@geezerman58 Сағат бұрын
Sounds stupid AF.
@DysfunctionalParrot 3 сағат бұрын
If Bad Robot or Kurtzman are involved, it'll be a guaranteed dumpster fire. Bring back The Orville.
@ronjcharity 8 сағат бұрын
Strange New Worlds Great, Shows like Discovery sucked...season 1-2 were good the rest was garbage...
@jakesmith5278 15 сағат бұрын
Fire every one at Paramount and hire all new people, then start the project. Maybe they'll a chance.
@daviddriver2692 16 сағат бұрын
I would truly love to know what became of odo after he linked with great link
@bwanasefunjege3096 20 сағат бұрын
Well that was confusing
@curtrogers5873 21 сағат бұрын
Nice work I completely agree with your assessment I think they should have ended it at Vernin and Sarah‘s wedding and before the wedding as well even though I didn’t like this so-called Burnhams and Spock connection they could’ve shown her on walking before the wedding talking to the prednt about to Spock you don’t tell me there’s not more about to park on Vulcan was the driving force behind reunification Romans and Volcons and since it’s planet in the planets name the name of a dog one species did it conquering a lot combined home with both races there should be more presence of Spock his planet if you know how he die do you know what he did Rassie as his sister she wanna know what happened to him in detail preseason and her mission was completed so she had the time on her hands yet they could’ve brought up the Books thing with her and her son Marry she could’ve show him to his new ship you know if she could hand graduations captain that would be good too but you’re right the way Julie was at the wedding that’s the best way to end it yeah calypso I don’t understand if if if she was sent out there for him why can’t you take him home what what was she waiting for up there in space after she’s gone why is she still waiting in space we don’t have any idea for that like you said it’s not all bad but he lives in a big cliffhanger like I thought Covid was better used as a as a member of the guardian species or a number of the Q continuum since we haven’t heard from him in a long time that would explain why cause he’s gonna sign there because my idea was when the season started somebody somewhere nice try to do some of the guardian forever messed up the timeline so badly they play preservative come in and fix everything so Kovic stayed behind to make sure nobody else ruined it you know again like last time that was my idea what do you think /;I think you’ve done great work on this all time you’ve tried your best to do a positive and negative you’re never negative all the way back any anything you’ve done which is good soYour work is appreciated😊 thanks for the fun until next time
@scottcrysel 23 сағат бұрын
Seasons best to worst: 2, 1, 4, 5, 3
@PhillipLemmon Күн бұрын
Discovery is gone (5 seasons) Lower decks is getting a 5 and FINALLY season (season 4 coming soon) Section 32 is a MOVIE coming out 2025 Starfleet academy is starting production soon Strange new worlds will get another season Prodigy is going to Netflix Did I miss anything? Lol
@gamepada Күн бұрын
Bahh disxovery is garbage
@sabref4i290 Күн бұрын
Lol hi I'm here to audition for the newest Star Trek project. Oh I'm sorry you're a white heterosexual male. We have no parts for you.
@beeto45 Күн бұрын
i cant believeit. seth mcfarlene lives in star trek canon. they made a huge mistake in not letting him make orville as part of the star trek universe when he asked them.
@rsmcintosh Күн бұрын
Bonus points for Captain Archer....err, I mean Scott Bacula...err I mean Sam Beckett quantum leaping into this video
@jeffereyholran4922 Күн бұрын
Have to disagree with the thought that "throwing away the Progenitors tech made the season meaningless". They were never seeking out the tech for themselves, they were trying to prevent Moll & L'ak from finding it and selling it to the highest bidder. They got a peek into the future, in the time bug episode, and saw that the Breen had used the tech to wipe out the Federation completely. They ultimitaly saved the Federation when they instead seized the tech before Moll could and by destroying the tech in the last episode, it prevented that from ever happening to them or anyone else ever again.
@Archivist1971 Күн бұрын
No... Matt Frewer's character was from the 22nd century I believe and stood the time shuttle from a scientist in the 26th century.
@ThereIsOnlyWar40k Күн бұрын
IDK man WTf happened in the last episode.
@JimmyRoche420 Күн бұрын
Just Watching First contact with John Luc Picard. Its my favourite star trek story and I just love Jonathan Frakez directions in films or TV shows. He makes it easy to watch . First contact is by far my favourite star trek story
@johnjames4834 2 күн бұрын
i like strange but it annoys me that you are constantly aware the main character is going to die
@TheRealJuseBeats 2 күн бұрын
Nothing you said here was good. The Starfleet Academy, one with elastic girl is just continuation Star Trek discovery so that’s gonna be trash. Section 31 movie, also trash continuation of Star Trek discovery… we need to get out of this alternate universe crap and get back to the Pryme timeline. It make new fresh stories for that. Also, no producer or Director should not be a fan. Everyone involved is to be thoroughly well-versed in Star Trek Cannon. Get a council of fans if need be to verify what they come up with. There’s a way to Star Trek back is just a matter if they will do it.
@shaunsaunders531 2 күн бұрын
I'm more than happy for as many Strange New Worlds as they want to throw at us, as long as they promise to NEVER, NEVER do another musical episode!!! Boy Band Klingons was way too horrific to ever happen again.
@garydavidson6917 2 күн бұрын
std is the worst!
@hobbz7126 2 күн бұрын
SNW is good, but they really need to stop with the retcons.
