The Menopause Weight Loss SECRET No One Talks About

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The Menopausal Runner

The Menopausal Runner

15 күн бұрын

Free Training For Women Over 45:
Discover the surprising truth behind menopausal weight gain - it's not just about hormones! Learn how lifestyle choices play a crucial role and uncover effective strategies to manage weight during menopause.

Пікірлер: 83
@lindaleyrer8647 6 күн бұрын
Intermittent fasting was the “magic bullet” for me! 20 hour fast with 4 hour healthy eating window. My friends are calling me “The Incredible Shrinking Woman”! I feel 20 years younger!
@dawnturitto8442 9 күн бұрын
I think one of the biggest is avoiding alcohol as much as possible. You just can't recover like you used to be able to in your earlier decades and it messes up your sleep.
@micheller999 8 күн бұрын
So true. I gave it up and it has made a big difference in sleep and weight.
@vintageprue8728 7 күн бұрын
@@micheller999 💯
@TreehouseLover 9 күн бұрын
No shortcuts. The older we get, the more consistent we have to be with nutrition, movement, sleep, stress reduction etc…being younger allows room for error but with age comes consistency for those same results.
@ChittarupaYoga 7 күн бұрын
Yes, need to keep working on things and living smart. ❤
@emmalee9747 9 күн бұрын
Basically I need to get off my butt, get in a calorie deficit and do some resistance training.
@raedog68 10 күн бұрын
I can’t run because of bad knees from 20 years of Irish Dance. But, I can walk, swim, and ride my bike! Not only good for the body, but the mind too. Thank you for this! Im 56 in July!
@ChittarupaYoga 7 күн бұрын
Yes, there are always alternatives to activities. It’s great we have so many options.
@MegaSamina786 5 күн бұрын
I worked out half year religiously without shedding any weight. Then I started walking and stopped workout I began to lose weight. I had too much cortisol in body, sometimes doing hiit doesn’t work with menopause
@janlefave3048 9 күн бұрын
I was in the best shape of my life at 50 to 55 ... then ... I had a uterine fibroid embolization which immediately threw me into menopause .. something I did not know might happen and did not see coming. It hit me like a rock. Just two days later I started getting hot flashes those lasted a little over 5 years! I was tired all of the time, gained weight and felt depressed most days. I was getting up to 50 hot flashes a day and I'd wake up soaken wet many nights where I'd have to change my pj's and have to wash my sheets the next day. It was a terrible terrible time. No one understood. Not my mother, not my sister, not my Doctor. That was the worst I think ... no support although I did have one and I'm so thankful to have a wonderful husband .. he was the only one who understood or I don't know how I would have gotten through it all. Now, I'm back at the gym, cycling, walking hiking and feel better at 68 than I ever did at 55 to 60.
@shirsmi5533 9 күн бұрын
I’m so sorry you had to go through this terrible time with hot flashes. May you continue to grow in health!!!!
@jeanc1696 7 күн бұрын
@BrassyBrunette 6 күн бұрын
Bio Identical Hormone Replacement I'm 58 yrs...about 2 yrs into menopause. I had HFs exactly like you described. It was AWFUL
@turquoisepeacock1010 2 күн бұрын
You are my hero!
@gwenjones1913 2 күн бұрын
Omg! I’ve been having hot flashes for over 10 yrs!! My primary doc gave me gabapentin-which actually works- but I recently discovered Gabapentin affects your memory-as in loss. And 2 other meds I’m taking. (Clonazepam and Tizanidine ) I’ve gained a FAST weight gain in less than a year -around 45lbs. It will not move! I only eat once a day, drink one coffee a day. I’m freaking miserable. I’ve lost a massive amount of lean muscle mass. I’m am at a loss. Like you, NO ONE gets it, or do they just not want to? Thank God for my husband. He supports me, but it’s not as if he can DO a lot about it. 😢🤷🏼‍♀️
@hmmm..2733 9 күн бұрын
Yay for resistance training! I started about a year and a half ago, (along with some cardio), and went low carb/high fat with my diet. I’m now 40 lbs lighter and feeling great! Best of all is no cravings.
@ChittarupaYoga 7 күн бұрын
Congratulations. You’re working on your health.
@es-hs9fd 9 күн бұрын
57 here! Daily open water swimming works for me. In the winter months the gym is my next best option. Exercise sure does help!
@curlierthanthou 6 күн бұрын
Admirable! How did you start with your open water swimming regimen?
