Broke Promises To My Boyfriend Whilst He Was Away Dealing With Parents Health Issues r/Relationships

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Mark Narrations

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@jgw5491 2 жыл бұрын
At the end of the first story where he takes his farewells by insulting her for her appearance I wish she could let him know, "I can change my weight, my make-up, and my clothes when I feel like it. I seriously doubt that you will ever become a decent human being."
@susieelainesmith3134 8 ай бұрын
I hope his horrific insults to her all came via text or email, so she can send screencaps to the new chick.
@manxiefeathermoon9888 2 жыл бұрын
Story one: she is in a controlling relationship. His goals should never dictate her life. Disgusting
@Imthesoulofthes 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah improving yourself is ‘Disgusting’
@LegoYesMegaBloxNoVGCPd3dsaRE3 2 жыл бұрын
@@Imthesoulofthes Yeah but either way, he's still a disgusting POS for saying all that stuff to her.
@MidnightL2008 2 жыл бұрын
@@Imthesoulofthes Improving yourself is fine but forcing others to change their lifestyle to your preferences is not okay and I would agree with calling it controlling and disgusting.
@Imthesoulofthes 2 жыл бұрын
@@LegoYesMegaBloxNoVGCPd3dsaRE3 switch the Genders, Ross. Then tell me how you would feel about this situation
@ceeshnia 2 жыл бұрын
@@Imthesoulofthes What do you think the gender swap would do? Change their opinion that someone who is controlling, a cheater, and someone who thinks it's okay to insult someone after cheating is okay if they are a different gender? This person, who enforced large lifestyle changes (granted she did agree to them, out of kindness for him not for any need of herself), got angry that he couldn't catch her in a lie so he could project his failings onto her, who cheated on their partner, and who insulted their now former partner as an extra "fuck you" is going to be a disgusting poor excuse of a human, no matter what gender they are.
@evanboyd1541 2 жыл бұрын
That dude is going to be surprised when his new piece dumps him for better. Doesn’t matter how fit you are there’s always going to be someone else who outranks in that department and others. And she is a lawyer oh boy he better be bringing a salary at least comparable to hers.
@ynmonroe 2 жыл бұрын
And it's going to happen. I doubt she has the confidence issues he does. What is he bringing to the table anyway?
@Davtwan 2 жыл бұрын
@@ynmonroe - Control issues, a lack of willpower, and a record of cheating! ... Wait.
@kp2223 2 жыл бұрын
It'll be more funny when he falls off the wagon and gets fat again.
@kizzykiz 2 жыл бұрын
Yup. My now husband’s ex roommate was like this guy. He cheated on his then gf for another (yeah…ANOTHER) underaged girl, then doubled down and insulted her. That girl ended up dumping him within a year for someone else.
@Davtwan 2 жыл бұрын
@@kp2223 - Just eat a donut in front of him. He can’t resist the temptation according to himself. :V
@WobblesandBean 2 жыл бұрын
OP 2: Oh ok, so on top of abusing his children, grooming his daughter to abuse the twins as well, he also gaslights the hell out of you. Wow.
@despinasgarden.4100 2 жыл бұрын
The fact that the daughter is starting to copy her father and looks down to the twins is telling about how munch she is naturalizing this type of behavior, OP, DON'T LET THIS MAN CLOSE TO YOUR KIDS AGAIN. His whole reason to mistreat them is horrible, i bet he is the one cheating too, he is just like his father.
@WobblesandBean 2 жыл бұрын
The cycle of abuse will live on in her.
@itsjustmaddisen 2 жыл бұрын
And even if she WAS cheating, that’s no reason to ABUSE fucking children. They don’t choose to be born and blaming them is fucking MENTAL. He shouldn’t be near children ever he’s crazy and self-absorbed.
@audreym3908 2 жыл бұрын
@@WobblesandBean Hopefully with the help of the right therapist, it would break.
@jakemarie828 2 жыл бұрын
Me too. When I heard that, my heart sunk and I thought "It's already too late." I hope the therapists can help but man. That stuff sticks with you.
@robertbishop5158 2 жыл бұрын
None of you understand living in a abusive family can do to someone Any good therapist will tell you that. I'm sure he's even angry at himself It makes me so angry that nobody In this story has even been through all That the father has. JFC he left on his own to the one who understand what He's going through as a father and son All your comments are arm chair QB A Holes
@jeancarbonneau6966 2 жыл бұрын
In story 2, OP isn't the asshole here. In the update that she did, her husband stated that he doesn't believe that the twins were his. That right there made me wonder if he's cheating on OP. Child abuse, wether physical or mental, is a very hard cycle to break. Especially if it's been going on for generations after generations. My dad lived in a home where he was abused by his father. I think that his dad was also abused by his father as well. My dad decided to stop this cycle with me and my sister and never layed a hand on either of us. He wasn't perfect but he was more responsible than his brothers and sisters. He made sure that we were all well taken care of. It took him a lot of strength and will to not verbally or physically attack me whenever I did something wrong. He was as calm as he could be and talk to me about what I did. My father was a better parent than any of his ancestors he knew about in real life. OP stopped this abuse with her children and it was even reflected on her daughter by what her husband was saying and doing to the twins. He was basically brainwashing his older children to believe that their two younger brothers weren't good enough for him. Luckily, his older son didn't believe that as much but it's a shame that the activity was gonna continue with his daughter. I hope that OP will be able to shut the abusive mentality that her husband was doing and transfering it to his eldest children because this will continue in the long run. OP isn't the asshole here.
@ArcticWolfGod 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2. It's honestly quite a relief to know that for once money isn't going to be a problem and that OP can get all that's necessary without any help from the husband. Well I guess he's not gonna be her husband in the future since I don't think she can ever look at him the same way again.
