Foxholes and Fortifications
11 ай бұрын
White Dwarf 112 (1989) In-Depth
ASL Recommends: Wargames Atlantic
@elizabethmilward8301 11 күн бұрын
Just minor point: The turret-style eyes on some of the lizardmen are actually found on chameleons, not geckos. Geckos have eyes in their heads in a much more normal manner, but the eyes are often large and stick out, while chameleons have eyes on turret-like protrubrances that can move independently. Blame the fact I know this and care on keeping pet geckos and being a former petstore employee. I also want a lizardmen warband.
@attentionspanlabs 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for the correction. I think I conflate the two because of the exaggerated appearance of Mondo Gecko from TMNT.
@HeathFant 15 күн бұрын
I had 2 of these in the 70s and 80s there was a German version and an Iwo Jima version the Germans were grey, and the Japanese were tan they had different beach layouts. I would love to have them back.
@attentionspanlabs 15 күн бұрын
@@HeathFant There was an Anzio one too.
@Killnaprimer 19 күн бұрын
Dude, it took you 7 minutes to say nothing. What do those forces of evil barbarians that you talk about want to do? What are those harmfull changes? Changing rule sets? For what game? Table etiquette? Painting your minis with speed paints? Using deodorant? Please give examples.
@attentionspanlabs 18 күн бұрын
You're pretty angry for claiming to not know what I'm talking about.
@josepinto1545 26 күн бұрын
Hi all! Is any rulebook to play Aztecs vs. Conquistadors? I'm interested in on that.
@attentionspanlabs 25 күн бұрын
Black Powder, Lion/Dragon Rampant/Pikemen's Lament would work.
@MrFirefox322 Ай бұрын
as a person who was barred from joining historical wargaming groups because i was 16, despite having intelligence, time, creativity, and desire to play, i disagree. obviously not everything is for everybody, but that sort of take glosses over the 'it is for the person but others refuse to acknowledge that' bit. since these games require others to agree to play with you it seems like a group presupposing that certain people cannot become part of the group because of some personal bias they hold is really, really stupid.
@attentionspanlabs Ай бұрын
Maybe the reason other people didn't want to play with you says more about you than it does about them? Considering how often I see grognards bending over backwards to cater to young people, it makes me wonder. Gaming is a social activity and socialization is a two-way street. No one likes to be rejected, but that's life. And you are not entitled to spend time with people who don't want to spend time with you.
@MrFirefox322 Ай бұрын
@@attentionspanlabs I was a 16 year old my friend. You do not know me, and I played Malifaux and Warhammer since I was 12 and have friends still from both of those I play with as an adult. Maybe you have an agenda and you'd sooner believe I'm a bad person than consider the cognitive dissonance me not being a bad person makes with your stance.
@attentionspanlabs Ай бұрын
@@MrFirefox322 There's no cognitive dissonance, you are just unable or more likely unwilling to accept the truth of what I said. It doesn't matter if you were perfectly innocent and it was all their fault. Your complaint is with the two-way nature of social interactions. You don't have to like it, but complaining about it is like complaining that if you stop eating you'll starve to death. It's just reality. There are a couple people that I would give one of my organs to, but whom I do not otherwise enjoy spending time with and would not invite to my game groups. Nevertheless, I do find your story dubious. You are correct, I don't know you, and therefore have no particular reason to believe your account. You would not be the first person to give a false or tendentious account on the Internet. The most compassionate advice that I can give to someone who says they were unjustly and inexplicably rejected from a social group is to give serious consideration to the possibility that their rejection was neither inexplicable nor unjust. The problem is that people don't actually want honest and compassionate counsel, they want to be told that they are perfect and everyone else is a dirt bag.
@MrFirefox322 Ай бұрын
@@attentionspanlabs I would not be the first to lie, but I have no reason to. I understand the internet is full of trolls, but I am providing a true counter-example to the points you put forward. I can add that I did not spend much time with these people and they more "ghosted" me than actually attempted to meet me. I put these forward because, ultimately, you do not know the story and to assume you do puts you in an falsely claimed epistemic superiority; one that was not earned. I think your response that you mean to be compassionate is just, but it comes across condescending when I have worked several long years through the remnants of an abusive childhood. I am very much at peace with myself and who I am. I, rather, am trying to say that to block people from a space for no discernable reason does not engender any reason in me when, say, I am older and more acceptable to be around for that reason, to attempt to rejoin those groups. The argument is not "let me in" the argument is "needlessly kept out." I don't long to join the group of hardcore historical wargamers anymore. I play wargames of my own, and enjoy painting and building miniatures. Again, you have no reason to believe me but I do implore you to. I've not lied to you at all here, and hopefully this respectful response helps validate that fact. Gatekeeping based on shallow information is pointless and can lead to needless "keeping outs." You offer stoic consideration, I offer you Aristotelean: Age does not indicate much beyond how many years you've seen. Practical wisdom, virtue, can be found in the young and imprudence in the old. To assume otherwise is to assume unjustly.
