3.5倍到底值得吗?! IS 3.5 EXCHANGE RATE WORTH IT?! C.I.A #21 |

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@wbkt 6 ай бұрын
Dreame Pocket : bit.ly/4c02SWz 👉🏻Use Promo Code: DREAWABB to get RM50 OFF Dreame Pocket
@Kennyk522 6 ай бұрын
我们马来西亚不把外劳当人看的人也很多,所以哪里都一样 做好自己不去歧视别人就好
@iamhardwell2844 6 ай бұрын
@comet2070 6 ай бұрын
我在新加坡做了几年 其实新加坡本地人 反而不会说歧视马来西亚人 最严重打压马来西亚人的是PR or 转国籍去新加坡的🤡
@RonLarhz 6 ай бұрын
@kienkien5974 6 ай бұрын
@@comet2070 我也听朋友这样说,打压马来西亚人的反而是马来西亚人
@MrSeanlan 6 ай бұрын
這是真的 本地my人有些都很看不起外勞 出到外面就在那嘰嘰歪歪
@user-yg8sq7st3vq 6 ай бұрын
我槟城人在新加坡做工 觉得这刻板印象偏多 在新加坡是没被歧视过。这里新加坡人马来西亚中国人各个国家的人都蛮多,所以不会觉得自己是外来人 主要在于沟通没问题 自尊心不要太低。 食物就喜欢槟城食物 但是不代表新加坡食物就难吃 个人认为有能力有一技之长的人适合在新加坡生活 无法否认的新加坡是个更好的国家 方便,安全,教育都好 如果有钱还是会新加坡 如果要养老躺平会选马来西亚
@RaySoon-l6l 6 ай бұрын
我是槟城人,我在新加坡工作超过6年。我很多新加坡朋友也没有受过歧视!反而是那些马来西亚PR比较多pattern😝.by the way新加坡也很多美食,比如鸡饭、laksa 我都觉得不错吃!还有一点他们做得很好是不管点心、包子、曼煎糕的馅料都给很有诚意,反而马来西亚的馅料少得可怜。😅 新马一家亲 大家都和和气气。❤
@SSxxx18 6 ай бұрын
很多pattern 的大马人最适合来新🤣🤣 我看了四十年😅😅 饮食文化,我心里有数。。。
@itsjayceezhuang4395 6 ай бұрын
@jontee316 6 ай бұрын
@itsjayceezhuang4395 6 ай бұрын
@@jontee316 哈哈哈哈哈 真的!我放工看直接笑死 🤣 壓力都不見去! 🤣
@syee86 6 ай бұрын
@jontee316 6 ай бұрын
@@syee86 哈哈哈其实搞笑才是我的真业🤣🤣
@jontee316 6 ай бұрын
@user-dl3vo1yw9r 没有啦,不要误会,我没有想要越过新加坡。我只是自己在那边开玩笑支持我自己的家乡而已!😂我其实真的也很喜欢新加坡🇸🇬😍🙏🏻🙌🏻
@whoami6987 6 ай бұрын
eh我们被prank了,那个拍着kukubxrd的uncle leh不是讲看到最后会解锁真面目😂
@teanchu 6 ай бұрын
在新加坡这么久我不觉被歧视过,反而那些没什么成就的新加坡人会有优越感,会拿自己的国籍做优势 ,那我倒觉得还好。 马一朵说的很对,其实就是那些比较没见识的人才会”歧视”马来西亚的身份,所以也不要自己‘自卑’,我很多新加坡的朋友都非常喜欢马来西亚!
