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@Wenzes 2 жыл бұрын
Do you need deep connections in your life?
@Nedmar 2 жыл бұрын
Of course! which INFJ doesn't?
@DearYoungerSelf111 2 жыл бұрын
I do need deep connections. Just has to be in a healthy way now - I still give way to others I must admit (I guess this doesn't stop for us) I do not do it to the same extent I did in the past. My life - opinions - preferences matter - and it has been a challenge to accept that I matter (had practiced the opposite all my life really) - I am worth it and its ok to be me! Happy Sunday INFJs!
@johnnycarter1966 2 жыл бұрын
If there isn't a deep connection and thought provoking conversation I just can't be around too many people. I feel entirely drained and end up feeling empty if I give all of me and get nothing back. I don't do the chameleon thing anymore. I can have self pride. Proud of myself for putting drugs out of my life. I can have healthy boundries! I'm pretty sure I am a hayoka INFJ.
@BlackjackMain 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I need deep connections, and I got 4 people that I have deep connections with, but because two of them live in a different state, that deep connection is still there, but I don't feel that connection as much because of our limited day to day interactions.
@j-us-t_be-in-g 2 жыл бұрын
I believe, as an INFJ, and of course all life, requires a depthness, and depthness symbolizes intimacy, and intimacy requires connectivity. The more connected we become with something or someone, the more we become as one with something or someone...the immersion of the two within a relationship.
@LadyCharity 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, this explains why many of my so-called friendships that lasted so many years had to end. I was always sacrificing, overgiving, and creating space to adapt to a friend or even family members. Of course, it was never given in return or even incrementally. I thought I had to accept it since these are childhood friends but I am worthy of deep connections that carry an equitable value exchange. I have since decided to release myself from making other people my responsibility and really focus on myself. The only thing that would really help me reach the next level is a stronger network because I do realize I tend to isolate myself with great ideas that are not made tangible to the outside world.
@joygallant4983 2 жыл бұрын
Hi this is so resonating with me, my life , my relationship and tone of ideas not yet realised. I believe I have found my tribe.
@Nedmar 2 жыл бұрын
I had a huge problem with this issue about seeking to establish deep connections with someone, mainly 'cause I was not aware of such concepts as the narcissistic personality and 'cause I was desperate to have a friend. It was during high school that we two got together 'cause none of us felt like being accepted by our classmates. Well as it later turned out, he was a narcissist, and things ended up really bad for me so that it all developed into something like an implicitly slavery-like relationship. Luckily I cut off all ties when I went to live abroad, and some years later fate arranged everything so that we met again. His life had turned into a hopeless mess and he was all alone with no friends, and he was so very desperate to rekindle our past "friendship" (aka to get his slave back) that he, the hardcore narcissist, even apologized for having acted so nastily with me in the past, but then I had a massive feeling that his real intention was to continue where we left years ago. Even then it was hard to cut that newly budding connection 'cause of the experiences from the past so that in the end I had to create tension and unpleasant feelings between us, which is something I would have never dared back then. It was not pleasant but my mental well-being was at stake so I had to. I have a feeling that an INFJ is such a fertile soil for a narcissist to flourish that we tacitly allow them to fully evolve and completely unfold all their traits till we realize what is happening and we just cut it for good. We turn into a nourishing cocoon as we hollow ourselves, a cocoon in which they cozily develop into their higher toxic being.
@YouilAushana 2 жыл бұрын
I can completely understand, someone finds your underlying emotional triggers and plays us to the beat. They only do this because they are lacking and have to lie, cheat, steal and manipulate in order to get their needs met. We know who we are and know how to keep our internal boundaries without losing ourselves to others.
