CPS Showed Up To Our House Out Of Nowhere With My Husband's Affair Baby r/Relationships

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@LoFi_Punk 4 ай бұрын
S1: when he said he was having an affair like he was doing OP a favor, the favor was not sexually assaulting his wife!
@TiffWaffles 4 ай бұрын
OMG, I didn't even consider this to be part of the equation when he said that but my brain really wasn't thinking until something clicked and I went 'wait wha...?' This man just views women as his property that he can do with as he pleases. If he can't have sex with his little toy, he finds a new one to have sex with.
@nelly2958 4 ай бұрын
I was thinking that the whole time, you have to be a psycho the admit that kind of thing
@strangelic4234 4 ай бұрын
As a paramedic, I had the honor to assist mothers with a couple of births that didn't go as planned. ... I mean, one per mother, not a couple per... Anyway, I hated cheaters before but after helping those people survive the various... wears and tears that come with the process, I truly despise fathers who cheat because their SO isn't in the mood for sex after having their flipping pelvic region ripped apart. "I have needs" is such a despicable sentence when the mother of your children just gave up being able to walk straight or control her bladder for an undisclosed time or any of the other fun things that can happen. I'm a man and I have needs, and one of these needs is to tell those people, from the bottom of my manly heart: You are a failure as a husband, a failure as a father, a failure as a man.
@a.b.2850 4 ай бұрын
Still in 2024, women die from pregnancy and childbirth. Too many people, women included, don’t understand the risks associated with pregnancy and delivery, treating it as if it was a fun easy ride because it’s “natural”, or they don’t care much about the mother’s state and health issues because “well, she wanted that baby”, almost enjoying the punishment aspect in it. I Was told all of this myself, when I was in active pre-term labor at 26w from the exhaustion of working FT (industrial nurse) and having “no need to rest more, you’re biologically made for this”, and so I ended up ordered strict bed rest, and strict ‘No Sex’, by my obgyn for the rest of my pregnancy. Husband then had to wait ~24w until birth plus post-partum time (traumatic birth, had surgeries following, so it took a while for me to get back there), and as much of a piece of sh!t he is for other reasons, he never dared to complain about this. What kind of subspecies of a human being does that? Who Feels like that when their wife is carrying their child, is putting her health and life at risk for that baby? You know what I really despise? It’s worth nothing. Absolutely nothing, in a “men’s world” (aka world built by men, for men). Exhibit A: the day we get divorced. Pregnancies affect our body, our medical condition, our long term health, like we’re left with oedema issues in the lower legs from having oedema during our pregnancy, some become allergic to gluten, left with Crohn’s disease, our pelvis gets torn out, haemorrhoids blow up, I personally was left with a neurological condition of horrific migraines when I had never experienced a single migraine before that pregnancy, and that for the rest of our lives. Why do we not get compensation for “our service”? So If it’s “our” baby that much, if family court systematically hands out 50/50 custody to fathers (as it is where I live), not because he was there, a dedicated dad, but because its ‘his right’, well why am I the only one paying the price for it? Why do I now have to live the rest of my life limited and suffering from medical conditions while he gets all of the props of playing dad, which he wasn’t too fond of before divorce was ever mentioned, for free? I only bare the consequences of this pregnancy. I only will live poor because of my medical issues that keep me from working as much, I had to leave my career because of it. He got a major promotion thanks to the fact that I stayed home to care for our autistic kids when they had no rehab services, losing years of work. I was refused promotions because “I was too young” at 26, “too young” meaning “I’m still of reproductive age” here. No alimony for me. All that loss was and is still mine. Why? The reasoning behind is “She should be glad to be a mother, she wanted that baby”. We both did. We both should carry the burden, shouldn’t we? Hence I don’t and will never blame today’s young women who don’t want to have children. It’s selling ourselves short and for cheap.
@strangelic4234 4 ай бұрын
@@a.b.2850 Oof. All I can say is thank you for sharing. And no, I can't blame anyone either for refusing to go through this.
@megzarie 4 ай бұрын
You're right! "I have needs" is such a cop out. There are other ways to fulfill these "needs" than cheating on their partner. These dudes act like sex toys for men dont exist. For the intimacy and closeness that partnered sex brings, they could cuddle and kiss their partner or something. Masturbation is an option these dudes seemingly just magically forget exists. Like... there's nothing wrong with pleasuring one's self while say the partner watches for instance. Like some people really think that vaginal penetration is the only valid option. There are other options for sex that dont involve cheating on your spouse people!
@bubblegumrose777 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength 🤡
@akinyiomer4589 4 ай бұрын
Beautifully put. And it's both heartbreaking and infuriating that I was surprised when this type of excellent comment came from a man who is truly empathetic. Unfortunately as you know too many (not all) do genuinely think sex is owed to them by their female partner/human s3ggs doll and will overlook our physical and mental health in order to get it. I hope you have a genuinely good day sir, and hope work isn't too stressful or anything.
@coreymartin6486 4 ай бұрын
The husband is so much of a coward that it wouldn't surprise me if he ran away and went Mia to avoid paying child support.....with his parents helping him.
@catsncrows 4 ай бұрын
S1 "I'm entitled to access to a woman's body but I don't have any responsibility for anything" translation "I want candy, no I don't wanna pick up the wrapper off the floor"😭 This "man" is a very young child
@thedeck-buildingdemon8293 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrengthlisten midwit, she had just given birth and nearly died, and they are now taking care of a newborn, and you expect her to go right back to business immediately? And if she doesn’t, you believe it’s justified to sleep with a coworker and create a new kid with her, then abandon said kid with no intention of ever seeing the kid again? I hope for any future relationships you have if anyone ever actually agrees to sleep with you that you’re merely an internet troll and don’t put your inane theories on relationships into practice.
@vampire9545 4 ай бұрын
So op is a child molester? 🤔
@aubreymorgan9763 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength she was healing from a major surgery and life event. he could've kept it in his pants a few months
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength No she did not.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength She didn't want to because she was in pain. He cheated while she was in pain. That is all very clear.
