Women Talking On How Men Are Aware Of How They Treat Them/Stop Making Excuses For Them

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Maria Davids

Maria Davids

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Welcome. My name is Maria Davids. Lets have conversations in the comments section.
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@DaintyAbby 10 ай бұрын
Close. Your. Legs. Ladies 🤦🏽‍♀️
@tassys 10 ай бұрын
Yes they are very smart. They go in relationships with a plan. They look for insecure low standard women as placeholders to save money for their dream girl. The whole 50/50 thing represents it.
@Enriquez2222 10 ай бұрын
I agree with the lady in the red towel. If a man can treat any woman like crap once he no longer wants you, he gonna treat you like crap.
@heneverforesakesme4038 10 ай бұрын
not only that, if they start bragging about how they treated other women so poorly, he's taking your temperature, he wants to see your reaction and if you have any moral standards. He wants to see if you are going to call him out on being the POS that he is OR are you going to hero worship him. Because if you call him out, then for him, it's on to the next, if you hero worship and think your presence is going to make a difference, ladies. I have to say: you are kidding yourself, you just handed over your soul to that demon.
@kuwtkkids9304 9 ай бұрын
But what if you leave before he gets bored of you?
@ineedhoez 8 ай бұрын
True, but the only difference in the equation is you. She has one time to treat you like crap and you go ahead and remove access. A man understands that you won't tolerate it, he won't cross your boundary not one time. So, at his core, he might not be a great person, but that still doesn't mean that he won't treat you exactly how you want to be treated because he understands what's required to have access to you. At the end of the day, the only thing you as a woman should concern yourself with is how you were being treated. You can be with an awesome guy who has High character and still can't meet your needs. So now what do you stay with the good guy even though your needs aren't being met?
@BlackRaven000 10 ай бұрын
Human males are patient beasts who understand that a hunting session takes time, in fact, the longer the hunt, the more challenging and attractive it is. As soon as the 'prize' has been conquered, the XYs now take full "payback" for all the pretending they'd been "forced to do because of you." Just be single, ladies. No matter how nice or patient he seems.
@Anyox17 10 ай бұрын
“The XYs now take full payback for all the pretending they’d been forced to do because of you” My god this is the truest thing I’ve read in a WHILE! It’s totally alarming!
@heneverforesakesme4038 10 ай бұрын
@@Anyox17 Yes, men know what they are doing and as women I don't think we actually understand the depth of nefarious intent and deception that men are capable of, I mean, think about it ladies. I believe and this is just ME. All men are capable of and convincing themselves of: being on the DL, thinking it's ok to SA a child as small as an infant to grown women and seeing a woman as only an OBJECT, they are also capable of war for profit and destruction for profit. We as women, need to face that TRUTH. We are going to have to in order to survive.
@trichmomma 10 ай бұрын
No they are not,they won't be waiting. Maybe they will wait for that one woman but they aren't waiting. Trust they are being entertained while they wait for her.
@BlackRaven000 10 ай бұрын
​@@trichmommabig prizes, little prizes, they're going for them all😂
@a.r.8954 10 ай бұрын
Yes, this is a major character flaw they need to fix. We shouldn't adapt to it, we should avoid all men like this or all men in general.
@sxycrml35 10 ай бұрын
Facts if he's not putting in an effort with you don't waste your time. You can waste years of your life loving the wrong man.
@dr.jennapetersonap3874 10 ай бұрын
😂 They 100% know. VOTE with your feet, block, ghost them. He gets 1 chance to show you his best efforts: he's late, lazy, cancels last minute, Netflix n chill? Disrespectful, tearing down your value- Walk, girl👠👢👡👻
@ineedhoez 8 ай бұрын
Pahahahaha!!! I love this!!!!!
@tfkdandsvkc 7 ай бұрын
Proud of your dr.jenna love seeing highly accomplished women❤❤
@IAMGROOT4EVA 10 ай бұрын
How a man or ANYONE treats you is a reflection of THEIR character. Just because you treat one person right and everyone else wrong doesn't mean they're a good person because he's nice to you. He's still a bad person. I will not take ownership of someone else's character. I treat everyone the same. If I don't like you, then I won't mess with you at all because it's my CHARACTER. I won't string you along, play with your feelings, none of that because I don't want you in my presence at all. So, if you feel like someone isn't doing anything for you, their character is reflecting that image. The same way I won't date someone who treats low wage workers like crap, I won't date him if he's treated everyone else like shid and me like gold. The true him will eventually surface, and you'll eventually be in the same boat as others. It just took you longer to get there. The moral of the story is, DON'T DATE OR BE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS BAD CHARACTER!!!
