What is Folsom Street Fair? // Ep 18
PRIDE - Coming Out! // On Guard Ep 15
Burning Questions // On Guard Ep 10
Time to get POLITICAL
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WHEN WE QUILT // On Guard Ep 7
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PRIDE with Donna Sachet // On Guard Ep 6
Pup Quiz // On Guard Ep 5
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Toxic Masculinity // On Guard Ep 4
Imposter Syndrome // On Guard Ep 3
@Durand-p5x 3 күн бұрын
@Durand-p5x 3 күн бұрын
Cigar smoker
@joecaprani5772 5 күн бұрын
Here in the UK, it was complacency that let Brexit through because so many thought it simply couldn't happen but didn't vote to ensure it didn't happen. COMPLACENCY is your worst enemy.
@joecaprani5772 5 күн бұрын
I've just finished watching from ep1 through to now (except the ones where the sound was screwed 😔) iver the last 3 weeks and have really enjoyed and loom forward to the ones yet to come. Regarding the ones with duff sound, now that you sorted whatever the issue was, is there anything that can be done to the messed up ones to correct them and get them reloaded?
@joecaprani5772 5 күн бұрын
A great song in the late 70s in the UK that may not have made an in N America was Tom Robinson's "Glad to be Gay", it was a real anthem, but the verses are essentially about how tough things were at the time witn queer bashing, police brutality and more. Worth a listen if you don't know it.
@joecaprani5772 8 күн бұрын
I've been to Folsom once (2014 I think), essentially as a tourist from the UK, but definitely kink curious. Absolutely loved it, saw so many beautiful bears and leather men. Hope to return sometime, and next time I'll want to be more participative.
@henna7216 8 күн бұрын
This was a great conversations. Thank you!
@andrewgawlik4961 9 күн бұрын
The notion of the "Deep State" I agree exists, but not in the way that Republicans think... I think of it as being agencies like the FBI and CIA that work to attack socialists and prevent socialism from being mainstream.... almost everything that the Republicans criticize both the Democrats and Harris of being/doing I honestly wish were true, but they aren't. The Republican base seems to be attacking good policies under the guise that they are bad and that base are either pawns or are at a point where they can manipulate others in the worst way possible.
@andrewgawlik4961 9 күн бұрын
I might want to also highlight how our votes for president don't directly determine who is president citing 2016... this highlights the erroneous thinking of "Dr Stein cost Hillary Clinton the election" My point is also directed towards the audience who has felt disenfranchised by the Democrats instead of voting for Trump to spite the Democrats to send a message, it would be significantly clearer to vote for a third party candidate who supports their views. The Republicans, who in my mind tend to be aligned with terrorists and fascists, do have one point correct and that's that we don't have a democracy... where they get it wrong is that we actually have an oligarchy. If Kamala wants to earn my vote she needs to state policy that will actually help people. I'm already starting to get involved with the Green party because I have almost no faith left in the Democrats and have found AOC to be a huge disappointment who is doing PR to cover for those who have been stabbing us in the back.
@andrewgawlik4961 9 күн бұрын
I might want to also highlight how our votes for president don't directly determine who is president citing 2016... this highlights the erroneous thinking of "Dr Stein cost Hillary Clinton the election" My point is also directed towards the audience who has felt disenfranchised by the Democrats instead of voting for Trump to spite the Democrats to send a message, it would be significantly clearer to vote for a third party candidate who supports their views. The Republicans, who in my mind tend to be aligned with terrorists and fascists, do have one point correct and that's that we don't have a democracy... where they get it wrong is that we actually have an oligarchy. If Kamala wants to earn my vote she needs to state policy that will actually help people. I'm already starting to get involved with the Green party because I have almost no faith left in the Democrats and have found AOC to be a huge disappointment who is doing PR to cover for those who have been stabbing us in the back.
@andrewgawlik4961 9 күн бұрын
Also started to recall that given the topic of project 2025 which is definitely a serious threat to all of us, I have to mention that a huge chunk of that came from the Heritage Foundation who influenced what we now call "ObamaCare" when we could have had universal healthcare under Obama's first term when the Democrats had control before they were lost ir at midterms.... just food for thought
@andrewgawlik4961 9 күн бұрын
As another strategy and as a pagan myself, I would actually encourage people to reignite the "Bind Trump" campaign, but be as strong as people were in the UK to prevent Hitler's invasion of Great Britain with the cone of power.