@jacksparrowismydaddy 4 ай бұрын
you hear so many horror stories where the child is treated badly... this woman stepped up big time. she is a good person.
@ErisstheGoddessofmanhwas 4 ай бұрын
I wish she did not .She need to divorce him and let him take care of his daughter.He is a useless human being.
@aubreymorgan9763 4 ай бұрын
not really. she is absolutely dragging her husband and the child is her weapon. this is her revenge on him. she told everyone the school, family, work, etc about his affair and origins of the child. meanwhile trying to portray a saint, this poor girl! shes hurting the little girl more by dragging her with the father; the children are all traumatized. and he obviously checked out on both families.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@aubreymorgan9763 Yup, exactly. She's setting herself up to be the good guy to his bad guy. She asked him to do the one job -- telling the children and preparing them -- that she KNEW he was too cowardly to do. She deliberately failed to prepare the children for what was happening. Then she trots out how traumatized the children are due to HIS failure to prepare them, in such a self-satisfied way. It's so obvious. She was too "saintly" to divorce him or get angry in a direct and healthy way, so she weaponized the kids in a passive aggressive way.
@Sherwoody 4 ай бұрын
The daughter may still and always be a little salty towards her half sister because she’ll be a reminder of what broke up her family. It’s a bad situation all around, but OP really can’t do better than what she’s doing now.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@aubreymorgan9763 Or in brief, she deliberately hurt her children just so that she could point to their suffering and say it was his fault.
@velvetmau 4 ай бұрын
I'm guessing the extra child is half some other ethnicity due to op saying "when we go out it is very obvious the child is not mine" and she also said "In the photo the children saw the little girl had braids"
@chsparkle 4 ай бұрын
Gotta love that 1 commentator who wont stop bleating that men have needs and if they have to put even a minor pause on sex, its expected and encouraged for them to cheat.
@chsparkle 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength Then that's what he should have done. Instead of cheating then abandoning his daughter. She was in agony from a difficult pregnancy and a birth that almost killed her. But you believe she should have soldiered on and had sex with him no matter the pain? Because he couldn't cope? Amazingly, you believe men are this pathetic. Would you force yourself to have sex if your body got mangled by a car accident while also passing several kidney stones?
@chsparkle 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength Lol, you think no sex for a little bit is comparable to almost dying from childbirth where she is literally ripped apart? You really want people to believe men are pathetic, don't you? Not sure why. And still dodging the question about women getting it elsewhere I see.
@catandrobbyflores 4 ай бұрын
It's like he doesn't have a hand.
@chsparkle 4 ай бұрын
@@catandrobbyflores Lol, right?
@nightmarefanatic1819 4 ай бұрын
​@@RisetoStrength Sex isn't a need. Thousands of people never have sex and are still alive and doing well.
@Mama_Bear_of_3 4 ай бұрын
Story 1. He had an affair to help OP?! For me to call OP excellent, wonderful, fabulous, fantastic, or an amazing woman. I cannot find the proper words to describe how much I admire OP. She took that little girl into her home, love her, and wants custody so she can raise her, even though this little girl is a product of her husband's lies and deceit. OP has a heart of gold. I am a mother and have married my husband for 30 years. At 52, I don't know if I could have the maturity and love OP has shown in this situation. All those children are blessed to have the mom they have and considering the type of person OP, those children will grow up to have the same love and empathy
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
Whereas I cannot find the words for just how much I despise OP. She completely ignored the needs of her own children, for the sake of making a noble gesture. It was all about looking like a good person as opposed to actually being one. Her failure to talk to her own children beforehand, or even to be present when her husband talked to them, is utterly criminal. She knew her husband was a coward. She knew he wouldn't own up to what he did. She knew he refused to tell his family the truth. But she just blindly trusted that he'd told the kids? Never sat down and talked to them about it? She set up this situation where all three children were blindsided and traumatized, just so that she could then blame her husband. Like she didn't have enough she could blame him for. She never considered her own children's needs AT ALL until Reddit got on her case about it.
@franciebelcher4594 4 ай бұрын
Disagree. Why should OP be accountable for her adult husband's behavior? Is OP expected to be a mother to her husband? A Boss? Absolutely not. This was OPs husband's responsibility. He should've manned up, looked his kids in the eyes, and told them he effed up and what's going to happen.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength So she nearly died bearing his children, and was in constant pain even with drugs, and your take is that she was selfish for not putting out? I cannot fathom the degree of selfishness and cruelty it must require in order to think that way.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength OP didn't have sex because she was in pain. There was zero indication that she failed to have sex with her husband once she got better. Men injured at work return to work when and if they can. Women who are too injured to work return to work when and if they can. So? If a husband or wife suffers an injury that prevents intimacy, that is no excuse for cheating. But I suppose you think differently. I suppose if a man has an injury, it's okay to for the wife to just step out on him? And in this case, the woman was injured bearing the man's child and that is why she cannot have sex. So let's further that analogy. Let's imagine that the man gets a vasectomy specifically for his wife's sake, and she still uses this as an excuse to cheat. Or he rescues his newborn from a burning building, and ends up in a coma for a few months, and she still uses this as an excuse to cheat. Or she accidentally hits him in the balls while playing golf putting him out of commission for a while, and still uses it as an excuse to cheat. That is who you are, I guess. And you don't mind telling the world about it either.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength Firstly, OP was very clear that the no sex period was during, and because of, her extreme pain. Secondly, OP was very clear that her husband's infidelity occurred during the time she was in extreme pain, i.e. "while I was suffering my pregnancy and the after-effects of almost dying". Your take is not correct even on the most basic factual level, let alone a moral one. But people with no morals don't bother with facts or truth any more than they bother with honor, compassion, loyalty, or gratitude. So no surprise there.
@TheScaletIbisNW 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, your husband does nothing because you will deal with all his mistakes. Get a divorce and get custody of your children. They are your first priority.
