Real Time with Bill Maher: Overtime - October 30, 2015 (HBO)

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Real Time with Bill Maher

Real Time with Bill Maher

8 жыл бұрын

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Bill Maher and his guests - David Spade, Rep. Maxine Waters, Grover Norquist and Roger Stone - answer viewer questions after the show.
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@ashenafewerku1471 8 жыл бұрын
I have never seen Bill Maher laugh like that
@JuICyBLiinGeR 2 жыл бұрын
When a comedian loses their composure with laughing too hard.. That cracks me up. When Bill laughs.. to me its always funnier watching him lose it :D
@ynalshammari 8 жыл бұрын
"My book sounds sorta shitty now." Hahaha!
@TheHehe1223 8 жыл бұрын
If America would just cut all the spending abroad in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, we would have plenty of money to use in the country.
@carboy101 8 жыл бұрын
Yea, the military is 54% of the US govts. budget.
@MattSingh1 8 жыл бұрын
+TheHehe1223 Sure- why spend money on those Arabs when the poor at home are suffering? You're a vile cretin that attempts to put the poor-against-the-poor.
@ruisranne 8 жыл бұрын
+Matthew Singh-Dosanjh I think he was talking about spending money on fighting a war in those countries. What do you think those drones are dropping in war zones, food stamps?
@MattSingh1 8 жыл бұрын
ruisranne I disagree- he/she was clearly trying to play off the two, which is utterly shameful. On drones- no, of course I don't think that, so this is a pathetic straw man argument on your behalf.
@ruisranne 8 жыл бұрын
Matthew Singh-Dosanjh No, but it is the drone strikes, bombing, troops, tanks, aircraft carriers, bullets, planes, missiles etc. in those countries that are costing trillions of dollars to the U.S. budget. It is not a straw man argument, when it applies to the context of issue. U.S. is not "spending money on Arabs", but on war, so your point of saying he's "clearly" promoting poor vs. poor 's totally off-base. If you fail to recognise the motive of why the US is in those countries, they are not doing amnesty, they are not helping the poor, they are not spending any real money on building infrastructure, then I can see how you can misunderstand the point that person was trying to make. Which was CLEARLY on how the US is spending huge amount of money on fighting pointless wars in the Middle East.
@TheHehe1223 8 жыл бұрын
Bill's collar was really bothering me
@r3drift 8 жыл бұрын
Good observation
@iRushil 8 жыл бұрын
+TheHehe1223 Now I regret reading your comment before the end of the video :)
@robertostman2075 8 жыл бұрын
+TheHehe1223 his collar was bothering you??... did it leave a rash?
@EHCBunny4real 8 жыл бұрын
+TheHehe1223 It's better than the loose collars that ages his face, and makes him look like an 80 year old.
@90iatros 8 жыл бұрын
+TheHehe1223 the thing that was bothering me was those gold shackles or wtf are they jiggling and the banging on the table all the time...
@davidsavage519 8 жыл бұрын
Thats first thing David Spade said was incredible. Probs the funniest moment of his life
@followyoboithe1trapstar545 8 жыл бұрын
David that was gold... lololol
@luisd.amezquita3086 5 жыл бұрын
For me, this debate is a great example of political maturity. Most of them are against Roger Stone's remarks and yet they let them speak even if everything sounds crazy for them.
@yuubokumin415 8 жыл бұрын
America needs to seriously fix the homeless problem. Make the hedge fund people pay to get these homeless off the street!!!
@AhsanY2K 8 жыл бұрын
+yuubokumin415 Shut up dummy
@yuubokumin415 8 жыл бұрын
AhsanY2K America needs to seriously fix the homeless problem. Make the hedge fund people pay to get these homeless off the street!!!
@yestoathiest2014 8 жыл бұрын
+AhsanY2K got a better idea dummy?
