Douglas Murray | Is the West uniquely racist? |

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John Anderson Media

John Anderson Media

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@philippedesaulniers 4 жыл бұрын
Anyone else on a Douglas Murray binge?
@TheEddyT 4 жыл бұрын
It's been 5 years and I'm still binging hard!
@paulbriody297 4 жыл бұрын
Me, I just love his insights!
@alyssa7839 4 жыл бұрын
Yup! Love this guy!!
@empathagain 4 жыл бұрын
Yep...again! It happens every couple weeks
@ktkee7161 Ай бұрын
Where are you all from and why are you watching this?
@pequenocaracol 4 жыл бұрын
"At what point in western culture did pride, which is another word for self-centeredness eclipse humility?" Well said Mr Anderson
@raymarsh4620 3 жыл бұрын
Just ask the peasants in 17th Century Russia about humility and where it gets you. Christianity is like Islam, only an ideology with very worldly objectives. The Dark Ages was the high point of Christian history. USA started out as a great enlightenment concept, but its modern population are not up to its original high ideals.
@jacirasantanna7221 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a fan from Brazil. It’s always a pleasure to listen to Douglas Murray’s words. his courageous intelligence is sincere, he has a special “charm” to go direct to the point but always with a sparkle of captivating irony.
@jacksonblaze423 4 жыл бұрын
:"There is no greater tyrant than a lord made from a servant." Very old Polish proverb from medieval times.
@elizabethblackwell6242 4 жыл бұрын
I was talking to a friend in WA yesterday, railing against the border closures in WA, QLD and Victoria and the venal and dangerous behaviour of those premiers and as we were discussing the lunacy in which Australia, and the West, finds itself, I realized something: For the first time in my 50 years of living here, I'm genuinely frightened for our country. John, would you have any words for those of us who are despairing at the damage that is being done to our magnificent Australia? Do you see a path out? Can we recover? Do you understand who Australians are these days? I'd be very interested in your views. Fantastic to hear from Douglas Murray again.
@spawnofnamaah 4 жыл бұрын
The lack of racism in 'the west' is the main reason minorities of all sorts get to have so much of a voice to be heard in the first place. Any other more homogenous and blatantly "racist" (or just simply "patriotic"??) society/countries in the world don't face the same issues of polarization and identity politics.
@jorgeandrade783 4 жыл бұрын
I see your point however human beings always find a way to divide themselves and find ways to polarise among themselves. Look at Yugoslavia, they were all white yet still found religious. , and ethnic divisions. And the conflict there wasn’t all ethnic. Some of it religious like the white Christian serbs against the white Bosnian muslims. Look at the spanish civil war the conflict there was based on political affiliation. The communists against the socialists against the fascists against the anarcho syndacalists. And they were all white. Spain was an extremely homogenous country in Franco’s spain and before that yet Spain broke off into Civil war. Look at Northern Ireland and Ireland with the troubles in the last century. A country with pretty much almost all white people yet people broke off into unionist vs Irish republican and had a whole conflict based on that. Look at Spain now and the regional seperatism there. Basques, and Catalans who are all Spanish and the same race as any other Spanish person there divide themselves among regional lines and see themselves as separate to the Spanish. And there was a clash with the police during the catalan protests a couple years ago not to mention basque terrorist attacks for independence a couple decades ago. So just because there is ethnic uniformity doesn’t mean there will not be conflict. People always find some identity to break off into and separate based on religious lines, regional lines, national, political, etc.
@williamhouseholder1558 4 жыл бұрын
We wouldn't have countries/states if we didn't divide ourselves up by religion/politics/tribal and so on. To be free to complain and be heard is something people should be thankful for. If we do what people are screaming for now in the US you lose those freedoms.
@jorgeandrade783 4 жыл бұрын
And dude today I just walked out by Trafalgar Square and there were loads of Yoruban nigerians protesting for Yoruban independence. And Nigeria is a 99 per cent if not 100 per cent black country yet Yoruban nigerians want their own independent nation to Nigeria. So once again it proves racial homogeneous societies aren’t exactly more cohesive. There is plenty of tribal warfare and conflict in Africa amongst different black ethnic groups be they for ethnic or religious domination over a region
@joshjonson2368 3 жыл бұрын
@@jorgeandrade783 yes, everything isn't explicitly all race sperging like what alot of people claim, multi racial societies did exist like the Roman empire but question is do you really want to emulate that
@koamarco2366 3 жыл бұрын
@optimatesupport3453 4 жыл бұрын
I wish. We wouldn't be so prone to suicidal notions of endless toleration and ethnic castration.
