What happens if the Prequels started with Attack of the Clones?

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Thor Skywalker

Thor Skywalker

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@crusader2112 Жыл бұрын
Personally, I never had a problem with The Phantom Menace being first. I think what George was going for was showing how an innocent kid can go from being a good kid to a murderous Sith Lord.
@B463L Жыл бұрын
It's the first chapter of Anakin's story. You don't write a book by starting with the second or third chapter. If anything I wish we had something to fill in the gap between TPM and AOTC, something similar to Tales of the Jedi but covering Anakin's training under Obi-Wan.
@nz605 Жыл бұрын
@@B463L unfortunately we’re in this trend era where we are no longer allowed to want new content of old characters. “But he already had a saga!! Anything new screen time he gets is cancer to the ENTIRE franchise”. I really want more stories about that time as well but… thanks to those people, we probably won’t. Hooray…
@crusader2112 Жыл бұрын
@@B463L I remember there were the old (probably legends now) books called Jedi Quest by Schoolastic that covers this time period and what Anakin & Obi Wan did during these 10 years and there’s the new canon comic Anakin & Obi Wan and I think a new canon novel too.
@jeremyfields9009 Жыл бұрын
@@B463L Lucas should’ve never introduced numbers to Star Wars when he labeled Empire episode 5 he condensed the prequels. Anakin early years as a Jedi could’ve been a trilogy and the clone wars should’ve been a trilogy. But starting off the trilogy with Anakin as a padawan would’ve made the story and character development much smoother.
@crusader2112 Жыл бұрын
@@kmjkmjkmj I never saw Padme as a mother figure, they were friends and a little crush that Anakin had and Anakin didn’t forget his mother existed he’s been having dreams of his mother in danger, but the Jedi never took them seriously, and just told him to let go of his feelings, because well they’re warrior monks. For more on the Prequels see Anomaly Inc’s videos.
@jerryziegner Жыл бұрын
Although several aspects of both The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones have some cringe moments, each of them are necessary for the overall story and character development.
@Brandon-yy5cc Жыл бұрын
TPM was Padmé’s movie if you think about it. She’s the only character in the movie, who truly has a full fleshed out character arc. Not to mention George Lucas himself admitted this in the dvd commentary. It sets her up as the other political figure and protagonist competing for both Anakin’s soul and heart of the galaxy.
@justinarzola4584 Жыл бұрын
Qui Gon and padme I would say are the main characters,most of the movie is basically qui Gon defying the Jedi and republic codes until one last final battle.
@vetarlittorf1807 Жыл бұрын
It would be bad if we had started with Episode II. Episode I is absolutely essential to the prequels. It delves into the first steps of Anakin's dark side, Padmé's character development, the corruption of the Republic and why there are so many systems that want to secede, how Palpatine rose to power, insight into the Force and how it operates in a symbiotic relationship with life and more context on why Obi-Wan failed Anakin as a mentor. The movie establishes a time of "peace and justice" in the Old Republic. TPM does a good job of making it clear that we're in a different era than the OT (something TFA didn't well). People complain about it being about trade taxes, but this is wrong because a) this is just the setup, it's not like the movie revolves around actual trade negotiations, and b) starting off with a minor and mundane conflict is the whole point. These are not the dark times yet. This is just the first domino to fall, and something that seems trivial at first having much larger consequences is more interesting. This conflict leads to Palpatine becoming chancellor. Again, I'd argue that seeing him manipulate his away into becoming chancellor is more interesting than him just being it from the start. It makes for a more complete arch for him over the three movies. The sith are revealed to the jedi, a pretty big deal. It shows that Anakin's strength with the force was sensed right away, and that it was feared too dangerous to train him. the fact that Obi-wan agreed he was dangerous, and ends up promising Qui-Gon he will train him while still being young himself is part of the conflict between the two going forward. Remember in RotJ Obi-wan says he was wrong thinking he could train him. Anakin promises his mom that he will come back and free her. This is possibly the most important because it's where his fall to the dark side is centered around. He's explicitly told that his fear of losing his mother can lead to the dark side. Then in episode II he fails to save her, fails to keep his promise. He asks if he'd ever see her again, and it turns out that the next time he sees her she dies in front of him. Without the context of TPM, the death of his mother in AotC loses a lot of its weight. The whole foundation of Anakin's dark side journey is laid in TPM. The moment you see him sitting on that ship alone in the cold ; to the dirty look he shoots Mace after it's revealed he won't be trained ( establishing an early mistrust between the boy and his adopted 'family' ) ... to his infatuation with Padme after abandoning his mother ... it's all in the second half of that movie. Things quietly begin to turn dark for Anakin the moment he leaves Tatooine, as a little boy is removed from the framework of family into a situation where he's almost immediately rejected by an ostensible 'adopted family', his father figure dies, and he belongs to no-one before being taken on by a reluctant 'uncle' who is too inexperienced to train anyone but is obligated to fulfill the wishes of a dead man. He has no solid ground ; no institution or clan to fully belong to, no-one who takes him without reservation or doubt - never really the same as the other Jedi, but never allowed to be free of them. Little wonder, then, that he grows up into a neurotic mess with a repressed hatred of the people who took him in. This is what his story is fundamentally about ; someone slipping through the cracks because everybody else neglected to see the seeds of conflict psychologically pulling between two worlds planted so young.
@theanonymouscritic1710 Жыл бұрын
⁠It helps that it’s a mostly standalone instalment (like A New Hope before it) just in case the Prequels were D.O.A. So there we are.
@RTU130 Жыл бұрын
@thorskywalker Жыл бұрын
I don't necessarily disagree with your assessment, but the problem is your assuming none of this could've been handled any other way (or that the story couldn't have gone any other way) when the original trilogy was extremely vague about all of this; about how Vader fell to the dark side, what went wrong with the republic and so on. I mean, once upon a time Vader was essentially just some guy who fell to the dark side and was saved by his son and everyone loved that simple story. And as I kinda discussed in yesterday's video, the Prequel Era was a blank canvas with endless possibilities and the story could've gone a million different ways. There's nothing to say that what we got was thee best possible story ever, or that some changes wouldn't have improved things. And I say that as someone who loves the Prequels.
@vetarlittorf1807 Жыл бұрын
@@thorskywalker That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that the prequels as we know them wouldn't have made sense without TPM. It bothers me when people say TPM is skippable when it's actually very crucial.
@canisblack Жыл бұрын
Part of the problem with Episode I is that there's a lot there that wasn't done well and falls flat. It also feels strange that there's such a long time skip between Episodes I and II. There's also other things involved in Episode I that just feel...jarring. A lot of people complain about the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi, something I can see, but I don't feel it's as bad as many complain about because it's coming immediately off of both Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back which are both much darker and more serious and they provide a bit of levity in a way that actually does fit with the story even if some of it does stretch belief. Episode I has far too much "light hearted" content. It also has the same problem the entirety of the prequels have and it focuses too much on the spectacle and not enough on the story telling. It is most deleterious to the experience in Episode I in my opinion though it is a problem throughout all through the series. All of this contributes to many people disliking the Phantom Menace and missing a lot of the setup that goes on there.
@GarrettTheViking Жыл бұрын
I was just watching Phantom Menace yesterday, and I feel that it was essential to the story Lucas was trying to tell in the prequels. We needed to see Anakin's life as a slave and meet his mom to understand him and to feel the anguish and anger he felt when she died in Attack of the Clones. Qui-Gon was needed to show that the Jedi Council was losing their way and why there was animosity and distrust between them and Anakin in the later films. Palpatine's rise to power starts in Phantom Menace, as the movie shows him manipulating Queen Amidala and the Trade Federation to get himself elected as Chancellor to carry out his master plan of revenge. I think it was important to see him as a simple politician, weaseling his way into more and more power, as politicians often do. While Maul didn't have much of a character in this movie, without this movie, we would never have gotten his return in Clone Wars and Rebels. While there are some wooden acting performances and goofy scenes with Jar Jar that weren't necessary, this movie is still good and was the best place Lucas could've started the prequels, in my opinion.
