This Nijisanji Situation is Horrible...

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Awful Nijisanji Situation:
Hololive ENigmatic Recollection:
if you read this, comment "Khyo is a fluffy rabbit"
#vtuber #nijisanji #nijisanjien

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@gamershadow8 23 күн бұрын
dang..what a way to blacklist yourself from the entire sound engineering world
@EndoftheBeginning17 23 күн бұрын
More like job market, if Niji has enough evidence to sue YAb and file the criminal charges as well. he'll be lucky to work again sweeping streets
@superitgel1 23 күн бұрын
they are quick to blame the sound engineer and ruin his life to save face... Just like they blamed and tried to ruin many of their livers with long list of infractions
@chaudspieler 23 күн бұрын
@@superitgel1 Makes me wonder if Riku was the one who paid YAB to do it to distract us from how terrible of a company he's running? I hate to be that guy but I wouldn't put it past Kurosanji to pull something like that! This may appear to be a Kurosanji W but....I got a feeling the staff is also behind this!
@enderguz3213 23 күн бұрын
​@@chaudspieler Lets not make conspiracy theories. If they are involved it will probably come out and if they are not being shit heads for once thats good.
@blackpepper2610 23 күн бұрын
@@enderguz3213but i need to create narrative to further our agenda!
@Darkja 23 күн бұрын
Since the use of drugs in Japan is a thing the goverment really cracks down hard on, the use of the word "aphrodisiac" might be just a way to cover his ass (the person in question, YAB) instead of calling it what it really was (when sharing it with others) in the chat for example. So yeah, when he says he is spiking a drink with and "aphrodisiac"... you know exactly what it was in reality and for what.
@TehFishey 23 күн бұрын
Yeah, medically speaking there's no such thing as an "aphrodisiac" that isn't either (a) a placebo or (b) simply inducing an altered state of consciousness. The former isn't something you can spike a drink with, and the latter is... well, that's just drugging someone.
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
Why would they want to cover his ass? Ignore the aphrodisiac and what he did was already illegal. They would have cut ties with him anyway, and his reputation would be down the drain anyway. So what good would it do to cover this one bit, if everything else is just as bad?
@Darkja 23 күн бұрын
@@christophsiebert1213 No, you missunderstand me, HE (YAB, the perpetrator) is covering his own ass by calling it "aphrodisiac" on texts when sharing them to other people. He says he is spiking stuff with "aphrodisiacs" instead of drugs (i edited the comment, trying to make it clearer)
@antonioscendrategattico2302 23 күн бұрын
@@Darkja Mostly because aphrodisiacs don't work the way hentai would have you believe. It's likely this bastard had drugged some poor girl.
@kyle2455 23 күн бұрын
This kind of gets tricky though, iirc there are drugs that have a "aphrodisiac" like effect, without causing a person to go night night. So idk if comparing it to Cosby helpers is wholely accurate either. Regardless of which he is referring too, the goal remains the same. (i had to put in the cosby ref im sorry).
@Velisatra 23 күн бұрын
The situation should've never happened but it's a rare Niji W terminating the contract, suing the guy, and pursuing criminal charges.
@renectonr.6723 23 күн бұрын
But as @juances pointed out: They have this all ready in less then 24 Hours, meaning they know from this for quite some time know, but either didn't know the Scale of the Scandal or they didn't care as long as the public did not know from this. So still a L for them I would say.
@megarotom1590 23 күн бұрын
@@renectonr.6723and as a reply to it mentions, that information or at least some of it has been around longer than 24 hours … also it’s probably not actually that hard to figure out what manager is leaking the pictures when one manager handles like 5 vtubers Though the fact this even happened to begin with is a Niji L
@livingglowstick1337 23 күн бұрын
@@renectonr.6723 or they where given the information by the whistleblower before hand before they went public like normal
@Gilsao157 23 күн бұрын
They probably contacted KoreKore behind the scenes and entered in an agreement so they could provide a fast response and avoid contact with the perpetrator. In the JP side although fans initially tend to defend the corpos they are more volatile and could rapidly turn on Niji. Lastly, NijiJP is much more competent than NijiEN (lower bar, I know), they have talents that can compete with Holo and they can retain these talents .
@bc-cu4on 23 күн бұрын
That's not only normal, but also the only way they can keep operating. No talents would work for a corp that lets this sort of thing go unpunished.
@IntegratedPaper 23 күн бұрын
Ain't no WAY he's named "Mr. Yab" lol
@jimmytsunami5275 23 күн бұрын
Fubuki-chan: Y A B E
@admiralandy1983 23 күн бұрын
So he was an A and an I away from being Mr. Dangerous/Mr. Awful?
@TheAdmiral14 23 күн бұрын
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
@daner8878 23 күн бұрын
Mr. Yaboo
@ed_cmntonly 23 күн бұрын
if Mr Yab posts a massive shytty defense thread can it be called him just "yabbing"
@ryojimata3708 23 күн бұрын
Yab just wrecked his career. Guys last braincells that helped him do his work must have left the building.
@juances 23 күн бұрын
So apparently Nijisanji had no idea this was happening but like a few minutes after the stream they already conducted an investigation and tracked down everything? Seems more like they were waiting to see how much was going to be revealed before making a statement and they already had this information for a while...
@signumxmagnum 23 күн бұрын
Yeah, I wonder why they didn't do a preventive action..
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
Kore Kore already revealed information on this case days prior. It's very likely they already started investigations there, especially since it involved them already. It wouldn't be too hard to believe, that they then timed their statement with Kore Kore's stream, so people can come directly from his stream and see the reaction of Niji. This is simply business practice. I'm definitely no fan of Niji for what happens since the beginning of this year, but this is just not a Niji L or some secretive plot happening. You guys really have to dial back your mistrust.
