I don't like it when someone says polygamy is wrong because someone is evil like lamech what about 2 chr 24:1-3 And Joash did that which was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest. And Jehoiada took for him two wives; and he begat sons and daughters. 2 Chronicles 24:2-3 KJV the door was left wide open for more then one wife adultery is based on the woman's marital status lev 20:10 read deut 21 22:27-28 25:5.
@drew2fast4895 жыл бұрын
You are correct. There's no law against it. No one was ever judged for it.
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
@Max The word "and" is the English equivalent of the Greek word "Kai", and both words have alternative meanings. The way Jesus used it here, is in the sense of "for the purpose of", as in "whoever divorces his wife IN ORDER TO marry another woman"
@drew2fast4894 жыл бұрын
@Patriarchy cult Is the beast system there's no theocratic law against it. I'm not talking about civil law🙄
@mode3028 Жыл бұрын
I think polygamy obliterates the marriage principle of faithfulness to your partner. I don't believe it's possible to be equally faithful to two or more wives/husbands. If the Christian community and the world think polygamy is acceptable, I'd rather not be in a marriage or any relationship. Being single in Christ is way more peaceful and fulfilling.
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
You fail to understand how Scripture defines being faithful to your wife. That definition is found in Malachi, and the context is divorce, not taking a second wife!
@augustine.c8204 Жыл бұрын
Agree. If you can simply marry more women you set your eyes on, there’s hardly any reason to fight lust or fight greed or to be faithful.
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
@@augustine.c8204 Who are you agreeing with, may I ask?
@mikewilliams5499 Жыл бұрын
You would fit well in ancient Rome. The very Rome that has many gods, sodomites and effeminate men. Choose the real God of Israel, not the seminary God that many are preached about on Sun God day.
@cbtam4333 Жыл бұрын
@@danieldeluca4936 Obviously, faithfulness in marriage is about a lot more than not divorcing! Being one flesh with another human being encompasses much, much more than that. Christ’s bride is the church. As his bride, the church should only have one Lord. But equally true is that the Lord has always been and will always be faithful to his bride. He will never have more than one bride. A desire for another spouse is a result of a lack of love that was meant to be present in the union of two who have become one flesh, even if other marital duties are being fulfilled. A married man who has sex with another woman, even if he legally marries her, is committing adultery according to the teaching of Jesus in Mark 10:11. This is even if he divorces his first wife, assuming he has no legitimate grounds for divorce.
@KeithThompson528 жыл бұрын
"I am a married man with 4 children and recently met another woman".....Friend, a 2nd wife is the least of your concerns, you are lost. Repent!
@KeithThompson528 жыл бұрын
Next time, watch the video first.
@josephnash75378 жыл бұрын
Keith Thompson How is this guy lost? God doesn't change, polygamy is not a sin because God allowed it,and sanctified it. Abraham, Jacob, David, I could go on. if polygamy is wrong now it was wrong back in the beginning. If God allowed Abraham to have more than one wife. everyone can have more than one wife. God can't judge you for having many wives,and not judge Abraham,and everyone else that had sex with many women.
@djsupac73916 жыл бұрын
Just because God ALLOWED IT.....doesn't mean he SUPPORTS IT!.....does he not ALLOW us to sin and the like when he can easily stop it???....God doesn't change BUT he is God and can ALLOW or NOT allow what he wants!...stop trying to get away with WICKEDNESS!!!
@danieldeluca49365 жыл бұрын
@@djsupac7391 That is such a "Straw Man" argument! Scripture CLEARLY supports polygamy, OVER and OVER and OVER. You stop trying to redefine God's Standard of Holiness! There is NOTHING wicked about having more than one wife!
@LoneWolf-vu6qy5 жыл бұрын
Polygamy. Just another way to spell greed. Keeping that shit out of my life.
@Peter-tg9zv2 жыл бұрын
To say the Bible does not promote polygamy is one thing but to say it prohibits polygamy is absurd. Todays pastors would not recognize a polygamous marriage but would recognize an unadulterous divorce. They fear Rome more than God. (Prohibiting polygamy is Roman law not Gods law).
@cbtam4333 Жыл бұрын
Pastors do recognize a polygamous marriage when someone becomes a Christian after entering into a polygamous marriage. This is not because polygamy is not wrong. It’s because splitting up families with dependent wives and children may cause even more harm than the polygamy. Divorce on grounds not sanctioned by the Bible is often treated the same way. If someone leaves a marriage for an unjustified reason, and later marries and has a family with someone else, pastors don’t require splitting up the second family and remarriage to the first spouse (who may also have remarried). The divorce is still wrong, and can subject the person to church discipline, but the unsanctioned marriage is permitted to continue, even if it began with adultery, because splitting up the new family with a dependent wife and children may cause more harm than staying in that marriage. The Bible does seem to say such persons should not have a leadership role in the church.
@gracefool5 жыл бұрын
This is the worst teaching I've ever heard from Dr Piper. It's far from careful. He claims up front that polygamy is not permitted, but fails to show this. He only shows that it's not ideal and not the norm - which should go without saying, it's not mathematically possible for it to be the universal ideal. Zero vetoes, not six: 1. Shows polygamy isn't ideal. 2. Shows divorce is wrong. Extrapolates against polygamy based on pure assumption. Argues polygamy wasn't the norm at the time (although it never was). 3. Extrapolates from the story of Lamech something Scripture doesn't actually say. 4. Assumes polygamy undermines the analogy of Christ and the Church even though Christ is one and the Church is many! But what reason does he have to think that Paul is talking about polygamy at all? This is exactly the kind of interpretation he argues against in his next point - but this is a much clearer case! 5. Correctly says that 1 Tim 5:9 isn't about polyandry, therefore probably 1 Tim 3:2 isn't about polygyny either - the latter isn't certain, but assuming it's true, then this verse isn't about polygamy at all, so it doesn't help his argument. It only shows polygamy wasn't the norm. 6. Argues favouritism is a common problem in polygamy, based on a single example (though he could also appeal to the example of Dt 21:15). Even if this were true, so what? It's a common problem in parenting too, does that say anything bad about parenting? In any case the most that can be argued from this is that it's not ideal. 7. He's sure more reasons exist. The Bible explicitly allows polygyny (Dt 21:17-19), assumes it will happen, and does not condemn it or label it as sexual immorality. What Westerners don't understand is that having lots of unmarried people is far worse than polygyny.