@eugenelim5502 6 ай бұрын
@mreastkey 4 ай бұрын
@lamkw6329 6 ай бұрын
我曾在新加坡工作和住在那裡,其實人家新加坡人真的不會看不起大馬人啊,因為他們很多父母都是馬來西亞人移民過去,然後馬來西亞食物他們也是公認比較好吃的 🤣🤣🤣 不過每次看到馬來西亞youtuber 和網絡要比較人家的食物,我是覺得。。。又來? 🤣
@1makeufreak 6 ай бұрын
If about food comparison always war forever😂😂
@RonLarhz 6 ай бұрын
都是网络带风向的。以前无感,现在看马来西亚人跟对中国人一样。你们要self fulfilling prophecy 就不要怪我们配合。🙄🙄🙄
@KeoNz 6 ай бұрын
In general, 我觉得我们新加坡人都会觉得马来西亚美食略胜一筹但我们不爽的是我们也有好吃的啊,比如鸡饭,辣椒螃蟹等等。网上很多马来西亚人把新加坡食物说到一文不值真的很反感。还有肉骨茶,我们新加坡人一般都认同有两种口味。新加坡是潮州式胡椒口味,马来西亚是福建式药材口味但马来西亚人是怎么说的?“新加坡不是肉骨茶啦,新加坡是胡椒汤”之类的话来侮辱新加坡食物。
@Wxtheklutz 6 ай бұрын
@@KeoNz对咯真的很无聊 🥱
@Y3llow_Submarin3 6 ай бұрын
@@KeoNz I‘m Malaysian。Malaysia 也是有很多難吃的啦。lol
@sweeanntay5601 6 ай бұрын
@W_H_O891 6 ай бұрын
因为最kiasu的是malaysia人 因为3.5 不平衡 唯一能酸sg的就是食物
@leskirkup 6 ай бұрын
@@W_H_O891 wah kiasu is a hokkien term leh..means singaporean is the originator. Actually both country benefit each other because Singapore get cheap labour and talent from Malaysia...imagine if Singapore smack in middle of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Japan.mmm no one to help liao lor... all kiasu with each other
@W_H_O891 6 ай бұрын
@@leskirkup opsss i tot hokian is under china? I just know the truth that hokian under Singapore
@leskirkup 6 ай бұрын
@@W_H_O891 bcuz hokkien is majority in singky country and not in china n malaysia, so kiasu behaviour must be a lot in singky
@henrynotbad 6 ай бұрын
在新加坡工作的马来西亚槟城人 1. 新加坡食物最爱就是鸡饭 新加坡鸡饭永远比马来西亚好吃 不懂为什么 其他食物就special但不难吃 2. 新加坡人会不会看不起马来西亚人 是没遇过大家都和睦相处 3. 厕所没有水枪真的不习惯 每次出门都要确保蹲马桶先再出门上班 希望新加坡会把厕所都装上水枪会更好更卫生 最后,辛不辛苦 确实怎样都会比马来西亚辛苦 但没办法 要钱就没自由 要自由就没钱 这就是事实 祝大家在新加坡工作的马来西亚人尽快完成自己的愿望 好好陪家人 毕竟有钱了人不在了就没意义了 别让自己活在遗憾中 ❤
@Sunny-yh3vf 6 ай бұрын
水枪会弄到满地湿湿, not a good idea 😂😂😂
@henrynotbad 6 ай бұрын
@@Sunny-yh3vf 是有道理 但有想过有些人小号喷到满地呢? 比起湿湿 干净更重要对吧 (没有对错 可能大家想法不一样)
@Sunny-yh3vf 6 ай бұрын
地湿人会滑倒,也会更肮脏,不过会有cleaner 清洗的,对,我们的思维不一样。😂😂
@henrynotbad 6 ай бұрын
@@Sunny-yh3vf 加油兄弟 希望大家会更好
@RonLarhz 6 ай бұрын
LOL bidet 哪里卫生。有时也弄不干净。新加坡家里会有。bidet/卫生纸,两者都需要。
@brendentai19 6 ай бұрын
哇, such frequent uploads yayy
@mirrorpurple 6 ай бұрын
身为一个新加坡人,前马来西亚公民(因为我父母都是柔佛人,所以我出生在新加坡还有马来西亚护照),新加坡一定需要马来西亚。就像马一朵说的,那些世界观小的人,都不会做那些外劳要做的工。 我们不是人力不够,是看不起某些工作。聘请马来西亚人也不便宜,因为人头税一直上,所以他们的薪水也比本地人低。 我的工作也是很多马来西亚人,知道他们有些是每天跑关卡,是值得佩服的事。为了未来,趁年轻辛苦一下。看不起马来西亚人is very counterproductive. 所以那些被访问的马来西亚人,I hear you! 加油!
@Sunny-yh3vf 6 ай бұрын
Levy 也是cost 😂😂😂
@sart3735 6 ай бұрын
Go back to Malaysia!
@ObeluStrawberry 6 ай бұрын
seriously as a singaporean i prefer malaysian if we need more manpower, no matter what our culture habit are similar. compared to china and indian where they speak so loud and less considerate in public space. malaysian is much well behave. i never look down on anyone but just prefer those that behave better to have a more culture environment.
