Literally stun locked by lag
Szn 21 lag built diff
Ай бұрын
FF7Rebirth HDR Settings
3 ай бұрын
FF7Rebirth Hurts My Eyes
4 ай бұрын
More Baldur's Gate 3 Bugs (PS5)
@Hi-es7zd 20 сағат бұрын
Dont explain my secrets :,( Let people think " linear is the best " when their streamers are just using DS4 xD
@Njhdsw Күн бұрын
You goat 🐐🔥
@undrrxated Күн бұрын
I’ve been exploring alc bleedthrough for a while, way back in s10-12. I usually try to keep it consistent since on ps4 with 0.6 AA using default sens with alcs shadowing it feels way better and consistent instead of using alcs on top due to the fps flux of the game. I’ll be watching more of your videos to get more insight on this topic, thank you.
@undrrxated Күн бұрын
I really wonder if it works the other way around though or different if I use default on top then alcs in the back, I’ll try your alcs out and try and fine tune them to the best of my ability and see what happens
@PickedaName_ Күн бұрын
@@undrrxated default shapes are always there and alc shapes are always there. Easiest way to notice it on defaults is to play on linear and set alc to like 1.0 . You push through a ring then have to shoot a line. Change alc to anything other than 6.0 and that line requirement changes. Same thing happens if you change your default curve with alc on. There's a list of videos in my comment on this video; the fov, various curves, and how I know my decimal, videos should give you all the info you need. Pretty sure things feel different with default aa tho, like alc shapes function differently with default aa strength instead of pc aa strength. There's a alc spot that felt like a push away column on pc aa that then gravitated towards the location it pushed away from when I swapped to default aa strength.
@undrrxated Күн бұрын
@@PickedaName_ thank you for the info I will def give it a try, I’m suprised that you haven’t gone insane yet haha
@LewiTrotter 7 күн бұрын
Great video, there's no one else going into this much detail in apex rn. Is there any reason as to why you run large deadzone though? would small/none do a better job?
@PickedaName_ 7 күн бұрын
I use large because of the input mapping of 1.3, 111000...etc can't compensate for input mapping reductions past the 111. Default deadzones create input mapping disruptions, even with alc on, and by having it set to Large I am preventing input from being slowed down past initial input. Small creates slowdown around the 3rd stage of acceleration. None is further back. Large is initial input, if at all.
@TTV_ash999 7 күн бұрын
So you run 2,3 high velocity?
@PickedaName_ 7 күн бұрын
@@TTV_ash999 with alc settings on
@TTV_ash999 7 күн бұрын
@@PickedaName_ you should make a settings video it's unique seeing someone use high velocity
@PickedaName_ 8 күн бұрын
4 deadzone is the PS5 deadzone, input is registered as the metal rod hits the plastic tube. 5&6 feel like splashing water because input is being registered as the plastic tube is being pushed. 7 deadzone has little splash because input is being registered slightly before the plastic tube is in full motion. Like the exterior of the plastic tube. 8 deadzone requires the tube to be completely moved for input to be registered.
@PickedaName_ 9 күн бұрын
Legacy Aim Deadzone lets you minimize stick drift Uploaded a year after this
@PickedaName_ 9 күн бұрын
Video with Legacy Aim Deadzone off
@PickedaName_ 10 күн бұрын
Linear hitbox is more constricted than High Velocity, so as you increase your FOV High Velocity lets you shoot more of your target than Linear. How FOV affects aim assist Default settings affect ALCs How I know my ALC Response Curve decimal Aim assist shapes of various Curves Most Recent Outer Threshold video Deadzone video Per Optics video Playlist with all my Apex Legends ALC videos over the last like year+
@Schmangel 12 күн бұрын
Glad watched youre vid. Just because of you I finally have the First Peace of xaku
@ٴٴ8 15 күн бұрын
Hey, could you do that for valorant controller ?