@Cheantry 23 күн бұрын
Such a case does not belong to public, niji keeping this a secret, war's the right thing to do, after it go disallowed they had to make a statement. We're talking about sexual assault and doxxing it's the right thing to clear things like this a way from public, for the victims.
@signumxmagnum 23 күн бұрын
@@christophsiebert1213 So you are saying, Niji purposely waiting for it and then acted?
@kyle2455 23 күн бұрын
Its also possible that, during said stream, once they learned names, they had people pull up records, true or false, get rid of him etc etc. Its not like they ONLY start investigating AFTER the stream is done. Plus someone else brought up the point that, they had a heads up of the stream, and even had some photos (blurred but for them easy enough to identify who). So the investigation likely happened prior to the stream. And the stream just helped aim them in areas they may have missed prior. Furthermore, its an issue that pertains to privacy of individuals employed by Niji, if they went out and released everything, they would run the risk of backlash for that, and only released the information AFTER it became public knowledge by others. Still not great to confirm the rumor/dox, but its not as bad if someone else opened that lid first. Damned if you do, Damned if you dont. I cant really blame Niji in this situation all that much. Unless they knew the person was doxing people, but did nothing about it until it became an issue, but so far the evidence doesn't point to that. Yet, idk what else is in the works, could be more, or not. Time will tell.
@SadKrozo 23 күн бұрын
dude had his "clients" come to this "home studio" to "record"
@marisarisa25 23 күн бұрын
One thing about the aphrodisiac that wasn’t mentioned in this video is that it was listed on the website of the Japanese ministry of health, labour and welfare as being potentially dangerous for humans to ingest
@greyflotsam7452 23 күн бұрын
I thought there was no such thing as real aphrodisiacs. What is it supposed to have not been?
@michaelbooster2 23 күн бұрын
​@@greyflotsam7452 yeah, it doesn't exist. It's probably just a way to hide its true meaning to make it look less harmful or could be to reveal his "proud" work and true intention for spiking the drink (you know what i mean). What it really is, is probably a "drug" that usually used by a person with bad intention to spike a drink.
@HyattHyatt3179 23 күн бұрын
@@greyflotsam7452 apparently it's something like viagra for women. The problem is that the reported wanted effects have been minimal, getting people to feel more like they have a fever than being h*rny. It's also made a lot of people sick (vomiting, vertigo, etc), which is why it's labeled as hazardous for consumption.
@hoppy8008 23 күн бұрын
Moral of the story: Screen your 3rd party partners, stop this desperation hiring, or you get people like YAB. Also, there have been a lot of creative and technical staff such as composers and sound engineers being exposed for mega sketch actions like this in the past 2 years, sounds like that side of the industry needs to be cleaned up badly like years ago badly.
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
This is simply bias and hindsight. YAB seemed to be very well-known and experienced in the industry to various companies. Not to mention, it took a whistleblower for this to come up. So how exactly were the companies supposed to screen him for something that was obviously well hidden? And also not to mention that you wouldn't think that he would risk his career for something stupid like this.
@Cheantry 23 күн бұрын
I'm not sure how much screen helps, but the rest I agree. A lot of times accusations comes all at once.
@EndoftheBeginning17 23 күн бұрын
A lot of people get into that field and some just happen to be bad people that are good at their craft, but are bad people in general.
@MinkxiTes 23 күн бұрын
​@@christophsiebert1213 since it is Japan and the entertainment industry, I wouldn't be surprised they kind of knew and didn't care that much that he is a predator.
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
@@MinkxiTes Those are just assumptions though. You just can't know that.
@shinju112 23 күн бұрын
Trule the rainbow ride never ends, PARROT TO THE NIJI MINES YOU GO!!!
@TheVtuberRevolutionary 23 күн бұрын
For your information, Parrot is Latino, he is Colombian, and remember that English speaking people do not like Latinos.
@fuqnzht 23 күн бұрын
Parrot in a straitjacket: CURSE YOU KUROSANJI!!!
@sbatou87 23 күн бұрын
You know what they say about a broken clock, and this may be one of the few times Niji has done something right.
@superitgel1 23 күн бұрын
something right? it's what they do everytime. sue and blame others to save face. they blamed and tried to sue many of their livers to save face. i wouldn't be so sure that they are "right" in trying to ruin the career of a sound engineer. you have to consider why did the engineer do it? maybe it's because everyone does it in niji. everyone does gossip and badmouth each other. maybe it is their culture.
@kyuven 23 күн бұрын
I guess "bare minimum" can be considered "right"
@MauseDays 23 күн бұрын
nothing is good about niji they are criminals. working there is willfuly working for criminals.
@LibraritheWizardOfficial 23 күн бұрын
​@@superitgel1 "Everyone" is spiking drinks with aphrodisiac known to be harmful for human ingestion? Come on, now.
@ruuferu 23 күн бұрын
​@@superitgel1 wth are you talking about... The victims of YAB are not only from Nijisanji, learn again in analyzing the news. You hate Nijisanji too much. In fact, the one who is most wrong here is the engineer it's no wonder he got a bad reputation.. you're weird...
@jimmytsunami5275 23 күн бұрын
Korekore went from the Japanese Keemstar to the Japanese DogPack404
@bobbywhite5319 23 күн бұрын
Nah this is like a limited time power up, before he downgrades back into Japanese Keemstar
@kyle2455 23 күн бұрын
Just with out a very rich man out to find anything possible to sue him for openly (undetermined if Niji would want to go after korekore or not, i would hope not but corpo, never know wtf is going to happen).