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
@Black Panther You just cut and pasted this from GotQuestions.org, didn't you. You haven't really thought through this issue very much yourself. I can see numerous false statements in that article, and this is a very convoluted stretch on your part, to make a passage that is clearly about divorce, to somehow encompass the structure of all marriages. Jesus point had NOTHING to do with the structure of marriage. It had EVERYTHING to do with the PERMANENCE of marriage.
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
@Black Panther See, that is a completely bogus argument. God didn't make a second wife for Adam, so according to your logic, not only should every man restrict himself to one wife, he shouldn't even remarry if his wife dies! He wasn't talking about any sort of plan! He was merely saying that since God joined them together, man should not separate them!
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
@Black Panther Good! You should study that passage really well. You might find truths that jump out at you, that you never thought of before, because you have been wearing anti-polygamy glasses when examining it. Take those glasses off, and read it for what it says, as opposed to what you want it to say.
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
@Black Panther What about verse 10 and 11 or verse 39? Read it carefully, without any preconceived ideas! You are assuming that I am living for this world. Nothing could be further from the truth! The world hates polygamy! They got their hatred from the same place you did; the Greco-Roman system, whose shackles, the church has yet to completely break free from, but we are winning this fight, as you can see from the number of comments on this video. You can choose to remain a slave, or you can find freedom in Christ, my friend! While you are at it, read the parable of the ten virgins. Ignore the heading which claims that they are bridesmaids. Take those anti-poly glasses off and read it. See if the word "bridesmaids" appears in the Holy Spirit inspired text! Ask yourself, does the bridesmaid remain with the groom, or go on her merry way after the wedding. Is that what made those women wise and foolish, is that the wise women got to attend a wedding, while the foolish ones missed it? Or was there something of greater significance for those who are prepared to be with Christ forever and ever, whose lamps are trimmed and have plenty of oil and are admitted in with the groom? Were those women waiting for the bride who is never mentioned or the groom? Next, ask yourself who the seven women are in Isaiah 4:1. Are these the seven churches Jesus spoke to in Revelations, or is this a future prophecy that we find coming true before our very eyes today, where women are unable to find a husband? Why does God refer to Himself as the husband of two sisters in both Jeremiah and Ezekiel? Why didn't Jesus do away with Levirate marriage, which undoubtedly resulted in some polygamy that would have naturally occurred from time to time, and was commanded by God? Did Jesus change the Law of Moses, which commands you not to add or take away from it? Did He violate the Law of Moses in doing so? Speaking of Moses, whose side did God take, when Miriam and Aaron expressed displeasure over him having a Cushite wife? Where does it say that Zipporah, whom Jethro brought back to Moses after they left Egypt, had died? Yet that incident happened less than a year after the exodus. How many instances of reading into the Scripture, do people have to make in order to dogmatically oppose polygamy?
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
@Black Panther You ignored the last part of verse 39, and what the ramifications of verses 10 and 11 are, if and when the husband remarries. Paul didn't say that a PERSON could remarry after their SPOUSE died. Go back and read verse 39 carefully. Pay close attention to the gender specificity of that verse. Read that last part, the part about anyone she chooses, and mull over that. He didn't say "anyone she chooses, who is not already married"! Anyone, means anyone! Jesus never mentioned Adam or Eve by name, and He never said that having only one wife, was the original plan of God. You completely missed His point! His point was that they are no longer two, but one, because God has joined them together. Notice that He didn't even use the word "marriage" in that passage. The Hebrew doesn't even use the word "wife"! It always refers to the woman as the "woman of him". So the point Jesus was making, had nothing to do with how many wives you take, but whether or not you are permitted to divorce them. You missed my point about the ten virgins. My point is quite simple. Your assumptions about whether they are bridesmaids or not, is based solely on your presuppositions. Because you already have presuppositions against polygamy, you have no choice when you come to that passage, but to assume He was talking about bridesmaids, which didn't even exist back then! I read it the way His hearers understood it, since they for the most part had no such presupposition. You don't have anything to respond when it comes to Levirate Marriage, which was commanded by God, referenced by the Sadducees, and NEVER rescinded by Christ. That means that if you have a brother who dies, leaving behind a childless widow, you are required by God to marry that woman, whether you already have a wife or not. God's Law transcends man's law! You missed my point when I spoke of Moses' second wife! Whose side did God take in that dispute with his brother and sister? Why would God side with Moses, if having a second wife was wrong? The Law of God is perfect, but we are imperfect. When Paul spoke of ignorance, he was talking to a bunch of Gentiles to whom the Law had not been revealed. These men had a statue erected to an unknown God, and Paul was pointing out that what they did not know, he was revealing to them. That had nothing to do with omissions from God's perfect Law! The Law of Moses reveals the perfection God requires, and Christ offered grace and truth, because we, who are imperfect, are unable to attain the righteousness that God requires by attempting to follow that perfect law. Paul spelled that out in Galatians, when he quoted the OT where it says, "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do EVERYTHING written in the Book of the Law." He then states that Christ redeemed us from the curse of that law, by becoming a curse for us. Gal 3:10-13. This is NOT about God omitting anything because Moses was imperfect, but rather that we could not attain the perfection required by that perfect Law of God, without the Grace and Truth which came through Jesus Christ!
@TheCreepypro Жыл бұрын
may we be content with what you have ordained Lord and rejoice that we give you glory by doing so
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
He appears to have ordained polygamy in II Sam 12:8.
@kaimaxfield64845 жыл бұрын
I would have approached this a little differently to start with but Mr Piper did a great job answering succinctly and biblically. I live in Utah and to clarify, as far as I can figure, because the government doesn't issue marriage certificates for multiple wives simultaneously, a "polygamous marriage" wouldn't be prosecuted inasmuch as it wouldn't be a government recognized marriage and you can live in a house with almost whomever you please as far as the government is concerned. You can be prosecuted for a polygamous relationship involving minors, however, and that isn't actually as uncommon as you would hope. For example, one man had one wife in a trailer next to our property boundary and we probably saw him up there one out of two or three days. He and his wife affirmed Fundamental LDS (Mormon) beliefs, which would mean they believed you must be polygamous to enter the highest levels of heaven or maybe even to get into any level of heaven at all. We didn't dare ask if he practiced what he believed or not. A couple of years passed after they moved away and we received Amber alert messages on our phones because this particular man was allegedly involved in kidnapping to arrange marriages involving minors. It's a messed up world and that will happen anywhere and everywhere polygamy gets a foot in the door. Look at Amnon. Look at Solomon. The spirit of perversion doesn't stop at one sin but must go deeper and further than it's ever been. What was once unthinkable becomes too mild and uninteresting to bother with while greater and deeper evils are pursued unless by God's power and grace the individual is released from those spirits of lust and greed.