@aletheiai 4 жыл бұрын
Tolerance is fine. However, self-immolation by kow-towing to NEW racism is not merely folly, but cannot reverse historic realities.
@optimatesupport3453 4 жыл бұрын
@@aletheiai Search: The Evolutionary Dominance Ethnocentric Cooperation. Tolerance IS self-immolation when extended to out-groups. Not only simple game theory but also a biological law.
@iggle6448 4 жыл бұрын
@@optimatesupport3453 - "Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions." ~GK Chesterton
@aletheiai 4 жыл бұрын
@@optimatesupport3453 Tolerance is self-immolation? That depends on whether you view *anyone and everyone* who is different (in some in-group specified way) as being the member of an irredeemably-out group. Most individual differences cause problems ONLY when intolerant tribalism disrupts society in order to punish difference. Currently, the 'normative' majority and innocent descendants of oppressive groups are under self-righteous attack by hypersensitive minorities. Blaming-new-scapegoats behavior is the opposite of tolerance. I'll search for your suggestion when I have more time.
@aletheiai 4 жыл бұрын
@@optimatesupport3453 Is this what you mean? ""Recent agent-based computer simulations suggest that ethnocentrism, often thought to rely on complex social cognition and learning, may have arisen through biological evolution. From a random start, ethnocentric strategies dominate other possible strategies (selfish, traitorous, and humanitarian) based on cooperation or non-cooperation with in-group and out-group agents. Here we show that ethnocentrism eventually overcomes its closest competitor, humanitarianism, by exploiting humanitarian cooperation across group boundaries as world population saturates. Selfish and traitorous strategies are self-limiting because such agents do not cooperate with agents sharing the same genes. Traitorous strategies fare even worse than selfish ones because traitors are exploited by ethnocentrics across group boundaries in the same manner as humanitarians are, via unreciprocated cooperation. By tracking evolution across time, we find individual differences between evolving worlds in terms of early humanitarian competition with ethnocentrism, including early stages of humanitarian dominance. Our evidence indicates that such variation, in terms of differences between humanitarian and ethnocentric agents, is normally distributed and due to early, rather than later, stochastic differences in immigrant strategies."" *agent-based computer simulations*
@M-a-k-o 4 жыл бұрын
Always a pleasure watching this channel. Mr Murray is such an astute thinker.
@birsay123 4 жыл бұрын
Is there official multiculturalism and mass immigration in Iran, China, Saudi Arabia or Japan?
@DR_Neal_Rigger 4 жыл бұрын
The failure of the university system is a feature, and not a bug..
@waksibra 4 жыл бұрын
What does that mean? That it cant work for some reason?
@alanabush555 4 жыл бұрын
@English Teacher >> Looks like you've learned this from education... i.e. Academia. And what's gone wrong in Academia.
@alanabush555 4 жыл бұрын
@@waksibra >> The university system, i.e., Academia has corrupted the humanities. You'd be shocked at what they're 'learning.' It's become indoctrination and brainwashing. They're taught a faulty history, with so much misinformation and disinformation and distortion. Esp in the Ivy League citadels such as Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Sir Wilfred Laurier, etc. They've abandoned the basic tools of learning: reason and logic. These essential instruments of learning are viewed as white male patriarchy tools of oppression. Classroom after classroom for the past 3 generations or more. Their pupils become other professors and teachers, politicians, lawyers, main stream media, etal. It's now reaching into grade and highschool levels. As dictatorships know, if you want to capture a nation, you do it through the education system and wholesale propaganda.
@aletheiai 4 жыл бұрын
​@English Teacher Be careful with "always". Universals may be tempting, but they can be refuted with a single exception.