@sart3735 6 ай бұрын
@@ObeluStrawberry sorry I dun think Malaysian Chinese are similar to us given that our education systems are very different. And a lot of them grew up in small towns. SG is 100 percent Urban. Talents - China and India are better.
@ObeluStrawberry 6 ай бұрын
@@sart3735 i am not even comparing education or whether they are from small town or urban. MOST important thing is behavior, malaysian behave very well in fact is like heaven and hell if compared to those from china and india. they cannot even behave properly in public space..
@kellygoh8687 6 ай бұрын
@syee86 6 ай бұрын
@zhixuanchen6914 6 ай бұрын
強詞奪理。新加坡政府虽提倡但真有法律規定放多少油鹽糖? 然后所有食物摊主就真的有follow?所以新加坡食物全部都健康?然後Malaysia東西好吃(debatable)完全就是因為油糖鹽放多多?
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@bombkuan 6 ай бұрын
Why does Malaysia have better food than Singapore? Let me do the analysis for you. At first, food is very subjective to one person's preference, mood and condition. Basically it is all about the possibilities of perfect match, the bigger the pool, the higher chance you find your perfect food. I hope you agree up to this point. So now, which country has the biggest pool? I think everyone knows the answer. Apart from being multicultural, both countries are about the same, we look into which country is big enough to have many restaurants, has many states with their traditional dishes, and somehow most of them are affordable to most people. So? In general, people have a bigger chance to find their perfect food in Malaysia.
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@bombkuan 34 million Malaysians vs 3 million Singaporeans. The louder voices say the final word
@mchentan6116 6 ай бұрын
不用说新加坡人,即使是新加坡NUS 和NTU毕业的马来西亚人,也会觉得高人一等
@cardt33 6 ай бұрын
這個已經不是新加坡或馬來西亞的問題了,是大學的問題。你講的這兩間大學都很厲害,世界排名一個9一個15,都是新加坡Top大學。不要講新加坡啦,中國的話清華北大畢業的也可能會比較有優越感,台灣的話台大的人也可能也會覺得自己比較厲害。無可否認進得到這些大學,他們確實蠻厲害的,畢竟這些學校不是那麼容易進的。 另外科普一下,UM最新的QS ranking已經高過台大了,UM 60,台大68。其實UM學生也很多厲害的,但我覺得馬來西亞人大多都有點「外國的月亮比較圓」的感覺,覺得別的國家就是比較厲害,其實未必,真的要多看看自己國家的好咯。
@kelvinpeh4677 6 ай бұрын
每次说新加坡的食物难吃也算是一种瞧不起啊 有很多时候吃不惯(很多时候人往往会有先入为主的概念)你可以说吃不惯没有必一直说难吃!
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@KeoNz 6 ай бұрын
@mrkoh7095 6 ай бұрын
@bombkuan 6 ай бұрын
Why does Malaysia have better food than Singapore? Let me do the analysis for you. At first, food is very subjective to one person's preference, mood and condition. Basically it is all about the possibilities of perfect match, the bigger the pool, the higher chance you find your perfect food. I hope you agree up to this point. So now, which country has the biggest pool? I think everyone knows the answer. Apart from being multicultural, both countries are about the same, we look into which country is big enough to have many restaurants, has many states with their traditional dishes, and somehow most of them are affordable to most people. So? In general, people have a bigger chance to find their perfect food in Malaysia.
@mrkoh7095 6 ай бұрын
@@bombkuan Dumb logic. China is way bigger than Malaysia and every time a Chinese tourist says they don't like malaysian food, Malaysians throw a hissy fit.
@marvelcomiks8078 6 ай бұрын
@chin7143 6 ай бұрын
@who_i_m7218 6 ай бұрын
@orange.studio7 6 ай бұрын
@chinximon9493 6 ай бұрын
@jerryjason82 6 ай бұрын
Both Singapore and Malaysia each have their own good food. No one is better. There is no point in winning this food war. The x3.5 is very true and the very simple and easy reason why Malaysians come over and work else who want to leave their own family.
@bombkuan 6 ай бұрын
Why does Malaysia have better food than Singapore? Let me do the analysis for you. At first, food is very subjective to one person's preference, mood and condition. Basically it is all about the possibilities of perfect match, the bigger the pool, the higher chance you find your perfect food. I hope you agree up to this point. So now, which country has the biggest pool? I think everyone knows the answer. Apart from being multicultural, both countries are about the same, we look into which country is big enough to have many restaurants, has many states with their traditional dishes, and somehow most of them are affordable to most people. So? In general, people have a bigger chance to find their perfect food in Malaysia.