@jimmytsunami5275 23 күн бұрын
@@bobbywhite5319 😂😂😂
@Atmatan 23 күн бұрын
Enigmatic Recollection has been a banger of a series. The Minecraft world is so well made, I gotta imagine yagoo paid a lot of money for it. This is what the future of multimedia content looks like.
@Atmatan 23 күн бұрын
Dunno about you guys but I'm all about the Green Gambler Amber Wands.
@EndoftheBeginning17 23 күн бұрын
There's also a playlist of animations after the trailer. The first one is Calli's and her choice to NOT reap sould but emotions instead (higher returns)
@ZeptoZeno 23 күн бұрын
It was very impressive and must have taken forever to build. Watching the adventures of Gura, Fauna, and Ceci from Goomba's perspective was super fun.
@guillermogerrycabrera7625 23 күн бұрын
Im on bibo- beejoe pov and the up and downs and rp is funny as heck lmaooo
@wilpalkia 23 күн бұрын
@@ZeptoZenoI would think the builder had assistants to help him with the world but still would take months to almost a year to make, I don’t think just one builder was able to make the whole world/server
@DolFunDolhpinVtuber 23 күн бұрын
Pretty disgusting behaviour.
@NeuronActivation 23 күн бұрын
"Wake up babe! There's more Nijisanji drama!" Everyone: (s n o r e)
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
It's not Niji drama, it's just some external musician.
@gladewings1192 23 күн бұрын
I think its the opposite "Wake up babe! There's more Niji-" Everyone: (insert genos standing meme)
@BrandonWhatTheF 23 күн бұрын
Shoutouts to NijiSanji for ruining their own company in order to provide our favourite news youtubers with topics to cover
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
But this video is not about Niji ruining themselves. If anything, this is a rare W by them, pursuing justice.
@kyle2455 23 күн бұрын
@@christophsiebert1213 Just someone trying to farm likes based on the general hate for Niji. I hate them as much as the next person but i dont like fabricating hatred, they do enough on their own there is no need to make stuff up.
@nattomakki784 23 күн бұрын
​@@christophsiebert1213well its still security breach on their site.
@temi97 23 күн бұрын
Did bro watch the video???
@ArcanistShion 23 күн бұрын
He didn’t watch the video lol
@redbeeans 23 күн бұрын
wake up guys new niji drama! everyone: 🙄 whatever they actually had a rare W this time everyone: 🤯😲 on a serious note, i really do hope the liver in question is doing okay after this incident. No one deserves to go through this and it’s amazing that Niji took it seriously. well wishes for them ❤
@orbitalvagabond7371 23 күн бұрын
Note that the whistleblower decided to take the information public. You should question why they decided it was necessary to do that. Did Anycolor have an adequate internal response when it was reported just to them? Edit: Later reporting says that the whistleblower considered reporting to individual companies directly as impractical. It's possible that they didn't contact Anycolor substantially before the public disclosure.
@redbeeans 23 күн бұрын
@@orbitalvagabond7371 didn’t think of that. makes sense tho, now i’m on the fence about the decision niji made, but at least in the end they terminated him anyway. just so he doesn’t do it to anyone else in niji. fingers crossed he doesn’t go off and find another target tho.
@87axal 23 күн бұрын
They did the absolute bare minimum to cover their own asses. They did NOTHING for months. It is not a "Niji W", stop beeing so uncritical.
@redbeeans 23 күн бұрын
@@87axal i’m not talking about the overall situation. i’m talking about the fact that they still, dispute possible reluctance, took action against the person who took the photos. i know niji is a shit company, im not defending them. even though they more than likely didn’t care about what was happening, the fact still stands that the guy who did it can’t do it again. period. that is what i said was a “W”
@orbitalvagabond7371 22 күн бұрын
@@redbeeans With more reporting, it now seems possible that the whistleblower did not contact anycolor first.
@admiralandy1983 23 күн бұрын
Maybe I misheard but it sounded like from what you were saying Anycolor would be striking down anyone sharing Japanese Keemstar’s Tweet?
@EndoftheBeginning17 23 күн бұрын
They want to protect the identity of the individual and Korekore is basically leaking a face of a talent, so yeah it should be deleted by as many as possible
@admiralandy1983 23 күн бұрын
@@EndoftheBeginning17 even if you cannot see their face, even if the people talking about the Tweet have taken extra steps to protect their identities it’s still fine for them to be targeted?
@ruuferu 23 күн бұрын
i'm really disappointed with some hololive fans who focus on blaming Nijisanji/Anycolor instead of blaming YAB and the victim's feelings.
@monkeydluffy5054 23 күн бұрын
Every situation with them always keeps getting worse
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
As I replied to many here already: Peeps, stop making up some random conspiracy that Niji might have known this for ages or wants to cover this up. This is all nonsense. If they wanted to cover this up, they obviously wouldn't post that lengthy notice with legal steps they'll take. Especially in Japan this is rigorously punished. There is also no indication Niji knew of this before KoreKore's whistleblower tweets. You all just assume "Niji drama", because they happen to employ this fellow, as he was employed by many other companies in the industry. YAB was well-known, he had a good reputation. Everyone who says that Niji should have known or do some more background checks, you're delusional and just want this to be Niji's fault somehow. Take your L and accept that Niji had a rare moment of not being shit this year. Simple as that, not more to it. Grow up and overcome your bias. This is also why I condemn this stupid video title. It's sad to see this absolute clown fest of a title just to get views on the negative bias towards Nijisanji. Disgusting. At least in the past, if Niji was put in the title it really was something they did wrong or that directly effected them by what they did. But in this case, there is nothing. Just hate farm.