@lunalight4226 2 жыл бұрын
The last story definitely broke me when the daughter said the twins deserved it😢
@thatwitchychick2717 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I would be worried about her hitting them in the future. That could get really bad.
@lunalight4226 2 жыл бұрын
@@thatwitchychick2717 jep
@marshmello3455 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP's ex is the type of shallow person to base his relationships on appearance and status. I would wish him unhappiness in his future, but it looks like he's ensuring that all on his own. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Story 2: Yikes! I hope OP keeps her ex out of her and her kids' lives. He's an absolute garbage fire of a human. Rather than speaking to OP at any point or recognizing that even if the twins aren't his, that's not their fault, he decided to take his anger out on innocent children. He even coached the older kids to think less of their siblings. What a monster! I'm sorry he went through abuse as a child himself, but that is no excuse for his behavior.
@WobblesandBean 2 жыл бұрын
Yup. He's a wretched person and an obvious incel type. I'll give it three months until Lisa dumps him, then he'll be begging OP for her back.
@Imthesoulofthes 2 жыл бұрын
@@WobblesandBean Lol, He realised his worth and is going to find someone better. He’ll be a Better man through his Discipline. Also, that is a DANGEROUS mindset to have, Guys are starting to stand up for themselves and put themselves out there and no that isn’t incel behaviour. Also sounds like you’re bitter, did Chad/Tyrone dump you?
@ZeroZXDev 2 жыл бұрын
@@Imthesoulofthes My guy, you're defending a dude who, once he got close enough to conventionally attractive, decided to cheat on his GF twice with two different people and instead of being a (still mostly kind of im)mature adult and breaking up with her, tried to get her to lash out at him so then he could feel like the good guy when he dumped her. Idk if you consider that kind of guy to be a life goal, but if you do that's a high-key depressing reality.
@audreym3908 2 жыл бұрын
@@ZeroZXDev Technically 3 times with 3 different woman.
@Imthesoulofthes 2 жыл бұрын
@@ZeroZXDev I’m guessing you’re a dude, right? How would you feel when you declined to help a female friend and then she started bashing you calling you a incel when you have done nothing to acquaint you with that title? I will not talk about the cheating part but I will talk about the women here who think they can get away disrespecting a Man’s goal and calling him names for no reason(or they don’t suit the situation), more times than not these are the women that become cat ladies. There are the woman that let themselves get disrespected by Chad/ Tyrone and then go on the internet and say ‘We should castrate all men’. I’m taking a stand for My People, For the Boys if you will. Some here might be tempted to call it ‘Toxic Masculinity’ but there’s no such thing like that, There’s only Toxic People. Cheating is wrong, But calling men butthurt when their SO destroyed their Trust is not something I can stand by. Take the Red pill, Become the Best Man. Thank you for reading this.
@memyselfandi7782 2 жыл бұрын
Oh yh I remember that first story. He's pathetic and decided to spit in her face to make HIM seem less bad by bringing up points of her personality that he saw as less desirable
@fcold9402 2 жыл бұрын
1. I don't see betrayal, i see someone expecting another person to change to live their lifestyle. You are under no obligation to do any of those things unless you want to.
@insideAdirtyMind 2 жыл бұрын
Had a boyfriend who wanted to do a diet and wanted me to "support him". Sounds nice, so far. It ended with me not being allowed to eat any Carbohydrates because it would "distract him at the table". No potatoes, no rice, no nothing. I was normal sized and went underweight, while he did not lose any weight. I later found out, he ate bags of chips every evening. I broke up with him, but waaaay too late. We were together for 6 years.
@lsmmoore1 2 жыл бұрын
And the dude clearly wanted a trophy wife, and did this who "support him" spiel to trick you into following his idea of a "perfect wifey" diet. Or else he would have laid off the bags of chips.
@marshawargo7238 2 жыл бұрын
U Should have been the one cheating!💔 OR "Oh honey, looks like this diet isn't working For U!😱 Maybe We need to take it up a notch!🐺 U need a Personal Trainer who will give Tuff Love!"😢 Being u were already under optimal weight work at a gym would tone & tighten‼ Also have more appetite, so u would give him something to Really Whine About‼🐒 "How r u eating so much more & still losing weight⁉" "Must b my metabolism, or you're cheating!"🐧💦
@jasonstrong9974 Жыл бұрын
rice one of the most heathy things you can eat
@hm5468 Жыл бұрын
I’m straight up shutting that down from the beginning. If it’s nit a lifestyle change I need, I’ll support you if you’re having a hard time but I AM NOT your insurance company or emotional support animal or whatever. How can people have such bad concept of boundaries and I thought I was bad with that.
@goldyd144 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if OP from Story 2 is a different race from her husband, and the older kids pass more as his race. This story kinda reminds me the other reddit story where OP spent years thinking his oldest son wasn't his because he passed more as his mother's race, and after his daughter was born he had to know. He got a paternity test in secret and yep, the oldest son was his. He luckily never abused his son, but he did spend years being emotionally distant from him. The idiot told his wife that he did that, and it basically ruined his marriage because in her eyes, he and his family spent years alienating his child due to colorism. He tried to justify it in the comments by saying his child was so much darker than both he and his wife, but Reddit schooled him because mixed kids can look like either side and won't always turn out like his daughter (light skin, light eyes like daddy, etc.). He thought he was doing his job by stepping up, marrying her, and taking care of his child even if he thought it wasn't his, but his wife was not having it. Maybe the scenario could be similar for OP 2, but worse. I've heard a lot of mixed/biracial kid horror stories about this sort of thing, and it wouldn't surprise me if that's the case. Hell, I'm Black but look very different from both of my parents and the rest of my family, and that caused a lot of questions during my childhood. Genetics are funny like that. 🤷🏾‍♀️
@Imthesoulofthes 2 жыл бұрын
I think she cheated, Her mannerism after getting blamed were signs.
