Sister Won't Talk To Me After REFUSING To Attend The Family Vacation r/Relationships

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@darkmask5933 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Apparently it gets worse. There was an update that has since either been hidden or deleted where OP finds out in addition to parents paying for the vacation, BIL was giving money to the sister to give to OP to pay him for being a babysitter last time (not that he should still be forced to babysit if he doesnt want to). OP never got any of that money, sister pocketed it.
@CanyonALynn Жыл бұрын
Sounds like the sister is going to be in a "co-parenting" "status: single" reeeeeeaaal soon.
@audreym3908 Жыл бұрын
Oh no she didn't /s .I mean, knowing how she reacted to the comments and then fighting with her parents, of course she did.
@kerribottriell-baxter7345 Жыл бұрын
😯😯😯 Wow! And what the heck did BIL do when that was ousted? Just buried his head because "not dealing with this drama". Good grief.
@CanyonALynn Жыл бұрын
@kerribottriell-baxter7345 Probably. He's getting a side-eye from me, too. But since this sounds like a recent update, I'm curious about what the BIL is going to do with that info. 🍿
@kerribottriell-baxter7345 Жыл бұрын
@@CanyonALynn I'd be curious, too
@MisterNightfish Жыл бұрын
Immediately funny how the sister is like "you are ruining the vaction if you are not taking care of my 3 kids". Hm...... How about she takes care of her own kids?
@TheKnightofAwesomeness Жыл бұрын
Well, how else am I supposed to enjoy the vacation, watching my 3 kids?
@clownrat5759 Жыл бұрын
@@TheKnightofAwesomenessyes, lol. My aunt had 2 children, a toddler and an 8 month old and she brought me along to Disney. Of course I was there to help her out with the children, but we still had a fantastic time even wrangling two pouty children. I had a great time and made a lot of fun memories, even if there were spouts of tantrums. That’s how kids are, sister shouldn’t have had kids OR should actually PAY for a babysitter if she wanted a “no kids” vacation. Not to mention, why can’t the grandparents, OP’s parents, watch them???
@ruthsaunders9507 Жыл бұрын
@@clownrat5759 It can be a lot of fun if they're good kids and they listen. Sisters kids sound like they have no discipline and so they'd probably be terrifying to take anywhere.
@warandragon4713 Жыл бұрын
First Story: OP ist NTA, I think having triplets is really hard, having small children with all the same needs all the same time, but imho a compromise could have been they looking for a place everyone likes to travel to and the grandparents could have paid for some childcare with the money they don’t pay for OP to help sister
@clownrat5759 Жыл бұрын
@@ruthsaunders9507 that’s my point, as long as they’re behaved and you have someone who you ASKED to be there with your kids, it shouldn’t be a big deal. The issue with OP’s sister is that she DOESNT ask op to go on the vacation to watch her kids, nor does she compensate him when she shirks off her kids onto him
@DenMotherArkala Жыл бұрын
IMPORTANT NOTICE to anyone who has a period!! If your period is not regular, and/or comes with bad pain, etc., please see a doctor! You could have a medical condition related to your hormones (pituitary glands), or your reproductive organs (e.g.: polycystic ovarian syndrome)! 😢 Edit: Oh, hey. She has p.c.o.s. 😳
@shinadark Жыл бұрын
I fully agree with your comment. Thank godness that voters was able to help OP reflect on his behavior and that he actually asked his GF about those symptoms after comments about potential medical problems behind the pain, so that she could seek doctor and discover the reason for her pain and irregular periods and thus gain the treatment she needs to help her out.
@alkiradehne2113 Жыл бұрын
Hey a woman here with irregular periods it's not always medical related sometimes it's just the way our bodies are and I generally get mine from 3 to 5 days the only one of my days I could do anything on is my 2nd day my first and third day I can barely move and can't eat anything because of how bad my cramps get
@shinadark Жыл бұрын
@@alkiradehne2113 Please do take note that DenMotherArkala clearly states the word COULD have a medical condition and not using the words DO/MUST have medical condition to have an irregular period. But you're right that a woman doesn't need a medical condition to have irregular periods, since you know your own body better then any man or woman could ever hope to know. I think that DenMotherArkala is just trying to be kind to point out that if you have irregular periods then perhaps looking up a doctor to see if it's only an harmless irregular period or a medical condition behind it doesn't hurt, on one side it's a harmless irregular period like yours and nothing have really changed or it could have medical condition that you can possibly get treatment for and make it easier for you in long run. Perhaps I'm wrong about DenMotherArkala's intention or maybe not who knows?
@DenMotherArkala Жыл бұрын
@@shinadark You’re right about my intention, actually. I’m well aware that a medical condition is not required to have an irregular and/or painful period. As much as it sucks, sometimes periods are just painful and unpredictable without an underlying reason. Still, going to the doctor could be useful, as they may be able to assist in easing symptoms, either through prescribing medications, or recommending diet changes and exercises (there’s yoga routines specifically meant to help those with painful cramping, etc!). I just want more people to be aware of these problems, whether or not they’re a fellow period sufferer. 😄
@girlywench 7 ай бұрын
So I got my period at 11. (I had no idea what was happening, we hadn't done sex ed yet and my parents were neglectful arseholes) Seriously, my period wrecked me for years. Pain, pain, pain, heavy bleeding 8 days straight etc. When I was 11 my teacher (elderly male) told me "his 3 daughters never complained this much, I'm just being a drama queen" Ugh Mirena is my best friend. Ever.
@Araraki-Itto1 Жыл бұрын
The last comment on story 3 made me face palm so hard. "You still kicked your brother out which is an asshole move to me." Sure when the brother purposely broke OPs simple rules despite knowing what he's been through. The brother basically said I don't give a fuck about your well being and OP is the asshole for putting his foot down for his own sake? "You knew how your brothers life style is like yet you let him in." It's called giving someone a chance. Ya shoot them for that. What a dip.
@streamerssaymyname Жыл бұрын
If OP wanted to be a good person they should have chosen not to have a druggy brother, simple probably. e.e
@dionysus_adores Жыл бұрын
Yeah like dude it's op house
@Theimmure Жыл бұрын
@@streamerssaymyname Your comment is worded in a way that blames OP for the brother’s decisions and disrespect, but I’d like to assume you misspoke…?
@some0nes13lue7 Жыл бұрын
@@Theimmure i think they're just being sarcastic my dear friend
@j_g9109 Жыл бұрын
@@some0nes13lue7 I think so too, but I’ve been disappointed with dead serious idiocy before. Comments that were just so ridiculous that they just HAD to be sarcastic... but weren’t. But I’m going to lean towards sarcasm for that comment too because of how they ended it (“simple probably. e.e”).
@GBunnyG Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I kinda hope the sister finds any and all YT videos where we're all telling her she's a crap parent in the comments. Hey, sister? TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN KIDS.
@BruinPhD2009 Жыл бұрын
Right? The internet is a merciless place and I know sister is getting tore up from the floor up on this topic. 😂
@XcelesteXmagixX Жыл бұрын
Right? If anything, the dad should be giving her a break or the grandparents!
@ronhall5395 Жыл бұрын
A weekend I wouldn't mind helping, but a whole week or more, no thank you. I had a sister who had a four month old baby. She was in the middle of a divorce and was living with my parents for awhile. My parents both worked 2nd shift. So me and my three younger brothers were home alone in the evenings until my sister and nephew moved back in. Her STbX Was violent. So in addition to watching my brothers every day after school, I had to keep an eye out for her knuckle headed ex. I was 15 at the time. Her ex would sneak around the outside of the house after dark. I caught him a couple of times and had to tell him to leave. Next time I just called the Cops.I had no idea if he was bringing weapons or what his intentions were. when I turned 16 my now divorced sister began to pull stunts. She would get the baby to take a nap just about the time I got home from school. As I walked up the walk to the front door, she would exit out the back, jump in her car and go party with her girl friends. I then got to baby sit a now 11 month old boy. I eventually complained to my parents, but nothing changed. I had zero social life, just perpetual baby sitting while still keeping my preteen brothers out of trouble. One day my Dad sat us all down at the table for a family talk. Even my mother was asked to sit in. He then explained that the free ride for my sister was over. She needed to go back to work.. She needed to pay for baby sitting as well a rent for staying as with us. My Mom and sister were very upset. Then my Dad said he was not an being mean, but $50 a month for rent was reasonable. My mother offered to baby sit in the mornings for free. I chuckled and told her I wanted at least $1 an hour. Sister cried the whoa is me tears. My Dad dismissed the meeting with one comment to my sister, " you have two weeks to find a job, you better get started".
