OnlyLewis | Civ V: Tiny Wars Episode #10
Malcolm-at-Sea | Civ V: Tiny Wars Episode #7
All Out. | Civ V: Tiny Wars Episode #2
All In! | Civ V: Tiny Wars Episode #1
@joelhicks5468 19 минут бұрын
let's gooooooooooooo
@iain-duncan 38 минут бұрын
Going for a culture victory cannot possibly work for Duncan, he's too ce really located and easy to kill
@Ella-hy9xh 45 минут бұрын
The window of opportunity to neuter Lewis has just about shut, with that science yield. Declare now, and cancel those trade routes or he'll upgrade his military and it's a fait accompli.
@lillysefton42 59 минут бұрын
At this point I respect Duncan for going culture every game. If the others are too dumb they deserve it
@eviem5658 Сағат бұрын
RIP Viper, you will be missed
@Mp3rocks9 Сағат бұрын
did anyone ever find out who that amazing anonymous editor was? hope they’re doing well
@okram2k Сағат бұрын
Kirsty finally has her yields on and we can see just how amazing her capitol is that she bemoaned so much at the start of the game. But then I yell out in pain as she plops a great scientist on the ground instead of using it to boost science. Quick napkin math says she would have gotten over 3,000 science from them by using their science boost while the academy giving only 10 science per turn means they would need to play for 300 more turns for it to pay off. Rythian finally gets his first wonder! It’s actually a wise play getting the opener in a policy tree that nobody else has yet for the wonder, especially one that’s as handy as Big Ben, as long as you’re using your gold to buy things in your cities. Like, for example, buying factories so you could finally get an ideology! Thanks to trade routes and treasure fleets, Rythian's cities are starting to get bigger than almost everyone else’s save his poor landlocked capital. I would have loved to see him keep expanding and for that matter, keep exploring! I feel he forgot between recordings that he was going to colonize the world, and with a full exploration policy tree any coastal settlement is a great city spot now, even cow island. That said the window is quickly closing for any such settles to make an impact and with his happiness finally starting to fall thanks to his population boom it’s likely he won’t settle any more. Duncan’s land is just an absolute mess thanks to automated workers. We see them building trading outputs everywhere even on hills that could be producing culture and faith instead with his unique improvement. Likewise there’s unimproved resources and his pop levels are vastly falling behind everyone else. Despite going piety he is just *now* building his great temple, at the very end of the game. Piety gets huge boosts from their great temple and it should be very high on your priority list to build, even sometimes drastically changing the normal tech path to get it as soon as you finish the piety tree. Imagine how much better Duncan’s game would have been if he had that 25% bonus to research and gold in his capitol 100 turns ago. Lewis - Gets some bad advice from Daltos, you in fact generally want to save great scientists from policies until as late in the game as you can. The science boost from a great scientist is based upon your science output (it gives you your last 8 turns of science from when it is generated). So as the game goes on your science production increases which means you get more out of the scientist the later it spawns. Also because great person generation slows down each time you generate one you get less naturally spawning scientists later in the game. So generating a free one from a policy late in the game has a significantly higher impact than earlier. Also a rather interesting tactic saying out loud where you're sending your spies. Daltos - Continues to be well ahead on the techs that matter for war. He has oil developed, he has flight, he has cavalry, he has artillery, he has autocracy, he even has the money to buy a full city’s worth of bombers right when he researched flight! Does he have the spine to go to war? He’s also for some reason building military bases instead of more units which he clearly has the money to support. In normal circumstances if you’re autocracy and your neighbor goes plastics for research labs instead of other military techs you’re licking your chops because you likely are about to hit the proverbial jackpot. Easy military victory with better units and prime techs from capturing their cities. But Daltos’s inaction continues to waste so much potential and soon his only advantage will be autocracy policies.
@akosszegedi3482 Сағат бұрын
Lewis's science has run away tbh, he's double Daltos or Duncan.
@randomslimer Сағат бұрын
I did "Ha ha" but now I'm scared they have a spy in my city...
@matheusGMN 2 сағат бұрын
I don't know if they know, but having world ideology and world religion gives you +1 vote for each, so by repealing world religion they make Duncan lose a vote, which is important when there's so few votes to go around
@LeDoctorBones 2 сағат бұрын
Isn't it +2? And that is why he has 4 votes more than everyone else since he gets +2 from being leader and +2 from world religion while kirsty gets +1 from her city state.
@Nathaniel_McVie Сағат бұрын
@@LeDoctorBones I think you mean Kirsty has +1 from Daltos' city state
@Chick3nluvver 2 сағат бұрын
I miss having Ben in these Civ 5 games! Hope he comes back sometime
@33m3c 2 сағат бұрын
the way Daltos' screen moves all the time is so triggering lol
@GhostOfSparta 2 сағат бұрын
Duncan every game says its to late for a culture victory lol
@Thoran666 38 минут бұрын
He has to say that to stay alive but it's getting old. He should embrace the tourism and tell everyone to build firewalls or get flooded by AI porn soon.
