Why I Changed my Opinion on China.
Do people tell lies about China?
Life in the UK vs Life in China..
@woolfel 6 сағат бұрын
I am Taiwanes.-American. My bias perspective is the average chinese on the mainland is only concerned about taking care of their families. It's the CCP and Xi that's creating the crazy political environment. It's also US pushing a specific narrative to maintain control, because apparently our country is run by the military industrial complex. really wish people would stop listening to those in power in every country. That goes for the EU and Russia. we fight these wars to make a few super wealthy people more wealthy while the rest of us fight each other. Why are we killing each other to keep a few jerks in power?
@jetvdna5449 11 сағат бұрын
Here is why some of the reasons West afraid of China? 1) Manufacturing superiority over US. 2) Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) = WEST failed BBBW 3) Better Infrastructure > US collapsing infrastructure & deteriorating public facilities. 4) Beidou = GPS. 5) Heavenly space station International space station. 6) China Cheap Electric Vehicle (EV) > US internal combustion engine & Expensive EV. 7) Huawei 5G & coming 6G > US 4G & 4.5G 8) China lifted 850 millions people out of poverty > US incredible surge in homeless & surging middle class poverty. 9) China strict Drugs and Guns Rules US drugs addiction and Guns violence mass shooting. Safety problems 10) China strict anti corruption laws > US disguise political corruptions by lobbvist as nolitical donations.
@elielee7364 12 сағат бұрын
Jealousy is destroying US and EU nations
@maijiangxiaohai 12 сағат бұрын
Why does the US ban TikTok? Because TikTok allows people around the world to see the real China. So the US can no longer use lies to construct a dirty, messy, and backward China.
@ielee1765 12 сағат бұрын
For anyone who want to have an understanding of one's culture, he or she have to at least been to the country.
@leonardlioe9873 12 сағат бұрын
How can people still believe what they read in the media these days? With the visa free policy, just go buy a ticket, visit China and see it with your own eyes!
@leonghengtan2382 14 сағат бұрын
i m glad that you had seen it with yr own eyes, see how western propaganda can be detrimental to this world, Chinese ppl general love peace, hope u can help to let more western world know the real China! All The Best to You!
@xxxmichaelncw 14 сағат бұрын
Thanks for telling the truth of what you have seen and feel.
@poorlittlesheep4098 17 сағат бұрын
Nice aspect there. China "but at what cost", lmao. True testament that anything positive will be spinned. But to be completely fair, Chinese media also depicts the USA as a total chaos with rampant shooting, out-of-control drugs, predatory capitalist society with no regards for people with no means. And the UK and EU are just their sidekicks. It's just game. All about interest, less about stance.
@alfong8279 17 сағат бұрын
Greatly appreciate your profound understanding of the basic entrapment the West has managed to place China in. I am very hopeful you would be able to find ways to help China clear up all these misinformation and fake news surrounding China, one day soon, thanks.
@nkenchington6575 18 сағат бұрын
Life expectancy is now higher in China than America. Let that sink in.
@starnight1209 20 сағат бұрын
Asia belongs to Asian, white man xxxx off.
@stephenchappell7512 20 сағат бұрын
Those 50,000 'cases' were actually just positive PCR tests with actual deaths declining during that period
@williamvonbaskerville3805 22 сағат бұрын
well spoken my young friend !!!! well spoken !!!
@MikeTrainormusic 22 сағат бұрын
China sucks. They have secret police stations n our country, 11 CCP spies n our parliament, and interferred with our elections. They're buying our property during a housing crisis. China could sink nto the ocean and I couldn't care less. Get out of Canada, invaders
@williamvonbaskerville3805 23 сағат бұрын
its absolutely clear and obvious: in capitalistic states where money and PPP rules, its normaly to think for itself - there is no need for infrastructure companies to care for the peoples benefit - they dray out as much as they can ..... and THIS is the whole system, where money rules and even own our government for the benefit of the stalkholder.