@OzDrDjObstruido 2 күн бұрын
@christophermosier3754 2 күн бұрын
Holly Hunter is a great actress however she's not gonna be enough
@generaljimmi 3 күн бұрын
I would love something new in the prime time line
@generalrooter 3 күн бұрын
Those last two episodes of strange new worlds was hard to watch. I'm surprised they got another year after that.
@Bailes1983 3 күн бұрын
The episode went FOREVER
@ultrasometimes8908 3 күн бұрын
@navamoore 3 күн бұрын
I loved the series as a whole, and it ended up being one of my favorites out of the others
@huntedwolf 3 күн бұрын
it already had 2 "rebirths" the gods awful reboot films and the various half arsed series... comes to something when the best thing released in recent years was prodigy.. a damn kids cartoon ffs
@corwinzelazney5312 4 күн бұрын
"Un" Oh? Can't be bothered to spell check your graphics is pretty damn lazy.
@WhatDidIMiss 4 күн бұрын
It is amazing to me that in almost two months not only did I miss that but no one else caught it either. Fixed.
@hypernovatv911 4 күн бұрын
i despise kurtzman trek. they are selling the franchise and i hope the new owners are smart and flushes TURD TREK! i wrote to the head of paramount 6 months ago that his company was pissing and shiting on gene Roddenberry's legacy with these abominations. he had principles that all writers and directors had to respect or they would be fired. among them was no conflict among the characters. kutzman and his goon squad have debased every principle that gene believed in. there can be no peace as long as kurtzman lives, so to speak...
@Roxisound 4 күн бұрын
It feels the same as Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. The ‘x years’ later section at the end felt contrived.
@Roxisound 4 күн бұрын
YESSS ENDING AT SERUS wedding would’ve been so much better!
@HOWUDOING24 5 күн бұрын
This show is too woke for me.
@castercs 5 күн бұрын
I imagine Discovery due to her spore engine will be left in deep space for section 31 at some point
@jhouston6 5 күн бұрын
You may want to rewatch The First Duty. Admiral Brand was the Chancellor of Starfleet and Admiral Barnett played by Tyler Perry was the Chancellor of Starfleet in the 2009 star trek movie. So she would be the 4th seen onscreen.
@Groktargash 5 күн бұрын
This whole universe is crap. If they want to save Star Trek they need to return to the original timeline and stop violating Roddenberry's legacy. "Kelvin" timeline is when ST became trash.
@doublee3886 5 күн бұрын
DEI, Wokism has wrecked Star Wars. Star Trek still can tell viable stories. Good vid.
@user-zd7id9rx3f 5 күн бұрын
Original Star Trek was one of my favorite things in life but other than reviews by RLM and some other KZbin reviewers I have no interest in any new Trek. The reviews are more interesting than the actual shows.
@Zzzzzzz543 5 күн бұрын
I sequel in the Wild West would be dope
@user-ju3vz9lx5q 5 күн бұрын
I liked the show but not the ending. Yes, it should have ended on a good note at the house over coffee.
@codmanout9861 5 күн бұрын
I highly doubt that Section 31 will deal with multiple time jumping. The whole reason for sending Georgiou back was because her body was out of temporal sync, so she would need to stay in a stable time period. And it would violate the Temporal Accords. Now that doesn't mean that she couldn't have a hand in influencing important events in the time period where she landed, in fact, she wouldn't be Georgiou if she didn't, but in my opinion, no further time travel will likely happen, as it could exacerbate her temporal dysfunction. Edit: To clarify, yes, Georgiou was sent back in time to remedy her temporal displacement, but her body still experienced that trauma. For her to then engage in additional temporal maneuvering would be like taking someone who recovered from severe radiation exposure, and then have them go work with that same damaging radiation. Even if they fully recovered at the time, their body would be more susceptible to the strains of additional exposure. Now, sure, Trek could come up with some way to counteract this, but seeing as she was sent back around 1,000 years from a future that couldn't cure her, I kind of doubt there would be a way to make that work. Personally, I think it is far more likely that Georgiou will end up dealing with a series of events that cascade forward, leading events and people down the paths that they need to take.
@rjmeeks4152 4 күн бұрын
Yes. My hope is that Daniels drags her into the temporal cold war, which we've only seen teases of in Enterprise really.
@HEMA-598 6 күн бұрын
Looks like woke trash ...
@carlosT3000 6 күн бұрын
I love Star Trek Discovery, yes it could've improved in places but it was still great. If it wasn't for Star Trek Discovery and Sonequa Martin-Green I wouldn't have watch the Star Trek series again. I hadn't watched the Series since I was a kid but Discovery brought me back. I will admit that the Short Trek should've taken place in the mirror universe
@danielbritton8588 6 күн бұрын
Beat a dead horse productions presents............
@justhere9937 6 күн бұрын
Ive never seen so many away missions with the captain on all of them.
@blindflamingo 6 күн бұрын
What’s on the decline is Paramount. Sell Star Trek to Disney.
@Joe-bc8vv 6 күн бұрын
star trek academy sound like garbage! Section 31 sounds good! movies????? Let see!
@aoca3817 7 күн бұрын
Given i grew up on le Archaeological site that Startrek is based on. & i have had actual first contact on that site. Personallee i could provide info 4 script, based on actual event's rather than just made up crap by franchise's.