@AnyaAnnika67 Жыл бұрын
I think this is certainly true of the behavioural INFJ albeit not the cognitive INFJ 😊
@tabithalandon4793 2 жыл бұрын
I have had one deep connection so far. It was with a man who worked at my college that I graduated from last spring. He was the dean of students, but I was able to get to know him very well since he coached workouts for students and I was usually the only person who showed up. I felt hesitant about being so close to him because of his position at the college, but once he made me feel comfortable, it was like I had no choice but to just go with it. I don't mean that in a negative way, he definitely did not manipulate me. He always made me feel seen and heard. I am normally a very quiet person, but with him, I always say what is on my mind. About a month or two into working out with him, he asked me what I wanted from him/the workouts, but he also meant it on a deeper level. I took a long time to respond, but eventually I said I want peace and to feel comfortable being myself. With him, I was able to fully be myself, I never hid anything. If I did try to hide something, he knew it and would call me out on it. This particular day that he asked me what I wanted I was feeling like I didn't belong on campus. I tried to get involved and be friendly with everyone, but I just didn't seem to fit in. The person who I had this deep connection with noticed that even though I was comfortable with him and in the workout room, I was still allowing my brain to get in the way. From that day on, he suggested that I tell him what was on my mind (within reason, of course) in order for my brain to not mess up my workout. I sometimes felt guilty for having such a close relationship with him, but I was never taken advantage of. I never learned much about him, since he was a staff member and there were boundaries, but I did get to witness how different he is around me compared to other students. In his position, being the Dean, he has to be a leader and most students think he is very intimidating, but with me, I saw a more gentle, emotional, but also super fun and sarcastic side. Many people don't get when he is being sarcastic, but I always have and it is weird since I normally hate sarcasm 🤣. One of the ways I learned that he really cared about me was when students would complain about something such as not getting enough sleep or feeling unhealthy. He would always tell them the obvious answer, to make time for sleep and eat better, but with me, he knew that I knew what I needed and he knew not to waste his time because I am too stubborn to take advice. There were some times he would text me to ask if I was coming to the workout that night and I would tell him no, I was too busy. He knew when I needed to take a break from studying, so he would always respond by saying I needed to get out of my room and he would make it a short workout. He knew what he could push me to do because it would only benefit me. He would never do that with others. If someone else told him they didn't want to exercise, he would not push it further. I think he is an ENTP and I believe I am an INFJ, so we are opposites in most ways, yet complement each other so well. He brought me out of my comfort zone and showed me how to speak up and share my opinions more often and I showed him that it is okay to be in touch with his emotions and to also listen to people better. I am still sad that we are no longer in eachother's lives', but I think he was only meant to be in my life for that short couple of years to show me how to be more confident. I think it's safe to say we both grew from our relationship and he will always be important to me 😊
@kymelatejasi 2 жыл бұрын
We have less opinions?! I feel seen! 😭 I didn't think I was normal for not forming my own opinions on many things.
@AnyaAnnika67 Жыл бұрын
Ah this is true of the behavioural INFJ to a degree but definitely not the cognitive INFJ. As cognitive INFJs are Ni-Ti convergents (the Jungian realm of creativity, action etc) they are constantly reformulating abstract objective theorem in their minds & as they are logically not emotionally predictive, they are great at deductive argumentation and philosophical debate. The irony is many cognitive INFJs can externally present as the devils advocate much like the behavioural ENTP (cognitive ENTPs tend to be much more agreeable). Harry from Cognitive Personality Theory is a perfect example of a cognitive INFJ with convergent Ni-Ti. If people are wandering whether they're a cognitive (although unlikely as they're rare) INFJ as well as a behavioural INFJ, I really do recommend checking out CPT; if you're an Ni-Ti convergent or divergent, the abstract objective theorem will be easy to understand/speaking your language 😊.
@lindateuling7862 2 жыл бұрын
This whole video resonated great with me, but I especially appreciated it when you mentioned the problem of our getting involved with other people at the expense of ourselves. It occurred to me that your description of "needing to practice self-care" had been on my mind for a long time. I appreciated your statement that we have to be aware of what we want, and create our own world and then invite others in. I got big time negative input, especially from my family, that this was a selfish thing to do. Added to it was that in my pre Myers-Briggs days, a prominent self-help book was Dale Carneigie's HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND IINLUENCE PEOPLE. (The IDR Labs website classifies Dale Carneigie as an ESTP) It's a good book, and it's helped a lot if people - maybe even some INFJs - but for me, it was counterproductive as also was my family's input. Your video explained Why! 🙂 I like your super statement: "The more you fill yourself up, the less you need others to fill it" -- Yes, and again I say, YES!
@hogski1000 2 жыл бұрын
Such an insightful video that totally explains why I've been a magnet for NPDs (narcissists) all my life and had very nasty fallings out when my boundaries came up with avengeance. They need to keep you hollow to use you as a mirror. They're shocked to discover a fully-fledged, highly niuanced and intellectual person underneath.