@AhsanY2K 8 жыл бұрын
Yes to Athiest How much do you think Hedge funds make? A Hedge fund manager's job is to make money for their clients. That includes people's 401K, Pension funds etc on top of making money for other corporation. The underwriters for hedge funds may trade ungodly sums of money but they sure don't make that much
@DynastyJr 8 жыл бұрын
+yuubokumin415 not all hedge funds are worth billions of dollars
@AWSVids 8 жыл бұрын
The conservative mindset that taxing and spending is inherently bad is just fallacious, and becoming more and more outdated as time goes on. Think about the world that is dawning right now... The internet, automation, employment crises... So many jobs have been lost or are on their way out. Not everybody can get jobs in the tech industry or science or art fields. Manufacturing, service... Certainly any job based on driving. As soon as the autonomous car revolution is in full swing, taxi drivers, bus drivers, delivery drivers... You name the driver, I'll point out a spot at the unemployment office. This problem with "jobs" and having to create "jobs" and everybody has to find a "job" because everybody needs a "job"... This paradigm is on its way out, because technology is leading us to a world where we really don't HAVE to work to survive. The only reason anybody needs to work is because you need money to get food and shelter and to keep our consumerist society working. So we can pretend that the employment system is still relevant and try to artificially keep it going by "creating jobs" just for the sake of having jobs to do... or we can embrace a new world where we don't have to do that. We can just use money as the organizational tool it is (it is NOT a commodity) to create a fair society, where everybody is given enough to live on, and if you want more, THEN you can create your own job to make more. But if you get too much that it's detrimental to the economy you're sucking dry, then you're taxed to get that money back into the system. It's a system that works and always has, until conservatives come along and fuck it up by cutting taxes, which starves the system, and then deficits happen (deficits always occur under right-wing governments), and then they claim they have to cut spending to fix the deficit, when if they'd just left the tax-and-spend system the fuck alone, there wouldn't be a deficit in the first place. But no, taxes annoy them, so they sabotage the system just so they don't have to pay taxes, because they're selfish idiots who think the monetary system is supposed to make them rich and do nothing else. Sorry, but it's a system we're all a part of, and when selfish billionaires and rich corporations suck up all the money and don't give it back by avoiding taxes, it negatively affects the system that we ALL rely on. This is why people need to get it out of their heads that lower taxes are somehow good for us, because all lower taxes do is starve the system that's meant to equalize things, and allow the rich to be selfish and get richer. It's no coincidence that the last 30-40 years have seen the unrelenting war on taxes from the right, and corporate taxes have fallen, tax evasion in offshore accounts has risen... and inequality has sky-rocketed. The vilification of taxes is nothing but a selfish tactic from the well-off to avoid having to give back to the very system that made them rich in the first place. It benefits only those few, while hurting everybody else. Stop believing that taxes are bad.
@AWSVids 8 жыл бұрын
And stop believing that a corrupt government is an indictment of government, instead of an indictment of those who corrupted it. So many people argue against taxes because they claim that giving money to the government is stupid, since it's so corrupt. Yes, it's corrupt. So who corrupted it? The answer is the greedy business interest, who are the very ones lobbying for their taxes to be lower. The enemy here is not government. Government is just the middle-man who's been steered down the wrong path. We don't have to get rid of government... we just have to get rid of the corruption. Government, when it's not corrupt, is there for us. It's supposed to represent the people. And as already explained, when it's allowed to tax and spend in an effective way, it helps the people greatly. Any socialist country where the government is taxing and spending as it ought to... the people are happy and comfortable. And sure, we all have issues with certain spending practices that our governments do, but can we at least keep the conversation about WHERE the money should be going, and not about just throw the baby out with the bathwater and claim we shouldn't be spending at all. I think most people think about the economy like it's comparable to personal finance. When it really isn't. The economy is so much more complicated and counter-intuitive than one person's finances. With personal finance, if you're low on income, you can skimp a little to save for the end of month. So you may not eat quite as much, won't buy that new pair of pants, maybe take the bus instead of driving for a few days... these are things that one person can do with little-to-no immediate or long-term impact. It's just one person living a little differently for a month. No big ripple effects or anything. But with a system as big and complicated as an entire country's economy, and by extension, the global economy... "skimping" in the form of cutting spending has