@xelectrix Жыл бұрын
​@celeste_magix Agreed. The last update makes it sound as though the dad works a lot of avoid being home, which is pretty sad.
@mrs.h2725 Жыл бұрын
I also don’t at all agree with Mark saying he should consider going on his on own vacation. It’s cool he wants to spend time with his family and they should care about him enough to want to spend time with him too, and not just using him as free child care. I do hope the sister reads this, and is properly shamed enough to actually learn a lesson about being a decent sister.
@GBunnyG Жыл бұрын
The ESH vote on Story 3 is someone who would absolutely use mind altering substances in their recovering family member's home and not apologize for it. What an AH.
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
Right? For a moment I though it was the brother himself lol
@WraysCustoms Жыл бұрын
That one pissed me off
@JuanRodriguez-tf7fh Жыл бұрын
I like the bunny pfp 🐇
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. He should offer to take the brother in.
@lindah3803 Жыл бұрын
​@@robertx8020 commenter 3 sounded more like a relative to me. The whole part of OP knowing his brothers lifestyle,leaned into relative. OP could very well have known his brother used. Just didn't know the extent. Which doesn't even matter. OP placed the rule of no drugs,no alcohol. Brother should have considered himself lucky that OP gave in to his drinking out of sight. Then the party,REALLY. OP should have booted his butt out the door then. Sister can STFU and take in brother. Let him party in her home. Let her risk her home being invaded by cops for illegal substances.
@kentario1610 Жыл бұрын
For story 2, there's this story of how a college student was taking an exam while having appendicitis and her lecturer was shocked and said she shouldn't have taken the test instead of getting medical help, and she'd said "I've had worse pain on my period". So yeah.
@lightningstrike9876 Жыл бұрын
If your pain is that bad get medical help please that is not normal.
@SilverMKI Жыл бұрын
​@Blake medical "help" for things like this often comes down to advice to "have a baby and it will get better!", presuming of course you don't just get ignored. And of course in some countries having the money +/- insurance to get medical assistance.
@thecoolgrandma7208 Жыл бұрын
I am one of those that don't normally feel pain during my period but some of my sister's do. I can sympathize with OP for resenting having to schedule life around someone else's period. My family planned everything around theirs. With update, it sounds like her pain was due to cysts so not normal, but.... She could have called him to give him a heads up that her period started and she'll come home to stay curled up on couch. Then he probably wouldn't have been as pissed.
@kb1073 Жыл бұрын
My period was so bad thar my knees and teeth would ache. I always missed school and work the first couple of days, and certain smells would make me throw up. Actually, having a baby did make the cramps better and regulated my period. 😅
@thecoolgrandma7208 Жыл бұрын
@@kb1073 🤔 I was fortunate in only having cramps once in a blue moon, and No worse than just getting a stomach bug. What did inconvenience me was my periods were never regular (and heavy for like a week😭), not even when on the pill or after babies. They did become more regular when I started menopause. Even menopause wasn't bad for me. No mood swings and very few hot flashes during either of them. Guess it was my body's way to make up for starting so early, summer after 4th grade 😞 and lasting for a week once a month for decades, sometimes twice.
@michaelwoods3651 Жыл бұрын
Story 3- even if op wasn’t a recovering addict, it’s disrespectful to disregard someone’s house rules!
@AlyssMadigan 8 ай бұрын
Tbh the fact that he threw a rager alone would've gotten him kicked out of my house. I'm not the parents, I'm someone whose still growing my home and life. Do not trash it and let strangers in and risk my belongings while I'm out of town. I think he was already the bigger person on that. Brother should've just figured out an alternative.
@mortimerbrewster3671 7 ай бұрын
@@AlyssMadigan Absolutely. Incident 3 never would have happened because I wouldn't have allowed another chance after the rager. Especially since it wasn't just drinking but also smoking pot and cigarettes INSIDE the house. Hell no. No smoking allowed AT ALL allowed in my house.
@genevievemeuniere4047 Жыл бұрын
Yikes about story 2. As someone with similar heavy cramps for the first FOUR of seven full days of terror I can totally feel that woman. Yes, there are many other women with less heavy cramps and even shorter periods. But that is really such an individual thing. I get the frustration, I'd be furstrated myself and I'm sure the gf was very frustrated and probably sad over this too. I personally had to cancel plans, birthday attending and even a small vacation over that and it sucks. SO.BAD. I can only say best way is somewhat to work around it as best as it gets. In this specific case ordering food and looking out a movie she liked would have been the best option.
@SidereusOfTheFallen Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I was like - why is everyone bashing OP just for being frustrated? His GF has never expressed to him how bad it is, or at least it's not mentioned in the post, so please, give him some breathing space... ETA: he is still TA but it's not like he was being malicious. Telling him off aggressively is not the way.
@lightningstrike9876 Жыл бұрын
While the OP didn't really put it the best, he does kinda have a point. Sure periods can be pretty rough but the vast majority of women don't completely shut down and put everything on hold the moment the bleeding starts. If your pain is so severe that you have to stop doing anything for days on end, you need to talk to a doctor and get some kind of medical intervention.
@lovelysakurapetalsyt Жыл бұрын
​@@lightningstrike9876Maybe she thinks it's normal. In the US, girls are forced to think that kind of thing is normal by society, so most don't get help and end up dying from the complications sometimes
@Midnight0Mistress Жыл бұрын
​@@lightningstrike9876 I am very sure she has but has been told that it's "normal".
@mortimerbrewster3671 7 ай бұрын
I get how bad periods can be (so glad I reached the time in my life that I no longer deal with them) but my problem with the story is that it wasn't so terrible that she's still able to go to work. Yes, that is necessary to earn money, but she should also put in the effort for her relationship, otherwise it sounds like she's taking advantage of him ("now that I have him I don't have to do anything anymore"). It doesn't have to be every month but when he went out of his way to plan this great night, she should have been willing to go. She should also have him wear the Period Pain Stimulator so he can get an idea of what is dealing with.
@leaflet1686 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: What is it with all the drugs? Just do it outside or never at all! No drugs in the house, means no drugs in the house!
@Digitalfairy Жыл бұрын
Darn right!
@thebigbadwolfe_27 Жыл бұрын
If he was my brother he would have been out on his arse after the house party, I hate drugs and strangers in my house, so all bridges burned. No coming back.
@leaflet1686 Жыл бұрын
@@thebigbadwolfe_27 Yep! As you should! The rules were clear and he broke them all, several times. Ungrateful little wyrm
@CaulkMongler Жыл бұрын
It’s honestly not a big ask, idk what’s up with the ESH commenter. Even *if* OP knew how his brother was before allowing him to move in, the younger brother clearly didn’t have any respect for him to blatantly be breaking his rules like that.
@leaflet1686 Жыл бұрын
@@CaulkMongler Exactly! He was a guest in OPs house, so he has to follow the rules!
@Russman67 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: There's a difference between being asked to "help" with triplets and being the volunteered help for triplets. It's not on OP to parents those kids on vacation. Mom needs to plan the trip for her AND her kids. Maybe get her husband to do, I dunno. Something!
@TheKnightofAwesomeness Жыл бұрын
She's a single parent, go figure...
@Criszgz22 Жыл бұрын
@@TheKnightofAwesomeness No,in the first story she's married,but apparently the husband overworks instead of take care of his children more
@TheKnightofAwesomeness Жыл бұрын
​@@Criszgz22 I stand corrected then lol, but I can see why he would rather stay at the office if he has to come home to her 😂
@Kris-wo4pj Жыл бұрын
​@@Criszgz22i think i'd tske overtime if shes this overbearing just cuz her brother wont do what she wants.
@judyjohnson9610 Жыл бұрын
Yup, triplets are a lot of work. I'm wondering how good her parenting is as they are described as "rowdy" Anyways, there are four or five adults on these holidays. One person shouldn't be stuck with all the work. Hubby's attitude sucks, too.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
Last story you have to enforce your boundaries and rules. Disagree strongly with ESH, brother agreed to the rules then broke them. He deserved to be kicked out.
@marcsando Жыл бұрын
And why the contradiction in his support for his addict brother before and now the blatant disregard if not contempt for him in his own home?!
@ShyGetsHi Жыл бұрын
100%. If you have house rules set ANYWHERE and you repeatedly and unapologetically break them, you deserve to be kicked out.