@PickedaName_ 15 күн бұрын
I'm only on PS5 and it's not on PS5
@PickedaName_ 15 күн бұрын
Plus idk if valorant outer threshold does what apex outer threshold does. This acceleration pattern stuff seems completely unique to this game. The entire settings screen is poorly constructed and many things in the menu have hidden aspects to them.
@ٴٴ8 15 күн бұрын
@@PickedaName_ it release on ps5
@ٴٴ8 15 күн бұрын
@@PickedaName_ like in valorant for ps5 there is only the inner and outer deadzone. But in general, is the deadzone in a game change everything for the aim, like making him more smooth or feel like horrible ?
@ٴٴ8 15 күн бұрын
Like for the deadzone video, it’s all new and there is 9 different curve, but no one know how they actually work with graphics etc
@93vara 18 күн бұрын
Last setting ? I see one problem, 1x think is slow, a bit, give me your contacts pls
@icecrxm 21 күн бұрын
One thing I’ve noticed is that dead zone as a bleed thru when turning off ALCs is …. Not actually deadzone in the way you would think it is. So strange , maybe like ‘Sway’ or ‘padding’. For example I’ve taken a controller with stick drift , had Linear No deadzone on , went into ALCs and maxed the deadzone and turned them off, and it doesn’t fix drift, it actually increases it. However , setting deadzone to small eliminates it, so I’m assuming ALCs when off , your deadzone value becomes similar to like how much you sway when aiming , or how fine your aim is within a given circle.
@PickedaName_ 21 күн бұрын
The default deadzone bleed through to alc alters input mapping, it probably does the same thing vice versa. I can change the default deadzone while my alc deadzone is set to high5 and the position where my input is registered on my controller doesn't change. What's weird is that the unput mapping changes as if my input registration was different; like zero default at high5 alc creates a dip in mapping around the 5th stage of acceleration, small at high5 creates a dip around 3rd, default large dips initial input.
@cherno2483 27 күн бұрын
so for 4-3 linear no DZ i should play at 90 - 110? For optimal AA
@PickedaName_ 27 күн бұрын
Yes. 110 is the size of 4 hip, 90 is the size of 3 ads. 106 includes most characters w/o making you shoot specific areas. I'm trying 104 so I can aim at more of the character. The interior of the shape is where you can aim and deal damage.
@devintruesdale196 Ай бұрын
Hey wanted to tell you the 155 ads pitch has done wonders for my aim I can’t thank you enough and also you have been a big help in helping me keep find the settings that are for pc and some that are for console like 2 response curve is for console that’s our linear found it on Reddit from a data mining and also found the per optics as well and the modifiers and multipliers per FOV
@murda_fade Ай бұрын
So i had this question for a year i did some test and to me per optics max with the the alcs at 0 gives more aim assist then max alc no per optics
@doctor_sinister_3145 Ай бұрын
You want to do it cause it's faster than a timed mission, then complained it was made faster by a legit build. It's not toxic at all, just find a premade group.
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
It wasn't made faster by the build when everyone still runs to extraction. It's not like mission ends when Titania kills everything. They still stand at extraction for an entire minute waiting for everyone else to get there. They're bored and are making everyone else bored. Spamming 1 button to kill everything while moving faster than every other character is toxic. It's a self centered brain dead no life playstlye that completely impacts the experience of everyone it encounters. It's toxic.