@goldyd144 2 жыл бұрын
@@Imthesoulofthes Even if she cheated, that is no reason to abuse children and encourage your older children to think they "deserve" it. Just get a court-ordered paternity test. If anything, I think HE cheated and is projecting his hate for himself onto the twins.
@Imthesoulofthes 2 жыл бұрын
@@goldyd144 you saying it like He used the belt on the twins and bad mouthed their Mother in front of them. By hitting he meant Sternly holding their hand or giving them a angry look. The mother probably also used physical discipline herself.
@goldyd144 2 жыл бұрын
@@Imthesoulofthes OK. What evidence do you have for your claims that she cheats and hits her kids?
@ceeshnia 2 жыл бұрын
@@goldyd144 They don't have evidence. They excuse the behavior of the first man as well, and use "it would be seen as fine if the genders were reversed". Basically, they defend all guys, period, no matter how horrible they are, which honestly, is counterproductive to defending men. So I only see two viable options: A: They hate women (and children, as they see no problem with them being abused), or B: they are someone who hates men and is making excuses for horrible men to fuel hate towards men.
@ciomaria6137 2 жыл бұрын
The second story is every mother’s nightmare. Genetics is such a funny thing, and the human womb is not a cloning machine. Children are not going to be perfect carbon copies of either parent.
@Imthesoulofthes 2 жыл бұрын
You have no idea how far the disrespect of Marriage has gone, cheating is only one of them.
@ceeshnia 2 жыл бұрын
@@Imthesoulofthes You think the husband cheated?
@Imthesoulofthes 2 жыл бұрын
@@ceeshnia No, It’s the frustration. The frustration happening from the Wife who becomes defensive when faced with a possibility that is true. The wife who is not being supportive and is being VERY difficult to deal with.
@TiffWaffles 2 жыл бұрын
@@Imthesoulofthes This is nothing to do with a wife not being supportive, but a father who is abusing children. I listened to the story and the update. The father is a POS.
@ceeshnia 2 жыл бұрын
@@Imthesoulofthes So you're saying that she should be supportive and not difficult (ie not call him out on his bullshit) of her husband abusing two five year olds.... So you're fine with children being abused, but you're not okay with her calling him out for being abusive... and standing her ground. Sounds more likely that he is cheating and projecting, but regardless; even if one, both, or neither cheated, abusing children is never okay, period. And if you think that somehow, truly believe that a child of that age asking why their father hates them does not factually showcase abuse, along with his admission that he hit them a few times (hit, not disciplined, actually hit), then you are part of the problem.
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: this shouldn't even have been a fucking thing. She didn't "betray" anything. HE is controlling as hell. Trying to make her feel bad because HE has discipline issues is disgusting. He doesn't get to take her body autonomy and she shouldn't have let him tell her what she could or could not eat, touch, or play. And for her to feel like she betrayed him when she did this simply so he wouldn't be tempted is gross. He needs help. Honestly it kind of reminds me of that one story where the guy created rules for his wife about not touching him so that when she did accidentally touch him, he could call her an abuser and leave because he was cheating. Edit: I FUCKING knew it. Pretty typical for someone to pick a fight instead of being a grown up and move on. What a disgusting human he is for his shitty comments.. Calling HER selfish a joke but denigrating her is not on at all.
@streamerssaymyname 2 жыл бұрын
Weird how obsessed cheaters are with not looking like the "bad guy" when they are the ones who betray and plot behind their partners.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
He's about to find out the hard way when 'Lisa' refuses to put up with his sh*t. I give it three months before he figures out that he can't keep up with her, and starts demanding she bend to fit his desires, and he gets kicked to the curb. I give it about 6 months before the extreme lifestyle crap crashes completely down, and he falls off the wagon. OP's better off in this, because he's going nowhere, fast.
@SiFireHasSpeed 2 жыл бұрын
Completely agree with your assessment
@Davtwan 2 жыл бұрын
@@streamerssaymyname - Because they see how “easy” it is, so they think their smarter partner is clearly cheating too. Cheating: the fast track to clowning yourself. 🤡
@TheNormExperience 2 жыл бұрын
Right? I agree with that one poster about the words being used. Him using the words, “you cheated on our life together” WHAT? Because she had take-away while playing a video game?! Immediately I thought HE betrayed her and cheated on their relationship and is projecting all of it onto her. Not at all ok. And absolutely disgusting how incredibly immature this asshat was to her when HE fucking cheated!
@LadyLabyrinth1337 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness I bloody knew it, my projection radars were going off so hard! I knew that he had stepped out on her
@Val_Benko 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like in story 2, the husband at least partly thinks OP cheated because they had twins, and twins are uncommon. He's probably thinking something like "they don't look like me and twins don't run in my family, so they must not be mine." Clearly bullshit reasoning, since children often don't look much like their parents. But what makes this extra sad is: (A) the birth rate of identical twins is pretty constant, around 3-4 per 1000 births. From what I'm aware of, it has literally nothing to do with the parents - so even if OP had cheated, having identical twins wouldn't be any indicator of that. And (B) fraternal twins (while not the case here) would be "controlled" by the mother, not the father, since two separate eggs need to be released at the same time - meaning that cheating wouldn't make fraternal twins more likely. So literally no part of his "reasoning" makes any actual sense and he's just a colossal gaping asshole
@loiracitr 4 ай бұрын
Why do people keep forgetting that we have inherited DNA from mother and father...?
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
The boyfriend in Story One is a controlling, insecure, projecting nightmare (who likely isn't going to maintain all of these drastic lifestyle changes since he couldn't even maintain the celibacy end of the first change), and Lisa isn't going to stick around for very long. A marathon running attorney isn't going to put up with his crap for very long. As soon as he figures out that he can't keep up with her lifestyle, and starts demanding she seriously nerfs her life to make him feel good, he's gone.