@RandomTrinidadian Жыл бұрын
Story 1: If they could pay for OP, then the sister and parents should have no problem hiring someone to watch the kids. Kudos to OP for standing their ground and not being free labour
@aparnarai3708 Жыл бұрын
I think I read an update (which is now private) where OPs BIL told him that he used to give money to the sister to pay OP but OP was never payed. Don't know why the mods privated that post
@anu21856 Жыл бұрын
@@aparnarai3708 I did see that one I was wondering y it wasn’t in the video
@aparnarai3708 Жыл бұрын
​@@anu21856yeah I was wondering the same I even deleted my half written comment thinking that I might have mixed stories Ok so I ain't mad
@Calories_To_Calibers Жыл бұрын
​@aparnarai3708 they privated the update because reddit had to protect women
@fancyme.alter1311 Жыл бұрын
I was going to write this very thing. Glad I read your comment first.
@abm5119 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: There are like 1 or 2 more updates on that story that provide background and stuff. OP lived at home for a while after college and up to that first family vacation. The kids were often dropped on OP so that OP's sister could go out on the weekends. After the vacation, OP moved out, much to the displeasure of his family. Out of the house, OP generally didn't babysit unless SIS provided food for the kids. BIL is barely mentioned, but he does eventually wade into the drama after his wife gets too entitled, and it was revealed that he was provided OP with more than just food money, but SIS was pocketing the rest. More screaming, more entitlement, more begging to take down the posts, trip is still on.
@Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 Жыл бұрын
JFC, sis just refuses to take the L and concede that she was in the wrong. OP told her off, Reddit told her off, her parents told her off, and she doesn’t even have the support of her husband, how can she keep doubling down like this? I’m going to assume that since sis is a big fan of Reddit that she probably listens to these Reddit KZbin channels so if OP’s sister reads this comment, you are in the wrong, stop being selfish and stop unloading YOUR kids onto your brother.
@GrumpyOldFart2 Жыл бұрын
She says SHE needs a break. Where the heck is the husband in all of this?
@marshawargo7238 Жыл бұрын
Why doesn't sis place an ad for a nanny to come along? "Wanted, a nanny for triplets. Free trip, Travel provided with moms parents, Our itinerary, No input on activities & No monetary pay. The trip, transportation & hotel Is The Payment" That add should get lots of inquiries (😂 hahaha)
@kathleenmcfarlane2555 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: OP is not the A-hole. Sister is a HUGE A-HOLE. If she wants or needs help, she can pay someone other than OP to do that. Someone who is not using vacation time.
@kathleenmcfarlane2555 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: OP is not the A-hole. 3 strikes and brother is out. Brother is a HUGE A-HOLE. You never expose an addict to drugs or alcohol.
@sonialinsey8083 Жыл бұрын
@GrumpyOldFart she’s probably the type where she sends them to full time daycare and sleeps all day, then complains children are SO HARD TO DEAL WITH. That’s why she doesn’t know how to take care of them.
@HonorWillow Жыл бұрын
Story 3: how fucking hard is it not do drugs in an ex addicts place? I would worry he’s doing something similar if he can’t wait until going to a friends place. I can’t believe that person calling OP high and mighty because they don’t want to relapse and want the rules of their place respected!
@Only1199 Жыл бұрын
evidently to the brother and that esh redditor it's extremely fucking hard
@lasagnalovingcat5335 Жыл бұрын
"I can’t believe that person calling OP high and mighty" That response Mark read was clearly written by a spoiled teenager whose parents have never uttered the word "no"
@HonorWillow Жыл бұрын
@@lasagnalovingcat5335 oh definitely. I believe they see any rules, even reasonable ones, as controlling even though it’s OP’s home
@thetechguychannel Жыл бұрын
The person calling OP high and mighty is probably a pothead doing a post-hoc justification of their neurotic point of view and "it's just a plant, maaaaaan" antics. I've met these people. Cut them out from my life entirely. They'll never get better and frankly I don't want them around my daughter. Inb4 "But you haven't triiiiiied it!" I have, and it's mildly relaxing, but the fact that I've also tried it also means I'm conscious of how braindead it can make someone.
@HonorWillow Жыл бұрын
@@thetechguychannel I’m a huge advocate of weed. I love it (as much as I don’t actively use it because it’s illegal for me and I’m too anxious to do it due to that). It’s a magical drug that can have amazing medicinal effects, but yeah its still a drug even though it’s a lot less dangerous than others including alcohol and cigarettes. It does sometimes produce bad side effects, though it’s not necessarily addicting in the sense that other things are it can be a thing that people can become dependent on which is not mentally healthy (or physically if smoking it as smoking anything is really bad for you) and it’s also common sense for me that someone who’s in recovery from drug addiction even if it’s not weed that they were addicted to may really struggle to have it in their presence. If I was somewhere where I could, I would use weed maybe like once or week or something mostly for medicinal purposes, but if I had to move into someone’s house in those circumstances I would either do it somewhere else or say “okay I’ll have to find somewhere else to live because we aren’t compatible”
@impishrebel5969 Жыл бұрын
I was the scapegoat and holy cow this story is so close to what happened to me. It was my sibling parentifiying me likewise and everywhere we went I was expected to babysit and I was even voluntold to babysit. I likewise had no life until I was about 22-23 because, GASP, it's hard to get one when you're constantly being forced to care for kids that aren't your own. Sister needs to back the eff up.
@ApricotStone Жыл бұрын
Maaaark your take on the period story actually made me tear up a bit. Op’s girlfriend’s periods and your former coworker’s sound a lot like mine and it’s not something I’d wish on my worst enemy. They’re irregular, heavy to the point of iron deficiency, so painful I can’t walk, and I once had negative side effects from pain killers bc I was taking to many in a futile attempt to stop the pain. And when you’re a person with periods struggling with this, nobody-not doctors, not family members, and not even other period havers can fully comprehend. My girlfriend does her best, but still- I just feel so bad for op’s girlfriend-
@ctsbathory8867 Жыл бұрын
Please see a doctor and although it can be hard fight like he'll to make them listen and take action. Just had my hysterectomy ans although the healing is hard it's better than it was before. Take your pushiest bitchiest friend with you and don't let the gaslight you that this is normal its not.
@rainbowunicorn709 Жыл бұрын
Story #3: Why forgiveness can be a poison. The lowlife violated your boundaries and you let it go so he kept behaving in worse and more invasive ways. It was only downhill from there. When someone says "I'm not speaking to you," enjoy it while it lasts because it won't. He won't apologize for repeatedly violating your boundaries? Okay, screw off and have a nice life. When he finally did apologize, it was probably fake and a strategic move in the interest of future convenience or acquiescence to family pressure. After all, if the family is upset with him, harder to use them. I wouldn't have broken the bong, but everything else was right on.
@candicewaits9271 Жыл бұрын
Story 3 - NTA. He put the rules in place for a reason. His brother didn't GAF about those rules. How in the hell did the commenter think that he was an a&&h*** for kicking him out after numerous times of breaking the rules?
@MasterBuilderDragon Жыл бұрын
They're probably an addict that hides behind the "lifestyle" argument.
@caseydemmings6666 Жыл бұрын
And sister say talk it out , she crazy.
@sandrakranzwinther3286 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to hear this update: The family drama has moved from Reddit to KZbin and this Mark guy was LAUGHING AT ME.😂
@audreym3908 Жыл бұрын
Me too!!
@brianaschmidt910 Жыл бұрын
Apparently the bil gave sis money to pay for op babysitting on the last trip that he never got
@NumptyMcGlumpty Жыл бұрын
Not only was mark laughing at her, i suspect the 62,000 viewers were as well, jesus i know i was
@tracybrunner863 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 - my step daughter has PCOS & ENDO & suffer greatly. Her pain was gets so bad that once she was suffering in silence when my daughter (nurse) convinced her to go to the hospital. Turns out she had appendicitis & didn’t realise it. Living with that sort of pain & still being able to function & laugh shows how tough & strong she is.
@carolinenagel7085 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I loved that the sister read OP's Reddit post and was surprised nobody agreed with her. That made me laugh out loud. What did she expect? How selfabsorbed can any one person be?
