DM Gets KICKED OUT For KILLING Host Player! - D&D Horror Stories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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In today's episode of Dungeons and Dragons horror stories, we have 3 tales. The first is a cautionary tale of over use of randomized charts, the second involves a DM that has a bad case of Generational superiority, and the third is a tale of a DM that targets and kills the player who is hosting the game.
1. / the_dm_who_only_used_r...
2. / older_player_blamed_me...
3. / dm_kills_host_turn_1_o...
Music: Music Credits: Sir Daggarpride and Sir Oakenshield by Ean Grimm AND Village + Ambiance by Serpentsoundstudios
Game Footage: F.I.S.T. Forged in Shadowtorch

Пікірлер: 113
@DnDDoge 2 жыл бұрын
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@brianjohnson1509 2 жыл бұрын
That RNG shit with Divine Intervention was the saddest shit I've heard in an rpg in like, 3 months.
@liamdalemon1525 2 жыл бұрын
was that Cleric a worshiper of the dice gods or something?
@devidevil888 2 жыл бұрын
Imagining how heartbroken that cleric must have been kills me
@alphons1456o Жыл бұрын
If I prayed to my God and all they gave me was a detect magic cast, I'd go Oathbreaker in a heartbeat
@chrisrudolf9839 2 жыл бұрын
In the first story, the DM outright disregarded the rules. Divine intervention doesn't give you some random spell effect, it makes the god directly intervene, responding to your prayer in a way he sees fit - which may not be exactly what you wanted or as much as you wanted, but given that it needs a roll that is improbable to be succesful and even then has a limit of once in a week maximum, it needs to be something substantial and helpful (unless they player's request was outright blasphemous). This is something where the DM absolutely shouldn't roll on any random chart, but use his brains and do something appropriate. That single incident would not have been enough for me to end the campaign, but probably it was just the last straw in a series of frustrations. When a DM gushes about how useful those random charts are and how he never has to prepare anything, then he is probably pretty useless as a storyteller and really only good for pure tactical hack and slay gameplay (and even that only if you don't mind the poorly balanced battles).
@biffwellington6144 2 жыл бұрын
I think I'd prefer to err on the side of being overly generous in that situation. Worshipers of Bahamut would be restored to 100% on everything (full HP, spell slots and other ability uses restored, ailments and stat penalties removed). Other PCs would get back half their hit points and have ailments and stat penalties (like the exhaustion on the Barbarian) removed. And the dragon would be aware of what just happened, so he'd be scared (with an appropriate ailment applied) for the remainder of the fight. A devout servant of Bahamut succeeds on a divine intervention roll when she and her companions are in serious trouble while fighting an enemy of Bahamut? Yeah, you have to make that really mean something.
@aaronhumphrey2009 2 жыл бұрын
Lazy DM..didnt bother to read the spell before rolling totally rando BS..
@Creshosk 2 жыл бұрын
>use his brains I think this is where things went wrong. Can't use what you don't have. Though using brains on credit is funny sounding.
@Houndofelements 2 жыл бұрын
This guy just wants a random number generator game put players in, not to make a story or play with the others.
@alarkhar 2 жыл бұрын
About the second story... Ben is lucky that I wasn't at that table. I'm 50+, and I don't like this kind of attitude one bit. I would have flipped my pootis on OP's behalf. It's this kind of pootis that makes the young generations steer away from classic games - and classic gameRs, for that matter.
@viperblitz11 2 жыл бұрын
"All you kids ever do is whine," whined the old man.
@heatherharrison264 2 жыл бұрын
On the last story, it is nice to hear of a problem tackled immediately rather than have it drag on for session after session and just keep getting worse. Sometimes, it should be one strike and you're out. I think the group dodged a bullet on this one.