HUGE ripple effects. Jobs are lost. Revenue gets shifted from industry to industry, and usually only in an upward trajectory. If you're cutting entitlements like pensions or employment insurance, then the spending power of the lower and middle classes drops, meaning a drop in business for companies, leading to more jobs lost, leading to more people on unemployment and welfare, even though those programs have been cut... it's a vicious cycle. This is the type of thing that doesn't happen in personal finance, but I feel like so many people think about the economy like they do with personal finances: "Saving money" must be good, right? No, because a government is not supposed to "save money". It's supposed to use the money we give it to provide us with services, infrastructure and representation. When you attack taxes, you attack the very system of government, because taxes are simply the money that government is supposed to run on. America is one of the most anti-government countries in the developed world, and it also happens to have the most corrupt government. I don't think it's unrelated. When you stop caring about your government and only start fighting against it or ignoring it... then you're throwing it to the wolves. When you believe that a corrupt government means that government itself is the problem, instead of focusing on the corruption as the problem... then you're only helping the corruption. When you protect the rich because you believe you'll be one of them someday... you're starving the very system that could have otherwise helped you get there (and DID help those you're protecting get there, before they kicked the ladder down behind them). When you try to raise a pyramid by lifting from the top... the top is probably gonna break off under the weight. When you lift from underneath by supporting the bottom... then the whole thing rises comfortably. Top-down economics is unreliable. Bottom-up economics works every time. Redistribute the wealth to the bottom, and it'll be back at the top in no time, but it's helped everybody on the ladder along the way. Keep the cycle flowing, and everything works beautifully, as we've seen in every example of high-taxation on the rich funding services for the poor. The economy booms, inequality goes down, productivity AND happiness go up. But if you cut that cycle, then nothing but problems emerge. Except for the rich... they get to laugh all the way to the off-shore bank, because wealth just gets concentrated at the top and it's recession time. That's what the "free-market" gets you, because the goal of the free-market is nothing but profit, and you can't have nothing but profit. Profit creates an imbalance where the amount of money traded for a commodity is disproportionate to what the actual value of the commodity is. So you essentially invent wealth with every transaction. Well, the person paying for that profit is at a loss now, aren't they? When and where does that loss get made up for? In the free-market, that loss just keeps falling to the bottom and accumulating. Poverty rises. Whereas if you tax the top to bring that invented money back down to the bottom... viola! Things are even again and the cycle can continue. (This is also the problem with interest, which needs to be outlawed. Yes, that's right: Interest needs to be outlawed. Globally. It's the most hollow form of profit there is and always leaves the borrower at a loss, doing NOTHING but creating debt. Like I said, money is not a even a commodity, so making a profit off of money itself? Is there anybody still wondering why inflation is so out of control?) Good economics is not about the accumulation of wealth. It's about the cycle of wealth. Capitalism needs socialism, because capitalism on it's own can only continue for so long. If you play pure, free-market capitalism out to it's logical end... the end is one person with all the money and everybody else with nothing. It's the end of a game of Monopoly. Whereas the goal of socialism is everybody with the same amount of money. It's the start of a game of Monopoly. That's what you have to do to get the game started: Give everybody an equal amount of money first. Well... try playing Monopoly by starting WITHOUT socialism. One player already has most or all of the money. The game probably ain't gonna last very long, is it? And socialism needs capitalism as well. Pure socialism would have major problems too. This is why it's pointless to argue whether capitalism is better or socialism is better... Because neither one is good just on it's own. It's a balance that's needed. And right now, America in particular is WAY out of balance. The scales have tipped way too far towards capitalism. Ever since 1976 when "money is speech" started, and the government started to be bought off by the corporate interest to keep their taxes low... the inequality has been growing. It really shouldn't be such a big secret that low taxes are not good for a country. But everybody just instinctually gravitates towards the idea of low taxes because, "Hey, I'd like to pay less taxes! That sounds great!" Yeah, it SOUNDS great. But it ends up fucking you in the end when your country breaks down around you as a result of lack of funding. And when society breaks down like that, violence goes up, ignorance goes up, division goes up... I think taxes are a small price to pay to keep society together. Especially if you're a billionaire and can fucking afford it.