@wickedamoeba8719 4 ай бұрын
The husband sounds like a two faced coward. OP is so much better without him.
@allisoniuculano8496 4 ай бұрын
Op is a wonderful person to help and support her children’s half sister.
@patty-pat-pat 4 ай бұрын
S1: That woman is a saint, bc I wouldve divorced him and leave (it all up to him to figure out). I truly admire her.
@kaykay8855 4 ай бұрын
She’s still divorcing him but keeping the bonus daughter.
@videofan1010 4 ай бұрын
She's a better person than me, lol.
@patty-pat-pat 4 ай бұрын
@@kaykay8855 couldnt be me
@kaykay8855 4 ай бұрын
@@patty-pat-pat fair, but at least the girl will have someone looking after her because stbx husband won’t and her other relatives won’t. Op is a rare breed.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@videofan1010 I personally cannot imagine neglecting to talk to my own children in a situation like this. I cannot imagine KNOWING my husband was a worthless, self-serving coward, and allowing him to take care of breaking this news to my children. What was she trying to do? Punish him at the expense of their kids? If so, why wouldn't she at least be present when he talked to them? To know what he said? To help comfort her own children? Why didn't she care at all about their feelings until Reddit got on her case about it? I'm sorry, this woman's behavior is bizarre and not admirable at all. I'm glad the little girl has a home, I guess. But is this actually a good thing? Or is this just the beginning of years of her pushing her own children's needs aside in order to look like a saintly stepmother?
@historictruecrime5119 4 ай бұрын
That baby girl is so blessed and so lucky to have OP step up and be mom and dad for her
@pippo17173 4 ай бұрын
I wish op wasn't such a doormat in letting this Blew up in their faces. The kids she had should of been first and taken care because she let the father destroy their mental health.
@demonheart13 4 ай бұрын
I am surprised COC worker let them take the child. If she has half a brain, the cheated on wife agreeing and not the person you are bringing the baby too sounds like major red flags. Especially if husband started to object.
@babybluehashyo 4 ай бұрын
The system is so overloaded, unless the home or people in it are dangerous, they don't care. Mental health can be rug swept, physical safety can't. They need to keep as many kids out of the system and with family as possible to keep their work load manageable.
@TiffWaffles 4 ай бұрын
I am willing to bet that they had to go through a long process to get the child where both OP and the husband had to be approved before the child was even allowed to stay in their home. OP probably didn't want to describe this process. Somebody my mother knows from work was in a similar position where she found out her husband had an affair child and she took in the child. It was a long and lengthy process to get the child with home studies where two social workers would closely watch the way both adults acted around the child. There was also a court case where the judge decided to grant them custody because nobody on this child's maternal side was fit to raise the child due to age or other factors or they simply didn't want to get involved. The only thing is that this woman decided to remain married to her husband and she eventually adopted the child.
@MikePageKaltenberg 4 ай бұрын
So if he was doing it to help op, why is he ashamed? Hmm? Hmm?
@RichardJordan-rt1jo 4 ай бұрын
Me and my daughter nearly died during pregnancy. My waters broke and my and my fiancee couldn't do anything for over 13 weeks. He did not to my knowledge sleep with another woman and get her pregnant, if i find out he did it would be over. Very decent women to take the little girl into consideration, he lost a good woman there
@Sclasspsycho 4 ай бұрын
People shouldn’t be judgmental when children don’t look like their parents. There’s many reasons why parents and children look different.
@PowerStruggle555 4 ай бұрын
OP isnt a POS The girl isnt a POS The other woman isnt a POS The kids isnt a POS the husband is.
@CensorshipVictim 4 ай бұрын
The other woman is a POS because she was cheating with a married man with kids.
@franciebelcher4594 4 ай бұрын
He was "TRYING TO HELP HER"!!!! Was he effing serious?!!! WTF?!!! That commenter is right. Husband doesn't care about any of them. He never did, or this would've never happened. He is a sick man.
@SCP01986 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength LOL, getting your wick wet isn't a 'need'
@nightmarefanatic1819 4 ай бұрын
​​@@RisetoStrength You're an incel, the fact that you're alive to type this drivel is proof that sex isn't a need.
@ladybird452 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrengthyou sound like a grapist
@bubblegumrose777 4 ай бұрын
@bubblegumrose777 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength🤡🤡 you are a double clown for that one. Honk honk!
@moonyollie6977 4 ай бұрын
I read the first story before, and that woman is a SAINT. Her ex is a f*cking coward. His justification was such a load of sh*t. I hope the next update is of her being finally divorced, her kids happy and healthy, and perhaps even a new happy relationship
@bubblegumrose777 4 ай бұрын
@Hybrid_is_Confused 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength I'm sorry, but where in the story is that implied? If anything, the one abandoning the children is OP's husband.
@theprodigaltrue 4 ай бұрын
Op:" my untrustworthy husband who betrayed me, didnt do what i trusted him to do
@Zurround 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: On the topic of "family therapy: 4:30. My recommendation is that the best "therapist" your "family" can benefit from is a good DIVORCE LAWYER.
@nightmarefanatic1819 4 ай бұрын
Please please please tell me OP is planning on cleaning him out for child support and alimony during the divorce. If he's refusing to care for them physically, then he sure as hell better oay financially. Oh, and he can pay her legal fees too. He can work his ass off for the next 13 years to care for them or he can rot in prison.
@koree1594 4 ай бұрын
S1: OP just continued to make stupid mistakes. Trusting that man to tell your kids the truth after he lied to you and abandoned his daughter for 5 years was crazy. I guess what she’s doing is noble but she’s already putting a child on the back burner in her effort to make the situation equal for the new child. Things aren’t equal and honestly shouldn’t be for a while. She’s trying to jump past the obvious integration and creating the new normal phase and it’s going to cost more harm than good.
@jeanninelockridge5235 4 ай бұрын
Story 1:. The minute CPS showed up, I would have told him to take care of this, grabbed my kids and gotten out of there. I know the child wasn't responsible for any of this but I couldn't be around him anymore.