@KMR1776 2 жыл бұрын
Worse scenario for this problem is having a narcissist parent. Try developing your sense of self, and you'll be in for a World of hurt. Imagine a INFJ in fight mode - it gets real ugly.
@juice_lime5114 2 жыл бұрын
Lashed out to a "family member" before. Was pushed into a corner all the time until the ego breaks. The rage is terrifying. You spill out every single bad thing you have seen the person committed. When the person goes physical on you, your impulses naturally reflect everything back. You zero into their weaknesses with terrifying accuracy to reveal all their ugliness. You and the person would be terrified of "you".
@msmanager2775 2 жыл бұрын
I think narcissistic parents makes us an INFJ, being INFJ becomes our defence mechanism and how we are in our interaction in the world. When we start healing and understanding ourselves we can become so powerful and people we don’t need fall away and they are shocked when we start saying no and focusing on ourselves. Since I focused on myself I’ve done amazing things career wise and even bought a house alone as a single mum. I was wanting others to do these things for me now I realised how powerful I can be and and can do these things for myself! I come first no matter what !!!
@juice_lime5114 2 жыл бұрын
@@msmanager2775 Not really. They are like that from the start. Encounters with narcs potentially awakens their true potential when they finally start to see themselves and the world around them. They are made to overcome difficulties, despite often getting struck down by them. They don't see themselves happily when alone. They are constantly looking outwards. Their primary focus would always be something outside of themselves. Only if they have that accomplished, then they would be truly themselves. We do not use INFJ as an excuse. We want to change and improve from it, because it reveals what our strengths and weaknesses are.
@notthatvashti8127 2 жыл бұрын
Very true. Experiencing that right now. Trying to keep things harmonious and unoffensive-intrusive can be difficult when you really don't agree with what or how someone is doing something. It's such a delicate balance between being authentic and showing your support for someone. BTW, I adore your accent, it makes what you're saying so interesting!
@mlbullbooks 2 жыл бұрын
I value deep connections not really for the sake of understanding others alone, but to know someone is trustworthy and dependable as myself. It's hard to find real friends in this world who you can count on, or who don't change with time or look down on you for whatever reason. One thing I'm looking to do is join a writing class of intuitive writers (INFJs, INFPs, and empaths) by Lauren Sapala. Being an INFJ herself, she really understands us and how our minds operate as intuitive writers.
@isabellekayden5847 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh this is so accurate!! I've done exactly this. I shrunk myself to nothing. Literally did not even exist. It took me so long to believe that I deserved to choose myself and take up space.
@lilydarling4215 2 жыл бұрын
And I believed I’m the only one capable of that ‘hollowing out’ phenomena! I’m really struggling with finding my ‘normal’,I travel a lot,to fill up all my space with good experiences!
@isabellekayden5847 2 жыл бұрын
@@lilydarling4215 that's awesome! I'd say to just try to express yourself as best you can. Speak your truth. Work toward getting in tune with yourself and what makes you happy.
@lilydarling4215 2 жыл бұрын
@@isabellekayden5847 So true! It’s so hard to give yourself your own freedom when you’re essentially a retrospective character…🙆‍♀️🤷‍♀️
@t.h.9399 2 жыл бұрын
you are the first person i know who speaks the same language as i do. It's so good to find someone who understands you, who finally opens your eyes after decades of painful experiences. Many thanks for that :) !
@Elven. 2 жыл бұрын
I'm starting to do it. It's not as hard as it seemed, just a little bit new and foreign
@Invisibility397 2 жыл бұрын
I'm get sick of hearing about how much everyone blames themselves when it could be that the other people are shitty and don't know how to be decent people. Honestly you can keep people pleasing and fit into the heard I will stand alone and be fine.
@srushtisawant6174 2 жыл бұрын
I normally space outta reallity in my head and people around me just start talking insane things which really hurts me🙁
@tigre7739 2 жыл бұрын
Truthfully yes, I have always craved deep connections through my life, and being in my fifties now, I can tell you I've had numerous experiences of those connections falling short, and of course, discovering myself as an infj, has helped make sense of it. I got to a place at some point, where I really decided that I would not enter or engage in any relationships on a deep level, whether it be friendships or otherwise, I think I could probably accomplish this with friendships and still keep them at a healthy level, but I still feel that on a deeper or romantic level with someone, that it would be very challenging, therefore I just completely shut off from that, and it does suck in a lot of ways, but I feel that at some point I will take that risk again when it feels right, and hopefully benefiting from a lot of learned information.
