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@mrhouse5133 38 секунд бұрын
Honestly I think the game is indeed good and I would recommend it. But I found the story/narrative delivery lacking, really hated how the games outcome was decided by five dialogue options(of all things) in the mid to late game and with some being rather tone deaf. Aware of how the game tries to push Geralt into letting go, Ciri isn't a child anymore etc etc, yet she constantly has hissy fits. I played it for the first time back in early 2020, dumped 189 hours into it, the world and questing is by far it's strongest aspect in my opinion. I'd give it 8/10, it's not RPG of the decade!
@ronaldood4678 56 секунд бұрын
It’s funny since as someone who enjoys the books more than the games, I always preferred the Novigrad and Skellige portions to the Velen one. The way book elements are tied in is great for me. Awesome video regardless.
@nikelas6 Минут бұрын
To avoid the crashing issue play on DX11 (last gen client). Not the best solution but it also got graphical updates, just no RT.
@jonathancabeza8881 2 минут бұрын
Is it a hard game? I am planning to buy it and play in ps5
@MegaRossik 2 минут бұрын
Well, Yennefer is a complex person, not an easy one, that for sure. I think she really loves Herald, but she herself cannot put up with this devotion. Too much pride and too much strength. She reminds me Morrigan from Dragon Age. But Morrigan is definitely much worse than Yen. Whether Yennefer is bad, it is an open question. A lot of book fans like her personality and found her one of the most interesting characters in literature. Now playing Blood and Wide. The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece of masterpieces. A miracle.
@Faust1an 2 минут бұрын
I’ve been waiting for a quality Witcher 3 retrospec, thanks Morty
@jmmywyf4lyf 3 минут бұрын
I HATE Witcher 3s ability tree! Both W1, and W2, were much better! It wouldn't be so terrible, if you didn't have to slot the abilities that you've unlocked. That just ends up feeling like more equipment rather than abilities. And since you can't use half of what you unlock it just sucks
@jonathancabeza8881 4 минут бұрын
Is it a hard game??
@justinp_ 4 минут бұрын
The instant sign casting on controllers with the next gen update was a game changer for fluidity in combat. Needs to be default for the next witcher game
@BigBADSTUFF69 4 минут бұрын
I want to like this game so bad but it's so tedious with the bad movement, the bad horse, the button mashing combat, the fetch quests, I just don't get it.
@amirtr5473 7 минут бұрын
The game has DLSS why are you using FSR2 on a 4090?
@TEFFTPATTERN 8 минут бұрын
I agree with your thoughts in the combat section about the skills and having to choose what abilities you will use and others you’ll never see unless you replay or respec. There are so many game changing abilities that you basically set your whole Geralt around that near the end of the skill trees. The game never clearly reveals that it has these and they are hidden, mixed in with a couple dozen arbitrary boring upgrades. Basically to put it in a nutshell and give an example of what I mean, you shouldn’t have to choose between having 2 extra entire sword attacks and having a few alternate signs to play with. The way the game is set up though, if you want to get the most of the potions? And you want the quest dialogue options speech check skill? You are choosing between signs or swords, one or the other is going to be ineffective and lame and the other will be where all your power is. They attempted to fix this with the DLCs and it’s a little better but there is still a problem with the core of the way the character has moves and spells unlocked. Otherwise you spend most of the game spending your points on upgrades that you are just going to slot out for the one you really want, and by the time you get all the ones you really want you’re mostly done with the game.
@Ahov 9 минут бұрын
This game holds up in almost every way except combat which I wish was a bit more advanced
@NotXsoXoptic 9 минут бұрын
@NotXsoXoptic 9 минут бұрын
@eleven2435 11 минут бұрын
2 hours, gonna get a popcorn and a coke for this! :D
@fuhrerhosty 14 минут бұрын
Actually Mort, the game is 10 years old in 2 days. To this day I remember May 17th 2015 as one of my most exciting days when picking up a game.
@Soy_Alpha 15 минут бұрын
Joseph Anderson's been reeeeal quiet after this one
@fuhrerhosty 18 минут бұрын
Jesus, I had to look twice at the video length. Guess I'm all set for my afternoon program.
@treycox33 23 минут бұрын
@Negentropy369 25 минут бұрын
The Roach mechanic to follow the road absolutely works for me, and always has since 2015, the only thing you have to do is direct her when you come across forks, and sometimes she gets stuck as she is wont to do. I have also always preferred to play this game with controller though, so maybe the difficulty you've always experienced is M&KB related? Idk.
@dustydesertdisciple6290 26 минут бұрын
Hey Mortim just started kingdom come due to your review and man its awsome. God bless you and your family brother.
@wanchaiphukerd3422 27 минут бұрын
My first playthrough end at 200 hrs. the game was so good. I collect every chests in the sea because I don't want the game to end. second playthrough, I do everything the same because I can't bring myself to choose wrong choices. Most say combat suck. I say it's fine. I play Death march newgame from start to finish. it feel just right.