@danieldeluca49365 жыл бұрын
OK, you can have multiple wives without kidnapping girls. Mr Piper pulled out some of the same lame arguments that his peers have pulled out, and they are rubbish!
@mikewilliams5499 Жыл бұрын
He answered according to his way of desiring God, as he puts it. His answer is not biblical.
@maskedman.4284 жыл бұрын
1. Is killing certain animals and insects and fish to eat them part of God’s perfect will and original intent? 2. Where does the Old Testament and New Testament say having more than one wife is a sin and therefore a transgression of the law? 3. Should every Man and Woman be married since the first Man and Woman were married in the beginning? “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through HYPOCRITICAL LIARS, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. THEY FORBID PEOPLE TO MARRY and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.” 1 Timothy 4:1-5 4. Did God in any instances in the Old Testament speak against a man for having or marrying more than one wife? 5. The context of Matthew 19, was the Lord condemning divorce or a man having more than one wife? 6. Did God ever recognize a man with more than one wife as marriage in the Old Testament? 6. Was it considered adultery in the Old Testament when a man had sexual relations with his other wives? 7. In Greek Paul used two different “owns” to describe marriage for wives and husbands in 1 Corinthians 7 and other New Testament books when referring to “own wife” and ”own husband”. The “own” used for “own wife” In Greek means exclusive possession over your wife as the other doesn’t mean exclusive possession over your husband for “own husband”. Does Paul recognize a man with more than one wife as marriage in God’s sight? 8. Does God tolerate Sin or is he intolerant of sin? 9. Does God contradict himself in scripture? 10. Does Jesus contradict God in Scripture? 11. Does God contradict Jesus in Scripture? 12. Does the Apostle Paul condemn something that God and Jesus never condemned In the law? 12. What does scripture mean when it says “one flesh” in it’s most basic sense? 13. Can a man cling to more than one wife or just one? 14. Can a man leave his father and mother to cling to only one wife or can he also cling to multiple wives? 15. Does “one flesh” and “clinging” and “leaving father and mother” apply to both monogamous and polygamist marriages or just to only monogamy? 16. Did God create marriage? 17. Does Marriage belong to God or to governmental authorities? 18. What determines if someone is married in God’s sight? 19. Romans 13 says to obey governmental authorities, what if governmental authorities made monogamy illegal and you must get married to two women or more, should you disobey the governmental authorities? 20. Does the governmental authorities determine what Is right and what is wrong for God? 21. Does the governmental authorities determine what is sin and what isn’t sin for God? 22. Would it be considered not a sin or rebellion against Romans 13 if the governmental authorities allowed marriage licenses for multiple wives? 23. Would it be considered not sinful for the same sex to marry if the governmental authorities allow homosexual marriages while some don’t? 24. Should Christians follow every word of God or should Christians conform to the ways of culture? 25. Does God honor the killing of animals to eat them even though they can be received with thanksgiving and it wasn’t this way in the beginning?
@chrisinidaho45695 жыл бұрын
First off, Utah's law against polygamy is so tough, it's illegal for a man to live with 2 women and simply claim that he's married to both. The man doesn't even have to try to get the government to recognize the marriage. IOW, it's stricter than any other state. The LDS Church is trying to distance itself from polygamy and so LDS police and prosecutors are more than happy to enforce the law. To those questioning God's approval of polygamy, let's see what the Bible says. The most telling evidence comes in 2 Sam. 12:7-12. Here we have the prophet Nathan quoting God in condemning David for his adultery with Bathsheba. In verse 8, God says that He (God) gave David his master's wives and then goes on to say that if he (David) wanted even more, God would have given him more. But because of his sin, verse 11 says that God is going to take away David's wives and give them to another individual man who will have his way with them. If God hates polygamy, why did God give David those wives? And why did God offer to give David even more? More importantly, why would God take those wives from David and give them to another INDIVIDUAL man rather than giving them to several men so that the women would have monogamous marriages? Regarding Paul stating that Christian leaders be restricted to having one wife, such restrictions indicate that polygamy was found in the early Christian church. If everyone was monogamous, why would Paul feel the need to include that restriction? It would be like prohibiting leaders from being idol worshipers or unbelievers. Since the church contained none such, such prohibitions would be silly. Specifically banning polygamy for leaders shows that polygamy WAS practiced in the early Christian church and that polygamist men might have been considered to be bishops if it weren't for this restriction. Such a ban wouldn't have been needed had there been no polygamy in the church. Having extra wives and the extra kids that they'd produce would require polygamist men to spend more time with family and less of their time on other matters than monogamist men. They'd have less time to dedicate to being a church leader and tending to the needs of the flock. Because of this, men with just one wife would be better suited to serve the Christian community as a leader. Paul wasn't condemning polygamy but rather simply making sure that church leaders had time to adequately deal with the responsibilities of being church leaders. Banning such leaders from practicing polygamy also kept them from possibly offending potential Greek converts whose culture denounced polygamy. In 1 Cor. 10, Paul tells Christians to abstain from allowed behaviors if those behaviors could cause non-believers to be offended and reject the Christian message. The bottom line is that polygamy is in no way condemned by God in the Bible. Saying that a polygamous man has to divide his love is like saying that a parent has to divide their love between their kids and the each child is loved less when new children join the family. Is God's love for believers likewise divided as more people become Christians? In an ancient letter between two brothers who were Christian shows that polygamy occurred in the early Church - www.foxnews.com/science/christian-letter-bible-discovery-rare
@drew2fast4895 жыл бұрын
Face it, there's no law against it. Not in the Levitical law or the NT. Taking certain verses and applying them out of context does not become The Law. It's bad theology. I have no personal desire for multiple wives, but there's no law against it.