@savannahbutler5973 4 ай бұрын
#1. Im glad Op is strong and graceful protecting those kids.. but what i dont get is how was stbx helping her my cheating while shes dying.. either hes fuckin dumb and stupid ? Or im missing something.
@chsparkle 4 ай бұрын
Well, accordingly to one commentor here, he was helping her by allowing her to skip out on her 'duties' of providing constant sex no matter what. Ick
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
He was kindly and compassionately giving her a break from having sex with him, by having sex with someone else. What a guy!
@rachaeldumas7432 4 ай бұрын
I'm giggling at all the hats while trying to get my drama fix!!
@YellaBellaReno 4 ай бұрын
I’m scrolling comments midway through the video, got to this one and was like, “what?”. Then I looked back over to the screen and the Markie avatar pops up. 😂 Now I get it! Lol
@thekameru6058 4 ай бұрын
... nothing is salvageable there. That was obvious when the kid turned up. But good for her for picking up another child when she didnt have to.
@marshawargo7238 4 ай бұрын
Story 2 : OP tell her you'll give her half for the ticket, now give me the ticket! 😂You & your friend can split the cost of the two tickets at the one & a half cost!!! She can take until tomorrow to decide. Give her the chance to call the airport and figure out half is better than nothing!!!
@dsm4462 4 ай бұрын
“We had a perfect life” wow! Honey no one has a perfect life!
@Davtwan 4 ай бұрын
“No help! People with lecturrrrrrre meeee!” - Soon-to-be-ex
@catandrobbyflores 4 ай бұрын
Gee, I wonder why!?
@AngelaVEdwards 4 ай бұрын
OP needs to nip the kid’s behavior toward their new sister in the bud; I’ve seen several stories here where the siblings treated the affair child horribly for their entire lives and it caused a lot of pain for that person.
@LoveK1 4 ай бұрын
No, OP should have never put her kids in that position of watching her mother that kid. The kids’ feelings are valid, she should have given that kid up to someone else. Theres never going to be harmony in her home ever again.
@nightmarefanatic1819 4 ай бұрын
I would constantly tell them it isn't her fault, it's their father's fault. "Waaahhh, parental alienation" he doesn't want to be a parent anyway, and she wouldn't be telling her anything that isn't true.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@nightmarefanatic1819 That is just perpetuating the offense. Parental alienation is a form of child abuse. It's disturbing how many people in the comments are okay with that. She needs to think of herself and the children, not him. Revenge against guys like that is superfluous anyway. He's already an earthworm among men with no discernable soul, and that's a life sentence.
@benjie128 4 ай бұрын
Even if the tickets were nonrefundable, some airlines will let her move the dates for a fee.
@DominosAndHearts 4 ай бұрын
Woah wtc that poor wife and kids incl the half sibling 😢
@buckeyenative1365 4 ай бұрын
Story 1 - was a DNA test ever done to verify hubby was the father? I would have demanded proof before allowing CPS to drop off a child. Hubby not preparing his children for the upheaval to their lives would really make me consider if I want to add a man child to the mix.
@Ecclectic_citcelccE 4 ай бұрын
Keep the new daughter, ditch the cheater. He'll have to contribute child support. Therapy for the kids and you NOW, CPS should provide that for the whole family.
@OuchingTigerLimpingDragon 4 ай бұрын
Your hats are cracking me up, Markee. Thank you!
@Sensansenkai 4 ай бұрын
The jester hat, I can’t 😂😂😂
@kevinjohnson1958 3 ай бұрын
She's doing what many Men have done willingly and unwillingly and taken on the AP's baby. She needs to adopt her asap, the older daughter will adjust in time. I had a similar situation where we had another child live with us for a year, when she went back to her birth Mother I was devastated. 30+ years later that feeling never leaves you.
@kevinjohnson1958 3 ай бұрын
2nd story, after the air BnB has concluded block all contact on all platforms, do not stay on her personal layaway being friends. Her new man will get tired of her soon and she will be back texting, 'Hey, what you doing?' Ghost her and move on, she was cheating on you.
@channilemonhill7493 4 ай бұрын
sometimes cheaters feel guilty so they do more to try a better partner in other ways. They try to make things “right” so they feel better about the affair.
@stuffedninja1337 4 ай бұрын
Lowkey want to post you a physical version of one of your avatar’s hats AAAAAAA THE JESTER HAT APPEARS YAY
@ladythalia227 4 ай бұрын
This doesn’t strike me as a true story. My mother worked for the CPS. That girl would have been slowly introduced, not moved in without previous introductions
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
And wouldn't CPS talk to the children, even if the mom didn't?
@hazelwalshaw3761 4 ай бұрын
I hate it when wives or mums say their partner ‘stepped up’ when they needed help…. They shouldn’t have to ‘step up’! They should just DO!
@angeleyesgreen1586 4 ай бұрын
Yes, he is the bad guy here, but the op has a responsibility to their children, too. I know the op wants her husband to take the hit he deserves, but why would the op leave her kids to deal with it without their mom's support? No, op didn't do the bad thing that caused all this, but this isn't about fairness. Her kids need her.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
Agreed. She was weaponizing the children against her husband as revenge and didn't think about their needs or feelings at all. Reddit had to kick her butt to get her to do the bare minimum.
@auri3003 4 ай бұрын
Markee that might sound a bit weird, but your intro makes me very happy. You always look so kind 😊
@benjie128 4 ай бұрын
Everyone in that family needs therapy. And the husband needs to grow up and put his big boy pants on. He had an affair and now he needs to take responsibility. And when therapy was brought up to him, suddenly he's the savior was was having an affair to help his wife. That's not how it works. Massive victim complex if he feels therapy is only to lecture him
@Ani_Watermelon 4 ай бұрын
Op is kinda assholish for trusting hubby to do the right thing after everything that happen. Dude... C'mon.
@LilySaintSin 4 ай бұрын
S1, OP don't wait for a musician!