@Ceekayedmusic 8 жыл бұрын
+seventydreams Too bad most of people who need to learn what the OP is talking about are going "TL;DR" on the posts. Ignorant people tend to protect their ignorance by not allowing it be subjected to new information.
@alvincay100 8 жыл бұрын
+AWS Vids "Not everybody can get jobs in the tech industry or science or art fields. Manufacturing, service... Certainly any job based on driving. As soon as the autonomous car revolution is in full swing, taxi drivers, bus drivers, delivery drivers... You name the driver, I'll point out a spot at the unemployment office." Absolutely, the cotton gin put so many people out on the streets and made them unemployable...
@Ceekayedmusic 8 жыл бұрын
+Calvin Smith The industrial revolution might have had something to do with employing any- and everyone who just wanted to work. It won't be the case this time. And it's not just drivers who will lose their jobs to automation, the current estimate for job loss to automation within the next decades is 47%. That's... a lot.
@LibertyDownUnder 8 жыл бұрын
+AWS Vids 100s of thousands of companies want to hire more staff, but are afraid due to high regulations, taxes and legal liability. No amount of Government tax & spend programs can create anywhere near the number of jobs needed - but they can certainly destroy jobs. Sanders is wrong on on tax, and so is Bill. There simply isn't any shortage of tax revenue anywhere in the Western world. SPENDING is the problem, and it needs to be cut on all fronts.
@mrpapparappa 8 жыл бұрын
Dude on the left looks like a character from The Simpsons lol!!!
@redlightmax 8 жыл бұрын
+mrpapparappa 1:03 An evil Kent Brockman.
@lorenzoguerrero7520 3 жыл бұрын
He does. Acts like one too.
@DanStrayer 3 жыл бұрын
@@redlightmax Given how things turned out, more of a Waylon Smithers.
@johnmastroligulano7401 8 жыл бұрын
Don't worry Mr. Spade your contribution is also appreciated I'm sure you are doing the best with what you have. Roger Stone & Maxine Waters thank you also great input.
@Tripleexel 8 жыл бұрын
Lots and lots of waste in Defence
@MRayner59 8 жыл бұрын
+Tripleexel Like that blimp that escaped last week. It's part of a $2 billion "zombie" program that even the Pentagon has tried to kill, but Congress keeps funnelling money into it, presumably because the contractor has put facilities in different districts so, you know, jobs.
@IceColdProfessional 8 жыл бұрын
It's "defense". And yes.
@heathen2743 8 жыл бұрын
+Heroic Love It's a British spelling lol. Someone hasn't left America before.
@chestypants78 8 жыл бұрын
+Tripleexel Blank cheques.
@tmylve3495 8 жыл бұрын
+Tripleexel Imagine how efficient the military would be if they were forced to budget like NASA does.
@yvonnepaul6076 8 жыл бұрын
Bill Mahner show is terrific and his guests are funny and informative.
@michaelchoki2133 8 жыл бұрын
I just want to hear spade talks more
@JuICyBLiinGeR 4 жыл бұрын
Oh hello old Roger Stone. 2019 says lol
@robn8656 3 жыл бұрын
2020 came back to say "suck it, my sentence was commuted". The benefits of having friends on high places...
@jameshuey8243 8 жыл бұрын
If it means healthcare and college for my children I am ok with Bernie raising my taxes.
@wolfstar675 8 жыл бұрын
So am I
@jameshuey8243 8 жыл бұрын
The Great Milandoon I do understand and liked your comment. But I want NASA's budget up I want the linear collider finished I want the worlds greatest infrastructure while maintaining a green standard. This would have to hit me and my family of 7 bring home about 50k. But we survive and smile every day, I just can't give them the opportunities I would like Bernie would increase my standard of living dramatically and in a couple of generations we could become the greatest nation.
