge more for this than Leviathan.
@BroadHobbyProjects Жыл бұрын
I think they'll put it out for £150. Estimated the pricing of the minis (two warhounds cost £45) and it would put the set to around £210 with the book if it's £20. So makes about the right figure of £150. A little pricey but not too much to scare everyone away with.
@add3to6 Жыл бұрын
£150 is bonkers when the Adeptus Titanicus starter was priced at £105 with 2x Reavers, 2x Warhounds, 2x Lancers as well as the rules. The 40K and AoS starter sets are £65. Even the deluxe starter boxes for 40K and AoS are £125 and £110 respectively. Take away the Warhounds in LI and there's probably more plastic in a box of Primaris Intercessors. If Legio Imperialis costs more than £100 I'll likely reject it out of principle.
@BroadHobbyProjects Жыл бұрын
@@add3to6 It depends what they have per boxed set separately. If it's a case of two sprues of space marines per box (you can buy separately of the main box) and same with the Solar Auxila then the set could be less but it truly does depend because then it could be about £120. Prices have gone up a lot the last few years more so than others previously so that may make it seem pricier. I am hoping closer to £100 myself. As I have a 3D printer and can print everything at every good quality but I do want to support small scale ventures by GW as when young I missed out on Epic due to being a kid with barely any money. So want to buy in and support what's being offered again.
@BroadHobbyProjects Жыл бұрын
@@add3to6 I'll go work out how much the Titanicus set would cost with everything separate and see what it come to. Curious now.
@ococerello Жыл бұрын
Good video and well informed. Most videos are from people who don't know a thing about Epic. Just some clarifications: - The Titans being at a reduced scale was an invention from the community to justify the bigger Titans from FW after 2003. FW even changed the sizes in the background, from a Warlord being around 20 meters tall on Epic to being in wh40k 33-200m depending on the novel. -Epic40k was released on April 1997, not on 1996. - There was Knights for Epic40k, but they came three years later. - EA being trial rules was another mistake on the Legions article same as with the ''Shadowsword'', as they were released as normal like any other game, save from not coming with a box. Pretty much everything they wrote about fourth edition in that article is wrong.
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
Yes, you are correct. I had a line about the epic 40k knights being given rules in the citadel journal but it didn’t make the final edit.
@kirinthewanderer5896 Жыл бұрын
As a necron player, I'd absolutely love to see some epic scale c'tan shards and monoliths!
@Bigmackenzie Жыл бұрын
This is exactly why this concept will always work "yes I love faction X but wouldn't life be better if I had Giant insane unit Y from faction X to play with in a game?" will always be answered with a super loud YES
@kirinthewanderer5896 Жыл бұрын
@@Bigmackenzie would I like to see a massive necron titan killer powered by multiple c'tan? Difficult to say, but yes.
@Madhattersinjeans Жыл бұрын
My only exposure to Epic was the game Final liberation. which was a fairly fun game that focused on your Imperial guard with some space marine dudes helping you, retake some planet from the orks. I really loved the titan fights in that game. Just watching little tanks get utterly pulverised by the titan "laser deluxe fuck you in particular cannon" was pretty fun. And the little "thunk" noises that happened when you hit something but nothing happened to it. ah the memories.
@KoalicusMarsupialensis Жыл бұрын
Those noises were awesome.
@cyberdan42 Жыл бұрын
After 40+ years of war gaming across many, many systems I still believe that Epic Space Marine 2nd ed was the best-balanced war game I have ever played, a scale that felt, well epic - you could still appreciate the mini's but there was enough of them that you felt like you were war gaming and not involved in a glorified skirmish with ridiculous range bands. The rules balanced objective VP's with an excellent break point for VP's unit system, making attrition really meaningful. The hidden orders and you go I go turns created incredible tension and an excellent simple application of a quasi-fog-of-war. It nicely balanced simple with engaging with nuanced strategy. This Legion Imperialis looks like it is taking a lot of the DNA and that game, and I am so all in if it does, the hype for me is real.