@bobbenson6825 30 минут бұрын
I get choked up every dang time Geralt meets Ciri on the Isle of Mists. CDPR handled that really, really well.
@jokke6265 30 минут бұрын
I feel like Triss is the "Canon" choice, if you are someone who played all the games. She is in all of them and you have followed the romance for 3 games. If you know the books, or the horrible tv show. Or only W3 Jen seems like the logical choice. ( i really like that he mentions that you can like unlikeable characters, and sometimes they are the best characters. Yen or Durance form PoE. they are horrible in a good way.
@ziomekthemad9394 30 минут бұрын
Just WOW
@PatrickWDunne 31 минут бұрын
Now this is what I call a review
@ashtonfrancis112 33 минут бұрын
Damnnnnnnnnn 2 hours.
@Bearussr 33 минут бұрын
Imo I actually did not really like Witcher 3 it has good story but I’m a gameplay person and it was ok. Great review though.
@theroguejestertv677 37 минут бұрын
What a way to wake up ❤ thanks Mort
@ramulus694 40 минут бұрын
No matter its minor flaws, this game is amazing
@Vanilor97 45 минут бұрын
After all this years I still love Witcher 3 story and i welcome this lengthy review to help me surivive working ours. Also, as a liitle trivia, Heart of Stone plot is slightly based on a polish legend about Master Twardowski, who tried to trick the devil by escaping to the moon
@xGarrettThiefx 45 минут бұрын
CDPR really captured lightning in a bottle with this game, it really is a fantastic work of art with a awesome story and an amazing soundtrack !
@enginerunsable 46 минут бұрын
@neondystopian 47 минут бұрын
I might give it another go because I always got bored with it and never finished it. Perhaps The next gen update did enough to make it not boring to me.
@tonyspitz7190 51 минут бұрын
In the words of Guy LeDouche... Well, you're wrong. Yenn is the obvious better character.
@MSDGAMEZ 55 минут бұрын
The Bloody Baron quest was so amazing when I first played it. I was literally on the edge of my seat. It felt to real with emotions
@themris 56 минут бұрын
The problem with the Velen storyline is that it's the best writing in the whole game yet comes so early on. After resolving the Crohn story, everything that follows feels less good.
@maxmach4361 58 минут бұрын
Witcher 3 showing its age - still in better state than Starfield.
@daveyjoneslocker4703 Сағат бұрын
53:34 YESSS BASED. In my final ultimate playthrough before the next gen patch back on Xbox I decided to romance Triss and Yennefer that way Geralt could have the most fun possible before they break things off with him, and then Ciri gets to come visit his little vacation wine country cottage.
@iamkurogane Сағат бұрын
The game's intentionally designed in a way to waste my time. There'll be long stretches without Rest points only to get a difficult fight right before the rest point as like an intentional "gotcha" moment for me to "learn" what to expect on the next run. It's almost always designed this way. I'd rather the fight be more varied so I don't feel like I have slog it all the way back to my death. Dying isn't the problem, being able to attempt the same fight 5-10 mins later is. Dunno if it's like this with the Souls games but Bloodborne definitely wasn't like this except in specific points. Bought this game on release and money's been wasted.
@rando8831 Сағат бұрын
If I had to make this list I would definitely include borderlands 3. The story, especially the first half, was pretty bad, but the gameplay and guns were great
@JockoJonson17 Сағат бұрын
Who is Joseph Anderson?
@Pipo_Gaming Сағат бұрын
if attacking , dodging, and guarding consumed stamina the game combat would be way better
@serbenton Сағат бұрын
I forgot how convoluted the plot is. It's been fun experiencing this great game again vicariously. Thanks man.
@Kristofferheihei Сағат бұрын
Breath of the wild is not good in my opinion. Just a bunch of filler stuff you need to gather/collect/find. Fighting is booring. The world doesn't have any details and is super empty because the game has to run on a switch. The story never engaged me what so ever. Honestly I can't see how people without a bias towards the series can say that the game is particularly good. Breath of the wild is a fairly empty open world game with less than mediocre fighting mechanics, much filler content, a predictable story, much grinding and poor graphics. That's just being objective.. I refunded my Switch with BOTW after 30+ hours in the game.. How anyone can say this game is GOAT is purely laughable. Doesn't hold a candle to games like the best Far Cry games, Red dead games, the best GTA games, Ghost recon Wildlands, the best Assassins creed games and so on. All of the games above have better mechanics, story, , customization, worlds and graphics. So why would I play BOTW instead? Idk These are just examples of better games.
@SilverBld Сағат бұрын
Already?! God bless you lol
@GNCD2099 Сағат бұрын
@witcher1973 Сағат бұрын
I was kind of disappointed that Shani was not a romantic interest in this game, she has allways been a more fitting companion from my perspective.
@Steve-kr5ef Сағат бұрын
Is it still max lvl 100 though?