DMPC Fox Girl Maid Ruins DnD | r/rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@Spadeaswell Жыл бұрын
Hearing airship in a DnD horror story is the equivalent of hearing a voice in the night. Pure terror.
@iank472 Жыл бұрын
I reflexively shuddered as soon as Doge mentioned the word!
@Spadeaswell Жыл бұрын
@@iank472 I kid you not, I did the exact same.
@iank472 Жыл бұрын
@@Spadeaswell it's the boogie man of the D&D world! We players and DMs check under our beds for freaking airships!
@a4battles484 Жыл бұрын
What's wrong with airships in DnD?
@wolfherojohnson2766 Жыл бұрын
@a4battles484 Airships in general are fine. However, the airship being referred to was filled with level 20 Mary Sue/Gary Stu DMPCs that apparently got together for regular orgies.
@credendovides20 Жыл бұрын
It's true that "No D&D is better than bad D&D", but it's also true that "No friends to play D&D with is better than these friends".
@realdragon Жыл бұрын
Isn't it basically the same?
@timreynolds4785 3 ай бұрын
Let's be honest: someone who joins a DnD group, more or less destroys it (I don't believe the photography story; it is more likely OP said something to the store owner than the moral hand of the universe gave OP the thumbs up in this way, and it is reddit, which is full of liars and insane people) and then walks away from the hobby entirely...that gives a lot of ammo to the pro-gate-keeping side of things.
@somebody4952 Жыл бұрын
"The dmpc whisked us away to their airship-" Me: *ptsd*
@Nyx685 Жыл бұрын
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
*nam flashbacks*
@Magnet_Chaos Жыл бұрын
Oh no
@nnickplays9713 Жыл бұрын
What OP in the fourth story needs to do is brush up on his resume and get a escape route from that company
@solsotice6775 Жыл бұрын
It's already an insane asking price for a game. To then go over OP's head over a respectful decline and feed the higher ups with who knows how much slander. Then no one in the meeting willing to hear OP's side of the events is just unfair and a little resentfull.
@cmhsky Жыл бұрын
No critiquing at an art studio... I can't wait to see the tragedy that rule produces.
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
Damn the politics of that studio is enough of a horror story in itself. I bet OP is going to be on the shit list for a long while over that
@iluvyurbles Жыл бұрын
@@unluckyone1655 he should have said "fuck you guys I quit"
@ChuckPalomo Жыл бұрын
Seriously, if they are so adamant about overpaying for a more often than not free activity, let the company shoulder the costs at least. Sounds to me like one of the higher ups made a deal with the brother to get a piece of the pie, and that's why they pushed so hard for it to happen despite the ridiculous price and obvious nepotism.
@minimalbstolerance8113 Жыл бұрын
I once played twin foxgirl maids (two characters, but did pretty much everything together, because twins and also plot convenience) in a Spelljammer campaign. I can't help but feel somewhat called out by Story 1, despite the fact that in the campaign I was in, the twins weren't DMPCs or Mary-Sues, and there were no orgies or r**e dungeons involved.
@LucyBean42 Жыл бұрын
For the last story, dude also cheats. That's auto-ban, no questions. Also being a rude d-bag constantly is just icing on the cake.
@NEKOEVE Жыл бұрын
*The DM didn't read my backstory, and assigned me a new one* That was your sign, right there, if the fox girl dragon maidens weren't the sign.
@iank472 Жыл бұрын
I sincerely hope the poor OP dealing with the delusional Art studio directed the higher ups to the Reddit post. Hopefully the relentless mockery of every sane person who responded will show them just how stupid the DM was being.
@Zucca101 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: That ENTIRE group is evil and should be avoided like the plague.
@stupididiot4034 Жыл бұрын
Not evil, just very edgy and horny. I know, I can recognize that kinda person. OP definitely shouldn't be friends with them though.
@robw3610 Жыл бұрын
Yeah no... That one with the art studio struck a nerve. If the "higher ups" at my work place sat me down and scolded me like that over not wanting to play an unknown TTRPG with someone, I would probably snap at them and tell them to F off, and immediately start sending out job apps... Thats freaking ridiculous. If anything, those higher-ups were the ones harassing OP...
@criticalchai Жыл бұрын
if the entire group is shitting on you for not liking some fetish or well any content they love but you don't,its time to eject and escape fast. Gotta read the table. if you don't fit. don't try to suck it up and deal with some horrible situation. Better to just wait and keep looking for a table that works for you.