@RTU130 Жыл бұрын
@jameskirk4692 Жыл бұрын
Very true! I agree. And it's big reason why I love the prequels a ton in the first place.
@reznik232 Жыл бұрын
I like The Phantom Menace. And sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who does. It gets so tiring to see and hear it derided so badly so often. So it's great to watch this video and see so many appreciative comments attached to it. 🙂👍
@gnc623 Жыл бұрын
It's actually my favorite Star Wars film.
@reznik232 Жыл бұрын
@@gnc623 That's really cool! What do you like best about it?
@SFisher1993 Жыл бұрын
TPM’s a damn fun movie. I don’t mind telling people I enjoy it very much!
@marlonmoncrieffe0728 Жыл бұрын
While flawed, the movie has always been my favorite prequel flick!
@richardziolkowski7246 Жыл бұрын
@@marlonmoncrieffe0728 not really a compliment.
@Wastelander84 Жыл бұрын
I like that Episode 1 sets up Padme helping Palpatine to gain the power that eventually leads to her own downfall. It shows how he’s a trusted friend to her, which continues in Episode 2. With Anakin’s obsession with Padme, it makes sense that he then trusts Palpatine through that mutual connection.
@Luks2820 Жыл бұрын
One of the things I always missed in the Prequels was the famous Anakin and Obi-Wan friendship. Because we don't actually see that. We are told they're friends, brothers, but we only see them bicker in some scenes and everything about their friendship happens off-screen. Maybe if they had started with Anakin a bit older, we could've seen some of that and it would've made things a lot more dramatic than it already was when Anakin turned.
@vetarlittorf1807 Жыл бұрын
Sorry, but that's just objectively wrong. There are only like two or three scenes of them bickering. The rest is dedicated to their friendship.
@Luks2820 Жыл бұрын
​@@vetarlittorf1807what rest? They don't even appear together for most of the movies.
@B463L Жыл бұрын
ROTS tried to rectify that during its first act, and TCW tried to rectify it too. Personally, I would really like to see Anakin's training under Obi-Wan prior to AOTC.
@vetarlittorf1807 Жыл бұрын
@@Luks2820 Yeah they do. Most of their character development literally stems from their relationship.
@Luks2820 Жыл бұрын
​@@vetarlittorf1807okay, refresh my memory here, because aside from a few lines to one another at the beginning and end of the movies, and the combat scenes, they literally don't interact with one another. And the lines are always "Hey, remember when we did that?" or "I'm your brother", just so the audience can know what their relationship actually is.
@kingofhearts3185 Жыл бұрын
I think you hit on everything major, so I'd love to see it fleshed out. Both a brief summary of what this version of Attack of the Clones looks like and what the episode 2 of this new prequel trilogy would be.
@SuperMAC464 Жыл бұрын
Lightning response question: Since it appears you're no longer gonna release your planned remake of the sequel trilogy you had planned a couple years ago. Can tell us what the story is for your sequel trilogy. Like give us the full outline of what you were gonna do with your sequel trilogy films, spoilers and all. Thanks
@superdoonz1 Жыл бұрын
I think one thing we can all agree on is that Christopher Lee is criminally underused in the prequels.
@vetarlittorf1807 Жыл бұрын
No. We can't. He brings a lot of subtlety to the role. It's TCW that portrays him as a generic cartoon villain.
@istari0 Жыл бұрын
Yes. I always wanted to see more of Dooku in the PT. Eliminating TPM would allow for that.
@Fancast100 Жыл бұрын
He barely really had a role in the prequels besides being the villain in episode 2 and his death being a plot point to Anakin’s fall to the dark side. In TCW he’s an actual character and in TOTJ or shows why he joined palpatine
@CrazyxEnigma Жыл бұрын
Agreed as a kid I thought Maul was cooler but I was just a dumb kid who had no idea what a splendid actor Lee was, Dooku was cool and a very different Sith compared to Vader, Maul or Sidious.
@vetarlittorf1807 Жыл бұрын
@@Fancast100 "actual character"? TCW portrayed him as a generic cartoon villain and he lacked the complexity, charisma and subtlety of his role in Episode II, where he felt more like an idealist with his own agenda.
@BenMedia7 Жыл бұрын
Hey Thor, I was wondering about your opinion of the Yuuzhan Vong. I know they were very controversial when the NJO books came out, especially with things like killing off Chewbacca, but I've always found them fascinating. They're a new threat with new technology and actually put the Jedi and the New Republic on the run (to say the least), and eventually forced the New Republic, the Jedi, the Empire, the Mandalorians, the Hutts and others to join forces against their common enemy. And it was a nice break from the constant cycle of fighting Imperial remnant warlords and Jedi vs. Sith. Honestly, I think the Vong could've been good villains for the sequel trilogy instead of just rehashing the Empire.
@-Maxi.exe03 Жыл бұрын
I hate them. They are among the worst things to ever come out of Star Wars. I'm really glad you like them and I'm not going to take that away from you but to me they're just ridiculously stupid. They don't fit into Star Wars at all. A race of extragalactic conquerors that wiped out any and all life in their home galaxy and are now threatening to do the same to the SW galaxy. That's so dumb. It makes everything that has ever happened in Star Wars feel irrelevant. I mean even the Empire were benevolent rulers compared to them. The fact that they're basically impervious to any weapon our characters could muster against them feels so incredibly forced. They're immune to Force attacks. Their ships and weapons and armor are all ot only superior to anything and everything that exists in the SW galaxy but they're also alive. Living ships, really? At the same time while they're basically invulnerable all their weapons happen to be extremely effective against people in the SW galaxy. What a coincidence. Their design is way too edgy and so is their culture. Their religion is basically just inflicting pain on themselves and others. They look and feel like something that would barely fit into Warhammer never mind Star Wars. I'm so glad that they're not canon anymore and I pray that they never come back so I can just forget about them as quickly as possible. For reference, I've read the entire NJO series. All 19 books. So I know what I'm talking about.
@aghilton8531 Жыл бұрын
I used to be one of those that was kind of down on the prequels, but I’ve really gained a new respect for them of late. I honestly feel they are mainly maligned due to being framed as late stage add-ons, and yeah from that perspective it becomes easier to be unsatisfied with them. But I think it’s interesting to watch them with the mindset that, now that they are in place, this is simply how the story goes. With that view, TPM imo is great because of how it “sets the pieces on the board” The introduction sets up the Jedi quickly and gives you a sense of what they are about while also thrusting you into a strange world in the following action pieces. I also love Qui-Gon’s bits about the living force and seeking to feel its guidance. The whole film after all deals heavily with themes of Fate and gives a sense that the small things now are paving the way to bigger things later on. The Star Wars universe is at least somewhat deterministic after all and I’ve always felt we see the guiding hand of the force setting things in motion. This little trade dispute just happens to be the start of something bigger and it just so happens to pull 2 particular Jedi into the mix. Things happen so that out of all the universe they just happen to meet a boy on an unremarkable back water world which will change everything. I honestly think on e of the most interesting bits is Qui-Gon using the force to ensure the chance cube roll he wants - is he interning in the course of destiny or was it destined for him to be there in order to bring about the outcome that happened? All this to say I actually have grown to truly love TPM in particular. Not saying it’s perfect, but it’s thematic elements strike a chord with me. And despite what I said earlier about tying to approach them purely from a chronological standpoint, I think these themes only become more relevant when viewed through the lens of the climax in RotJ and ruminating on all the pieces that preceded and set up those moments
@Phillibetrus Жыл бұрын
With all these changes I would just say age up Anakin (and Padme a little) in Phantom Menace and tone down Jar-Jar 90%. What remains isn't too bad.
