My Partner Wants To Name Our Child After His College Crush r/Relationships

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@debdoug4136 Жыл бұрын
Never apologize when you've been wronged. I took the "high road" 28 years ago by not telling family what happened (SIL she's a just no) and am now finally hearing how she's slandered me for the entire time. Get out in front of that stuff guys.
@blacksun54 Жыл бұрын
that mom flat out admitting that she wouldn't have protected her son when a grown ass adult was bearing down preparing to beat him up... wow mother of the fckin year.
@corlenajames1381 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1#: Naming a child after a crush that isn't interested in you is heading straight into Creepsville...
@britvica Жыл бұрын
As a matter of fact...growing up in late 80ies..reading some bs teen love stories had so many endings with "giving the kid hers/his name" or even going separate ways, having life, family..only to have their kids meet on coincidence and fall in love and live the love their parents couldn't...just cheesy teen crap...wasn't that unusual at that time
@mb8787 Жыл бұрын
@@britvica yeah, because printed literature have "never" been creepy...
@judelbugsrutter6727 Жыл бұрын
So my sister liked a name of husbands ex… she said in the labour room "we are never going to see her again and doubled down on my nieces name" fast forward niece. Is a toddler their marriage breaks up… her dad dates then married woman she’s "named after"… they went overseas on a holiday and the non-English native security guards were a little confused as their middle names are similar too. My cousin named her daughter the other name they we’re tossing up about. But I’d never be ok with this scenario the dad needs to take a beat. In the meantime knowing that teachers have the worst time naming kids I’d be doing google search of the name and trying to Throw some shade on it, double down on using my own last name for baby, nickname the baby as soon as she’s born… maybe even filing the papers alone.
@judelbugsrutter6727 Жыл бұрын
There’s also what does it rhyme with… I used to get called my name mixed with poodie, rudi, nudie which sux. Initials are a thing too. Also if my brother tried this crap my sister and mother (and I) would not let him get away with disrespecting his wife like that. Where are they in this story?
@TiffWaffles 7 ай бұрын
He'd start looking at his daughter the same way that he looked at his love interest.
@mothertrucker936 2 жыл бұрын
S3: NTA being a parent of boys, I taught them to never hit/hurt a girl but I also taught them to defend themselves. This fkng BS of asking a boy to stand there while a girl hits him is exactly that, BS. You want to use your fists, expect to be hit. Stay clear from Carly, she’s obviously a liar. I shudder to think about the poor guys that’ll associate with her. Your uncle will be looking through bars if he doesn’t wake up and parent his daughter. I fkng hate liars.
@michaelplunkett8059 2 жыл бұрын
No fists. Block, deflect, shove away and leave. It is a sexist society and the rampant misogyny is too unfair to men. Remove yourself from hostile situation.
@ladyoblivious 2 жыл бұрын
@CatherineMcClain Жыл бұрын
Imo the lesson should not be "don't hit women"; it should be "don't hit people unless it's self defense."
@mothertrucker936 Жыл бұрын
@@CatherineMcClain of course that would be the preferred action but it’s not the case. Many women enjoy having that power of being “allowed” to hit a man without retribution and when he does hit back, or just try to hold her so she doesn’t hit him again she’s running to the cops.
@aimies Жыл бұрын
@@mothertrucker936 yeah it fking crazy how there’s a liar who would lied about being abused or SA out there. I head so many story about men got their life ruin by these b. These people are the one who make people not believe the real victims.
@luvondarox 2 жыл бұрын
😆 Yo, Carly threw the first punch. By any standards, she started the fight, and OP finished it. She played a stupid, _stupid_ game, and found out. That's discounting the fact that that girl slapped him hard enough to draw blood in the first place.
@mygodisthemoon 2 жыл бұрын
The story about the teen boy being called 'woman beater' for hitting his cousin, NTA. This is why I teach my 5 year old daughter not to hit anyone unless absolutely necessary because the person she hits has every right to strike back and just might. If my 5 year olds capable of understanding this, I'm sure a 16 year old is as well. This shows that uncle and aunty kinda fail in the parental department, not any sort of character flaw in OP based off the post
@myself0510 6 ай бұрын
Aside from hitting bad and all that, I tell my son not to start something he can't win. He slapped the annoying boy (it's handled with the school) because he was fed up. I was internally proud of the other boy that my son didn't end up in a little crying heap. Actually, no, I did tell my son that the boy made the good choice when he didn't.
@panicattheanimationstudio5673 2 жыл бұрын
As the child of a mother who never wanted me he needs to leave her ass because as the child a similar the situation I can assure you that you KNOW. You KNOW when your mother doesn't want you. And her merely not wanting the kid can escalate to resentment and straight up abuse as it did in my case.
@WhitneyDahlin 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah my mother flat out told me she hated being a mom and I stole her youth and beauty and potential. My parents never divorced and are still together but they hate each other and I hate them both. I WISH they divorced. I wish they still would divorce. I am no contact and ran away from home 17 and never went back. My sister did the same a few years later. I have been in weekly therapy for almost 3 years now and I'm still filled with rage and hate at my mother. To be fair she went out of her way to try to sabotage jobs and relationships and tell me I could never do whatever it is I wanted because she couldn't stand to see me happy or successful. My mother is a MONSTER and I despise my father for not protecting me from her. And unfortunately OP is going to end up with a daughter who hates him too because he didn't protect her from her mother. Idk why but there are so many mothers who are so envious and hateful to their daughters. Far more than there are mothers who treat their sons that way.