@yasminlayla9752 2 жыл бұрын
This definitely resonated with me. I've had to let go of quite a few connections or friendships. Enough is enough at some point.
@nickolaszissimos1189 2 жыл бұрын
I used to live only for the other people in my life, and at the time I didn't understand any of that and I did feel like I knew some of them saw me like I saw them but they didn't. I kept it up till I just burnt out and then I really didn't care much at all anymore. Didn't at all know that burn out was the reason, the root cause for why I felt the way I did, so I didn't fix it since I had no idea that was even a real thing. Took me over a decade to finally learn that and not drive myself insane anymore. That isolation of myself helped at first but not so much after too much time passed. Once I decided to really work on learning my problem I dove deep into learning many thing and didn't take too long to find out the origin of my problem. I then came to my reflection, really looked at it and saw my true form, dove into my reflection and met ... ... ... Myself, my inner self. It was then I knew whom I could have that deep connection with. I still want someone else that can reach that kind of depth with me but till then, my inner self is more than sufficient in that regard. He is my guide and navigator for those depths after all. I also can't wait for the day I get to merge with him and become the true me, if it works that way. If not then he really is just my guide and I will learn from him and become that me on my own afterward. From this experience I learned that the very first of that kind of deep connection should be from yourself. After that it should eventually fall into place. Is it the dominant Ni that allows us to see the depth in other peoples eyes, I always stick with the people that have deeper eyes than most.
@AnyaAnnika67 Жыл бұрын
I think what you're describing here beautifully conveys Fi-Ni convergence
@nickolaszissimos1189 Жыл бұрын
@@AnyaAnnika67 That sounds pretty interesting, because Fi is my 6th cognitive function, tell me more
@voided3366 2 жыл бұрын
And So It Is
@matthewvoorhies7840 2 жыл бұрын
My boot camp is Lost Lands, as an infj it's hard being around 30,000 people for 5 days camping, but the people who go have a reputation for being open, kind and fun. It took a year of raving but I finally found that one friend who tries to understand me. Thanks for the videos you help me know that I'm already on the right path and also help me understand what I'm doing right so I can grow faster
@kevster5252 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly the kind of advice I was looking for. Been struggling lately to make deep connections and have been stuck in my Ni Ti loop for months trying to figure it out. Thank you so much again wenzes
@csguak 2 ай бұрын
My INFJ girlfriend is very religious yet still constantly talks about what is the meaning of life. As her ESTP boyfriend, I make sure she reflects on her feelings throughly until eventually I can tell her, calm down, take a chill pill, lets just go get some ice cream 😂
@swapnilkc8186 2 жыл бұрын
"3:22(We as INFJs...) to 3:48(...as possible) 3:51(It's not like...) to 4:25(...judgement about it) "
@LordDante-oj7jo Жыл бұрын
Being an INFJ is a blessing and a curse.
@giricoccola3554 2 жыл бұрын
My deep relationships with others are based on reciprocity and honest connection (mostly INF's), the problem is they're never free!