@Veep989 23 күн бұрын
You're talking into the wind Im afraid. I hate that serious topics like this one is being boiled down to "Niji L, Niji W" with the obvious bait/like farmers. Im 90% sure Niji had the common sense to do a background check on their freelancers, but realistically its prob not some detective level checking like what cops do because of his reputable connections. And that goes for the whole of the Japanese entertainment industry.
@professorpenne9962 23 күн бұрын
let's say you hire a plumber, and they have a great track record on paper. nothing but good experiences with the plumber, until you find out some of your boxers are missing or something. that sums up this dude.
@professorpenne9962 23 күн бұрын
the company who hired the plumber shouldn't be blamed, it's the plumber.
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
@@Veep989 Most background checks are just a surface level check on their public profiles and previous work experience and reviews. Of course there will be no detective work or private investigators. This is not only expensive but also non-sensical. As I already wrote, YAB had a very good reputation and track record with his work, which is why he was hired by so many. And the "background check" by Niji was probably just that: Good reviews, good portfolio, was hired by other bigger companies for work. So yh, totally agree. Boiling it down to Niji W or L is not good. We always have to see every situation in relation to the events. This time around, Niji acted as someone would expect from a responsible and accountable cmpany. This is clearly a W. Not a grey area, mixed bag, or some L. They just acted right this time. And we can and should acknowledge that. Doesn't mean we suddenly have to forgive half a year of shit from them.
@Absbor 23 күн бұрын
no wonder so many graduated with such a creep around
@EndoftheBeginning17 23 күн бұрын
Nah, he's a subcontractor and the talents didn't actually know he was taking photos. The graduate because the management talks down to them (little kids trying to exert dominance because they don't know what to do to help) - Yagoo doesn't hire students to be managers,, they're all adults well paid and most likely have their own small KZbin channel so they know how KZbin operates.
@MinkxiTes 23 күн бұрын
​@@EndoftheBeginning17 would it really be such a surprise if there were more predators around niji and contractors? The entertainment industry is riddled with them and there were so enough reports from other agency livers about something like it. And than take in consideration that niji is japanese. They don't take any s-crime seriously in most cases and victim blame, so no wonder livers there wouldn't mention it and use different reasons.
@Impostor39890 23 күн бұрын
@@MinkxiTes It wouldn't be a surprise at all, even Holo had such issues with their ex-managers.
@roberthohman4637 23 күн бұрын
At least for once they're actually getting their butts in gear very quick for good reason. Also chances are the guy in question is about to find himself with jail time, and if he ever gets out, a real lack of a job since it'll be on his criminal record, and something like that is VERY hard to remove
@事実陳列罪 23 күн бұрын
Those in Japan music industry are a bunch of weird people.
@Cheantry 23 күн бұрын
It's crazy how the most comments don't understand the situation and had on niji no matter why. I'm not a fan of my self, but in this situation they didn't do anything wrong. For the first time I'm happy that niji is there because they're having the finance power to fuck up that guy.
@EndoftheBeginning17 23 күн бұрын
A lot of people actually don't pay attention or are illitrate enough to not understand properly.
@fajarputras3300 23 күн бұрын
Same here, I don't even like Niji but credit where credit is due. If anything, I hope Holo can learn from this case and make sure any 3rd party they hire does not cross the line like this scumbag.
@Konpikopon 23 күн бұрын
They didn't, they just suck at doing background checks on the people they hire. I mean they did hire Shindo Raito where if they just checked his social media you'd know he's not good for the company
@WhiteCresentKnight 23 күн бұрын
Nini enabled him by being negligent and only acted after he had already committed MULTPLE crimes
@selenang2006 23 күн бұрын
​@@fajarputras3300No other agency will f up like niji did, staff or third party whatever. Yagoo runs a tight ship and so does vspo. If there is anything to learn, it would be niji focusing on their current talents rather than sprouting new ones every couple months.
@ezkhel 23 күн бұрын
4:54 "In order to protect the physical and mental wellbeing of the livers..." LMAO!
@UncensoredScion 23 күн бұрын
oh god KS and their never ending drama. this is insane.
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
It's not Niji drama.
@UncensoredScion 23 күн бұрын
@@christophsiebert1213 I'd argue that this had to be revealed by a 3rd party gives argument to the lax qualities of the company's relation with their talent but that's just my view on the subject.
@yuwacoco 23 күн бұрын
WHY IS EVERYONE A SEXUAL PREDATOR DUDE WTF i hope the people affected are okay :(
@YourTypicalMental 23 күн бұрын
Nijisanji: "we will do everything in our power to protect our talents, including pressing criminal charges." Us: "oh wow, Niji is actually being the good guy here." Also Nijisanji: "We demand everyone who reported this erase every mention of this or our lawyers boot will go so far up their ass they'll need a surgeon to remove it" Us: "aaaaaand we're back to normal"
@MidoriShibuya 23 күн бұрын
Yeah I genuinely don't care if they try and remedy their own situation, they're still massively at fault for not launching thorough background checks and stuff.
@TQTear 23 күн бұрын
You can do a background check yourself, the guy is definitely not a nobody since he worked with people like TM Revolution, AKB and even Fairy Tail.
@PersiAndLeo 23 күн бұрын
I mean, this is similar to like a spy from one country sneaking into another posing as a citizen of the other country, doing a bunch of good work for them, and then being found out to have been selling secrets of that country to their original country. Yeah sure, they could have done more research, but this individual had already done so much good work for so many others, how the hell are they supposed to expect that this individual would be THIS nefarious??? - Leo
@livingglowstick1337 23 күн бұрын
They arnt mind reads. What are you on about
@Tunnelsnakes 23 күн бұрын
Let me ask you then: how would you do a background check for a person like this, not knowing before they would do something like this, as this behavior unlike what is reflected by their work portfolio, with a formerly good reputation on notable works and collaborations with other famous groups?