@sunnyang6464 6 ай бұрын
Basically it’s all about life long eating habits.. Anyone who’s born and bred in their own country since birth will naturally grown to prefer the taste and flavour of the foods they grow up with.. 没有谁的比较好吃或不好吃 只是吃得习惯不习惯而已.. If a Malaysian were to grow up in SG since young and eaten SG food all his/her life he/she would most probably say SG food is better/more suitable for his/her tastebuds.
@Shishio888 6 ай бұрын
@@sunnyang6464 I agree with you, some food we can’t compare which is nicer as the flavour are difference from SG and MY example Char kuey teow SG Cook sweet taste and MY is Salty taste and SG BKT is peppery taste but MY is herbal Taste. We all get used to what we eat in our country since young so can’t compare. Only Chicken rice I can say Singapore is nicer.
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
重油,重鹽,重味精 ,上面再灑上碎蒜頭,什麼食物都是蒜頭味! 這就是馬來西亞「美食」 !
@tingtinglim3792 6 ай бұрын
@guirong2077 6 ай бұрын
一般的麵和馃条都是星加坡厂做的, 他是有时间限制的. 过时就会坏. 云吞面, 或其他的马来西亜的干的, 都是黑的. 以前都是马来西亜人. 现在有中国, 越南, 泰国. 星加坡人只是少数. 食物好不好吃不重要. 只要能吃得下就好了.
@jxxxzz4423 6 ай бұрын
新加坡的食物很多都是大马厨师煮的耶,尤其是煮炒摊。大马美食很受歡迎咧,很多shopping mall都有malaysia boleh食閣 當初我來新加坡打工之前的刻板印象也是覺得新加坡人會看不起大馬人,但其實不會耶,好人壞人哪裡都有有吧。遇過一個自卑新加坡人說工作都被大馬人搶了,結果他被另一個新加坡人懟了回去😂🎉 覺得新加坡的外國料理(韓日法意西),雞飯,咖哩魚頭比大馬好吃
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@DingDongChiang 5 ай бұрын
这里插个题外话,我是在msia jb工作的penang人,有时会进去sg跑sales,很推荐bukit timah的一档猪手面,超好吃!
@claraclaire5023 6 ай бұрын
在新加坡的kl人,一开始在新加坡的时候会觉得这边的食物很淡,然后口味比较甜,与其说不好吃,更多的是不习惯。可是在新加坡久了就会发现这边调味料用的品质比较好也比较卫生。我在kl很常吃到脖子会出疹子,在新加坡那么久暂时没出现过这个问题。现在回去kl吃饭会时常跟朋友说,这个很咸,这个很油,这个很腻那样 😂
@Soultunes_nft 6 ай бұрын
@fwcher1670 6 ай бұрын
是有差别的。新加坡食物水平普遍上稳定,一般不会太难吃,但也很少会有非常好吃。走在安全路上。 马来西亚的食物会有不一样的惊吓和惊喜,有时会吃到地雷,有时会吃到触动味蕾让你极之感动的美食。😂
@chin7143 6 ай бұрын
@@fwcher1670 会雷的多数给外劳煮啊
@lovestory818 6 ай бұрын
新加玻的MEE POK 还有鱼汤很好吃
@zhixuanchen6914 6 ай бұрын
I would rather enjoy the best foods of both Singapore and Malaysia and leave it to haters to hate.
@kIRa-zu4ii 6 ай бұрын
在新加坡那边,对Malaysian最狠的是malaysian,哈哈,因为不能欺负新加坡人。 食物的话,评论区很多人舌头不够厉害,首先说新加坡食物不好吃是因为那些foodcourt食材不新鲜,很多有臭骚味,第二,酱油用的不同,都是黑不咸,第三才说健康吧还有很多华人用的调味料他们这边应该用不到。但好吃的还是有的,只要你给的起钱,会找到很好吃的,一餐SGD60以上都不错吃,那些说不好吃的可能不舍得吃贵的东西,便宜的话老王沙煲是不错的,重口味。另外新加坡的日本餐外国餐很好吃,普通来说不会踩雷,还有健康餐。 新加坡不适合我们,因为没空间感,去店小二吃个饭都要被人催,安排小小的桌子,去到哪都有高楼大厦,我是急性子的,喜欢这里的效率,但没空间感真的接收不到,到处都是人。其实KL某些工作更累,当你拥有一群没效率的同事,新加坡是注重deadline还有planning,这里比较的office工作。
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@kellygoh8687 6 ай бұрын
@ernestkj 6 ай бұрын
真的, 新加坡人希望早点下班才没有空瞧不起其他人😂
@RonLarhz 6 ай бұрын
That's why they reminded me of prc pinkies.