@Mpiewizard Жыл бұрын
It’s a double edged sword honestly cause it seems to me that most people’s argument for starting with Attack of the Clones is Anakin being older and I understand why many people aren’t that fond of him when he’s little but Anakin’s story beginning when he’s young is essential to understanding the groundwork for why he makes the choices he makes later.
@justinarzola4584 Жыл бұрын
Phantom menace is very key to understand palatine's rise to power, it is needed also to show Anakin left his home and became a Jedi aswell as show the connection to his mother that doesn't make as much sense if you only watch aotc first, it makes Anakin's tragedy more sad, though if we start with aotc first the relationship with Anakin and padme would be more properly fleshed out which would be good.
@100dfrost Жыл бұрын
In answer to your question, I am old enough that I saw the original trilogy in the theatres. I did, however get to watch the Prequels with my two sons. The Prequels are my favorite, largely because I got to share them with my children. Also (take note for once Disney), they had the most, and the best lightsaber fights.
@MaxRamos8 Жыл бұрын
You are an awsome parent! My dad apparently took me to see AOTC but I have no memory of it since I was born in 1997 lol. Star wars parents are the best!
@Wackaz Жыл бұрын
Then the Prequels would've been worse as George Lucas's vision wouldn't have been fully fulfilled...
@DavidSmith-mt7tb Жыл бұрын
If starting as you mentioned, his childhood could be covered through conversations about it, flashbacks to it, dreams, etc. They could still establish his past as a slave freed to be trained as a Jedi whose mother was left behind. Then he could visit later as he did in episode 2.
@stevebreedlove9760 Жыл бұрын
Seriously. Padawans doing light saber training and some good dialogue between masters looking on. Could even rush thru it in a montage of time jumps in the first act.
@QuestionMan Жыл бұрын
For any unacquainted with many of the gritty details of Star Wars productions, there is a lot about George's writing process found in the "Icons Unearthed" documentary that explains a lot about the Prequels
@zephodb Жыл бұрын
It is a big maybe and Attack of the Clones would need such an extreme change... that they'd almost be a completely different series.
@MoldyMojoMonkey Жыл бұрын
Attack of the clones receiving massive changes would only be a good thing. Pretty much anything would be better than what it is now.
@palamabron2481 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't even go that far. Just age Anakin up so the hotrod feel of the pdracers makes more sense and the Luke parallels are stronger. I think it's also a strange omission that we never see Anakin interact with other padawans around his age. It would help us to see a difference between Anakin and those who started training at the conventional age.
@brucewayne1662 Жыл бұрын
Omitting TPM is ridiculous and the fact that people even entertain that notion shows how little fans understand what Lucas is doing. What is so great about the prequels is that Lucas made them matter even though they really werent needed and the OT could easily have been its own contained story. And most of that was established in TPM. TPM is setting up not only the rest of the PT but the OT as well. Its the beginning of a six part story. Not the first part of a second trilogy. That's what TFA should have done instead of being a cheap rehash of ANH.
@russellharrell2747 Жыл бұрын
George’s prequels form a coherent whole that tells a complete story on its own and can be seen as part of a larger story, unlike the sequels. However the PT is still very flawed in attempting to tell that story, with Anakin’s fall seeming a bit rushed and his friendship with obi-wan reduced to a few quips about events we never see. And of course the clunky courtship of Padme suffers quit a bit, with a wedding despite basically having met for the first time all over again (they are not the same kid characters and their brief time together 10 years prior can basically be ignored as they start their actual relationship). There’s many flaws in George’s directing and writing and he had no one to tell him when to stop or change something. The result is a film trilogy unlike any other, visually dense with amazing effects but also with wooden dialogue, wooden actors, and occasional mood whiplash greater than someone’s head exploding in a Care Bears movie.
@evancombs5159 Жыл бұрын
We can change that to, "shows how little fans understand storytelling". You can question the execution of the prequels, but George understands how to properly tell a story. To remove The Phantom Menace while trying to tell the same story will remove most of the depth to the story because you are missing most of the establishing scenes and setup.
@jaceyking5015 Жыл бұрын
Your ideas were certainly interesting, and I wouldn't be sad if they had played out that way (though, obviously, I wouldn't know any different, would I?) But The Phantom Menace is my favorite of the 6 Lucas Star Wars movies, so as it stands right now, I'd be sad without it. I'm happy with what we got.
@gnc623 Жыл бұрын
Wow, mine too!
@russellharrell2747 Жыл бұрын
Starting Anakin’s story with a movie that shows him first meeting Obi-wan and Padme has its merits, but starting the trilogy with Anakin as Obi-wans apprentice already still allows for allusions to Anakin’s past (similar to what we get in ANH) such as leaving his mother behind and even being a slave if such a thing was truly necessary. Anakin and Padme’s romance should take center stage, with hints at his tendencies toward the dark side. This will basically be a new movie, neither the Ep 2 we know nor anything like Ep 1. I wonder if Thor was rewatching the Mr Plinkett reviews lately.
@heltongomez8865 Жыл бұрын
Whoever hates the prequels just doesn't have a vision. The dialogue doesn't take anything away from the storytelling aspects of the movie. The world building, easter eggs and overall pacing of the story was amazing. The prequels are masterpieces
@SuperMattman21 Жыл бұрын
I love phantom menace, but your version of this story sounds pretty awesome!
@emberfist8347 Жыл бұрын
The Phantom Menace is essential for the Prequels as it contains so much information of how the Republic was like before the Clone Wars. Attack of the Clones didn’t have enough time by itself to show that and the pre-war circumstances of the Republic are important for showing how Palpatine came to power.
@mr_yoru5834 Жыл бұрын
I have gone back and forth on this a lot. I think seeing Anakin as a young kid is really important for the story. He's at his most innocent and altruistic at this point. By the time of Ep 2, he's already feeling anger at the Jedi for the things he feels is holding him back.
@vetarlittorf1807 Жыл бұрын
Hey, Thor. I have been wondering. What if the prequels had been made in 1987, 1990 and 1993 as originally planned? Personally, I think Johnny Depp would be cast as Anakin because at the time he was the right age and had that "Rebel Without a Cause" vibe. I also think that both sides of the clone wars would use clones because of the limited computer technology. Lastly, while I think Naboo, Coruscant, Tatooine, Geonosis and Mustafar would be *relatively* the same with a few tweaks, I think the rest of the planets we saw would be considerably different. But what do you think?
@mickeybunts Жыл бұрын
Kenobi would have been played by Chuck Norris, Anakin would have been Ricky Schroeder & Mace Windu would have been portrayed by Carl Weathers
@Nio744 Жыл бұрын
Ooh I like this. seeing as the technology wasn't quite there yet. Jar Jar would probably have been practical like Yoda or just removed.
@krystofthepolishguytalksan310 Жыл бұрын
I mean only other planets besides ones yiu mentioned were Kamino and Utapou.
@kevinfisher5492 Жыл бұрын
Meh...the late 80's. That would have put a certain tint on things that I think would not have aged well.
@Nio744 Жыл бұрын
@@kevinfisher5492 Cold Wars: Episode 1 The Seperatist Wall.
@vestarakhai5303 Жыл бұрын
I honestly love the Phantom Menace very much so I don't wanna see it erased
@28starwarsfan Жыл бұрын
Yes! I've thought we missed so much opportunity with Dukoo. In toying around with re-writing the prequels in the past, I latched onto the idea of combining Qui Gon and Dukoo. Either that there was no TPM or its fight, so he was still alive and had left the Jedi Order or that Qui Gon never existed and you take aspects of both characters and merge them into one.