@deeznaats8857 23 күн бұрын
I agree with you. The fact that its true Niji would hire college students for low wages, means they get less professional staff who would want to earn some clout by doxxing their fellow colleagues. Niji fault really for giving out the low pay.
@ZeptoZeno 23 күн бұрын
Being called Mr YAB is fitting in so many ways
@UncensoredScion 23 күн бұрын
Is Khyo pronouncing "Cerulean" "Ker-ool-ian" ? It's "Sir-Rule-Ee-Ahn."
@Khyo 23 күн бұрын
Yes because I am dumb 🫡
@sbatou87 23 күн бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if they named something "cerulean", but had a "crazy pronunciation" moment, making the first consonant a hard-c.
@CapSora 23 күн бұрын
@@Khyo You're not dumb, you're learning ✨
@johnle4091 23 күн бұрын
Nijisisters claiming that the company is the victim, but Nijisanji hired this person back then since they don't have their own in-house audio work.
@tridungta9151 23 күн бұрын
So um maybe because my bad english but I don’t understand what in your point is that niji faults😅. Like the only thing I can see that niji as fault is not check up or take care their employees better because anyone like YAB can happen in any company and he have worked with multiple agencies before.
@elektra8535 23 күн бұрын
But in this yeah they are the victim
@braxat52 23 күн бұрын
@@tridungta9151 Yeah, you are right. For as shitty as Niji is, this one time in particular they are not the ones at fault. It is one individual in particular that with some luck with end in jail sooner than later.
@repetitivefunction 23 күн бұрын
i kinda agree with the other person replying. how does it make sense that if they just threw more money at the issue, there would be no bad people hired? I think unless anyone can prove nijisanji knew about this, then it's just a bad controversy, not another item on the kurosanji list. like they should have their own sound studio, but this guy was trusted! You saw, he made close to 400 songs for people! that's about as good of resume material as one can have! I don't think this is a nijisanji issue unless this guy had a known reputation of being a creep, y'know?
@kikirzqi9201 23 күн бұрын
@@repetitivefunction this is just my opinion but i think its still bad take for nijisanji. i got your point but nijisanji respond to not take any responsibility and only blame to that guy is bad. lets compare to mel hololive incident when her manager stalk and harras mel. hololive take full responsibility and change all talent manager to female and the incident is brought by hololive itself not third party like korekore. this is just seen that the nijisanji victim dont trust nijisinji system and decide to leak to third party
@keisuke908 23 күн бұрын
@turn1ng_p1nt95 23 күн бұрын
first 2 days of enigmatic recollection Day 1: Isekai, Intro, Powers, Calli dungeon Day2: Scam guild, Marriage ark for some of the talents, Revolution plans, Gura dungeon
@Ranben. 23 күн бұрын
Another sad part about this is that a lot of websites in Japan that would question Nijisanji business methods will be targeted by them under the flag of "making the livers safe" and not enough people will question it.
@AstronScion 23 күн бұрын
A Nijisanji W. Rare
@FriedIce3 23 күн бұрын
I have nothing else to say, i guess I'll say hi Khyo I hope you have a good day
@Aquas1998 23 күн бұрын
I found out later that one of the EN Livers, Scarle is going to Japan in a few days with select members of her family, including her siblings. This is extremely dangerous for her if she does so, but is more dangerous for her family to be doxxed. She seems semi-aware of the conditions, but she’s trusted her own manager to ensure her time will be safe. Still, it’s not guaranteed.
@EndoftheBeginning17 23 күн бұрын
Family should be fine, the family is obviously going there for a vacation. Scarle probably is too, may go to the office but they're more likely to go to DisneySea or Disneyland Tokyo than anything else.
@TMS-Oddbot 23 күн бұрын
It sounds like she’s safe, because the perpetrator has been removed.
@pgf2940 23 күн бұрын
why is it dangerous?
@BlueLoveYT 23 күн бұрын
Typical Nijisanji can’t stay out of controversy
@TheVtuberRevolutionary 23 күн бұрын
Look, it's that guy again who threw sh** at Elira and told her to f-herself, stop supporting Nijisanji forever and join the side of Hololive and other agencies worth supporting.
@yungvenuz9419 23 күн бұрын
​@@TheVtuberRevolutionarycry about it nijisister 😛😛
@date5960 23 күн бұрын
​@@TheVtuberRevolutionary Here's a bucket. Cry as much as you want.
@Ubertrollz69420 23 күн бұрын
@@TheVtuberRevolutionaryHolo, Phase, and Vshojo on top sister
@hance6681 23 күн бұрын
Wow... Kurosanji actually "protects" the physical and mental wellbeing of their liver.
@Eins3467 23 күн бұрын
Yeah, they're very good at "protecting" talents (if you could even call that protecting lol). Wait for people like Korekore to do expose before acting up to the last minute. Yup protection!
@keisuke908 23 күн бұрын
Also hello, Khyo.🙂
@Khyo 23 күн бұрын
Hello there
@keisuke908 23 күн бұрын
@@Khyo 🙂
@lamdang2875 23 күн бұрын
niji: so a long time collaborator and freelancer we hired is a creep who spied on our talents and assaulted one under our watch. also we never figured it out for years until a drama ytuber exposed the guy. oops holo: happy happy happy
@livingglowstick1337 23 күн бұрын
The guy was only found out because the info was leaked no one knew until recently
@orbitalvagabond7371 23 күн бұрын
​@@livingglowstick1337 Wouldn't you assume the whistleblower tried to reach Anycolor first, though?