@panicattheanimationstudio5673 2 жыл бұрын
@@WhitneyDahlin damn are we siblings cause like we damn near have the same life story. Only difference is my step dad failed to protect me and my bio dad tried his best (my mom was totally the type to pull a "if I can't have you no one can" and kill me)
@panicattheanimationstudio5673 2 жыл бұрын
@@WhitneyDahlin okay, we DO have more than just that difference but still, we both booked it at 17 and are no contact and my mom said the same shit to me
@WhitneyDahlin 2 жыл бұрын
​@@panicattheanimationstudio5673 OMG we are twins! I am so sorry you went through that too tho. it makes me so sad how common it is I hope you are doing well and are happy now ❤ Maybe we should start a book club or something lol
@panicattheanimationstudio5673 2 жыл бұрын
@@WhitneyDahlin I'm doing mostly okay now, I hope you are too!
@JSainte17 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine if OP told the daughter nonstop that "Mommy never wanted you. She never wanted any kids!" Except he wouldn't do that because he's not a monster, and actually cares about his child. She's vile.
@samx36 2 жыл бұрын
The wife ruined her own life. It sucks but yeah, she needs to deal with her issues.
@samx36 2 жыл бұрын
@@Azulakayes agreed. OP may have had it strained as a child of divorce but having a parent who resents you is torture. At least OP is trying with fake it until you make it. I also don't blame the mom, I just think she needs help because no one talks about regretting your children, only regretting that you didn't have them. Now they're in this mess cuz she changed her mind only to change it back. Can't put the cat back in the bag, the kid is here and suffering.
@jr5557 2 жыл бұрын
@@Azulakayes especially a 6 year old like it would still be wrong with a baby but a 6 year old can definitely hear and understand. She is doing huge damage to her kid op needs to get his daughter out of that environment
@fandomfan2800 Жыл бұрын
@JSainte17 Жыл бұрын
@@fandomfan2800 Brilliant argument. It's an honor to be in the presence of such a scholar.
@ladyofshallott5005 2 жыл бұрын
My mother used to yell at me often on our way to kindergarten when I must have been ~3-5. How annoying I was,how she regretted having had me, how it was such a bad idea and her life was so wonderful before I was born. I remember every word of some of these outbursts.When I broke off all contact at age 28,I told her that I always despised her and I always knew I had to leave because my oldest memories of her are those,where she yelled at me that it had been a mistake to have had me. I also remember all the fights she had with my father while I was in Kindergarten about how annoying I was and what a mistake it had been to have had me. Why do people seem to think that kids don't notice or remember?
@BruinPhD2009 2 жыл бұрын
My late aunt was an elementary school teacher. She always said the biggest mistake adults made was to assume children were stupid. Just because children didn’t always have the words to express what they witnessed didn’t mean they didn’t have some understanding, especially in matters of right vs. wrong. I’m sorry your mother left such a bad mark on your childhood.
@grandmaraven717 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry you went through that. My mom left no doubt that my birth ruined her life... In the '50s society dictated women with children became stay at home mom's.... She had wanted to continue to work.
@MsArtistwannabe 2 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry to experienced that. My mom said out loud she had me because she was catholic but didn’t want me. I overheard a colleague tellin her toddler she regretted not getting an abortion with him.
@damien678 2 жыл бұрын
I remember being 3 at my grandma's dinner table, near my uncle with a kid's backpack. It was either blue's clues or thomas the tank engine. probs blue's clues though. I also only slightly remember standing up to my dad at 3 when he was attacking my mother. The clearest, oldest memory I have is when it was my 4th birthday and I woke up and remember thinking about how I felt awake for the first time, like... consciously. I remember a lot about the party my mum set up too, it was nice. Apparently there's a study claiming that _on average_ the earliest people can recall a memory is from when they were two-and-a-half years old.
@Undomaranel 2 жыл бұрын
"Why do some people think that kids don't notice or remember?" Because they themselves don't remember all the vile things they say and do. It's easier to gaslight your victim and make them doubt themsekf than it is to face your abusive reflection and take responsibility for reality.
@mpo2706 2 жыл бұрын
1st story. He is gaslighting her, could careless about her feelings. His friends are more important than his partner when naming their child and this should make it ok because he is not in love still with the friend he wants to name their daughter after? Major red flags. She needs to leave him. His tears were just from being embarrassed by his mother's and friends's reactions to his stupidity and the horrible way he was treating his partner. He probably doesn't even agree with his friends just going along to look good to them again. Stupidity is not an excuse for his outlook on life. I feel sorry for her.
@alexlibby5087 2 жыл бұрын
Not even through the first story; yet I was actually stopped in my kitchen like “What? Am I hearing this right now?… I literally can’t even 😶”
@judymetzger3253 2 жыл бұрын
What everybody seems to be missing is his son pays for part of his skating. His daughter wants everything given to her that is the problem I see. She's old enough to be responsible for herself.
@cass973 2 жыл бұрын
I don't understand how they can plan for a baby but won't get married until they are emotionally ready 😳
@CatherineMcClain Жыл бұрын
Right?! That makes 0 sense.
@luvondarox 2 жыл бұрын
For the OP whose wife keeps bringing up abortion, I so, so badly want him to clap back with "And you agreed. When you changed your mind, _I_ agreed." That woman riled me right tf up.
@muhname6052 2 жыл бұрын
Broken nail: I make sure dear mom would know that the relationship is strained. Sorry doesn't just undo that she was willing to let her brother beat her adolescent son. Not alot of value on that side of the family
@Gregarious3 2 жыл бұрын
Should have taken pictures and called the cops. The girl committed assault on a child. You are always ok to hit back to get away.