@chrono2959 Жыл бұрын
Or we could just enjoy the first six movies knowing what comes afterwards and look at them as epic masterpieces by comparison
@JasonJJS Жыл бұрын
That's exactly what I'm doing from how on👏👏
@Shazameatums Жыл бұрын
I saw someone recently react to SW and they skipped ep 1 and they were so confused watching ep2 because they missed out on so much set up. Apparently there is a order to watch the films called “in machete order” which goes 4,5,2,3,6. Not sure why you would watch them in that order as again, you lose a lot of back story
@Fancast100 Жыл бұрын
Some fans are brain dead
@CrazyxEnigma Жыл бұрын
Sounds stupid to me. You either start with the OT or the PT and then watch the other. Me I'm happy I watched the OT first.
@Spiffy_Space_Dragon Жыл бұрын
The main reason for machete order is to emphasize the reveal in ep5 (by essentially treating ep2 and ep3 as a flashback). It also highlights Anakin's fall as a means to make it seem as though Luke actually could follow the same path in ep6. It is an interesting order to watch them in, but as you noted, ep2 is confusing without the setup of ep1. Moreover, two movies is a bit too long of a flashback to keep focus on the original trilogy's story. Nevertheless, for diehard Star Wars fans, it is a fun way to try rewatching these movies, but I would not recommend introducing people to the franchise with machete order.
@n0xx408 Жыл бұрын
Add the important phantom menace bits as flashbacks throughout and your what if idea sounds damn spot on for how id see it going
@dianesinger9729 Жыл бұрын
I like the Phantom Menace it just ties things together and gives background to Anakin's beginnings.
@macwelch8599 Жыл бұрын
Watching Darth Maul fight in the first film of the Clone Wars would’ve been interesting
@Phantom8941 Жыл бұрын
How about this, Maul is a sith assassin chasing Padme and Anakin, he gets defeated and badly injured similarly to Phantom in his pursuit, coming back in the second film with his robotic legs, a metal arm up to the shoulder, and Grevious-like mask (his horns coming through holes in the mask), filling his role as the General of the CIS.
@macwelch8599 Жыл бұрын
@@Phantom8941 that would be cool, if done properly
@Phantom8941 Жыл бұрын
@@macwelch8599 That's actually an idea I had a long time ago when I was thinking up a similar episode I/II revamp, even drew a some concepts for the Grievous/Maul hybrid character. to properly fuse them Maul would have to take on some Grievous traits, like his temper, though I'd have that only start to show in episode II, then rise to be an exact match in Episode III, with Obi-wan still being the one tasked to defeat him; pissing of Anakin as he's Anakin's nemesis all throughout I and II, having been the one to take his arm from him in a hypothetical episode II.
@macwelch8599 Жыл бұрын
@@Phantom8941 awesome, but does he still violate the Rule of Two?
@Phantom8941 Жыл бұрын
@@macwelch8599 Yeah, why not, Sidious was always an ambitious Sith. I had even been toying with a more radical idea of completely separating Dooku from the sith, having him command a small faction of Dark Jedi in concert to being the head of the CIS that defected to his side. My only concern I kept running into with that idea is taking away an aspect of controlling both sides from Palpatine, even though in that scenario they're still working together. So I'd probably go with a more baseline setup and just have Maul and Dooku running around as Sith commanding the CIS.
@hellothere4431 Жыл бұрын
i prefer the movies skipping over the 3 years of the clone wars. a single movie wouldnt have been able to cover nearly the same amount of plot as the clone wars tv show did. i also like the phantom menace setting the political stage as to what is happening and setting up many of the characters
@ddw1272 Жыл бұрын
Ive always thought that a cut down Phantom Menace could work as a prologue to AotC, because there is so much story stuff in there that is really needed for the rest of the movies
@zacharyclark3693 Жыл бұрын
I have such fond memories of TPM when I was a kid, but this was a fun thought experiment. I do think it would be interesting if more was done with Episode 1 than set up.
@Cheesehead_Caleb Жыл бұрын
This sounds like a fun "what if" style series you could do
@chasehedges6775 Жыл бұрын
I still love Revenge Of The Sith.
@dreadpirateliz Жыл бұрын
For the most part, I’d be interested to see this version play out, but I do think Dooku needed the Qui Gon stuff to propel him into the dark
@vegetarianfoodie9091 Жыл бұрын
here are some additional ways to improve the prequel trilogy: Anakin's Journey: Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader is a central aspect of the prequel trilogy. To make his journey more compelling, focus on his internal conflicts, the temptations of the dark side, and the emotional toll it takes on him. Show his struggle to reconcile his love for Padmé, his loyalty to the Jedi Order, and his growing disillusionment with their dogmatic approach. Padmé's Agency: Give Padmé Amidala a more active role in the story. Portray her as a strong and capable leader who is not solely defined by her romantic relationship with Anakin. Showcase her political acumen, her dedication to her people, and her efforts to maintain peace amidst the growing turmoil. The Clone Wars: Expand on the complexities and moral dilemmas of the Clone Wars. Highlight the impact of the war on the galaxy, the civilian population, and the soldiers themselves. Explore the ethics of the Jedi leading an army, the manipulation of public opinion, and the sacrifices made by the clones. Palpatine's Manipulation: Illuminate the gradual rise of Palpatine and his manipulation of events behind the scenes. Showcase his masterful manipulation of the political landscape, his ability to exploit divisions within the Republic, and his cunning schemes to consolidate power. Jedi Order's Decline: Examine the flaws within the Jedi Order that contribute to their downfall. Illustrate their detachment from the struggles of the galaxy, their increasing reliance on bureaucracy, and their failure to recognize the darkness growing within their own ranks. Emphasize the internal conflicts among the Jedi and their struggle to adapt to the changing times. High-Stakes Consequences: Raise the stakes and consequences of the characters' actions. Make the choices and decisions they face more impactful and emotionally resonant. Show the tragic consequences of Anakin's fall, the loss of innocent lives, and the destruction caused by the war. Symbolism and Mythology: Introduce more symbolic and mythological elements to enhance the depth of the story. Explore the prophecy of the Chosen One, the balance of the Force, and the ancient history of the Jedi and Sith. By tapping into these deeper layers, the prequels can resonate on a mythic level, connecting to the larger Star Wars saga.
@CommanderCourage Жыл бұрын
Great video! Would love to see more fleshing out of this idea, maybe a full rundown of these new Episodes 1 and 2!
@anarionelendili8961 Жыл бұрын
I think The Phantom Menace could have been skipped (as you said, some stuff would need to be moved to Attack of the Clones to have it make sense). Anakin's childhood promise to come back to his mother could be a flashback, or he could have just explained it to Padme at some point, contrasting the verdant planet and the palaces they are staying in to his childhood as a slave in Tatooine. In the place of the Phantom Menace, we could have gotten the Best Anakin, that of the Clone Wars, and really show him and Obi-Wan becoming brothers, as well as the deepening relationship with him and Padme, including a marriage. I think it would help much more in character development and making us believe these relationships much more than what we got. Of course, this would require that the middle movie would be good and have great dialogue, but, referencing back to another question earlier, I was really expecting to see some Clone Wars in the Prequels, and I was left wanting, to be honest. They all got skipped between Ep. II and Ep. III.
@Verebazs Жыл бұрын
No. No. And NO! This is classic "entitled fan" syndrome. Listen to yourself: "we could have gotten"?! " I was really expecting to see"?! "I was left wanting"?! Star Wars was Lucas's story. He could tell it however he wanted to. He was a true storyteller, not a panderer, like most of everyone in modern Hollywood. It's utterly irrelevant what you, or any other fan wanted to get. The only thing that matters is what serves the story, and The Phantom Menace served the story way more than seeing heroic Anakin and good romance (whatever the heck that means) would have. TPM laid the foundation of Padmé's, Obi-Wan's and Yoda's characters (as in what kind of person they were in this time period). TPM laid the foundations of the entire galactic conflict. TPM laid the foundation for Anakin's personal conflict. And I could go on and on. The Clone Wars was always meant to be just the background to the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker, just like how the Rebellion was just a backdrop for the triumph of Luke Skywalker.