@livingglowstick1337 23 күн бұрын
@@orbitalvagabond7371 the whistleblower never said they did. But niji literally made the statement just after the whistleblowers stream exposing it. Maybe actually inform yourself
@oro88 23 күн бұрын
@@livingglowstick1337 because Kore conntacted them? @lamdang2875 this guy worked with Holo as well btw.
@dcd3lt4 23 күн бұрын
​@@livingglowstick1337Maybe a whistleblower wouldn't be neccesary if the victim sees Anycolor/Niji as trustworthy and protective enough to actually deal with The Yab. Anycolor/Niji is more protective of themselves than their organs.
@starryskies01 23 күн бұрын
With all this drama I think Khyo and some others are just tired of explaining stuff atp. There are so many Niji videos that I probably can’t count them all on my fingers (I only have ten fingers.)
@TMS-Oddbot 23 күн бұрын
Oh no I wonder what videos were privated! It’s sad vtubers’ work has to go down the drain because it was tainted by Mr. YABai
@Not_Sub000 23 күн бұрын
Niji continues to Suprise me
@deathdrone6988 23 күн бұрын
More like unsurprise us
@starryskies01 23 күн бұрын
Atp I’m not even surprised anymore since they keep fucking up their own shit.
@piedra7040 23 күн бұрын
Surprise? not really, i always expect something even more vile everytime from Niji, and they always delivered.
@redshirtman1907 23 күн бұрын
Saw the title on this video and was thinking "which one is he on about?"
@fluffycakes5898 18 күн бұрын
YAB would've thrived at the burning sun it seems 💀
@dylives7667 23 күн бұрын
The Nijisanji situation keeps getting crazier.
@Sunnydoll414 23 күн бұрын
Let’s just hope that he hasn’t been doing this kind of stuff for akb48 and nogizaka and sakurazaka 46 cause apparently this creep works with them too as a sound (technician engineer I don’t remember what you said he was) if this is true it’s awful and I hope these people affected are doing ok
@MauseDays 23 күн бұрын
so guys going to prison right? This is not just going to be let go
@ryanmoore4920 23 күн бұрын
Dude was Cosbying people, seriously? The inside world of vtubers is fking dark.
@l7986 23 күн бұрын
If it ever got out that it's anything like the shady behind the scenes world of KPOP I would not be surprised in the least.
@jrtime228 23 күн бұрын
Imagine being so oblivious to the issues within your own company. I guess it's true. When you get to focused on the horizon, you dont see the hole at your feet.
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
It was a 3rd party musician. How exactly were they supposed to know this is going on? It only affected one liver (apparently) who may not have reported it. And YAB was engaged with multiple companies that also didn't do anything before this was brought up by a whistleblower. What was Niji supposed to do? Look into the future and just know this guy was bad news? The negative bias shouldn't cloud our judgement here. There is nothing Niji could have done to prevent this. It could have happened in any other VTuber agency YAB was engaged with and it happened to be brought up th Niji, which sucks, but they took decisive steps.
@orbitalvagabond7371 23 күн бұрын
​@@christophsiebert1213 Why did a whistleblower decide to go to korekore instead of anycolor themselves? Or if they did go to anycolor, then why did they continue to make it public?
@WhiteCresentKnight 23 күн бұрын
@@christophsiebert1213after the incident was leaked, they acted AFTER IT WAS LEAKED
@cookie1271 23 күн бұрын
@@WhiteCresentKnight nah it's most likely that they knew about this situation beforhand and acted way before the whistleblower leak. This guy has stopped working for Niji few years ago and some of the talents has came out and said they couldn't work with Yab anymore way before the leak. We are talking about sexual assault, one of the victim being underage. They should've never disclosed the issue in the first place to protect the victim's privacy.
@HyattHyatt3179 23 күн бұрын
@@christophsiebert1213 it affected multiple livers. One of them being Gundo Mirei who quit, and Mugi Lenaga, those are the two "confirmed" cases of being spiked. There may be more, and there's also the people in the pictures. We also know from Gundo that he talked sh*t about a lot of her at the time coworkers and trashed their vocals. So it's not just one liver, and even if it had been that would have been bad enough. It obviously isn't Niji's fault if they didn't know, and it's good that they're taking action once they do know. It's also possible that they were already working on it and didn't want to make it public due to the talents privacy, safety, and comfort. Of course you could be cynical and say that they only kept it private to save face, but either way it's not their fault
@diaquallo 23 күн бұрын
I’m going to take a nap
@jaredvilla4642 23 күн бұрын
you need to wake up
@TotalNoob86 23 күн бұрын
Tell us how's the nap when you wake up.
@YayaJiwa 22 күн бұрын
@wat6440 19 күн бұрын
Finally their 1mil dollar lawyer has its use for the good cause, not the other one.
@87axal 23 күн бұрын
You know it's serious when Nijisanji actually does something. Wouldn't call it a W for them though. Stuff like that can only happen so many times within a company before you can't call it unfortunate coincidences any more, and we're way past that point. They really need to start to look into the people they're about to hire better and stop hiring problematic people. Nijisanji is notorious for beeing full of abusers, grifters, stalkers, etc.
@claracatlady9844 23 күн бұрын
I mean… as bad as Niji is to their credit this was a swift and appropriate response. Which doesn’t excuse it being allowed to happen in the first place
@warpstarrogue3554 23 күн бұрын
Hey look, they did something right. A singular thing right.... when they have 10 dozen plus wrongs, but something good nonetheless. Seriously though, wtf man, that's just effed up...
