My Mom Is A Thief !!! | R/AITAH
@BohemianScandalous 13 сағат бұрын
i’m pretty sure all these influencers assume they need to pay for water because they’re only going to tourist traps where they charge you for water
@_.mxggxn._ 13 сағат бұрын
I have no idea why he didn’t stop. I work for another supermarket not Lidl, and regardless of what their rules are, I’d have stopped. And honestly, I don’t care for children either, but I couldn’t just sit and watch a mother struggle with her injured child.
@victoriawilliams8196 13 сағат бұрын
I honestly don't think it would have occurred to me to start packing someone else's shopping. I'd have sympathy and wouldn't mind waiting while the situation was sorted, but that thought wouldn't enter my head. I would if she asked though!
@mCblue79 13 сағат бұрын
£92 croissant? It's $10 on Temu! Same photos and everything. Why would anyone want this anyhow?
@alliesyn 13 сағат бұрын
I’ve been on a Royal Caribbean cruise. On Oasis of the Seas. Also from Florida. I was a smoker when I went ( 2014 ) ….. um. There is a HUGE smoking area on these ships. There’s like a whole ass floor with chairs and lounges / a gorgeous view etc up there….. This man has an alcohol problem & a respect problem. I feel horrible for the people who deal with that. Drunk, obnoxious, loud people drive me crazy.
@WifeyJellyHand 14 сағат бұрын
I worked in retail for a looonngg time. Accident reports must be filed for any slip, trip, fall etc on the premises. The employee continuing to work leads to me to believe that this is exaggerated. Like Robert stated, this is a serious injury and the store would be liable.
@pagesinked 14 сағат бұрын
Ironically I got a temu ad 😭😭😭
@TylaStark 14 сағат бұрын
Honestly not surprised. Its temu.
@dedprinc.ssjane 15 сағат бұрын
i feel like he gives off a ton of manbaby vibes, very gaslighty and thinks he can do no wrong. not a whif of accountability or growth! he needs to go to therapy! not on a cruise!
@laurawilson9235 15 сағат бұрын
Normally I would say for the First Lady pack your own but in this situation someone should of helped ( a staff member ) that poor baby and I hope they filled in the accident book
@LS-ys8nr 15 сағат бұрын
Why u got 3 eyebrows?
@hannahfoxall4603 15 сағат бұрын
What I don’t understand with this is why the person scanning the items didn’t use there headset to call a manger over, regardless of if the person asked or not. Then the mum could have accepted or declined help. As someone who has worked in a few retail shops if an incident happened I’d call a supervisor over right away.
@jshealey9084 15 сағат бұрын
whats with the eyebrow thing?
@hairydino4568 15 сағат бұрын
Kids are also a choice. I choose not to have them. I also choose not to step in when someone else's choice becomes an inconvenience for them. I do agree that the staff should have checked the kid. Lidl cashier's are not "timed", however they are not allowed a queue of more than three. Which promotes speed. The woman should have used her words and communicated that she wanted help.
@bethmcnair5040 16 сағат бұрын
Not judging you if you do but ‘WHY?’
@peachesnola7860 16 сағат бұрын
3:59 Sounds like Aldi here in the US. You bring your own bags, or pay 10 cents per paper bag you get, bag your own items, and "rent" the shopping cart for a quarter. Those cashiers are FAST so there's a long shelf along the front of the store where you can move your cart & paid for items, and bag your stuff at whatever pace you want. I can't imagine having to bag your stuff at the register at the pace they move. The reason the prices are lower is because they don't have to pay bagging employees, the "rental" of the cart keeps most people from taking carts & them not having to replace stolen carts often, and you pay for the paper bags or bring your own. It's a lot of little things that add up to a lot, so they can charge a little less.