@liamdalemon1525 2 жыл бұрын
GM: you need to leave Host: *YOU* *DARE* *OPPOSE* *ME* *MORTAL?*
@DwarfDaddy 2 жыл бұрын
1st: That DM is unbelievably unimaginative. Like even if he rolled for a random spell he should have made it like a 9th level spell or something like that 2nd: Ben is always gonna be an asshole if no one calls him out on his behavior. What sucks is since OP left Ben will most likely use it as an excuse for his continued behavior. 3rd: I like to run relatively smart monsters so them singling out the wizard would have only made sense if A) the wizard attacked first and B) They had one or two goblins using ranged attacks. And the balls on that DM for first off telling the host to shut up alone would he worthy of getting kicked but to do so in her OWN HOUSE he’s lucky they didn’t toss him out of the house Uncle Phil style. Also Doge if I may make a suggestion. Why not try and find older stories on the subreddit, most RPG Storytellers usually stick with the newer ones. It’d make you stand out more.
@aaronhumphrey2009 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Good DMs are so hard to find..
@DoomsdayR3sistance 2 жыл бұрын
Goodness knows what that 3rd DM was thinking, dumbest shit. He just played those goblins like mindless beasts, he obviously had something against the Host. Goblins might be commonly malicious but they aren't usually suicidal... They might attack Wizard with ranged attacks but they are intelligent enough to switch targets as soon as Wizard goes down. They aren't gunna go straight for kill while still in active combat like that.
@Michalinus 2 жыл бұрын
@@DoomsdayR3sistance maybe DM wanted host change character but rather than saying it just killed her. Or wanted to get rid of the woman forgeting or not knowing it's her house. I was thinking maybe he will show his master plan later or it was a bad way of telling change character, but respond of shut up is stupid and assholeish
@BlazingKhioneus 2 жыл бұрын
1st story: That's not even lack of imagination. That's just unimaginable laziness, and the fact he contently doubled down on "Yup, just detect poison and disease. That's it," after OP blew up over that shows that he just doesn't care about the game in the slightest. Like, throw a dungeon master's guide at me and let me only get halfway down the first page before starting a game and I'd probably run something better than that guy.
@devidevil888 2 жыл бұрын
I've never seen someone so insecure that they have to attack an entire generation
@BloodwyrmWildheart 2 жыл бұрын
New to the internet I see.
@biffwellington6144 2 жыл бұрын
Third story... nope, you were not too harsh on that GM at all. For whatever reason, he was apparently determined to kill the hostess's character no matter what it took. And then he straight-up told her to leave if she didn't like it. She was absolutely within her rights to say, "No, you're the one who's gonna leave. Get out of MY house. Now."
@biffwellington6144 2 жыл бұрын
It was actually the third story, but I'm having trouble editing my comment for some reason.
@thetiredbiker3652 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who ends up playing with mostly younger folk, I get some of that “your generation” in reverse. With the younger ones kvetching at me for how bad they have it. So it doesn’t matter which way it goes, age discrimination sucks.
@rawr70101 2 жыл бұрын
That DM in the first story didn't have a chart prepared for those rolls. He read that Divine Intervention usually comes in the form of a spell, flipped to cleric spells, rolled to see what level the spell was, then rolled to see which spell it was. That kind of moment is a dream for storycrafting... Why bother GMing if you clearly don't care?
@wolfcat1973 2 жыл бұрын
The second story reminds me of how my mom refers to my generation(s) (I was born in between the commonly accepted end of Millennials and start of Gen Z) as being whiny and not knowing honest work. Mind you, she’s barely not a Millennial herself. Then again, what should I expect from someone who thinks that a child fearing you equates to a child’s respect for you rather than hate and spite.
@KertaDrake 2 жыл бұрын
That DM in the last one is lucky he didn't get yeeted out through a window.
@splitirisbear4589 2 жыл бұрын
2nd story is legitimtely insane. Ben is treating someone poorly exclusively because of an immutable characteristic. He is quite literally no different to a racist. And the fact that the OP's friend's excuse is that "he's really a good guy, that's just how he is" means that they terrible people.
@AtelierGod 2 жыл бұрын
The algorithm dragon? That just looked like Den of the Drake flying about.