@signumxmagnum 23 күн бұрын
I don't know about that.. I mean, they could take a preventive action.. Like it's not like it was spreading suddenly, kore2 notified people about it, they could talk to him and in one of the other stopped him from publishing it, and make the statement earlier before kore2 stream.
@pinguwingu7690 23 күн бұрын
@@signumxmagnum Well we don’t really know how it went behind the scenes right? I mean did kore2 even contact Nijisanji after getting this information?
@signumxmagnum 23 күн бұрын
@@pinguwingu7690 Kore2 literally tweet it a few days before that he had a news about this, unless all of Nijisanji never check their twitter or have any contact with anyone, then I doubt they don't know it.
@spicepirate 23 күн бұрын
did someone at AnyColor management got replaced? cuz that statement sounds professional unlike everything we have seen before
@ProvectusNova 23 күн бұрын
Rare Nijisanji W
@thewatcher1129 23 күн бұрын
Just another day in niji 😅
@dewaeryadi7776 23 күн бұрын
Dude working with lots of idol group its disgusting af, people like this is why iam glad with japan unforgiving cancel culture
@irfanalfian8164 23 күн бұрын
Ok...other than Ninisanji, who else has this guy worked with? Just to know how popular this guy is and his potential victim pool...
@AgentAsteriski 23 күн бұрын
Someone up the comments mentioned AKB, which is pretty horrifying when you think about how the entire point of the 48 groups is *lots of cute girls*.
@vikkstardoom2950 23 күн бұрын
you pronounce cerulian wrong, the its like Cedrick than what you said
@darkizerjr8976 23 күн бұрын
bro from january till this day, nijisanji keep doing scandal everymonths , hands up for them for consistently doing this.
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
This is not Niji drama.
@ZyphyrBloodveil 23 күн бұрын
Niji actually… doing something good? Well damn. I might actually win the lottery
@pinguwingu7690 23 күн бұрын
I’m assuming there was a lot of internal restructuring after the whole drama. You can’t have such a massive stock and viewer trust decline and do nothing. It’s not going to look good for investors.
@ZyphyrBloodveil 23 күн бұрын
@@pinguwingu7690 thank God I didn’t invest
@uelld.8371 23 күн бұрын
"It's the person who is associate with KuroNiji and not KuroNiji staff..." Ya know, with their talent Twitter being used by the staff as damage control, it's really hard to believe 'the boy who cried wolf' at this point.
@Saitema 23 күн бұрын
Niji is going to destroy another person’s life and, for once, I’m all for it. They better unleash all the blackness written in their malpractice playbook and bury that PoS.
@Denamic 23 күн бұрын
A Niji W? That must be of mythical rarity.
@darkizerjr8976 23 күн бұрын
about enigmatic recollection, why they don't do it in holoearth, since its official i think its good to promote their own minecraft too.
@bluedestiny2710 23 күн бұрын
... his name is just a few letters away from "Yabai!!" or even closer, "Yabe!" O.O
@KharaChmiel 23 күн бұрын
It's very simple. Nijisanji doesn't have the staff capacity to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen. I would assume that most other companies send a manager or other staff with a liver/talent when they are engaging with an outside collaborator. I mean, just listen to any of the Holo girls or guys talk about in-person events and stuff. Always "staff-san is here, manager-san is doing this". This is industry norms FOR THIS EXACT REASON. If the liver had had a manager/staff person with them during this collaboration with YAB, then 1) there would be more chances that the manager would see YAB taking photos, 2) when the talent started to act weird due to the spiked drink, they could have pulled the plug on the event, and 3) YAB wouldn't have felt so secure about taking photos/videos/spiking a drink/possibly assaulting a girl against her will if there were more people there. This is a disgusting situation that this liver has been put in by an outside collaborator. But let no one forget that it's ultimately Nijisanji who put their liver in danger.
@pinguwingu7690 23 күн бұрын
I think this mostly has to do with having so many livers. I mean that’s why they had the controversy with hiring under paid students as managers right? They just can’t afford to hire that many competent managers for the amount of talents they have.
@KharaChmiel 23 күн бұрын
@@pinguwingu7690 Yes and no. They CAN afford to hire that many managers, but that would then mean that they have to invest in the company instead of maximizing their profits. We've seen many times in investor calls with Anycolor that they don't care about their livers; its all about the bottom line. This is what Cover is famous for in it's investor calls; Yagoo goes "our talents are our most important asset and we are going to pour money into making them shine". You get what you pay for; or in this case, you get what you DON'T pay for. Nijisanji refuses to invest large amounts of capital into their talents and the infrastructure surrounding them. They have too many talents because they grew waaaay too fast; see "accelerate" meme, and they didn't carefully also build up their infrastructure at the same time. Nijisanji is still partially to blame here.
@Nepkan 23 күн бұрын
Hololive casually starting a TTRPG game but on steroid
@MildlyOCD 23 күн бұрын
For once, Nijisanji isn't in the wrong. I don't trust it, but hopefully this is a sign of upcoming better times for AnyColor. Hopefully saying this doesn't jinx it. Nijisisters aren't going to be happy even though you & several others are correcting the information you trusted, but their opinions on anything don't matter.
@AKStovall 23 күн бұрын
Niji may still be in the wrong, since it had apparently been going on for a while, and Niji only acted when it came to light. If one liver reported it and niji said whatever, they still take the L because they could have stopped ot, amd only decided to when it hit Twitter.
@livingglowstick1337 23 күн бұрын
​@@AKStovallno one knew about it until recently because info leaked from the groups it was happening in. No one knew
@orbitalvagabond7371 23 күн бұрын
​@@livingglowstick1337If it was merely recent, then wouldn't have the whistleblower just reported it internally first? Why did they choose to go public, then?