@ThePlantoparadise4 жыл бұрын
There is no law against masturbation or abortion in the Bible, but the fact these practices are not God's desire or accepted standard for human behavior can be easily extrapolated from what scripture says about them in a broader sense. Same goes for polygamy. Though God permitted kings to marry many women in the Old Testament, the Bible never presents this as the ideal scenario. In fact, from the very beginning of the Bible, God establishes that marriage was meant to be between one man and one woman. In the New Testament, Jesus appeals back to creation to affirm that marriage is meant to be between one man and one woman, and anything apart from that is no longer permitted. God allows men to marry multiple women in the OT whilst never encouraging or idealizing it, and then returns in the NT as Jesus to permanently end the practice. OT passages on polygamy: [] Genesis 2:18:-24 - God establishes marriage as being meant to be between one man and one woman [] Deuteronomy 17:16-17 - God warns against Kings engaging in polygamy, as it will turn their hearts away from Him. His desire is for kings to not have "many wives". NT passages on polygamy: [] Matthew 19:1-9 - Jesus affirms that God created marriage with the intention for it to be between only two people - one man and one woman. He doubles down on this in saying that anyone who marries a second wife commits adultery, laying down even stricter laws on marriage and divorce than the mosaic OT law had. [] Mark 10:1-10 - Further corroboration on what Jesus said in Matthew 19:1-9. [] 1st Timothy 3:2, 12 - Polygamy is listed among a multitude of other practices considered unholy for spiritual leaders in the Church, and as things that disqualify them from spiritual leadership [] Titus 1:6 - Elders in the church are to only have one wife "If we are called to be holy (1 Peter 1:16), and if these standards (1st Timothy 3:2, 12; Titus 1:6) are holy for elders and deacons, then they are holy for all." - www.gotquestions.org/polygamy.html In conclusion, God permitted Polygamy in the Old Testament, but the practice is now forbidden according to Jesus in Matthew 19 and Mark 10, and is further listed as ungodly behavior for leaders in the Church. So yes, there are laws against it according to the Bible. Admittedly, it is never referred to specifically as sin, so at best God has only *allowed* it. It could perhaps be said to be one of those sins that does not lead to death (1st John 5).
@drew2fast4894 жыл бұрын
@@ThePlantoparadise Yeah. Abortion is murder and there's no law against the other stuff you named. No law, no sin. I think God communicated, very clearly, that which He finds abominable. He left nothing grey.
@ThePlantoparadise4 жыл бұрын
@@drew2fast489 Indeed, God left nothing grey. Reread what Jesus said in Matthew 19 and Mark 10. Polygamy is against God's design for marriage.
@drew2fast4894 жыл бұрын
@@ThePlantoparadise It's not. Jesus never spoke on multiple wives, ever.
@ThePlantoparadise4 жыл бұрын
@@drew2fast489 We could go back and forth about this all night, but what Jesus said about marriage (which speaks directly about Polygamy, without needing to mention the word) stands as the final authority. You can either accept what he said or reject what he said, but please don't sit there and try to deny that he ever said anything at all when it's right there in the text. That's all I have to say on the issue.
@kamirisharon71244 жыл бұрын
Am married for a year now ,am a Christian and African to . So my husband is working abroad and he keeps on asking me if he can have a second wife. Now according to what you have said quoted from the Bible I don't know how else to convince my husband out of his idea on a second wife. Please help . Have even shared the video to him😭
@saracmr61334 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry dear sister.. Trust in the Lord. May he repent if his wicked greed for a second wife!! God bless you
@samantharios69003 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry sister you will be in my prayers.That is a hard hurtful situation.I would ask him how can a man love his wife like christ loves the church and lay down his life for her yet feel the same way about another woman.Christ loves one church not many beliefs or religions.I will pray for yall. men taking the old testament and trying to use sinful actions to justify there sin is not right.The old testament is what not to do .The new testament is the fullfiment of the word and how we should live.
@mrmonay2 жыл бұрын
@@saracmr6133 There is nothing wicked about it. Where is no law there is no transgression. A second wife is not a sin. It's sad that folks like you would get on here and make claims like that you cannot back up with scripture. God Himself describes Himself as marrying 2 brides at least 3 times. Jesus compared himself to marrying 5 of 10 virgins. Wake up and read your bible.
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
Tell him that he married you under the premise of monogamy, and if he marries another wife without your consent, he is violating the law of love. Now if you pray about it, and God tells you to allow him to take another wife, be willing to do so, but let him know that ou will pray about it, and that he should not do so, unless and until God reveals this to you.
@mikewilliams5499 Жыл бұрын
It is not your call. It is his, God willing.
@heathersnyder87892 ай бұрын
God loves men.
@geriealem8145 Жыл бұрын
Galatians 3 15 Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto.
@shayaandanish58314 жыл бұрын
If polygamy was once permitted by God then it wasnt evil. I would say it was never permitted
@mrmonay2 жыл бұрын
It was not and is not evil, it's not a sin, none of our great righteous patriarchs who used it to build their families were evil.
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
What do you base your assertion on?
@cbtam4333 Жыл бұрын
It may depend on the definition of “permitted.” Not everything that is wrong is criminally punished. For example, if we say it’s wrong to call someone the N word, that doesn’t mean a person risks going to jail for doing that. It’s wrong/socially condemned but not criminally sanctioned. As far as the law is concerned, it is “permitted.” But that doesn’t make it okay. The law does not and arguably cannot cover every possible wrongful act. I believe based on Scripture that polygyny is wrong (adultery) but not condemned or punished as a crime in the Law of Moses or the ancient Israelite legal codes. This is because polygyny constitutes adultery against a wife rather than against the husband, which was not per se criminally punished. There were practical reasons for this, some, I believe, relating to the “hardness of men’s hearts.” But none of these reasons imply that adultery against a wife is not wrong in the eyes of God. The moral standard for marriage is Genesis 2:24 which is for one man and one woman, not adultery/plural marriage. Jesus affirms this in Matthew 19 and Mark 10.
@thatnextlevels2 жыл бұрын
“What God has joined, let not man separate” is a faithful word from the Lord. I will say, though, the marriage of Christ and the church resurfaces the question - and presents a beautiful dilemma on the topic. Has not Jew and Gentile (though modern Christians no longer make these distinctions, as a testament to what I’m about to say) become one Bride? The church itself has become one body by His blood, so we are not a “bride” of Christ that is perhaps more comparable to His flesh on one side or His bones on the other, but a bride who is one, redeemed fully and made so by His blood! This is different from Adam, who said: “And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:23 NKJV Of whom it is also said, on this same note: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 NKJV But the blood has brought us unity and peace. Jesus, our Savior-Husband-King, is also a life-giving spirit - and in cleaving to Him, His church has become one bride. Would you find it worth considering?
@thatnextlevels2 жыл бұрын
Not right away to its ends on Earth (that would irresponsibly promote or condone man’s polygamy) but for the sake of our thorough understanding of godliness through Christ and the church!**
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
@@thatnextlevels There is nothing wrong with polygyny!