@josephmckee3605 Жыл бұрын
I can see carly making a false S. A accusation in the future, she was pretty quick to make up a story to cover her wrong doing and spread it around the family
@WardenSpectreCommander Жыл бұрын
The mom was going to let her 14 year old get mudstomped by her idiot brother, glad the dad was there. After that discussion during the update where the mom was hesitant about her brother and son. She lost her son's trust right there. The dad showed he can be counted on through thick and thin. The mom showed she is fairweather and not to be trusted.
@barbaraunderwood1762 Жыл бұрын
My husband’ told our sons , u don’t hit a girl but if they want to fight like a man go for it. He also told them never hit first but than take care of them & if u feel like u r losing pick something off the ground. My youngest son was a fighter. He taught our daughter how to fight. A guy from her school wanted to fight her , she said ok, but the guy never showed. She’s 49 now.
@shellchenonceau6987 2 жыл бұрын
The girl who hit the boy 2x fighting over the remote control: she is the NEW AMBER HEARD.
@melmelbry5754 2 жыл бұрын
I'm wondering why everyone hates Amber but still defends Kanye. He is also an evil narcissist with other personality disorders just like Amber. But because Kim doesn't share any of that, people don't think he's horrible too. ALL narcs are abusive and people need to stop defending him. Kim is an abuse survivor just like Johnny. Please als0 cancel psycho Kanye.
@WhitneyDahlin 2 жыл бұрын
STORY 1. If the name was just a stupid joke between friends WHY DID HE COME HOME CRYING AFTER REALIZING HE CANT NAME HIS DAUGHTER AFTER HER??!!??? Girl he isn't over her at all. Probably never will be since he hasn't gotten over her by now. There's just something super sketch going on that once he had a talk with his mom and friends and realized that he can't name his daughter after the girl he's loved for the majority of his life he's crying?!! if it was just a joke and he truly had no feelings for her anymore why did he come home crying and so upset? Because it wasn't a joke and he DOES still have feelings for her and was using that joke as a cover. it's so obvious to me. Having a child has made him probably have a quarter life or midlife crisis and think about what could have been, which is why he was so adamant on naming his kid after her. He wishes he was having the kid with her and not you. I feel so badly for OP.
@mikaq19 2 жыл бұрын
Probably upset because his own mother ripped him a new asshole. He got called out on his crap and even his friends called him an idiot.
@carolroberts4614 2 жыл бұрын
I think op thought he was crying because he was made to realise that he'd upset her, and got a dressing-down from his mum. But I thought it was manipulative tears. I never thought about the reason you gave! I hope op treads carefully now, because he's not trustworthy.
@WhitneyDahlin 2 жыл бұрын
​@@carolroberts4614 oh no I never thought about it being manipulative :/ I definitely think it's far more likely the tears are manipulative or because he's genuinely in love with that girl and genuinely upset he will never have kids with her than because he's sad he hurt his wife. OP told him over and over before then she was uncomfortable with it that it upset her and he didn't give two f**ks then. Man I hope OP and baby are okay
@Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 2 жыл бұрын
Because he realized he was a jackass that hurt his wife over a stupid joke. That’s literally the reason OP gave, don’t make mountains out of molehills. Go touch some grass or something instead of being neurotic and imagining a 1001 scenarios where there’s still drama and conflict. Just let the positive update alone.
@tieardragon4919 2 жыл бұрын
He is a moron she should have broken up with him.
@kristinwiebold2433 2 жыл бұрын
Update. I am glad relatives were told the truth it is sad that not all apologized but it shows which you can trust. But even bigger, my OP's mother's own words he and us realized she wouldn't protect OP. Thank goodness OP'S dad was there or else I bet the uncle would have beaten OP even though all OP did was one hit to defend himself. Glad the 2 family's arent going to met together and I wouldn't hang with those other relatives that refuse to apologize. Truly think cops. Should have been called so the assault could be reported and the fact that uncle threatened OP.
@firerosenight6937 2 жыл бұрын
A name has to have 2 "yes" for it to with work, and 1 "no" for this to not work. Naming a kid after a friend is...kinda nooo Honesty I wish parents would pick a name for the kid themselves. Not after people or story's. Give the kid they're own name. Update An inside joke...HE WAS GOING TO NAME HIS FCKING KID AFTER A FCKING INSIDE JOKE?! Whooooo- okay At least he realized his f up.
@carolroberts4614 2 жыл бұрын
Even so, the way he kept doubling down until his mum ratted him out( good on you, mum), does not bode well for them. Pregnancy is stressful enough without all this palaver! And he cried and cried and cried his way out of it. My ex was immature like this and it did not lead to a happy life for me and the children. Strict one minute, their best friend the next, so confusing!
@firerosenight6937 2 жыл бұрын
@@carolroberts4614 yeah just reading it stressed me out. There's a time and place to let loose, naming and taking care of a baby is NOT it
@Somebody9666 2 жыл бұрын
And even if you decide on a name. Its not 100% they even will use it. My parents picked out a name for me before birth. Was told that when i came out they didnt wanna name me the one they already picked because and I quote 'Didnt look like a Daniel'.
@firerosenight6937 2 жыл бұрын
@@Somebody9666 same. The vibes did not go with "Emma"
@trevie7589 2 жыл бұрын
I'm giving birth, so I'll be the one to pick the name tbh.
@maryturpel8413 2 жыл бұрын
Carly will continue her physical reactions on a future partner.
@livelovelife32 2 жыл бұрын
Except future partner may not take too kindly and return her attacks with greater force. Best she learn now that not everyone is willing to endure physical violence just because she's female before she puts her hands on a man that won't practice even a quarter of the restraint her cousin showed.
@hyzenthlayrose2176 2 жыл бұрын
I love it when you put out 2 hour long videos. It's the perfect thing for when I'm drawing and need something to listen to.