@a.r.8954 10 ай бұрын
100%!! I feel like some of the dating advice to women covertly implies that it's our job to regulate men or that it's about his feelings towards you instead of his character. I imagine it comes from a place of believing the propaganda from men that this is just 'how they are' so we have to adapt, instead of demanding that they change. For example, I disagree that the man picking up a teddy bear for the woman was 'cute' if he has neglected numerous women before. I wouldn't date that guy if he had that history. It's still pick me energy, in my view, to be okay with a man who treats you well if you just happen to be his dream girl. I'll only settle down with a man who treated every woman he ever dated well, or as well as he could.
@knot_kisses 10 ай бұрын
​@@a.r.8954omg! I'm so happy you've written this reply. I've always thought this and wondered why people don't think like this. On the internet, most dating coaches, really push that dream girl idea...that a man will be bad to every girl he meets but when he meets his dream girl, he's gonna act right for her so we should all strive to be and know if we're his dream girl. It always made me wonder about the women he dates before his dream girl, the ones he treated poorly, so he just gets away with that. If you're a good person you'd have never taken advantage of people. So now suddenly he's gonna change for his dream girl. Even if that man was treating me well, I'm not gonna be happy when I find out you treated other women poorly in the past
@ineedhoez 8 ай бұрын
And how you allow someone to treat you as a reflection of your character.
@ineedhoez 8 ай бұрын
​@@a.r.8954no, it's our job to look at how a man treats us, and head out if it doesn't meet our standards.
@tfkdandsvkc 7 ай бұрын
What happens when everyone has bad character and is evil towards you,,women are literally hated for existing this is something that bothers me alot I didn't choose my gender so why am I being hated for it??
@yuelianghime1111 10 ай бұрын
They know. He knows. That is why you should NEVER settle for anyone that is not worth your time. Especially these type of men.
@PhotoJeticPoet 10 ай бұрын
The last guy I was talking to said "The reason you're single is because you never let anyone get anything off around you." This after I questioned him about something he said he would do but didn't...... Sir what?
@ineedhoez 8 ай бұрын
Yes. That is 100% correct. I'm not going to cut off my leg to make weight. If it's not healthy, I don't want it
@KiraBKADestroyerOfWorlds 9 ай бұрын
If your love language is gifts, and a person tells you that they aren't going to give you gifts, then y'all are not a match, and you should both move on.
@ArianaMcCoy 10 ай бұрын
The lady in red is too damn dope and wise.
@heneverforesakesme4038 10 ай бұрын
yep, I deserve more. That's why it felt so good to drop some serious dime on just ME this holiday season and not care who else is getting a present or fed or taken care of in any type of capacity.
@arogers-zh3nl 10 ай бұрын
That Asian girl was on point. Mothers and ex-partners as enablers..betta preach!
@TheAlreadytaken24 10 ай бұрын
Hate to say this but once again women blaming other women.. off pure assumptions... most men are massive manipulators.. and First off the guy that said oh this woman has him doing all this x,y,z.. is because this is new emotions and also honeymoon phase... when those new feelings subsides and the high goes away he will do what he has always done.. so it has nothing to do with what women will or will not accept.. Most of these men are only like this with certain women because they are either trying to make their ex jealous and feel like she is lacking because he didn't do this with her.. or using this as a tactic to get what he wants.. I've seen men from work post their girls... do all this lovey dovey stuff.. kissing her on camera saying and doing all the right stuff.. but at work trying to ask me to come over and hang out with them after work.. or asking if i want to hook up... and its a absolutely hell no.. but anyways.. majority of men eventually learn over time that he can not do what he has done before so he studies these videos and what women like and how to be charming etc etc.. and then gets what he wants and is out... they are never there longevity wise.. and if they have trust me that woman had to endure great suffering just to keep him in her life.. so when she starts speaking and shifting the blame onto women.. because he buys gifts for one while he didn't do it for the other and blaming past women.. is lacking intelligence honestly.. I've worked with men in male dominated fields for years.. trust me they tell on themselves and she is definitely wrong.. for this comment.. certain women bring out certain emotions... or a high feeling.. or honeymoon phase and most of these men play a part very well.. and he will always give something different.. so you will never know his plans and moves..
@trichmomma 10 ай бұрын
They know. We have been telling them. The real question is why we are asking if they know when we know damn full and well they do. We know they dont care, now what? Or are we looking for yet another way to trauma bond while keeping the trauma. Cant find healing in the place you were hurt.
@vikki8699 9 ай бұрын
Solid advice. Defibitely go date yourself! I've been doing this for two years, and I've been so much better since. I have enforced boundaries and have zero tolerance for subpar effort. I agree with the girl who leaves the guy who ghosted, used, manipulated or shagged about in his other relationships but suddenly sees the light when it comes to you. Definitely, 100%, leave that guy alone. They are hoping to settle with a good womsn like you because that man cannot keep up the charade anymore. You do not want vile used up men. How he treated his past women is how he will definitely treat you! If he cheated on his last girl, he will cheat on you. Leave that kind of man alone!
@misslola007 10 ай бұрын
The sista wearing the headset is right and this applies to any relationship (friend, lover, parents etc..).