@sarahsmith9766 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been craving this my whole life and all my past friends would say how they don’t want to be deep all the time lol. Anytime I would get mindless texts, I would be annoyed and ignore them or give generic response. Makes perfect sense with the hollowing out part. My mind is being blown with this channel and I’m finally understanding myself more. Idk if you’ve covered vigilant judgement of others insecurities, but I’m trying to change that about myself. I understand it could be to discover for codependent relationships, but what about strangers you just pass and have an automatic judgement with a deep story. Like if I see an old lady early in Morning walking her dog, I’m like I bet she doesn’t feel appreciated by her kids and walking the dog lol Or see someone in a car on a weekday on their phone in a big empty parking lot, I’m like yeah they don’t want to go home and are unhappy. My assumptions always go to the worst
@AnyaAnnika67 Жыл бұрын
This sounds much more like Fi-Ni as opposed to Ni-Ti. It's worth noting that there's a major differences between the behavioural INFJ and the cognitive INFJ; the vast majority of people fall into the former category - only around 10% of people who self type as INFJs are actual cognitive INFJs. I wish my Fi-Ni was more developed, I simply love that convergent functional pairing 😊
@brendabochaberi7014 2 жыл бұрын
This resonates with me so much. I have learnt to speak the truth. My best friend has been venting to me about the men in her life and we have been going in circles about the same kind of men for so long. Recently I found the courage to tell her you know I love you but I do not want this for our friendship or you or myself. Something has to change because I can no longer soak up all that energy so help yourself so you can help our friendship. And she was hurt but I am glad I spoke up because I was starting to avoid her😊
@ojuice8110 Жыл бұрын
U r truly gifted because the way you explain everything in a way that makes 100% sense ur storytelling, analogies r always spot on. It’s crazy because i can relate to everything it’s like we have the same brain or something
@AnyaAnnika67 Жыл бұрын
You might be the same cognitive type & the same behavioural type as Wenzes if that is how you feel 😊. Wenzes is a behavioural INFJ but a cognitive ISFP I believe as the Fi-Ni convergent pairing is very evident in her content; ISFPs are of course a wonderful cognitive type 😊
@ferguiesolis2411 2 жыл бұрын
At the very least you explained what happened to me a while back, where I was going through something and one of the truths I faced was where was my identity behind all this. Somehow what you're saying is what I did.
@deborahwolff5651 2 жыл бұрын
Haha! I've had this problem my whole life and couldn't figure out why.. I am not needy or desperate by all means.
@mr.goodwrench8273 2 жыл бұрын
Do I need deep connections in my life? Yes. I've not been showing either the desperation or neediness for it. Yet I do have a yearning for a deep connection. I hope and pray for a connection with a lady who is also INFJ. Her and I would have much interest and respect for one another along with attraction. Some might say her, and I might "cancel each other out" or even bore one another. In my experiences, I have found that trying to connect with a lady who is extroverted and a social butterfly so to speak has not worked out so well. I believe INFJ's know and understand INFJ's.
@EMichaelBall 2 жыл бұрын
INF/TP’s might also jive with you.
@AnyaAnnika67 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you that behavioural INFJs will have a lot in common however not actual cognitive INFJs as the two are mutually exclusive
@michellem775 2 жыл бұрын
Ohh god yes. I hate small talk. UGH! Why are people so afraid of deep convos?
@AnyaAnnika67 Жыл бұрын
Not that you've stated it is by any means but I don't think that this is necessarily applicable to type per se. What Wenzes is referring to is the behavioural INFJs but rather cognitive ISFPs (as behavioural & cognitive type are not the same) need to establish deep connections via an Fi-Ni existential dialogue. Cognitively speaking, say for an example, a cognitive INFJ, in contrast, may constitute their constant abstract objective internal reformulation of their theorems as 'going deep' whereas the ISFP who has difficulty with detached logic may have difficulty comprehending what the INFJ is getting at. Cognitive ESTPs for example, may not 'appear' to go 'deep' as they preferably like to engage in light hearted exchanges but the reality is, cognitively speaking, their Se-Fe convergent pairing is constantly scanning the environment to help synthesise their Ti-Ni philosophical musings. My point being that what constitutes 'deep' is going to be highly subjective and therefore in what area each type needs 'depth' is also going to be relative. What Wenzes is referring to is the behavioural INFJs need to go 'emotionally deep' whereas the cognitive INFJ wants to go 'cerebrally deep'. It's one of the reasons I know many people on here (which I think is a great thing - each to their own) want to go 'emotionally deep' as opposed to cerebrally as I rarely get anyone engaging me in abstract Ti dialogue (indeed this is a bit of a blind spot for cognitive ESFPs & ISFPs who comprise a lot of the viewers).
@johnmichaelrichards 2 жыл бұрын
Love you, Wenzeslawa. Keep on keepin' on. We'll all get there so long as we don't give up. Life is a perpetual journey.
@tommoss43 2 жыл бұрын
I was aware and cautious about the ni/ti loop before the pandemic and I’m curious about how infj’s have been dealing with 2 years ( so far ) of lock downs. A kind of imposed ni/ti loop. In general would you say we’ve adapted well ? Personally, it’s been a focused, creative, meditative time. Also terrifying and sad.