@kengy19918 жыл бұрын
Why would any man want more than one wife?! One woman is enough work for me! Haha
@S4SuperStarSteveSavage8 жыл бұрын
Women in the OT were practically a man's property so it would NOT work today.
@kengy19918 жыл бұрын
Oh I know
@S4SuperStarSteveSavage8 жыл бұрын
***** Instead of one wife kicking your butt you would have two or more ... Not good! : P
@danieldeluca49365 жыл бұрын
@@S4SuperStarSteveSavage Who says the wife is kicking his butt. Apparently the wives in Africa are more submissive than here in America!
@S4SuperStarSteveSavage5 жыл бұрын
@@danieldeluca4936 LOL! If you believe that good luck. If it works for you let me know.
@terrisserose3 жыл бұрын
Think of David marrying the widow Abigail, and many of the second wives (outside of Kingship although we have a beautiful example here in David) were done in order to care for women and children. The world today just expects the government to care for women and children. Or they expect women to cast off their femininity and live their lives as men, leaving their children without both their fathers and mothers. Polygamy isnt about hardness of heart, its about caring for women and children. Totally missed Gods heart on this issue
@cbtam4333 Жыл бұрын
That would make a lot more sense if God created many times more females than males. But he didn’t. There have always been roughly the same numbers of males and females throughout human history, although in small agrarian communities, wars could sometimes wipe out a lot of the marriageable men, creating a gender imbalance. Policies of preferring sons to the point of killing female infants also upset the gender balance in the other direction. Both of these conditions cause social instability. Polygyny also causes social instability by allowing a relatively few number of men to have most of the women as wives, while a large segment of men are deprived of the ability to ever get married and have a family. Social strife and warfare in these cultures is more prevalent as a result. By contrast, monogamous cultures allow the vast majority of men and women to have their own spouse, which strengthens the bond between them, benefitting their children physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. Complex, advanced societies have always leaned very strongly in the direction of monogamy over polygamy. They are also adept at creating excess resources that can be used to aid those who fall through the cracks.
@terrisserose Жыл бұрын
@@cbtam4333 this sounds good on theory But when remembering that just because there is an equal number of men and women born doesn't mean there is an equal number of eligible men 1/3 of men are not eligible for marriage
@cbtam4333 Жыл бұрын
@@terrisserose Even if that is true, eligibility for marriage is not always, but is often a factor within one’s control. But if there remains a numerical imbalance between genders of people eligible for marriage, that causes instability in part because it tends to increase polygamy (the sharing of partners, whether formally recognized or not), which has shown to be a less stable form of marriage/pairing for societies across time and across the globe. I would argue that Western society is becoming less stable in part because increasing promiscuity increases the sharing of partners and decreases lifelong monogamy, which is by far the better indicator for satisfying marriages and healthy, well-adjusted children, things that are vital to any stable society.
@terrisserose Жыл бұрын
@@cbtam4333 I agree But I think when you can have monogamy having the option of having security through being a man's second or third wife is a good option
@mspamela20088 жыл бұрын
The picture of marriage is not just "seriously compromised" when there is polygamy; the sanctity of marriage is violated!
@S4SuperStarSteveSavage8 жыл бұрын
Where in the Bible does it say the Lion will lay down with the lamb?
@mspamela20088 жыл бұрын
@S4SuperStarSteveSavage8 жыл бұрын
Pam C I remember as a kid hearing that all of the time. Where did it come from if it is not in the Bible? The Bible does say the lamb will lay down with the wolf. Weird that you never hear that saying
@mspamela20088 жыл бұрын
I don't know where it came from. But I found this very short article that may help explain it. I didn't grow up with the bible, so when I saw this picture, it just reminded me of Jesus; He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and He is the lamb that was slain. www.learnthebible.org/the-lion-and-lamb.html
@S4SuperStarSteveSavage8 жыл бұрын
Pam C Thank you ... !
@Thejesusfreak9308 жыл бұрын
Insightful discussion I have actually wondered about myself. I don't plan on taking another wife, personally, but I had wondered about the OT/NT discrepancy. Well explained with Jesus' words Matthew's gospel.
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
You obviously have no clue when it comes to discernment.
@mauiblades5 жыл бұрын
Pastor John, I respectfully ask that you carefully consider what it is that you are doing, by adding polygamy into the passage where Jesus is specifically talking about divorce. That is adding your opinion to God’s holy word. Also, by forbidding, that man in Africa, from marrying in a way that God has never condemned in all of human history, are you not “forbidding to marry”? “Forbidding to marry” is a doctrine of demons according to 1 Timothy 4. By adding a prohibition against polygyny, to Scripture, that God chose NOT to put in His word (anywhere), are you not denying the sufficiency of Scripture? I pray that you will carefully consider what you are doing.
@peaceblessings45125 жыл бұрын
True. The law says not to add nor subtract from Gods word.
@gracefool5 жыл бұрын
I agree. There are good reasons Mosaic law permitted polygamy, divorce, slavery etc and if you can't explain why, then how can you teach against it?
@toughbiblepassages90822 жыл бұрын
@@gracefool The thing is, God does give reasons for why He granted divorce and slavery.. God doesn't give any reason for why he allowed polygamy.. why does He need to? Does God need to give a reason to allow you to have more than one child? Anyone saying "Why does God allow us to have more than one child? It promotes sibling rivalry and there MUST be some moral justification from God to explain why He would be ok with that.. right?" Even people who think polygamy was allowed still talk about it as if it is some inherent evil that God NEEDS to provide a moral justification for having put in place, when the truth is, it's NOT evil, there's no moral justification needed for it because there isn't anything about it that requires a rationalization or justification for because it isn't associate with sin at all.. the same way having more than one kid is not sinful nor needing rationalization. The problem is NOT with having more than one kid or having more than one wife.. those things do not cause jealousy.. they REVEAL the jealousy of the heart that is already there (which is a good thing, because it can then be dealt with). The problem is not with polygamy or multiple children.. the problem is with our evil hearts.
@cbtam4333 Жыл бұрын
In the referenced biblical passage, the Pharisees were talking specifically about divorce. But Jesus responded by expanding his teaching beyond divorce to include adultery, to the shock of his hearers including his own disciples. Jesus’ teaching summarized: A divorce on grounds that were not legitimate was invalid in the eyes of God, meaning the man was still married. A married man who had sex with an additional woman (even if he legally married her) was therefore committing adultery against his first wife. Adultery violates the one flesh principle of marriage described in Genesis 2:24, which Jesus specifically referenced in this teaching. Jesus’ pronouncement would simply not be possible if polygamy was morally acceptable to God.