@khaleesireyna731 Жыл бұрын
It never surprises me. Especially with parents. Not all parents are like this, but enough parents seem to think that because THEY have kids, every single person they know should cater to them and their time is less valuable. I've legit seen stories about people who get upset because a single person had been planning their vacation for months, had the time off booked, and that person had the audacity in their minds to say no when a coworker with 3 kids wanted to take her kids to Disney World and the single employee wouldn't give up her vacation so that mommy dearest could take her kids to Disney World. Meanwhile, these are the same people who go on about how hard it is to be a parent in today's day and age because "everyone's judging you"... maybe people wouldn't judge you if weren't constantly trying to make your kids everyone else's responsibility.
@SugarDreamsArt Жыл бұрын
In response to Story 2: I have endometriosis. When I get my periods (and even sometimes without periods) it is extremely painful. I sometimes can not move for a few days. I am not going to go into full details about it (and you addressed it @10:15 ) but it is absolutely hell. I've had abusive ex's not understand the amount of pain I was in-- but now I have my fiance. He actually was estactic when we came up with some ideas to help me, because he expressed how when these flair ups happen-- he feels so helpless. He just wants to help me. He takes the time to be with me, and understands that I can not do much. If I ask for a cuddle, hes there in a heartbeat. If I ask him for my rice sock (my heating pad) he is on it straight away. And he buys my favorite comfort foods. I honestly appreciate all the help he gives me, because without it I would feel like a useless burden on those days. But thankfully with my new birth control, they dont flair up as often. Even without endometriosis though, women just needs more understanding and patience Edit: Im never okay with name calling however, so I think the girlfriend is wrong there. My fiance and I playfully call eachother bad names, but never in anger / with intention.
@paigeb5390 Жыл бұрын
As someone who has a duel diagnosis of PCOS and Endometriosis, I am really happy to see that Reddit helped the guy in story 2 to empathize with his girlfriend, learn more about periods (and conditions that can make them worse/more painful), and encouraged her to speak to a doctor. It's sad to hear that she has PCOS, however it's really nice to see that he is supportive of her now. It's not often that I see a Reddit post about periods that lead to a positive change.
@davidkristahay Жыл бұрын
Same duel diagnosis fun over here and my first thought was oh NO….if this guy has noticed the huge difference between her periods and other women’s, she may have a medical issue :(
@Alberto-wu1mj Жыл бұрын
I have the same conditions. I am currently working with doctors because of the level of pain. I am glad to see positive change.
@fleurpouvior2967 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, we as people should all put aside our own grief and pain and needs to pamper someone who puts in zero effort to help us when our family dies. Because its healthy for me as a women with duodiagnosis who bleeds for 9 months straight without medication, to say my issues are more important than someone I love who lost a parent. That totally leads to healthy relationships with zero red flags and is no way emotionaly abusive.
@bpmfj5422 Жыл бұрын
​@@fleurpouvior2967lol that is not what is being discussed here or in the story. No one is asking or telling OP to pamper her girlfriend, no one is telling OP he should ignore his pain and grief. Stop imagining situations in your mind.
@GalaGrinsArt Жыл бұрын
Seems like an everyone sucks here situation. He was being a dick about not understanding she was in pain, however she got emotionally and verbally abusive. Who in the hell blows up like that?
@lilaccreeper2005 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: YTA everyone has periods differently. My sister gets no cramps at all but I can be curled up on the sofa like his gf is. My revenge is that I have no issue with hay fever and a single tree can take her out sometimes. People experience things differently, just because one person is fine on their period, not everyone is.
@Batman-lg2zj Жыл бұрын
Only women have periods.
@juliearmfield2634 Жыл бұрын
Before i had kids i would hurt so bad i couldn't move without crying and i have a high tolerance to pain. I walked around a week on a broken leg without even knowing it. So I didn't let pain stop me but I tell you what them damn cramps could
@BruinPhD2009 Жыл бұрын
Hay fever, HOLY MOLEY! I read that and my eyes started to swell shut. Everybody in my family has it to varying degrees, none of it pleasant. Please pass on my sympathy and empathy to your sister. 😅 I’m a man, so I can’t say anything about period pain AND I’m smart enough to keep my mouth shut on the subject. 😂
@juliearmfield2634 Жыл бұрын
@@roselaflora i know right. 😂
@simac8396 Жыл бұрын
did you miss the part about OP's dad died earlier that week?
@elizabethevelasquez2884 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the first story is so sickeningly like my family. My sister had 4 kids and is very much the ‘let them live their best life’ while I have 4 kids and have boundaries for my kids (no jumping on the couch, stop throwing toys over the fence into the neighbors pool) no lie, these are real life conversations I’ve had to have with her kids. When she comes for a visit the amount of stress I feel is awful because she wants me to essentially parent her kids for her and will legitimately threaten to send her kids to me if they don’t listen to her but then undermines me in front of my kids. I have amazing kids! Honestly they are the best, but a large part of that is the boundaries my husband and I have for them and staying consistent with that. I have to, I homeschool them. But every time we go anywhere ‘as a family’ I’m expected to watch her kids as she wanders around without even letting me know she walked away! But when I say anything, I’m told by my mom (who favors my sister and her kids) that I just hate kids, I’m just being difficult, just let it go bc I know how my sister is. I love my family I do, but as our kids get older I just can’t handle the level of stress being around them brings. And my kids are starting to see the difference in my their grandmother treats their cousins then she does them bc ‘they know better’ our kids are roughly the same age for context. Our oldest are only 5 weeks apart. But my kids know better and her kids just need more grace. I can’t! My husband refuses to deal with them and I can’t blame him.
@madambutterfly1997 Жыл бұрын
Being a parent to triplets. I could have as much compassion as Jesus and look you straight in the face and say that's a personal problem
@ricaivory6571 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. If your kids were disciplined then they wouldn't be rowdy hell spawns. The fact that your husband doesn't come home says a lot.
@sonialinsey8083 Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah I would have said “Sorry can’t get time off of work this year, oh drat” and gone to the mountains instead lol.
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
There's a difference between a reasonable request and unreasonable expectations. For example, arranging a babysitting day or evening that OP is willing to make is plans around in advance is reasonable. OP (and grandparents) acting as an EXTRA set of eyes during family time events (e.g. day at the beach) to HELP the parents is also a reasonable request. In other words, act a support to the parents who are primary in minding the kids. Expecting a single adult to sleep in the same room as a bunch of kids and be a 24/7 babysitter is NOT reasonable. The parents "needing a break" is not a good reason to ruin someone else's vacation. I kind of like how BIL realizes they've been called on the sh!t they've gotten away with and knows crazy wife is fighting a losing battle. He KNEW the deal they were getting and it wouldn't last. His wife doesn't.
@khaleesireyna731 Жыл бұрын
​@carlrood4457 honestly, a lot of parents in general are some of the most entitled asshats when it comes to single people's time and energy. "But raising kids is hard!", "I need a break" like pay for it, then. You're not special and your time is not magically more valuable because you reproduced. Get a grip.
@JMac7395 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I've always found it weird how some parents think that people w/out kids are automatically obligated to being FREE baby sitters for them. Contrary to what some parents tell themselves to justify taking advantage of other people's time, people w/out kids do have lives. What they're doing with there may not interest the parents but it's none of their business to begin with.
@katiecunliffe5791 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 - yeah periods are different for all women and can also change over your life. Before I had my daughter my periods were debilitating but once I had my daughter they are less painful. Glad he took her to the doctors eventually and sorry for his loss.
@juanhaines7295 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 nta good on op standing his ground. If I was him I'd still go on vacation. Just by myself.
@lightwork11 Жыл бұрын
In story 1, OP should go on vacation alone or with friends. Break the dependency on the family because they still see him as a little brother/babysitter. Establish your independence from your family. Then you could enjoy their company again without being obligated to be a servant.
@Mewse1203 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: the sister might vas well have said, " You'll be ruining my vacation if you don't let me ruin your vacation." Based on the parents reaction and the sister's reaction it's obvious they brought OP along strictly to be a babysitter
@renaeodonnell4558 Жыл бұрын
Story 2. Your allowed to be upset about the date, especially after your update, but blaming her for having her period makes you the YTA. Has your gf gotten her symptoms checked out? If taking over the counter meds can’t help its a good reason to see your obgyn. In saying that, I have 2-3 days during my own weeks where I struggle to function, I have horrible brain fog, I get cramping down my legs, sometimes I’m cramping to the point of vomiting. I have a PCOS diagnosis.