@jessilynallendilla5014 4 ай бұрын
OP traded a loser husband for a daughter win win
@dondonfoxylady3049 4 ай бұрын
Story one,op is a amazing woman
@bubblegumrose777 4 ай бұрын
@QuayHollywood 4 ай бұрын
Markee, any lives soon? Story 1: Op is a better woman than I cause. I would have told CPS to please hold and give her the husband to find a new home for too. Story 2:She was defo cheating. I thought of that when she said she wanted to go on a trip with a friend. Then, I made a big stink over the money.
@faceofvision 4 ай бұрын
He said the same thing about going with a friend though, doesn't mean he's cheating, but somehow for her it did? He's the only one allowed to travel with friends?
@QuayHollywood 4 ай бұрын
@faceofvision I said it because I believe he mentioned his friend was male. But mostly it was her defensiveness that made me think it.
@faceofvision 4 ай бұрын
@@QuayHollywood and? As if bi people don't exist and as if her friend's gender was even mentioned 🤦🏻‍♀️ Not sure why it was OK for him to claim the trip in the first place by paying her for the ticket, she asked first and all this mess could've been solved by him agreeing to it since he apparently didn't even really want to go 😬
@faceofvision 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength and is it reasonable to think she's cheating because she is going on vacation with a friend?
@shripleypibbles 4 ай бұрын
S1, that husband is going to realize what a great woman she is someday and it’s going to eat him up. Especially when he wants her and the children to take care of him in old age. He doesn’t want the kids even getting help because it’s an admission that he ruined his family
@LikeWaterBaby 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: that woman is truly an amazingly beautiful person. I hope her and her children have the best lives full of love.
@ladybird452 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrengthyea she should’ve blamed and punished a 5 yo for the actions of an adult man
@bubblegumrose777 4 ай бұрын
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@ladybird452 That is exactly what she did do, unfortunately. And no, she shouldn't have done it.
@ladybird452 4 ай бұрын
@@valgardener7656 maybe she had a conscience. And you’re trying to blame her and the affair child and everyone other than the adult man. Because they “should’ve known”. That’s how men escape accountability
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@ladybird452 You're reading comprehension when it comes to my comments is as terrible as your comprehension of the post itself. Fortunately, you feel fine lashing out at innocent people to compensate for your utter lack of insight and awareness. At no point have I made excuses for the adult man. He's a worm, scum, and a piece of garbage. Anything she does to hurt HIM that does not also hurt his children is something I am perfectly okay with. But she didn't try to hold him accountable. She tried to avoid holding him accountable directly and "get past" his unforgivable behavior by remaining married, while also using the child to get back at him in a passive aggressive way. That is not okay. Rushing to take in this child, while knowing her husband didn't WANT the child, while intending to remain a family, while refusing to actually sit down with and prepare her own children for this huge change in their lives, is NOT an act of conscience. What is the predictable result? The child is in a family where she is unwanted by the father, resented by the siblings, and is being selfishly used by a stepmother seething in resentment. Nobody does that to a child out of conscience. Her negligence caused unnecessary trauma for all three children. Which was fine with her, because she got to blame her husband for it. She ADMITS she put no thought into her own children's feelings until Reddit got on her case about it. The conscientious thing to do would have been to consider ALL the options for the child and to proceed with caution. She was so eager to prove what a Good Person she is and rub her husband's nose in his infidelity at the same time, that she failed to do this. Now serious harm has been done to her children and to her relationship with them, and to their relationship with their new sister.
@tothewonder6248 4 ай бұрын
That woman in story one is a SAINT! I could never.
@allisonmoore1802 4 ай бұрын
court jester huh? how apropos...🤣🤣🤣
@PowerStruggle555 4 ай бұрын
good for op. she knew the girl is not to blame. so did the good thing and took her in.
@hvymax 4 ай бұрын
Why can't OP just buy both tickets to use?
@lauraanderson8785 4 ай бұрын
You're so close to 100k! 😱 0.5k more to go!
@Hazey4420 4 ай бұрын
The jester hat 🥳
@cadiza315 4 ай бұрын
Story number one; I get where OP is coming from. This child is the sibling to OP’s children. This child needs an adult to give a crap about her. . They could not be more of a turn off how OP‘s husband is abandoning his own flesh and blood when the small defenseless child needs help. What bothers me though is that clearly OP is going to get attached to this child. Her children are going to get attached to this child. And if there’s anyone else in this child’s family who is interested, they are going to have legal claim to this little girl. And will be able to tear her away, especially if the child’s loser father won’t step in. Far is OP children, it seems like her son is adjusting already, and hopefully with therapy so can her daughter. But I cannot condone abandoning this child in anyway. And OP agrees, bless her.
@SkyEcho751 4 ай бұрын
Story 1: She's a saint, she is willing to take care of the affair child and NOT blame the sins of the father on the kid. Husband is a total liar, he didn't do anything 'for OP' he did it in service of himself, to protect himself, to gratify himself, and to avoid responsibility. I wonder if that's why he was a stellar father, because he was cheating and knew that being a jerk would get him caught. Story 2: Nah she was trying to scam OP, she offers her side of the deal, but when OP counteroffers she instead demands 1.5 times what she offered? There is no way that she would have given OP $1200, instead she'd be all up in arms about how she's already funding the trip on her own rather then having support, how dare he try to take the extra. The fact a 'coworker' paid OP, tells me all I need to know about how trustworthy she is.
@Maizazael 4 ай бұрын
Jester hat is a good choice
@bridgetdebourgh5698 4 ай бұрын
Hey Markee 👋 Hope you are enjoying your weekend 👍 Have a great weekend everyone 👋🤗
@taz598 3 ай бұрын
Story 1 People keep saying OP is a saint for wanting to keep the affair child but honestly have to wonder if that is really a good idea because even with therapy there is going to be some resentment from her other kids as they grow....don't think that is really a healthy environment for a child that lost their mother and their father discarded them but good luck with that.
