Can You Change Your Personality?
How to Get to Know an INTJ
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Narcissism: What the Science Says
@collinj.5530 7 сағат бұрын
INFJ - very neat that you bring up orbs! In a healthy state, my mind is like a dark grey room with a very mysterious blank wall which I cannot break through, and of which I have no clue what is on the other side. On the opposite side of the room is my storage bin which I can do what I want with but is not organized in any intentional fashion. When I look at the mysterious wall, there are objects (like orbs) that slowly push their way through from the other side, becoming clearer and more defined as they push their way out and eventually separate from the wall entirely. Most of these objects are small and don’t seem to fit anywhere in particular, and so after I am done looking at it, I just toss it in my storage bin. Every now and then, a much weightier object will push its way through, these ones are emanating light, and have almost an energy and mind of their own. When they finally make their way through, beams of energy will shoot from it into my storage bin, and any number of objects will rise out of the bin, from any depth. Connected by these beams of energy, the objects begin to form a network, floating in the space of the room. The room gets brighter and brighter as more and more objects rise up out of the bin. If the one that came out of the wall is powerful enough, it will find enough from my storage that the network will come together to form a singularity, and I get pulled into it and all of a sudden I can see everything in creation and the abstract meaning of it. I can take a Birds Eye view of everything or plunge to the depths of one particular point, and it is all filled with these fine strands of meaning which are connected back to the singularity in some way. Often this experience is so intense that I start to cry. Doesn’t really matter what I am doing in reality. I have never done drugs if you are wondering lol. This is a very impersonal process for me, I don’t really force myself into any of these objects. It is as if the object itself determines the level of obsession. However, if I am depressed, objects will seldom come out of the wall and I’ll start rifling through my storage to see if I can put something together; I suppose this is the Ni Ti loop. It works once in a blue moon but doesn’t get to the point of singularity.
@trauma2happiness Күн бұрын
Good advice
@jtc8197 3 күн бұрын
Maybe you can realize that iq comes from an alloplastic adaptation, but maybe you prefer to continu your thing. Being special is overrated.
@collinj.5530 3 күн бұрын
Omgosh you have no idea how relatable this is
@ltwhiteagle 4 күн бұрын
Dude can't be that smart wearing a mask in a car
@user-gp3mk2zl9e 4 күн бұрын
I appreciated the second interview where the man felt open and honest and not hiding.
@Peaceforall20111 6 күн бұрын
Your ability to articulate these thoughts and feelings I have struggled to explain my whole life is beyond appreciated. Thank you for helping me finally find the words for these feelings no one understands . Thank you from the bottom of this infjs heart
@anewmindsetforeveryone 6 күн бұрын
First of all there isn’t any void, and they do find out why they are here 😁 the asking actually really helps! Just people that work on different level of vibration!
@sirbradfordofhousejones 7 күн бұрын
My issue with typology is that I can’t get behind any of them once I learn them at a more advanced level. The cracks and assumptions always start to show themselves. This roadblock always stops me from getting use out of them. Ti is my problem, I guess. I want to use it, I just… can’t?
@couragecoachsam 8 күн бұрын
As an INFJ, I’m still multi-classing into Spellsword because that my favorite archetype as well 😅
@itsYourChance 9 күн бұрын
Amazing. In depth. Thanks. I hadto laugh because as I would work jobs under immature bosses, I felt yeah we should change this this and I just can't be under bad management. It didnt take too many short jobs to figure i can NOT be under or bow to disrespect and disorganization or bad character.. Made me go independent contractor..ha.. but intj .lol 😂I'm happier and only need fun friends when I'm done with work and being so serious lol. The relationship model is also me. Biz and love ..can it mix lol 😅 . It has to serve a bigger purpose.. yess.. that too is me.😂
@user-ec6vf7zq9j 9 күн бұрын
Lol, I was an INTJ that grew into emotional expression over the course of many years, then I took the test again and it said INFP
@andrewf134 11 күн бұрын
TRUE, i NEED to dress for every occasion according to the message i want to share. It is quite stressful bc i m also minimalist so i try to buy clothes that i can wear for friends, work, day that is casual/ formal but at the same time lively, i take too much times deciding what is the best option. And yea when i see ESTP and ESFP it's funny bc i do think i care a lot about appearance but for different reason
@ege7417 11 күн бұрын
They didn't add some of the diagnoses like OCPD and DID. Is there a reason for that? Thank you for the video 🌿
@AsuraPsych 10 күн бұрын
It would be a very large infographic if every dsm diagnosis was included individually, so some arent directly shown. Also, HiTOP is primarily evidence supported, and DID has very little evidence and is largely debated in the professional field of clinical psychology, so it makes sense they might not have included it for now until further evidence arises.