@andrewgawlik4961 9 күн бұрын
Regarding immigration, I have to highlight how both Trump and Kamala both are anti immigrant and Kamala couldn't possibly win over an immigration issue because of trying to appease to conservatives
@themacfan 9 күн бұрын
Jeeez so much nonsense 🤦 You gonna let a kid who is not yet physically and mentally developed , be " whatever he wants to be " ? Really guuurl ? Really ?? I'm not surprised that our LGBT community is in a such $>*hole .
@andrewgawlik4961 9 күн бұрын
Knowing your politics really explains why we can't have nice things and are stuck between two deplorable people in the mainstream..... I'm sorry, but I cannot wait for the "pragmatic" incrementalism ..... I'll be lucky to be alive by the time that the elections are here. Hillary Clinton and Trump are both Narcissists. I'm more aligned with the green party and never seen Hillary as an ally of the LGBTQIA community and vehemently blame her for the pies piper strategy of elevating Trump and unleashing him upon us. I understand the issues in a unique way that most people who "vote blue no matter who" Also honestly considering how she is willing to keep being nice to Israel, especially when their prime minister wants Trump back in inherently helps Trump in the worst ways possible. The Democrats have abandoned the working people, I lost my last job during Trump's presidency and became homeless under Trump's presidency while people like Race Bannon seem to be in alignment with "do it yourself" makes me wonder how much of our community should be preserved in the leather scene because of the level of privilege with regard to all sorts of marginalized identities that are swept under the rug. There are at times some elements of ableism within our community especially when it comes to invisible disabilities.... that being said there are still stigmas against HIV positive people too. Almost everything that I have read from Race Bannon's articles on medium from "musings of a curious mind" seem to highlight his stern view of capitalism as a good thing despite the fact that it leads it's way on a path towards Fascism (example: Trump and Project 2025). Finding help when it's needed takes an exorbitant amount of time only to find out that those who ask for it are told that they don't qualify or are "deserving". I say this as an autistic gay pagan kinkster. I've applied for disability due to my autism diagnosis and am still waiting on it alongside the other issues going on. As far as "we need to make democrats elected at every level", I disagree with that sentiment and would instead revise it to say "we need to elect leftists at every level"
@joecaprani5772 11 күн бұрын
Amp alluded to keyboard warrior type comments. Just read through the lot and seen nothing but supportive and thankful comments. Have the negatives been deleted???
@glenn9344 12 күн бұрын
With ai image generators, specific to porn, I can't help being fearful for any new artist, especially thinking that anyone generating an image using text wiil experience ownership. And ai porn is so beyond amazing that if Tom of Finland was alive today, he'd say why bother.ĺ
@joecaprani5772 15 күн бұрын
I started watching this series in sequence about 10 days ago, this is the best episode so far. So much important content here. Thank-you!!
@rogper7039 15 күн бұрын
@glenn9344 16 күн бұрын
Just discovered this channel. Over 25 hours of binging starting now. Steve Beeferman
@OnGuardCigarSalon 5 күн бұрын
Welcome. Binge away.
@joecaprani5772 16 күн бұрын
Great episode, relaxed fun vibe, entertaining and informative. Loved the Millionaire music in the background with the questions being asked, lots of clever editing.
@joecaprani5772 18 күн бұрын
Viewing from the UK, stumbled into ep23, paused and came looking for ep1.... excellent, really interesting, informative and fun. Re Bette Midler, wasn't her accompanist at the Continental one Barry Manilow?? And re bathhouses being "safe spaces" back then, people should try to see a movie called The Ritz, v funny comedy about a straight guy hiding in a bathhouse from the Mob.
@robertsmith1703 19 күн бұрын
Cum to Toronto, Steamworks and Spa XS is super clean and has great amenities...
@gee777 25 күн бұрын
I love hearing these conversations, to listen to older gays just talk about leather is so comforting
@vrpansy 26 күн бұрын
great t-shirt kris
@sandraodell4423 26 күн бұрын
Another great episode. Thank you for the informed views and options. I would have loved to hear more from Grayson and his awareness of the fight for equality and representation. Good on all of you!