@alvincay100 8 жыл бұрын
+James Huey Spoken like a true woman.
@jameshuey8243 8 жыл бұрын
Calvin Smith You obviously put a lot of thought into that. Ill give you a gold star... minus.
@hellohithereyep8530 8 жыл бұрын
+James Huey The spending Bernie Sanders purposes is impossible to bring about. The spending he proposes is $18 trillion in spending over this decade alone. He would have to go much higher than 60% on the top 10% and go further down the bracket in the 60% percentile of incomes.
@alenwake72 8 жыл бұрын
that secret joke making society from family guy saved the day
@donjon5704 8 жыл бұрын
The dude on the left looks like a slick, leather puppet
@arynrowland862 Жыл бұрын
7 years later, the homeless problem in Los Angeles has only gotten worse.
@davidevans3175 8 жыл бұрын
Roger Stone looks like a Muppet of Wayne Newton.
@themoviereviewhunk 8 жыл бұрын
that was a good overtime
@kristaselene 8 жыл бұрын
The Halloween set looks fantastic!
@fauxpastea4169 8 жыл бұрын
If debt is an issue then it'd more effective to address the level of private debt, not just public debt as they both affect one another.
@dburch6473 8 жыл бұрын
Bill laughed his ass off at 2:13.
@BrokenPortriats 8 жыл бұрын
damn I have to come here more often !!
@amphitheatre 8 жыл бұрын
6:25 pause it there and try to figure out via their faces which one FARTED
@TheSateef 8 жыл бұрын
i've always hated Norquist but i have to say, he came off very reasonable and knowledgeable here (whole show, not just overtime)
@TheEvolver311 8 жыл бұрын
thank you Bill for mentioning "starving the beast", I remember this GOP long term strategy. to give tax cuts until revenue/debt is so off that the government defaults.
@starwarscentral 8 жыл бұрын
The healthcare that Sanders is proposing shouldn't require a increase in spending, The USA spends triple the amount per capita than the UK. Simply reform your existing healthcare service and you may actually end up saving money.
@Heynowville 8 жыл бұрын
is the regular show available for non-HBO types? thanks!
@susancavero1779 8 жыл бұрын
My Father's first job out of college was principal of Tonpah HS. When the boys would cause trouble he would say " meet me at the gym" where he would proceed to tell them he was the BMOC and make them put on boxing gloves and would box them. He received thank you notes from students 50 years after he stopped teaching in Tonpah ! He came to California to teach. He was teacher to Darell Stienberg, Chris O Sullivan, Gina Papan, Mark Forcum. My father left teaching for that very reason no supports for teachers.
@georgeabrahamyants7032 8 жыл бұрын
Spade killed it
@windrazor5395 8 жыл бұрын
How about an entire show about the TPP and how it really will affect American Jobs and way of life...?!
@Piwork69 8 жыл бұрын
Cutting spending will never solve anything. Only to a point.
@ImperiousViking 8 жыл бұрын
The collar of Bill's shirt is driving me crazy! #OCDLivesMatter
@Ho11is2Ho11ywood 8 жыл бұрын
+ImperiousViking Between that and Ms Water's bracelets jingling like wind was a struggle to watch this lol
@lolarites1 8 жыл бұрын
Did you catch her eyelash glue leaking everywhere?
@DanStrayer 3 жыл бұрын
Noticed the Mets 🎃 behind Bill and David. 2015 playoffs run: nifty one, Bill.
@damageddaughter8169 8 жыл бұрын
Amen Rep. Waters for speaking for the homeless.
@ThemowofChow 8 жыл бұрын
Roger Stone's face is not the same colour as his hands.
@Jeremyramone 8 жыл бұрын
what always bothers me is that they never specify which taxes are going to be reduced. payroll taxes need to be lowered but this is never discussed because the conversation never delves into which taxes are actually getting reduced..
@aykcroid 8 жыл бұрын
David Spade is like Michael J Fox; he still looks like teenager.