@Nathan-ti9pm 2 жыл бұрын
Not only did the GM tell host to be quite he told her to leave the table in her OWN house if she couldn’t be quite
@starbird3939 2 жыл бұрын
My Gamemaster uses a random table, but they make sure the encounters actually match the general theme and locale. For example: Slimes in the sewer, rats, that kinda stuff I can’t stand to see a night hag being used so carelessly, since Hags tend to be used as bosses or quest material.
@Arcticmaster1190 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. There is a way to set up a night Hag where it isn’t just some random crone you beat up and get the EXP. Maybe they just pass by the Night Hag without fighting it (they can disguise themselves) or maybe it’s not even the night Hag itself but a camp or something that got attacked by one and the survivors speak of this old lady that wasn’t what she seemed and ran off into the woods. Then you can have some fun and set up the small adventure as an actual adventure, tracking down the Hag *if they want*. You never fight a Hag straight. Ever. I always roll multiple times on an encounter table and discard, combine or space them out as I like. Makes it appear like I’m more clever than I’m not. :,D
@AtelierGod 2 жыл бұрын
Age means nothing, be you old or young, all that matters is the conviction to improve and learn, however this Ben doesn’t seem to want to learn his lesson and as such drop him into the abyss for me.
@scoots291 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes random charts can be awesome. One time our group went into a underground dungeon made entirely from random charts a mystery dungeon whose contents/floors changed every 24 hours. We are about 30 floors in and we come into this underground cavern filled with a"herd of giraffes" the ceiling was high but passage ways were small (a medium creature could squeeze through). We are very weary of these giraffes and the party desides we are going to just b-line towards the other passage when half way through our rogue desided om going to shank one of them. Does so and the giraffes scatter headed for both passageways (the way we came and the way we were headed) broke their necks when they got to the passages and the bodies piled up. We tried to move them/cut tgem/burn them but all that did was trap us underground and created an environment that made us suffocate. And now I can say "that is the story of how a herd of giraffes killed my character"
@Arcticmaster1190 2 жыл бұрын
The first story, in that clutch moment, I would have had the cleric and her team fully healed, conditions cleansed, a small buff to all attacks for one minute and the god whispering in the cleric’s head “Kick it’s ass to the northern wastes and back.” It might be too powerful, sure, but that was definitely an in-game moment where intervention was *earned* after so much invested in roleplaying it. It would also have been needed considering how I also play my Dragons.
@MenxiGoblinQueen 2 жыл бұрын
the DM taking what could have been a great moment and turning it into the equivalent of the cleric's diety giving them a stale piece of candy to fuck-off really is a crappy thing to do and I'd rather the DM be confronted for it
@maggywolska1943 2 жыл бұрын
yeh being told to shut up in my own house by a first time guest is a kickable offence. Your a God in Game, but I PAY the rent here .And honestly a big clap for the hostess there, look at that spine, might as well make it a relict because that shine is divine.
@chaos4654 2 жыл бұрын
First story i think is partly a major folly on the Party for not paying any *attention* *to* *how* *lacking* in *RolePlay* skills the DM was. They were never ever gonna get satisfying results narrative-wise from this guy.
@DnDDoge 2 жыл бұрын
KZbin didn't save my thumbnail, lol. Hopefully it's fixed now.
@EvilDeath66X 2 жыл бұрын
I've had Divine Intervention work twice for my cleric. First time there was a big boss monster with magical armor that we could not hit without immaculate rolls because his AC was so high. I hit my DI roll and basically asked my goddess to strip him of his armor. I was obliged with his armor losing it's magical abilities. Which was enough to win us the fight in the next few rounds. I was stoked. The other was a different DM, but same character. We were fighting some rogue celestials and after a few rolls to determine what they exactly were and discovering that all of them were various types of archons, and after our team was nearly wiped out. It was just myself and one other member that were left conscious with two dying. I hit my DI roll and asked my goddess Athena to take them away for judgement. I asked "Please take these angels away to be judged." by mistake instead of 'archons' like I had intended. Which led to some major complications because we also had a party member who unknowingly to us was an aasimer and had angel blood. Our next session was to go rescue that party member from my goddess. lol Everything was super fun and whenever Divine Intervention goes off successfully it's meant to be a memorable and meaningful effect. Because it is literally your god reaching down to assist you. The DM in this story was a tool in denying one of the coolest things clerics can do with such a mundane effect.
