Is it the volts or amps that kill?
I drove into a huge tornado outbreak
Plasma Play Button for 1M Subscribers
Extreme 2D Plasma Ball Experiments
100% Invisible IR death ray laser!
I built a Laser Telescope Blaster!!
Chinese "Laser AK-47": DEBUNKED!
Amazing White Laser Experiments!!!
@djfmitv Минут бұрын
Insurer: "Sorry, we can't cover your scans" Styro: "Er, you are aware that I mod powerful lasers that can make your desk spontaneously combust right....."
@funnyiestmemes 7 минут бұрын
Why is all this medicol stuff stupedly pricy for simpel cheep things
@temrenalican4570 25 минут бұрын
given the medical stuff you're mentioning, I think you also have clubbing in your fingernails at 9:42. Not sure if you've pretty much always had it or if it's a later development, OR if it's normal in your family etc. But to me it looks like nail clubbing. There's a thing called chamroth window that you can apparently do with your fingers to see if you've got clubbed nails. Disclaimer: Not a doctor, just a hypocondriac who reads lots of stuff online.
@Ariel-lt8ln 59 минут бұрын
Bring your body to Canada and pay us with your mind.
@GiantsOrbiting Сағат бұрын
You should design power supplies for competitive subwoofer competitives. Team Get Some of Cleveland would hire you in a second.
@bradheath4200 Сағат бұрын
Smokey the Bear carries a bucket to bail water in my woods too bud. Great video man. I'm damn impressed with your setup. Fine job.
@sheldonmurphy6031 Сағат бұрын
If you befriend a squirrel, you know you are doing right in life!! Hope everything checks out for you Sir!
@rickybungalow8839 3 сағат бұрын
People say you need guns to protect yourself against tyrannical government. I agreed until I learned you can buy this
@PrincessSunbutt 3 сағат бұрын
I may not know you personally, but it will definitely be a heart wrenching day when I hear that THE Laser Bazooka Guy died. Edit: Also hearing that we're just about the same age is WILD, because I too can not/hardly grow any facial hair.
@Love-ek1cb 3 сағат бұрын
What was they thing you had on the floor you light a candle too .the star ..
@ilyes9890 4 сағат бұрын
He is ARAB ?!
@nottrevorallen 4 сағат бұрын
i love the conversation that happened around 12:00 *"how would you guys do this?"* "we could mount it on a block of wood" "its probably a bad idea to mount it on a block of wood" *"ok but i really wanna see it explode"* "then you would probably mount it on a block of wood" "hey thats what i said" "oh yea lol"
@tasnimealkilany1990 5 сағат бұрын
with this much money and this much waiting for basic stuff you're better off just traveling to get checked
@allanbruce9473 5 сағат бұрын
On that scam insurance. I know exactly why. No conspiracy. Doctors get training as interns on how to use the ICD codes and the insurance payment books (just like Medicare / Medicaid use). Doctors charge full retail and then write off the difference between what they know the insurance pays, as a BUSINESS LOSS! So, most doctors pay no federal or state income taxes because their professional corporation always shows a new loss. It almost the same as car repairs, but that's in reverse. "The Book" (Chilton's or several other flat-rate manuals) says "X job takes an average mechanic 6 hours and the parts cost Y. So, instead of billing the customer for the actual hours, which might only be three, the shop charges the flat-rate 6. Both of these are institutionalized scams actually promoted by the various governments because most elected officials at the State or Federal level are lawyers with professional corporations - where they dump their salaries and VOILA! avoid most income taxes.
@obediahhinton1890 5 сағат бұрын
“ Democracy is the best thing ever! “ Democracy:
@storbokki371 6 сағат бұрын
You need read up on 'medical tourism'. Mexico or some other country might be able to do more for you, and for much less.
@allanbruce9473 6 сағат бұрын
Well, that's a shame. My T ranged in the 1300 to 1500 between age 18 and 60. It's dropped to 850 or so (I'm 70). I have zero health issues and recently paid $1300 for a whole body MRI which revealed absolutely nothing - except a brain devoid of any aging. The chief radiologist asked if he could send it up for review b/c he had never seen a scan for someone my age with no deterioration. Anyway, I do have male pattern baldness, but that's an affinity for dihydrotestosterone - not directly related to serum T levels. Well ANYWAY, good luck!
@haotofindbeauty 6 сағат бұрын
this video title describes you completely :DDD (you were so much different, in the beginning. loved you early videos..)
@redpillgermany2162 7 сағат бұрын
Ohm's law is of course a law. In the cases you quote the resistance is just not constant but dependent on other factors.
@Gabriel-xt9vv 7 сағат бұрын
Growing a beard depends entirely on your genetics. It has very little to do with T-levels.