@lucycarlisle9120 2 жыл бұрын
I listen while at work. His voice is very calming & I can listen & still get through my tasks.
@brenttaylor8907 2 жыл бұрын
The last story: The "friend" needs to pay damages and spend time in prison to pay with her life and time for what she stole from the couple.
@Solarstormflare 2 жыл бұрын
It was a terrible thing to do but i think the husband is just as bad
@goddessmelanisia 2 жыл бұрын
My late husband never wanted kids. During labor, I needed an emergency C-section, and I told him if he had to choose to save one of us, to choose HER, not me. He said he couldn't do that. After our daughterwas born, he held her in his arms with a look of absolute wonder. I said "and now?" His response, "Her. Everytime." It's pretty normal for guys not to bond until after birth. Many moms don't bond until after birth. As an adult, it's the parents job to get therapy.
@williethomas6388 2 жыл бұрын
Wife dump that dude as well as your dangerous so called friend because as far as your husband goes he didn’t love you enough to trust you instead he chose to believe y’all’s sociopathic so called friend .
@formershadow Жыл бұрын
Broken nail story pisses me off. I had older violent female cousins that I do not F with even now in my 30s. OP’s uncle is gonna have a hell of a time fighting his daughters future bfs that will retaliate against her abusive behavior. They won’t be kids though and I hope one of them knocks him out. If I was OP I’d square up with him when I came of age and size. Uncle and cousin are massive AH.
@lindahoward7309 2 жыл бұрын
About the child and the name! Our daughter was born! My husband wanted Sandy, his ex wife's name that was tattooed on his arm when he was 18 in the navy. He said because it was a sweet name, not because of her! We named our girl Susan, I've often wished I given it more thought and not just grabbed a name to get past the Sandy!
@lademonessa3075 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair he probably wanted that name because he already had the tattoo and A) it hurts to get a tattoo and B) it’s cheaper since he doesn’t have to pay for more ink. ;p
@ludmilamaiolini6811 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I’m his case it probably made sense, because then he could tell people the tattoo was because of his daughter, and not his ex wife’s name 😂😂😂 All jokes aside, the situation sucks
@heymikey4025 2 жыл бұрын
For the story of the Good Samaritan that saved the choking victim I think that he should let the law office know about his friend’s prank that was using their office to try to make the letter official looking…let the “friend” reap what he sowed and get sued by a pissed off law office! Of course I also think that he should dump this prankster friend of his…but let his ex friend sweat about actually getting sued!
@summersands8105 2 жыл бұрын
"woman beater" story - OP, you are not a "woman beater." You were defending yourself against a girl who hit you first, not once, but TWICE. You had EVERY right to hit her back. She's lucky you punched her in the stomach and not in the face. No one has the right to hit anyone, but it does happen and, by Dog, if someone hits you first, you knock the crap out of them and then walk away. This crap of a man never hitting a woman is garbage. If a woman thinks she's big enough and bad enough to hit a man, then she should be able to deal with potentially being hit back in defense. It's the same as a teenager hitting an adult and the adult defending him-/herself. The kid believes that you can't hit him/her back because he/she is a kid and will call the News flash! You hit, you should darn well expect to be hit back. It's call self-defense. I've had friends who have left their kids get away with hitting them when they were young and into their teens. There is no way I'd put up with that! It would have been nipped in the bud at a young age with time outs and other punishments as necessary. Some of these youngsters are now teens who hit their parents. As a teen, if you put your hands on me, you bet your bippie that I WILL knock you on your a$$ question about it. I don't believe in hitting anyone; but, if you put your hands on me, I will defend myself.
@maryturpel8413 2 жыл бұрын
Two words: Amber Heard.
@luvondarox 2 жыл бұрын
Right? If family doesn't prep for the real world with consequences and redirection, the kid's going to be in for a nasty surprise when they piss off somebody who doesn't care about their feelings.
@DaniS398 Жыл бұрын
Look, as a woman, if I am going to hit a dude, I'm gonna brace to get one back. Being a woman doesn't give us the right to put hands on anyone with no consequences.
@annanas9122 2 жыл бұрын
28:01 I disagree with that point. "Sometimes you have to be the "mature one" and apologize even though you were wronged". No. You shouldn't. It happens sometimes when you care about the relationship, but it's a wrong thing to do in my opinion. No compromises, no free passes, no apologizing when you did nothing wrong. 28:59 so they even went as far as to _lie_ about the situation, huh. I think, in that case, if it was me, not only would I *NOT* apologize, I would outright state it: "You, Carly, were the AH and I'm absolutely not apologizing to you". 30:51 honestly, good riddance. And that whole "never hit a woman" is crap. I _am_ a woman and still think it's crap. It really should be more "don't hit somebody unprompted and expect not to be hit in return", this rule is at least fair and true and makes sense.
@yeetusfetus1537 2 жыл бұрын
im not going to lie, about the one story of the husband who got violent to his wife because their friend fakes evidence of the wife cheating. she shouldnt have gotten back together with him.there are some things that cant be forgivin
@D-me-dream-smp 2 жыл бұрын
The friend trying to steal his “best friends” boyfriend was an AH but the OP and his fiancé sound like a gorgeous couple and have a lovely relationship. Hopefully without the toxic friend out of the way the bf can get OP to gain confidence and make new friends- sharing an interest is a great way to meet people since you automatically have things to focus and talk about.
@RockLikeAStone 2 жыл бұрын
If a man puts his hands on a pregnant woman in a negative way for any reason, short of she’s trying to kill you, he’s going to abuse you and or your child in the future. There is no dismissing what he did to his pregnant wife. He should feel shame everyone he sees your bruises and he should have to at least look, you’re going through it!