@edo0girl2.03 2 жыл бұрын
I'm of the opinion that if you don't want to do the work involved in DMing then you shouldn't DM at all. I mean, if he didn't want to plan his own storyline and encounters then he could run a module and have a template to work from. Anything is better than randomizing everything.
@shadiafifi54 2 жыл бұрын
First Story: That the GM boasted he never needed to prepare for anything was a giant red flag to begin with. You need at least some prep to make a game work. I seriously hope that GM never gets to run a game ever again. Second Story: That GM is an @****le who just wanted a target to vent on. He shouldn't be a GM if he's going to be so petty. Third Story: So he talks down the host in her own home? Yeah, good riddance. It's clear he had issues, because who the hell wastes three turns destroying a dead body, even in DM vs Player mentality?! Who's going to resurrect a lvl 1 PC?! That's just him being a jerk about it.
@Currin4 Жыл бұрын
So Bahamut, in her time of greatest need, rewards her faithful cleric with.....nothing. Sounds like its time to put the two weeks notice in on that god lol.
@DaPsychocat 2 жыл бұрын
That third DM pulling that "no talking at the table when dead" rule out of his ass with no session 0 and no discussing it with the players beforehand alone was grounds for removal. Having the enemies not only bumrush a character for no reason but keep attacking them when they're down is just absolutely dickish behavior to boot. Good riddance.
@shinigamisway1645 2 жыл бұрын
God I am so proud of the host in the 3rd story. She absolutely did not stand for that shit. So baller
@DoomsdayR3sistance 2 жыл бұрын
It's sooo easy to think up the type of stuff Bahamut would do to aid one of his followers that successfully called on Divine Intervention against a Chromatic Dragon, which are usually the enemy of Bahamut and his followers.... Of course, the DM also didn't weight up the fire breath so ya know here is a real bright idea. Fire immunity to the whole party for 1 minute and everybody gets to roll a 1d4+1 (2d4+2 for the cleric) at the start of their turns and recover that much HP for the duration. Have the Red Dragon waste a turn on a breath weapon that it quickly realizes did nothing. You could even tell it in such a way that the fire immunity isn't actually mentioned until the breath weapon but that there is some effect in place which appears to heal all for 1d4+1.
@HyenaDandy 2 жыл бұрын
Also, like... I would usually have goblins go after a wizard, too. Goblins aren't stupid, and she's not dressed like a fighter. And any wizard past the first few levels would be muchmore worrying.
@NeoVault_ 2 жыл бұрын
GM from second story sounds like he needs his mouty zipped shut. Absolutely disrespect and condescending. On top of the overly whiny complaining. Gm from third story, bruh. Either GM was an idiot, had it out for female host/character, or stubborn enough to think unfairly targeting a player would go unpunished. And boy, the gall to tell a host with zero respect "you have to be quiet, otherwise leave the table." ...For a game the host invited you to run, in her own home. More funny if anything. Glad host stood up to this stupid behavior and kicked the GM out. Unfortunate he ruined DnD, but at least they caught that early. Imagine what other toxic stuff the 3rd GM could have done.
@Ulysses-xl4pv 2 жыл бұрын
So yeah, Cleric should have just said “I kick the DM in the balls.” And kick the DM in the balls and walked out.
@jeydomo Ай бұрын
First story, considering how difficult the check is to succeed, make a chart yourself with useful options: Smite with x of amount of dice within x amount of space or x amount of enemies; Chain heal/mass heal, Bring in a celestial with a dc Stat block of X for X amount of turns for combat, shield/Ac buff team by 1-4 and allow for a few turns hit buff. Something, anything. It's infuriating to me more because of how deflated they became because of this interaction.