@johnhanson5943 4 жыл бұрын
Have lived in the UK, Germany, Africa and spent a lot of time in Asia and the Mid East. I travel the world - and have done for 30 years. I was an opponent of Apartheid in SA when a child. I have finished higher education and have 2 degrees - at a time when this meant something still. I objectively state - based on direct experience and observations - that the 2 most racist continents by far are Africa and Asia. It varies in degrees per country - but racism is truly in most cases systemic on those continents. It is also extreme in its nature. The UK and the US are the least racist - according to my direct experience and really objective opinion. Legally and in daily practice. I don’t have an axe to grind. I am totally in favour of meritocracy and racism doesn’t help this at all - so I am anti racist. However, ironically, South Africa and Zimbabwe are 2 totally racist countries today. For the good Lord’s sake realise now that the ANC (BLM’s and Obama’s inspiration) are a disaster for all - regardless of your skin colour - and never even think to import the ANC’s Leftist-Privilegist clique approach. The result is no hope human misery and ecological/environmental disaster. Moreover, more Ignorance, Incompetence, Corruption, Stupidity, Criminality, Zero NewThought Generation (Intelligent Innovation) and completely Racist ways. Their ways keep a tiny minority rich and richer - and all others sliding into hopeless decay. The general story of extreme socialism / communism and now especially so under their alliance with global mega wealth (a tiny number of very dodgy and insatiably greedy individuals). Of course, Communist China is also now the master of global production and capital - and the strategic beneficiary. Also, incidentally based on direct experience, a highly racist lot. Ironic - but most true - and to a very large degree. A National Socialist State once again causing further problems the more powerful it becomes.
@rexona1178 2 жыл бұрын
What do you define as racism? Perhaps we need to start the debate from there.
@rakadus 4 жыл бұрын
Gratitude has disappeared.
@Acediscoface 4 жыл бұрын
Time to ask those who are offended to self isolate.
@elizabethblackwell6242 4 жыл бұрын
@tonygold1661 4 жыл бұрын
I ordered the book while listening - after much delay. Great talk, as always. Thank you.
@alexdcruz7317 4 жыл бұрын
No west is not uniquely racist. There are many cultures where they have some social divisions.
@j_freed 4 жыл бұрын
Taliesin Halliday I don't disagree, but also it's Marxism's very lack of specificity which gives it weak legs. Marxism with its mere brazen claims doesn't answer the endless resulting questions, Marxism instead relies on totalitarianism and the mass 'pretend-acceptance' with what everyone knows to be a lie. No one buys it. That's not a stable system, not even comparatively.
@josephr.gainey2079 4 жыл бұрын
@@j_freed Tell that to the left-wing professors who are "teaching" the youth of America in colleges and universities today. They refuse to accept the facts you stated and cop-out by saying "Marxism has never been tried before. Everything that went before and claimed to be Marxism is really pseudo-Marxism." Tell that to the millions upon millions who have died due to "pseudo-Marxism"!!!!!!!!! And, they truly believe what they are saying. As this video rightly pointed out, theirs' is a fanatical religion without a supernatural God. Their God is a human being names Karl Marx.
@threeofive9401 4 жыл бұрын
I offer this scenario... an African-American has grown up in the black community. Compared to someone who was raised in the mainstream culture, the black person has different interests and even a somewhat different form of speech. Because of these differences he is less likely to secure various forms of employment. There are millions of these examples which translate into an entire culture that has a lower net income. So, is this scenario reflect racism? Perhaps the real question is, what is to be done about it?
@chippyboy35 4 жыл бұрын
Great conversation.
@harrying882 4 жыл бұрын
Common sense isn’t that common a French man said that I can’t remember his name
@verneblestien315 4 жыл бұрын
@cynthiajohnson9412 4 жыл бұрын
At the heart of this crisis is just plain old-fashioned bad parenting. It's parents who couldn't or wouldn't stand up to, let alone assert authority over, their children even when they were very small. At the same time these kids were raised to think they were exceptional in every way. Those parents started this cycle, then they bullied teachers and schools into indulging their children to the point where institutions, even universities, couldn't fight against the tide of indulgence. So now we have addle-minded kids who intellects were never taught restraint or critical thinking or self-awareness or genuine compassion, who also think they were born superior to all other generations out there our ruling the streets. And we have generations of parents sitting on their hands pretending to be mystified as to how this happened. And nobody wants to be the one to point out the obvious. All this stuff didn't appear out of no where, it's been there all along growing and growing.
@cynthiajohnson9412 4 жыл бұрын
@@taliesinhalliday :I don't get the connection between fatherlessness and Marxism.