@Tom-cf5lk 6 ай бұрын
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@@Tom-cf5lk 网站的大马人的尖酸刻薄也和所认识的大马人的人情味也是有很大的差别。再说马来西亚人也不是也瞧不起在大马工作的外劳吗?
@yeokiyo6617 6 ай бұрын
@sart3735 6 ай бұрын
Cos our cooks are from Malaysia. The Malaysian cooks are only interested in making sgd and can’t be bothered to do a decent job. Food cooked by old Sg uncle and aunty hawkers or young Sg hawkers taste 10 x better !
@Sunny-yh3vf 6 ай бұрын
Agreed 😂
@SuperCryingdevil 6 ай бұрын
Can share xia why bak chor mee not that good as you mentioned uncle aunty cooked 10x better
@sart3735 6 ай бұрын
@@SuperCryingdevil I dun know where U ate. All the bak chor mee I ate cooked by uncle aunty who are owners of the stall taste good. Maybe SG food is too expensive for you, it's a pain for you to eat it. Stop asking du...mb question.
@KeoNz 6 ай бұрын
Sad but true.. who else to blame but ourselves where no one wants to take up the mantle of hawker
@sart3735 6 ай бұрын
@@KeoNz lots of 2nd gen hawkers now. The jiu hu kias are cooking at the chain stalls which are awful.
@jindycindytan5152 6 ай бұрын
@w.liangproduction122 6 ай бұрын
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
@JonjonVeloce 6 ай бұрын
@colby_247 6 ай бұрын
5:20 That guy got TikTok or Instagram? Actually Singapore Chicken Rice is quite good.
@athomenotavailable 6 ай бұрын
@Missy_Ai 6 ай бұрын
@laiszeyap 5 ай бұрын
I went to Singapore for visits relatives and travel for 2 weeks. I like everything of Singapore, just not sure somehow the air a bit too still and at times not moving. Then i come back KL, I just notice 😮 the air is moving and i could smell ocean too sometime. Its amuse me coz Singapore is an Island near the sea but just not sure i could not feel the air moving at all.
@hddj-q6u 5 ай бұрын
sgd 3000 - rental 600 (shareroom) - transport 100 - mobile 30 - food 300 (one meal) = left 1970 x 3.37 = save rm 6639 rm 6000 - rental 500 (private room) - transport grab 800 - mobile 50 - food 450 (one meal) = left rm 4200
@mabeldin7891 6 ай бұрын
@wilsonlee558 6 ай бұрын
@ernestkj 6 ай бұрын
@RaySoon-l6l 6 ай бұрын
@williamxin 6 ай бұрын
我是槟城人 新加坡做工9年 第一份工是做厨房 ,遇到给自己的马来西亚人欺负啊 还是够够力那种 😂不是我一人说 ,反而我觉得大部分新加坡人 比较好 只有少数的新加坡人不太好罢了 ,我认识很多新加坡人 都很好下的
@eloc129 6 ай бұрын
我觉得新加坡治安真的很安全而且这是非常重要。。。至少爸妈不用一直很担心几点回家 😂 其实还讲漏一个蛮重要的点,就是新加坡的 income tax 蛮低的😎 不过我还是比较喜欢马来西亚 😆
@dennischeong7310 6 ай бұрын
Nice episode. Enjoy watching your shows. Keep it up. I am from SG by the way. Each side food and people also have good and bad so no right or wrong. Just enjoy each other culture. Sorry about the exchange rate, your government need help the people to do better in that area. Need to help YB Syed Saddiq, he is the future of Malaysa
@ashlimsg 6 ай бұрын
@kokweilee1283 Ай бұрын
我觉得新加坡aunties and uncles脾气会变成像香港人。不让怪他们,那么老还要打工八到十小时。在中国城市老人家都活比新加坡老人好,他们比较爱去公园散步和做运动。马来西亚人很礼貌,可能节奏比较慢。现在新加坡在周末出去cityhall or other parts像在外国,满街都外国人。去柔佛州,比较像新加坡,可能很多新加坡人, 口语比较本土。
@yappyyap7594 6 ай бұрын
SG Chicken Rice and SG Nonya Laksa (not Curry Mee, we have that too but it's a different dish with different taste, I feel that Sarawak Laksa is closer to Curry Mee) are tastier than the MY versions. As for BKT, the two versions are way too different, those who dislike herbal taste will not like the MY version while those who dislike pepper taste will not like the SG version. Regarding discrimination, Singaporeans generally don't have that mindset at all, esp towards fella Chinese across the border. On the contrary, it's the Malaysian PRs and those Malaysians who have worked for very long in SG despise their own countrymen.
