You’re Not a Bad Parent - You Just Look Poor

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3 ай бұрын

It’s just donuts idk
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Have you noticed that American breakfast is sometimes just dessert disguised as a healthy meal? Your appearance has a lot of influence on how people perceive you on social media. Two parents doing the same thing will have different reactions from the audience. You can see pretty and rich privilege in action when looking at TikToks featuring moms feeding their kids donuts. There’s been a rise of influencers with beautiful aesthetic lifestyles that have given us unrealistic expectations of parents. Especially with the rise of overconsumption and the popularity of fridge restocking content. You’re Not a Bad Parent - You Look Poor #edvasian

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@Edvasian 3 ай бұрын
"Edvasian looks imbecilic in new video!" - Pop Crave 2024 So I accidentally used music that got copyrighted and had to sub in a different song. Some of the audio got cut out so here's captions for what I said: 4:28 "...beautiful curated lobotomy core content like this?" 4:58 "...realistically, no"
@docryujivt 3 ай бұрын
i was wondering why youtube refused to let me like and comment while i was watching 😭😭
@tangentreverent4821 3 ай бұрын
How did someone misspell handsome so badly? Imbecilic looks nothing like handsome.
@DarkEbullition 3 ай бұрын
I'm sorry, but you sadly have no idea what you are talking about. Sucks that the American influence has damaged you this badly. There is a huge difference between feeding your toddler only junk food and giving your kids a few sweets every once in a while. And really? Who cares if those weird "aetheics Moms" are fancy? At least their kids won't be rolling around, trying to catch diabetes. It's not about judgment, it's about stopping uneducated folks, like the Donut Mom, who seems to think that it's okay to give literal garbage to their kids.
@claudiaStay 3 ай бұрын
"beautiful curated lobotomy core content" , gosh, I love your brain, never change, Ed!
@0beany0 3 ай бұрын
just about to start watching the video but i love those quotes without context loool
@RM-um9xx 3 ай бұрын
When a rich parent has their kid's bed on the floor, it's "Montessori" and it's fashionable. When a poor parent does the same thing, it's "neglect" and CPS is on the way. The list of double standards is infinite.
@shaniceb.5129 3 ай бұрын
That’s why people like Ruby Franke got away with neglecting her kids for so long.
@lainiwakura1776 3 ай бұрын
No, it's cheap looking either way.
@SirHorned19 3 ай бұрын
'Montessori' doesnt even have anything to do with sleep or decoration. If "rich parents" have their children sleep on the floor they are going to make sure that the floor is cleaned and heated. If "poor parents" do it, its out of necessity and in most cases very unsanitary.
@ridita5221 3 ай бұрын
There isn't any problem if the bed is clean and there arent insects and mice or rats around.
@nephone 3 ай бұрын
I agree, all those poor people having moose around children piss me off.
@zombiebullshark3834 3 ай бұрын
Her daughter waited over 2 hours for some pb and js lmfao
@Blu3Purple 3 ай бұрын
Yeah give donuts 🍩 for breakfast and let your child be OBESE lmao Liberals in the comments 🤭
@nyastalgiakitten 3 ай бұрын
The kid probably wouldn't know the difference between that, an uncrustable or a jiff and welches on sunbeam white bread
@sidneyvictor7887 3 ай бұрын
To make and bake bread more like four but yea, that kids going to starve.
@justwonder1404 3 ай бұрын
That's why I call bs on that. No way any child would have the patience to wait that long for a snak.
@Sirensscales 3 ай бұрын
I dont think they actually even made the bread lmao maybe the bread was just store bought and they were doing it for the camera
@okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 3 ай бұрын
She's not posting videos of her kids herself so shes already 1000% better than so many ~aesthetic~ mommy influencers. Also let people be "ugly" online, I'm dead serious about this.