@angeleyesgreen1586 2 жыл бұрын
It reeks of him still having a crush on her, and everyone else will be thinking there's an underlying issue there. It is not a good idea
@marierodd9451 Жыл бұрын
I was 2.5yrs old when my parents separated and I still vividly remember my dad blocking me in the living room doorway asking me if I wanted to stay with him or go with my mom. Trauma like that imprints in your mind even when you are that young so 5 was old enough for poor baby to remember. When I was about 12 I asked my mom about that day. She affirmed that was exactly what happened.
@brenttaylor8907 2 жыл бұрын
First story reminds me of how we named our first daughter. We both liked the name but it was also the name of college a classmate who was pretty and nice. No crush, just a positive impression and the only person we knew with that name at the time. At a class reunion years later, we half seriously told her that we named our daughter after her.
@naomiwormley7891 Жыл бұрын
That’s pretty sweet lol what was her reaction?
@brenttaylor8907 Жыл бұрын
@@naomiwormley7891 I think she just laughed a little. We did mention that mostly we just liked the name.
@judymetzger3253 2 жыл бұрын
Okay what did I hear. We'll get married when we have sure we're stable. If you're not sure you're stable why in the hell are you having a kid. God bless this poor child.
@macylouwho1187 2 жыл бұрын
He is clearly still infatuated with his crush, there’s no other reason in the world why he wants to use that name-period. That chick is fooling herself (because she desperately needs to) if she thinks any different. It’s not because of some stupid joke that isn’t even funny between him and his friends. OP is always going to be choice #2 to him because he still clearly has a flame burning inside of him for the girl who didn’t want him and friend zoned him. I could almost guarantee that his mother made up that excuse on the fly to save the relationship and soothe the future DIL, and then called her son and bawled him out royally for his stupidity and disrespect towards his partner. THAT was why he was crying, because his mom tore into him and made him feel like sh-t. And then probably told his dumbazz to stick to the script so that OP could feel better about having a baby with a man still in love with someone else-who doesn’t even want her enough to not try to name their baby after his true love! Holy hell, that is awful. Any man who would do that does NOT love his baby mama! Because if he did, he wouldn’t risk losing her or hurting her over the other chick’s “name”. Wtf??? 🤬. And it’s very telling that they’ve been together for almost a decade with no marriage in sight and she’s pregnant and STILL no marriage in sight. I guess OP has ignored all of the “he’s just not that into you” vibes he’s throwing out, ugh. She’s shortchanged herself in every way for a man who doesn’t love her enough (or at all maybe). She sounds like a placeholder and nothing more for the one that got away. I don’t know why some people fall so completely for someone so clearly out of their league like OP’s man has. Like get a clue dude. You were never going to be with her and you weren’t worthy of anything but her friendship! Be content with someone on your own level. Get over it. Not everyone can get a supermodel, for goodness sake.
@missingbobsburgers 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that was my first thought when op said his mom had called him. She got to him first so OP couldn’t confront him and unravel mama’s lie. If it were really a joke, he would have told her long before now. It would have been something to laugh about when telling the friend group with “fooling” them into thinking they were going through with it. He would have dropped it altogether seeing how much it upset OP. So many other things and yet none of those happened until mommy was quick on her feet.
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
Anyone who tells you they can't control their feelings is lying. People set up emotional boundaries they won't cross all the time. Anyone who actively pursues a friend's SO is no friend and made a choice.
@aikikaname6508 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: hmmm, I think the ‘joke’ thing was MIL trying to cover for her son. She then pulled him aside and her and that other person she involved lectured him to get him to knock it off. He wasn’t in tears and that adament over a ‘joke’. He did it because he was in love with her and wanted some kind of reaction- maybe to get her attention, maybe to spite her by continuing her names unfortunate ‘legacy’ on another child
@___o1799 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: So, let me get this straight: a 16 year old girl assaults a 14 year old boy over an xbox controller. The 14 year old defends himself, causing the 16 year old to scream. This 16 year old's middle aged, grown adult father rushes upstairs and proceeds to attempt to assault the 14 year old. Yeah, I'd have called the authorities & pressed charges because that is some awful shit. And then, not only does he [the grown man] defend himself, but he doubles down on the attempted assault with an outdated, sexist assertion. Bruh I can't 💀. How did natural selection miss this dude
@lorifiedler13 Жыл бұрын
Daughters hobby. Buy her a starter kit and if it goes well and she doesn't drop it, add more stuff. But if she sells anything. At least half should go back into materials. Or buy the $600 in materials and if she drops it within a month, she owes OP $400. She can get some of that by selling some of the unused materials.
@dorotheawalker7985 2 жыл бұрын
I was named after my birth father dead mother and I hated the name. Since I learned to understand I was always told how ugly I was when his mom Dorothy was such a beautiful women what a waste of name on me.
@hugoumero9723 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus christ that Is Very messed up Did your mom called you An ugly From have An name that she hates
@dorotheawalker7985 2 жыл бұрын
@@hugoumero9723 I was very badly abused till age 13 when I was taken away and I was adopted by a amazing family.
@MissSimone02 2 жыл бұрын
That's fucked. My sister is named after her father's dead mother, but we called her by her middle name growing up. She's chosen to use her given name now but I couldn't imagine telling a kid their name is ugly or that they are ugly in comparison to the dead family member. Your family members are assholes.