@mygirldarby 6 сағат бұрын
It's both. If you have the genetics to grow a beard, you also need the testosterone. You don't see babies with beards, lol. Thst only happens after puberty because of the hormones.
@sc0ttschannel 7 сағат бұрын
"dont feel any cancer yet"---recent videos would suggest otherwise.
@crazytrain86 8 сағат бұрын
this guy is just flexing on camera lol
@WaZaaap6 8 сағат бұрын
10 thousand per Year for this "insurance"? Jesus.. Wish you all the best good sir.Try your best to stay positive,because being passed or any othet negative way about it is just going to make your feel worst. Stay safe and good luck!
@vertigo6384 8 сағат бұрын
I hope you overcome this affliction/illness and heal! I gotta say though, the really bizarre and horrifying thing here is the way American healthcare works. Those sheer numbers... I live in Eastern Europe, and procedures here cost around x500-1000 times less. $5-$10 for abdominal scan, for example. Absolutely retarded.
@fufu1405 9 сағат бұрын
4:24 My European brain has difficulty processing this. But foreal, I feel bad for my American brothers and sisters overseas having to deal with that insane system. edit: You pay 10k a year??? I pay roughly 7.5k a year (which is considered high in Switzerland) and if the doctor orders something, the insurance pays for it, absolutely no questions asked. To be fair, I have to pay 10% of the bill, but the bills never end up as expensive as American bills. edit: 6:23 Im speechless.
@mygirldarby 6 сағат бұрын
Your insurance sounds like mine and I am an American. I was hospitalized a year ago with pneumonia. I was in the ICU, had surgery, and was in the hospital for 22 days. The bill was hundreds of thousands of dollars. My insurance paid everything except $1400. It has gotten much better here since democrats passed Healthcare reform (thank God). I pay zero per month for my health insurance. I get subsidized by the government and "bought" my insurance on the federal marketplace. If you don't get your insurance from your job here, you can get it through the marketplace. This guy is very wealthy because he's a big influencer. That is why he pays so much. The system here is not perfect but it is a million times better than it was before democrats passed Healthcare reform. Republicans keep trying to revoke it though. Any American who complains about health care costs should be running to vote for democrats. Republicans kept us in the dark ages for decades and still fight against universal Healthcare for Americans. It is shameful.
@fufu1405 6 сағат бұрын
@@mygirldarby Amen, its a shame so many Americans have been getting brainwashed by Republicans. But I hope for the best.
@Anto64w 9 сағат бұрын
I think about it like this, Voltage is basically just the tool that pushes current, so you can say that Voltage is like a gun, and current is the bullets, if you get shot it's not the gun that kills you, it's the bullets that kill, you don't die when standing in the presence of a gun, the same way you don't die by standing near a plug socket.
@whophd 10 сағат бұрын
Totally anecdata but there's so many people I know weirdly sick lately. Is it the airborne vascular disease going around lately? Anyway gotta do my MRI today.
@yeeter2785 10 сағат бұрын
18:10 😂😂😂😂
@jannis11 10 сағат бұрын
@Typing.._ 10 сағат бұрын
Certified home defense 🤣
@andyvaldez212 11 сағат бұрын
If I was paying 10k a year for insurance and they said no, I'd drop them right there and then. Thankfully I live on the border, I can just jump across and get medical care for a 10th of the cost... I will admit that healthcare in the united states is absolutely retarded.
@aym_gei9708 11 сағат бұрын
why did u start a fire near dry leaves 😭😭
@bassventura8813 12 сағат бұрын
I clicked to say. Can we please start talking about how cheesy af the whole thumbnail algorithm shit is. Every thumbnail man. Why do you kids keep making dumb shit work
@notswan007 12 сағат бұрын
off topic, but i love your voiceeeee
@Elphidore 12 сағат бұрын
I strongly suggest that you ground your body and make contact with the ground to balance the electrical charges of your body with the natural electrical charge of the ground, the earth. You've experimented a lot with electricity, it's time to balance the electrical charge in your body. Shoes prevent this contact with the ground. Bare feet on the grass are good, but to connect the natural charge of the ground right into your house, on a metal mesh and even to keep contact with the ground even in your bed to benefit from it while you sleep . A metal mesh surface that can be purchased in rolls at hardware stores is ideal! A zinc-plated steel rod stuck in the ground near the house, or even some old stainless steel knives tied together with a metal wire and connected to a conductive wire into the house to attach to the wire mesh, that's it. what it takes. You will quickly feel well-being in contact with the metal mesh connected to the outside. We take a multimeter to measure the voltage, in millivolts. The red probe in the 'ground' of the electrical wall