@M0bZ0Mb13 Ай бұрын
I don't disagree about the posting kids online thing but I 100% disagree with everything else! It's not about her being "not atheistically pleasing." The fact is that according to the FDA a child CANNOT HAVE processed sugar until at THE VERY LEAST the age of two years old, and it is highly recommended to wait until they are THREE YEARS OLD before introducing ANY processed sugar or heavily processed foods into their diet. This should be no way shape or form be considered "more realistic" or "normal!" It's not about "food shaming" or "overcriticizeing parenting choices," people need to realize this isn't normal, or at the very least shouldn't be! This mother is just spoiling her kids rotten while neglecting their actual needs which seems to be a big trend in today's society with all these ipad babies and it's completely heartbreaking. And for all the people saying that it's "more realistic" because normal people don't have the money or time to make a pp&j from scratch, your point is not valid. Donuts aren't cheap and neither is buying an ENTIRE BAG of marshmallows for each child you have! This woman has money, she makes money from her videos and gets TONS of views! I grew up homeless and my mother never gave me or my 5 siblings donuts for breakfast because for one, she cared about our health, and for two that wasn't even in our price range! She would make us rice cereal or pancakes, that is called a cheap breakfast. And if time is the issue give your baby a banana and a gogurt! There are so so so many easy breakfast foods that are actually healthy! There is literally no excuse for this behavior unless literally all you have is donuts because they were donated to you and you need to fill your kids belly. I hate these people defending her because in reality you are either just trying to defend yourself because you're a mediocre parent at best, or you don't even have kids like this guy and didn't do any research whatsoever before trying to normalize blatant neglect. If it was really about ascetics than people wouldn't be trying for so many years to get mom influencers like Ruby Frankie behind bars. It doesn't matter if you're a ritch skinny white woman who lives in a beige manson and your entire house looks like an Instagram feed, if your kid is eating donuts for breakfast people are going to point out that that's horrible parenting.
@LockhartLore Ай бұрын
@@M0bZ0Mb13 This is misinformation - at the very least, it's vast overinflation and tunnel-vision of actually solid health advice. It's not that toddlers cannot have sugar point blank, it's that they shouldn't have it because 1. it has the possibility of setting them up to prefer sweet things to healthy things and 2. more sugar can sometimes mean less nutrients. However, it is classist to be totalitarian about this. Point blank. You cannot go to the store and find very many affordable breakfast options that do not contain sugar. If you can, congratulations for not living in a food desert. I've lived in a city that had nothing more than a dollar general, and you best believe the breakfast shelf was just pop tarts and donuts. If you wanted fresh produce, you had to go far. The fancy Wholefoods selections? Not happening. God forbid you have a job or no transportation, which is also a reality for many. The bottom line is, no, this isn't normal. But stop being a see you next tuesday to the people who have nothing to do with it. Start shouting at the companies who lobby to keep this cycle going. Rich or poor, we're all victims to the junk food epidemic.
@CassilovesMocha Ай бұрын
@M0bZ0Mb13 are you okay? To rant in run-on sentences, in multiple different threads, alll bc your "mom was poor and didn't feed ME donuts." Wondering, if it's possible for you be any more self-absorbed. Good for you. Good for your mother. You are literally insane if you think feeding a child DONUTS for breakfast, is "blatant neglect." The fact that you claim people have been "trying for years to be like Ruby Franke" is super worrisome ON YOUR PART. Because EVERYONE I watch, have been calling Ruby on her bullshit, FOR YEARS. Just because someone can feed their child, homemade food, in comparison to someone who feeds their child processed food, does not change or affect how much they care and love their child. If you think the type of food, is more important than the parent supporting their child, you need to get off your high horse, & take a deep, hard look at yourself.
@M0bZ0Mb13 Ай бұрын
@@CassilovesMocha did you not read the part about the FDA? We're not just talking about a child here, that's bad enough but we're talking about a baby
@clairisha Ай бұрын
she does post her kids tho...
@katelynsmith7467 3 ай бұрын
i mean, just look at 8 passengers vs the daddy of five situations. ruby franke abused her kids in public for years but they had nice things, lived in a pretty house and drove new cars. she is only just now going to jail after years of abuse. whereas the daddy of five family came off as trashy so when they got caught being abusive it got shut down so fast. the double standard is insane and has very real consequences.
@pixam345 3 ай бұрын
This is not a case of a double standard. The first mum looks extremely annoyed and uncaring about her child’s breakfast (she is basically throwing the food around) and is giving the child 3 donuts for *breakfast*, while the other mum seems much more engaged and is using the donuts as an opportunity to take her kids out on a fun outing, to get a *snack*. Donuts are fine as a fun snack, not as a meal. The difference in aesthetics is not the key difference here, it is the situations.
@elizrebezilmadommdo1662 3 ай бұрын
Basically, rich/upper middle class people get away with everything, including child abuse and neglect.