@BexsBoxofConfusion 2 жыл бұрын
yes, Lisa is going to realize who he is and leave him behind. It's likely she has no idea he's coming back to the hometown and wanting more than a fling... hope he gets his just deserts
@Davtwan 2 жыл бұрын
Important rule for discipline-related self-improvement: if it doesn’t include willpower training, then it’s going to fail.
@scousemouse9566 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2, i hope OP protects her kids and with therapy they can all heal 🧇🧇
@lunahix4815 2 жыл бұрын
I remember hearing story 1 on another reddit KZbin channel. At first I thought that the GF cheated but after the story, I was like *Fuck that shit* he can't force another person to go through all that shit if they don't want to. They aren't obliged to go on a diet, aren't obliged to do Nofap, no video games, etc. That's OP'S choice, not the bf's choice to make for her. The OP deserves better than that bastard of an ex. And him insulting her only proves that she deserves better than him. He's horrible.
@pansprayers 2 жыл бұрын
He's not going to be able to maintain any of it. Hallmark of extreme yo-yos like this, is the inability to self improve without imposing the changes on everyone around them. If everyone around you has to go extreme because you can't control yourself around a bag of M&M's, then it's a bigger issue than diet. Lisa's going to get rid of him the second he demands she stunt her career or lifestyle because he can't keep up.
@itsjustme7487 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. What an asshat! He really sounds a lot like my ex husband. You're better off!
@audreym3908 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, its one thing to have a meal with them that accommodates their diet or taking a walk with them, it's another to fully change/support or go along with someone else's self improvement
@marshawargo7238 2 жыл бұрын
@@audreym3908 Even if she were supporting him, he Should obviously understand she'll be her own self when not around him.
@minisnakali 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA He's such a waste of space, OP is far kinder than I am because I would have hunted down those women and exposed him as a cheater. Especially to Lisa, she might not even know she's the sidepiece. But he really assassinated everything about OP, how dare he. OP if you read this I am so sorry you had to go through this.
@micahpatchen1538 2 жыл бұрын
Mark - you are so considerate with your warnings and timestamps. it's the little extra that makes you just lovely and our favorite! thank you
@rai1578 2 жыл бұрын
Seriously. Mark is the best with warnings. I have PTSD from a car accident, and I'm not at a point in my recovery where I can handle stories that mention them. I really didn't expect anything when I asked if he'd consider warning for them too, but he started doing it. And he's so kind and gentle with it. I never feel judged for not being able to watch a particular video, and I'm not caught off guard. This is why it's my absolute favorite Reddit channel. Even if I watch other channels to hear their perspectives, I always watch his first so I can know if it's gonna be triggering and avoid it on other channels.
@MrVibez-zt5rj 2 жыл бұрын
@@rai1578 fr i unsubed a little time back and completely regretted it only Channel I see better then this is rslash but yeah found one of his old videos and resubbed
@micahpatchen1538 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrVibez-zt5rj welcome back :)
@micahpatchen1538 2 жыл бұрын
@@rai1578 I'm very glad you are with us! 😊
@MrVibez-zt5rj 2 жыл бұрын
@@micahpatchen1538 oh I’ve been back a while now but thanks
@panicattheanimationstudio5673 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: for everyone shitting on op, she was being abused too. She was being gaslit into believing that she was overreacting to what she saw him do to their children and only realized that she wasn't overreacting when her child asked why their father didn't love them.
@rai1578 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, I think it's complicated. I say this based on personal experience. I grew up in an abusive home. My mother was being abused, and so were we. The problem is, even though I can empathize with how she felt, it still lead to her keeping her children in a situation where we were repeatedly abused and traumatized on a daily basis. I understand why my mom stayed, and I hate that she went through that, but it doesn't undo the fact that it left me and my brother with a lot of scars I'm not sure I'll ever be able to fully heal from. I think that's where a lot of the anger comes from. Even though what OP went through is awful, they were the one who had the ability to change the situation and protect the kids. The kids were helpless and had no control over the situation. I'm personally not going to call OP an ahole, but I can understand why people are upset.
@panicattheanimationstudio5673 2 жыл бұрын
@@rai1578 well here's the thing, op didn't know she was being abused. She couldn't escape from something she didn't consciously know was happening, the moment she was made consciously aware of the abuse to not her but her children, she put an end to it
@gaaraxnaru 2 жыл бұрын
@@panicattheanimationstudio5673 But she did know that the twins were being treated differently deep down. She even admitted it.
@TalonKarrde03 2 жыл бұрын
I think the mom OP is justified in her anger but her solution is crazy extreme. I don’t think enough people can empathize that the dad was an abuse victim as well and needs help. Hell he even apologized and committed to getting better. Why does the mother believe removing her children’s father the best solution? Disabusing her children of their father (for long term) is a crazy extreme. I understand not letting the father see the kids until therapy is underway and progress is being made. But I do not agree that she gets to keep all the kids away from him when he’s clearly remorseful and has committed to becoming a better person. The dad needs way more support. People treat men’s feelings like jokes and when men struggle with them, they are thrown to the curb.
@mashonem 2 жыл бұрын
That gives a reason for her inaction, that doesn’t make it ok. She’s def TA for allowing her children to be abused and only did anything about it when she saw it was affecting him
@bannerturtoise1219 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2- My take on the 'cheating' accusation is that the husband did so, and thus is projecting. As for what op should do now, warn people. She's starting off right by getting her children help. But she needs to make people aware of the type of person he is. This will help rally her family to her side, but also put the idea in the minds of people that know him, that he is potentially dangerous.