@stormyuniverse97 28 күн бұрын
Crumbs from TX - Love all the episodes, but this is so applicable to where we are right now as a country and as leather people. Also Amp knowing and educating the older generation on the Brat movement / Coconut Tree - all warms my heart!
@Kotten84 28 күн бұрын
Wonderful and important episode. I'm neither from America, nor do I live there, so I can't vote in the election, but I am following it from here in Sweden and is really hoping that Harris wins. It feels like there's been a few "the most important" elections now, but this truly feels like the big one. Trump can not win this one. Harris has to win and win big. Not let there be any room for doubt or reasons (no matter how poor) for arguments about the outcome. Also, it is so important that the Democrats not only win the election, but also get as much power as possible in the House and Senate. Even if Trump lose big (which I am not sure he will), the Republicans will do everything in their power to ruin things for Democrats every chance they get. I hope they won't get to do that. And IF Harris does win and she does get the support to make changes without having to beg for help from any republican, then I hope she won't hold back.
@miltonbratton8905 29 күн бұрын
I think so many are frustrated with the MAGAs, Race and you said that we should be respectful when communicating. So many are fed up with their nonsense. I think at this point they are a lost cause and not worth the energy.
@andrewgawlik4961 8 күн бұрын
I concur with you not Race. He seems to act like the middle of the road "Democrat" much like the "white moderates" that Dr Martin Luther King Jr referenced in his famous letter from Birmingham Jail... can't keep playing nice with these people unless the few and far between ones who see reason and that would be more to get them to stop supporting Trump than it would be to support Harris... I'm still in alignment with #AbandonHarris while being #NeverTrump Usually interactions with Blue No Matter Who people tend to go much more favorably than MAGAs... only issue is that we differ on "strategy" (me vs blue no matter who).... unless such people decide to say things to me like "why don't you suck off Trump then?" such people are beyond toxic and as far as I'm concerned should be categorically aligned with the Nazi MAGAs
@miltonbratton8905 Ай бұрын
Interesting conversation. Not sure if I understood what was said about the Supreme Court and an amendment. An amendment isn’t necessary to add to to court its numbers have ranged from 5 to 11. It’s been at 9 for decades. A vote of both houses and the president's signature is what is necessary.
@clevejones9947 Ай бұрын
You are correct. I misspoke. Sorry!
@sarake-xx Ай бұрын
Absolutely love hearing your conversations and insight. Even though im a relatively young lesbian all the way down in Chile, many things hit close to home and are proper pieces of wisdom. And fun! Keep it going!
@TheoRae8289 Ай бұрын
apparently my last year of efforts in just my small area of access (public housing full of people on disability and social security) has been in vain because all the people who were agreeing and engaging with me a couple months ago have gone all in on the worst. Literally one guy went from looking to me for guidance on navigating talking about trans people to being pro project 2025. I am so ground down.
@andrewgawlik4961 8 күн бұрын
oh yes I noticed that sort of cesspool brewing in the shelter I have been receiving services from and just decided for mental health reasons it was best to live in my car than deal with that crap .. especially when I have high blood pressure under 40 years old.
@justinjordan7352 Ай бұрын
Amazing episode.
@LRoseWojtaszek Ай бұрын
Thank you for acknowledging the respect factor. I don't like calling our representatives by their first names. It may feel like we have a personal connection to use the informal first time but others are doing it as a soft display of disrespect.
@BanginAfterSangin Ай бұрын
@robertsmith1703 Ай бұрын
We are more than willing to have lots of US gays come to Canada just in case Trump wins.
@TheoRae8289 Ай бұрын
if they don't intend to close borders. places seem a lot less willing to take trans people now than they were in 2020.
@andrewgawlik4961 9 күн бұрын
I'd rather go to Ireland than Canada... the politicians there actually seem to be in alignment with my beliefs better... alas no dependable income at present and that most likely won't happen between now and the election validation. So I'll probably be dead.