@mikewilliams5499 Жыл бұрын
You can veto it all you want, but the most high did not. His perfect word is his Torah, not european-roman Christian doctrine. If you desire God, then desire his perfect will, which is his perfect law.
@bearrrmann2 жыл бұрын
What does pastor john mean by "permitted because of hardness of hearts"
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
He is imagining Jesus saying something that Jesus never said!!!! He even said "We can imagine Him saying..."
@bearrrmann Жыл бұрын
@@danieldeluca4936 okay so you think that John is wrong here?
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
@@bearrrmann Of course! Jesus didn't say what Piper is imagining Him saying. You know that a Bible teacher has gone astray when they start imagining things that are simply not found in Scripture.
@bearrrmann Жыл бұрын
@@danieldeluca4936 I'm not sure, I'll have to rewatch the video it's been a while
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
@@bearrrmann It is right around the 3:44 mark.
@cyrussm75244 жыл бұрын
Romans 9:18-20 niv edition. 18 So God does what he wants to do. He shows mercy to one person and makes another stubborn. 19 One of you will say to me, “Then why does God still blame us? Who can oppose what he wants to do?” 20 But you are a mere human being. So who are you to talk back to God? Scripture says, “Can what is made say to the one who made it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’ ” 1 Corinthians 7: 1-4 NLT Instruction on Marriage 1. Now regarding the questions you asked in your letter. Yes, it is good to abstain from sexual relations. 2.But because there is so much sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman should have her own husband. 3. The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs. 4.The wife gives authority over her body to her husband, and the husband gives authority over his body to his wife. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
What do these verse have to do with the content of the video?
@jonjonboi37015 жыл бұрын
American tv shows (Hollywood shows) are not encouraging polygamy. Monogamy is still a very common practice. Polygamy was actually more common in traditional societies. Where are you getting those things from?
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
In fact, Hollywood overwhelmingly frowns on a man having more than one woman!
@mikewilliams5499 Жыл бұрын
Mr Piper, you need to take the 20000 dollar debate with Pete Rambo. Put up the money or shut up. It is easy to have an opinion when you do not have to risk anything of value.
@mrmonay Жыл бұрын
3:48 - The moment Piper said "we can imagine them saying well then why did he permit polygamy" he lost any and all credibility he had left on the matter, which was already severely in jeopardy from the previous 3 minutes by reading into the text what isn't there and making things up out of thin air. Moses did not "permit polygyny", it was always allowed from the moment we left the garden. Never once rebuked, corrected, or so much as spoken negatively of by God, Jesus, or any prophets. So there would have been nothing for Moses to "permit" or any "hardness of heart" references attached to a reason for polygamy, that is evil teaching.
@Newcreature1957Ай бұрын
If all the men think polygamy is okay in the eyes of GOD. What do you think about a Woman having multiple husbands? I’m pretty sure most of you will say no that’s not allowed. But considering this. GOD created marriage to be a picture of Christ and the church. Then if you want multiple wives then do you think it’s okay to have multiple gods?
@ryanehlis4265 жыл бұрын
Exodus 21:10
@WandamianCrucifixplate5 жыл бұрын
There's more pro polygamy scriptures in the Bible then there are anti polygamy scriptures.
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
@@WandamianCrucifixplate Well, there aren't ANY anti-polygamy Scriptures. There are just a bunch of Scriptures that people take and try to twist and imagine Jesus saying things that He never said. It's called Eisegesis.
@augustine.c8204 Жыл бұрын
It’s absolutely disgusting seeing people try to justify polygamy using the bible or otherwise. Just imagine your partner sleeping with someone else. The instinctive feeling of disgust just indicates it is wrong, faithless, greedy, covetous, and destructive. Humans cheat because they are sinful, not because the original design of monogamy was wrong. God is Holy, let us strive and look to his standards and not stupidly try to argue around something so obviously immoral
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
I find using the term "partner" disgusting! No one is trying to justify anything, because that which is not sin to begin with, needs no justification whatsoever! Polygamy is only cheating, when it goes against the wishes of the spouse. If the husband allows his wife to do so though, God calls it adultery. so it doesn't matter whether he is disgusted by it or not. Most husbands would allow their wives to have a second husband, if it would enable them to also have a second wife, but God does not approve of her doing so. There is no such thing as an "original design of monogamy". The only original design, is marriage, and God ordained that the man who takes a wife, keeps her. Monogamy is not wrong, but neither is polygyny. Nobody is trying to argue for anything that is immoral, based on God's standards of morality. Your standard of morality is not something that you are allowed to impose on others. Read what PAul says in Romans 14 about imposing your preferences on other people.
@mikewilliams5499 Жыл бұрын
That is because you are a Christian. A religious group that God never created.
@mikewilliams5499 Жыл бұрын
@@danieldeluca4936the wife had no say unless you house is run by a beta male.
@cbtam4333 Жыл бұрын
These men don’t care about their wives’ feelings, or they would never be trying to justify their own pleasure at their wives’ expense. They are driven mainly by their lusts to twist the Scriptures into saying what they want to hear. They hate Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:9 that plainly teach that a married man who is not legitimately divorced from his first wife commits adultery against her when he marries a second wife. This means polygyny is adultery in the eyes of Jesus, regardless of whether or not it was ever criminalized in the law of Moses, because it fits the description of adultery given by Jesus in the text. These people are so blinded that they CANNOT handle these words of Jesus. They go beyond the disciples’ immediate dismayed but accepting response to Jesus teaching in verse 10 (“If that’s the case, then it’s better not to marry”). They are much more like those in verse 11 who Jesus says cannot receive this saying of his. The problem is, in verse 12, Jesus exhorts his followers to receive it. So if people don’t or can’t receive it, what kind of followers of Jesus are they?
@dane33656 жыл бұрын
Great pastor but he cut to the chase on some topics but does a round about on others.
@danieldeluca49365 жыл бұрын
He did a tap dance around the whole issue, and added his own opinion as if that were Divine revelation!
@samantharios69003 жыл бұрын
Daniel i believe your heart is hardened.No way having more then one wife is morally right.How can you love your wife like christ loved the church.lay down your life for her yet feel the same about another woman or multiple women?It is very selfish and hurtful.Women have thoughts and jealousy just like men.We arent cattle to collect.Would u feel good about your wife having another husband no u wouldnt.I believe any woman apart of a polygamist relationship gets deeply hurt and jealous even if they act like they arent.Its wrong and was never intended to be that way.
