I do the onsen egg for more than 3 years. The egg white is harden while the egg yolk inside is still running hot. One each day. I find that my eye sight under strong sunlight has improved. Many years ago, i was fed the wrong information, abstained from egg yolk and my eye sight under strong light was very weak. I have learnt that i was short of lutein which can be obtained from egg yolk. Personal experience to share with all.
第一伯格在美國是沒有醫生執照,在美國不能稱醫生,他只有脊醫牌照和後來才拿到的營養師牌,第二中醫是沒有專業知識的他們只是一群農民(中國第一任衛生部長語),不過我個人希希農民也要有良知,不要為了流量引用不實資訊害了人,以下是柏格資料:Dr. Berg completed his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree in 1988 at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa and is a board-certified chiropractor in three states. In his earlier years, Dr. Berg completed 2 years of undergraduate pre-med studies at University of Wisconsin Parkside and trained as an X-Ray technician in the Army Reserves.
我有在看另一個頻道 Dr. Sten Ekberg, 其中有個影片是"I Ate 100 EGGS In 7 Days: Here's What Happened To My CHOLESTEROL" 當然他不是鼓勵大家都要吃這麼多 他只是想告訴大家 就算吃這麼多蛋 他的身體機能數值還是保持正常XD 我很早以前就聽我媽說 不用擔心蛋的膽固醇 因為當初外婆為了降低膽固醇 曾經改變飲食只吃蛋白 結果再去做體檢的時候 總體膽固醇是下降了 但是好的膽固醇比例大幅減少 後來看了這些影片都有提到 不要只吃蛋白 要蛋黃蛋白一起吃 覺得很有感 平常人 沒有特殊狀況的 正常吃蛋就好;D PS. 這也是讓我後來不太收看 好味營養師品瑄 的影片 總覺得... 她的資訊好像跟我接收的有出入 還推薦觀眾吃蛋白丁... hmm
@ministerking2430 Жыл бұрын
@kewell8882 жыл бұрын
在澳洲读研之前先读语言时交了那么一篇Essay,论点挺鲜明的,语言老师给的评价是你仅用这些论据这些词汇就得出如此激进的结论,you really need more resources! 一个语言老师都能意识到这一点,何况专业学者呢!我觉的中国研究人员的问题是和我这篇Essay一样的,偏面分析缺少资料,再说任何权威的研究末了结论都不可能说鸡蛋导致心脏病糖尿病,乳制品会致癌!
儘管蛋白質可從植物取代,請別忘了補充B12?少了它身體會呈現找不到原因的疑難雜症?連醫生自己患上都不自知的病例?素食者請一定要檢測血液中的B12含量?如不及時檢測時間拖太久錯過治療時效?腦神經壞了是終身遺憾?是無法逆轉的?特別是年幼兒童有任何疑難雜症:如自閉症?發育不良?肢體僵硬?常摔倒等熟悉的病症?老人大小便不禁?幻覺?肢體動作不協調..... 不 要拖花點小錢去驗血及早發現原因治疔可避免小孩終身遺憾?(請記住醫師是幫我們醫病?有時經驗不夠的醫生會疏忽誤診?我自己有過經騐(腎結石當胃病醫了十多年?)缺B12的談診病例有很多?有本英文書 It could be B12 ? 就是針對因缺乏B12衍生的疑難雜症而寫的?全世界都有許多醫生沒能治理的疑難雜症就是沒驗出身体缺了B12 ?而讓小孩老人終身遺憾?
I eat 4-5 best quality eggs per day, but the key is to not eat too much carbs... and the key is to find a good source of quality eggs. Great program㊗🈵🈵🈴🈴
@JohnBauman-h6d2 жыл бұрын
same here
@道-p2e2 жыл бұрын
@@JohnBauman-h6d I eat chunk of butter, drink olive oil... because I touch little traditional chinese rice flour stuff, my weight is pro to go down even with fatty stuffs of big dose... amazing how wrong the tradition was or it is due to no enough food to feed back then.
@blackpinkfan8806 Жыл бұрын
@道-p2e Жыл бұрын
@@blackpinkfan8806 Yes. I love eggs, easy and flexible. But do not eat too many egg's white, though your body can absorb and turn protein into carbs or fat, it is not ideal, but ton better than eating too much carbs, even natural ones like fruits.