@princesszeldaprincess447 Жыл бұрын
Wow I also have pcos and I get no period cramps at all I do but I’m able to ignore them
@bobdrooples 6 ай бұрын
Doesn't sound like she has talked to him about her situation at all. She just says, we're here now, we stay. No communication between either of them, no curiosity of her own health either.
@charondusk5608 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 - .....I want to see OP be hooked up to one of those machines that use electric shocks to simulate period cramps and pain, set them to the MILDEST setting, then see how quickly he'd rather spend the day in comfort instead of going out. He's allowed to be disappointed, sure, but he's not allowed to take his frustration out on her for something beyond her control. OP's GF was in a no-win situation here. Go out? She's in constant pain and doesn't enjoy the date and "ruins" it. Stay home? She's ruining it because "Other women can grin and bare it, why can't you?". I honestly wouldn't blame her if she was considering dumping him now.
@Mglay556 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I love how Op acts like his gf can semi control her period and she gets it on purpose when she doesn’t wanna go out
@Sn1p3rSn4k3 Жыл бұрын
Then no one is the asshole. Women have to stop using their menstrual as an excuse for shitty behavior.
@LordSeal7 Жыл бұрын
No?? He acts like she can control how she feels and do stuff during. Thats just wilfully miss interperting, still ops bit of a dum dum
@dakotasan8719 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, I’ve met some girls who will fake it just to get out of something.
@ronhall5395 Жыл бұрын
I do love the final update. He realizes he is being ignorant. He does his homework and Actually has some useful Information to pass to her. A big apology also.
@JK-sh8rc Жыл бұрын
My late mother in her younger days used to have such terrible period pains that she'd actually faint. When she was pregnant the first time, she asked the doctor if labor was worse than period pain. When he said it was MUCH worse, she thought she'd never survive labor/childbirth. Several months later when she was in labor she kept waiting for the pain to get as bad as her periods but it surprisingly never did. After the birth, she said her periods were relatively pain free.
@ruthsaunders9507 Жыл бұрын
#2 Poor guy. Even a lot of women don't understand really bad periods and think its just a pity party. Many women often use it as an excuse to get out of things too (when their fine). Its not unreasonable for him to be suspicious when she always seems to be cancelling special events at the last minute. Glad they were able to talk things out and hope her treatment helps.
@wildfyah Жыл бұрын
From a different perspective, if your period is causing you to cancel even on fun plans I'd flag it as good enough reason to get it checked out
@somebody6777 Жыл бұрын
I can't even walk when I am on mine and apparently it is pretty common
@phtevlin Жыл бұрын
#3 My parents were alcoholics. Thankfully they got sober, and remained until both passed away. During this time, we 5 kids never brought booze or tobacco into their house out of respect for them. This was between 1982-2002.
@maurer3d Жыл бұрын
Story 1 (before update): NTA, it would be one thing if she asked you (not force you) to watch the kids for one day of the vacation, but to rope you into it everyday, so her and her husband can do whatever they want all week is ridiculous, and making you bunk with the kids was right out insane.
@audreym3908 Жыл бұрын
I read another comment that there was another update. Apparently the BIL was paying OP from the last vacation but handed it to his wife and she pocketed it. Hopefully she'll have very little to 0 help soon once the BIL divorces her cheap ass.
@jessicarichards6796 Жыл бұрын
“I planned this weeks in advance and she went and got her period”. Like she planned it. Then he decided to compare her to other girlfriends who’s periods where so much easier. What a dick. Also, I have PCOS as well. Knew since I was 13. However back then in the late 90’s, doctors would just put you on birth control to stop the irregular periods and tel you good luck. Now in my 30’s doctors know more. They have more options to help manage it. Now I finally have a regular cycle and not nearly as much pain. Hope the girlfriend gets a good knowledgeable doctor that helps her manage her condition.
@robertx8020 Жыл бұрын
Yes!!!! every woman has a secret clock they can set to have their period It's just a weapon to use against men 🤣😂🤣
@catandrobbyflores Жыл бұрын
Like we can choose when the periods come. The guy needs to go back to school and learn how it works.
@Happydandy Жыл бұрын
If sis wants help wrangling her boys on vacations, well that's what her partner is for!
@LadyBern Жыл бұрын
I would say the money saved from paying for bro's vacation can be put towards a babysitter. But i get the feeling they'd charged much much more because of how the boys behave.
@marcsando Жыл бұрын
Story 3: If your brother did not respect you in your own home this time he never will. If you take him back even after "talking it out" he will repeat and again you will be the bad guy. You have come so far PLEASE do not compromise!!
@TheFlowerchild712 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. Sister can learn how to mind her own kids on vacation. She's hecka entitled and rude. Did she really think reddit would side with her? 🤣 Story 2: YTA. It sounds like GF has debilitating cramps and can't get up. Poor baby. It sounds like she gets very sick with her period on top of the pain. It may be that no medicines that help her and she can't take anything to help because it's a waste of time and effort, sometimes its like that. PCOS is rough, really rough. Story 3: NTA. OP set boundaries. Brother repeatedly stomped on them. He gave his brother 3 chances! Most people would have toss him out after the first. I disagree with the sister. What's with the ESH comment?
@ndawn90 Жыл бұрын
"Being a parent of triplets is soooo hard!!" Yeah, that's exactly why OP doesn't want to take them. And he's allowed to do that because THEY AREN'T HIS KIDS!
@alyzu4755 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: THIS is why we need to teach boys about menstruation. Update: Poor guy. I'm sorry about his dad. And it's great that she got tested, hopefully she can get some help for it.
@ronhall5395 Жыл бұрын
I had three older sisters and of course a mom. Each seemed to react very differently. My mother just got very quiet. My older sister still remained active but was moody. My youngest sister would hibernate in her room and not want to see or talk to anyone. My other sister was a B all the time so it was hard to tell what she was feeling. We did learn about this in school. Us boys were told what to expect, and told to just be nice for a few days. Nothing technical, but a glossed over version of what it was and why it happens.
@ZeroTheHeartlessKing Жыл бұрын
@@ronhall5395 same but two sisters, both were assholes altho one (middle sister) seems to go out of her way to terrorize me (the youngest and only boy) mom was ruder than normal but didn't act hostile i just learned to keep quiet and to myself lol
@michamocha Жыл бұрын
S3: That ESH was a weird take. "You took him in anyways knowing his lifestyle" Op opened up his home to his brother who's old enough to know how to do those things _outside_ of the house. If he knows enough people to throw a huge party, he knows enough to chill at their place and do those things there. He's an adult and knows how to follow 3 basic rules. He had three chances but kept screwing up so it's Op's right to end their arrangement.
@DJace3000 Жыл бұрын
A commenter basically asked "OP's sister has no one's support in this, how can she keep doubling down?!" Simple answer: she's _that_ type of people.
@Victoria-qp1lu Жыл бұрын
As someone with endometriosis that got to stage four and wasn’t diagnosed for a long time. Op of story two can go chew sandpaper. “I put up with her period” oh wow, so brave. “She decided to start her period” how in considerate of her. He sounds entirely cold and unfeeling towards her and her pain. Different women experience different levels of pain it’s not something someone who is Arab would understand. Before my surgery I was suicidal because the pain I felt was excruciating my parents who are the typical Aussie “she’ll be right rub spit on it” kind of people would be so concerned and gentle knowing that on the first two days of my period I was completely unable to do anything.
@kyleanuar9090 Жыл бұрын
Arab? Muslim men were required to learn everything about period probably know more than western women. I thought I could pass the lesson but after learning I understand why we're required to learn as as men we're responsible for for her care.
@impishrebel5969 Жыл бұрын
@@kyleanuar9090 LMAO You could never know more about a period than someone who EXPERIENCES them, dude.
@alexanderhenby1362 Жыл бұрын
If she is incapable of moving during her period she NEEDS a doctor. There is definitely something wrong that needs medical attention. No one should be incapacitated during their period. The comparison of other women is a real asshole move.
@Original_Tenshi_Chan Жыл бұрын
Arab or AMAB? Because I'm not sure about the correlation to race and understanding period pain. Other than that, I agree with what you said. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about OP calling our periods "shark week"... How would he feel if every time he came, people asked him if his tadpoles are at school, or some other weird shit?