@SinnerMann Жыл бұрын
Always love how Doge comes off and a very sophisticated doge with his wording and voice then as the story gets worse his reactions are gold lmao
@theratking013 Жыл бұрын
My quess with the Paid Game is they(the Art Studio) wants their cut of the 300$.
@ChuckPalomo Жыл бұрын
Yeah that does seem like the only rational explanation. I doubt they made all that fuzz just cause they respected ttrpgs so much.
@Michaeljack81sk Жыл бұрын
I think OP of Story #3 better start looking for another art studio. With the kind of attitudes the higher ups have I suspect the business won't last much longer
@phatcavy98 Жыл бұрын
I can't think of any person that would pay 50 bucks a week, one month at a time (200 bucks) to play dnd, and be told if they miss the game they will be kicked and likely not get refunded. Id be that DMs worst nightmare if I paid that much for a game "for this price I expect dimension 20/critical roll levels of quality. And any cheap outs by the DM will immediately see me demanding a refund for that game as the DM clearly didn't dedicate the paid time to the game.
@tinycrimester Жыл бұрын
@Daman3tm Жыл бұрын
01:30 This is the epitome of "and then everybody clapped" stories. Never understood why some people are like this, I assume it's because they lead boring lives
@gurmyigoll3535 Жыл бұрын
They desperately seek attention. One can have a boring life and not beg for attention.
@AdmiralBlackstar Жыл бұрын
They think those types of stories are all fake to dupe less intelligent people(unlike their big brainness) and decide to make up their own but tend to goof up either with details(seeing as it's made-up) or in this case, fail to realize how infrequently those stories actually occur.
@NemoThundersong Жыл бұрын
You know I joined a campaign a few months back. DM made it pay to play (12.50 a session and she had like 10 players and was bi monthly) just before I got there. They had approached me to join, how ever I explained to her I'm on a strict budget and couldn't afford it. She still let me join and after I did, things began to get worse and worse. Players revealed other stuff she had done to them prior that now seemed, bizarre for example a player playing a character that was under age was forced into a marriage. Her DMNPC which the party didn't trust out right killed player. When the party began to plot to kill her, she got a level of upset that was scary. After that they did a terrible tournament arc which newer joining party members had no chance against players that had been stacking items for the 2 years prior when the game had originally started. After we voiced our concerns and gave her ideas on how to balance, she took it as we were angry, hating her and couldn't take any constructive criticism. 2 other players that I liked left and messaged me to tell me that pay to play thing started just before she snagged me and wanted to warn me, luckily I wasn't paying. I informed them of this, and we talked for several hours on the matter. I finally left the game by explaining I had to cut DnD time to look after my elderly mom. (Which is true) Left before it left any kind of trauma on me though thankfully.
@vampire9545 Жыл бұрын
$25 a session makes sense if its 5hr a session min 😆 and like you know what you're getting into. The harassment against family claim is hilarious
@BalbazaktheGreat Жыл бұрын
Lol. I think I can explain the "paid TTRPG game at the Art Studio" story. The OP obviously stepped on the toes of a friend of somebody in charge, who the bosses were trying to hook up with a sweet gig paid for directly by the employees and not the company. I'd get the hell out of that job as soon as I possibly could.
@Nomorehero07 Жыл бұрын
In that last story, I feel like it's a lost cause. Especially with the op mentions that he cheated and I think that deserves an automatic kick.
@RiveroftheWither Жыл бұрын
Did op say what gender they are and I missed it? Because it OP is a girl, this sounds like "negging" behavior, a manipulation tactic where a person (usually by a guy to a girl) attacks another person's self esteem and self worth to make them more apt to dating the one doing the negging. Regardless they should be banned but I think op should still talk to them just to find out the reason for the behavior out of morbid curiosity.