@jacobrubio6667 8 жыл бұрын
less money on defense and more on the homeless, or the people that are real but everyone pretends don't exist
@gregalexander8189 2 жыл бұрын
Economical leadership is not the same as ecological leadership.
@quinncurren491 8 жыл бұрын
That guy looks like an Oompa-Loompa
@brianlanier7110 6 жыл бұрын
You’re only for freedom of speech if it’s your message is the only getting out no one else’s message
@robertostman2075 8 жыл бұрын
this was one good show....
@NatalieGales 8 жыл бұрын
RIDDLE ME THIS. What in the world does the pumpkin carving mean in the background?!?!? Go to 2:15 Is it "NT" or "NY" and what is meant by it?! I've been losing sleep over this all week. Someone please answer me if you have any idea.
@Estragon17 8 жыл бұрын
Norquist looks exactly like you would think someone who came up with an absolutist and inane idea in high school and then as an adult not only sticks to it but forces it on politicians would look.
@stefansaragosa 8 жыл бұрын
Where's Freeland?
@JJMHigner 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not normally a fan of Waters at all but her point at the end was perfect on vets and homeless needs in LA and elsewhere.
@tranurse 8 жыл бұрын
Roger Stone lost me when he said his personal failing was too much testosterone...
@chrispiccolo7186 3 жыл бұрын
Rodgers head looks like an Easter Island statue.
@TheMog01 8 жыл бұрын
Proud to be under rep Waters May god bless you
@tranurse 8 жыл бұрын
what public office does grover norquist hold???? for the life of me, i can't figure out why the gop kowtows to him.
@JohnSmith-to5ow 8 жыл бұрын
That Maxine chick was pretty good. She should be running for president.
@jimlaregina 8 жыл бұрын
Grover Norquist: (YAWN).
@thegreatcatsby2321 8 жыл бұрын
Stone looks like a cartoon character
@paulmicheldenverco1 8 жыл бұрын
Wow. I think Grover Norquist is on Real Time. Talk about your halloween monsters!
@GaiaShield 8 жыл бұрын
most of the cuts they do are on the tiny little things that actually help people get through hard times. and the tax cuts are always for the rich and corporations that don't need it and don't help us. it goes to buying another island for the owners.
@Wafaloo 8 жыл бұрын
I can't remember the last time I saw Bill crack up like that
@dykryena 8 жыл бұрын
how is a country supposed to be run without taxes?
@jpjpjpjpx 4 жыл бұрын
5:21 - The president of Americans for Tax Reform complemented Obama. Incredible.
@connieharris2755 8 жыл бұрын
I love what Maxine Waters says here about your first amendment rights. "You don't like it, deal with it". ^5
@colonelhart5721 8 жыл бұрын
lol its awesome how the guy with the ridiculous book got pwned by Bill earlier in the show when he was like, "If Trump is so great, then why did he fire you?" OUCH lol; "He didn't fire me, I quit. I had witnesses!" Sure buddy sure.
@colonelhart5721 8 жыл бұрын
***** You can think that but you're wrong; I'm not a progressive and I'm not a millennial. "A publisher wouldn't print the book without checking the facts." Really? So I suppose the fact that David Icke (he of the Reptoid conspiracy theory) has published books means there must be something to his ideas. I hate when idiots like you put me in the position of defending a thoroughly repulsive career politician like Hillary Clinton. You could attack her and the whole Clinton Dynasty and the whole Democratic party for shit they've actually done, or you could throw retarded conspiracy theories like chimps throwing feces. Your assumptions about me were wrong but I've got a couple about you that I suspect are a little more on the mark.