@JettSettingBengal 4 ай бұрын
OP’s husband acts like that because she lets him get away with everything smh “Stepped up to the plate by taking care of her”. You mean parenting. Stop traumatizing your own children. Leave.
@Yusei1Fudo 4 ай бұрын
Last story: She didn't want to go on the trip at the same time because she didn't want him to meet her current smash piece.
@lindalehr1551 4 ай бұрын
Or she simply didn't want to take the chance of running into her ex everywhere right after breaking up.
@Greeneyedcat99 4 ай бұрын
He will never step up if you don’t make him.at the lead he should bear the financial burden. Not you!
@adjwindu70 4 ай бұрын
S1: when op said she didnt want sex after the son was born, did she mean for the rest of their lives?
@Samantha-qj9wq 4 ай бұрын
Story 2 - It's really easy. She's trying to profit off of her breakup idea since he wants to use the booking himself. Maybe she was thinking about cheating and didn't want to, so had the idea to break up, or was already cheating. But. It would be a lot easier to just say "hey, how about I just buy the plane tickets off you so my friend and I can sit together and you're not out any money?", don't you think?
@Because-rt8qs 4 ай бұрын
I thought she wanted part of her money back because she didn't agree to buy a ticket for his friend? Idk it was confusing.
@Dizi85 4 ай бұрын
Oh my god, Maree, you flamming drongo! THOSE HATS!!!!!👒🎩🧢⛑️🎓
@robert4657 23 күн бұрын
Op you are are a kind woman to take the new child in but be careful because your eldest might not agree. Please talk to your own daughter first if now you might ruin your own relationship with her. If I was her I never want to be in the same house with her.
@tfrtrouble 4 ай бұрын
I can't believe the comments calling OP an "amazing woman" and an "angel". Jesus, why the hell would you tell your unreliable husband to explain a really complex life change to your kids by himself and not even check what he said?! Telling hubby he has to tell the truth to their friends and family made would have made sense, but they should have spoken to the kids together, and she should have helped prepare them. She really let down her own kids on this. That is horrible parenting!
@OneMinuteCreepyClips 4 ай бұрын
Airfare watchdog. Welp, I know what I'm doing this afternoon. 😁
@JohnJackson-e9z 4 ай бұрын
1story: I am confused as to why OP says the child is obviously not hers? Is the child mixed race or something or are we just talking about minor stuff like different hair color?
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
There was mention of her hair being initially in braids. So yeah, probably a black child in a white family. That might explain why OP shows zero concern for her own children in this whole thing. She's so eager to be a Good White Person that her brain shut down. That's going to create a very unfun family dynamic going forward.
@faceofvision 4 ай бұрын
The guy in story 2 is all about "I would do this and that if I were in her place", should've just given her the Airbnb since she asked first and he could do all the things he says he "would do". But of course he's such a good guy for giving her all the advice 😂 None of them are better than the other 🤦🏻‍♀️
@faceofvision 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength first of all this whole mess happened before he even knew about the other guy, second of all nobody knows if she cheated or not, it's an assumption. Letting her pay for the place isn't "taking care of her", it's just making a deal with a friend (pretty sure he said they decided to stay friends), avoiding any mess and not losing money. Shooting himself in the foot and "eating the cost" is just stupidity or privilege, what person in their 20s can just eat 800-1200 dollars to spite an ex they stayed friends with 🤦🏻‍♀️
@zeevanatashazazhinne3136 4 ай бұрын
1- Holy Moly OP-- Your husband is a HUGE idiot (and that's putting it nicely.) Everyone who is begging you to make it work needs to get on your husband to get into therapy himself and STEP UP. You are an amazing kind woman who really sees the difference between the two adults who did you wrong and a little girl who is your children's half-sister. Get lawyered up NOW. If you do not want to separate your husbands daughter from your son, ADOPT HER, divorce him, take him for everything you can: the house, child support for 3 kids including extensive therapy, alimony, and get everyone who's begging you to get on HIM to do the right thing. I'm glad you are smart enough to divorce this loser and move to be closer to YOUR family. You are a FINE HUMAN BEING OP. 2- Oof... glad it all worked out. I agree that having the other guy Venmo you the money was an FU. Glad you didn't care. Have fun in Belize.
@chsparkle 4 ай бұрын
​@@RisetoStrengthto be clear, if hubby refused sex with op, she can go and get it elsewhere, hmm?
@chsparkle 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength Judging by your ignorant comments thus far, I highly doubt that. It is not a difficult question and hardly requires a long discussion. Do you believe a woman can cheat if her husband isn't giving her any? Should a man force themselves to 'put out' no matter the agony they are in?
@chsparkle 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength Oh, it really is. If you can so confidently state that it's only natural for men to cheat when their partner almost died, you can answer if it's okay for women to cheat if their hubby can't have sex. But you don't want to. Because your hypocrisy would be neatly revealed. Well, it already is but you couldn't dodge anymore if you said it out loud.
@chsparkle 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength Oh you know, all your comments about how much you understand why he did so, men have needs, she wasn't given him any, ect. Trying to pretend you never said anything like that? Rather cowardly. And look at that, you cannot bare to say that women can cheat without enough sex from hubby. What a surprise. The op almost died and you confidently stated it was understandable her husband had to seek sex elsewhere and that she just needed to get over the pain if she didn't want him to. You even claimed she never told him she was in pain. There is no code to get into. You don't cheat on your wife as she tries to recover from almost dying giving birth to your child. That's crystal clear. You also don't claim it was for 'her' benefit. It's that simple but you don't understand. You just keep going on about 'needs'. I wonder how, according to you, men ever survive when separated from women from weeks to months at a time as you claim they can't handle it.