@leggi_bois4eva 12 күн бұрын
@Sharkuterie327 12 күн бұрын
I was first exposed to this system in a recent article in Harper’s magazine. From how it was described, it heightened my skepticism that it isn’t a step in a better direction from DSM but pathologizes every issue a person might have into a suite of disorders. What it seems to highlight is that many disorders really are just set of commonly co-occurring behaviors and symptoms and not a “cause,” unless there is a neurological pathology that can be functionally determined to objectively exist, such as schizophrenia. Why not just cut out the need to label with fuzzy and ambiguous overlapping criteria and focus directly on the fear, mania, etc that is causing the person to struggle or seek help to begin with? Yet, diagnostic criteria seems more designed to cater to demands of insurance companies to authorize treatment and marketing of medications for the pharmaceutical industries than accurately determine the origin of a patient’s behavior or emotional or social problems. …Sorry, that was more impassioned than I intended. At least folks are trying to address the shortcomings of DSM, but I’m not yet sure it really addresses the underlying issues at play when it comes to how psychiatric pathologies are recognized and treated. Maybe it will depend on how it is implemented. If you have high hopes for it, then maybe my initial impressions have been too harsh. 😅
@AsuraPsych 12 күн бұрын
A step in the right directiontion is better than no step at all I think. Psychopathology is something very complex with many variables and factors. Being able to see the underlying factors and how those relate to the things we are describing is a lot better than the previous diagnostic models we held. Criticism is good though! Only through fire are the best blades tempered.
@kravenofspider 13 күн бұрын
Thank you for your work.
@user-td2lg1fl6h 13 күн бұрын
Sleep blast play! Lol
@donwald3436 14 күн бұрын
5:40 I should have a ring ready to propose to anyone who says that to me.
@donwald3436 14 күн бұрын
You have an INTJ in your life? Are you sure they know you exist?
@joshuam8146 15 күн бұрын
You talk so much constantly reiterating your points you must have been raised by single mother.
@madlynlithasya 18 күн бұрын
i do have infp and infj friends but man i sometimes don’t like how emotional they can be
@hugoclarke3284 19 күн бұрын
I'm not aware that Carl Jung ever mentioned anything about "double-introvert/extravert"?
@bunnyteeth365 19 күн бұрын
I'm hoping to find my type because I want to do a better job of working with myself. I got into MBTI assuming I was an INFP or ENFP. For a while I've been feeling like those types aren't quite right and I don't have any super "logical" reasons why. Either way, I think people assume I'm an INFP and end up treating me like one. Even though people obviously aren't thinking about MBTI 24/7, people obviously categorize each other. So if they see me doing one "INFP" thing, they assume I have a million other "INFP" traits I don't have. One example is me living an "unconventional" lifestyle. I've been forced to due to circumstances, but it could also look like me "following my heart" or being authentic. I also get a bunch of generic advice like breaking tasks down. When I look up how to improve inferior Te, I see the same sorts of advice I haven't been able to successfully apply. So even if I am actually an INFP, I sure haven't found any advice for INFPs helpful. I might have to look elsewhere. Either way it explains why people keep on responding to me in the same frustrating ways over and over. So at least it's helpful knowing I come across like an INFP and I can find ways to avoid coming across like one when I know it will work against me.
@samsworld1770 20 күн бұрын
You are an awesome person. Never forget that !
@MerlepopFenna 20 күн бұрын
Dear Chris, could you identify as an ENFJ as result of complex early childhood trauma and naturally be an INFP? That extroverted feeling was used to make sure you were save?
@angiestupp2968 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video. I don't much participate in online typing communities because I do feel that some members and even some experts who charge for typing sessions are biased. I am positive about being an i_fj, because my level of introversion and use of extraverted feeling (myers-briggs definition) are obvious. I will figure the rest in my own time.