@colonelhart5721 8 жыл бұрын
***** " I wouldn't call myself an idiot, perhaps a young functioning alcoholic, who believes commenting on the internet doesn't effect political change in congress nor would influence anyone who is willing to google a bush or clintons past." Well now I just think you are awesome, since I empathize with all of that although I would not call myself young. Look I'm not defending any Clinton, it's just that I realize that sex scandals are a massive and fucking retarded scandal from the the real scandal which is corruption. OMG so and so did something with a private part, call the press! Dude I don't even dislike Berlusconi, if he was my country's leader and he did his job well I would be like fucking fine, whatever. It is so infuriating that people like the Bushes and Clintons commit real crimes, on a massive scale, and then people like this idiot are trying to throw some tabloid shit at them. As for this whole gray area on rape thing, it's a subject I don't even want to talk about, because it's been made so toxic by sjw's on the one hand and religious fundamentalists who don't believe rape can occur within marriage on the other.
@colonelhart5721 8 жыл бұрын
***** Now I'm sure we agree almost completely. I don't actually know about how good of a job Berlusconi did I just used him as an example of how people need to care about politicians' jobs not personal lives. I'm surprised to hear you complain about "Islamophobia" with regards to Maher though; Maher despises all religions, Islam most of all, and is himself constantly accused of being an "Islamophobe" by progressives. Putting -phobe on the end of something does not automatically make it irrational or some kind of mental condition to fear it; many aspects of Islam are worth fearing, and no one knows that better than Muslim dissidents, - who Maher supports while progressive douchebags condemn them and him, and instead support Islamic theocrats (except the ones allied with the U.S., cause you know the U. S. is evil). I fucking hate Hillary Clinton and I would rather see Donald Trump win than her, because he couldn't be any more evil than her, and at least he would be hilarious. To call her a wolf in sheep's clothing, is an exponential understatement. She's like Obama, except Obama was new/unknown enough to pretend to be sincere for a few months. I agree, her true face should be clear to all yet somehow people still consider voting for her. Also fuck the House of Saud, and the government of Saudi Arabia.
@34672rr 8 жыл бұрын
+Colonel Hart He should have said "well if trump is so great, then why did you quit?"
@seansweeney8911 2 жыл бұрын
Waters’ jewellery is rattling everywhere
@aricars6263 8 жыл бұрын
Bill maher is the jerry springer of politics.
@mattmcc9455 8 жыл бұрын
George Herbert Walker Bush once said, "Who the hell is Grover Nordquist?!??!" He remains a DB of supply side economics that only favor the rich. Not unlike Grover.
@amanworthy 8 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who heard the fart at 6:23
@albundy6008 8 жыл бұрын
she should encourage people to pay their taxes. but hey, if she doesn't have to, why should I?
@iflick7235 8 жыл бұрын
Hillary has the same tired ideas about marijuana laws.
@CriticalEatsJapan 8 жыл бұрын
deja vu
@johnsimone7911 8 жыл бұрын
David Spade the funniest.
@MrDrmillgram 8 жыл бұрын
When you talk about a homeless problem in L.A. in a very real way you are talking about a housing shortage. A government contrived housing shortage. I lived in San Diego and to build a NEW (not refurbished) apartment required 100's of thousands of dollars in fees. Before one brick was laid. Few "new" units were being built but the demand for older units was huge. During the refinance boom every time they were resold (at a profit) rents escalated. I won't even go into covenants and zoning hassles. But this is a problem that began in the 80's when accounting laws were changed. Now that the homeless line the streets Ms Waters complains. I wish she and others in power had raised he## when it really mattered.
@johnnycto7576 8 жыл бұрын
It's weird how no Republican president actually cut taxes + kept balanced budget. Reagan and Bush1.0 raised taxes. Clinton came the closest to balancing budget (with some nudging from Republican congress). We all remember what happened under Bush2.0
@Skkorm 8 жыл бұрын
Roger Stone talks all this shit about Bill Clinton, meanwhile Dr Neil Tyson just talked to Bill Clinton about his strong support of forwarding scientific research for the betterment of our society's future. Sorry Stone, Dr Tyson's interview wins my support.
@PolemicContrarian 8 жыл бұрын
Is Maxine Waters Al Sharpton in drag?
@piegoodygoodness 8 жыл бұрын
That black lady reminds me of my grandma if she was black. She graduated from harvard btw...
@petersmythe6484 8 жыл бұрын
(Around 3:50) He should be more specific still.