@anarionelendili8961 Жыл бұрын
@@Verebazs I suspect you didn't read the title of the video. What if...
@crossfire34 Жыл бұрын
I asked this like Yesterday. That was quicķ. Thank you for anwsering.
@oDTRAINo Жыл бұрын
I think you could distill the Phantom Menance into the intro (Dark Knight Trilogy Style) along with flashbacks sprinkled in of his mother.
@Fancast100 Жыл бұрын
You mean Dark Knight
@oDTRAINo Жыл бұрын
@@Fancast100 lol yes
@brucewayne1662 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but Star Wars doesnt do flashbacks. Supposedly that is the big reason we had an entire movie with child Anakin and another with teenage Anakin and why 60% of the original backstory is crammed into ROTS.
@oDTRAINo Жыл бұрын
@bruce wayne That doesn't really bother me much. The prequels did a alot of stuff the originals didn't do. Having flashbacks not unlike the mandalorian flashbacks would be fine
@toddsouter Жыл бұрын
'The Phantom Menace' is essential because it sets up how an angelic, gifted child becomes one of the most feared and evil beings in the galaxy. Darth Vader is also a combination of each villain in each episode: I / Darth Maul - A Sith Lord filled with rage and shared hatred of the Jedi II / Count Dooku - A fallen Jedi turned to the dark side III / General Grevious - A cyborg, brought back to life through a life support system and body armor.
@niccistarkiller1131 Жыл бұрын
No Phantom Menace is really good Gives a great build up to the hole saga. All 6 films. Loved it The only thing, which I got used to now, is that Jar-Jar was to much goofy. When i saw the movie the first time I was so "sucked into it" but every time when Jar-Jar turned up it snapped me out of it.
@emptymelodies3316 Жыл бұрын
This new episode 1 idea is pretty cool. That said, I’m happy with PM. Gave us Qui Gon and Darth Maul.
@bleachdemon7321 Жыл бұрын
For the sake of discussion, about half the PM could have been left out. The Pod racing and the Gungans don’t really pay off in the grand scheme of the trilogy. Now they could be sparingly used as flashbacks to flesh out Anakin, but shift the focus to his relationship with his mother and flesh Shmi out further. Personally I would have preferred an older Anakin, mid teens?, who had a bit of weariness and justified him being “too old” for the council. Also for my personal taste, giving Padme a more humble background then rising to Senator would have made the relationship more layered. Them both striving and successful, where thier ambitions also cause problems for the relationship.
@MaxRamos8 Жыл бұрын
If there was no PM: #1] We wouldn't understand Anakins relationship to slaves, his mother, or hatred of sand #2] We wouldn't understand why obiwan dealt with anakins Bullshit #3] we would not have the beatuiful naboo statships #4] We wouldn't know about the the rule of 2 #5] we wouldn't get pod racing #6] we wouldn't know about the prophecy #7] We wouldn't see how Palpatine gained a position of power
@jereloproduces9509 Жыл бұрын
Very much agree with this. Anakin the boy is so different from Anakin the almost adult. With young teen Anakin (or maybe a more serious and quiet-not too quiet though because Anakin isn't really a shy character-boy Anakin), it would have blended a little better. I would have also liked to see more "Ep 4 Luke" moments out of Anakin in ep 1. More show don't tell approach to his dreams and hardships. Maybe show that/why he dislikes being a slave (more than he does in the actual movie), but also show that he holds onto his mother, and then has to let go. Later on in the movies, this would create even more (clear) reasoning as to why he dislikes the Jedi order, because they pulled him away from his mom, and let her stay in that slave existence. I also feel like a lot of the things in 1 were also reintroduced in 2 anyways, which makes 1 feel a little useless at times. I have started rewatching 1 and I'm finding it surprisingly not as boring as the last time I rewatched it, which was pretty recently. But I still feel like I'm kind of right about 1, despite being not as bored with it this time. I have some bias with 1 because 1 was the only Star Wars I had on vhs, and so when the vhs player went, it went also. So I'd rewatch 2-3, as well as 4-6 (or 2-6 as well) more than I would watch the full picture. I never felt like I was missing something when watching 2-3, because again, they reintroduced the same things, with maybe a different spin on them. I have to continue my rewatch of it, but I also dislike the star fighter parts. Like, he just randomly has to participate in the fight, unlike Luke who volunteered. Yes, it shows that he's a good pilot, but most of that was already shown in the pod race, and much more cleanly done than that. I have a hard time figuring out another way to incorporate a boy/even a teen Anakin into the third act
@philnorfleet1371 Жыл бұрын
Stick with TPM for the most part, but have the Clone Wars already happening, age Anakin up to the same age as Padme and make him Qui-Gon's apprentice with OB1 tagging along as a "journeyman" Jedi who has just been elevated to Knight; when they go to Tatooine, use the scene from AOTC regarding his mom. Then do NOT come back to Tatooine until the very last scene of episode III. Don't kill Maul, but make it look like he may have died. Ep II: Clone Wars ongoing. Anakin & Padme already sort of involved. Anakin turns to the Dark Side in a flip from Luke's Bespin scene (after he whacks Maul and "rescues" Palpatine) but this is hidden. The few remaining Jedi as a whole go into hiding at the end of this movie. Ep III: Clone Wars ends in the middle. Luke & Leia are born on Dagobah. Most of ROTS could play out, though I personally have a completely different idea personally...
@glee6665 Жыл бұрын
Next time you watch the prequels may I suggest saving time and just watching the music video for "The Saga Begins" by Weird Al instead of TPM. It's shorter, covers all the plot points, and is just simply more entertaining.
@jjohnson3469 Жыл бұрын
I think TPM and AOTC could have been combined; Qui-gon with a very young padawan Anakin, Obi-Wan a newly made Knight and former Padawan of Qui-gon, the Trade Fed blockade and the trip to Coruscant. So Anakin and Padme, both young teenagers, can meet and mature more evenly. Dooku and Maul as a team could have been amazing on screen together.
@dgenerate707 Жыл бұрын
Phantom menace should've been a stand alone to start the Prequels then AOTC, Republic at War, Revenge of the Sith.
@samwilson2250 Жыл бұрын
In this hypothetical, we could have that 3PO was a gift to padme as a personal senate protocol droid, and Anakin builds r2. They would meet when Padme and Anakin are leaving for their mission.
@samt1926 Жыл бұрын
Hey Thor, do you think it would now be better to tell Grogus backstory in a separate series rather than in Mando flash backs? It seems kinda pointless keeping his backstory in Mando, seeing as how none of this info about Grogu is actually relayed to Mando himself.
@28starwarsfan Жыл бұрын
The suggested changes with Anakin and Padme sounds so much better. Good job.
@nevertrustatory9412 Жыл бұрын
Well, I would’ve missed out on a very interesting start to my career as a prop modeller! (My other option at the time was Lost in Space!)
@jeffreypressey8471 Жыл бұрын
I have a thought about the whole "Anakins connection to his mother" being a difficult thing to get around if we don't have TPM. It was done well, and more efficiently in X Men-First class with Magneto. The didn't need a whole movie of baby Magneto to show how important that relationship was to him, or how the loss sent him down a dark path. A couple flashback scenes written well with a good actor, and we get it, and IMO felt it cut deeper than how Lucas handled Anakin. I think it would have helped if we got to know Anakin better as a conflicted adult and given him more screen time to display that conflict and eventually give in to the Faustian offer from the Dark side.