@kevinratay8285 4 жыл бұрын
That reaction becomes prey. It's almost sociopathic. It's information on how to get sympathy instead of accountability. It's trained
@chokkan7 3 жыл бұрын
Hubris is by far our most damaging character flaw, both as individuals and organizationally. It's removal cannot be mandated; humility must be assiduously cultivated on a personal level. It's never easy, as it often feels as though the blowhards are left free to run over you, but eventually, it will make sense.
@Irreklee 3 жыл бұрын
As long as freedom of religion means freedom of no religion is a fundamental right also.
@mrblobby6284 4 жыл бұрын
"they behave exactly like the zealots of the past. its not enough for them to believe it, but you have to believe it as well."
@soapmode 4 жыл бұрын
We've instinctively backed off from the 'don't offend me' crowd because that's what you do when confronted with aggressive, mentally ill people. Unfortunately we need to update the playbook, because they've learned to bully us en masse through this tactic.
@wolfpat 2 жыл бұрын
We know they're mentally ill because they're offended by objective truth.
@denysmith9469 2 жыл бұрын
The Hon John Anderson one of the finest men to not be our Prime Minister
@bsib5021 Жыл бұрын
The West is uniquely racist as is the east and north and south. Racism is very uncomfortable but discrimination is typical of the whole world.
@SammyGJr19 4 жыл бұрын
Of course America is uniquely racist, look at the history, there's no other country that has this same historical bias. Yes there's prejudice everywhere but nothing like America's history.
@karenness5588 4 жыл бұрын
The subject of pride and humility is an interesting one. I prefer to distinguish between pride and arrogance. Pride being more a sense of accomplishment, of not having anything to be ashamed of. Arrogance is feeling you have a right to impose yourself and your beliefs on others because you believe that you are in some manner superior to them. Humility is not shame, but a sense of your own limitations, your own fallibility, and definitely never a sense of superiority with regard to others.
@anthonykology1728 2 жыл бұрын
freedom is hard...
@razzbender3385 4 жыл бұрын
After watching this clip i am left with one question. Is the West uniquely racist? I would have thought they would at least touch on the matter.
@espada9 4 жыл бұрын
Murray reminds me of Ralph Fines.
@brucewearne5081 4 жыл бұрын
At 10 minutes, John, you pinpoint the Jackboots of the "marriage equality" ideology. As soon as legislative approval for same-sex marriage is given, a Marriage Act, becomes, as Douglas Murray rightly interjects, "Only for gays". That is not only Baden-Württemberg; it is what the Australian Federal Parliament's amended Marriage Act of December 2017 discloses. However, political courage is not evident in those who voted for this. It is left below the radar for future legislative manoeuvring. There is no equity in Australia's marriage law, because the Marriage Act no longer requires Governments to ascribe public-legal respect to husband-wife marriage and to those who believe that marriage is a husband-wife union; no equity whatever. The 30% who said "No" in the bogus ABS survey are effectively threatened by the Act itself from giving public expression to their political beliefs not merely about marriage and gender but from providing a comprehensive political viewpoint because these matters in actual life are inextricable. To speak up in terms of one's basic beliefs now risks being accused of hate speech i.e. of publicly advocating the withholding of human rights from those who believe otherwise.
@FinaAxelina 4 жыл бұрын
I have begun to wonder if this with racism is not something we have been taught by the authorities. People may not have been racist at all historically. But we have learned that there is such a thing as thinking. For every generation that is drilled into this guilt thinking, racism is becoming more and more conscious of humanity. If you read the sociologist Ulrich Beck's book Risk Society, racism also falls into the description of invisible risks that constantly threaten our society. Scientists make the risk visible. The media informs the public. Then politicians make powerful decisions such as enacting laws against hate crimes. And finally, the services are launched as certification against hatred and racism, and a variety of educations. It's always the same pattern. Racism can be seen as an invisible virus that spreads and plagues society. My question is, however, has humanity always been racist or is it something we have learned?
@iggle6448 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent observation! I saw exactly this 'education programme' swing into action throughout the 1980s as the anti-racist industry got started in earnest. I can honestly say that most of my ordinary fellow white citizens were not racist per se. They worried about too many immigrants overwhelming public services and other resources. But that's rather a sensible concern, not racism. However, it is clear now that the very perpetrators of actual racism were our leaders/gvts. They sold us the lie that we ordinary folk are as racist as they are ( I saw it happen!). Is there anything more racist than gvts deliberately importing (I use the word purposely) many thousands of minimally educated people of colour as cheap labour? Or, as in Bliar's political games-playing, to stick it to the Tories? I find such motives profoundly offensive and sickeningly racist. None of us is born racist. We become racist if we are taught to be.