@BexsBoxofConfusion 2 жыл бұрын
The last story I've heard before and I'm still so heartbroken for those twin boys
@WobblesandBean 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine being so controlling and suffocating that you force your girlfriend to give up everything fun in her life, just because you made an arbitrary decision to become a goddamn quaker. Edit: Yup. He's an utter conkwocket. LOL he insults OP but I guarantee he's going to regret this. I give it three months.
@damien678 2 жыл бұрын
aww mark, not just giving the warnings but how gentle and co.siderately you give them out is so nice to hear
@SilverstreamPJ28 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: She's a good mom, she protected her kids and now they can work on healing themselves. When I mention the physical abuse I suffered from my parents to them, they say I "live in the past and should stop acting like a child and move on". My father truly believes that since he only spanked me and didn't beat the shit out of me, that it wasn't even that bad. It's easy to say that when your a 6 foot tall 190lb man hitting a six year old child because she was taking too long to shower. The physical abuse ruined me forever, and they to this day do not acknowledge it.
@TiffWaffles 2 жыл бұрын
My bio dad was extremely abusive. He was physically, verbally, emotionally abusive. And he also sexually exploited me because as a girl that was my only worth. My mother left him and met my stepdad who was abusive in other ways (mentally, verbally, financially), so the cycle continued. I know what you mean when you say that abuse destroyed you.
@frith.calluna 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 gave me a good chuckle. Not because of what OP is going through, but because the guy is such a spineless little weasel. He really did the whole niceguy turnaround. "wElL yOu'Re NoT tHaT pReTtY aNyWaY." What a pathetic excuse for a human.. On the other hand, if he continues this behavior, karma will come for him soon enough.
@indianspartan76 2 жыл бұрын
I was disheartened by her update. Her boyfriend did a number on her for her to think "being supportive and accommodating is not the way to a man's heart" when that is what I, and many of my male friends, look for. I hope she doesn't go all incel like some guys do when a girl breaks their heart like this. Hope she can heal and heal fast
@andredunbar3773 2 жыл бұрын
@@moon-moth1 True that. I remember hearing Story 1 on Lost Genre's channel and he looked into OP's comments in the update, where she said pretty much this.
@RatTailSoup4 2 жыл бұрын
story one.. hear me out.. he's a bit of a dushe. like, good for you man! do your workouts and stuff, but don't force it on other people. video games are a hobby, and its alright to "let one loose" every now and then. edit after hearing the update: HOLY SHIT I FUCKING KNEW IT- he is such a controlling asshole. thank God they broke up with him
@gelasiakidd8076 2 жыл бұрын
I haven't even finished the opening to the first story and I'm unnerved af at the amount of control abuse she doesn't realize is going on. The moment he got angry about the compare notes thing I would be leaving the situation. Instead she's blaming herself and that is horrifying to me, because it's making me wonder how it got that deep into her head. God I hope the update has her single and safe Edit: yup, "looking hot" let mister exIncel go full narcissist. He's gonna find his personality has a lot to be desired and the aesthetic won't help him tho
@rai1578 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2 was hard to listen to, but I'm just so glad OP left before it got worse. TW for child abuse obviously It reminded me of my own experiences with my parents, and my abusive father in particular. The difference? My mom didn't leave, even when she found out he had hit my brother. She threatened to call the police if he ever did it again, but she stayed. So he turned to more subtle ways to physically abuse us where he technically never hit us. Like making me pick up broken glass with my bare hands instead of letting me use a broom and dustpan. I wasn't even 10. It left me with so much trauma, and it took my dad getting busted for possession of some messed up stuff and CPS getting involved for us to get out of there. I honestly don't think she would have ever gotten us out of there had that not happened. I'm just glad OP put their foot down. Their kids will inevitably be left with some trauma, but it would only get worse if they had stayed.
@Itzelhaim 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Watch he's going to be back to his old habits sooner or later
@kp2223 2 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. What happens when he falls off the wagon and gets fat again
@browniewin4121 2 жыл бұрын
1) Do not feel guilty for eating and doing what you wanted while he was away, you had only stopped to not put temptations in his way and that was very good of you and he should be grateful. He is being unreasonable, super over the top. He has no business being this controlling and abusive. I can understand he has been under stress what with his parent's condition so I hope he will chill out when he decompresses and can think rationally, but honestly, his reaction was so awful I worry you have just seen he is not someone you should stick with. After update: Oh, gosh, what an A**hole. Decides now that he is feeling pleased with himself he thinks the thing to do is cheat and cheat and then manipulate and insult you. He is awful. No matter how much he improves his appearance he will continue to be a disgusting person. Of course you will mourn the loss of what you thought you had and who you thought he was, and also be angry for the disgusting ways he betrayed you. You do deserve so much better, and for now I'm glad you are just taking care of yourself. Very best wishes OP. 2) Your husband needs to be out of the house and get counseling, his behavior is completely abusive and unacceptable. No, if he was behaving like his father you were not wrong to call him out. I'm so glad you are standing up for your children now but it's a shame you didn't intervene from the start when you saw how he was not treating the twins well. After update: OMG, he does not believe they are his and accuses you of being unfaithful because they look like you and not him, that is insane. He is horrible. It is good you told him to stay away. It is good you will be getting therapy for all the kids, for you too I hope. So sorry OP, but kudos to you for putting your kids first and protecting them.
@livaugirard3383 2 ай бұрын
"You're clearly selfish because I cheated" 😅 what a fool
@megaman37456 2 жыл бұрын
To story 1: I'd bet super petty and not break up with him JUST so he can't go to the other woman. I'd also message his parents and friends about ALL of this. I don't believe in moral high ground, I believe in stooping to their level and beating them with experience, that's how you teach life lessons.