socket, and the black probe on the metal mesh. I measure between 400 and 600 millivolts. And depending on the metals used in the ground, the voltage can be negative, such as with copper, stainless steel and chrome metals at around -640 millivolts. Positive or negative, I believe that negative voltage is also beneficial. in principle, it is the same electrons which pass, whether it is a positive or negative voltage. Zinc and magnesium give a positive voltage. An ordinary electric wire like for lamps is perfect. As the wire is double, I separate the two parts of the wire to keep only one, since there is no electrical device to power. It is essential to make the connection with the ground in this way, since in winter, we cannot put our feet in the grass, and it is in winter that the body needs its system the most. well-charged immune system to prevent seasonal illnesses like the flu or colds. Animals in the wild are permanently connected to the ground. Cancer in wild animals is something unknown. We must therefore take inspiration from it to promote our own health if we want to live long! Search KZbin for Earthing videos with Clint Ober. For the metal mesh in the house connected to the outside, this is my personal adaptation. It's worth trying ! (Automatic translation from french)
@Elphidore 12 сағат бұрын
Je te suggère fortement de faire une mise-à-terre de ton corps et faire contact avec le sol pour faire équilibrer les charges électriques de ton corps avec la charge électrique naturelle du sol, de la terre. Tu as beaucoup expérimenté l'électricité, il est temps d'équilibrer la charge électrique dans ton corps. Les souliers empêchent ce contact avec le sol. Les pieds nus dans le gazon, c'est bon, mais de relier la charge naturelle du sol jusque dans ta maison, sur un tapis de broche, et même de garder un contact avec le sol jusque dans ton lit pour en bénéficier durant ton sommeil. Une surface de treillis métallique que l'on peut acheter en rouleau dans les quincailleries, c'est l'idéal ! Une tige d'acier plaquée zinc plantée dans le sol près de la maison, ou même des vieux couteaux en inox reliés ensemble avec un fil métallique et relié à un fil conducteur jusque dans la maison pour fixer sur le treillis métallique, c'est tout ce que ça prend. Tu va rapidement sentir un bien-être au contact du treillis métallique branché à l'extérieur. On prend un multimètre pour mesurer le voltage, en millivolts. La sonde rouge dans le 'ground' de la prise électrique murale, et la sonde noire sur le treillis métallique. Je mesure entre 400 et 600 millivolts. Et selon les métaux utilisés dans le sol, le voltage peut être négatif, comme avec le cuivre, l'inox et les métaux chromés à environ -640 millivolts. Positif ou négatif, je crois que le voltage négatif est aussi bénéfique. en principe, ce sont les mêmes électrons qui passent, que ce soit un voltage positif ou négatif. Le zinc et le magnésium donnent un voltage positif. Un fil électrique ordinaire comme pour les lampes, c'est parfait. Comme le fil est double, je sépare les deux parties du fil pour n'en garder qu'une seule, puisqu'il n'y a pas d'appareil électrique à alimenter. C'est essentiel de faire le branchement avec le sol de cette manière, puisque l'hiver, on ne peut pas se mettre les pieds dans le gazon, et que c'est l'hiver que le corps a le plus besoin de son système immunitaire bien chargé pour prévenir les maladies saisonnières comme la grippe ou le rhume. Les animaux dans la nature sont branchés au sol en permanence. Le cancer chez les animaux sauvage, c'est quelque chose d'inconnu. Il faut donc s'en inspirer pour favoriser sa propre santé si on veut vivre vieux ! Cherche sur KZbin les vidéos sur le Earthing avec Clint Ober. Pour le treillis métallique dans la maison branché à l'extérieur, c'est mon adaptation personnelle. Ça vaut la peine d'essayer !
@brianbolduc6143 13 сағат бұрын
'its my turn to abuse one of these systems.'
@mawarkiranasanimin7538 13 сағат бұрын
Do you sell lasers that you have modified? I really want to buy it😟
@rihamabtahi7826 13 сағат бұрын
Hope u get better soon
@pcc404 14 сағат бұрын
wait why how did that squirrel let you touch it 0-0
@pcc404 14 сағат бұрын
isn't it the same one as the one that kevin got?
@JpmestraoPSN 15 сағат бұрын
What happens if I point at my eye
@aleksandarstojceski3139 15 сағат бұрын
You have low dht thats why you dont have hair.
@adairjanney7109 17 сағат бұрын
Got the zine, trusted the "science"
@oliverspaulding7773 17 сағат бұрын
Aka age slower
@oliverspaulding7773 17 сағат бұрын
Also it sounds like your condition means you are likely highly valuable to them because high testosterone without any problems means you might have a rare gene
@oliverspaulding7773 17 сағат бұрын
Hey honest question if you started working out as much as possible with that high of a testosterone level do you think your body would adapt to it??
@702rons 20 сағат бұрын
sooner or later I'm going to read about you in the National news. good thing, or bad thing, I have no idea. good luck!
@zel8913 20 сағат бұрын
Yeet! So cute