@wolfpat 2 жыл бұрын
I'm thinking it comes from legal machinations to force multiculturalism into a single society. Here in the US, for a century we had an enforced division between races that cause a duality of cultures. That was a HUGE mistake. Instead, the former slaves should have been incorporated into the larger culture/society as quickly as possible. Once that mistake had been discovered, it was misidentified, and instead of the legal separation from before, there was a financial separation enforced through a welfare system that made integration a VERY difficult thing to accomplish. The society can survive only if it and the culture are one thing.
@Teddy_______ 4 жыл бұрын
I’m digging Murray’s facial hair 🤙🏼
@jamesflames6987 4 жыл бұрын
Hitchens warned us about this.
@Emsyaz 3 жыл бұрын
@chrismai1889 4 жыл бұрын
the vicious and illiberal way smokers are treated in australia makes it impossible for me to assume that the australians as a people and culture may have any reasonable advice to offer to the world.
@Thepharmacist12 4 жыл бұрын
Jheeze Douglas is really doing the rounds isn't he haha. Good to see.
@GreenMorningDragonProductions 4 жыл бұрын
I noticed that too! Tomorrow, he's scheduled to be on "Unpopular Opinions" on BBC Radio 1! ;)
@nobullziggster4070 4 жыл бұрын
Who has it right? Who speaks for me? We all have lost it as a human race. What you look at is what you will see. This 11:30 video depressed me. History is a nasty chain of events that have been woven in to stories that should show us how it doesn't work, how NOT to do things. A marker of where we have been and should not go again. There is real evil in this world. No rest, no peace, man is the plague of man.
@RobMcGrath0 4 жыл бұрын
Check out the Jordan Peterson video chain on this utube, you might as well start with this channel, then you will find your answers.
@FinaAxelina 4 жыл бұрын
What do you know about the history you learned? Is it true? The winners allways changes the history. I think the winners told us many lies.
@thomaslatth665 4 жыл бұрын
It hates itself, so I gather yes.
@TheOlzee 4 жыл бұрын
It’s uniquely the least racist
@thomasfloyd1704 4 жыл бұрын
No the west is not racist.only in the west would anyone ask such a dumb question
@MrGohanUchiha 3 жыл бұрын
My answer as a black guy? - No I would go so far to admit that the west is the least racist region in the world. The west made tremendous progress in working up their past and learn from mistakes made many years ago.
@papalangham 4 жыл бұрын
The best troublemaker in town
@s.c.r.e.a.m.forp.e.a.c.e.3541 4 жыл бұрын
Slavery is still legal in U.S. isn't that racist?
@davidfoster2006 Жыл бұрын
But even more so in Africa and Asia does that make them even more racist.
@Steveuploads 4 жыл бұрын
How many times does he say “ I go over this in the book “ ?
@Steveuploads 4 жыл бұрын
Oh... He says it in the first 30 secs
@ronwilliams4184 4 жыл бұрын
'The West' isn't uniquely racist. The big difference lies in our power. Note that I am not against 'racism', just pointing out why many find Western racism unacceptable.
@cantorsteve 3 жыл бұрын
Pride is an important tool for oppressed people. If one is a member of an oppressed group, pride in being part of that group is an antidote to the feeling of inferiority or malevolent otherness imposed by the oppressor. When I was a child, and I'm 70, the term "Jewish pride" and being proud to be a Jew, was important in combating the pain of the Holocaust and of the antisemitism that was still an overwhelming presence in America. And there is no "massive self-interrogation in China" because they don't have a recent history of colonization and oppression of other peoples.
@garfieldfarkle 3 жыл бұрын
What a stupid question. Racism is not a feature of geography. It is a characteristic found in humans all over the world. The description, above, of the issue shows one of the reasons Republicans continue to have so little support from the African American community. It also shows why Black Lives Matter is important - the insistent disregard for systematic racism. Rather than address the issue, the automatic reaction is to change the subject, as if there is an implication from BLM supporters that no other lives matter. Of COURSE racism elsewhere matters, as well as other injustices we can locate. We will solve none of them if the reaction to any of them is to instantly change the subject. Instead of changing the subject from injustice in America to injustice in China, we should focus now on injustice in America and deal with that issue head on. At another time, sure, we can discuss injustice in China and focus on that rather than changing the damned subject the moment the issue is raised. We can hop around with 'what-aboutism' from now to eternity and all it does is prevent us from solving anything. That appears to be the goal.