@jaggedtoothgrin Жыл бұрын
I still feel Epic Armageddon is the best ruleset GW ever released. I have an immense love for 40k2E and Necromunda, but in terms of Brilliant Design, EA was the top of the list
@mrwri Жыл бұрын
I never stopped collecting epic. Just because they stopped selling it on their website doesn't mean other people stopped selling it. By which I mean totally legal resales.**********
@owenthomas5103 Жыл бұрын
I'd love videos on how the old rules worked, some of the tables and unit cards are very intriguing
@naiveanon684 Жыл бұрын
Painted up some Imperial Guard stuff for NetEA recently. Real fun. Probably gonna print out some Mechanicum minis for LI so when that faction gets rules I'll have an army ready.
@finepoint5567 Жыл бұрын
I know that I'm tentatively excited about it. On one hand, I love the 30K setting and I'm well positioned to support it personally. But, on the other, I'm afraid that the 2E' number of units needed and many people's need for a new scenery collection poses a high barrier of entry compared to other potential editions. I'm also personally bewildered by the 5X4 recommended space, the sheer mass of unit footprints on a small table, and my own bias towards Epic: Armageddon. But still, I'm excited. I am already starting to build up a 16th legion battalion, so 5 companies of a hundred or so troops, and almost a hundred armoured vehicles. So, while I'm all in, and a half dozen people I know are all in, I think expanding outside that group might be a tall order.
@gormros Жыл бұрын
I'm guessing the models will sell well, especially titans, but the game will remain extremely niche. Especially at a time when 40K is seeing such massive growth and GW is also trying to juggle AoS as well as maintain 30K, Middle Earth SBG and Blood Bowl... I'm not sure there's enough players with enough time and money left to actually play it. But hey, Middle Earth SBG and Blood Bowl barely get anything anymore and their communities are awesome (I'd argue the BB community is one of the best tabletop communities there is), so even if a game doesn't become mainstream it can still be great.
@finepoint5567 Жыл бұрын
@@gormros It's entirely possible though I'm having to wait on what the initial support is like for model kits and availability, which is what hobble a lot of their specialist games. I do fear that the format is more of a financial sink than titanicus, and it's got a relatively weird starter set pretty close to the Grand Master edition of AT in its limitation. Then it still has to compete against the nostalgia and accessibility of both Netepic and Epic: armageddon which also have those weridos who insist on xenos. The epic community's always been pretty good but it's got some real fragmentation according to edition, and this sorta adds ot it. No comment on the BB community other than I hear it's amazing (even if I have less than zero interest), so you well could be right.
@L3GHO5T Жыл бұрын
Man this has made me so freaking happy! Though my army won’t be playable as it’s og epic. I have a very similar army to what you see at 0:14 just a bit larger of numbers !
@owenthomas5103 Жыл бұрын
I brought the very last copy of the "epic 40,000" version. I visited the HQ store on a quiet day and after I expressed my interest they said they were sold out but eventually got board enough to gather up the bits of their display copy and give it to me at a discount. Sadly (particularly given current eBay prices) my Mum claims no knowledge of me leaving her such a thing to look after in her attic while I went to uni.
@user-ko3tv7jl2r Жыл бұрын
Me and the boys hopping into the Thunderhawk to politely explain to xenos scum that they aren't made in the image of God.
@morvennvahl7304 Жыл бұрын
Loving the channel
@criticalcommenter Жыл бұрын
Never got to play epic as a kid but it's something I've always thought would be great to see brought back for the heresy so I have high hopes for this.
@nobularlol Жыл бұрын
always a joy to watch
@bGRmn Жыл бұрын
I think this is a good alternative to the actual Horus Heresy game, mainly because the scale makes it feel like the bigger civil war that it is. *epic*
@benjones1717 Жыл бұрын
In the old Adeptus Titanicus rule book there were lots of photos of the super old lead warlord titan, it looked awesome.
@aglumm9469 Жыл бұрын
So keen for epic again!!
@Chewie2208 Жыл бұрын
Like you, I will be buying two boxes. Plus maybe a third for my son's 20th birthday present. I adored Epic and this looks amazing.
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
Hopefully it’s a good game
@truemisto Жыл бұрын
smaller scale minis is a fine idea. lets you play in a smaller play area.
@julvatn Жыл бұрын
More of this! I missed out on the classic epic titles but I noe have two full maniples of gryphonicus titans. Really miss the old green armageddon titan :(
@eriksolie511 Жыл бұрын
Great Video, as always
@jonroads8281 Жыл бұрын
Ok, definitely excited by this!