@symantares9171 8 ай бұрын
1st story DM is literally asking for a mallet to the junk. Several times
@frankalphonso268 Жыл бұрын
That divine intervention, I would’ve been inconsolable. I wouldn’t let that stand. How could any dm do that? Praying to the god bahamut, fighting a red dragon, in the final boss fight. How do you not automatically go all out for that?
@silverray42 2 жыл бұрын
This was full of DMs that sound like complete nightmares.
@kannakamui2334 2 жыл бұрын
That first DM was just foolish, though I like the idea of his chart. I think it would be great for random encounters or side quests, but it was just fucking stupid to waste the cleric's divine intervention on that pathetic reward, especially with how improbable it is how dire of a situation the party was in. And all that enthusiasm the Cleric had for that ability just blown to waste. That was just lazy, inconsiderate, unimaginative, and stupid as all hell. The guy from the second story is a tool. Talking about the generation and mistreating OP based on their age. That was no damn way to treat a war veteran or anyone. That's guy was a jerk too. Blatantly singling out the wizard and killing them early in the game. I hate people who use their position of power to bully someone then he had the nerve to tell her she couldn't talk or she'd have to leave in her own house. I'm glad he got made a fool of by having no one side with him and kicked out.
@Sigilstone17 2 жыл бұрын
New Hit Point Press Kickstarter AND some D&Doge, it's a good day today.
@jinglesbejankin7322 2 жыл бұрын
If you really need an encounter generator try out Donjon's. The Pathfinder one is excellent. It allows you to plug in a CR rating and an environment to find fitting enemies for the party's level and location. It also supplies loot and XP for when the party hopefully finishes the encounter.
@Zeromegas 2 жыл бұрын
The DMs with different horrible quirks.
@sorcikator993 2 жыл бұрын
Late to the party, but whatever, I blame the algorithm dragon. 1st story: that DM is an insult to all DMs, me included. I mean, I could even understand wanting to take shortcuts and roll on random tables for non-essential or non plot-related encounters. Fair enough, DMing is a lot of work. But he got serving on a FREAKING SILVER PLATTER the chance to make a very epic moment with basically the same amount of work that he did, only to slap the cleric in the face with this JOKE? Idiot, or asshole. One of those. 2nd story: I'm a millennial. And I try really hard to not have an issue with boomers, because I can't put all of them in the same boat. But this Ben guy is the perfect example of why I tend to have a by default bad opinion of baby-boomers. The entitlement, the arrogance... Good on OP to leave that toxic douche. 3rd story: The DM wasn't even TRYING to hide the fact he was going after the Host. No goblins would take that much risk to kill one player, unless that player killed their babies or something.
@NEKOEVE 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1, Random is fun for somethings, not for big moments. Story 2, That's the way he is, isn't a excuse and makes his friends excepting it look just as bad. Story 3, DMs don't be a dick and overly target players, Target down players unless hey a healer is known to be around and keeps bringing people up, and Round 1 of combat before anything even happened no one knows who the "Squishy wizard" is. DMs you're kinda just being a dick. I'm actually a bit extra bitter cause just lost a character played for 6 months due to some bad dice rolls and spending the time to target to kill a knocked out character, under another character, like it's a fire emblem A.I. Now I am a bit more peeved cause it's not like the new character has anything to do with the current story either but... Well the replacement is a bit ummm likely going to make the DM regret killing the first character in some BS.
@axelwulf6220 Жыл бұрын
That dragon wouldn't happen to be Drake, would it? The chaotic stupid Red that hordes cringe....?
@AtelierGod 2 жыл бұрын
When I prepare, I always prepare for a few hours before the session usually about 3.
@notoriouswhitemoth 2 жыл бұрын
First story: GMing *is* easy when you have an inanimate object do it for you. It's so easy you don't even need to show up! Second story: self-righteous ST needs to get over himself. Third story: killing a character and killing a player are two very different things.