@attentionspanlabs Ай бұрын
@@MrFirefox322 Did they hear you talk about falsely claimed epistemic superiority before they ghosted you? After reading that last post I would be reluctant to play games with you, too.
@13thBear Ай бұрын
Dude, are you on some sort of drugs, legal or otherwise? What are you going on about? Philosophizing about playing miniature wargaming? Dude, shut up and play or go home and write a book. No one what's to hear all that blah, blah, blah. It ain't fun. Wargaming is fun. Listening to you bending our ears over your tongue-lashing the obvious is BORING!
@gavinlinville9691 Ай бұрын
@cptcosmo Ай бұрын
There for a while I couldn't find Geo-hex anywhere, so I came up with my own system but with 6" hexes for rougher terrain for Warhammer and Lord of the Rings. Worked great. I still have the jigs and hot wire cutter set-up to produce them again from 1" thick foam sheets.
@attentionspanlabs Ай бұрын
How long does it take you to carve out a table's worth?
@DeathMortarion Ай бұрын
Was thinking about getting into this game but the recent announcement about Andy Chambers seems to indicate a new edition is coming somewhat soon. Bolt Action is also getting a 3rd edition later this year so i'd assume any new version of K47 will be based on that.
@attentionspanlabs Ай бұрын
Maybe. But you can still play older versions of games. They don't arrest you or anything.
@DeathMortarion Ай бұрын
@@attentionspanlabs True, but the question is findng people willing to play older versions. Where i'm at K47 is niche at best, 40k and Horus Heresy reigns. I'm hoping a tidied up rebooted K47 could pull some interest. It's likely a lot of the current models will carry over so painting some of them up ahead of time might not hurt though.
@attentionspanlabs Ай бұрын
@@DeathMortarion if they don't have any other version, then there's no difference to them. It's all new to them either way. This obsession with New Product is a disease. The cure starts when we personally choose to ignore it and play what we like.
@HolyknightVader999 Ай бұрын
The biggest problem with the conservatives isn't the fact that they can be bribed; the biggest problem with them is that they have positions decided by virtue signaling. They don't actually take the positions that would make for a healthy society that deals with problems logically; they take positions based on what makes them seem more masculine or religious. Note that I said ''seem'', their positions don't actually advance the Faith or the cause of masculinity, in some ways they hurt it. You have conservatives who want to curtail gaming that isn't a physical sport, because they think gamers are lazy and good for nothing. You have conservatives who saw tabletop and DnD players as Satanists. You have conservatives who want all women to be dictators towards their children. You have conservatives who want any story with magic banned because they believe it's against the Faith. Even though Lord of the Rings, the mother of all fantasy stories, was written by a devout Christian. GK Chesterton once described conservatives as people who want to preserve the mistakes of the past. Looking at conservatives today, especially among the grifter right, he's been totally vindicated.
@HolyknightVader999 Ай бұрын
The continued survival of the human race is not threatened by the likes of MGTOW; MGTOW only ever pops up when society gets too feminist and alienates men, which is mostly a western thing. In other parts of the world, which is actually, most of the world, men and women reproduce normally, and MGTOW isn't necessary, since society in many parts of the world still knows the difference between male and female, as well as the duties of both. China in fact is pressuring women to have kids, while places like Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa still have traditional family structures.