@Mehmehmeeeeeeh Жыл бұрын
Still collecting ,just bough at the weekend , EPIC eldar flyers ,large collection of hover tanks , skimmers and foot ,plus support platforms and 4 Knights ,to go with my collection. Still affordable in NZ .
@wolfie54321 Жыл бұрын
Epic 40k was my first big box of miniatures, so I'd be happy to see more old school tiny toy soldier videos.
@1985slipstream Жыл бұрын
i have some leman russ and chimera as well as 1 hellhound and one demolisher from epic 40k. love the models.
@stevenwilliams1936 Жыл бұрын
I’m old enough to have played Epic back in the late 80s/90s. I have put aside a not insubstantial amount of money for this release:) Please make more videos about Epic!
@lordofuzkulak8308 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t hold my breath on Xenos being released; hopefully we will get them, but I don’t know if GW will be bothering with them any time soon, despite the fact that Orks, Eldar and Squats would all be knocking around at the time of the Heresy. Squats’ relationship with the Imperium would’ve drawn them in, there’s no way the orks would’ve sat out one of, if not _the_ , biggest scraps in galactic history since the War in Heaven, and Eldar are bound to have been running around in the background trying to manipulate all sides to gain the best outcome for themselves.
@gormros Жыл бұрын
GW said Eldar are too busy reeling from Slaanesh to get involved, which is a cop out but does mean they likely have no intention of adding Aeldari anytime soon
@lordofuzkulak8308 Жыл бұрын
@@gormros yeah, that’s honestly a poor excuse as they do get up to some stuff in the novels. Maybe not on a grand scale, but that’s more to do with what the novels have focused on than an Acura the reflection of in universe events.
@gormros Жыл бұрын
@@lordofuzkulak8308 and I mean frankly eldar have never been the most "large scale war"y of the factions, but even epic scale battles are a tiny, tiny skirmish compared to most battles in the lore
@Tarquinn Жыл бұрын
Huh, till your vid I hadn't noticed that the new Warhound titans got a third weapon strapped to their backs. Thanks!
@michaelryan6947 Жыл бұрын
I'm only here for the background dinner Jazz. Seriously though loving the chvannel! All of a sudden im hearing smashing pumpkins, inspiral carpets and "groove is in the heart". Love the JJ pics too!!🤣 but what about his nemesis Mr Chambers?. Thank you and keep up the great work Fella 👍.
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
He will make an appearance. I just need to think of a nickname first
@sproggles9732 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Epic content for the space marine/titan legions era would be awesome, the interesting ‘balance’ of vortex missiles and gargant belly guns must be discussed!
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
Yes, “belly” guns
@Dagenham_Swish Жыл бұрын
Damn you, am I re-hyped!
@designjobber Жыл бұрын
It's a must buy for me! Shame it's been pushed back a little but I've waited this long :)
@minipaintingforyou Жыл бұрын
AT is the only GW game I still actively play and build my forces up for. I was immediately hyped for LI, although it seems I won’t be able to use a lot of my Titanicus force in a typical army. Unlike 40k, the preview articles kept my hype going, the delay is quite a bummer. I really hope it becomes a better game for it. Thank you for sharing
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
I suspect the delay is due to supply lines rather than last minute rules rewrites. Hopefully it’s good, however if not Epic: Armageddon is still a thing
@-foxcroft1518 Жыл бұрын
3rd Edition 40K closed the door on any interest I would have in any future releases GW cared to put out. However 2nd Edition Epic sounds like a topic that I'd be VERY interested to learn more about. I've always admired Imperial Knights and their Eldar equivalents so please make a vid on this tantalizing iteration.
@farpointgamingdirect Жыл бұрын
Came for the miniatures, stayed for the dachshund!
@acledfloyd Жыл бұрын
I have an Epic Mortarion that I bought to make a diorama. I hope that they make another little Mortarion.
@lugubriouscrumhorn Жыл бұрын
Huge fan of Epic here. Bought the original Adeptus Titanicus back in '88 which inevitably progressed into buying Space Marine and embracing the whole epic scale shebang. I mainly played Eldar back then and absolutely loved the game (I played regular scale 40k too, but Epic was my absolute favourite - probably because Eldar in Epic were a bit broken!). Bit disappointed we're not getting Xenos factions, but still absolutely 100% onboard for Legions Imperialis. Excited enough that I'll probably buy 2 boxes to bulk up both armies from the off, I think. Already got plenty of new Epic scale titans, knights and aircraft ready to go. Hopefully the community will work on some Xenos faction rules and, with the power of 3D printing we'll get some 8mm scale Orks, Eldar, Tyranids and Necrons (and maybe even Squats??) back in the fight before too long.