@hugoumero9723 2 жыл бұрын
@@dorotheawalker7985 jesus christ what the hell is wrong with your parents and parents like you should never have kids
@fleurpouvior2967 Жыл бұрын
If love of my life wanted to name our kid after their IRL crush (e.g. not buffy, Xena, etc) I would be constantly asking if they're sure they're OK calling their infant, the name they used to say while getting off. We've actually discussed it, and our children will never be Jr for that reason lol
@kristinwiebold2433 2 жыл бұрын
OP NTA. The situation with his first kid isn't same with his kid with you. He and the ex have an arranged that they agree with so what those other 2 women need to keep their noses out of it. Very glad in the update that you and your husband talked. That he was able to talk to both of those women's husbands and that answers came out. Glad you were able to talk to your husband's ex and all is well there. And everyone was able to talk together nicely and talk about his daughter and make decisions there too without much problems. Hope Jane gets the mental help she needs instead of hurting others and her own kids.
@zachf748 2 жыл бұрын
So much therapy. Lol.. (1) OP in Individual Therapy (2) Wife in Individual Therapy (3) Kid in Therapy with Child Therapist (4) OP and wife in Couples Therapy (5) Starting family therapy with OP/wife/kid together That’s *_A LOT_* of therapy…
@meOW0131 Жыл бұрын
To the hobby story: Daughter is 18. A full grown adult that can fund her own hobbies. Daddy can't pay for everything everytime she throws a tantrum.
@DraidensDen 2 жыл бұрын
So many long videos lately! Thank you for blessing our days with your amazing content, Markee
@nimisilverbird1239 2 жыл бұрын
Nta. He is clearly naming her after this chic. Simply bc of his reaction.
@lisachristoph437 Жыл бұрын
Second to last. The OP if she accepts her husband's apologies and takes him back she needs him to deposit enough money intoan account she alone has access to for a safe escape during his next outburst.
@youngloki1 Жыл бұрын
9:24 that bit be tripping like damn gurl control your emotions didn't have to break the guy like that. Falling to pieces on his mom was classic though 🤣
@achliscantplay4202 Жыл бұрын
Story about "hopping from hobby to hobby" - this has NOTHING to do with ADHD, or anything else non-neurotypical! I am a professional educator, and this is LITERALLY what is takes to discover your true passion - try many, many different things and interests, until something sticks. A child is ABSOLUTELY allowed to drip an interest they exhausted - what would be a good idea, though, is to have a chat about it. What did they like about? What they did not? What are some adjacent things to do? Sometimes it takes a few false starts. Sometimes it takes a little perseverance. The thing is... if a child, say, wants "to be famous like Arianna Grande", or "to sing as well as Arianna Grande" - those are two completely different things! You must willing to do what Arianna DID, if you want to BE anything she IS NOW. Big difference. If there is an inspirational figure, a mold - do a joint research. See when their idol started learning their hobby, how they practiced it, and what it took to become professional (if that is something they want).
@casiopeyagbg Жыл бұрын
Story 1. I call bullshit! His mother chewed him out and saved his relationship!
@Nonymous4 2 жыл бұрын
This is why extreme therapy is needed when even considering abortion. It's not just a medical procedure it will wreck your mental state for years
@kristinwiebold2433 Жыл бұрын
I know we cant just blame the backstabbing friend since OP's husband was the one who physically violence. But truly had that gal not lied I dont think that crap would have happened.
@samanthacarpenter3336 Жыл бұрын
Apologizing to someone who wronged you first is not going to make people take your side in the future, WTF? If anything it makes people more likely to take the other person’s side in future disputes. After all, if you were the one to apologize than that means you must have been the one in the wrong right? At least to outsiders looking in, that’s exactly what it looks like. Screw that being the better person bull crap, it just lets assholes be bigger assholes in the future. While also setting the standard that you are expected to be a doormat in all future encounters. I come from a family where my aunt, and uncle treat everyone like dirt but, everyone else is expected to just rug sweep whenever they do something horrible to someone. Absolutely screw these types of people willing to throw others under a bus, just to get something they want.
@ingloriousbetch4302 2 жыл бұрын
Abortion story, leave the wife and fight like hell in court. What she's saying in front of the daughter is absolutely abuse. Plain and simple.
@MsMookalate 2 жыл бұрын
Last story made me Laugh with relief. Like have a supportive parent in both financial *AND* Love life is amazing.
@blix_xo 2 жыл бұрын
S1: Absolutely not. No amount of convincing will get me to enjoy a name that was my partner's crush. The only way is if it was done in HONOR of them but even then that is a slippery slope depending on the circumstances of them being friends but not crushes. I'd feel awfully weirded out if someone named their child after me especially if said someone crushed on me in class. That is unfair, uncool and definitely not right for the partner to push the name onto the unborn child. If he wants the name so bad? Get a pet and name it after her. It's just a name right?
@amberleeannalee1999 Жыл бұрын
If op leaves his wife the mom will abuse their daughter. She will say “you ruined our marriage our life” or even “your dad wanted to kill you but I didn’t “ so she can ensure the daughter has no love or support. I know moms like this. They are frakn evil. They will wait till op remarried then tell the daughter “daddy replaced you with his new family because he hates you too” op needs to document her awful verbal abuse and manipulation and take full custody of daughter
@kukala3 Жыл бұрын
Even if she's insecure bc of pregnancy or age or what ever lame excuse little sis uses to belittle her, THIS IS her sister's home, house and husband. It doesn't matter what little sis thinks, believe or say. I'm sorry but BYE ITCH!
@nakaidakahn8283 Жыл бұрын
You cannot steal a human from a relationship, both parties would need to be willing
@tamicablanding Жыл бұрын
S3: The cousin is going to wind up divorced and her kids hating her if they are not like her
@b.c.9358 2 жыл бұрын
The pregnant lady whose husband grabbed her and shook her so hard it left bruises for months has a husband problem. It may be violence on both your parts but it was abusive on his. He is stronger and you were pregnant. There is a clear power imbalance that makes what he did abuse and what you did self-protection (and protection of your child). Your husband needs to get help so he doesn't hurt you like that again, especially since you were pregnant and incredibly vulnerable.