@bubblegumrose777 4 ай бұрын
@stuffyouotterlistento1461 4 ай бұрын
To repeat what I said about story 2 elsewhere... Before any comments or updates: So when the Ex wants to use both tickets and the AirBnB, she pays for everything but one of the tickets, but when OP wants to use both tickets and the AirBnB, he needs to pay for everything except one half of one of the tickets? That seems biased on its face, but it's not necessarily unfair. It's a different situation if everything is going to waste than if the tickets and reservation are still something both people desire. I think the fairest way to resolve this is to see who is willing to pay more. If she, under these conditions, is willing to spring for everything except one half of one ticket, and he's not willing to go that far, it's more valuable to her, and she pays him and goes on the trip. If not, then it seems like they agree on what everything is worth, and it's just down to deciding which one of them gets to go. But if either of them would be unhappy if the other got to go instead of them, they should be willing to sweeten the pot at least a little bit. They'd basically be bidding for the trip. If they're both too stubborn to fork over more on principle, then they just need to determine some random way of deciding: flip a coin or something.
@stuffyouotterlistento1461 4 ай бұрын
After comments and before more info: So the total cost of everything here is $3,200 right? $1,600 for the AirBnB and $800 x2 for the tickets? The Ex seems to be willing to handle $2,800 of that, while OP is only willing to go up to $2,400. You have your answer right there. It's more valuable to the Ex and so she pays the greater amount and goes. If OP doesn't think this is fair, then he should be willing to match the price. If he thinks it's unfair but isn't willing to match the price, he's just being petty.
@stuffyouotterlistento1461 4 ай бұрын
After more info: It doesn't matter what the Ex originally offered; it matters what she's willing to offer now. I kind of feel like it's just an excuse, but the concern over potential damages to the AirBnB could actually be legitimate. If there was some way to ensure she'd be on the hook for that (would it be possible to put her credit card on file in case of that eventuality?) that would be ideal.
@stuffyouotterlistento1461 4 ай бұрын
After update: So damages to the AirBnB weren't a real concern, since he was willing to let his Ex go when she paid for everything. This is not necessarily an unfair arrangement, since it's obviously worth it to her, but I think OP was the a-hole for the way he approached everything. He wasn't willing to pay $2,800 but seemingly wasn't willing to let his Ex have it for that price either. I guess you could see it as hardball negotiations, but we know from his comments that that's not the case, and playing hardball under the circumstances would be kind of dickish anyway.
@stuffyouotterlistento1461 4 ай бұрын
And to reiterate, I don't think the Ex tried to screw OP over. The initial offer was entirely reasonable if everything would otherwise go to waste, because the OP wasn't intending to go on the trip. She'd be giving him an extra $800 (or cutting his $1,600 loss in half, if you want to look at it that way) for something he had no use for.
@msredux 4 ай бұрын
I almost die having a kid, and my husband had an affair and an affair baby, so I decided to stay and raised the girl with my idiot husband, but he refuse to help, what could go wrong?
@sigdrifahildr2624 4 ай бұрын
Therapy is just paying someone to tell you you're wrong until you agree with them
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
"Is there any way to salvage this?" "He said this as if he did me a favor." That's all I need to hear. No. There is no way to salvage this. "Shocker, our children didn't take the news well." Look, OP. Your husband is an A, but you need to stop blaming him for YOUR bad decisions. You knew your husband was a miserable coward. You knew he wouldn't talk to the kids. YOU engineered the situation where the affair child was sprung on your children without warning, traumatizing all three of them. That's inexcusable. I know you think you're being virtuous by taking in a child that isn't yours, but you are actually just penalizing your own children for the sake of cleaning up after your worthless husband. Divorce your husband. Let your husband's family take in the little girl.
@stanleyphinazee5354 4 ай бұрын
Thank u for ur explanation. I couldn't have said it any better. The way everyone calling her a saint in the comments has me acknowledging why so many story like these happen, bc people mindsets to allow or applaud such stupidity baffles me. She ain't an idiot for wanting to help the child, but how she went about it, like all of her decisions, have been in my opinion dumb. I mean the fact she asked if she could salvage it says it all 🤷
@purepandemonium6769 4 ай бұрын
Op should had told the kids about the new addition but she not wrong for taking in the child and acting like she horrible for feeling that her husband should own up to his actions and be honest with his kids. It was a wrong decision but whether like it or not her husband cheated and created this situation. If was more understanding and talked to his wife about it they wouldn't be in this situation, but no he decided that s was a higher priority than his wife's health. Not everyone hates children of their partners affairs and it's messed you want op to just dump this child cause her husband couldn't own up to crap he did.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
@@purepandemonium6769 At no point did I say I "want op to just dump this child". The husband created the situation, but he didn't create the ENTIRE situation. The situation where the little girl arrives and the other two aren't prepared and all three of them are freaking out? That was created by OP. All because she didn't talk to her kids before taking in another child. I repeat -- **She didn't talk to her kids before taking in another child.** And she should have. Even if she thought her husband was going to do it (and she obviously knew he wouldn't) she should ALSO have talked to them. It is inexcusable that she did not. You admit that she should have talked with them. So we agree. So spare me your "you want her to dump this child" nonsense! I don't want her to dump the child. I want her to Not Traumatize the already traumatized child. I want her to care for her own children and avoid traumatizing them as well. It required active decisions on her part to traumatize all those children. She made the deliberate choice not only to NOT TALK to her children, but to delegate that task to a man she KNEW would not do it. OP is obviously taking in this child for all the wrong reasons, and has already hurt that child and her own children very much due to that. If any of her husband's relatives actually want that child for herself, rather than as a weapon to hurt hubby, then those relatives should take her.
@draumpje 4 ай бұрын
The plane tickets/holiday with the exes So she would let him take the 800 dollars loss if she would have taken over the trip But if he takes it, he should take 1200 dollars loss And that’s logic because?
@lina9535 4 ай бұрын
Call me cruel and callous, but OP should take *her* 2 kids and leave the cheater to deal with his child on his own. It really does sound like it's not good for the 2 kids and they should come first. I do admire OP for trying, but that girl isn't her responsibility. Her cheating man should take care of her. He also comes across as a mysogynist with the "it was to help you" nonsense. What kind of role model is that to have around your kids? And honestly, while we hear horror stories about the foster system, there are also good stories from there. That girl would be better off in any family where her dad doesn't even care and her half siblings don't hate her guts, and where the only one who cares isn't even related to her. If the girls mothers side won't take her in, then the dads side can. It shouldn't fall on OP.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
Exactly. OP's behavior and reasoning seems completely selfish here. Like she's doing all this to make her husband look bad, and rub his face in what he did. She didn't even consider her own children's feelings till Reddit told her to.