@paden1865able 2 жыл бұрын
It's not like she slept with someone else but what she does when he's not around in taking care of her own needs is not up to him. He is unreasonable and controlling, get the jump on the situation and leave due to him being a jerk
@rasheedabasheer4046 7 ай бұрын
Story2: The entitlement is appalling. "These kids look more like my wife so they are probably not mine bEcAuSe I dEsErve chILdRen thAt lOoK liKe mE!" Puhlees, he projecting. He deserves a paternity test while serving him divorce papers and minimum custody citing physical harm.
@LilySaintSin 2 жыл бұрын
1st story, OP dodged a bullet.
@hunterjames8653 8 ай бұрын
“Assumption makes an ass out of you and me” that’s the core of the issue he assumed she would stick to it she assumed she didn’t have too they didn’t communicate expectations and then got overly butt hurt when those expectations weren’t met
@MsUnamusedNerd 2 жыл бұрын
He sounds like a ‘nice guy’ with that tantrum when they broke up
@LadyJoolree 2 жыл бұрын
I do love the way you read these stories and give voice to the OPs who are often in crisis. Its great to see your progression from Daddy Cringe to Waffle Master and I wish you great things for your future. But when you called that guy a Codpiece... I felt that! 🤣
@LadyLabyrinth1337 2 жыл бұрын
I swear Mark is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment, I'm so stressed and tired. And Mark gives me strength to continue
@queen_of_flatulence 2 жыл бұрын
Hello beautiful person!
@sannahayes832 2 жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more!
@jennilynne1977 2 жыл бұрын
I completely understand. I felt the same way Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I hope your day gets better. Peace, hugs and love to you and everyone else!
@HowToPnP 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 OP: eats a burger and plays Dark Souls Boyfriend: "You betrayed me!" Also boyfriend: say multiple affairs
@WillTw12 2 жыл бұрын
Winter storm in Texas has my holed up in my home. I just got nice n cozy and this came out at the perfect time :)))
@WatsonAndDaughter 2 жыл бұрын
Damn, #2 HURT. The ESH commenter was harsh, but they were 100% on the nose. OP let it happen way too long. I hope those babies get the help they need, that's gonna be with them a while.
@DocKrazy 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: I think my eyebrows escaped my face I raised them so high. Surprised how nobody suggested therapy for op after that ending.
@personneici2595 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the CA warning, Mark, that's a big one for me. The story about the no fap guy was incredible. I hope that OP finds someone who truly values them rather than someone who settled for them like he said he did. His behaviour was abhorrent.
@jakeand9020 Жыл бұрын
"he didn't mean to and lost control" That just makes it worse. Seriously, I'm not anti corporal punishment but I still wouldn't let this man anywhere near them again just based on that statement alone.
@mbyerly9680 2 жыл бұрын
Lisa sounds too good for the ex-BF. He's being delusional and worthy of what she'll do to him.
@michal31131 2 жыл бұрын
If she would date a cheater even after getting a warning, she ain't a saint either..
@JasperCatProductions 2 жыл бұрын
My God I thought you slept with his brother! But this is nonsense, why on earth did you agree to this crap? Run as fast and as far as you can. I mean, I can understand no eating McDonald’s in front of a dieter, and game quietly. But your taking care of your own private business , give me a break. Dude sounds like a nutter.
@captainhamada637 2 жыл бұрын
He says he doesn't hate the twins but put in enough effort to make the older kids dislike them too
@SilverstreamPJ28 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: well you dodged a literal psychopath, so it's honestly fine
@sarahjean3670 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your great video Mark! This one hit hard (the second story). I kind of understand where the mom was at given that my own dad went nuts from when I was six to about 14. My mom just couldn’t handle the situation because she was being abused as well. He never hurt me or mom but he was scary and mean. He finally got the right meds (the ones he was on were making him way worse) and we are best buddies. But I will never forget the abuse. Thank God for therapy!
@okamineo 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 - even in my long lasting relationship we both... "cook" or "bake" for ourselves. Taking care of one's needs is human, the difference is how you phrase it. It's a basic human drive of life that needs satisfaction, cooking together or alone. Otherwise: good he left, no more guilt while baking for yourself!
@pa-pa-plasma 2 жыл бұрын
For the second one... I have no words. Holy shit. The husband sounds delusional. That's not an insult, it's an observation. I really think he has some kind of paranoia/dulsions and instead of dealing with it healthily, he's being abusive. He is EXACTLY like his father and he needs to hear it. Either that, or he cheated on OP and is projecting, trying to justify his actions (similar to the first story). Even if OP did cheat and the twins aren't his, you don't fucking treat children that way. fucking hell. OP needs to tell him again that he is just like his father, and really hammer home this time how true it is. He NEEDS to know how he is acting, and what it is like to those around him. People like that either 1: don't change and double down to defend themself (they're a good person, so nothing they do can be bad. every attempt at communication is seen as a personal attack) 2: bite their tongue, slowly come to terms with their actions, stamp down their ego, and try to get better (fucking rare, because people who CAN do this don't usually end up in these types of situations). Giving the husband an example he went through will help get it through his thick skull how shitty of a person he is being throw the whole man out. get a restraining order if you have to. explain to the kids (especially the kid who the dad was teaching that abusing the twins is okay HOLY FUCK) that this type of behaviour is bad, how would they feel if dad hit & yelled at them, etc. It sounds inappropriate to talk about with kids, but these kids were already exposed to this, and even worse, they were ENCOURAGED to copy the behaviour. absolutely good on OP for getting them therapy, but the kids need to know what is happening. It's better to explain things now rather than later, because if husband gets any kind of custody he is most likely going to keep convincing them it's okay to abuse their younger siblings. Been in the twins' situation and it isn't fun. If OP wants her kids to get along she needs to correct that behaviour literally right fucking now. I can't believe what I'm reading holy shit edit: also thank you so much, Mark, for the trigger warnings. you don't know how much we all appreciate it
@roowyrm9576 2 жыл бұрын
Stuck at home, in isolation, due to C19. You're story telling is very welcome, so Thank You, from all of us who are regular viewer/listeners!