@gongchen7921 Күн бұрын
@Puppetmastersfool Күн бұрын
When I went to Italy in 97 I was shocked to see how backward in many ways Italy was, but things changed, and the when I cam e back to the UK in 2010 I was shocked at what England had become, it has not got better here, it has and is getting worse. Culture shock hits when the contrast is shown, many who have never travelled are just like frogs in pots of slow boiling water, many may even think that it is still comfortable.
@alanhuang9009 Күн бұрын
As a 45 years old born and raised up in China man, I would say you are still naive.....Being a visitor and living deeply there are totally different. I'd like to put it this way, some people tend to live a Baby Sitting Life style, which is exactly controlled by the government, so they would definetely love China and the CCP. With that being said, the government plays the role as parents, they control and arrange everything for people. Yes, they have the ultimate power to do so and most of the people enjoy it. So if you are that kind of people, go to China and there will be your heaven.
@jadeyork4919 Күн бұрын
The UK is a corpse
@cholst1 Күн бұрын
Americans aren't exactly known for their top grade takes on the world
@williamvonbaskerville3805 Күн бұрын
Its the system of "diversity and multiculture" which leads to this lack of prosperity - hords of christian hating people who only believe that study of their misleading antiquaeted religion is the only purpose in life ( and never question its content ). So far of respect to others and coming to conquer europe states becoming failed states with weak ethnical locals and a crashing economy. ALL that was coming from democrate aprties during the last decads was rubbish and spread to lead a psychological warfare against their own people - their are fascists who wants to rule by instability, poverty of people and division of comunities ( divide and conquer ) .....
@williamvonbaskerville3805 Күн бұрын
great video my young friend - great video ..... i just subcribed and cant wait to see more from you !! 💙💙💙👍👍👍🙏
@MSN1701 Күн бұрын
There's nothing controversial about brics.... countries can trade in whatever currency they want.....brics pay is an amazing system
@rawnlacon4764 Күн бұрын
Well I'm a born British left when I was very young came back in 1989 to live started working all my life before I work on ships Britain is a dog house now all of the other cities in England is degrade to poverty Luton town Leeds town Birmingham Liverpool and so many beautiful town in England as become a waste land I'm so shock that I be leaving this waste land very soon its shameful that England as come to this
@cholst1 Күн бұрын
Traveling broadens the mind. May have to take advantage of the free 15 day visa they offer one of these days.
@Etheldreda20 Күн бұрын
1:28 this is quite hysterical and ironic given how the west is accusing China of this yet are doing the exact same thing by silencing anyone who opposes their pathetic worldview.
@rominicorl Күн бұрын
i think westerners have no idea of the chinese ppl way of thinking. for me, they dont bother to please you, they do the things work hard on these and enjoy. they dont need to be valued by others as they are pround already (history, food, music, tv, arts..). when i was outside i met american girls who asked me "how good is your english?" i was very surprise there is a race who think they are superior to everyone. i saw ppl failed their study in italian as they think the language is stupid, and complain why they dont speak english. knowing another culture is the 1st step to understand yrself better. if you are not brave and hard working, then you start to blame the others.
@rominicorl Күн бұрын
im chinese studied in europe and married to a westerner, when we travelled to east asia, we met northern european and their attitute is unbearable, but chinese ppl, they look at you just curious and want to talk to me with kindness (as we have a mixed boy). i brought my hubby to china recently (1st time for him) and everyone is so nice ans kind to him, they approach us asking question yes, but never disturbing us, he loved the food, surprising to me also, the toilet in the mall is very clean. the only thing is if you dont download the apps we cannot be able to move around.
@RedPanda450 Күн бұрын
On one hand, I appreciate the coverage for people who aren’t knowledgeable, on the other hand, this is old news.
@reemjessicagu Күн бұрын
I live in this city and I can tell you walked a pretty long distance in this vlog. When people introduce how good London is, most Chinese will buy it and dream of visiting London one day; but every time I introduce how good Guangzhou is, I only get a skeptical facial expression and 'Really"?