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
3D printing has the power to bring a huge amount of faction to life here
@GeorgeSoroshasenteredthechat Жыл бұрын
I still have the 2nd ed boxset, along with armies of the imperium box, renegades rulebook, and space marine battles book, guess how much that little lot goes for today ?
@georgeaitken2719 Жыл бұрын
Still have some of epic sprues I remember when they sold off the epic 40k sprues those were cheap I managed to keep a few of the boxes adeptus titiancus was my first boxed 40k game I ever brought
@majorearl12 Жыл бұрын
Im looking forward to it, unfortunately with twins on the way, i doubt i could get it for awhile.
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
But at least you have more players for later down the road
@boboayame2065 Жыл бұрын
1. Your models aren't compatible 2. There's no gibletgrindas 3. GW hates Imperator titans 4. Gargants don't even exist at all in any context (That's why I'm not fussed about it)
@rp7155 Жыл бұрын
Very interested in a video about epic if you are still planning one!
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
I do have plans for it
@rp7155 Жыл бұрын
@erikdavis3584 Жыл бұрын
Needs more squat land train.
@magoo7277 Жыл бұрын
If you want to see an imperator titan, look up a blog called Kaiju Country, a mate of mine. He's done a 40k scale Imperator that was shown off at WHW. Insane amount of detail, motors in the guns, fully detailed command room... I'll link if you don't mind :)
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
Drop me an email (link in description) if it doesn’t work on here
I miss Epic. It was awesome and my way into the hobby
@jackp492 Жыл бұрын
Remember when titans had 4 legs like a centaur
@real-lomas-chenko Жыл бұрын
The heresy setting turned ne right off. Was excited up to that point
@petersmith6513 Жыл бұрын
If it is set during the Horus Heresy, we all know what faction they need to release next. Give me a Colossus.
@anotherzingbo Жыл бұрын
1st edition Space Marine was my entry point into Warhammer and I played both it and the 2nd edition. This new edition does sound like it very much carries on from the 2nd edition rather than the very different rulesets that followed it. I am intrigued by the new game but for some reason I'm not fully sold on it yet. I'm some ways its models maybe look too much like perfectly scaled down 40k models, it doesn't yet have its own distinct look like Space Marine had compared to Rogue Trader era 40k.
@theylivewesleep.5139 Жыл бұрын
Don’t buy it. They won’t support it.
@DeathInTheSnow Жыл бұрын
This might be a nice change from the mess that 40K has become. Also, yeah Eldar and Orks are nice, but can we have Votann in this scale instead please?
@VicodinElmo Жыл бұрын
Well, I did Night Lords vs Dark Angels for Age of Darkness so, for LI, I think I’m going to try something different and go with Imperial Fists vs Alpha Legion
@VicodinElmo Жыл бұрын
Not for any reason beyond: 1. They did actually fight as part of the Battle for Pluto; 2. I think the schemes of each will contrast nicely
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
I wish they made the legions in the box brighter colours
@themilo1567 Жыл бұрын
So hyped for Epic. With the added caveat that I'm terrified nobody but me will buy it and I won't have anybody to play against. If nothing else, it's going to get me into Titanicus since I am 100% buying a warlord the moment I have enough Space Marines together to get a legal army.
@irishmarine3 Жыл бұрын
Epic Armageddon still has a healthy player base!!
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
That’s the fallback plan if LI doesn’t work out as planned
@Nodwick123 Жыл бұрын
I want to like this but the rumoured prices I heard so fare do not put a smile on my face, I suppose as long as there is no issue in using epic scale stuff whit new stuff there should be not too many problems for me. On a side node and 2 big concerns for me is that I am afraid that GW is just gonna drop any and all support for the game after 18-24months like we seen before, and if we follow the trend over the last 4-5years of GW rule writhing they will fuck it up like last few 40k versions, HH2.0 . But if nothing more the models looks pretty nice and will still be cool to paint and work on.
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
I haven’t seen the rumours but how expensive could it be?
@Nodwick123 Жыл бұрын
@@OldenDemon been told 200-250$ for start box, which sound pretty steep.