@susanjeffries5108 16 сағат бұрын
Such a weird phenomenon! Although I have to say I keep thinking to myself that there are so many videos of people having these altercations it just kind of is weird to me. I don't personally film myself shopping for stuff. Imagine you're having this interaction with someone else but you keep your phone filming while they're grabbing something out of your hand or off the shelf. I would not have the presence of mind to keep filming during that, and I also wouldn't think to start filming in the first place. So while I find the behavior of these collectors and resellers to be absolutely astonishing and CRAZY, I'm also a little bit curious about how much footage there is out there. I guess if you know it's a hot item and then you go in and you decide to film yourself when you find the item...but still as someone who's not really on social media I just kind of scratch my head about how many people seem to be filming in stores at any given time.
@cassykent1964 16 сағат бұрын
This is an example of the Bystander Effect. When you’re in the Bystander Effect, there are enough people around that you expect someone else to step up for you. Often happens in a public place. Having awareness of this effect can help you to break out of it and step up to help people who need help, rather than waiting for someone else to do it.
@clairepettie 16 сағат бұрын
I had a dear friend who loved Hello Kitty. She passed away young from cancer. If it were for her, I could conceivably punch someone in the face for a polyester HK blanket. So to answer Robert's question: once. I could imagine punching someone in the face once for a Hello Kitty blanket for a dying friend, and then have to lay down and die myself out of embarrassment.
@peachesnola7860 16 сағат бұрын
When I worked retail (books) the ONLY time we ever had anyone waiting outside for something newly released, was the release day of the 7th Harry Potter book, and the 4th Twilight book. Thank god I worked slinging books & not this stuff. I'd seriously just walk out after a week, if I could even last that long.
@TheMakeupChair 17 сағат бұрын
I have my own story about Lidi, I’ve refused to shop there since, my extended family boycotted it for a year. I dunno what kind of an atmosphere they create there but there’s a real lack of care that I just don’t see in other stores. They should have called an ambulance, I definitely would not have stood by and let that happen. Top tip from someone with a chronic illness who struggles to shop : When putting things on the conveyor belt, group them in shapes and types : so bottles and large boxes like cereal or kitchen roll all first - takes up the most space so it slows the cashier down - then frozen boxes stacked, frozen bags piled together, vegs and fruit together, Breads and light bags like crisps or salad last, and most importantly Spread It Out! Don’t pile it height so it fits, lay it out flat, it slows the cashier time meaning you have more time, at the end. I prep my cart before reaching the till 😂
@peachesnola7860 17 сағат бұрын
9:49 I'd honestly bring my dog the moment I leave & go back another time for my things. I couldn't walk out the door without my puppies.
@mrsmerily 17 сағат бұрын
I mean Lidl is cheap for a reason. I wouldnt suggest you go there with your small children. I think some stores if not all in my country(not including lidl) stopped using those trolleys years ago, because there were accidents with kids (so no trolleys dont have that child seat to begin with). Also with packing someone elses stuff, what if you do something wrong and they blame you. You brake something? You need to pay for it. I bet most people have had their experiences of no good did goes unpunished and as a human being have learnt from it. I have, several times.
@bluepurple4010 17 сағат бұрын
This is ridiculous! Omg
@KillerSmurfy 17 сағат бұрын
They are just doing this because food cost so much that we all have extra space in our fridge now a days. Thanks Bidenomics
@bigkahona8444 17 сағат бұрын
I have a spine injury im not allowed to bend or carry anything heavy. I look super healthy and fine to people when they look at me. When i wanted to shop after months in bed and physiotherapy … i took a friend with me to help. It felt bad. I felt limited and restricted .. but what to do.. i wish i could ask the supermarket for help packing .. it should be an option to help certain cases packing .. but again i look healthy to others.. im not even sure how to tell them.
@machinegunkellykapoor 17 сағат бұрын
This is not Hello Kitty behavior. She's all about friendship and sharing and shit. 😂
@machinegunkellykapoor 17 сағат бұрын
I'm a Hello Kitty adult, but one with some damn sense.