@livingglowstick1337 23 күн бұрын
@@orbitalvagabond7371 idk ask them? And niji made Thier statement just after the whistleblowers live stream soo
@akiekokos601 23 күн бұрын
@@orbitalvagabond7371 This whistleblower is a former employee of YAB's company. If that person were to mention this directly to YAB, it would only be hushed up. I think he leaked it to korekore at the same time as Anycolor. korekore is a pretty hated drama tuber in Japan, but it is also true that many people come here for their drama. (The accusation streaming had 130,000 viewers.) So, by issuing a statement immediately after korekore made the accusation, it helps a lot of people to understand what is going on. And most importantly, it would be important to note that Any Color did not directly mention YAB's name. In other words, it was korekore who published YAB's name, and Any Color only spoke of him as the person mentioned in that streaming. This successfully removes any cause for defiance from YAB to Any Color for defamation.
@oro88 23 күн бұрын
It blows my fucking mind you lot are still able to sping this in somehow being Nijisanji fault. This is straight up insanity.
@renato7811 23 күн бұрын
😭The mental gymnastics is insane!
@signumxmagnum 23 күн бұрын
I mean, is there no one accompanying the talent that the perpetrator could spike a talent drink and assault (still need some proof) or preventing from taking pictures? And why not contact kore2 the moment he notify people about it, you know maybe stopping him from publishing it and quickly sue the yab guy, not after kore2 stream...?
@livingglowstick1337 23 күн бұрын
​@@signumxmagnummanagers arnt baby sitters. These people are grown adults
@signumxmagnum 23 күн бұрын
@@livingglowstick1337 managers is exactly in their title "Manage", they help anyone they MANAGE, if they cannot do the job they were supposed to do, maybe they should quit and work at other job.
@oro88 23 күн бұрын
@@signumxmagnum how do you exactly think this would work? Manager follows liver every step, tests every drink and food they're about to eat, does deep background check on everyone a liver is meant to talk with?
@ChikamiBedlam 23 күн бұрын
The guy's name was literally yab. Guy was destined to be one. And he delivered.
@CarbonRollerCaco 20 күн бұрын
Niji's just salty Yab was getting away with more and worse crap than them.
@lostnemesis 23 күн бұрын
I've never seen a company destroy itself for so long, and publicly because Exxon destroyed itself but that was very quickly in the public eye. This is not
@professorpenne9962 23 күн бұрын
they finally did something right for once. I'm actually legitimately surprised.
@MinkxiTes 23 күн бұрын
Only because it was brought into the public, otherwise they either wouldn't do a thing or hush it.
@FlavorsomeMusic 23 күн бұрын
Wow, nijisanji made an appropriate response to drama surrounding them ? ;o It should've never happened of course, never ever, but that's progress I guess ? Silver lining ? xD
@Terrakinetic 23 күн бұрын
We didn't sink the yacht fast enough.
@LonggoBonggo 23 күн бұрын
Regardless of whatever people think about nijisanji, the japanese entertainment industry has a lot of sketchy stuff going on and its always sad hearing a trusted person does something bad(AGAIN).
@TheShardsFamily 23 күн бұрын
....who was he sending the pictures too?
@Konpikopon 23 күн бұрын
Them hiring someone like that is not surprising anymore when they hired a pos liver that is very open about the shit that he did on his social media and Niji not doing a background check properly or even do the bare minimum... Oh well no wonder so many people are now leaving the company, its also hard to trust a company or people who are working with them who just hires anyone just cuz they have "experience" 🙃. If I were a liver who HIGHLY values my privacy I'd never apply to that company ever again and would just choose to stay as an indie, cuz at least I trust myself.
@baka_ja_nai 23 күн бұрын
I bet rhat dude was reported multiple times but Niji took action obky after Korekore made it a big news.
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
Literally no indication for that. Just negative bias towards Niji. Don't let your judgement be clouded, not everything is a Niji L.
@riachuelo4340 23 күн бұрын
Say what you want about Niji but I truly believe they will try to irl endgame the guy on the legal system.
@kyuukuraikami2744 23 күн бұрын
Messing with a billion dollar company... That guy is so screwed.
@Atmatan 23 күн бұрын
You should cover Kamitsubaki more
@endernightblade1958 23 күн бұрын
never heard someone pronounce cerulean with a hard c lmao
@sunburst3476 23 күн бұрын
Rare niji W ?
@Sir.Cavalcante 23 күн бұрын
Kurosanji seal of quality.
@DoesRocksFloat 23 күн бұрын
Isekai role playing and Gura, Fauna, and Cici go on gambling. Lol, perfect.
@scrapeddiamonds5776 23 күн бұрын
WOW! what a plot twist! im glad kurosanji made a rare W move though.
@RandomIryS 23 күн бұрын
Kurosanji keep taking L'S
@christophsiebert1213 23 күн бұрын
It's not Niji's L though.
@kkj_-ry4kt 23 күн бұрын
@Kolbjornelenano 23 күн бұрын
Vtuber community: Nijisanji No! Nijisanji: What now? Vtuber community: Sorry, force of habit
@kuro_f_x 23 күн бұрын
mr Yab gonna Yab in court ?
@ComedicRossi-fe6du 15 күн бұрын
Miller Patricia Thomas Helen Brown Melissa
@pocketiland3214 23 күн бұрын
the fans got ntr'ed dude spike drink
@conkle7955 23 күн бұрын
Hehe his name's "Mr. Yab" how fitting...
@superitgel1 23 күн бұрын
also, we should not immediately believe in niji x post. it could be they are framing or disinforming. we have to consider the possibility of mr. yab being innocent and niji shifting blames to him
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