@rabeaw6646 Жыл бұрын
As a woman who really struggels with her period to i think esh. If her period is so cripplong that she cant attend a simple date (not talking about sports) than she needs a doctor. There are many ways that can help. She might have a condition, she could take meds for the pain, or for a more regual cicle. I too like to stay home the first two days as much as possible but she agreed to the plan weeks in advance so it seems to be a really special place and you can bet that i would have found a way to attent that. Something regular? Na im staying but if so much effort went into it? He on the other hand needs to learn to communicate better, he soundet not very empathetic but for her to straight up insult him? Him beeing wrong doesnt need to mean she can be an ahole too
@dakotasan8719 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I absolutely understand the frustration and aggravation coming from OP. It can almost feel planned or premeditated. That being said, still an AH move.
@fleurpouvior2967 Жыл бұрын
Also an ah move to scream and accuse someone whos dad died that same week, for wanting to do something to try and cope with grief. My periods get so bad I've had to have blood transfusions, and passed out from pain more than once. If the love of my life lost his dad, idk what it would take. I'll freaking tripple up on pads, pop a cup in, put on period panties over depend, pop iron pills and midol like candy and slap a heating patch on my abdomen to try and be there for him. Even if it means skipping the movie and just having a nice dinner out then snuggling on the couch after. At least a compromise, so he knows she has his back too.
@simac8396 Жыл бұрын
@@fleurpouvior2967 I agree 100%
@ThatOddChickenHippie Жыл бұрын
Story 2: woman here. She should probably get herself checked out. Maybe it's PMDD or endo or something? My periods are pretty bad, and the first 3 days are always the worst, but I try to avoid letting it interfere with my life as much as possible. If there are plans that happen to fall on the day I start, it depends on what the plans are and how bad the pain is. For the most part, if there are dinner reservations and pre-paid movie tickets, I'd pop some ibuprofen during the day to see if it helps, and switch to extra strength excedrin if it doesn't and try to suck it up. If the pain is still too bad (I have had some periods where the cramps were enough to make me cry, and one or two where the pain actually made me vomit), then I would expect my boyfriend to understand that I tried all I could and it just isn't working. If they were spur of the moment plans or just plans that didn't involve anything pre-paid, then I would lose my sh!t if he threw a fit at me, even if I didn't try to do anything to "make it work". That being said, dude has a terrible attitude and is ignorant as hell Edit: yup! PCOS will do it every time! Thing is hellish and I'm sure even the excedrin wouldn't have helped. I'm sure she felt terrible about not being able to help OP feel better by going on that date, but PCOS is no joke.
@TheTechFarm Жыл бұрын
The first story is super messed up its even worse that ops parents didn't see what they did wrong until after op posted on reddit and they finally see everyone agreeing with op and calling them out as well as ops sister then they realize that they were making ops sister the golden child and op as the free help/babysitter
@hugoumero9723 Жыл бұрын
and BIL realize that his wife and parents are the biggest problems and think divorce his wife
@KarmikCykle Жыл бұрын
So the sister pitches a fit that she can't fob the kids off on OP again this vacation, and the brother in law is actively avoiding getting involved. Yeah, real parents of the year right there.
@MiraTheWarlock Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Periods affect people differently. Some have cramps, some are tired. Me? My immune system goes to super hell and I get minor iron deficiency anemia. I'm BARELY a person. If anyone, and I mean ANYONE, told me to 'put in effort', I'd be throwing hands. OP's definitely not winning any favors from me- I think this is the very reason they invented that device that allows men to feel how women feel during contraptions at birth.
@rainbowunicorn709 Жыл бұрын
So, lack of emotional self-control or entitlement?
@streamerssaymyname Жыл бұрын
​@@rainbowunicorn709 lol never seen House MD? Chronic pain does things to you, and being told to deal with it or put in more effort is disrespectful at best.
@rainbowunicorn709 Жыл бұрын
@streamerssaymyname I have seen that show, unfortunately, and House is a loser prick who deserved a lot more negative reaction than he ever received.
@justabunneh6490 Жыл бұрын
@@rainbowunicorn709 It's extremely difficult to control raging emotions, but even if we lose control and say hurtful things, it's on us to apologize and make it right after. Not doing so is only going to hurt everyone around you and nurture resentment towards you.
@MaryTongx Жыл бұрын
Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her
@DarylSimpson58 Жыл бұрын
its difficult to let go of someone you love, i was in a similar situation, my relationship of 12 years ended, but i couldnt just let her go i did all i could to get her back, i had to seek the help of a spiritual counselor who helped me bring her back
@MaryTongx Жыл бұрын
@@DarylSimpson58 Amazing, how did you get a spiritual counselor, and how do i reach her?
@DarylSimpson58 Жыл бұрын
@@MaryTongx Her name is chamani White, and she is a great spiritual counselor who can bring back your ex.
@MaryTongx Жыл бұрын
@@DarylSimpson58 Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked her up now online. impressive
@phtevlin Жыл бұрын
#2 I have Meniere's Disease, a rather severe case of it. One of the symptoms was vertigo (dizziness); sometimes rather debilitating. There were times I could not leave the house because of it. I cannot tell you how many family gatherings---Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays--that I had to cancel out of at the very last minute. So..yeah..I understand the girlfriend 100% here,
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
Everyone being coerced to watch other people's kids: if I wanted to raise kids I would have them. These people are so incredibly entitled. I'd do the same accept I wouldn't go at all. I guess she couldn't control having multiple kids because they are multiples, but that's still a her problem.
@damien678 Жыл бұрын
I don't want kids but I wanna help other people with their kids A big part of this is that I do not want to be pregnant nor give birth. Another is that while I don't want the responsibility of being a parent I know I can handle babysitting
@milescoburn1845 Жыл бұрын
Story # 1 - "You'll ruin the vacation!" No, what she means is he'll ruin the vacation FOR HER! Mark's got it right. Go on a solo vacation, without the nuts in your family (that includes the enabler parents who just want to "keep the peace"). The best vacation I ever went on was a solo vacation to St. Louis to watch the Cardinals play a three-game series with the Phillies, where I flew in First Class (on Monday), stayed in a hotel two blocks from the stadium, went on tours of museums, the Budweiser brewery, and other sights during the day, had all-inclusive tickets to the games at night, and then flew back on Friday (First Class). Taking a vacation by yourself is absolutely the most relaxing time you can have. Story # 2 - Jesus, the guy is an idiot. Like, he thinks she can start her period at will? Just because other women don't act the same as her doesn't mean she's, what? Faking it? If her period is that inconsistent, she should probably consult her doctor and then go from there. The topper for me was when he called her period "Shark week". God, I'm ashamed to have to include this guy in the male species.
@MW-zz3mv Жыл бұрын
Story 1 - Brother: NTA. Sister: TA. Parents: TA but then NTA. Brother-in-law: Smart smart smart smart smart
@madambutterfly1997 Жыл бұрын
So because I'm in young and single you think that entitles you to my availability?
@TheKnightofAwesomeness Жыл бұрын
Apparently you have no life then because what else could you be doing... Hobbies and hanging with friends and family??? Get out of here with that nonsense
@Slimmark2 Жыл бұрын
Just tell them if they keep pushing you won't go period, they're HER kids, she CHOSE to have them, they're HER responsibility...
@LoveableNiki Жыл бұрын
Story 2: YTA. Everyone's period experience is different. Some hardly have symptoms. Some cannot get out of bed. OP's an unsympathetic AH.
@davidnash8208 Жыл бұрын
While his girlfriend, wh yelled and screamed at him the week his father died, is a saint? That he apologises and tries to help but there is no apology from her, that means he is still an AH and she isn't? He learned and she did not.
@LoveableNiki Жыл бұрын
@@davidnash8208 My comment was before I listened to the update, but I do not think GF owes OP an apology. People deal with grief in different ways, but no one is required to accept disrespect/anger/what have you due to someone's grief. Luckily, the couple patched up things.
@davidnash8208 Жыл бұрын
@@LoveableNiki Well, I disagree but the world won't end because of that. Take care.
@romonaelrod7870 Жыл бұрын
Story 1,take care of your own kids or pay someone to do it. Story 2,Endometriosis is extremely painful, like labor pain painful. It can be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea and chills and hot flashes. Symptoms can last for days. Story 3,if someone lets you live in their home follow their rules.
@Allmightyimortal Жыл бұрын
Story 2. I mean ironically him being an ahole worked out in both of their favors. She wouldnt of gotten checked out if reddit didnt call him out for being in the wrong. He wasnt right to do what he did though.
@davidnash8208 Жыл бұрын
Neither was she for what she did.
@Allmightyimortal Жыл бұрын
​@@davidnash8208can't disagree with you on that either. Good communication is key to all relationships, from both sides.