@wizzzard999 2 сағат бұрын
Who are all this people in Lewis' solo playthrough all of a sudden?! XD
@Thoran666 42 минут бұрын
It's a new AI mod. Lewis just forgot to set the difficulty to Deity. 😂
@InvictusMartin 2 сағат бұрын
Lewis has just won the game, unless they team up on him.
@pegusus12346 2 сағат бұрын
You could post this on the first episode of every Civ game and be right lol
@zigzera7757 2 сағат бұрын
Duncan starting to get ptsd about getting mass war called on him out of no where
@TAGSTER_HD 2 сағат бұрын
Miss that charming editor from last time. Hope he knows how handsome he sounds.
@DaddyLoGang 3 сағат бұрын
currently not working atm, look forward to watching everyday! thanks guys <3
@ratchetqwark89 3 сағат бұрын
wow balatro for them was just released? this episode is over 4 months old!
@liammurtagh-fraser2818 5 сағат бұрын
As an Aussie, it was nice to hear my fellow countrymen arrive part way through the video
@outsidealone 7 сағат бұрын
Am Aussie. I don't think I've said "g'day" a single time in my entire 39 years.
@FreshlyBakedLePain 15 сағат бұрын
I love how all Daltos' fun facts are met with silence
@guidojacobs2002 18 сағат бұрын
Idea for next Civ series: if it's possible, rotate civs each episode/session.
@Terinije 18 сағат бұрын
There's a four point between two Canadian provinces and two of their territories, too. Granted, I doubt maby want to visit a spot of tundra between Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nunavut, and the NW Territories.
@tridonFarstrider 21 сағат бұрын
So when is the OnlyLewis account going live?
@gliscorpotas Күн бұрын
I'm disappointed by this biased anonymous editor clearly trying to keep us from seeing Malcolm's greatest hero
@kendrox0994 Күн бұрын
Rythian is doing a hell of a job editing these!
@tri1937 Күн бұрын
that message in the beginning gave me a flashback to watching a certain series 10 years ago
@sven77777 Күн бұрын
rythian I smiled audibly at ur joke
@JetzKiterr Күн бұрын
"Mom, can we have the Great Wall?" Kirsty: "No, we have Great Wall at home." Great Wall at home: 3:05
@Cl0ne66 Күн бұрын
Dalton has 4 cities already?! Going to run away with the game. Personally I’m surprised nobody went liberty to get cities down quick.
@Hazlius Күн бұрын
Man the editor has a great voice; they should invite him to play in their next Civ game
@Davidofsmeg Күн бұрын
Goddamm these Civ V players sound all the same, we are doomed to never know who the true editor is!
@meursaulty6672 Күн бұрын
Im a civ noob, how does Lewis get his two newest cities to match or even surpass his older cities in pop? Food focus, and then switch to full production at 11-12 pop?
@puff7145 Күн бұрын
Internal trade routes, especially by cargo ship
@sam23696 Күн бұрын
chad Lewis is the only pov we need as always in civ
@33m3c Күн бұрын
Massive L for not attacking lewis when everyone else had a tech advantage
@thelaurens1996 Күн бұрын
Loving this series
@MrJuiceFreeze Күн бұрын
Lets go rythian
@iain-duncan Күн бұрын
Love this series! Thank goodness that even though some footage eas lost, you still had at least one capture and all the audio!
@archdukepc102 Күн бұрын
Should have gone order with 7 cities. Freedom is probably the worst to chose out of the three given he has a large army and a wide empire…….
@buttlordmusic Күн бұрын
i love this series (and all the old ones) so so much, and want to say the editing and joke game has been 11/10 top tier this time round. thanks
@yake222 Күн бұрын
they needed to wage war with Lewis luke yesterday.
@Pratalax Күн бұрын
Feels like i'm listening to katt strike
@Aura-Of-Syrinx Күн бұрын
I appreciate you anonymous editor~
@redbear623 Күн бұрын
i hope the anonymous editor knows we appreciate him
@svenrio8521 Күн бұрын
This anonymous editor sure sounds hamdsome
@Mar_Marine Күн бұрын
Rythian's - err, Anonymous Editor's humor is fantastic. I'm so glad that he's the one editing the Civ videos.
@ArcNine9Angel 11 сағат бұрын
What makes you say it's Rythian? We really have nothing to go off of, they're so mysterious....
@velnoa Күн бұрын
Lewis is exciting but that Franks player seems really cool! I’ve been rooting for Kirsty but I hope they win, they seem so awesome and amazing! They seem like they’re great at everything, maybe even editing!
@Centr10z Күн бұрын
It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, Lewis, being yellow, my colour, was a plus.
@krogan3760 Күн бұрын
mysterious redditor indeed