@ganmerlad Жыл бұрын
The "love confession" isn't a ttrpg horror story. I get the feeling the guy decided the DM's lesbian relationship was a challenge (apparently he didn't know about it till the game despite a 9 year 'friendship'). He probably had a "she just needs a man" line of thought. The RP flirting *may* have set it in motion, but I doubt he would have gone the flowers, chocolate, and declaration of love route (so corny, lol) if she had a boyfriend instead. He probably thought it would be an easy score if he went through the motions. Bottom line -- not a friend, just a long-term acquaintance. The "Paid Game" story...I'd want out of that artist's studio if there was any other alternative. The studio says the OP is disrespectful by...being disrespectful to the OP. They say the OP was harassing another artist's family by...harassing the OP. And no critiquing allowed in an ART studio? Several kinds of red flags there. The people running the art studio clearly aren't trained artists (critiquing is part of art training and artistic growth), and, the studio may have been getting a cut of the game payment due to their OTT reaction at OP's saying it was overpriced. Assuredly there's more trouble to come at that studio. The last story, I'd say the DM should ask him why he's even there if he hates the game so much, but no answer I can think of is worth keeping him around. Not even "you guys are my only friends" is good enough to let him stay. He's making everyone else miserable and is a jerk. Give him an ultimatum if you think you're being too hasty, but don't expect any positive attitude adjustment to last.
@shadenox8164 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that guy was a "nice guy" just pretending to be her friend in the hopes of getting into her pants. Definitely not a friend.
@realdragon Жыл бұрын
Second story: Seems like OP doesn't fit the group, it would be hard to convince everybody else to change the way they play. Imo it would be better to just leave the group and find something else
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
Sounds to me like that group would be better off with a F.A.T.A.L. dm
@littlegiantj8761 Жыл бұрын
He should have left immediately after everyone went along with the pron incident
@feodrich Жыл бұрын
Last Story - SOME of Fey's behavior could have been forgiven. Being poor at roleplay can be fine, not everyone needs to be an actor and not everyone needs some kind of tragic backstory. You could always just roleplay as a normal person who had a completely normal, average life before becoming an adventurer because realistically most people ARE. It'd be totally fine to have one normal dude in a party of adventurers. But the MOMENT i saw the word "Cheating" nope out immediately, you gotta come down on cheating like a ton of bricks, allowing it in any form ALWAYS goes bad.
@danwizzle91 Жыл бұрын
So happy to see your channel growing man!
@bosunbill9059 Жыл бұрын
Thus "The Airship" became the "Flying Dutchman" of the DnD community.
@N3rd_love Жыл бұрын
Sounds like the studio is getting some of the money from the game
@shadowsonshadowson3929 Жыл бұрын
As guy who waited until it was too late when I confessed to my crush in middle and high school, I get it. But at the same time you can’t force that, especially if they’re already in a relationship. That’s when your crush turns into obsession.
@moriane. Жыл бұрын
Grats on 20k, Doge! I'm so happy for you.
@ArcmageZaln Жыл бұрын
With that $50 game, I have a feeling that the GM was going to cut the higher ups into some of the profits so that way no one could say anything. That's the only reason I can think of them just letting something like that slide.
@ArawnNox Жыл бұрын
Didnt OP say the GM was the brother of a higher up? The whole thing smells like a grift, to me.
@ArcmageZaln Жыл бұрын
@@ArawnNox I remember hearing the word brother throwing around, but it wasn't paying attention if it was a higher up. If that was the case that definitely smells of profit sharing and stuff.
@ajtheva6694 Жыл бұрын
Nightmare stories are either comprised of Rouges, Bards, Bad DMs or Furries. Or sometimes a combination of thr four.
@missilanious Жыл бұрын
I see a lot of paladins
@ajtheva6694 Жыл бұрын
@@missilanious as a Paladin in my campaign, that hurts.
@happybatty5142 Жыл бұрын
or airships
@marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын
@@ajtheva6694 Unfortunately, there are too many lawful stupid paladins giving the rest of you a bad name.
@ajtheva6694 Жыл бұрын
@@marybdrake1472 thanks for reminding me
@AlbertaGeek Жыл бұрын
Games with a DMPC are invariably a red flag surrounded by traffic cones, yellow tape, and road flares.
@brandonturner4113 2 ай бұрын
I've had dmpcs I as a player loved to have in the party but depends on the dm
@NoodleGoblin Жыл бұрын
OPs like that one in the second story piss me off and honestly don't get much sympathy from me anymore. Their posts are always like, "So I joined this game with a bunch of people that are complete weirdos. Here's a list of their atrocities, but Idk what to do? should I leave? :(" Just leave dummy.
@gurmyigoll3535 Жыл бұрын
With the 4th story "Paid Game" was the brother trying to fleece the employees of their money?