@vincenthernandez2242 6 күн бұрын
Ben sounds like a real piece of work... My friend and I have been playing at a table where the average age gap between us and everyone else is like 20 years but they're all totally cool and have never brought up age once except playfully making fun of us for not knowing some old movie sometimes 😂
@phatcavy98 2 жыл бұрын
We had the greatest divine intervention ever in Tomb of Annihilation, my Doom Priest of Kelemvor pulled it on the final Lich fight as the team decided to escape as we where getting tore apart and couldn't win. I requested Kelemvor give me the power to halt the Lich and save my friends, even at the cost of my life and soul. I rolled a 1 on the d100 and the DM was so hype that this is what occurred. I grappled the Lich and suddenly a zone of silence appeared around us, then a portal to the plane of fire appeared behind us and I leaped through it with the Lich. Best character death I ever had. Shit like thay needs to be dramatic. For a worshipper of a dragon God to get such a shit boon while fighting a dragon... I can't.
@marybdrake1472 2 жыл бұрын
That last story was something. Everything that jackass did was just pointless. I would have thrown him out too.
@dragonmasterknight7 10 ай бұрын
Just came back to this video and have just this to say. In the 3rd story I would say GM/DM was a shit stuffed turkey for what they did. When you remember what his response was to her character you kind of get the idea of why he did what he did given he said they wouldn't mesh well with the others. If that WAS the case he could have simply had a one on one with Host and discussed ways to better fit their character into the party without taking away her concept or outright killing them. At the very least they could have had them make an extra character and then gave the current one a chance beforehand. Then if the dynamic didn't work they could discuss a way to retire that character and introduce the other one. There were WAY better ways he could have handled it, especially since he was new to the party, instead of just up and saying "I don't like your character so I'm gonna kill it session 1."
@stephenblevins3829 2 жыл бұрын
I normally do not condone violence. However, if a DM randomly rolled for divine intervention and I was playing the cleric, I probably would have punched them in the face!
@malinyberg75 2 жыл бұрын
Dragon is now hungry
@thejadedfox9389 2 жыл бұрын
Keeping Doge off the dragon menu! Love the content!
@alexjohnson9629 2 жыл бұрын
like.... with divine intervention its supposted to be a scenario altering spell. so in that scenario like... YOUR GOD PERSONALLY HEARS YOUR PLEAS ANDS STEPS IN AS YOUR REWARD FOR YOUR DEVOTION, a good way that I can think of is like the dragons sight is taken away and given to your party (dragon has disadvantage and you have advantage on all rolls), or your party gets the equilivant of a long rest, or like you get 30 levels of spell slots, or the dragon gets gone.
@shroudshift9969 2 жыл бұрын
It's even more fitting for the situation given the God is Bahamut, and the current foe is a Red dragon.
@galacticranger8072 2 жыл бұрын
I can feel the pain of the cleric in the first not from experience but because of how bull it was he could have given him something that would do ANYTHING against the dragon but nope give him something that’s almost worthless
@galacticranger8072 2 жыл бұрын
What I mean by this is he could have struck some spells off the list because they would do nothing
@shroudshift9969 2 жыл бұрын
It's even moreso because it's a Red dragon, and the god is Bahamut.
@Pachitaro 2 жыл бұрын
Gonna slap that first dm wtf
@jamespeebles3774 2 жыл бұрын
Doge is loved
@theofficerfactory2625 2 жыл бұрын
I can sort of agree with the DM on the generational story but that's old school army as I am Navy and we are a tad bit less zealous. Plus to single it out on one guy is just poor taste. The story could have been SO much worse if that was a marine but to totally change how characters have been made was wrong. And of course, go Navy, beat Army!
@TorsilClimber 2 жыл бұрын
Yay! New DnD Doge video to watch while drinking morning coffee.
@demonkingt 2 жыл бұрын
anyone who says "your generation" comments is probably on some bs and either hardcore ignores their own generation or is just looking for someone to take their shit out on.