@renaissancewoman3770 17 сағат бұрын
Lol from my understanding wedding used to be ceremony at the church and then like the reception at the hall or even in the backyard, and the bride's mum would make the cake and the dress. Like it's gotten out of hand, this to me is a return to the roots.
@pams4401 18 сағат бұрын
@kittymilkyyy 18 сағат бұрын
10:29 even if it went into the sea, it’s still littering and harmful to sea life
@peachesnola7860 18 сағат бұрын
My current fridgescape theme: Mom with kids The only time this MIGHT make sense (and it's a huge might) is if you have a fridge with see-thru doors, live alone, and entertain constantly.
@harmonandrews2849 18 сағат бұрын
Does Lidl not have a self checkout like Tesco?
@sonia613 18 сағат бұрын
Dogs are family. Dogs are the same as children for some people and that’s completely valid ❤ my dog is my baby and will still be my baby even after I have children!
@_plantlife 18 сағат бұрын
I would have helped her , but one thing I learned from the world and experience is that kindness is not to be expected and sometimes people don’t want or appreciate you trying to help them and that sometimes when I try to help people they don’t want help or they just don’t want help from me (I’m a person of color) and want help from someone else so I just don’t help people as often anymore . I wait till they ask me directly for help. It’s sad but I have been yelled at, cussed at, and called slurs some give this look of hate that makes me feel unsafe and I just was going to help them , I try not to take it to heart though
@nmd33 14 сағат бұрын
I am sorry you went through all that just for offering help smh
@sararyan2306 19 сағат бұрын
The gal ran away and asked her boss to help her because of what he said! I was in her shoes once. I had a guy tell me how pretty I would be if only i didn't have acne. ... and he had the cure for my skin. He went out to his car to get whatever the heck it was that would have made me "pretty" and I ran to my boss's office and cried about it. My boss looked at me and said "im sorry men are d*cks, he will never come here again, that i can assure you." Walked out an took care of it. I'm so grateful for her, because she knew how insecure I was about my skin. Honesty, its just crazy that anyone would say anything like this! It can be so hurtful.
@Kate.g. 19 сағат бұрын
Couple years ago’s the guy try to sell me how his job and he is he own boss, try to recruting me in his team…MLM brand (I don’t remember in what) 😆 but this date was cringe and akward as f*ck 😅😂
@bridieeleanor 19 сағат бұрын
bring back the idea of community into society, everyone is too individualistic :(
@Bitchthatssarah 19 сағат бұрын
I had a Stanley gifted to me and I left it at work on accident and never saw it again.
@melaniequiroz150 19 сағат бұрын
There is sooo much hello kitty merch at my store I’m about to resell it! I had no idea anyone would want any of this stuff! 😂😂
@reinadelaluz1573 19 сағат бұрын
Noooo way lol I’m a mom and my fur babies are my other children lol 😂 Would of helped if I seen that 😢 And as a mother I would of been very distraught and i understand her not asking for help because it’s a chaotic situation happening. When babies cry it heightens everyone’s stress level. So it makes it harder to think.
@cassierhodes1191 19 сағат бұрын
That reminds me of Aldi here in America. Do yall have to bring your own bags or buy some from them too? You also have to deposit a quarter into the buggy and u will get it back when u return it.
@maryelizabeth2581 19 сағат бұрын
I always help. Everyone around her should be ashamed of themselves. My heart is breaking for her and her children.
@misaebisu4368 19 сағат бұрын
A Temu ad just popped up. It’s just a dropped ship thing I’m assuming.
@Aliasfakename123 19 сағат бұрын
An older man at my former workplace had some type of medical emergency--I can't remember if it was a bad fall or heart attack--and we immediately called an ambulance and closed things down as best we could to ensure the medical staff had a clear space and the poor man had privacy. Before we got to him, people were literally stepping over him to get into the store. While the medical staff was attending to him, people were huffing and tantruming that they couldn't get in and get their coffee/cigarettes fast enough. Working with the public gets demoralizing real quick