@jakec892 6 ай бұрын
The kissing black men thing caught me off guard, manager just looked at me confused why I burst out laughing at work
@alyssinwilliams4570 Жыл бұрын
as a kitsunemimi, that first story was pretty appalling
@RealSeanithan 3 ай бұрын
If I hosted a game for my peers (that is, anyone 20 or over), I would definitely consider asking for a bit of money. It would be worded like this, "If we're playing at my house, I'll be providing food, and anyone who wants to pitch in a couple bucks to offset that is welcome to, but it is by no means required of you."
@theofficerfactory2625 Жыл бұрын
Aww; Alice was sucha. cute little kitten. Now she is a beautiful cat. Also hi, Simba. Story 1: That title... yikes. Ok. self-aggrandizement. Da heck? A dragon/ fox hybrid wearing maids clothes? Is this suppose to be a mix of Senko-san and Tohru? (shudder) AIRSHIP! RED ALERT! What the... what is up with this self-pity or self flagellation? Red flags. Story 2: That title, what? Why didn't DM ban the player after that!?!?! Leave OP! Just leave. (mashed eject button) Story 3: Jealousy, maybe? Story 4: I think I recall this one. This one is just bad. The updates make this worse. Leave the place OP. Story 5: That tile... what? Kick him.
@informitas0117 Жыл бұрын
Never pay a DM, precisely for this reason. As soon as money is involved its not for fun anymore.
@DianaTaffie Жыл бұрын
A lot of people would think that it's weird that you can't critique art in an art studio, but HOO BOI THIS IS SO FUCKING NORMAL. No matter what kind of artist, be it a poest, a painter, a musician... To hirt an artist's ego is very easy and most of them absolutely DESPISE any critique and WILL show you that "Hell hath no fury like an artist scorned". Trust me, I am an artist myself, but never dedicated to it truly, however I have spent most of my life amongst other artists, I know, unfortunately, how absolutely real this is, and this art studio is just doing what other artists are doing.
@gorvarhadgarson5227 Жыл бұрын
I swear you can play DMpc's right if you just do this one neat trick. ... Don't take the spotlight and don't let them speak unless the players speak to them or maybe hint a path the pc's could take.
@JoeySoul Жыл бұрын
You can make NPCs that assist and accompany the party easily and well. DMPCs are just pointless. The DM does not need to make a PC the same as players which is a full fledged member of the party. If players gravitate towards an NPC and want them to accompany the party, roll with it.
@davidtherwhanger6795 Жыл бұрын
What you are talking about are Hireling NPC's. They have been part of the game since BECMI. A DMPC is when the DM actually wants to be a character in the party as well as DM.
@KamakazeTaco Жыл бұрын
Story 2 makes it sound like the entire rest of the table agreed to play an evil campaign and OP didn't like that.
@Redtail45044 Жыл бұрын
Gah. That...Airship was disturbing weirdness. I only have one npc that's nonhuman, and that's a Pathfinder kitsune priest that the party-despite my efforts-decided to help build a small church for after saving him on the road. So far nothing weird's come of it outside of their initial intense interest, but I honestly didn't intend for him to survive.
@Redtail45044 Жыл бұрын
@jordanrodrigues1279 Nah. Cringe-worthy it might be, but I stand by the decision that he was intended to drop dead as the initiation to the combat that was about to follow. But hey, they saved him, and it worked out-they enjoyed it immensely and made an ally. If anything it gave me even more to work with, and I've enjoyed it too. I've got no regrets if the party loved it and actually feel invested in the npc in question. Now there's a good chance they'll get his help at the end of the campaign due to all that they've helped him with.
@REfan2002 Жыл бұрын
Doge and kitties, happy 20k, you guys deserve it. And the Fang or Fae of the last story, yeah, GM is either going to sit him down or boot him. Only choice.
@Demont Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on getting 20K subscribers
@lalunafate Жыл бұрын
Congrats on 20k :)
@LordRenegrade Жыл бұрын
Hey ah, just a note about the last story - the GM isn't changing alignment in PF2e - the 2.1 release is removing it from the game entirely. That's not homebrew. Anyhow, the GM should boot that guy - he's bringing down the whole table.