@kimchi1069 4 ай бұрын
@Kenamicis 6 ай бұрын
@shaoweieng6923 6 ай бұрын
food taste always subjective, up to individual and up to the taste u are use to.
@darthvader5204 6 ай бұрын
@steffitan8926 6 ай бұрын
在新加坡10年了,必须老实说。。如果说食物~新加坡的international food top notch and 马来西亚的street food 和煮炒赢完。
@醉了托尼 6 ай бұрын
@賈斯汀-r3i 6 ай бұрын
19:30 那个牛车水大厦出名的瓦煲饭档口是什么名字?
@raydanz 5 ай бұрын
Lian He Ben Ji Claypot Rice
@who_i_m7218 6 ай бұрын
我遇到的多数人品不好的都是拿着Pr的Malaysian😂 以为拿了pr就好像免死金牌似的 所以每个国家都一样
@2real215 6 ай бұрын
@junyan56888cj 6 ай бұрын
@yeth3569 6 ай бұрын
@Tom-cf5lk 6 ай бұрын
@小马-q4u 6 ай бұрын
@kikikok4896 6 ай бұрын
@stevekhoo7893 6 ай бұрын
Jiak bui是福建话, jiak beng是潮州话。身为槟城人的我,去island的时候还得和island的人讲福建话 因为讲潮州话他们完全听不懂😂 不过没关系,我两个都会😊
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
海南話也是Jiak Bui, 福建話泉漳大不同,所以還是有人講Jiak Peng !
@stevekhoo7893 6 ай бұрын
@@lengyeowang4147 高渊也行
@cxx9256 6 ай бұрын
KL福建人也是叫Jiak Beng
@mrkoh7095 6 ай бұрын
你别乱讲。jiah bui 是福建漳州话, jiah png 是福建泉州话。厦门潮汕台湾等地区基本上都会说jiah png. penang的福建人大多数来自漳州所以你们会说jiah pui.
@espadac4746 6 ай бұрын
@peiiqiii6241 4 ай бұрын
@leelilai6095 6 ай бұрын
Sai’s reaction when asked what’s good about Singapore 😂😂😂😂😂
@khosheng1434 6 ай бұрын
@CorianderAubergine 6 ай бұрын
The klang guy damn funny sia
@jontee316 6 ай бұрын
Hahahaa thank youu🤣🤣🙏🏻🙏🏻
@exxon5430 6 ай бұрын
A lot of korean and japanese all look dn on south east asain, becos their economy is high mah. Uk also high exchange rate.
@marcus2wheels 6 ай бұрын
新加坡人不是不要洗碗,而是薪水低。这是事实。如果你找到一位老板肯给SGD$10000来洗碗,我第一个去排队给CV。新毕业生可以根据他们的专业赚取SGD4k, 那有什么推动力来让他们去洗碗呢?