@CrazyxEnigma Жыл бұрын
You know i think if TPM and AOTC had been fused together as an Episode 1 it might've worked. Anakin and his mom are critical to his arc and the world building done while not strictly necessary to the plot does some nice fleshing out of the galaxy. Opinions are fairly mixed here in the comments.
@MRDLT00 Жыл бұрын
As interesting as this discussion is, I think folks are forgetting the first rule of story telling/movies. Each story/movie should be well written enough to stand on its own. The Phantom Menace, and even the original Star Wars both do that well. What the comments are suggesting here is having an episode 1 that is clearly the first part of a trilogy, with little regard for it being a solid movie by itself. When we saw something similar to that last, we got The Force Awakens with itself was clearly a “beginning of a trilogy” kind of film, and doesn’t really hold up on its own with how many JJ Abrams mystery boxes it had. 😬
@lordpicklefartthemighty4231 Жыл бұрын
Phantom menace is actually my favourite prequel film
@jameskirk4692 Жыл бұрын
I love the prequels a lot, including the Phantom Menace, even more than the OT. And I love yours ideas about a way you would re-work the prequels story-wise. I would love to see all those possible variants and various changes somehow made into actual movies. I wouldn't mind have two, or even many more, versions of the same prequel trilogy story. I just love that overall setting and the feel of it and main plots. The main and big loss for me of redoing prequels would be the absence or reduced role of the Qui-Gon Jinn character and the actor Liam Neeson who did play him originally in Lucas' version. I love them both, the character, and how Liam plays him - I think he is perfect for that character role.
@everettl3802 Жыл бұрын
For me, this ties in to the previous video on what fans of the OT thought the prequels would be like back in the day. It would have been a completely different story structure, but I thought essentially Episodes I and II could have been skipped. Episode I would have been comprised of story elements we saw in The Clone Wars series. Episode II would have been essentially Revenge of the Sith. Episode III would have been Vader hunting down the remnants of the Jedi order, like we have seen piecemeal in the Kenobi series, Rebels, and other places.
@christopherstacy9659 Жыл бұрын
I've thought about this for years. Episode I should've combined the best parts of the actual Episodes I & II. Episode II would be a live-action version of the Clone Wars, which we were mostly robbed of seeing on the big screen. Episode III remains unchanged.
@skywalker2676 Жыл бұрын
The cgi of the clone wars would of looked awful 😭😭
@bendentice Жыл бұрын
You lose “Duel of the Fates” too Hands down best lightsaber fight in the saga
@derekdean3368 Жыл бұрын
I'm fine with Phantom Menace as Episode 1, but if AotC came first, could you keep the story mostly unchanged? Anakin still has a fond memory of Padme from a previous meeting. Dooku still talks to Obi-wan about Qui-Gonn. etc etc? Would that just count as world building with a bunch of references and history to things that we're fuzzy on that books and TV shows, etc could all build on? Like with Sifo-Dyas in current Episode 2? I do think you'd need to include a flashback to young Anakin with Shmi (multiple flashbacks, probably) to make her death mean something.
@ProtoValenci Жыл бұрын
ive always liked these kind of thought experiments, it really helps bring new discussions to the table
@J1283-s1k Жыл бұрын
I've always loved the idea of just one prequel movie where it starts with the Duel of the Fates from Phantom Menace as the prologue, Qui Gon dies like normal, implores Obi-Wan to train Anakin, all the same, and then we cut straight to Revenge of the Sith. While there's the odd thing I like about Attack of the Clones, e.g. Dooku is an all time great for me, short of some small adjustments, I think Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones could be almost entirely excised. Like how the Palpatine/Anakin content pretty much completely takes place in Revenge of the Sith, or the really good content, away from Anakin having delusions of grandeur or temper tantrums on holiday with Padme, which is almost the entirety of Attack of the Clones, happens in Revenge of the Sith.
@jonathanhallberg3009 Жыл бұрын
I think one of the positive things that would come with starting at Episode 2 would be that the story would involve the Separatists rather than some trade dispute.
@jaceyking5015 Жыл бұрын
That is true, but to me it always worked because it showed the dominos falling, with something minor at first- in this case a trade dispute over one planet/system. Then it escalates into what becomes a galactic civil war and the downfall of both the Republic and Jedi. Kind of like how the first World War started basically over one guy getting assassinated. So I think it works. But I also think it could have worked starting out with more of a focus on the Separatists as well.
@jeffchong3901 Жыл бұрын
Really interesting ideas, especially considering themes could be fleshed out more broadly with another movie there. That said, I do like the Machete order of: Episode IV Episode V Episode II Episode III Episode Vi, And having Episode I as a stand-alone movie for context and lore. It’s how I plan to introduce my kids to Star Wars when they’re a bit older, if only to preserve the tension from ESB.
@gabesstarwarscollection Жыл бұрын
Episode 1 could be a 10 minute intro. And the rest of the film could be Anakin at their prime, straying more and more from the Jedi Council over 3 movies, instead of forcing Anakin to suddenly turn to the dark side instantaneously in 15 minutes of Order 66.
@brandonholcomb2919 Жыл бұрын
That's what TCW was for
@vetarlittorf1807 Жыл бұрын
What do you mean "suddenly"? Did you ignore the first two movies and jump right into the middle of Episode III?
@gabesstarwarscollection Жыл бұрын
@@vetarlittorf1807 no, there was very little contempt for the jedi order in 1 and 2. He kills tuskens but that was understandable. killing all the jedi had nothing to do with that revenge other than showing he had an anger issue... maybe if he specifically mentions hate for the jedi council for taking him from his mom, but he doesn't say that.
@28starwarsfan Жыл бұрын
I used to play with re writing the prequels all the time, and this was a frequent choice of mine. Diving into the action.
@vinnydiaz6959 Жыл бұрын
ok i NEED to see the full length no phantom menace prequels videos
@zacharyclark3693 Жыл бұрын
Looking at the discussions in the comment section reminded me that when I first watched the Prequels (I was also relatively young) I didn't see all the dots that were being connected, like why Anakin's attachment to his mother would contribute to him falling to the Dark Side, or how the corruption in the Senate we saw in Episode I led to the Separatists in Episode II, or how Qui-Gon's death altered Anakin's fate. In fact, when I first saw the Prequels, I really enjoyed them (mostly the action, and the toys). But as I got older I joined the Prequel hater camp and thought that Jar Jar was awful, Anakin and Padme's relationship was cringy, and that Anakin's fall to the Darkside happened way to fast without enough buildup. It was only years later watching video essays on KZbin that helped me see more of the details and connections that I missed, and the "poetic" aspects of Lucas' storytelling. And yes, the Sequels did make me appreciate the Prequels a little more. But even before then, I would rewatch the Prequels and I softened my stance on hating them. I actually don't get too upset anymore about Jar Jar, or how "easily" Anakin falling to the Dark Side, or Padme and Anakin... but their scenes in AOTC are still cringy, despite the explanations. Clone Wars really helped give them more chemistry that makes their live action relationship more bearable. I think time and careful analysis has made the Prequels better. I think if they were not as subtle with some things, it would have been easier for audiences back then to get some of the deeper stuff.
@pelgervampireduck Жыл бұрын
here's my idea: episode one should be a combination of phantom manace and attack of the clones. show us Anakin and his mother, the Jedi discovering him, the moment he says bye to his mother to go with the Jedi, those parts. then "10 years later" and jump to what is attack of the clones (but edited for pacing and lenght). both movies have important information and scenes to understand anakin, but I think the execution could have been better, and it would have been great to have an episode 2 dedicated completly to the clone wars. it's an important event, and we didn't get to see the adventures of Anakin and Obi Wan fighting in the clone wars in a main movie. I know there's the animated series, but I think it's a part of the story that should have been in the movies. then episode 3 as it is, that one is fine.