@marielistopad1512 Жыл бұрын
Don't explain to the player why you kicked them. It had already been said before you closed the laptop. If Fey doesn't get it, explain it. If Fey argues, say that your decision is final. If he wants a reason say that with him at the table NO body is having fun. Make a clean break and never have him in a game of your again. Share your experiences with only when asked. Making a clean break is the best policy in my opinion.
@georgeholstein5230 Жыл бұрын
one of these days i want to see dnd doge make an arg out of the cat clips, like, the cats are trying to usurp him from his throne using there "mighty words"
@BalbazaktheGreat Жыл бұрын
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
Horror story involving an airship gives me Nam flashbacks
@lrrbloss 5 ай бұрын
A art studio where everyone says: That's good 👍 👍
@echedp8903 Жыл бұрын
That second story was so overly evil it's hard to even put it into words.
@vortega472 Жыл бұрын
All the petite sweeties - a couple of Tabby cuties - thank you for that because that first story I really needed them. Now I'm off to take a shower with bleach - ick that guy was a sick twisto. As to the last story - if its someone who is disruptive - kick them from the group. They might not be a bad person (Narrator: They were) - but they just might not be a good fit. Send them on their way. So dude - goodbye and fare thee well. As always thanks Doge - you the Dog and deserve all your success.
@StarBlazerM31 Жыл бұрын
Grats on the 20k subs!! You've earned it!
@fred_derf 9 ай бұрын
Before you get excited about Fey "liking dogs", find out if he's really means is that "he likes them roasted or BBQed". :-) Smiley included for the humour impaired.
@iank472 Жыл бұрын
Congrats on 20k!
@dreadmonkey6811 Жыл бұрын
I played DnD with a guy that got mad anytime he took damage, but we never lost a battle..why? Well because i was a strict healing tiefling cleric. No one trusts a healer -.-
@Kairos_Akuma Жыл бұрын
As an Edgelord.... no. They dont sound like Edgelords. They sound like absolute psychopaths.
@peterquynce4343 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the advice for the last story is to just talk to the player about his behavior and give him chance to change. That's reasonable. Still, I would tell the GM that they are playing a game, and if someone is making that game not fun, it is your right to ask that person to leave. You are entitled to have fun at the game you run. That is the point of doing the hobby: to have a good time.
@destroyerinazuma96 Жыл бұрын
Ya know, Demon Slayer had a guy with a ninja harem. Except DS had plot. And characterization. And the guy wasn't single-handedly ending encounters. And wasn't a creep.
@PotentialCabbage Жыл бұрын
I would mock the hell out of these “high ups” remember they NEED you
@Dragmiredraws Жыл бұрын
NO! In second story, EVERYONE is terrible, yes even the OP!
@theonlyjer Жыл бұрын
0:37 I ain't gettin' up, so put the box away.
@Voltage256 Жыл бұрын
I love the stories that save me from having to see cats
@grayven123 Жыл бұрын
The art studio one is bothering me. I've never heard of an art studio out right forbidding critiques, and the response from op's supervisor is odd as well. I don't know if the op is being entirely honest here, but if they are then I'd look for work at a different studio asap.
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
I mean, I can understand not being overly mean when critiquing, like Gordon Ramsey. But no critique whatsoever? As an art studio that what I assume sells art/commissions there has to be some standard.
@davidtherwhanger6795 Жыл бұрын
Pathfinder Story. I agree with Doge on this one. It seems this may have been the first time Fey has been confronted with their behavior. If so then they do deserve a chance to explain themselves and improve. If however, this is not the first time, then Fey has already shown they will not change and OP has no choice but to kick them. Also as Doge said, if after this second chance Fey makes no effort in changing, OP must kick them for the benefit of all others.
@stephenadams8712 Жыл бұрын
D&D magic item pendant of the holy kittens uncommon when you would take physic damage expend 1 of the 9 charges to negate all damage charges return at a short rest (or a cat nap)
@JacobL228 Жыл бұрын
The part-dragon fox girl princess from the first story is copied from a pornographic comic where the main character is screwed by a dragon in front of an audience of a bunch of kobolds. Don't ask me how I know. The important thing is that the guy in the first story is even less creative and even more perverted than he seems, if that's even possible. To comment on the second story, it says in the PHB that half-orcs age at about the same rate as humans. Besides, the rate of aging isn't as important as the age of consent, which is about the same as the one for humans. For the third story, around half that price is high, but fair, and you should never pay in advance or worry about missing a game.