@simonbean3774 4 жыл бұрын
No. But you are
@shortdog6360 4 жыл бұрын
Western countries are notorious for being racist . Look at how Australian treats the aborigines and the US treats African-Americans and the Indians. The Europeans should not be lecturing anyone on racism .
@thomassenbart 4 жыл бұрын
Who should be doing the lecturing on this subject, anyone? There is culpability all around but the only reason anyone is able to reflect upon these things is due to the immense prosperity that is a direct result of the West and the Enlightened ideas that sprung from this civilization, even with its hypocrisy and self criticism.
@robot336 4 жыл бұрын
@ericjohnson9468 4 жыл бұрын
Good!!!…so there’s a hope of herd immunity?
@delaneysays 3 жыл бұрын
God bless!
@opencurtin 3 жыл бұрын
Well done ....
@ericellquist7007 4 жыл бұрын
Well shoot, let me just quote John Prine. "It don't make no sense that common sense don't make no sense no more."
@bobgillis1137 4 жыл бұрын
"Some humans ain't human"
@jimluebke3869 4 жыл бұрын
Is excessive screen time destroying common sense, by drastically reducing the sort of everyday experiences that inform common sense?
@jimluebke3869 4 жыл бұрын
@@taliesinhalliday That certainly doesn't help, but I remember when I was a kid we made fun of the Marxist teachers for not being in touch with reality. To do that, WE had to be in touch with reality. Is generation "iGen" in touch with reality enough to dismiss ideologues?
@kathymayes4290 4 жыл бұрын
Jim Luebke This Taliesin character seems to have deleted his comments all over the place.
@jimluebke3869 4 жыл бұрын
@@kathymayes4290 Any number of things might be happening. People at KZbin are playing silly games with my posts (mostly, deleting "likes") and I'm running into more politically-oriented trolls, as the election draws near. Particularly if you're dealing with Marxists, you should expect some level of dishonest activity in service of their ideology.
@kathymayes4290 4 жыл бұрын
Jim Luebke Yes! And to your original question, which is brilliant, yes again. In addition to giving a lot of betas a lot of influence.
@Toropetskii 4 жыл бұрын
Not watching a second of the video. "Is the West uniquely racist" - obviously not, and I'm disgusted that you would ask. Perhaps this is a bait for some intersectional types watching, but I'd be surprised to see their ilk here.
@iggle6448 4 жыл бұрын
Very well said. That was exactly my thought as I read the title. Anyone who is seriously asking this question needs their head examined! Time to stop all this destructive West-bashing - seriously, right now.
@josphellihsilak4588 4 жыл бұрын
The question is being asked because the leftists in America, and their counterparts in Britian and Australia claim we are. So asking this question is vital, because kids are being taught we are, so these men and others like them, are trying to combat it.
@Toropetskii 4 жыл бұрын
@@josphellihsilak4588 I would vastly prefer the statement "the West is not uniquely racist" because the question being asked is unreasonable. I''m well aware of the situation we face - however, giving a charitable interpretation to those subversive characters is not going to help. make them mad and they will click. politely question a belief they hold and they will ignore. Murray is a great author and a reasonable man so I'm disappointed that John chose to represent this conversation in such a defensive light.
@josphellihsilak4588 4 жыл бұрын
@@Toropetskii I dont think the person who seriously believes we are uniquely racist can be swayed by any amount of data or logic. This current self hatred and the religion of everything is 'racist' is so pathological, that no youtube video can sway them. I'd say this video is only to help those of us who may not be able to articulate these points already. I clicked because I know we aren't, and I know these men will provide their points why we aren't. In the KZbin world, if a foaming at the mouth leftist saw the title "The West is not uniquely racist" they would do what they normally do, fill the comment section with "you're a bigot", "you're a nazi", "you hate gays(they are so uninformed in who they are watching and they don't even care to try to know them),blacks and trans people"..the usual bullshit. So though I understand your point, I dont see it as an issue. It is however, depressing that so many actually believe we are.
@iggle6448 4 жыл бұрын
@@Toropetskii - I agree. We need to remove ourselves from the defensive, apologist 'naughty step'. That's not to say we should adopt an aggressive stance. Just that we need to insist on reasoned discussion, and not pander to violent and offensive accusations that are not substantiated by any reasoned thoughts or evidence.