@AnyaAnnika67 Жыл бұрын
I'd be mindful about conflating the behavioural INFJ with the cognitive INFJ; what Wenzes is referring to is the behavioural INFJ which is a very common type whereas the cognitive INFJ is very rare. We can't apply the convergent functional Ni-Ti pairing to the behavioural INFJ for this reason, especially as a lot of behavioural INFJs (eg empaths, HSPs, narc magnets etc) tend to be cognitive (in the Jungian sense) ISFPs & ESFPs where the Fi-Ni primary seat of the ego would be more applicable as opposed to Ni-Ti (which these types are comparatively weak at) 😊
@imdjc4 Жыл бұрын
WHY THE INFJ CRAVES DEEP CONNECTIONS? Because it gives us something to hold on to and contributes to our remarkable ability to remain grounded in all types of weather. Because you surpass all of those superficial types that need lots of miserable people to talk with as opposed to those capable of social discourse. Because we choose quality over quantity every time. Because unique trumps the usual. Interesting is far more listenable to than boring. And thinking about thinking gives us something to do that's free and can be done anywhere, anytime.
@MissNicoRobinonepiec 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, I needed to hear that. I need some alone time after i have created deep connections with some friends and I feel really guilty for that :/
@AnyaAnnika67 Жыл бұрын
Many social introverts feel this way so I'd really try to not feel guilty, we're all proactive & reactive in our cognition & behaviour 😊
@amandagarcia9022 2 жыл бұрын
I totally see this in a new way now. Thanks Wenzes! You rock.
@michaelhargrove9 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much great advice I've been an infj for years but I just come to knowledge of it 2 years ago thank you for your advice it also tells me I have to be a little bit more assertive now dealing with people but thank you again and I will be subscribing to your channel
@deborahwolff5651 2 жыл бұрын
I would like yo have deep loyal connections with people but they aren't interested at times. I've noticed they are either surface oriented, or they don't give me the time of the day. It is frustrating.
@ewatuznik8804 2 жыл бұрын
One of your best videos ever!! Thank you❤️
@ShawnOG13 2 жыл бұрын
We are completely opinionated probably more than most but we can see by hollowing why’s it’s best to keep sentiments to self unless asked. Because our views are valuable
@AnyaAnnika67 Жыл бұрын
I think you make a strong point re your thoughts being 'valuable'; this and being very opinionated perfectly encapsulates Fi-Ni convergence as Fi is attached logic and Ni the abstract perception of such, from a cognitive as opposed to behavioural perspective. I see this very much in convergent Fi-Si users such as Jordan Peterson. In contrast, cognitively speaking I'm convergent Ti-Ni as I'm objectively/cerebrally opinionated but rarely have conscious opinions of an affective/emotional/value laden nature.
@prschuster 2 жыл бұрын
That's true enough
@travisbartholomay 2 жыл бұрын
Good morning. Thank you
@larapunk3532 2 жыл бұрын
The problem is not about fearing of the image of "the bad friend" but The image of being "alone" not that loliness of having friends but that image of not finding the image I dreamed about That I've friends that ma make feel good, now I've friends they're all good but I feel so neutral That imaginary soulmate friend doesn't exist 😔 as you said before there's no action no drama no push and pull and those feeling of excitement I just can't accept it, so I'm trying to close off my heart for any men, then I accept having friends very good, they're here for I'm too and that's all😔
@danielbast352 2 жыл бұрын
When I’m alone with my thoughts, I’m never lonely. When I’m in public with people who just goes blah blah, nice weather , for the sake of moving their lips. I feel like I have to be from another planet. They are all the same. blah blah. God help me because it seriously seems like I live among zombies. I tune out almost instantly, and go about my way. Contemplating all the worlds mysteries. Then they get all mad... didn’t you listen to me ,I said nice weather toda........ blah blah.
@oceanbluek 2 жыл бұрын
Hi wenzes, this is outside the topic of this video. Like Ive tried what you have shared about stating my opinions rather than being silent and just saying yes always and like it is so hard cause like I feel like more and more people dislike me now.I know you said that then thats where I will know who I surround myself to. How did you cope up the pain of that feeling?
@dasc0yne 2 жыл бұрын
Small talk is painful.