@SixCountiesBusinessDirectory Жыл бұрын
@@samantharios6900 We go by God's laws, not the whims of men and women. Study God's word to show yourself approved. God knows more about women than women know about themselves and their own needs.
@samantharios6900 Жыл бұрын
@polygynyMarriage Why then did Jesus say if you even look at another woman with lust you have committed adultery in you heart.So if you are a married man looking at other woman trying to find a second wife, you are lusting after other woman and are in sin.Also in the bible it says everyone should submit to the governing authorities.The authorities that exist have been established by God.Polygamy is illegal and has been.I believe God mad this law come to pass.He never intended man to have multiple wives or he would of made more wives for Adam since the begining.He did not.Then sin came and in this fallen sin man wanted multiple wives.From the beginning it was not so.Also when they say it is better to be single then to be married but because of lust to get married.So why would it go from being single and sulibent being a good thing to having multiple wives being a good thing?The bible Says one wife could distract you from God how much more can 2,3 or 4 wives be a distraction....finally in heaven you will have no wives. we will be as the Angels.No sex ,no partner no wife.So why not focus more on the heavenly than the temporary pleasure of the flesh by having multiple wives .This fallen world will soon pass all will be made new.
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
@@samantharios6900 Well you can believe that all you want. I was persuaded by listening to the arguments on both sides, and the fact that your side of the argument came up woefully short of making a convincing case. So you say that there is no way that having more than one wife is morally right, based on what? I love my wife, and I will also love any other wife that God gives me. You may not understand it, but in all liklihood this is a capacity you cannot possibly fathom, since God did not create women with the capacity to love multiple husbands simultaneously. There is nothing selfish about love, and the only reason that anyone gets hurt by it, is because they have been led to believe the monogamyonly lie, which is a lie that you are parrotting here, that the man cannot possibly love more than one woman. It is true that women have thoughts of jealousy, as this is part of their sinful nature, as Paul pointed out in Galatians 5. I have NEVER said that women are cattle! Why would I want a bunch of cattle? OK, I looked into investing in cattle, and they look nothing like women! Why are you asking if I would feel good about adultery? The Holy Spirit guides me to say "No" to this, and it would have been easy to say "yes" to get my wife to come around and allow me to have additional wives, but my conscience would not allow me to do this. So now you conclude by projecting your own sinful jealousy onto other women who have said that they would not trade they polygynous lifestyle for a monogamous one. It is your choice whether you want to believe them or not. I could just as easily say that I don't believe you dislike polygyny, even though you are acting like you do not like it. I could claim that you would not feel hurt and that you are only pretending to feel hurt. See that works both ways! There is nothing wrong with consensual polygyny! God intended it for Hannah, and it led to the birth of Samuel. God intended it for Rachel and Leah and Bilhah and Zilpah, and that led to the twelve tribes of Israel. God intended it for Esther, and it led to the saving of the Jewish people from almost certain destruction. If you believe it was never intended to be that way, your argument is against the very Word of God.
@Solomon-Taropo3 жыл бұрын
You are off track Mr Piper. . Simple answer as per the Scriptures: 1. God allows Polygyny, family is God's plan, they are many supportive scriptures for polygamy and less or only few scriptures supporting Monogamy. 2. God hates Divorce. Divorce is neither God nor Moses' idea. Moses permitted due to people's hardness of heart, and Jesus mentioned that, in New Testament. If someone divorces his wife now for any other reason accept sexual immorality, that's a SIN. But if he get a second wife, it is NOT a sin. Show me in the Bible where polygyny is Condemned by God.
@mrmonay2 жыл бұрын
You won't get an answer to this, because it's not a sin, it's never rebuked, it is of no issue to God it seems, only an issue to weak men who care more about tradition than the truth.
@terrisserose3 жыл бұрын
I think that polygamy is a great social answer for society. So that divorced and widowed women are able to be provided for. Its a great social care program for women and children. And in the old testament we see that this was the heart of God when He dictates it (kinsman redeemer etc) When Boaz took Ruth as his wife, he likely already had a wife.
@fayefrazer59893 жыл бұрын
No, it was never the heart of God for men to have multiple wives (Deuteronomy 17:17). Also, there is no evidence that leads to believing that Boaz had a wife or family before Rut.
@mrmonay2 жыл бұрын
@@fayefrazer5989 You can, with no actual credibility say that. Deut 17:17 says "KINGS" should not "multiply" wives. Never said don't "add" them. It also says they shouldn't multiply gold, silver or horses. If God wanted to limit a man to 1 wife, He could have easily spelled it out, not have us trying to "guess" about what's in His heart. He was abundantly clear on all other aspects of marriage, why would He be silent on this, one of the most if not most important issues?
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
@@fayefrazer5989 God's first command was to be fruitful and "multiply". Do you suppose the He meant to have only two children?
@mikewilliams5499 Жыл бұрын
A lot of people can imagine many things about the God of the Hebrews but it may not be true. Hey sola scriptura people, show me christmas in the scripture. Show me how to worship it according to scripture. It you go to Rome for this celebration then you revealed your master.
@amb83543 жыл бұрын
Is it could be that Jesus Christ prefer one man and one woman because it is Him, His personality as Human and Divine that He prefers only one if given a choice as what it is "originaly" designed. Polygamy is in the bible so I don't think it is bad or something immoral but let's face it, having multiple wives is not easy, not every person can handle it. So face the consequence if you must because you choose it that way.
@toughbiblepassages90822 жыл бұрын
I tell people that it is unwise to enter into polygamy in this day and age, but I cannot in good conscience say it is wrong or evil. The Bible has SO much to say on concubines and wives that John never even brushed on (probably because it goes against the lesson he's trying to convey here.) I believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God, and I go through every verse talking about polygamy and concubines on my channel, diving deep into what the text is actually saying and proving none of it contradicts itself. Check it out if you still have questions are just want to see the other side of the issue.
@joanjune43815 жыл бұрын
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
Uh! He did a tap dance around the whole issue, and added his own opinion as if that were Divine revelation!
@ryanehlis4264 жыл бұрын
Pastor John you are in error! Jesus depicts himself as polygamist in parable of ten virgins! A man as the patriarchal head can have additional wives. Especially if a lady is baron taking additional wife is very good. What about widows and single moms. Loving another woman and taking her into your family is a good and loving act. Also it is a fact plural families where not uncommon during Jesus earthly ministry in Israel and he and his disciples never spoke against it.