@wesleythomas7125 Жыл бұрын
It's OK Quasar. Your players scare me too...
@deepseastonecore3017 Жыл бұрын
Barbarians backstory Mom gave me a small trident to fight these things called vegetables and dad said he was called a formal fighting against the veg so they said make sure you eat all your veg on your plates
@pumpkinicing Жыл бұрын
YAY D&D DOGE!! man I love your videos, makes my morning whenever you upload :D
@SillyEwe Жыл бұрын
No critiques at an art studio??? WHAT!?
@niolink954 Жыл бұрын
The second story is so based I wish all my games went like that
@Smoke.stardust Жыл бұрын
*"sent me pictures of næked black men kissing"* I shouldn't have laughed so hard at that 😭😭🥺
@TheLevantin Жыл бұрын
These people in these stories always with their "Should I leave the group?" or "Should I kick him?" driving me insane because the answer to these questions is obvious and a screaming "YES!" is. You're standing in a burning house and you're going to die if you don't leave it, but you're asking the question "Should I go? It could get better, couldn't it?". With people like that, I wonder how they get on with their everyday lives. But they put their shoes on themselves, right? Or does someone have to do it for them? If you don't feel comfortable in a situation you have exactly two options: either leave the situation or change the situation. Translated, this means for an RPG group: If you feel uncomfortable in the group and it doesn't change after you speak to it, you MUST leave. Staying is not an option. Unless you are a dishonest liar who has no interest in finding solutions and only wants to farm pity and likes. I am a solution-oriented person and problem-oriented people drive me so incredibly crazy. "I have a problem" "Then solve the problem" "But I don't want to solve the problem" "Then you obviously don't have a problem and just want pity from me instead of a solution"
@SaintofM Жыл бұрын
First story: anime fan here, been to seceral cons. Cosplay is not concent. And someone them were legaly kids...even if just 17, this was CREEEEEEEPEEEE. 2nd story: yeah, the whole group was just bad and needs therapy. 3rd: um, yeah we all have had that crush, but even my autistic socialy awkward self knows enough not to flirt with a friend's SO. 4TH STORY: i know of paid games. They usualy don't go above 20 bucks for a reason. My current game has a paid DM, 5 bucks per player, but most of thst goes to the store. My old store i used to frequant had also a table fee to keep the kights on (,unless you paid for other stuff, warhammer player so thst paid for the group sometimes). 5th story: why is he playing if he hates this style of game? I would ask him that and why he was being such a grouch. This isn't getting a degree and you have to take a class that you loath for the requirments. There are literaly hundreds of other games and game systems out there. Otherwise kick him. Hes not having fun. The other players' level of enjoyment go down thanks to him, and your're enjoyment is down the drain. Next time a player like them show up and does this ask is there a problem, and if they keep it up kick them.
@rumbleroller2154 Жыл бұрын
(2:30) At first, you'd think the idea was clever. How are you suppose to spot the Dragon Princess if all the Dragon Maidens are dressed as Maids? Sure, it isn't fool proof, but if the reason for the dress was so the NPC Princess was tricking potential assassins, then sure. Why not? Buuuuuut...
@jauneork278 Жыл бұрын
I know of a story similar to the 3rd in this one. A Freind of mine confessed his feeling for one of my other friends girlfriend. Although he did is at the table in front of the dude. She ofc rejected him. He said he understood and left before her boyfriend could start a fight. (understandably angry at the guy hitting on his girlfriend.) He ended out killing himself a few days later.
@mathiasJUSTsvendsen 10 ай бұрын
wait what?!
@eldritch-rage Жыл бұрын
On behalf of foxgirl enjoyers, we do not claim this DM
@durandol 11 ай бұрын
@ivancybran Жыл бұрын
it took me a decade to admit to my best friend how i felt. so i have SOME sympathy,
@iitim2152 9 ай бұрын
So I'm ok with the idea of a paid GM, but I mean you have to bring it top level every game. I'm also ok with the host charging for snacks, use of space, and clean up .... But keep it reasonable.
@alphons1456o 9 күн бұрын
An art studio that doesn't take criticism? Is that where Andrew Dobson is now?
@shadowhog777 Жыл бұрын
There needs to be a term for DnD players too stupid to recognize red flags, bad parties and shit dms. There are so many moments im listening to these horror stories and am just yelling at my screen "Get out of there you f*** wit!". I know without these kinds of people we'd have no stories, but c'mon man!