@giannas1096 6 күн бұрын
Menopausal 61 year old here, never had a weight problem before but gained 18 kilos of menopausal weight. For the last 6 months I did intermittent fasting with an 8 hour eating window eating healthy foods. I walked every morning for 45 minutes and did free weights for 10 minutes 3 times per week. I have tried to get 8 hours sleep every night. I lost a total of 700 grams 😕 Went on an island holiday for one week, ate 3 meals per day, an occasional glass of wine. Gained 3 kilos 😕 Explain THAT to me.
@lisajackson8166 5 күн бұрын
This is me too…
@MadameX_ 9 күн бұрын
Menopause has definitely slowed me down, and I’m determined to stay fit snd healthy so that I can keep doing what I love. Thx for the encouragement.
@annieboerner8435 10 күн бұрын
Finally, someone talking sense on this topic! I SO appreciate your clear succinct and sane points made here. Wonderful information! I see you are a runner and I am not 😅 But I’d love to see/hear your take on a resistance training workout for women over 50. Thank you for this excellent video! 👏
@caliinthevalley24681 7 күн бұрын
This is really the best video I’ve seen on this topic. Thank you. 🙏🏽 No fluff. Just raw information. “Rules of weight loss do not change.” Truth! I spent too much time trying to blame menopause instead of doing what has always worked since the dawn of time.
@abundantlythreesixfive1263 8 күн бұрын
I’m Definately less active since Covid, so thank you for encouraging me to make some more moves.
@margaretbugeja3872 8 күн бұрын
Logging my food intake during the day has been a game changer to stay in a calorie deficit. Also logs all of my steps
@kristijanakristijanic 6 күн бұрын
Me too! ❤😊
@anneg7411 8 күн бұрын
Too much emphasis on calories, in my opinion. I haven't counted a single calorie, but managed to lose all of my menopausal weight gain (~20 lbs) by drastically reducing my carb intake (I still enjoy fruit, nuts, and other unprocessed carbs in moderation) and increasing my fat and protein intake. This means I'm not hungry all the time but still lost the weight by not spiking my insulin every time I eat. I eat very few refined carbs (maybe 1-2 times per month when eating out). I also started getting serious with lifting weights (dumbbells at home--nothing fancy), and in doing so have more than restored my muscle loss in the last year and a half of being very consistent. I felt like crap 2 years ago as I'd put on weight and lost muscle just doing yoga and running, which worked great through my late 30s and 40s. I also usually eat 2 meals per day and don't snack between meals, but with more fat and protein the meals are more satisfying for longer stretches, so it isn't hard. You just need to find what works for your body, but don't give up and don't worry about counting calories. We're not wood burning stoves, so "calories in, calories out" is not entirely accurate... It matters what those calories are made of when it comes to whether they'll be used for energy or stored as fat.
@vanessao.4402 8 күн бұрын
I just want to say, your comment is great & very motivating. I lost my post menopausal weight by doing IF. 20:4 but got such soreness after any training, probably from not eating enough protein amongst other things. I am trying to relax a bit & eat 2 meals a day concentrating on getting enough protein, fat & veggies, limiting wine consumption (my weakness 😮) because it really just screws up my sleep, mood, concentration, energy levels, just about everything really! Thanks again for sharing your experiences th 🙏
@caliinthevalley24681 7 күн бұрын
Well if your cutting your carbohydrate intake your cutting calories so “calories in versus out” is still at play
@marshak6459 7 күн бұрын
Good for yiu but I like carbs and they help my mood and sleep so I need something I can do for life
@Marie.b 7 күн бұрын
Yes "drastically" cutting carbs is the sure-fire way of lowering energy in because they contain a huge amount of energy. An average women apparently only needs about 1800 calories worth of energy and you could eat that with a bowl of pasta and a crusty slice of garlic bread, so yeah carbs are a great start for that reason alone and because you wouldn't be losing the "good" food that has all.the nutrients. Like proteins and fats
@seng9190 11 күн бұрын
So much useful information, thank you, I have subscribed straight away!
@tyna7997799 8 күн бұрын
Loved this conversation! Straight to the facts, thank you!
@sherrydance144 9 күн бұрын
This was really good! Thank you!
@maintainyoursanitywhenbein6660 10 күн бұрын
Thanks for succint, very informative, easy to understand … and most importantly easy to follow recommendations!!!