@jusaminit 2 жыл бұрын
The story with baby sister; OP needs to remember she is currently experiencing high risk pregnancy she CAN NOT be dealing with all this stress! Sister is def the a hole. How can she risk the health of their unborn niece or nephew is beyond me. Kick her out don't risk child's health for her
@tesscheer 2 жыл бұрын
Her partner is totally disrespecting the mother of his child! DUMP HIM!!!!!
@Jediahbear 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a figure skater, and I can tell you that it is straight up expensive.
@psyolytesaille 2 жыл бұрын
Y'all more expensive than gymnastics x.x
@kristinwiebold2433 2 жыл бұрын
OP Harry isn't your "best friend" if he has been flirting with your bf. Harry does have control over his feelings and if harry wants a bf, he needs to look for a guy who is single not taken. Harry doesnt seem to care about you or that his actions are making your mental health worst. Dump this guy.
@crumpetandtea 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, the daughter is 18? she's old enough to get a job to invest in her own business. I was certainly buying my own "hobby" stuff by that age, not dragging my mother to michaels with me to buy all my scrapbook gear for me. despite my years of commitment, that's not like a necessity I would need her to pay for...
@mikehilbert9349 Жыл бұрын
Okay, WTF is up with the wife who made an appointment to kill her unborn child and is now projecting her feelings on her husband? They were both complicit, she does not get a pass, because she cancelled the appointment, but leave it to a woman to make sure her husband is never allowed to live down something he now regrets. Frigging women. ETA after the update: frigging wife hates that her husband is a better parent than her. OP needs to record these conversations, even though the court will probably give mom the full custody even though she hates the kid.
@datmanydocris 7 ай бұрын
Story about Ellie: I really do love the double standards Reddit has when it comes to situations like this. /s The comments still bashing OP's husband for "abandoning" Ellie are disgusting and clearly showing a double standard. I've spent enough time on Reddit to know that if a mother didn't want to be a mother and either aborted her child or abandoned it after birth, Reddit would praise that mother and say that "she needed to do what was best for her own mental health" and other BS like that, even if she disappeared without paying any child support to the father who had to then raise the child alone. Heck, I've seen stories where this exact situation happened and commenters _were saying exactly that,_ praising the mother's decision and saying she did right. Yet if a man decides he doesn't want to be a father and leaves, even if he pays child support and it's a mutual agreement between him and the mother, he gets derided as a deadbeat and a piece of crap. Why is it acceptable for one of the people responsible for making a child to decide they don't want to be a parent and dip, but not the other? Either it's wrong for both parents or it's okay for both parents, you can't have it both ways and I'm so sick of the litany of double standards similar to this that Reddit has.
@francissobotka8725 2 жыл бұрын
That father is putting off creeper vibes
@emilybarclay8831 2 жыл бұрын
Which one? This video is several hours long
@TsunamiJuri Жыл бұрын
My mother is a seconded wave feminist, she did all the protesting in the 60's about it, and she always taught me that "you never hit a lady, but it's perfectly fine to hit a woman back, sometimes equality bits, but you can't have it both ways. either you're a lady and as such a delict flower and men should open doors for you, and you need a gallant defender as you can't fight yourself, or you're a woman that is the equal of a man in all things and that mean you fight your own battles." my mother is a woman, tho she doesn't mind if you open the door, because you should do that for anyone regardless of gender, its just a nice thing to do.
@kristinwiebold2433 2 жыл бұрын
OP NTA. What a horrible human that supposed " friend" is. I would sue her for the medical Bill's and emotional distress. But also hubby isnt any better for physically violence especially when he knew OP was pregnant..
@kristinwiebold2433 2 жыл бұрын
You still have bruises from his hands after 2 months?? OP you need to go to the doctor and have them look at it to see why it is taking so long to heal. I can understand a month cuz I bruise easily, but 2 months sound wrong and with you being pregnant it should be looked at
@lindahoward7309 2 жыл бұрын
You said abortion because that's what you thought she wanted! Then she wanted the child, good! Now she blames you? Record her saying that, use it in court!
@ErisstheGoddessofmanhwas 10 ай бұрын
Child free people should remain child free . For some time, maybe they will think otherwise, but in the end, their true feelings will impact the children they didn't want to have .
@ReederAnonymous Жыл бұрын
The "woman beater" story: The father is the most right, besides OP, but I feel he has something wrong. People are more likely to listen to the one who wants peace...until they learn a man hit a woman. The perception around that double standard is changing but not fast enough or in large enough numbers that a majority will see a man/boy hitting a woman/girl in self-defense. Outside of that the dad is the real mvp for sticking by and not turning on his boy like the mother did.
@minelliabrissiaud2321 2 жыл бұрын
00:21:36 the 14M op should of taken pictures of the scratches his 16F cousin made on his face and with the dad filed a police report. Forget about not escalating the situation as it's inevitable. Also file a restraining order against the uncle for almost beating up a kid in his blind rage despite his daughter having been the instigator. This is OP and his parents' house. The "My house my rules" definitively applies, so if the cousin doesn't like the "bad" remote then tough, she could bring her own remote next time she visits or deal with the one that's already there even if it's a "bad" remote.
@ThatOddChickenHippie Жыл бұрын
I've been lucky enough that, while I pick up and drop hobbies, I alternate between the same three for the most part. So, while the stuff does sit around collecting dust, it's usually only for a few months before I go back to it.
@robinwhite4148 Жыл бұрын
It pisses me off about the dad who did not father. He knew he was not ready to be a dad. He still did the responsible thing.l and paid support and set up a college fund. If the girl at the same time decided to abort instead of mother this would not have been held against her. She would have been applauded for being responsible. Why can't the same be said for the dad. SMH.