@alg94 2 жыл бұрын
story 1: the minute he falls off his keto diet and gains back all the weight lisa is gonna drop him like a hot fat potato.
@SailorMya 2 жыл бұрын
To the first story, for someone who has no control over his habits he sure is controlling over others... Plus, he knew that she "cheated" but didn't say anything so he could catch her in a LIE! Who does that!!! Lisa will leave as soon as she sees that he can't match up to her lifestyle!
@luvuforeverjames 2 жыл бұрын
I guessed that something wasn't right when he accused OP of "betraying" him while he was away. It was pretty obvious to me that it was an excuse to have an argument over something so stupid. Now we know for sure that prick boy just wanted an excuse to split up because he was cheating....good riddance to bad rubbish!
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA he IS just like his dad. He is audit his twins when HE made the choice for them to be born. Could OP have handled it better instead of putting it off? Yes, but he is being just like his dad. He may feel it as a low blow but sometimes, low blows are needed. Edit: I can see ESH. I didn't judge that way because the question was specifically about her comments. Edit after update: and he gaslighted her too. Sweet. His reasoning is nonsense and he needs help. The fact that the daughter was picking up on dad's dislike and going with it is fucked up.
@streamerssaymyname 2 жыл бұрын
It can be hard to imagine how bad he is when he was a good dad to the older kids, I bet he has cheated too. To think she would go through almost dying to have illegitimate kids, and he turns around and hits them. I remember this story from a while ago and was kind of hoping for a new update, maybe one where the husband loses everything for being such an awful person.
@Mewse1203 2 жыл бұрын
@@streamerssaymyname yeah I wondered after the update if he is projecting his own behavior onto her.
@digit5465 2 жыл бұрын
My god, I knew it was gonna be bad but I wasn’t expecting it to be *that* bad. Glad OP kicked him out and, probably, will leave him
@khaavren3 2 жыл бұрын
"absolute codpiece." LOL, you said Mark!
@LilChuunosuke 2 жыл бұрын
*Story 1:* I would be petty and contact the new girlfriend telling her that she was his side piece... *Story 2:* ESH. As someone who was abused, I would want people to call me out if I was being like my abuser. I don't want to be like her ever. But i agree with the person saying that its unacceptable how long she has waited to confront him about the abuse. She needs to protect those kids.
@adamwilliams4928 2 жыл бұрын
First story: Oh, man. I almost feel sorry for OP's boyfriend. He has no idea what he's in for. The asinine, stupid choices he just made are going to hit him like a freight train. And he will regret this for the rest of his life.
@michal31131 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely don't feel bad for that cheating asshole, Lisa could get him and throw him away after he either cheat on her as well or get fat again.
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
Hey you yes you remember to take care of yourself gosh darn it, you are always valid, and I love you and care about you so please take care of yourself 💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗
@FlamesofJagger 2 жыл бұрын
Remember to take care of yourself Broken. Stay positive and healthy 👍👍🤗🤗💛💙🤗🤗💜❤️🤗🤗
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@FlamesofJagger much love and you too🤗🤗💜💜
@UzumakiDonnoHinata 2 жыл бұрын
Your comment is almost always the top comment I see before expanding the comment section regardless of upvotes. Idk if it's like that for everyone else, but it is for me. And it means a ton to me to see it. I have an extremely hard time taking care of myself. Sometimes I can barely do the basics like showering and eating. I just wanted to tell you that the daily reminders don't fall on deaf ears and that you're making a positive impact on me. Thank you. ❤
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@UzumakiDonnoHinata awww I'm glad you are able to see them and that they help, I know it's really hard to do things some days more then others so that's why I do it, I'm doing something that I used to need to see and sometimes need myself, much love m8🤗🤗💜💜
@damien678 2 жыл бұрын
this is reminding me how I gotta stop mopping about and do the daily exercises I want to do lol
@GothBiDemiGirl 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah! You got this!
@damien678 2 жыл бұрын
@@GothBiDemiGirl oh shit! thank you!
@rachaelmiller2289 7 ай бұрын
Story 2 it doesn't matter if those kids were his or not you just don't treat kids or anyone like that if he suspected they weren't his then that was an issue he should have took up with her
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
Whoever is reading this i send hugs and great vibes. Drink water, eat food, nap, take a break, take care of yourself gosh darn it. And if you don't I swear I will find you and keep you in a cottage and take care of you. 🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜🤗🤗💜💜
@katiesmith2031 2 жыл бұрын
Hugs and great vibes back 🤗🤗💙💙🤗🤗💙💙
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@katiesmith2031 much love 🤗🤗💜💜
@KE-hr4sb 2 жыл бұрын
S1: Yeah, no, this guy has more red flags than a parade. He has the right to dictate his own life goals, health, and hobbies. He does not have the right to dictate hers. He's claiming he was on his "best behavior" and wants to compare notes? Yeah, I'm sure. /s ETA: Oh, look, classic projection. Yep, saw that one coming. Lol self-love.
@maemae527 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for giving warnings and caring for others mental health 💛
@iamalbertwesker2 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: and with the daughter, it seems, the cycle will continue
@jayne5375 2 жыл бұрын
Mark had me cracking up today, yes op needed more self love 🤣
@SilentDecepticon 2 жыл бұрын
1: What an absolutely shallow piece of shit. Not only does he cheat on the OP, he has to try to do as much emotional damage as he can on his way out. In the future I hope he meets nothing but gold diggers who will abandon him as soon as he needs support. 2: The husband screamed at the twins so much that they think he actually hates them and wants them gone, and their siblings are starting to treat them the same due to his influence. WTF? He IS like his abusive father. OP was right to kick him out and keep him away from the twins, and should make sure that he is not left unsupervised with any of the kids again. Who's to say that he wouldn't find a reason to resent his older children and start abusing them too? TBH I wouldn't even allow supervised visits until he has undergone a lot of therapy to work through his issues.