@theeye8276 2 жыл бұрын
Goblins have nimble escape so there shouldn't be opportunity attacks
@Captain_Gargoyle 2 жыл бұрын
Nimble escape allows them to disengage as a bonus action. Can you disengage as you enter and then leave someone's melee range?
@talkingwithadam812 2 жыл бұрын
Dm: ur house is burning down Me: ill try divine intervention... IT WORKED Dm: it starts raining Me: i worship humans because this is a tinypunk campaign.. but ok Dm: oh and it just puts the fire out on the outside. But the inside is still on fire and kills all the humans. I get that this was for plot reasons. but shit hurted
@asskicker4000 2 жыл бұрын
We can beat that dragon! Second DM is so backward for 5e stereotypes
@JexKotetsu 2 жыл бұрын
Ya did it that little gameplay title card is all I ask for thank you!
@dead_vibes 2 жыл бұрын
I had edit my comment three times because each dm kept getting worse. How's this possible??
@HardlyBardly 2 жыл бұрын
All hail the algorithm dragon! Loving these readings!
@Rebelxstudios 2 жыл бұрын
That divine intervention story was BS. I would have walked out right then. Random spell with a spell that doesn't help at all in the fight they're in.
@whensomethingcriesagain 2 жыл бұрын
"Older player blames me for my generation's problems" Oh yeah, this is gonna be constructive...
@whensomethingcriesagain 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that all his complaints are just the manufactured garbage churned out by Facebook memes created by 65 year olds was as predictable as it is obnoxious
@crystaltydemagic 2 жыл бұрын
He killed the player in his own home!? How awkward was that? Having to play dnd next to a corpse while the guy that killed him ran the game. Talk about nerve wracking. Don't know, only heard the intro so far.
@warbossdakka6107 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been wanting to get into dnd, but it sounds really complicated. Is it? Or is it easy to learn?
@DnDDoge 2 жыл бұрын
It can seem overwhelming. Though, once you get used too it, you start to understand. Try to find a group open to newbies. If its a good group, you should have no problem.
@warbossdakka6107 2 жыл бұрын
Ok, thanks for the advice.
@theeye8276 2 жыл бұрын
I mean it does make sense for goblins to attack the squishy. But attack characters while they are down I don't do unleash its a beast trying to eat them
@Captain_Gargoyle 2 жыл бұрын
I think it makes sense to attack a squishy character if the opportunity is there, not if you have to charge through a battle line to get to them.
@gigaswardblade7261 2 жыл бұрын
that dm wanted so hard to be an alpha male
@thewolfstu 2 жыл бұрын
@rentheseer190 2 жыл бұрын
Ah yes, it's nice to see we're above the boomer generation with their isms that they are notorious for where as we millennials can live long enough to see good ol' age discrimination. **is being sarcastic and spiteful**
@Sigilstone17 2 жыл бұрын
Every generation gets old eventually. We have records of old people bitching about "kids these days" literally for as long as written language has existed. We even have records of old people bitching about the newfangled invention of writing ruining the next generation
@rentheseer190 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sigilstone17 I only understood that feeling when I watched little kids communicate whole sentences with nothing but emojis. I still recall that with hilarity.
@cyberspinosaur1145 Жыл бұрын
I have a story about DMS being assholes, if you'd like to hear? TW for gaslighting, though
@unluckyone1655 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly all the DMs in these stories just sucked
@iFeelGlee 2 жыл бұрын
you mean... player *character* not player... right?
@jount4195 2 жыл бұрын
Fallout anyone wtf maybe if you mentioned something fallout you'd belong in my list doesn't fallout have a damn board game at least
@HyenaDandy 2 жыл бұрын
Man, this guy's gonna complain about this dude's generation, when he's a Gen-Xer. Like. Dude. Remember the stereotype for YOUR generation? At least millenials being entitled implies we want SOMETHING. The Gen-Xer stereotype was just... Like... Incredibly, mind-blowingly stupid.
@gnikhcil 2 жыл бұрын
i refuse to comment
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