@jemase7931 Жыл бұрын
"should talk it out .." Some things can't be talked out because one of the parties will not talk in good faith.
@AndyyWithAY Жыл бұрын
Story 2 based just on the title alone hard YTA It's just for 2 days?? Some women are incapacitated for a whole WEEK or more. He definitely needs to educate himself. I'd be out of that house and out of that relationship. I despise men like this. Just because you've never been around a woman who has it this bad doesn't mean it's not that bad. And compared to some women this isn't too terrible to deal with for you. Endometriosis, fibroid, PCOS. ETA it wasn't stated initially she hadn't seen a doctor. That's good she did, but a diagnosis isn't a cure. Treatment often involves hormonal birth control which can exacerbate the present issues or create new or worse issues. And health care is horrible to women. Many women see multiple doctors and they're like OP devaluing the severity. So it's good she quickly got a diagnosis, but that doesn't mean her issues will suddenly disappear and many women don't have a one and done apps and come home with a diagnosis.
@rogerrabbit80 Жыл бұрын
Did you catch the part about, "she started her period"? Like it was something she decided to do just to annoy OP!
@alexanderhenby1362 Жыл бұрын
Turns out GF has PCOS If periods are that bad, go to a doctor.
@Wandervenn Жыл бұрын
As someome who had endometriosis and cancer, she should have seen a doctor
@stirlingarcher7972 Жыл бұрын
@@rogerrabbit80”She knew we had plans and she still started her period!! Why didn’t she just hold it in ?!” -OP probably
@dustyrose192 Жыл бұрын
@@alexanderhenby1362 problem a lot of doctors still think we're faking the pain or its not really that bad.
@kathyniebylski6735 Жыл бұрын
1 - OP is not the 3rd parent. And if the sister needs help, she has their parents to help.
@jimdob6528 Жыл бұрын
Story 1 nta. I’m a family man and my kids are only my problem.
@jacearmor5274 Жыл бұрын
When you go on vacation, you want to relax. Not stress yourself out with babysitting.
@peterwilliams6361 Жыл бұрын
Divorce is never the way out, My wife and I have been having issues before I sort out help from a spiritual adviser,i wasnt going to let my marriage of 18years crash
@peterwilliams6361 Жыл бұрын
@EmilioYepez7 well not the orthodox way but i was referred by a friend to a spiritual adviser and healer
@peterwilliams6361 Жыл бұрын
@EmilioYepez7 her name is *Victoria Lee Hess* ,and she is a great spiritual adviser as well as caster
@peterwilliams6361 Жыл бұрын
you can look her name up online and you will find all you need.
@taylorslade961 Жыл бұрын
"How dare you make me parent the 3 children I brought into this world!"
@tsunderemonarch4703 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I have PCOS, and I have a friend with both PCOS and Endo. While I haven't had my period in close to 2 years (on the flip side my longest period lasted THREE MONTHS), I will never forget how much pain I was in the first two days of my period. And the worst part was that because of my PCOS, I could almost never predict when it was time for it to start. I could be prepped for a week only for it to happen two weeks later and be in complete and total pain. Even still, it should go without saying that OP is an asshole. He doesn't deserve her.
@simac8396 Жыл бұрын
OP's father died earlier that week, did you miss that part?....what about his grife and pain? so women can act iirational during there periods but a man cant when he is in mourning?
@honeyful1667 Жыл бұрын
​@@simac8396 Everyone has human emotions although he was wrong and that's the end of that.
@tsunderemonarch4703 Жыл бұрын
@@simac8396 dont see how she was irrational by having a reaction? he's still an asshole, though i did initially go too far saying he doesn't deserve her. didn't edit my comment after finishing the story, forgot. also grief doesn't excuse asshole behavior, sorry. everyone grieves in different ways, yes, but it's still taking it too far when it involves hurting others
@DrownedInExile Жыл бұрын
S1: I'm so glad OP took action. He's not family, just a free babysitter. Whenever I hear that insipid "keep the peace" line from enablers, I channel & paraphrase my inner Thor: "You speak of peace, yet you court war!" I'm surprised and glad the parents turned on the sister. Aaaand it turned out she was pocketing the money she was supposed to pay OP with. He should go NC, she's a complete waste of his time.
@GabrielleHayes1921 Жыл бұрын
1) NTA. I'm a mom of two, I've been debating sending a massive apology message to my partners best friend girlfriend who massively helped me with my two children when we went to visit them. I nearly broke down sobbing a couple different times because of trying to chase them both down and I felt so awful, especially because it wasn't her job to worry about my kids, but she still played with them and handled them very well. I felt so awful because I'm their mom and I couldn't manage them both all by myself and when I did manage to pin them down, they were loudly crying because they wanted to explore and play with the cats that they were beginning to aggravate and get hissed at by for playing too rough. Just thinking about it I feel embarrassed that I couldn't force two toddlers to behave perfectly and I feel so bad for even when my mom helps me, because it's not her job, she raised me because that was her job, having her help with my kids occasionally feels cruel even though I know she loves to do it because it means she's spending time with them and she loves them dearly.
@heatherv3417 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: it’s very telling that the husband is now spending most of the time at work. I’m thinking her marriage may crumble too if she doesn’t change her attitude
@khaavren3 Жыл бұрын
I have twins and though I found them super adorable as toddlers, I understood that they're more than a handful and never fobbed them off on other people. Luckily, my family loves them too and offered to watch them. I was always grateful to free babysitters, but I've never expected it. Triplets, though. Sheesh second story: "She started her period that day." Like she planned it. LOL. This idiot.
@19walayat Жыл бұрын
Story 2: Leave her. You don't want to be dealing with this mess your whole life...
@BruinPhD2009 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: My girlfriend in college endured such PMS (I think that term has been refined since then) that she was actually a part of a study at our university. So, not only was she in crippling pain that she had to anticipate every month, she had to be poked and prodded and give blood and a whole list of other unpleasant procedures to track said pain. It was hellish and I could do nothing about it except be as sympathetic as possible. OP’s update redeems him a little bit, but comparing degrees of suffering is never a good thing; no winners to be had there. Story 3: one of my cousins became an addiction counselor after recovering from years of active addiction. He told me the only way he can help people is to remind himself that he’s only one drink/one puff/one needle away from returning to that lifestyle. It will always be one day at a time for him and other recovering addicts. I would never do anything around my cousin to jeopardize his hard work. The commenter that gave the post an ESH rating is a complete idiot. I hope that person never has to find out firsthand just how perilous this situation can be.
@Nathan_Bookwurm Жыл бұрын
Yea, PMS is aweful. It always starts a week/1.5 week before the period starts. My boobs grow a full size every month again and swells and hurts up to my armpits. The belly also swells. But the mental part of PMS is just as bad. Feeling down, exhausted, fat, battling binge eating desire. And once the period starts the PMS symptoms get replaced by period symptoms (which include monthly migraines the first days of the period). And the period better not be late. So to sum up the cycle it's 2 weeks of being normal, 2 weeks (or longer if it's late) of pain, over and over again until 50ish years old. And the doctors just tell you to deal with it, cuz there's barely research done on women so there's no meds. I'm one of the "lucky" few who gets a way out as a transman. The testosterone partly supresses the symptoms, and will be having a hysterectomy/ovary removal surgery on Monday \O/ Anyway, women hormones are so mean. Men don't know how easy they have it with their stable testosterone levels that don't make you sick.
@historictruecrime5119 Жыл бұрын
I’m very happy that the parents at least have the wherewithal to acknowledge that the whole world can see the problem and that their keep the peace solution isn’t cutting it and now they’re putting their foot down with the sister too.
@onionsbroccoli-on6jf Жыл бұрын
Second story, I’m going to give OP some grace. Especially because he showed some compassion, and also he helped get his gf a diagnosis. He lost his father, which no one points out. and also he seems to be much more understanding for his gf, after people of Reddit helped him understand .He also was able to reflect on some things too, and learned more about periods. Also I do get pretty bad periods, and cramps. Some men just don’t know. Also losing a parent, is truly a brutal thing to go through.
@Musiyca Жыл бұрын
Story 1: Oh, sister has triplets. That clearly means she went through IVF, which indicated she wanted babies very badly. And if she did her research she would know that multiple kids will pop out of her if the IVF is successfull, that's literally the rule. She's lucky it's only triplets. To my point though - she wanted these kids with her husband, now they need to ask kindly family for help or just hire a professional babysitter. Raising even one child can be hell, all parents need a break, but giving that break to you is no one else's responsibility. You are not owned it just by making a baby. Parents are siding with her, so really, OP should take vacation away from family.