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@kooishengchow592 6 ай бұрын
13:42 马一朵说得很好
@Hirotara 6 ай бұрын
Bro that clip for the scene damn out of context sia, had to watch till 6:55 to see it 😆
@stephmama 6 ай бұрын
Ending 的那一句... 😅😂 就没了
@normGUYZwant-bespeciAL 6 ай бұрын
2:54 感觉有点忘根。。当然,我觉得这是李光耀想看到的吧?😅毕竟他提议不分种族,而是区分一国人的机制。
@hanxuansoon2487 4 ай бұрын
我覺得是ex Malaysian 比較會搞怪 畢竟他們自以為轉換了國籍或者拿了pr就高人一等 我那時坐mrt去機場遇到的sg人有點交流其實感覺都很不錯 也很熱情
@normGUYZwant-bespeciAL 6 ай бұрын
当初李光耀就是不服马来西亚那时候政党的收税的提议,他还想要一个common market, 和 大家不用区分种族而设的 Kempen Malaysian Malaysia。
@arjelarshed 2 ай бұрын
baru tau kat SG bidet not a 'thing'. saya ingatkan sama macam Malaysia, wajib ada bidet dalam semua tandas atau bilik air! tak de bidet macam mana dorang cuci itu poop? pakai tisu je ke? tak melekit ke? hahaha
@xiaolilaomufeidao 6 ай бұрын
我真的很好奇为什么一直把新加波的“肉骨茶”(根本就是猪肚汤)和大马的正宗肉骨茶相比呢?就因为名字一样吗?就有点像在拿槟城的福建面和KL的“福建面“(大陆面)比一样。 要比就应该与大马的猪肚汤比嘛 🤷🏻‍♂
@watson5245 6 ай бұрын
我真的很好奇为什么马来西亚人一直拿自己狭隘认知来批评其他国家,或者喜欢说其他国的某事或某物“根本是(马来西亚的)某东西/某食物/某什么”等。 那么台湾的o-a'chien (oyster omelette) 跟马来西亚的o-a'chien也是截然不同啊。台湾的是湿润的,马来西亚的是焦脆的。食物名字一样,但是呈现的样子完全不一样,怎么没胆量批评台湾o-a'chien的名字呢?
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
冰城食物,我只有炒粿條吃的慣,超討厭梹城laksa !
@zanegamingtv2252 5 ай бұрын
身为新加坡人,我的好朋友们都是马来西亚人。 没有什么看不看不起的啦。 说什么。
@JaredxHo 3 ай бұрын
It’s true, most of the Malaysian food will always be better than Singapore. Because the chefs in SG are also from MY, just that we only got the B grade ones..😂😂😂
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
新加坡二十年代就有肉骨茶,而且是真的配茶喝! 二十年代,巴生那個傢伙的老爸還沒出世吧?
@zsr0690 6 ай бұрын
我做part time时的老板是Malaysian, 同事也是Malaysian,反而是我被歧视 😂😂😂
@funnycat5936 6 ай бұрын
马来西亚 新加坡 一直以来都是相爱相杀,很多方面已经离不开彼此了,这些年双赢的效果还是有的😄
@M3.911 6 ай бұрын
Actually I am very curious, where did all these people work in Malaysia that says it is very relaxed and chill… during my corporate days, I have countless of sleepless nights, panic attacks, works during public holidays just to get a project done and all these are very very common especially when you’re working at international firm. I understand that maybe smaller companies they are like that, but rest assured those big 4 firms are NO WHERE near “chill & relax”.
@KeoNz 6 ай бұрын
Stress is subjective to each person. What one might find stressful might be just a walk in the park for another. That's why I always full of ??? when people say working in Singapore in stressful because I don't find it so. Its either I have high tolerance or Malaysians got lesser tolerance to stress in general compared to Singaporeans.
@btslee 6 ай бұрын
Just have to be prepared for these few sinkie patterns: 1. Taichi 2. Blame 3. Kiasu 4. Kiasi 5. Self-centred So always rmbr to cya - cover you pigu. It’s the same in all workplaces la, just amplified 3.5 times in sg 🙃. It goes without saying that without those aforementioned traits, they wont be where they are today
@ivankuan1986 Ай бұрын
Why not one talk about Sarawak laksa
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
六十年代的新加坡雲吞麵,是黑醬油 + 番茄醬 + 辣椒醬 !
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@@lengyeowang4147 新加坡是红辣椒酱,不要辣才放蕃茄酱。后来才有港式的黑酱油。笨珍的是有辣椒酱和蕃茄酱混一起。有些摊贩为了迎合马来西亚人口味,现在也有分黑酱油的云吞面,就是黑的(马来西亚),白的(新加坡)
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
@@JH-kv8mt 你是說六十年代以前,沒有黑醬油嗎? 我是六十年代吃的,而且當時只有幼麵 !