@siyandankundla-mgudlwa1888 9 күн бұрын
Excellent explanation. Thank you Shona
@SouthCarole 6 күн бұрын
So manu thanks for this enlightening info!!! 🙏🏻 My main issue is that after having been a sportive woman, now I can’t seem to have the time or the motivation to excercise. It is so frustrating to desire to go back to train but my body doesn’t want to cope! 🥺
@joycey4754 8 күн бұрын
So post menopausal women are doomed? Do we matter. I want my waistline back. I have always been fit. Now I am 65 In a couple of months I gained 20 pounds. On my waistline. Since I do not have the curvy body type my new pot belly shows in all my cloths. Any help out there??? It is getting worse. The more I do to stop it the bigger it gets. I have no health issues except now my back hurts because of my pot belly. And my feet hurt because of the extra weight.
@heidivanderlinde9549 8 күн бұрын
I am in exactly the same position. 62 and nothing I seem to do can shift the extra weight, around 16kg and most of it is around my waist! I feel doomed but not ready to give up yet. I have a cupboard full of beautiful clothes that I am not ready to throw out! 😭
@lisamessina5952 5 күн бұрын
I am 59. I started working out with a personal trainer. We have focused on strengthening my back (previous back injury/surgery), increasing muscle and bone density. My gym has a Styku scanner which gives accurate measurements of progress. I use the My fitness pal app for logging food, steps, and weight. I started on HRT. After several months, I had increased muscle mass and bone density, decreased inches, but lost only 10 lbs and still a huge pot belly with skinny legs. 3 months ago I started low dose Ozempic. Magic. My appetite is suppressed, so every bite has to count. I force myself to eat enough protein. Shakes to supplement the protein intake. At this point, I have lost 25 lbs, gained 15 lbs muscle and 5 lbs bone per the scanner. Lost a lot of inches and can finally start to see my shape coming back. I was told yesterday I had the top results at my gym this past month! I am very happy with this slow weight loss while improving my fitness. I thought the med was a cop out, but it has given me the jump start I needed.
@fenellacorden375 10 күн бұрын
You know what.. I have had so many issues with my weight for the last 5yrs because of symptoms of pain in my joints which has slowed me right down in exercise. Everytime I pick up weights or wish to do any resistance training my joints are like what the f.. are you doing … so painful the next day and then the day after and the day after that yes I end up doing sedentary exercise like walking which is just not shifting the weight and is just not funny anymore quite depressing as I have always been physically active.
@denisea.9033 6 күн бұрын
Look into carnivore or low carb, whole food animal based.
@erinsnook8537 7 күн бұрын
This is exactly what I have been thinking about: yes, hormone changes matter, but not to the extent that we’re led to believe depending upon other lifestyle factors.
@zoni36 4 күн бұрын
Adding basal metabolic expenditure, plus exercise expenditure - food calories (I write down everything I eat) = 2000 calorie deficit per day. I Shld be losing 3-4 lbs per week based on calories in/calories out. Yet I’m barely averaging 1lb per week. I eat only whole foods, no sugar, no alcohol. For me, there has got to be more to menopausal weight loss than what she is talking about.
@bethfraser7518 5 күн бұрын
managing blood glucose and thus insulin (fat storage hormone) is key to understanding your body's response and therefore losing fat. If you're constantly eating your insulin remains high and will store excess energy as fat. I eat very little that has a barcode, comes in a bag or box. Eating real, unprocessed food is a great start! Good luck everyone!
@StrideOrDie71 7 күн бұрын
I’ve been a runner for fifteen years, have strength strained the last six. I’m in super-late perimenopause (52) and haven’t had any weight issues, thank goodness. I did lose 45 pounds twenty years ago and have kept it all off. Belly’s a little poochy, but it doesn’t bug me too much. Running and the gym do SO MUCH for my mood and well-being. I get super cranky if I’m sick or injured and can’t work out. HRT is helping, too. LIFT HEAVY and move, move, move!
@AS-rk5zz 10 күн бұрын
I’ve always trained hard and ate great but menopause fatigue wiping me eat wrong and not treating at hard so not gaining wait because of menopause but because of symptoms
@rhondabaker7611 Күн бұрын
I just happened on this video. Good video! Do you have any videos on bioidentical hormones? thank you!
@jengenx7729 3 күн бұрын
Interesting! I’m 54 and not yet menopausal. I eat mostly keto/carnivore and this seemed to have done the trick (as well as regular walking) to keep the weight of so far but maybe that will change when I become menopausal (which I hope is very soon!)
@JennWatson 7 күн бұрын
Avoiding carbs, alcohol and UPF's helped me break through and lose weight!
@loribakergirl6438 5 күн бұрын
What are UPF’s?