@kushman3184 Жыл бұрын
Waters has a problem with homelessness, she didn’t let that stop her from becoming a multi millionaire while serving her constituents. Special interests and lobbyists have made homelessness too expensive to address.
@plum-locorecords8108 8 жыл бұрын
Looks like Bill Maher is doubling down on Calling out Bernie Sanders at 8:00.
@tubester4567 8 жыл бұрын
wow whats up with Roger Stone's head?
@mikek1169 8 жыл бұрын
Not worried about spending too much money, because it is not hers to begin with, and she does nothing to earn it, but rather steals it from those that do.
@gbrl433 8 жыл бұрын
I understand that this is satire, but I just cringe during the China segment.
@nicholassaunders8227 8 жыл бұрын
This panel is frightening
@ekhaat 8 жыл бұрын
Reduce the civilian workforce at the P with 100000? You just have 100000 more unemployed.
@MrDawggie 8 жыл бұрын
The problem with our climate is too much population? Ga guide stones comes to mind.
@LarryPhischman 8 жыл бұрын
It doesn't matter if you raise taxes on everyone, if you spend that money on HELPING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Citizens of European countries spend next to nothing out of pocket on healthcare, because their taxes pay for it. Education is basically free in Germany, giving middle class young people tens of thousands of Euros more disposable income, because their taxes pay for it.
@austinkelly5804 8 жыл бұрын
Yello, It's interesting acidic wide What's happening, guys.
@ahope3333 8 жыл бұрын
Bill, you nailed it regarding procreation. Not only the religious but the stupid. These are the people who replicate themselves way too much!
@Jefferson66019 8 жыл бұрын
I want to see if Calvert gets an invite to come on the show seems anybody that wants to cut anything just gets ignored...
@Bamboo4U2 8 жыл бұрын
Can someone who is a republican answer this question for me? Who the hell is Grover Norquist to demand that ANY person (elected by the people of their district to represent THEM in Congress), sign HIS pledge? Who does this guy think he is? And don't tell me nothing bad has ever befallen anyone who has refused to sign it. It's mafia tactics. What am I missing?
@MrSitemaster2 8 жыл бұрын
Stone looks like a halloween pumpkin.
@windrazor5395 8 жыл бұрын
Hey, Bill have a hologram of George Carlin on Real Time and set a precedent... Great Idea... (WWGS) What Would George Say (about any given topic) ?! A new segment on the show.
@hardspumoni6940 8 жыл бұрын
5:10 Illuminati confirmed.
@sjtomson9349 8 жыл бұрын
guess not oh well the comments have been fun. I see you down there guy getting high go to bed. lol..just don't drive.
@eliehasteiner3167 8 жыл бұрын
@CLewey44 8 жыл бұрын
Only thing about cutting pentagon spending is the loss of jobs and potentially putting 1000s on welfare.
@mckenzie.latham91 8 жыл бұрын
+CLewey44 i don't think you realize exactly how much money goes to the pentagon/'re in no danger of losing jobs when your budget comprises 6-10x the defense spending of 26 countries combined and your asked to cut that down a bit.
@CLewey44 8 жыл бұрын
+Mckenzie .Latham people will lose jobs. period...if you were one of them you'd understand why.
@mckenzie.latham91 8 жыл бұрын
CLewey44 yeah yeah yeah, I'm sure, again. things stated as fact, with no evidence or real argument is not proof of anything.
@CLewey44 8 жыл бұрын
+Mckenzie .Latham and your theory is proven? you think cutting pentagon spending will create more government jobs and not effect those currently employed by Sam?
@adub4ever 8 жыл бұрын
Maxine Waters was on fire!
@Drownedinblood 8 жыл бұрын
Wow I didn't expect that tax pledge was still going on. I thought it would have been laughed away by now once it served it's attention grabbing purpose.
@Pawanrai-ej9eo 4 жыл бұрын
Roger stone has tonnes of makeup on.
@robertanthony5509 8 жыл бұрын
Stop spending on war!!!
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