In canon, the Alphabet Squadron books show an imperial that will switch between calling them separatists and rebels because to her, they’re all the same. I imagine most in the imperial military didn’t see a difference until the build up to Yavin, especially the older members. Tarkin in his own novel gives off a similar vibe to me. I think the only exceptions would be those like Thrawn or Palpatine that saw a bigger picture.
@deadmonk66712 ай бұрын
In regards of the question, I would say that for the Die Hard Imperials, I think to them it didn't matter. If you opposed the Empire, it didn't matter what you were after, you were just traitors to the Empire. There may have been some who had experienced the Clone Wars and recognised the difference between them, but these individuals would likely ignored in favour of the glory seeking sycophants who only desired to rise the ranks. Personally I think the final straw in regards of a unified rebellion being recognised would likely be either at the Battle of Scarif where the Rebel fleet engaged the Imperial fleet directly or following the "Miracle at Yavin". Where it was unmistakable for anyone that the rebellions had unified into a single organised front.
@katsarelas19472 ай бұрын
I was going to say “well the smart ones (such as names listed in other comments) could see both” But honestly, to the “smart ones” It probably just depended on which narrative was useful. Didn’t matter which type of rebellion they were facing.