@zoel8910 Күн бұрын
Just think about it, this country allow their ppl to travel the world freely, how is it impossible for them to have the freedom to get outside world information, how can this be counted as not free😂
@zoel8910 Күн бұрын
For example, you can see Chinese ppl everywhere, travelling
@romnickpascua9777 Күн бұрын
Yeah you're right adore china as in visitor or tourist point of view, you'll really never now china is if your not Chinese they are showing you all the good side because your a visitor hahahaha keep it up betray your country more until such time Caucasians will be the new maids and helper hahahaha can't wait yuan money in every corner of the world viva china long live...
@georgetamkc Күн бұрын
Go to Hong Kong instead of china
@vilester Күн бұрын
Always! Divide and conquer is the playbook
@monikaeducation6378 Күн бұрын
Think deeper why is that? 🤔😁
@kavikaleaena3464 Күн бұрын
Ya the sun never sets on the Empire... or.. it was all bullsht1t in the first place As if you had an advantage that was not imported. A western city once in time a center of importation, and thats it. The same is going on today, you have nothing made locally, you're simply a trader reliant on oversees innovation with demands on politics that are confused with American accomplishments. Unaware that the USA is actually the reason you have any stage at all on the International stage. And thats why theres so much focus on USA opinion, because without it, you're a European Union little brother. UK's got talent show is all USA music, very enlightening. A liar was your teacher most logically ... as is the NEWS today, desperate and posturing.
@alfred-vz8ti Күн бұрын
i should start by saying china is not paradise. we only have humans to work with. but the government of china is working to make china a good place to live, for everyone. they are pretty successful. usa is owned by the rich, and they don't care about anyone else, it shows. the usg is a pirate gang, bringing death and destruction anywhere they can see a profit.
@yvonnel8219 Күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience and story, truly appreciated your insight and view.
@johnkeane1419 Күн бұрын
Great video. UK 'democracy' is just a smokescreen, the country is really a plutocratic oligarchy.
@powercomm Күн бұрын
Do me a favor, ask the Chinese government what has happened to Falun Gong people. I agree with 100 % that the western main stream media is biased. They don’t report victims of killed for body organs.
@joseluistortajadablasco359 2 күн бұрын
The most incredible thing is that GDP per capita in UK is over four times higher than in China, so maybe we have been leaving in a huge lie. Do we really need to have elections every year?
@asiankitchen5294 2 күн бұрын
The first apartment is the best in terms of brightness and location. What i did notice is that all four luxury apartments have a Victorian style toilet. For a luxury apartment i would have expected a floating toilet which is standard in European luxury apartments.
@ProFootballtrainingguides 2 күн бұрын
I am German and I live in China for more than 5 years. It is sad how China is portrayed in the western media. And it is actually even more sad that so many people buy into it. The thing is that many westerners think that in the west propaganda doesn’t exist. Because they believe they live in a democracy in the free world. But yeah it is so wrong. Believe me. As a German living in Germany I can tell you one thing. Germans often talk no good about China. Especially because of the media. But in contrast if you ask Chinese about Germany, they normally are showing a very positive attitude. They talk about how great the technology is in Germany and the social system. So do you see the difference?? This is just one thing. There is so much I would like to say about it. China is an amazing country and I can tell anybody. If you didn’t even visit China and really experience the culture, you have no right to judge about this country. China is amazing and the new land of opportunities. And I will try to open more and more peoples eyes in my country. ❤
@allenlee9449 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for being willing to speak up.
@sktan3743 2 күн бұрын
UK ought to produce a crop of politicians capable of critical thinking as exemplified by young Harvey in thoughts and visions. Multiply the likes of Harvey to assure a prosperous nation advancing UK. Harvey should consider tipping his ties in British politics.
@PIT72100 2 күн бұрын
Like Neil Armstrong hox... Best Hollywood movie the hypocrite US has created.....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@aliceinwonderland7594 2 күн бұрын
brilliant young man, bravo Harvey !!! 👏👏👏
@ShanKe-p4q 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for the objective analysis
@wdp7128 2 күн бұрын
At the way they are going, very soon toilet paper from China would be listed as security risk too. 😊😊
@kaiki8490 2 күн бұрын
For decades, the west essentially has a monopoly on cars, GM sells more cars in China then america. Now that China is better we no longer believe in free trade