@nickolagi Ай бұрын
The standard yaw and pitch is naturally slower than extra yaw and pitch because it determines the full range of motion i.e divides your entire range of input. Extra just covers max stick input.. so it will feel alot stronger all the time. The higher your threshold is, the more standard yaw and pitch will feel like extra
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
Yaw&pitch at 1.3 are the starting speed that then increases at each section where there is acceleration in the curve (it has 3 sections). I can set my outer to positions to add acceleration to the rest if the input mapping so my speed continues to increase. My default curve input mapping (and deadzone) impact my alc input mapping. By playing on Default Linear I add no speed to the input mapping. If I play at Default Classic I add speed to the entirety of my alc input mapping. Yaw&Pitch might seem like it's being divided out through alc mapping at other curves because (I think) other curves have negative values in their mapping in addition to sections with 0s. At 1.3 I can reduce my speed and will notice I'll reach an aim assist solidity one section later than before I reduced it, basically forcing me to go to the 2nd or 3rd stage of acceleration to be actively aiming depending on how many times I reduced from the highest speed with alc curve solidity. 1.3 input mapping is 11100000 2.0 input mapping is like 10101022 The outer threshold is affecting the rate at which I interact with the Slowzones being created by the default speeds and alc per optics. Every time the outer acceleration pattern wraps around initial input and reaches the back of the input mapping my input strength increases and I move through slowzones slightly faster. My yaw/pitch affect the solidity of my alc curve shape and create the same solidity regardless of my outer threshold strength. The only time I need to change my yaw/pitch to affect alc curve aim assist solidity is when I change my optics.
@Paradokz Ай бұрын
Insanely informative video. The subdivisions in the response curve values is something I’ve never heard talked about.
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
Glad it helped Like half way through this video (3:15) I list a bunch of alc curves with shapes similar to default curves. Whatever your vertical is affecting the solidity of is the area where it feels like you need to be for shots to register.
@Paradokz Ай бұрын
@@PickedaName_ Thanks I'll check it out
@andrestorch3659 Ай бұрын
Hi, I'm watching all your videos. I didn't know any of this and it's helping me a lot. I'm currently looking for a cool sense that isn't so slow. I use FOV 110 (I don't know if it's correct). 7-2 (linear). My Alcs are all at 0. And ads (advanced ALC) 1x - 4x = 3.5. Do you have any recommendations for me to get more Aim ASsist?
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
You can reduce your hipfire to 4 to get a larger slowzone. 110 fov makes the circle of linear as small as possible. You can change your alc curve to get a different shape, 1.0 & 6.0 are thin lines and I think 7.0 is a sticky circle. 2 is ([ ]) 345 are () but different sizes, 8 is like a smaller 0, idk 9 10
@BeybladeZ.1 Ай бұрын
Is this still a good method?
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
Should be. I haven't had to run it in awhile but people say it's still good. Break as many containers as you can + Sargus drops a cell ~80%. The most I've found in a 5 min run was 7 (14 boosted) with a group that wanted to break all containers instead of rush the boss room. Xaku is a great frame to break open containers quickly, Limbo is good to.
@REJR90 Ай бұрын
So for linear small dz what is a good fov
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
Many variables. Alc response curve affects this. The Slowzone created by default speeds affects this. In my experience while using linear default with alc on it's 90 or 110. 90 good hipfire, 88 hip too wide vs rampart. 110 as close to wraith as possible, everything between weird based on who you're aiming at.
@REJR90 Ай бұрын
@@PickedaName_ how about alc off but with bleed through per optics
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
@@REJR90 idk
@REJR90 Ай бұрын
@@PickedaName_ it's clunky
@Zenoliter Ай бұрын
Please do a updated settings video
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
I'm trying to decide which outer is best. When I used high13 in the past it was sketch but it seemed fine this game. I've made the slowzones soft cushions and I might want to make them slightly more solid. What's weird to me is that default outer can interact with the slowzones more consistently than a lot of outers that feel stronger/faster.
@dbell3811 Ай бұрын
Yes time warping..
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
I've played this game since like S3 and have never lagged this hard. It only happens in trios.
@hakimdurand8427 Ай бұрын
This game is just under the wrong company...It could've bin close to Fortnite Level
@ItsDeeLive Ай бұрын
Maybe the “graph” is a circle. So that’s why it’s connected on both ends 😮
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
Like a clock that only has 10 hours on it. Each hour is a stage of acceleration in the input mapping. As you wrap around the clock starts to lose hours. The analogy(?) doesn't completely fit though because input strength increases each time it wraps around, this weakens the resistance slowzones (default speeds and ALC optics) provide. I thought it was skipping digits when it overlapped but really it's changing input alacrity, or something like that, and it mainly impacts input interaction in slowzones (while also changing input mapping in general).