@hugmc 2 жыл бұрын
We are lovers and givers too a fault
@amyw4216 2 жыл бұрын
This is helpful!
@fayjason 2 жыл бұрын
People, as wekk as the individua,l only see versions of others.
@jhyejw 2 жыл бұрын
Nah.. I just want to impose and scatter off before getting entwined!!! Nothing is ever worth than be in deep chasm....🤷🤦🙅
@ythatesfacts 2 жыл бұрын
I stopped going to places (like church but that was for a number of reasons) mainly because I couldn't connect with others. No offence to old folks but I don't connect well with you guys and yet I still receive the letters and talk about them just to not hurt their feeling much. Frankly I'm a bit scared to truly open the whole book of myself to someone in person (that's not a therapist) (Hint: my username is pretty much an idea of where I stand on views)
@howyduinyall7653 2 жыл бұрын
Open up to God, wasn’t it Him who made the therapists, after all the very hairs on your head He knows the number, in other words He knows you better than u know yourself!
@ythatesfacts 2 жыл бұрын
@@howyduinyall7653 I've done that already and yet I still feel this longing for a relationship. (he's the only one I've talked to about the past trauma that I've never told a soul to, he's the one who helped me get help to get over my porn addiction) No offense to Yahweh or Yeshua here, but having them both doesn't make my loneliness diminish (in fact I'm pretty sure that it's worse to be lonely than to smoke 15 cigarettes a day). I didn't read the bible much because I was forced to read it in a year and I forced myself out of it. Now I try to listen to scholars rather than reading.
@howyduinyall7653 2 жыл бұрын
@@ythatesfacts Reading the Bible is different to understanding it! Every perceived problem/issue we humans have is temporary just like this unjust system we all live in, satan rules the world the Bible says it also says it’s not for much longer, no one can understand the Bible without guidance, ask God in all sincerity and see His mighty hand draw you to Him, I would b glad to show u relevant scripture’s no matter what’s troubling u, Gods spirit is stronger than the spirit of this satanic world.
@ythatesfacts 2 жыл бұрын
@@howyduinyall7653 i know there is a difference between reading and understanding (I'm in college I knew that the hard way). I got pretty turned off (but not excluding it altogether) to reading the bible when (like I said before) I did the year long bible read, it never gave me time to digest, question, think, or realise what is even happening in the books let alone the cultural context. Feel free to list some channels if you'd like that talk about the bible, since I'd be more inclined to watch than read.
@howyduinyall7653 2 жыл бұрын
@@ythatesfacts Whilst at school back in my day we said the Lord’s Prayer every morning in assembly, I asked for God’s kingdom to come literally hundreds of times in that prayer it was 10 years after i left school before I understood what I had been asking for, nobody at school ever explained things to me about the kingdom, thankfully Jehovah’s witnesses took the time to come and see me and patiently show me from the scripture’s how God will restore paradise and remove pain and suffering, on their website you will see videos, talk’s, films and publications that makes the Bibles message understandable, as Jesus said “ you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”
@DAMION888 2 жыл бұрын
@joshy0369 2 жыл бұрын
Yes 🤔
@wheresallthezombies 2 жыл бұрын
Wait what is the full price for the bootcamp? I’m not going to be able to get it till tomorrow.
@Wenzes 2 жыл бұрын
I saw you already joined 😊
@aisulukozhabayeva5131 2 жыл бұрын
@Invisibility397 2 жыл бұрын
Happiness is a choice and love generates from internal.. Tell me what you can do for me that I can not do myself? Exactly you have nothing substantial I need so you can kick rocks. Thats the way you want to live. I do Exactly what I want to do when I want. I do not want or need anything from anyone else. Solitude and celibate because honestly society discusts me and the American women focus on and require a man based on the 7 deadly sins. Why the hell would I care about any woman. Ignorance is not an excuse for becoming evil.
@Invisibility397 2 жыл бұрын
You can't miss anything that you have never experienced. And if someone wanted to be remembered then they should have done something that everyone else didn't. Society can continue to abuse everyone else psychologically. I'm just wondering why I can use my hammer 🔨. The physical damage done is exactly the same
@elpalenta131 2 жыл бұрын
@alshimasalah1813 2 жыл бұрын
@voided3366 2 жыл бұрын
I want You You are what I understand and You are Fine no You are Fizine
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