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
@@Nodwick123 Yes, $250 would be the most expensive box they have ever done
@chrisroberts313 Жыл бұрын
Interesting or about time.... best finish my 3 small titan legions then. Hoping squats n eldar are not too far down the line
@CocoHutzpah Жыл бұрын
I'll sleep on this one until the Tau come home
@MasterShake9000 Жыл бұрын
I was interested until they stated that Titans can only be taken as support and not as main armies. I get AT exists, but I’d prefer the streamlined rules for epic and was hoping to do a Legio with some air support as the titans and flyers are my favorite kit. If Mechanicum get plastic models I might be interested then, the marines and auxilia just don’t interest me as much.
@Scrombo2 Жыл бұрын
No orks, I do not want
@Hiddenronin Жыл бұрын
Just because it's a bugbear of mine "Imperator" is pronounced Imp-err-rah-ter.
@Doomer1984 Жыл бұрын
I love epic Was my game in the 80s I had adeptus titanicus and space marine. ❤️❤️😍❤️
@nrais76 Жыл бұрын
Damn them for finding a way to keep taking my money after they messed up 10th edition 40k! In all seriousness, though, I played 2nd edition 40k, 5th(?) Edition Warhammer, 1st edition Necromunda, and 2nd edition Space Marine extensively throughout the 90s, and they were my favorite editions, while of those, Space Marine was my favorite.
@jojomerou4075 Жыл бұрын
I still play Epic Armageddon, it's a great game. The online support is amazing with great communities and 3D printing support (I now have 2 30k armies). GW will butchered it in this new edition, don't jump on the released box.
@Balevolt Жыл бұрын
It is a shame that we (my group) started playing BattleTech this year. Less money though.
@garblechunk Жыл бұрын
Might buy in if they release Orks. I used to love the old Epic Ork Tanks, which sadly never made the leap to 40K like the Imperial tanks.
@sharrowkin1360 Жыл бұрын
As much as I'd love to be able to blow the dust off of my epic scale eldar titans and watch them crush all before them again, I can't help the feeling that GW are gonna find a way to fubar this as they have so many other things in the past. Maybe they will leave it in the hands of people who don't like or don't understand the game (and lore) or just price it so that you can either buy an army or make mortgage payments for a few months. Am I being too cynical? I don't think so.
@darnokx9277 Жыл бұрын
Well done again, as usual. Only complaint of mine: not a single word on "Epic: Armageddon"?
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
I was trying to find images for it and completely forgot about all the metal stuff from fanatic magazine like the awesome Thunderhawk transporter. If there is demand I might do another video on it exclusively, but I get the impression people aren’t quite sold on Legions yet.
@Tzar-TZ Жыл бұрын
What happened to the eldar video i saw yesterday
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
You mean the 2 second short I published. Its been sent back to the drawing board.
@Tzar-TZ Жыл бұрын
@@OldenDemon oh. It didnt appear as a short for me. I was gona watch it but it was late so i was waiting for today.
@kennethphillips6006 Жыл бұрын
Not interested in this release, but hoping to change if they give it more support. Sad I no longer have an easy way to get my Xenos friends into tiny flyers.
@haiironezumi Жыл бұрын
"Covering Epic in more detail" >.> :D
@grumhelden Жыл бұрын
@spearhead7777 Жыл бұрын
2:46 We battletech fans would sue you unfortunately we are currently in a completely absurd other lawsuit over someone drawing a mech on whetties box, thank you for your patience(and your video!)
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
Yes, lawsuits and battletech go together like chips and gravy
@Doomer1984 Жыл бұрын
This was the game for people who couldn't paint
@dcaffran Жыл бұрын
Epic 40k was the first version we officially got in Spain, around 97. It was my first big box starter and I still love it dearly. I wasn't aware of criticism towards it until I got internet access in the 00's. I don't care, I love it.
@nakenmil Жыл бұрын
Your list of tank variants made me almost spasm from remembering how I've been harangued by WW2 tank nerds.
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
Yes, it got a bit “rivet counter-y”
@nakenmil Жыл бұрын
@@OldenDemon I like tanks, but are some, uh, spirited discussions online, lol.