@InfectedSean 2 жыл бұрын
Geeez what a husband. Invalidating their partners feeling, having 0 respect for their opinion and wishes, and standing firm in a "2 yes 1 no" situation
@stephjovi 8 ай бұрын
I feel like the pact is an excuse. They had that joke and he was like omg I have the perfect excuse to make my kid after Susan. He was way too obsessed with it
@JSainte17 2 жыл бұрын
EDIT: Now that I know she's named for the same reason and doesn't like it, I'd do what I outlined below. I'm sure she'd gladly tell him, to save her and your child the awfulness. Also, I would go to the girl who's name he wants to use and talk to her. Perhaps she could tell him it makes her uncomfortable because I know for a fact if it was me, and some guy who liked me for years, whom I never returned feelings for, wanted to name his baby after me, I'd be uncomfortable. If they're still even in the same circle, she might actually tell him. However, if she is uncomfortable, does tell him as much, and he decides not to use it, I'd reevaluate the relationship. I mean, if he's willing to drop it for her, someone who isn't in your relationship, but not you, the mother of said child... I'd feel like he still liked her and I'd dip out.
@TheIronwil Жыл бұрын
Friend Framed OP for Affair: Even with this "evidence", I'd have spoken to my wife about it and seriously considered her claim it was all fake. This is because I have so much trust in her that I'd consider fake evidence far more likely than her doing something so vile. The husband should have had more of a discussion about this before turning on her. Edit: I can't believe the husband got physical with her. Relationship over.
@cynicalminion 2 жыл бұрын
52:34- my suggestion would be setting aside a specific (and equal) amount for each kid per month (or whatever block of time you deem appropriate, month just seems easiest to me). the set aside amount would accumulate if not used, so your son could have his membership covered and then have the leftover accumulate so when he needs new skates, they're paid for... and for your daughter, it would encourage sticking with something, because there'd be a specific amount available to cover her hobby, but if she were to use it to cover a huge layout for supplies, the money'd be gone if she decided she was bored and didn't want to do it anymore...
@michaelplunkett8059 2 жыл бұрын
Tantrum daughter needs a job to get a real education and have her own money to add to Dad's for hobby shopping, (wait till ceramics molds and kiln time). Remind her, she has 2 parents to indulge her, son only has 1.
@princesssunshine874 Жыл бұрын
have you checked out your local craft store? Some times they have candle and soup making classes. Maybe you could pay for a few classes so she could get an idea of what it all entails. The dream of something is so nice until the anxiety of the work hits you.
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
I've known so many people in their early 20's who've told me they never want kids. I don't think anyone I know every actually stuck to that, so I never really believe it. At that age it's hard to see yourself in the parenting role and don't think you'll ever change your mind. Now, when I ever hear someone under 30 say they don't want kids, I make a "right now" mental addition. I don't say anything or try to change their mind. After all a person who doesn't want children, shouldn't have children no matter their age. I've just been around to know that people change over the years and what you want at 20 isn't always the same as what you want at 30.
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
My wife wanted to name our son after me. I didn't because I grew up with a brother who had the same name as our dad and always found it annoying when someone would call and ask for the name and I had to figure out which one they wanted (once my brother was old enough to get calls that sounded like adults). My name is only four letters long, so there aren't nickname options. We gave our oldest son my name as a middle name as a compromise. Of course, at the time I didn't know everyone would have personal phones and landlines would be for telemarketers
@bonniewooley9501 Жыл бұрын
Her blood is thin. She need to eat some raisins that will help her out believe me my blood regulates pretty quick and I heal pretty quick.😊
@kristinwiebold2433 2 жыл бұрын
Police should have been called since OP is bleeding and only reason her nails are broken is because of that but it was even more stupid for her to punch OP in the face. The hit in the tummy was only to put distance. Parts of me says call non emergency, and talk with them. Also tell those relatives cousin punched you twice.
@steveadams7592 2 жыл бұрын
Flirty little sister has to go...the sooner the better. She'll cry a river and play the victim; most narcissists use that the garner sympathy from whomever will listen.
@UnderTheTableGremlin Жыл бұрын
2nd story: what a terrible mother. She’s 6 and she’s eventually going to pick up on and understand the meanings behind the constant comments from her mom, and her mom is going to destroy the relationship between her daughter and OP. what a disgusting person.
@wrenpeach6707 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand why you would want to give your child the name of someone you've thought about sexually. Creeps me out to think about moaning and cooing the same name.
@LadyLoveMa 4 ай бұрын
The uncle just taught his daughter she can hit men and they are not supposed to hit her back 😭 dad failed in teaching her a valuable lesson
@rhondasisco-cleveland2665 Жыл бұрын
The monster cousin’s parents HAVE to know what she is like.
@riellekoy7196 Жыл бұрын
Story 2. She wanna throw hands like a man she can get decked like one too. 🤷‍♀️ It's fair.
@lindahoward7309 Жыл бұрын
Do not name your child Susan! Name her Sandi. I had a girl and my husband wanted her to be Sandi, his first wife's name. He said just because he loved the name and it was tattooed on his arm. I said NO and named her Susan. So He , your husband, wants Susan? Name her Sandi! 😅
@kingkiller3678 2 жыл бұрын
Scarlett was the super hero name almost guarantee that . Good ending tho
@meepmeep749 Жыл бұрын
Have her start with a few products and promise her if she sticks with it you will invest more into it. She should be able to start out simple with a few things. Giving it to her all at once would probably just egg it on
SCHOOLBOY. Мама флексит 🫣👩🏻
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