@runningfree1973 4 жыл бұрын
Douglas Murray is one of the few intellectuals actually worthy of that title.
@josphellihsilak4588 4 жыл бұрын
And Anderson is one of those men not willing to deal with the bullshit. Both are needed so badly right now.
@iggle6448 4 жыл бұрын
I very much appreciate DM's measured and eloquent insight and incisiveness. It has to be said though that if, as I often do, you listen to ordinary, average, far less educated and less privileged people on the street you'll find that they're saying exactly the same things. Difference is that they don't or can't, through lack of education and perhaps ability, express themselves eloquently and, as with all intellectual revolution fomentations, are rendered voiceless by the arrogant intellectuals. Intellectualism can be a destructive blight and in this current era has generally proved to be so.
@SpotlessLeopard 4 жыл бұрын
Very rare you see a video where the title is a question and the total opposite of it is the actual truth.
@paulbriody297 4 жыл бұрын
America is not free of racism, but America is not systemically racist! America is still a great project!
@joseph71823 4 жыл бұрын
John Anderson: get a hold of yourself (“we are not prepared to learn (from) the things we got wrong…” 10.46). In every group there are people who are suspicious of others who are not like them, and some of those may be called racist. BUT, just look at the FACTS that show that Australia is the LEAST RACIST country on the planet. (1) Although 30% of our population is born overseas, 70% of all marriages are between people of different ethnic groups. (2) 80% of Australian indigenous marriages are with a non-indigenous partner. (3) The Australian taxpayer generously subsidises each indigenous person to the tune of more than $40,000 per year. If you can find another country that can match this, then please let people know. In the meantime, don't beat yourself up, but be proud of what has been achieved in our great nation.
@MarySamwael 2 күн бұрын
Douglas, I am sorry I have to stop this, unless I am sure. The whole thing is driving me mad. Regretly this the last time you will see me. Bye love ❤
@yington 4 жыл бұрын
The difference of the British accent to the Aussie accent when saying the same things on a serious topic is quite something
@judii4370 2 жыл бұрын
I had a job where the lady showed me pictures on the wall of her kids and I said, 'oh they don't look like you,' and she frowned at me and said, 'no they look like my husband,' so she is a white lady and husband black, so from then on I am the 'racist' - a year later or so I was talking with her and finally I said, 'if you like your husband's people so much then why do you live there? why don't you live with his people?' you know she thought about it and a year later they moved to live near his family, - so I am not a racist and I am not the problem, there is no problem, it is just that she didn't like the white neighborhood where she grew up, but she got married and stayed there, but really she got married to get out of that neighborhood, when she finally moved out she never had racist problems again (I am an outsider and a pacifist, no offense nor harm intended towards anyone.)
@opencurtin 3 жыл бұрын
People are tribal nothing to do with racism ..
@sarahjones79 4 жыл бұрын
@colins3688 4 жыл бұрын
I am not from the west and I find this question offense for a reason you guys don't understand. Racism exists everywhere. I mean everywhere. It is not western. Stop making it western. West had the means the militarize racism. That's the only difference.
@juanhunglow2220 4 жыл бұрын
If the West is so racist, we would have expected to find long immigration queues in places like Washington, Sydney and London. Queues made up of people seeking to permanently move to other parts of the world . Instead, it is in Islamabad and Tehran and other such places where we find the immigration queues snaking around whole city blocks.
@kevinratay8285 3 жыл бұрын
We're probably the only species/ that criticize our own success,. As if we've lost sight of the hard work and dedication that it's taken to get it
@1torock 4 жыл бұрын
@aletheiai 4 жыл бұрын
"Since 1945, every Western society" ... (guilt). I grew to adulthood in post-WW2 Australia. I have NO recollection of a societal sense of "colonial" guilt.
@aletheiai 4 жыл бұрын
@@taliesinhalliday I'm not disagreeing. My point was that it wasn't prevalent decades ago. It's not merely that I did not personally see it, but colonial guilt was not mentioned in print or on TV. In other words, taking retrospective blame for the actions of one's (white) ancestors is a symptom of the NEW racism. [EDIT - before you quibble that there were occasional mentions in obscure publications, niche pamphleteering had little to no perceivable impact.]
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