@JennWatson 5 күн бұрын
@@loribakergirl6438 ultra processed foods
@virgoteaze 3 күн бұрын
Ultra processed food?
@sandragwyther8200 8 күн бұрын
I have a double whammy with excess weight. I had an undiagnosed tumor in my parathyroid gland with kidney stones over a few years prior to menopause and I lost alot of muscle from inactivity. Then when I had the surgery to remove the tumor I became menopausal and the pandemic hit with job loss and increased stress. I have 50lbs to lose and I am struggling so much to lose this plus I have osteoporosis thanks to the tumor. Very frustrating....
@clairelaskey5592 10 күн бұрын
What if you have severe Hashimoto hypothyroidism and menopause, and thyroid gland has disappeared. Then what?
@mariecurie7491 10 күн бұрын
You take thyroxine daily. I am 70 and have done so for 25 years. No problems post menopause. I swim, cycle, walk and do yoga. Avoid excessive sugar
@user-cr7en7cx2u 8 күн бұрын
That’s me. Always thin until my thyroid was removed at age 50. I gained 35 pounds eating very little. Now no matter how much thyroid medicine I take it doesn’t do a thing for weight loss. The only thing that works is intermittent fasting. All the time… very hard to do.
@kittyjenkins6750 7 күн бұрын
two words : intermittent fasting.
@theodora_pilates 7 күн бұрын
I'm in perimenopause I assume. I've been underweight all my life, got a diagnosis for osteopenia so I decided to start serious weight training every day. I weigh more now than before. And I don't eat a lot, just more than I was used to. What terrifies me is how tired I am when I'm not working out or being at work. I feel like my bmr has lowered because of that. Unless I'm exercising or working, I basically sit and rest. If I started running for example, I know I'd be exhausted to go to work plus it'd probably make me famished and eat way more that I normally do. At this point I don't even care about the weight gain, it's the constant exhaustion I'd love to deal with. Any tips? 🙏
@janedough6575 2 күн бұрын
We need a good balance of work and rest. Yin and yang. Many women are afraid to stop moving thinking they should be busy at all times, but this is terrible for the hormones.
@rdiemidio65 6 күн бұрын
Many woman are going through perimenopause in their late 30's and 40's. I feel hormones are definitely involved.
@marydenney8249 8 күн бұрын
For some of us over 70 and on HRT… we can have a caloric deficit, do resistance training/lifting and being quite often and still not lose weight…what can we do?
@denisea.9033 6 күн бұрын
Go low carb, whole food animal based.
@christinegreenwood4093 5 күн бұрын
Eat the right foods
@jeanc1696 7 күн бұрын
How many sessions a week and duration and intensity to lose weight? To keep cortisol low?
@Marie.b 7 күн бұрын
All I hear is 'resist'. That's the key!😊 I must resist the carbs, resist the natural urge to slow down, resist blaming any one thing, resist the stress and I must make my muscles resist too! That's it. It is down to one thing; RESIST. Now I'm stressed and I'm gonna overeat,pick on sweet treats, sit down and binge watch netflix feeling depressed because I haven't the will power or energy or strength for resistance, I'm too old so THANKS A BUNCH. 😂's a good message. Btw is from NZ ? I cannot resist saying it's plural, women, pronounced whim min, please stop ,it distracts me too much...
@jasminewhatchawaitingfor 3 күн бұрын
Great video but why do they keep saying each other's name at the start of every sentence??
@Marie.b 7 күн бұрын
The title! Hardly a secret!
@denisea.9033 6 күн бұрын
People are still believing the calories in/calories out, move more/eat less thing? How’s that worked out for us?
@jeanc1696 7 күн бұрын
If the South African accent is missed ---- listen for the hadidas. Hello from Europe
@KarenWilliams-hk4ee 6 күн бұрын
😂 post menopause is so much better!
@yrevet 4 күн бұрын
...and insulin resistance for sure 😢
@lilianbakker-si5qp 2 күн бұрын
Carnivore and intermitting fasting
@allywolf9182 16 сағат бұрын
So figure out how to get rid of that high forehead male pattern baldness creep both of us have going?????
@lilianbakker-si5qp 2 күн бұрын
Environment stress
@nancywright7611 8 күн бұрын
Yea. Menopause NEVER causes weight gain unless you strength train and do light cardio. Work out with weights and don't overeat!
@findways9762 11 күн бұрын
@eszterhorvath2599 Күн бұрын
So these calorie out is debunked, see dr Robert Lustig, so all the other stuff you tell here can be false too.
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