@aaronmontgomeryward2447 2 ай бұрын
DaddyofFives whole channel was them openly showing the abuse of their kids for content that’s why they were caught so fast. At least from my understanding Ruby Franke tried to portray that her family was fine
@kichikitsu 2 ай бұрын
@@aaronmontgomeryward2447 no, both of them openly abused their kids on camera for content and views. the only difference is that it took one of her kids escaping to the police, starved and traumatized after being locked up, for ruby to be shut down and tried for child abuse. daddyofFive got views and it took years of public opinion hating him, and the two kids' bio mother fighting tooth and nail for custody, to get his channel taken down & custody handed over to the mom. to my knowledge, he hasn't been legally prosecuted for his abuse, nor even tried for it, and he STILL has custody of his eldest (possibly step?) boys. he's also back on youtube through his son's channel. so i mean... honestly this case is more misogyny than anything lmao ruby flew under the radar because she was a woman, and obviously, mothers cant be abusive (sarcasm). despite the fact she made content that often shamed her kids & promoted starving, and other abuse, as punishment. but when she did get exposed? it was by the legal system and there is no chance of her slithering her way back into being a family vlogger. meanwhile, daddyofFive was exposed way before any action was actually taken (and the only legal action was his ex taking custody of his two kids) and he still manages to make a "come-back."
@MaryArts 2 ай бұрын
This this this! My brothers and I always were called ungrateful cause we would cry about our parents being abusive. The argument: "See what your dad gifts to you." The less abusive christmas was when I refused all gifts. I was so relieved, cause the gifts felt like blackmail. Now I have no contact anymore, so every christmas is nice and cozy. But just wanted to say. No one ever helped us cause our dad was rich.
@spoonfulsofsugar 3 ай бұрын
Imagine your mum asking what you want for breakfast, and when you answer cereal she says "sure" and makes you wait 2 hours while she films a tiktok of making the "cereal" from scratch.
@nicoleraheem1195 3 ай бұрын
@vainetuxx 2 ай бұрын
If you are talking about Nara, she prepares them first hand, of course she gives her 2 kids something to eat while she Is cooking. And she got bashed because she gave her toddler powdered donuts on his birthday? She's literally always cooking everything healthy
@DesireeGarcia-eb9rd 2 ай бұрын
@sombrego2260 2 ай бұрын
The issue is more that the content is very disingenuous. She's pretending she's doing it on the spot which is just objectively impossible you can't have bread ready instantly like that for breakfast. Not even mentioning the fact that she seems to miraculously have all the ingredients her kids wants for their breakfast. I mean come on. This is even more BS than infomercials at this point.
@cfbg 2 ай бұрын
You believe everything you read online, huh?
@zans3415 3 ай бұрын
i love watching content about tiktok while completely avoiding tiktok
@hhaannnnaahh222 3 ай бұрын
@K_idk 3 ай бұрын
Luckily me I not the only me
@qtea3.149 3 ай бұрын
Same here, sit back with popcorn and watch the fireworks
@ItsBAndBees 3 ай бұрын
@zarinaromanets7290 3 ай бұрын
Advasian taking one for the team 🙏🙏🙏 😂 I'm guilty as hell
@purplelily7764 3 ай бұрын
Love that dietician coming out and saying Y’ALL you realize your feeding your kids the same thing right
@LaNoir. Ай бұрын
Nah man that's an american thing, I can guarantee you the rest of the world is shocked by both the influencer and the "I hate my life" mom Especially the comment abt how "poor people can't buy veg and make things look aesthetic" made me angry. Most cereals and pre-packaged food is way more expensive than bananas and apples. They just don't like the taste. That's it. Sugar and fat and sugar, they don't have any clue about a healthy diet or how to cook. And that's not a money issue. Information is out there in the internet and most veg is cheap. If you show emotions while interacting with your child that suggest you hope it drowns in it's cereal bowl, that's not a money issue. Veg is cheap, education is everywhere, love is free. Don't blame circumstances and others for those shortcomings.
@L83467 Ай бұрын
@@LaNoir. i do think there are systemic issues at play here but i cant believe people are essentially denying that basic healthy food (not bougie stuff) is cheaper. im not from america but i just did a quick comparison (using the us prices on the target and walmart websites) between the breakfast of 3 donettes and a motts applesauce pouch vs 2 slices of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and a banana. the donettes meal came to $1.02 and the toast meal came to $0.54. the healthy food would actually save her money and is also just as easy to prepare
@TheHestya 29 күн бұрын
@@LaNoir. As a fellow non-American I think we also need to be aware of the food situation in America before having any comments on how people feed their children. America DOES have food deserts, which is areas where fresh produce is non-existent and all you have is tinned, pre-packaged, processed stuff, and not the biggest choice in what's there. America also has processed foods way cheaper than fresh produce in areas where it's available. I don't know if that's the case everywhere in America, but it is the case in many places. And buying pre-made, super processed chicken nuggets is for a lot of Americans way cheaper than making any meal from scratch. We can not judge their choices by what our prices and availability are. We have to look at theirs. The reality is that America is processed food central. If we just compare white bread, what I will find anywhere in Europe (and what you will likely find where you are if it's not Europe) will 100% be better and healthier than any bread an American could possibly find in USA. Their bread is sweet. They add corn syrup to everything, including basic bread. The only way to eat healthy in America would be to eat fresh veggies and fruits, because buying anything at all that doesn't look like it came from the ground or tree, or bush, will be processed, will have sugar and make you hungrier as a result. So you can consume more.