@ynmonroe 4 ай бұрын
Stuck at 3:53 honestly. I mean, what was OP thinking? Don't get me wrong; the child is not to blame. However, why in TAF would OP basically brush aside what her "husband" did and didn't do and sign herself up for this? For clarity, I don't get why she thought that it made sense to only demand he tell people. Was that supposed to be a magical pill of some sort? Were the kids just going to be like, "yeah okay"? Did she really think that a few days or whatever of heads up would be enough? Then when he didn't do that, why did she? She clearly coddles this guy to the point that he was absolutely fine half-assing it as a parent to the other kid and cheating long-term. I just don't get why she thought this farce of a marriage was worth saving, and I haven't even gotten to the rest of the video.
@bubblegumrose777 4 ай бұрын
@KJxxoo 4 ай бұрын
I honestly can’t believe the amount of people telling OP to leave the kid with the husband and go. This ooor kid just lost her mother and OP is the only person trying to help give her some stability! If she leaves her with her f*ckwit of a father, this kid is going to have abandonment issues and massive trauma for a long time, possibly forever.
@maurer3d 4 ай бұрын
Story 2 (before update): NTA, if you gave her the money the next step for her was to cancel the tickets and get a refund or a credit, leaving you without your ticket.
@valgardener7656 4 ай бұрын
Everyone is talking about how OP is such a saint, despite her horrible neglect of her own children's needs and feelings. But for me, she reminds me of the Reddit Mom who decided to mentor her son's bully, thus putting the desire to look saintly over the needs of her child. This mom isn't as bad, but her behavior is still horrible. So horrible that I'm legitimately concerned that the daughter is going to be on here in ten years' time, talking about how she and her brother have been neglected in favor of the half-sister.
@Buff_Helpy 4 ай бұрын
Alright guys help me explain to markee where this baby came from, I need help fast!
@bubblegumrose777 4 ай бұрын
@jackiea.7971 2 ай бұрын
@MochiTheAxolotl69 4 ай бұрын
Wow, 4 minutes ago, never been so early!
@NoOne-fo1di 4 ай бұрын
Oh Markee, your titles always make me giddy and then i feel bad for the OP......sometimes
@RockCollector201 4 ай бұрын
13 min gang 🎉
@amberaseltine3012 4 ай бұрын
For the second story. I just thought of the most petty thing the guy can do. When on his trip, find the most beautiful girl there and ask if she would help get back at his ex and take picture togather. When sending them to his ex make sure to tell her he is having fun, and relize they could never be friends and he is blocking her. Then do so. Lol i would think it be a flex back and complet cut off.
@Akemi.24-45 4 ай бұрын
こんばんは~、Markee! What are you having for dinner tonight? ♥️🤗
@Markee 4 ай бұрын
steaaaaaak hbu?
@Akemi.24-45 4 ай бұрын
@@Markee あ〜、おいしそう!! I'm having tropical pizza. I know it's very controversial, but I love it! 🍕😋
@Markee 4 ай бұрын
@@Akemi.24-45 Sounds yummy!!
@Akemi.24-45 4 ай бұрын
@@Markee Some people hate pineapple in pizza. I love it!
@Markee 4 ай бұрын
I love it too aha it's so yummy
@kiraalexandraruizburgos1236 4 ай бұрын
@michal31131 4 ай бұрын
@brandygiovinazzi3460 4 ай бұрын
@jewlzcraig-leaves597 4 ай бұрын
Woohoo 🙌🏽
@jasonrustmann7535 4 ай бұрын
S2: "I don't understand her logic" ahh see that's where you went wrong, there is no logic here, women don't operate on that, they're purely selfish and self centered.
@LoveK1 4 ай бұрын
If you think men are logically then you’re complete delusional. Did you not hear the first story? That man was a complete moron.
@morphinpink 4 ай бұрын
incel spotted
@faceofvision 4 ай бұрын
Was the mom in the first story also selfish and self centered, idiot?
@faceofvision 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength boohoo, little husband baby boy couldn't speak for himself, I guess she did have three kids all along. Go back to your cave troll.
@faceofvision 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength "simple needs" spoken like a true caveman
@Queen_Of_Discord 4 ай бұрын
God OP is a fucking SAINT for taking in that poor girl and looking past the fact that she's an affair baby to care for her since she is an innocent child in all this. It's sad to say, but a lot of people wouldn't do that and just project their resentment, hatred, and betrayal onto a child instead of the cheating partner.
@dylanadavis2118 4 ай бұрын
Holy f*cking f*ck. Story one is absolutely insane. OP is a wonderful person but she needs to stop being this man's doormat.
@ladyv5655 4 ай бұрын
I think in the end, she does win. She gets to ultimately adopt the bonus child, divorce the sad sack and move closer to her (probably) more supportive family. I hope she gets the house and tons of child support for the 3 children in the divorce. Then, if the ex stiffs her on the child support, then have his deadbeat a$$ locked up.
@LoveK1 4 ай бұрын
@@ladyv5655she didn’t “win” anything. She now the one who had 3 mouths to feed and I doubt he gets locked p if he doesn’t pay. A ton of men live their whole life without paying. The laws need to be stricter.
@dylanadavis2118 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength no she isn't. Her husband is the awful person, no her. You need some mental help if you think op is the bad person here.
@pippo17173 4 ай бұрын
​@thinktwofold honestly it's her own fault expecting her ex to confess and talk to them when he chicken out.
@pippo17173 4 ай бұрын
@@RisetoStrength That right there is where the debate came in if its fake or not because most wonder how much op is a doormat that her dream guy was actully just that terrible here.
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