@The2jewls Ай бұрын
@alejandrobrown1499 Ай бұрын
Ay this point in my life i just enjoy listening to analytics
@user-ml8cg5hp7s Ай бұрын
U should find a new game insted of depending on aim assist. Recoil smoothing and control are the main factors. If i was you i would go 4-3 linear with alc optics. 1x default 2x and down to 4x should be lowest 1.3.
@user-ml8cg5hp7s Ай бұрын
And 106 fov. Thank me later. Put all ur alc settings on 0 but responscurve on 30. works for some werid reason
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
I'm not relying on aim assist, the game never overrides my input. In this video solidity of a shape is reappearing and preventing over swinging. It's aim prevent, not assist, which is why I said it's a struggle. 106fov at linear is shaped poorly, I've used it and it creats inconsistency vs different character models. You should play at 90fov and free aim instead of trying to have that circle hug your target. Actually you should just play at High Velocity and have no aim assist at all instead of relying on the circle of Linear to track targets for you.
@user-ml8cg5hp7s Ай бұрын
You miss the concept of aiming you shouldnt drag ur aim around you should realise and focus on crosshair placement.
@user-ml8cg5hp7s Ай бұрын
Idk if you play on 120fps but 106fov is best for me. 90fov you have little if not no ideer what is going on and when i comes to apex listening to sounds isnt the best options is it…
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
Your opinion is heavily based on assumptions. Saying things at me assuming they are relevant.
@dbell3811 Ай бұрын
I use 3 dead 3 outer 4 curv 220.220 look extre 250.250 ads 120.110.extre30 5%delay..sights same except 6× .8×
@muimuhadresh3986 Ай бұрын
I understand nothing.
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
Each response curve has a different aim assist shape, fov affects the size of this shape. Each default speed has a different slowzone size; fov doesn't affect this. These things affect alc settings.
@getdizworrrktruuu7061 Ай бұрын
Say i like how u try to figure out the aiming the way u do keep it up,its diffrent and appriciated🔥🔥🔥💯
@dbell3811 Ай бұрын
Oh yea 220.220.look with 250.250 120.110 30.30 10% i sed timing..i have started trying to make it consistent..everytine seem to change allot..or just feel werd 4.3 no alc is pready consistent...all my controllers are different...settings
@dbell3811 Ай бұрын
I play on 3 dead 3 outer 4 curv ..its timing
@limchiawei9539 Ай бұрын
I used Gauss to speed it up, 1.5min to finish up per round(including retreat from the vault)
@Mestari1Gaming Ай бұрын
Can you throw the firebomb?
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
I couldn't throw it in the beta. You slam it on the ground around you or something like that. You explode.
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
Spent the last week messing around with deadzones lower than highest 5 to see if it would help me manipulate horizontal aim assist better. Lowering deadzone was bad/strange/sketch/trash because having my input mapping be reduced at some point after initial input registration felt like I was flailing initially then couldn't consistently get to targets if the input slowed down when I was off target; but if the aim assist reappeared when I was on target it felt like I couldn't miss. It was surprisingly good vs characters like Bangalore but was unreliable if someone was barely moving, and made me try to make wider inputs to try and have the aim assist reappear on the target. While messing around with lower deadzones I realized I've been playing at outer thresholds that were completely removing the slowzones of the default speeds & my optics. I know where the slowzones are sticky and I carve through them slowly but the carving feels too slow sometimes even though I'm beaming. Currently trying to find a consistent way to play at these sticky slowzones w/o feeling too slow because my hipfire feels a lot better when the slowzone is bouncy like this. Probably going to need a 112 or a 122 pattern. 222111 patterns are similar to lower deadzones because initial input has weaker aim assist than the back half of the input. By lowering my deadzone at a 222111 pattern I was turning it into something like a 211011 pattern whenever the metal rod hit the plastic tube.