@TheArnaa Жыл бұрын
Story 2: let’s hook OP up to a period simulator that matches girlfriend’s level of pain and make him keep it attached for the entire time she’s in pain. And force him to go out socialising etc while attached to the machine, while being passively aggressively attacked for not being sufficiently happy to be out and about.
@mateuszlewinski7774 Жыл бұрын
Me and my wife have two kids, and we would never ever be so entitled to ask anyone to be responsible for our kids. My kids my responsibility.
@jenniferdaniels701 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you on story 1- go on your own vacation. Oops, I couldn't get the days of your trip off. I didn't ask far enough ahead of time to get them. Sorry not sorry. I'm an aunt who's been in a similar position. I was expected to babysit and watch them at family reunions (even when another adult is outside with their kids). They're 18 and 16 now.
@theprodigaltrue Жыл бұрын
"Your being overdramatic and too strict" Get your own place and do as u like
@lorianabanana6066 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 is infuriating. I use my birth control to completely skip my periods because they were so awful. Well that and I don't want any crotch goblins ever. Saying I had 'bad periods' was an understatement. A few days before it would start with general exhaustion, a sore back, headaches and feeling super emotional. I'd usually cry over something stuid the night before. I'm not a crier at all btw, so it was always super confusing losing control like that. Then the cramps would start. It goes from intense soreness to flashes of knife like pain. I would end up curled in a ball. I dug my nails into my palms until I bleed. Tylenol didn't touch it. The first 2 or 3 days I couldn't do sh^t. Add on acne break outs, bloating, nausea, vomiting, all around digestion horrors to the soreness, exhaustion, headaches, cramps and exetensial crisis. Saying you look and feel like sh^t doesn't begin to describe it. You don't want to do ANYTHING. You just want to sleep under a heating pad for 3 days. I had to call off work. I live in America so you can imagine how that went. There was this attitude of 'what it's just your period?' from everyone around me. JUST.... There is no "JUST" in reguards to my periods. As far as I know I've never been diagnosised with anything. Even my female doctors acted like I was exaggerating. The never tested me for anything, just threw birth control at me. Which I did ask for to be fair. But then I started the depo shot and realized I didn't have to have periods- game changer. Today I just use my generic pills to skip it, but it makes a HUGE difference in my life. Anyone who ever downplays periods deserves to be punched in whatever babymaker they came with. Why can't people just acknowledge others suffering without trying to gaslight them out of it????
@jeneden3492 Жыл бұрын
S1: so she just wants a free nanny ....he should go on vacation somewhere else entirety S2: omg! This little boy has no business being in a relationship. No, he's not a little weensy entitled to nothing 🙄
@amethystanne4586 Жыл бұрын
Good morning from Edmonton, Kentucky, U.S.A! Thank you for reading Reddit stories to us! I am glad you found the first story. I read it at Reddit, and was appalled at the entitlement of the mom-of-triplets. I** can understand how the mother felt somewhat. Until they were 6 years old, my kids would have wore those child safety harnesses(with ‘leashes’ attached) if I were in her shoes. Triplets, dang! I feel so tired just thinking about her situation. **I am a mom of 4: OldestDD was 4years old when my b/g twins arrived, and YoungestDD was born when the twins were 6 and OldestDD was 10. For those wondering, yes, each of the kids wore a harness when safety was a concern(walking in the grocery store, sitting in the high chair, etc.).
@Tralala083 Жыл бұрын
only 1 minute in, and I'm like: why do you go on a vacation with those people? Pay for your own, and you are no available for your "family". End of story
@neutrality8747 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA. They have a medical problem they need to fix.
@kentario1610 Жыл бұрын
Who _throws a club party_ in someone else's house, without permission, also breaking the one (1) rule the owner of the house had, no drugs or alcohol. How can someone scrape together that much audacity?
@telinhajp Жыл бұрын
Good afternoon, Mark and Poppy! Wishing you both a wonderful day! ❤️🤗
@amethystanne4586 Жыл бұрын
Who is Poppy?
@nikkil.6338 Жыл бұрын
period story: NTA if you're in pain this much every month and are not actively working on a treatment plan with a Dr. then you are to blame. If someone broke their arm and doesn't go get treatment then how bad do I feel about their chronic arm pain - not at all (assume they are not poor to complete destitution.)
@wkkowrld Жыл бұрын
Because women are conditioned to think that painful cramps are normal💀 That's why most don't get checked out.
@nikkil.6338 Жыл бұрын
@@wkkowrld Maybe before the first time he said anything but I'm pretty sure she was aware that her inability to function multiple days a month is excessive.
@DerekScottBland Жыл бұрын
Holy shit, that ESH comment on story 3. That's someone who is just like the brother, thinks that an addict is magically "cured" after going without for a certain period of time. OP put down rules, brother accepted them, end of story. Red flags should have gone up when brother said "you're being too strict, I should be able to drink in my room away from you."
@DigitalCowboy000 Жыл бұрын
I've heard the first/title story before. A *VACATION* is *ONLY* a vacation *IF* everyone is able to enjoy themselves. Und no one is being forced to do anything that they don't want to do. The sister is only upset because she's lost her free babysitter.
@sloh888 Жыл бұрын
so insult are pain reliever now ? op's gf went to curling on a couch to jump up, insult for a few minutes and runing away . :D
@rainbowunicorn709 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who noticed this.
@Lucifleur73 Жыл бұрын
My brother said that it was "just your time" when I confronted him about taking care of his twins way more than is expected from an aunt.
@SappyDuder Жыл бұрын
Just hit him with the "well, as they say, time is money" and make him pay you if you're babysitting more often than he is parenting.
@CatsOverBrats Жыл бұрын
Story 2: I have endometriosis and that is extremely painful, esp. on periods. It doesn't matter how much you wanna schedule, it will take you down for hours on end where it feels like your uterus is being scraped out of your body with a rusty spoon. Best thing I ever did was having my uterus and the top of my ovaries removed last year to get rid of the endo pain and never have another period again. It's been so good for me.
@canadalovesanime3137 Жыл бұрын
story 2: OP clearly believes that all females are robotic. Our bodies must follow a very strict schedule that can NEVER vary. Of course since periods come on this perfect schedule every month it is totally normal and there is no way it could ever be painful. /s I got raging headaches to the point of passing out or vomiting. The cramping and back pain were unbelievable. It was three days of complete hell and five more of total misery. Not every woman has the same experience some are very lucky and everything is regular and painless. Some of us feel like we are d*ing and never know for sure when (or where) it will hit us. OP should either go home until he grows up or do some actual research about female reproduction.
@ameixsell Жыл бұрын
No, he needs to dump her, they are incompatible. I went through something similar with an ex. I am a planner, and we would have romantic nights planned, and she would cancel last minute because she wasn't feeling well. Keep in mind she would still end up going to family functions (I guess out of obligation) but for the most part it was extremely hard to do anything as a couple after a while. We broke up a month after she canceled on meeting up with me on my birthday.
@ameixsell Жыл бұрын
After update. Yikes PCOS, makes her reaction and and period pains more understandable. However I still don't think they are compatible for varying reasons (Op just lost his father, the date may have been for him, but he's in a time of need and she dropped the ball) (she has PCOS, if he wants kids this diagnosis makes it extremely difficult) (while thus may not be an issue moving forward, but if her treatments don't help with the period pain, this is what the relationship will be like for the rest of his life, he'll need to get used to making plans for himself when she inevitably gets her period and cancels plans) I don't see this relationship working out long term.
@salomerodriguez5145 Жыл бұрын
I'm totally sideeyeing the parents for immediately turning on the sister as soon as the internet calls them idiots.
@pearbear6418 Жыл бұрын
Story 2: YTA. I'm surprised OP didn't tell his girlfriend to "just hold it in" while he was at it. Every period is different for everyone. You can't compare one person's experience to hers to invalidate her experience. Update: RIP to OP's dad. Glad that the GF was able to get diagnosed and things are getting better.
@Nathan_Bookwurm Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same, this guy gives off "just hold it in until you're on the toilet" vibes.
@tracygardner6318 Жыл бұрын
For story one she can take pain pills for the pain, especially for a special night of eating and a movie other nights I can understand but that one night, and he has a point and so do you everyone has their breaking point
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