@vernetta111 10 ай бұрын
Yasssssssss i love her she spoke nothing but truth
@vernetta111 10 ай бұрын
Yasssssssss i love her she spoke nothing but truth
@PileofAshes53 10 ай бұрын
Once you’ve given your kitty to a man, you have lost all of your power in his eyes. At that point he will treat you any type of way he wants. Close your legs.
@SylisDaGoldenPeach 10 ай бұрын
Yep even if you made him wait for months
@ladypokerdealer 10 ай бұрын
Maybe if you feel the need to resort to manipulation yourself, then maybe better to not engage at all with said person ❤️🖤
@unicorn73212 10 ай бұрын
Sometimes I find myself having to fight to keep my legs closed too because there always trying to open them they also took my wallet recently but what they don't realize is I turned off my card there not going to be able to Access it anyways and if the theif was a guy that ID will be useless to him because he's not a white woman he's a bm so he wouldn't be able to steal my identity either because I canceled my card. I just wish debt cards had a feature on it just in case someone does go into your bank account the police are called and you can charge that person for trying to steal your identity anyways and sue them for like 2000 dollars and a year in jail. Sometimes the lighter punishment hurts a theifs reputation the worst because then he would have to explain to the court why he went into this ladies account.
@peachesandpoets 10 ай бұрын
​@@ladypokerdealermanipulation? 😂 😂 😂 Knowing that doing something will cause a negative or harmful outcome and choosing not to do it is manipulation? Poor thing. Spread away.
@kennyav25 10 ай бұрын
Sweety men will treat you however they want to treat you Kitty or not
@SylisDaGoldenPeach 10 ай бұрын
There weird and messy , they only show interest in a woman if no one is around but when lots of people are around they pretend like that lady is chasing them , as soon as no one is watching it’s open season and they tryna get flirty , that’s why I’ve left men alone , im glad im bisexual cuz I like women better cuz they actually like me for me and they not afraid to show affection even if people are watching , I don’t care who’s watching me if I want a hug and kiss then I’m gonna hug and kiss my lover
@TheAlreadytaken24 10 ай бұрын
I definitely understand this..
@imanniway8820 9 ай бұрын
Get out of my brain. I thought i was crazy but some of them be out here playing mind games.
@C.E.O.007 10 ай бұрын
They literally. Test you just to fail...I always study
@shopece8807 10 ай бұрын
Yessss our girl wearing the headset's stitch was PERFECTION!
@Sky-yh3ml 10 ай бұрын
2 Chronicles 9:6;19:7; & Titus2:3-6 Be Holy meaning don’t let your feet go into evil!! Why risk your soul for nothing!
@OGK-1414 8 ай бұрын
7:39 YES!!!!! YES YES. Ladies, this is the energy we need . Sticking together is the only way through this mess.
@Babes94-nx5lq 8 ай бұрын
Of course they know what they're doing smfh it's all planned and all based off how they choose to view you it's disgusting and they will literally approach you based off the assumption they have then have the nerve to approach with a motive on top of it 😣 just cause they chose to think of you in a degrading way!
@ineedhoez 8 ай бұрын
Shawty in the red, went off!!!
@thrill102 10 ай бұрын
She’s not wrong!
@kayshawnsimmons5585 10 ай бұрын
I Agree 💯
@trichmomma 10 ай бұрын
Off topic: I love when you make videos at night and I can hear the nightlife in the background.
@DWPersianExcursion 10 ай бұрын
Love and support from Texas
@ypanso 10 ай бұрын
i love your vids they r helpful with understanding why males act like they do, and you are also preetty
@RhenaLoveTarot 10 ай бұрын
@ccd5942 10 ай бұрын
9:59 looks like the lady from greys anatomy.
@AndyCroat-v6d 10 ай бұрын
Always great content! Thnx
@kayshawnsimmons5585 10 ай бұрын
I Agree
@esperanzas2860 10 ай бұрын
Whats the lady’s name with the maroon shirt with the heart?
@minidom4713 7 ай бұрын
Can someone share the video of the guy buying the bear for his girl please 🙏🏼
@Poodle_Gun 6 ай бұрын
Every time he does this to you, have him raise another man's baby
@ToughWitty 2 ай бұрын
I am lost in the sauce on this one.Are you ll looking for relationship with men or not you have to be direct as possible early in the relationship.
@2okaycola 9 ай бұрын
The intro ran twice
@C.E.O.007 10 ай бұрын
I don't know why y'all keep making a big deal about what he knows a man only does what he can get away with he's going to keep trying over and over again and men are playing and still not winning . So why does it matter that they're doing the same thing they're not winning and they're lying to themselves it's just the fact that if you close your legs they're going to lie to what
@lala5061 2 күн бұрын
Yep closing the legs helps a woman to not be angry that she gave up it up for nothing...it's a great way to get out of a terrible relationship, too...cuz to be honest they don't feel relationships are over unless they say it is 🙄
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