@gamerwol29 Ай бұрын
Ccan you explain the pattern? I don’t get what all the numbers mean but im intrigued cuz on my xbox controller I use like 0 deadzone and I feel what you are talking about. Sometimes its sticky and I can operate fully in that aim assist but other time it feels like it never activates
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
@@gamerwol29 last video about outer thresholds. They create acceleration patterns in addition to the orange ring removing stages of acceleration from the back of the slope. 222111 is starting at the 1st stage, and it's three 2s because 1.3 alc curve only changes speed by 1 in the first 3 stages.
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
1.3 would be a 1110000000 w/o an outer threshold when using default Linear input mapping "bleed through"
@gamerwol29 Ай бұрын
@@PickedaName_ bruh got me to go down the rabbit hole. Nice videos frfr
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
@@gamerwol29 idk if it's the same at every alc curve but I'm finding the fastest outer that keeps the default "bleed through" slowzone on my hipfire because 1.3 doesn't have one without going to negative per optics on the ads, which I can't do on the hipfire. Different curve input mapping & hitbox shapes are variables and I can't know how they would impact this w/o playing at different combinations. I picked 1.3 because it's the best sticky circle hitbox.
@isentai27 Ай бұрын
Do you perhaps have a video or know how to recreate 3 ads linear on alc?
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын Those spots are the closest thing but they're not exactly the same as the default linear shape. Their ring is a lot wider but the interior is roughly the same size as the slowzone of default 3 ads. Their vertical can't be made solid due the width of the interior, and when the horizontal is solid it prevents approach.
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
Maybe 5.0 is the closest thing iirc it's wide ( ) like so wide that you free aim inside of a ring but it's like parentheses instead if a circle. I didn't like 5.0 way back before I knew defaults affected alc
@rRazzle Ай бұрын
What are the best settings you have tried
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
1.3 at high velocity before they changed something about the aa. 1.3s horizontal used to track like default Linear at 110fov but it doesn't do that anymore no matter how slow I make it so now I'm using default Linear bleed through. The issue I've had at 1.3 is having the horizontal be there w/o it preventing me from doing things. 1.3 vertical is basically a giant dot the size of an entire small character, the horizontal is a ring that starts at roughly the same spot as the slow zone of 2hip/3ads. 1.3 at Classic was decent but Classic bleed through is wack because it's a dot. This version of 1.3 is good but since the horizontal isn't there it's kind of weird which is why I'm messing with my deadzone to affect my ability to manipulate horizontal solidity/aa. When it's there the setting feels normal but it also prevents things from happening unless I make it disappear at some point in the input. I'm trying to make it reappear instead of disappear by disrupting my input mapping.
@PickedaName_ Ай бұрын
Read the video description (edit: lowering deadzone was bad/strange/sketch/trash because having my input mapping be reduced at some point after initial input registration felt like I was flailing initially then couldn't consistently get to targets if the input slowed down when I was off target; but if the aim assist reappeared when I was on target it felt like I couldn't miss. It was surprisingly good vs characters like Bangalore but was unreliable if someone was barely moving, and made me try to make wider inputs to try and have the aim assist reappear on the target. While messing around with lower deadzones I realized I've been playing at outer thresholds that were completely removing the slowzones of the default speeds & my optics. I know where the slowzones are sticky and I carve through them slowly but the carving feels too slow sometimes even though I'm beaming. Currently trying to find a consistent way to play at these sticky slowzones w/o feeling too slow because my hipfire feels a lot better when the slowzone is bouncy like this.)
@GeoAlex1 2 ай бұрын
The proper hdr setting is to make the sun not visible, so just 1 click above to what It says for the first 2 options and the 3rd option all the way down, but that doesn't make a big difference, so personally for this game I set brightness to 0 like ff7 which is set at 0 and doesn't look washed out, some sections might look too dark at times, but I'm sure It's because you're too used to the preset, try it for a while and you're gonna like it, even the menu looks more vibrant
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
The way I adjusted it for FF7Rebirth taught me that option 1 is saturation, 2 is contrast, 3 is black level. Lowest black level is too dark and distorts the image. I played through FF16 with base saturation, higher contrast, and base black level and it was fine. With HDR off FF16 looks darker and bolder than FF7Rebirth; Rebirth has lighting that literally hurts my eyes because it's too bright w/o HDR auto adjusting the image.