@alexandramusilova8148 Жыл бұрын
The paid game OP makes me curious if he's hiding something. I very much doubt any company would call it harassment if he just said he wasn't interested. Sounds like there's more going on and he's just purposely leaving things out to look better.
@l0stndamned Жыл бұрын
Or the other guy told the higher ups a whole load of bull. I've know that happen enough times.
@RoninCatholic Жыл бұрын
I don't have a problem with bad guys having a rape dungeon to rescue NPC women from, that's a super heroic adult oriented fantasy scenario; I get why it's too uncomfortable for some people, but it's not a bad thing to have your heroes encounter and abolish. It's _creepy_ for the supposed good guy to have a harem of fox maids.
@BotWhisperer Жыл бұрын
Ahh a dm with a furry fetish, this is gonna be so swell. No kitties necessary, let's just dive in head first
@VierteMann Жыл бұрын
The story about the art studio reeks of nepotism, it is very clear that this guy knows the higher ups and they made this thing just to get him money by exploiting everyone else on the studio, that's why they got that defensive and came up with that stupid lie about "harassing the family" and that's why they shut you down when you said you could do it for peanuts, they don't want solutions, they want an excuse to get this guy money by bleeding you and your studio mates dry
@littlegiantj8761 Жыл бұрын
Nah; Fey lost the privilege of GM/Player discussion after cheating.
@willhedrick8659 11 ай бұрын
Ttrpg can be expensive if you want or it can be cheap. You can buy one book and a set of dice and you are good to go. Hell, people in prison play dnd and you know they got no money
@fred_derf 9 ай бұрын
Let's do a little math... $300 / (4 hours play time, 4 hours prep. time, 8 hours world-building time) = $18.75 an hour. Or look at it another way, $50 / 4 hours entertainment is $12.50 per hour. Neither amount looks unreasonable. Now whether you want to play with a "professional" DM or not is completely up to you (I've never done so and have no intention to), but the numbers presented here are reasonable.
@smokescreen100 Жыл бұрын
Jesus, i did not expect a like vtuber dog model when yt recommended this video
@solarchos4352 Жыл бұрын
Kitties are fine, but Micro-Panthers are better!! As for a fox-girl crew all dressed like maids...I could see an entire thieves guild operating in plain sight like that. 17:00 - Okay, those higher-ups sound like complete and utter bass-turds. If they responded THAT badly to someone just giving an opinion, the OP needs to start looking for somewhere else to work.
@azzarox6661 Жыл бұрын
4th story, Fey is super shitty but kind of wholesome of the other players to say they still enjoyed the game etc despite how that session ended.
@andrwblood9162 Жыл бұрын
Ok, Robot Furry story... Don't leave the game. Imply the rock and rid the world this shit. For the betterment of furries too, a lot of them aren't like that.
@andrwblood9162 Жыл бұрын
Also, The $25 paid game story... Also imply the rock. An art studio shouldn't be run like a Wal-Mart.
@Grahaminations 10 ай бұрын
That second group of people were basically just the same people who watch those "offensive memes" videos and think they're cool as fuck, but they're also furries.
@deadstones1 Жыл бұрын
Last story, I would kick the mfer just for cheating tbh. I'd first warn them, but the 2nd or 3rd time will be the last. So disrespectful to the game and everyone at the table.
@Karmasu_L Жыл бұрын
talk about a creepo-villain-of-the-week, just that it took longer than a week.
@Nikodraws149 Жыл бұрын
I don't really know what the guy from the last story is after? It sounds like he just doesn't like? Ttrpgs? Maybe he likes the combat but if he was in it for combat then I don't know what he would have against d20 systems as a whole? It sounds like he's not having fun because he doesn't seem to like *anything* about the activity and is actively making it worse for everyone else. As a pretty vocal non liker of d20 systems who still plays Pathfinder sometimes because I like my friends, I get playing because you like your friends more then you hate the system. But this sounds like it's a nightmare for everyone.
@Machamp-ps7wx 5 ай бұрын
$50 a session is a ripoff no matter who does it with the exception of famous DM’s with the financial capability to make it worth $50. That studio should be shut down for the sheer greed especially in a time when prices for everything are rising drastically.
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