@OnkarSawane-dx3up 21 күн бұрын
Mmmmmmi am in ni fi loop i stay every day at home want to take disicions but never actually takes procastinate things my life becomes like it has no taste right now i always stay at home not in contact with any person out not metting with friedn just staying at home all calmness no one talks i am just locked in head right now i always plan i will do this and that but never actually follows right now i am 18 year old intj in ni fi loop where te gets devloped and i knew this will cause me heavy damage i have no happiness in life life seems dull i do tend to see things on youtube about attitude videos or watches what i like what seems interesting know what i should right now but avoids doing it want to know how i feel aboht myself what i wanted to do what i am doing will i get that what my morals are life seems so messed up right now saying but not doing anything this happens for like 2 years i say i will make decision but never actually takes any just thinking of how my future seems and just see that makes me hally but avoid taking actions just getting afraid everyday how my future will become causes of lack of actions just engaing te heavily some days then got back in this loop doing same lazy routine for 2 years getting angry over me doing what i like playing games just cause i like eating something just cause i like that not getting anything achieved i know my potential but still satyung in this loop sucs watching characters which i like like sasuke uchiha lelouch ayanokoji kiyotaka etc just cuase they make me feel happy toward getting my goal it feels me motivated just getting random information about mbti not so sure on the information that i got just reserching but not getting any conclusions this all buried my halpiness want to feel emotion of mine but seems like not feeling them want to have emotions like normal peoples dont want to be like a stone statue want to move on want to make diffrenece in my life give me advice about this and how can i get out of this situation
@jaimeflor4181 21 күн бұрын
As an INFJ in grad school for counseling, that also has 2 sociology degrees, it makes sense that personality psychology also falls under social psychology. We do take a more post modern approach, but we do talk about it. To learn more in a university setting though, I had to take a Personality Psychology class w/ Dr. Jean Twenge. The Big 5 was our main focus though.
@jpfitness2242 21 күн бұрын
I bought Gifts Differing upon your request. I was reading the type descriptions for the Ne doms. I wonder why ENTP was described as impersonal in their relations to people. Being tertiary Fe users, I would think of the ENTP as the most personal and outwardly friendly of the NT types, with the Ne-Fe making for a more personal person than even the ENFP with their auxiliary Fi.
@leggi_bois4eva 22 күн бұрын
@mNabeOma1Rn 22 күн бұрын
This is totally my psychosis talking: Imagine an IP farm. Where the companies are the doctors telling a group of people with high anxiety that there is going to be a "race war" coming. Then that group of people will use the internet to communicate more, brining in billions for the IP farm.
@jpfitness2242 22 күн бұрын
Do I come across as an Ne dom? The 2nd half of the video is a bit more indicative. This was obviously unscripted, honest and just raw.
@ryo_kyoto 23 күн бұрын
u understand me so much - intj 5w4
@MerlepopFenna 24 күн бұрын
This is the first video that makes total sense, now I am sure what type I am! Thank you so much, you explain it so well! 🙏🏻
@arcanoimperio 25 күн бұрын
I kinda miss this kind of life. Playing video games and mbti stuff 8 years ago. I used to watch on your channel. Now i'm just working and have some time to watch mbti again :D - intp since 2016
@arcanoimperio 25 күн бұрын
I kinda miss this kind of life. I'm 26 years old now. 8 yrs ago I used to watch mbti videos while playing MMORPGs or MOBAs. Now watching mbti again without the gaming :) - intp since 2016
@Ovter-yn6bs 25 күн бұрын
Inner must to adapt and manage. Thank you❤
@donwald3436 27 күн бұрын
Me, any time I need to fill out a time sheet: "........ some time....... did ........ stuff .......?"
@toddjacksonpoetry 28 күн бұрын
Einstein sounds more like an INTJ. He imagined what he wanted, first. Then he did the math.
@Sharkuterie327 Ай бұрын
Bonus: I learned quite a bit about how sampling, statistics, and quantitative analysis are applied in psychology. 😮 I don’t know about others, but I really appreciate your breaking down a research paper. I wouldn’t mind more videos like that in the future. 👀
@Xanthro2 Ай бұрын
introvert a, sociopathic tendencys, takes action x in event 2 introvert b, no sociopathic tendencys, also takes x action in event 2. These kinds of tests are all well and good, but it should also be done from begining to end. must ask if the test observers biest is really removed or not anymore... its just so damn sad anymore that everything is losing credability because of those who "must" reach an outcome they desire.
@pedropavanelijunior8251 Ай бұрын
Boa tarde Chris Deus te abençoe e toda sua família 🙌🏻
@AsuraPsych Ай бұрын
Hey everyone, a reminder that I have a discord server that I am in and talking on almost every single day. Feel free to stop in and say hi sometime.
@sarampium Ай бұрын
guys please join i swear i dont bite
@helsconceit Ай бұрын
People forget that I and E and P and J are ATTITUDES not FUNCTIONAL dichotomies. They simply describe the attitudes of the stack of preferences in functions.
@BeyondPersonality Ай бұрын
Your first point about sticking to only 1 system is spot on 💯
@snailbait Ай бұрын
Sorry if I've already asked about this and forgotten. I love how Jung originated the types idea as a way to guide future Analysts to better communicate with their patients, and I would love to hear your thoughts on using the MBTI as a communication tool, within types and across them. I see it as an analogue to the step of actually trying it out to see how it plays. That was a great reminder. Thanks for the video.
@thecafcl8409 Ай бұрын
you're a smart man, hair issue notwithstanding