@HolyknightVader999 Ай бұрын
Here's the thing about the ''bugmen''. They're not just attacking other hobbies because they're bored or ''there's no room in hell''. They're possessed with a fanatical zeal to spread the ideology of Social Justice based on what the media or their professors taught them in college. They wish to spread this ideology to every space possible. They already conquered the conventional media spaces like movies, TV, and books, so the only place left to go is the nerdsphere hobbies, things like tabletop games and video games. It doesn't help that those hobbies are filled with men who usually disagree with them on things like politics and society, they're the ''neo-masculine hierarchy'' that many feminists despise. They look at videogamers using the N-word in online Halo, Counterstrike, or Call of Duty matches, or the tabletop scene filled with fat white nerds, and they see people they hate, people who stand for everything they despise, especially when those tabletop and video gamers love to have sexy chicks in their media, from scantily-clad elven queens, to barbarian women with chainmail bikinis, sci-fi heroines with skintight jumpsuits, and fighting game chicks in beach volleyball games. It's a perfect storm of everything the feminists and SJWs hate, so it makes sense they went for these hobbies next. The Leftist sees this, and what do they see? Hobbies and spaces ruled by ''sexist'' and ''racist'' men who need to be taught the righteous ways of SJW feminism. And it also doesn't help that the companies who own these franchises, from Hasbro and Games Workshop to video game studios like Sony and Microsoft all want to look good in the face of the leftist cause so that Papa Blackrock and Mama Vanguard throws some free money their way, so they hire leftist ''consultants'' to change these hobbies and piss off the old fans. Any attempts to gatekeep are automatically foiled by the people in charge of the gates opening wide to these foreign intruders. There's also the problem that the Right really doesn't want to fight this culture war. Videogamers? Screw 'em, they're lazy, the Left can go chop off their balls. DnD/tabletop gamers? They're demon-worshipers, they can all get consumed by the woke beast. So gamers of all stripes are basically left on their own, with the Institutional Right basically feeding them to the wolves. And the Right's not guaranteed to be better anyways; if they were in charge, you can bet that all sorts of restrictions would be placed on video games, including censors to keep sexy characters out of sight from any game not rated M. DnD and tabletop games would probably face the same censorship, if not outright banned. The Left will corrupt your videogames and tabletop games, but they'll at least still let you have them. The Right would probably warn their kids to avoid both activities, seeing them as a waste of time. And that's if they don't just ban them outright.
@SolventAbuseUk Ай бұрын
good post
@phileasfox983 Ай бұрын
wokism is a plague.
@tayersimon2720 Ай бұрын
Good job!
@attentionspanlabs Ай бұрын
@h.s.lafever3277 2 ай бұрын
i use mine as proxies for german power armor in konflict '47.
@ronaldpagar6513 2 ай бұрын
It's like Wolfenstein, if American had advance technology
@bi-polarbear8145 2 ай бұрын
@the98themperoroftheholybri33 2 ай бұрын
I've just started dipping my toe into Xenos Rampant, I've read the rules and they seem really fun, currently I'm making an army of a pirate confederation made up of military veterans willing to sell their skills for coin, as well as the general scum and detritus of society
@user-rm9qs4hz1p 2 ай бұрын
Have been eyeing up Knightmare miniatures for a while. But would have to wisely see what I’d need. As pretty pricey 😅 but maybe one day I’ll have an Old world army
@marcusarilus 2 ай бұрын
Secrets of the Third Reich is another rule set you can use for this period .
@attentionspanlabs 2 ай бұрын
Some Krauts from that game appear in my 'New Bolt Action Fire & Maneuver Rules Tested' video.
@marcusarilus 2 ай бұрын
@@attentionspanlabs nice think about those rules you can use Konflict 47 figs
@Chordus_Gaius 2 ай бұрын
They should make a sequel. Konflict-84 😂😂😂
@attentionspanlabs 2 ай бұрын
Alternate cold war?
@Chordus_Gaius 2 ай бұрын
@@attentionspanlabs Kinda
@gearboxmerc1291 2 ай бұрын
The recent bs with GW brought me here lol
@attentionspanlabs 2 ай бұрын
Better late than never, I suppose. I really don't understand how anyone has put up with GW for the last 10 years or so.
@kornklone 2 ай бұрын
2 years we are again, GW lol
@attentionspanlabs 2 ай бұрын
Don't look back.
@kornklone 2 ай бұрын
@@attentionspanlabs I dont plan to. Been wanting to find a new wargame and man, does this look like it scratches the itch
@attentionspanlabs 2 ай бұрын
@@kornklone There's a lot of good weird WW2 games and minis out there, especially if you have a 3D printer.
@zenster1097 2 ай бұрын
@attentionspanlabs 2 ай бұрын
I hope you enjoyed it!
@zenster1097 2 ай бұрын
A classic.
@OrmylLP 2 ай бұрын
@attentionspanlabs 2 ай бұрын
What games do you play and how long have you played them?
@OrmylLP 2 ай бұрын
@@attentionspanlabs Ive been playing for nearly ten years. I used to play 40k but nowadays i mostly play Skirmish scale. You checking for base credentials like this tells me all i need to know about you.
@attentionspanlabs 2 ай бұрын
@@OrmylLP Inane comments, years of only playing 40k, and rejecting "base credentials" told me all I needed to know about you.
@OrmylLP 2 ай бұрын
@@attentionspanlabs Really mature "No U" strategy. Enjoy your free comment engagement. Never contact me again.
@attentionspanlabs 2 ай бұрын
@@OrmylLP comes on my channel, makes a stupid comment, then says: "Never contact me again." LOL! Who could have guessed?