@GeoAlex1 2 ай бұрын
@@PickedaName_ Yeah, but I'm not saying to turn off hdr, I'm talking about the game's brightness at 0, It might look dark at times, specially when you get to Back to their Origin, but you get used to it, I've been enjoying the game a lot more like this, The Rising Tide looks phenomenal
@SwayTp 2 ай бұрын
The best outer threshold is 1 the more you up is the more dull it’s gonna feel with 1 there’s no dull ness and feels fluid I personally use 3% deadzones 1 outer threshold and 0 response curve with 400 yaw and pitch and 130 yaw and pitch ads and everything else 0
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
I know what I'm doing The dullness you're describing doesn't occur until like 9% and it doesn't create dullness on linear inputs because Linear is +0. If you're on alc and say it dulls your input that probably means your defaults are set to Classic. Also saying 3% deadzone means nothing when there are multiple 3s, my deadzone is 2aboveDef5 and if I decrease it to default it disrupts input mapping. I'm currently trying 1aboveDef5 to affect my ability to manipulate horizontal aim assist.
@LuchaDCom 2 ай бұрын
so play on mnk uwu
@karimaxwell5290 2 ай бұрын
Whats your per optics. I play 100 fov 4.3 kinesr no dead zone, all alcs turned to zero.
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
I have 1-4 defaults set to 3, alc optics at low.4 to create the same slowzone. The alc optics vary depending on your response curve. I was adjusting the slowzones at 3.4 optics when I was in 8 curve before I realized what slowzones actually were. There are 3 positions at each optic value low/mid(default)/high
@karimaxwell5290 2 ай бұрын
@@PickedaName_ I think my X1 and X2 are set at 4.6
@karimaxwell5290 2 ай бұрын
​@@PickedaName_what per optics would you suggest using 4.2 linear no dead zone
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
@@karimaxwell5290 i can't recommend anything at alc curves I haven't used. It's all based on the slowzone being created. I prefer the circle that is larger than large characters, it's nest to the column; like 3 ads circle is next to 4 ads column. Look up vpk apex reddit, ehat I'm describing is the target angle velocity cutoff
@Dobogee 2 ай бұрын
Is it possible to find my circle at max FOV ? 😅 and if I were to try what would I need to understand, because I don’t know how you get all this information from apex lil pictures.
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
I think the slowzone needs to be inside of the default curve shape. If you're on linear 110fov I think 4 hipfire is inside the shape but if you make your ads 5 (to make a slowzone similar to 4hip) you wont be able to hit headshots. I think Linear at 110fov has the ring inside of the slowzone of 3 ads which is why it feels weird sometimes.
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
5 linear will look like the setting in my Linear but Classic video. My alc optic is set to the spot that creates the same slowzone as default 5 ads.
@Isths 2 ай бұрын
Wait so what is the best starting settings cuz I’m new to the game and really struggling to get kills cuz of my bad aim
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
Is your aim bad in other games? Your apex aim could be bad because their Classic aim assist prevents you from aiming at the entire character. I'll link a video that can help you understand what you're choosing with the default settings. Fine aim is a column [] and 4 ads is a column [] so I think that would be the easiest to aim with as a new player but your hipfire wouldn't be a column at any point it'd have to be a dot in the column. Try 4-7 hipfire and 4 ads at Fine Aim curve. I've never used it but based on what I know it'll let you aim at heads & chest but it might be weird when shooting from above or sniping.
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын This video describes the slowzones of each default speed and the shape of each default response curve's aim assist.
@Isths 2 ай бұрын
@@PickedaName_ thanks bro
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
I forgot something. If you're playing on Fine Aim try setting your alc curve to 6 or 1 to make it a thin line. idk the shape of the default alc curve but your alc settings are affecting your default settings even when they're turned off.