@Perchpole Жыл бұрын
I loved Epic. I still have tons of tiny white metal units packed away in the attic. There was just so much variety to play with back in the early days. I think going back to Horus Heresy is a mistake. I like what I’ve seen thus far but it’s all a bit bland and two-dimensional. There is an Ork inside all of us and I won’t be happy with Legions Imperialist until we see some!
@hewge7072 Жыл бұрын
What's with all the uncanny AI art?
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
@meatybtz Жыл бұрын
I started my GW walk with Rogue Trader (the book, not the game..well it was also a game, later known as 40K.. well it was also kind of an RPG.. ahh the 80s).. but then I got Space Marine box (the first one, not the 2nd) and it was.. epic?!? ha! No really. Honestly, the community Epic Armageddon + printed minis = best experience. Sorry GW, you can't compete with the older awesome. Also, BFG, With BFG, the uhh, hex-tiles for 40k, epic Armageddon, and 40k. We were able to play full campaigns. It made for so much awesome that cannot be done in today's 40K. You would pick sides, form up things, maybe one folks get hexes on planet as defenders, then the other come in via BFG, maybe have a few moon/exo-planets setup with hex tiles. Fight in space, fight in epic, secure land, all sorts of fun. It was a lot of work but as a year long league those few years were amazing. Everything mattered. You had to think on multiple levels, make alliances, get re-reinforcements, take specific tiles for bonuses. Your enemy might have awesome tiles, but you win a BFG fight and blast his tiles removing his bonuses.. because orbital bombardment. Should have payed attention to space instead of dirt.. haha. Old Hammer forever!
@thefenrisianssweatshop Жыл бұрын
Yeah… I loved epic back in the day. My guard army was one of those loves lost to time. Especially that imperial warlord Titan (which lit a fire in me that today is ruinously expensive thank you ToC) that went along side the Warhammer monthly comic strip imperious dictatio… this variant? I applaud its nod. But I just can’t get excited over it at all. Tenth 40k has had a horrible impact on me. Really burnt me out as a player. GW is a plastics slinging company and I’m very acutely aware of that now more than ever. Ultimately this feels like grabbing us 35-50 year olds with superfluous cash by the nostalgia balls and wringing them relentlessly. And whilst some may be ok with that. I’m not. I’d like to see a blood bowl and necromunda like commitment before I do commit. And that’s a fat IF too
@VorpalDerringer Жыл бұрын
Wait, Hunters are in Epic?!? What about Stalkers? I thought GW made those up wholesale when 7e needed anti air vehicles!
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
IIRC they were in Epic first for exactly that reason
@KSweeney36 Жыл бұрын
I love the idea of Epic or its new version. But the expense is going to be far too high for me.
@AdamWhitehead111 Жыл бұрын
I'd like some Man O'War seasoning with my nostalgia, but I'll take some classic Epic. I was never a fan of the Epic 40,000 (3rd edition) rule set, despite what Jervis says. Epic Armagedon looked very similar to it, so I haven't given that a chance. The miniatures were a significant improvement over the older ones. (Apart from the design direction of the Titans). The new round bases are a definite improvement over the strips and may even be better than the square bases of the original... but it looks like the miniatures sit on top rather than being plugged in... which... looks... bad. All of the infantry have these lumps attached to their feet. Some look like rubble, but even that looks out of place on otherwise pristine roads. I feel like their has been a lack of effort regarding making the bases look good.
@OldenDemon Жыл бұрын
I am planning on just flocking some of those bases and seeing if it makes them look better
@81hewp Жыл бұрын
Me want!
@Kreated_by_khaos Жыл бұрын
and still we wait
@kerel995 Жыл бұрын
I would play 30k using those models
@fluxcorenz Жыл бұрын
My biggest wargaming regret is having sold my epic 40k stuff. Loved those little ork vehicles. Unfortunately this new set doesn't capture any of my interest :/
@Niveama468 Жыл бұрын
It's a real shame they are angling it towards the heresy as at Epic scale is where the horde armies Orks, Nids and Guard really start to feel right. I sold my remaining Epic stuff ealier this year. I had seen some terrain online that nearly made me dive back in but i realised without the time space and people to play with it was a waste of money so oli sold it instead.
@add3to6 Жыл бұрын
"It's a real shame they are angling it towards the heresy as at Epic scale is where the horde armies Orks, Nids and Guard really start to feel right" This is a great point that is rarely discussed. Probably because it makes 40K look daft.