@decades1912 Жыл бұрын
TPM was necessary in my understanding & the understanding of many comments & fans I've witnessed. I love seeing Anakin be this so generous & kind person in Eps I & III & how Palps twists him into the powerful, heartless Sith Lord Darth Vader. As a story-teller, I love that Anakin was a slave for 9 yrs of his life & it makes it all the more believeable he's had pent up emotions for his whole life, Qui Gon is great, Darth Maul, pod-racing, Palpatine becoming Chancellor, to an extent I like the concept of midi chlorians. The corruption of the Republic & Senate & their apathy to outlying star systems, the era of peace the Jedi guarded*, I really like TPM & if Jar Jar's silliness was lessened to be closer to Captain Tarpals I'd love the film
@aldersmoke1 Жыл бұрын
Funny thing about the 9 Skywalker movies: Cut Ep. 1 and Ep. 9, and I pretty much have no complaints except the awkward love story in Ep. 2. (I know, I'm in the minority so please don't waste your breath yelling at me about Ep. 8.) That said, it seems to me that most of the things we fans would rather have seen by cutting Ep. 1 and having a different movie after Attack Of The Clones is much more adult. Deeper explorations of Qui-Gon, Dooku, and Grievous all come to mind. (Especially Grievous; prior to having the Clone Wars show fill in his background a bit, he seemed to come from out of nowhere in Ep. 3 and also seemed rather easily dispatched.) But the thing to remember is Lucas wanted Ep. 1 to be for kids, and that would be lost. For my money, Ep. 1 would be mostly saved if they just made one change: having Anakin blow up that command ship deliberately. Having his "blow up the Death Star" moment played as a goofy slapstick accident has always sucked.
@jedanarcher7806 Жыл бұрын
TPM is my least favorite prequel part. That being said it works perfectly as an Act 1 setup and world building to Acts 2 and 3 ,and as an elegant setup of characters: showing the universe/republic in the heydays before their downfall. Its the light part before the red twilight of episode II and the grim nightfall of Episode III. Lucas really thought this trilogy through this time (other than the originals that strongly contradict themselves especially with the twists, despite of what Lucas claims that thing was never planned properly).
@richardsylvester4518 Жыл бұрын
Attack of the clones was worse than Phantom Menace. Yes Jar Jar was annoying, and politics was laid on thick, but Maul and the Duel of the Fates is too iconic and important.
@Wackaz Жыл бұрын
This is a ridiculous take. I am fed up of Star Wars fans thinking they know better about cinema than a filmmaker who had spent 30+ years before making the Prequels indulged in every facet of cinema. It's ridiculous. The Prequels were excellent films, masterpieces even, and the "flaws" you point out are not flaws at all.
@B463L Жыл бұрын
TPM was a masterpiece and by far the most underrated Star Wars movie. I'm prepared to die on that hill
@ultrashadow9551 Жыл бұрын
​@@Wackaz dude, he's allowed an opinion.
@xibalbagrim Жыл бұрын
​@@B463L Ah yes, very underrated that Duel of the Fates and Darth Maul are the most talked about TPM
@mtgleam8723 Жыл бұрын
@@Wackaz You're right that this is a bad take, but for all the wrong reasons. Here's why it's a bad take: 1. Just because AOTC has a lot of problems doesn't mean the idea wasn't really good. The Clone Wars is one of the best ideas in the prequels, and perhaps fleshing it out over 3 movies could have been better. 2. OP assumes Maul and duel of the fates couldn't be integrated into another AOTC movie, but they can be. Why you have a bad take: 1. You're saying that because George Lucas is a visionary and deserves respect, that nobody can or should criticize him. That's stupid. Everyone knows George has his weaknesses, even himself. We all love what he created but nobody asked you to stroke him so hard. Yes Prequel criticism is sometimes overblown, but a lot of the criticisms have merit. And I like the films for the record.
@billwhipple9039 Жыл бұрын
The set up can literally be done with the opening crawl or minor lines added to scenes Anakin and his mother is a series of flash backs each time he has to make a moral decision Why do we need to see him meet her? Just leave it at they know each other a little. They are flirty but it's reinforced that they can't be together by obi wan Qui Gon should be a force ghost. He's training obi wan to be a force ghost and he works a little like Yoda to obi wan. But I like the dooku angle is interesting Opening crawl can tell of obi wans master having just been killed by a sith starting the ball rolling, the fight is in a flashback as he tries to explain the threat he and his master faced Agreed, I don't really care that much about the chosen one. The qui Gon force ghost could easily explain the prophecy is why he was so adamant about taking Anakin as a Padawan
@henryshaw Жыл бұрын
Episode 1- The Clone Wars: focus on split in senate and beginning of war- find the chosen one- Hayden age (jealousy w/ Obi wan nearly same age) death of Qui gon by maul killed by- Anakin or Kenobi?🤔 was ani but council says it was kenobi causing more resentment… Ep 2- The Phantom Menace: war is raging! there’s a Sith Lord in the senate mystery movie 😮( like Vader is the Poppa) Ep 3 Revenge of the Sith- war is ending and the dark side is growing Jedi sense something is amiss but too late Execute order 66…😢 Use visions- qui gon to find Anakin Obi wan/ Yoda to defeat grevious/ also Sith Lord in the senate And Ani about padme and the end of the Jedi
@dony2852 Жыл бұрын
The movies could have done a better job of fleshing out its villains in general. Darth Maul could have been much more interesting as a recurring villain who more or less wins the first fight. Count Dooku getting time in the first movie to introduce him as a friendly Jedi Master would have made his eventual betrayal much more impactful, especially if Maul is still alive to keep suspicions away from the count. General Grievous could have been introduced in movie two so that people who only watched the movies would see him as a credible threat instead of just another CGI jobber.
@GoldeneyeDoubleO7 Жыл бұрын
Hey Thor, where do you stand on the CGI and practical effects debate regarding the prequels and the originals? Personally, I respect what the original trilogy tried to do with the resources of the time but I think none or very little of it holds up today. I know the argument for the original trilogy is that there is more emotional weight in the lightsaber battles but I think the prequel fight scenes are visually better and have on-par emotional weight. The over use of CGI in the prequels are glaring but the later films, tv shows and spin-offs show what Star Wars really can be with well done CGI and I'd take that over the models of the OT even though I still respect the work back then.
@Fancast100 Жыл бұрын
I think what would make Attack of the Clones better if Anakin was 16 instead of 9 and the beginning of the Clone Wars much earlier than starting in episode 2
@ayaankhan-eh1xy Ай бұрын
Then him and padme wouldve fall in love earlier i guess
@henrikaugustsson4041 Жыл бұрын
I’d say none of the prequels are perfect, but you can’t just ignore one of them. The story would need a lot of rewriting. I am a fan of the idea that Anakin is just a powerful Jedi, and that his fall could be due to his love for Padmé. That whole thing about their love growing due to mutual reliance in face of danger could also be a great device for Anakin’s fall because he could just not realise it’s happening until it’s too late. In the PT he knows he shouldn’t but can’t help himself, which is also great, but it would’ve been something that the other Jedi would notice and scold him on, if not outright expel him.
@chengmunwai Жыл бұрын
Surely we can't do without Darth Maul and Duel of the Fates now can we?
@lefthooklarry1348 Жыл бұрын
The Obi Wan Disney series is the most important Star Wars: Change my Mind.