@Isths 2 ай бұрын
@@PickedaName_ I tried playing on fine aim but it’s so weird it just flicks and doesn’t feel comfortable
@Vodysly5_5 2 ай бұрын
the sens doesnt reallly matter, its just getting used to the sens, chet ubetcha plays 3-3 classic slow af but he has one of the highest kds, genburten used to play 500 hipfire - 130 ads on alc, both sens are vastly different its just sticking with it, going up by 5 isnt going to magically make you better, if anything you're damaging your muscle memory by changing it so frequently, you say it feels like you're being pushed off the target, that could be cause, a) you're not used to the sens yet, b) your muscle memory is currently stuck on one of your old sens. micro thinking like this must be frustrating so ill give you some advice and you accept it if you want, use 4-3 linear no deadzone, small if you have stickdrift and DON'T switch your sens, just use it no matter what, eventually you will get used to it and now you have a consistent base to improve from and if you want to improve faster, pick a few weapons that you really like, your go to loadout and get really good with that loadout, practice with only those weapons in firing range and ignore the stuff you are never going to pick up, if i run flatline and volt every game whats the point of practising shotguns and snipers you know anyway good luck, and if you want a shooting range practice advice just look up chet ubetchas one, he explains himself really well and it should help you get better good luck
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
You know literally nothing about this setting and think the adjustments I feel are necessary to do what I'm attempting to do are moot. I posted 2 videos after this and the gunplay looks better. Why? Because I adjusted my setting you dolt.
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
I'm not changing things randomly. I'm noticing something disruptive and attempting to remove that disruption.
@Vodysly5_5 2 ай бұрын
@@PickedaName_ there's no need to act like that, if you have the perfect settings and you have an off game, are you then going to tweak your settings? i have played both 4-3 linear and 500 hipfire 200 ads on alcs with high kill games, settings dont mean anything, especially micro adjusting anyway it doesnt matter, i just wanted to offer some help, if you dont want it then keep doing what you're doing
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
@@Vodysly5_5 your "help" is pretentious. I don't adjust based on performance. Your assumptive opinion is pointless. Your vague advice is something people who don't know tell other people that don't know. If you knew what I knew you'd be doing the same thing as me.
@Vodysly5_5 2 ай бұрын
@@PickedaName_ my help isnt pretentious, its proven, the number one factor to getting better is consistency, not fine tuning your settings. your vids are interesting and i will try some stuff out for sure so keep doing your thing but theres no reason to be so hostile man
@creepytime979 2 ай бұрын
You need to hit your shots tweaking your sense won’t change you missing shots and no sense will magically give you good aim
@creepytime979 2 ай бұрын
Not trying to be a asshole just trying to give you constructive criticism maybe try raising your ads sense so you can track easier or learn how to aim with your strafe instead
@creepytime979 2 ай бұрын
I think your crosshair placement could be better too instead of looking at the floor and leg level try looking at chest level by default
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
Lmao you thought I would give af about your opinion
@dbell3811 2 ай бұрын
Oth is just timing to your full speed..I like 3
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын Last video about outer thresholds Outer video uploaded before that one . There's a reason I'm doing what I'm doing
@kirillm6083 2 ай бұрын
bro stop w all the shit, give us some solid numbers / instructions in one vid
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
You realize this is an old video? I've literally been putting the info as the title of videos...
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
What do you think you need to know? I have videos on basically everything. I upload as I learn stuff. You might not realize this but I'm solving a puzzle piece by piece. If you're trying to learn then skim my ALC playlist, I put it in an order that should make sense to somebody trying to learn what I know. There are like 4 videos before this one in the playlist; they cover deadzone, alc curve aim assist shapes, and per optic aim assist. The videos after this in the playlist cover how default settings affect alc, and outer threshold stuff.
@PickedaName_ 2 ай бұрын
It's the first 12 videos (even though the playlist has 30 in it). I usually explain the subject within the first minute then give a more detailed step-by-step explanation after that.