@S4SuperStarSteveSavage8 жыл бұрын
Biblically Yes ... legally No! = Biblically No! There is nine types of marriages in the Bible.
@xtaekneekx8 жыл бұрын
Steve Savage just because polygamy was in the Bible doesn't mean the Bible endorses polygamy.
@S4SuperStarSteveSavage8 жыл бұрын
Taek Nam There are mosaic laws from God governing the practice. ... Which means Biblical polygamy is not a sin. It is just not the model God used to represent the Church.
@danieldeluca49365 жыл бұрын
@Barbara Freeman Not the slavery that was outlawed here in America!
@danieldeluca49365 жыл бұрын
@Barbara Freeman It doesn't command you to beat them, and the New Testament tells people not to be harsh with their servants.
@gracefool5 жыл бұрын
@Barbara Freeman you're assuming that a beating is never warranted. Remember your slave was your responsibility, not anyone else's, nevermind the non-existent police.
@ryanehlis4265 жыл бұрын
This Pastor is lying and twist scripture
@danieldeluca49365 жыл бұрын
Well I will at least give him credit for the fact that he is not one of those who argues that a man who has more than one wife, should divorce all but one. In fact, he argues quite the opposite. Now, if we could get that into our denominations, we would then have a place of worship for those who do have more than one wife.
@peaceblessings45125 жыл бұрын
@@danieldeluca4936 True. How anyone can tell a biblical family to seperate... and weaken/destroy it is so grieving to me. All to conform to one man and one woman...when additional wives is clearly not a sin in the Torah. Do they really want to take away the women's covering? The women need their husband, and the husband needs the wives. They need each other. Paul said a man who will not provide for his family is worse than an unbeliever. Then what about the children? Seperate the children from their mothers and daddy? Jesus said anyone who causes one of these little ones who believe in him to sin- it would be better if a millstone were hanged around their neck, and they were cast into the sea...
@martinetti282able5 жыл бұрын
Piper is a good pastor but THERE, HE GOT IT ALL WRONG ! HOW ABOUT EZECHIEL 23. THE ENTIRE CHAPTER and specifically verse 36-38. GOD HIMSELF WAS IN POLYGAMOUS STATUS WITH ISRAËL NORTH AND JUDA. And someone else here also talked about hastefulness to judge Lamech in Genesis when there is faithful israelites like David who did have many wives long before Bathsheba so..... Piper doesn't know what he is talking about. Polygyny IS NOT A SIN.
@mauiblades5 жыл бұрын
David’s polygamy lead to him committing murder and adultery? For real? That’s an argument? I bet he breathed air, eat food, and slept, leading up to his murder and adultery, are those sins too?
@givennkosi56795 жыл бұрын
@@mauiblades I Believe in Jesus, and yes the bible does allow polygamy, why because it was a thing for that time, let's be honest, most of the holy Books are influenced by culture and patriarchy, so part of blessings in the book of samuel included wives, so to claim that the bible does not promote polygamy and patriarchy is like claiming that there a no war stories in the bible. Let's be honest and not defend obviously things. By lying we're not defending God or Jesus or doing them any favors, if God did not design us for polygamy then why would he bless david with more wives, that means he was helping david to go against his original design. Therefore Sin is not what is listed in the bible but what God makes to be sin to you. To others , it was sin not to kill, example being soul and to other it was sin to kill example being david. God is the one who prescribe what is sin to you and what is not sin.
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
@Max That's an outright LIE! There is no Scripture that backs up your assertion that David's polygyny led to the murder of Uriah and stealing his wife. It was the adultery that he committed with Bathsheba that led to his murder. Nothing more; nothing less. Jer 3:1 is not about a MAN having many lovers, but rather Judah and Israel having many MALE lovers, as that is how God considers those worthless idols!
@justforyou38464 жыл бұрын
But there isn't just ONE church sooooo....
@toughbiblepassages90822 жыл бұрын
You do know what church means right? The Greek for church means "the ones who are called out". It's a word denoting a collection of people. If you want to argue that way, a man with multiple wives could easily respond, "Oh don't worry, I only have ONE harem."
@mrmonay2 жыл бұрын
@@toughbiblepassages9082 I think they were making the argument that there isn't just one church here, just fyi.
@toughbiblepassages90822 жыл бұрын
@@mrmonay I see that looking at it again. not sure why I responded that way.
@mrmonay2 жыл бұрын
@@toughbiblepassages9082 we get so used to reading terrible arguments it’s easy to do 😂
@danieldeluca4936 Жыл бұрын
@@toughbiblepassages9082 That is such a great response, if only it were directed at someone who claimed that there is just one church.
@ryanehlis4265 жыл бұрын
Yes a man can have two or more wives and God blesses it. A man can have more than one “one flesh covenants”
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
@@SpongeBobsDadJacob Just because you feminists have successfully emasculated a lot of men, doesn't mean that the Y chromosome is disappearing. All that mean, is that Beta males are a dying breed, as they are the ones who are getting their private parts mangled.
@SpongeBobsDadJacob4 жыл бұрын
@@danieldeluca4936 Who is a "feminist"? Assuming my gender, huh? First, scientifically, there is NO such thing as Beta and Alpha with Human Species. *I will show you PROOF with scientific articles that the Y is disappearing* The X Chromosome which comes from the WOMAN only is what is needed for every human to live, as it contains the Mitochondria DNA. However, the Y Chromosome is not needed, as it only exists for the SRY gene to turn MALE to MALE. The X Chromosome has 2,000 genetics, and the Y Chromosome ONLY has 45 genetics. The X is 10x's BIGGER than the Y. It is shrinking and losing it's essence, in the last few years the Y Chromosome has lost 3% of its genetics. It will take millions of years, but it is slowly disappearing. Here are 3 articles: www.menshealth.com/uk/health/a758760/men-are-a-dying-gender-according-to-science/ www.businessinsider.com/y-chromosome-disappearing-what-it-means-for-men-2018-1 www.businessinsider.com/no-such-thing-alpha-male-2016-10
@danieldeluca49364 жыл бұрын
@@SpongeBobsDadJacob You must be one of those OLD earth-ers!
@SpongeBobsDadJacob4 жыл бұрын
Daniel DeLuca Shut your ass up.
@SpongeBobsDadJacob4 жыл бұрын
Daniel DeLuca Monogamy and Polygamy are man-made. Hence your ego.