@nicholaszornes2837 Жыл бұрын
I just finished reading a comment that summed up every argument for TPM being relevant and necessary. Back in high school, I toyed with the idea of rewriting the Prequel Trilogy, but I didn't get very far. It wasn't much of a priority anyway, but it greatly informed my opinion of the Prequels through the experience. I believe there's one key reason why the Prequels will live on and the Sequels won't: foundationally, the Prequels are pretty great stories. Most people say that the Prequels failed in their execution, but that's only half true. Some really creative people expressed their abilities in those movies resulting in some of the most iconic music, sounds, choreography, cinematography, special and digital effects, and even dialogue. Of course, it isn't all perfect (there are even some hiccups with the music, like "Harry Potter" music being in "Episode II," or maybe I have that backward, but that's a story for another time). Still, I've always joked that it's almost easier to get someone to listen to the story of the Prequels conceptually than it is to get them to watch them, and that's because the foundational elements of the films work and are compelling. All that being said, I really enjoyed this hypothetical look at a Prequel Trilogy that begins with "Attack of the Clones." I tried to do something similar before and got nowhere with it, and you're a far better storyteller than I. 😅 I'd certainly enjoy some more "episodes" from you on this topic. It also had me thinking about the "Obi-Wan Kenobi" rewrite you started before. I really enjoyed that, too, and I would love for you to pick that series back up. I was very intruiged and wanted to see where it was going. I still do! Anyway, keep up the great work. I enjoy your videos a whole lot.
@CrazyxEnigma Жыл бұрын
I agree with this take, I feel that's were some of if not most of the frustration with the Prequels comes from is that the execution left much to be desired... Not unlike Harry Potter come to think of it. That's likely a big part of why fanfiction for it is so popular so many people ask the question what if? so and so and then write it. Whereas you get a story that's much beloved and thought very highly of and well not many people are going to be wondering what if? if they're satisfied with it.
@mflegend2426 Жыл бұрын
Would love to see more. Some very intriguing ideas.
@28starwarsfan Жыл бұрын
Anakin's relationship with his mother is really important to the story all told, but I don't think we need TPM to get that. I'm thinking of Fellowship of the Ring off the top of my head, how important Aragon's relationship with Arwen is to his journey (particularly in ROTK). They didn't go back to when they met and fell in love and bonded. Granted they had some time to establish that in the film before he left. I think if you skipped TPM, you push a little more emphasis on the anxiety of Anakin worrying about his mother. Obi Wan can try to settle him saying that he's too attached--that they went back and made sure to buy her freedom. She's remarried with that Lars guy (and Anakin and grumble about how much he didn't care for the Lars family, but have no good reason for feeling that way). Obi Wan can dismiss it and say she's as safe as anyone else in the galaxy. He needs to focus on the commitments he has made to the Jedi way. I think that would do a lot for the mother relationship.
@thorshammer7883 Жыл бұрын
Hey Thor (Ironic about my own profile name being the same) One thing I personally don't like is the whole Chosen Prophecy and how much Anakin is exalted in the whole universe. I would have liked it better if Anakin was of nornal birth with a regular father figure who died when he was young and his mother had to raise him. Not the Force being his father. I don't like the idea behind that so much especially with the whole... theology narrative idea behind it. I personally don't like it nor it's purpose or ideal. If he had high potential as a Force Wielder that would have been better for him as a person in my book. Maybe Qui Qon may have sensed or had a big feeling he would have still played a extremely important role in the future and the future generations that would have worked much better as he grows up. Otherwise they make it look like Anakin is a destined prophesied demi god who is better then everyone automatically and far more valuable then everyone because the Force is his father and he's supposed to bring quote on quote "Balance to the Force" which I don't like the deeper idea behind that meaning very much and plus it's pretty redundant and hypocritcal considering what happens after Return of the Jedi and the conflicts and new Sith. So it's pretty self defeating to implement and enforce that concept. I would prefer that Qui Gon taking good dive of faithful assurance Anakin would cause good things to happen in the far future that would reform the entire Jedi Order and make them drop the old failing code. In which case in the EU that would happen after Anakin's death with Luke and his growing family reforming the order completely into being in a far better form then the old one ever was. So that thought is better in my view. Especially since we don't have to make Anakin's bloodline into something of demi god treatment which I simply don't like the idea behind that as that implies he and by extention his decendents far superior then everyone else's potential by default. Hard laboring works and development of skills and learning over time and maturing and refining those skills are more appropriate nature and more fair to other characters. Not because of a bloodline of a Force directly interfered in that manner I don't like causing that existence to be better then everybody else physically and raw power.
@CrazyxEnigma Жыл бұрын
I think a lot of people find the prophecy stuff off-putting it wasn't needed at all imo. Idk if George just thought it up and it sounded cool to him or if he wanted to try and include more mythical stuff and what's more mythical than a prophecy? kind of deal. It's so obviously a late addition Anakin/ Vader was never meant to be more than a traitor Jedi in the OT.
@MartinFGayford Жыл бұрын
I really like your off the top of your head version. I would love to have seen Anakin and Obi Wan on more of their adventures in the nest of Gundarks etc and losing TPM means we lose some of the most unnecessary stuff in the prequels; midichlorians, 3PO created by Vader and especially the dreadful 'chosen one' concept. For someone who saw the OT on release, these felt as jarring as Greedo shooting first. However, as you point out, the problem is with losing the development of Annakin's relationship with his mother. I wonder if that could have been a flashback, dream or something.
@skywalkersbutido6375 Жыл бұрын
Hey Thor im rlly happy with your answer,take care!
@JD-gk7eh Жыл бұрын
You can definitely remove the Phantom Menace but you can't start watching in Episode order. You can start with Ep. 4, though, since that is literally the only Star Wars movie made with the assumption that no one knew anything about Star Wars before watching it (because no one did). If you do the machete order, 4,5,2,3,6, you can get away without Ep. 1 because it doesn't introduce any characters that are either A) not dead by the end of it or B) not better introduced in another movie.
@pablopumarestaminiau7512 Жыл бұрын
Star Wars was never better than when it was just 3 movies, change my mind
@gnc623 Жыл бұрын
I know that a lot of people will disagree with me, but Phantom Menace is my favorite Star Wars film. From the music, the action, the characters, the visuals, and I know that this next statement will flummox some who can even sympathize with it being my favorite, but I honestly think Phantom Menace is a damn near perfect movie. The hate and criticism this movie received has always baffled me. I even think the plot is good, and until the Senate and politics scenes following the escape from Tattoine, the film moves along at a pretty good pace. The whole uproar about "taxes and trade routes" is mentioned in the opening crawl and then you pretty much get tons of action between then and the Senate scenes. And even though Palpatine's best is in Revenge of the Sith, I have always loved Palpatine in this one, my favorite character of the prequels.
@CrazyxEnigma Жыл бұрын
I don't think it's strange to say Palpatine is the best character of the prequels. Unlike you I have problems with them but Palpatine is easily the most consistent and fun character. He's having a damn good time being a Sith and has some of the most memorable dialogue of all of Star Wars. I'll put it this way, there's a lot if I could change the Prequels I would but Palpatine? No I'd change nothing about him.
@chuck_henry Жыл бұрын
I think some of the ideas have merit but I don't know that starting at AotC would be my choice. I really liked the Outbound Flight story which gave Anakin more a belief in might making right and the idea of the noble tyrant through a friendship with C'Boath. If they were to remake the origin, it might make sense to set the character beats up by flashback instead of a linear story. It would allow for the expanded second act which is really necessary. Ultimately, a better director than Lucas would have really helped overall. Lucas is great as a visionary and big idea person but he needed someone else doing the day to day.
@Masteroogway40 Жыл бұрын
Ooh that would have been very interesting. If Dooku had been the Sith master and is behind the scenes while his apprentice Palpatine is the public face and the elected figure in the limelight putting on a show. Then the scene in episode 3 where anakin duels him trying to "save the chancellor" and beheaded him with sideous saying, "Kill him now. Do it!" And the look of shock on Dooku's face is him realizing this is his apprentice seizing his moment to kill his master and take his place. He just uses a increasingly destabilized jedi to kill him for him instead of doing it himself. That's the ultimate insult from a master of political machinations. Getting the jedi to do your dirty work for you. Get the jedi to kill your master so you can keep playing the victim.
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