@johnphipps6804 Ай бұрын
As a brit please dont be stupid. Look at this man and dont vote him in. He would push the button and ask questions later. I'm not saying kamala is the best but fuck anything is better. And i know i have no right to comment but your political environment affects us all
@andrewgawlik4961 9 күн бұрын
Dr Jill Stein, Dr Cornell West, and Claudia De-La-Cruz
@andrewgawlik4961 9 күн бұрын
that being said I think of those three I listed Stein/Ware is probably the one in the best position to challenge the two party system in the US edit: Considering how Dr West seemingly picked a personal fight with Dr Stein, I actually think that Dr West isn't doing as good of a job.... by the way Dr Stein is Jewish and Buch Ware is a Black Muslim who both need to have their voices heard as members of their respective identities
@thiel_spencer Ай бұрын
I strongly second the real hope discussed in the opening. Obviously, this election has problems, every single one does, there are things candidates and/or campaigns can always do better, but yes! Hope! As a 20 year old, it is so wild to have a candidate that I am excited to vote for. I have never known that before with the presidential race. The first election I was aware of was in 2016, and I remember the day we all knew Trump had won. I was in middle school. The middle school cafeteria, normally all chaos and chatter, was quiet. Not silent, but noticably hushed. I didn't know really what it meant to have Trump in office at the time, just that I was afraid. I'm not sure any of the middle schoolers really knew what was going on, but we all knew something was up. That day felt so eerie and strange. Now, I'm so ready to keep throwing my weight behind Harris!
@sagew1312 Ай бұрын
So excited
@NerfHerder909 Ай бұрын
Aside from being rather late to this party and only partway through the video, first of all, this is such a great discussion. Secondly, I'm a trans guy, only a couple of years into transition (but a late bloomer and in my early 40s). Personally, I'm pretty pragmatic. If I'm on the apps or at a play party or something, I'm not expecting everyone I talk to to have a gender studies degree. I'd like to think that my Spidey sense is pretty good, and that I can tell the difference between someone who's being deliberately disrespectful and someone who's well-intentioned but maybe a little clueless or just... hasn't ever interacted with a real life trans person/trans man before. In the latter case, that's okay! No one is born knowing this stuff, and it's fine to ask, "Hey, is this terminology okay?" or, "Hey, how to you refer to [insert anatomy here]?" Most trans people I know are operating from a pretty similar place, but I know from experience that a lot of cis people really tie themselves up in knots because the trope is the trans person who rages out because they get misgendered or someone uses the wrong word or something. And I'm sure there are some people out there who are like that, but IRL, I think most of us are pretty accustomed to hearing things phrased in maybe not-ideal ways by someone who genuinely means well. Some of the best experiences I've had have been with cis guys who weren't chronically online and maybe didn't know exactly the right word for something, but were open to learning more and didn't take it personally if I said, "Hey, actually, I call it XYZ." Ultimately, we're all just there to make a connection and have a good time. Anyway, Mike seems like a great guy and very sensible. Thank you for posting this!
@Jimpipecigarbear Ай бұрын
Songs that had impact... Hard to pick. 1: Kendall Kelly: Do you know how sexy you are. 2: Emiko Shiratori: Melodies of Life. 3: Of Monsters and Men: Little Talks. 4: Delain: We are the Others. 5: Imagine Dragons: It's Ok. (Brat mode) Extra: Ken Ashcorp: We're Shameless.
@ferrarired-t9j Ай бұрын
ok ❤
@ferrarired-t9j Ай бұрын
@ferrarired-t9j Ай бұрын
Good morning my friends On Guard
@ferrarired-t9j Ай бұрын
@davidharry9390 Ай бұрын
Learned a lot 🤗❤️
@davidharry9390 Ай бұрын
Thank you Cleve! Thank you to everyone on the panel. 🎉❤
@lawrencemullins-mq7du Ай бұрын
How wonderful to see Cleave. He was one of my heros during the epidemic. I was a nurse, and cared for so many who died then watched all my chosen family die. Although I worked myself to the bone, I still worked myself into PTSD. I was always believing I wasn't doing enough. I look at Cleave and he seems to stoic, so of course he's my hero. You talked so much about that time, even mentioning the murders. I could go on and on. Kristopher, I loved your story about losing your friend and it touched me deeply. What you guys are doing is just incredible, I love it so much. Thank you again. I love you all so much.
@lawrencemullins-mq7du Ай бұрын
I just watched my first episode. I so love you guys. You guys talk what was my life. And believe me I miss that. My time in SF was 75-97. I now live in the mid west. Lost all my friends in the epidemic. Its great to hear you talk about my memories. Thank you, Thank you. Keep it coming it's great to me.
@tony--james Ай бұрын
Love this !! (do I ever!!! )