@Shaggymoore4 Жыл бұрын
OP in story 1 needs to run away from that little boy parading around as a man.
@shawnesmith5364 2 жыл бұрын
I hope the ex in story one can keep that same energy. Let see how long going to stay in shape and how long she going to stay with him for. Cause once you go back to being overweight she more then likely going to dump him.
@brassjujumagic7907 2 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate Mark's dedication and honesty. These videos have become apart of my daily routine.
@LookItsSani 2 жыл бұрын
ok wow, I legit though she had cheated or done something super serious, but the betrayal was _living life_ when he was gone? Damn, controlling much? edit: oh wait, just finished the story. Fuck him lol
@allancaton8892 Жыл бұрын
This first story is absolutely ridiculous! I really don’t think anything else need be said.
@9999plato 2 жыл бұрын
He can stick to his own restrictions. He sounds disturbed and controlling. Let him go his own way. If he comes back and allows you to live your own life, great. If he can't deal with it, too bad. His newfound love, Lisa will toss him to the curb once she realizes that he is a huge turd. He is no big loss.
@katiesmith2031 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Mark thanks for the video hope you and poppy are having a wonderful evening goodnight and sweet dreams much love 💙
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
Sleep well m8, much love 💜💜🤗🤗
@katiesmith2031 2 жыл бұрын
@@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 Thank you broken I will. Hope you are having a wonderful evening goodnight and sweet dreams much love 💙
@broken_queer_but_fighting8589 2 жыл бұрын
@@katiesmith2031 thanks a lot m8🤗🤗💜💜
@annem7806 Жыл бұрын
Throw bad father out. He is hurting the children. Pack his bags. Demand therapy for all. Adulting 101.
@kerrychristensen7204 2 жыл бұрын
Ha! I knew that first guy was improving so he could upgrade.
@andrediamond4374 4 ай бұрын
He says he can't trust her now, but he clearly didn't trust her already if he wanted to compare notes. What a cockend. I guarantee he drops all his new habits when they break up. Update: Lol, he's gonna lose his shit when Lisa lawyers her way out of his BS rules
@x1tekja Жыл бұрын
Almost shot coffee out my nose when bf said she cheated on him😂😂 I'd be like yes Bae cheated on you with myself, wanna join us on a three way? Logic has left the chat:
@Silence-1170 2 жыл бұрын
Hope you all have a great evening. Wishing you all well, grandpa is still in the hospital, wish I could go visit but they only allow one.
@carolroberts4614 2 жыл бұрын
That's hard! Hope he gets better soon.
@Silence-1170 2 жыл бұрын
@@carolroberts4614 thank you
@runawayfromtoads674 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you and more of your folks will get to call or see him soon :( Wish you and your family well.
@DragonflyandTheWolf Жыл бұрын
Anyone who tells you that you can't masturbate (unless its part of a fun sexy game that you consented to, and not a permanent forever ban) is a walking red flag.
@terryp2517 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Wow, he betrayed OP then doubled down because he was now seen as attractive tk those who used to call him ug face! He'll go through lots of heartbreak because of his terrible attitude Story 2: I'm proud of OP and how she kicked that horrible man to the curb! How dare he abuse his kids?! I am just floored and gobsmacked at the revelation. I'm glad that OP got called out too for allowing it and later seeing how abusive her stbx husband is
@paulchaudoir190 Жыл бұрын
Story two. Someone needs to take a bat to the husband. asap
@silverwings3213 2 жыл бұрын
First story- RUN! RUN NOW!!!!! He'll have fun seeing how people treat him when he's hot as opposed to how people treat him when he was fat, longterm.
@floraposteschild4184 Жыл бұрын
S2: what a sad story. This is a family in the best of circumstances monetarily, but is a horror show below the surface. Don't ever ignore abuse or suspicions of it, not even one time. OP and her husband let it go on for years, and now all the kids have been harmed, mentally if not physically. It doesn't "get better" on its own.
@l.g.2888 6 ай бұрын
I s2g there are men in this world who will intentionally set up an unreasonable and untenable requirement in the relationship just so they can fly off the handle and accuse you of being a bad partner when you don't live up to it. Then you're falling over yourself, trying to make up for something that isn't even a real betrayal, and he has you. That guy was a controlling asshole just looking for the right lever to pull.
@itsjustme7487 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2.. ops husband might not be like his father but he sure is like my ex husband A slime bucket who belittled our son and told our 2 yr old granddaughter that he was going to throw her in the trash.
@jennilynne1977 2 жыл бұрын
Mark reading Reddit stories always makes my day better! Peace, hugs and love to everyone!
@louellacharlton4425 2 жыл бұрын
Tyvm Mark. Stay safe please. PEACE
@slantos2668 2 жыл бұрын
Story 2: genetic testing is a thing for a reason. If the husband was so concerned over their paternity, he could have had them tested, rather than abusing them. IMHO the twins are likely too MUCH like him, and he hates himself and takes it out on the twins rather than addressing his issues. I'm glad they have a strong mother who will protect them from here on out.
@thedarkwench Жыл бұрын
What an absolute codpiece did make me bust out laughing!
@Weirdandwonderfull19 2 жыл бұрын
OP in story 1 is better off without that POS. She can do SO much better, and deserves SO much better too. Sending my condolences to his new "love", hopefully she sees him for who he is and dumps him. 😂
@SiFireHasSpeed 2 жыл бұрын
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