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@@lengyeowang4147 更早的云吞面沒有干的,更別说有叉烧肉。就是纯云吞面汤
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
@@JH-kv8mt 那應該是二戰以前,戰後生活困難,所以叉燒麵和雲吞麵參在一起賣! 乾麵是受到潮州人影響吧! 冷知識; 雲吞原產地是蘇州,原名是:混沌!清朝道光年間,一個湖南人在廣州開店賣混沌! 雲吞是混沌的粵語諧音 !
@JH-kv8mt 6 ай бұрын
@stacyying142 4 ай бұрын
以前刚到新加坡做工,都是被马来西亚人bully的,反而新加坡人很helpful。新加坡的international food 是好吃的,Mcd 也变得越来越好吃了,jb的都输了。😅
@ivanseah8321 6 ай бұрын
@lingweiwen6077 6 ай бұрын
@KeoNz 6 ай бұрын
@eugenelim5502 6 ай бұрын
@Comicsiao 6 ай бұрын
Sorry ah now SMU, NTU and NUS fresh graduates are getting SGD6k - 7k++.
@piper-ht8tj 6 ай бұрын
@Scuderia11052011 6 ай бұрын
I gotta agree with Mayiduo. As a Malaysian working and studying in Sg for years, I 100% agree that Sg chicken rice is indeed better than whatever famous chicken rice stalls I've tried in KL. Boon Tong Kee, Tian Tian (sometimes inconsistent), Chuen Chuen, Sin Kee and Tong Kee (used to be at Tanglin Halt) at Margaret drive food centre are amazing, just to name a few. However, other than that, yes, hands down Malaysia is indeed better at making Wanton Mee, Bak Kut teh.
@Y3llow_Submarin3 6 ай бұрын
How is it better? flavour or the rice.
@manalittlesis 6 ай бұрын
​@@Y3llow_Submarin3I've seen or hear quite a lot of Malaysian that review the food without bias most of them agree Singapore chicken rice are better. I'm from Penang and there's one Penang food KZbinr go to Singapore to try out the chicken rice and he also agree. He even said he couldn't find any better chicken rice in Penang compare to just the first chicken rice he had in Singapore. I believe him not only because he's from Penang but his channel are not famous. I believe it's an honest review.
@桥南 6 ай бұрын
Whichever food nicer, we knew what ingredients they put more. And this shouldn’t be debatable as if this country had no healthy quality restriction and whenever you finished the food, you will patron more on their drink stall, honestly which u preferred?!!
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
@wanker10 6 ай бұрын
@user-dl3vo1yw9r this is their common behaviour...claim everything is theirs cos they have nothing to be proud of
@lengyeowang4147 6 ай бұрын
@user-dl3vo1yw9r 對!因為豬肉是華人by default 的肉食 !
@ditsygirl5409 6 ай бұрын
They say we look down on Malaysians but my mum came from Johor and my hubby’s mum came from Ipoh so how can we look down on Malaysians when our immediate family came from Malaysia?😂 Also, we cannot replace our population with birth rate so low, we prefer Malaysians over Chinese from China due to our more similar culture.
@anti3881 4 ай бұрын
的确 新加坡人民饿不死的,当然创业比较难对比马来西亚,马来西亚创业容易可是打工没有几个找到吃,新加坡本地人洗碗都3300新币,马来西亚人去新加坡多数2200-3000 讲真的马来西亚人工真的便宜他们才请那么多马来西亚人
@ennyong1985 5 ай бұрын
I'd like to offer myself for interview! Please reach out...
@deRykcihC 6 ай бұрын
有A的 有B的 很uptodate一下
@RonLarhz 6 ай бұрын
One 'by' one gentleman
@hans721 6 ай бұрын
还有安迪叫马来西亚人as联邦人,头头不知道什么意思,以为什么gundam 剧情,我还 自护人 xdd
@ssss8162 6 ай бұрын
Singapore meepok, lor mee, prawn noodle, hokkien me, chicken rice, chwee kueh, carrot cake, laksa, nasi lemak, where got lose to Malaysia? Malaysia maybe better at chee cheong fun, yong tau foo, roti canai, zichar, beef noodle, char kueh teow, mee goreng, popiah etc and cheaper
@kendyrey9658 6 ай бұрын
老实说啊 新加坡鸡饭 真的比较好吃。。。现在马来西亚的 鸡饭的饭 不是用鸡油的 难吃!
@ernestkj 6 ай бұрын
@Kiranoir 6 ай бұрын
哈哈哈哈, 那個tattoo大哥的舌頭有問題是嗎?😂😂😂😂😂
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