@TheHestya 29 күн бұрын
@@L83467 Their bread has sugar in it, their pb has sugar in it. So your wholemeal pb and banana sandwich becomes a sugary pile of sugar very easily.
@L83467 29 күн бұрын
@@TheHestya sure, but really not that much sugar. that peanut butter and banana sandwich only has 3.3 grams of added sugar, and 8.3 grams of fibre (i used the nutritional information from the walmart great value brand). how is less than a teaspoon of sugar a 'sugary pile of sugar'? for reference, 3 donettes have 14g of added sugar and 1g of fibre. as i said in my earlier comment, the sandwich is so much healthier and also cheaper
@adinarojasdelarosa 2 ай бұрын
The Nutella ad is insane. It’s a treat. Don’t gaslight people by saying it’s “nutritious” and a good option as breakfast. 🙄 Don’t even get me started on cereals.
@MP-kw5ud 2 ай бұрын
Not sure how it is in other countries, but here in Germany Nutella was advertised for a long time as a sort of "athlete breakfast" with TV ads in which the german national soccer team is stealing each others Nutella breads because it's sooooo nutricious and performance-enhancing. Complete madness.
@elalogar7340 2 ай бұрын
@@MP-kw5udNutella is sugar-drained in oil. I haven't touched it since I saw an image of a glass filled with Nutella raw ingredients, but that's not something in Nutella ads.
@nai1729 2 ай бұрын
it’s literally the equivalent of putting chocolate frosting on your toast for breakfast, oh no wait, its actually worse. nutella literally has more sugar than chocolate frosting in a serving.
@KCHIJuarez 2 ай бұрын
​@@MP-kw5ud remember america ruins everything
@LuluTheCorgi 2 ай бұрын
​@@elalogar7340it's also the worst possible oil you could use - palm oil
@mightymeatymech 3 ай бұрын
it's funny to me how having time, energy, and ability to elegantly do domestic labor and film it aesthetically has become a signifier of wealth
@nicolegoose567 3 ай бұрын
Right like it’s not hard
@NovemberRain007 3 ай бұрын
The truly wealthy are certainly not wasting their time on TikTok, IMO 🫶🏻
@cutienerdgirl 3 ай бұрын
It's always been a signifier of wealth, minus the filming lol.
@casperlovely7301 3 ай бұрын
Because having kids cost money. To get money I work. Working takes both time and energy. Dropping kids off at daycare also takes time. Now I have 4-5 hours to play, teach, cook and bathe these kids, And now I need make it aesthetic?!? Y'ALL AREN'T TIRED?!? Is it me?? Do your kids not have energy? No way they sit on the couch quietly without you doing a group activity watching over your family made of robots?? I even have a helpful husband so I can't IMAGINE single parents. I would just have to throw them away at that point.
@kated3165 3 ай бұрын
@@nicolegoose567 Well it ISN'T hard when you are wealthy and have access to a maid, nanny and cook 24/7.
@Aerials135 3 ай бұрын
i'm pretty sure at least half of these are just ragebaiting, but can we talk about how 42 months old is just 3 and a half?
@deadpurplestar6302 3 ай бұрын
it's not impossible she's doing it on purpose
@Iva744 3 ай бұрын
I think/hope that one was satire
@WeirdSnakeGal 3 ай бұрын
Pretty sure she was making fun of parents that keep counting their child's age in month after 24 month and also taking a jab at the trad wife ridiculousness.
@noellefritz5678 3 ай бұрын
that's the one obvious rage bating one
@Aimz360 3 ай бұрын
I had to google it. 12 months is easy, 24 months is easy, but anything in between and above my autistic brain thinks the 1.5/2.5 yr old are in their in their 30's.
@EaseeCheesee 2 ай бұрын
I had people think I was being neglected as a kid because id take cheese mayo and mustard sandwiches to school like every single day. I was just autistic and liked the food. Also calling parents who work their asses off but remain in poverty "bad parents" is disgusting and classist. I grew up lower middle class and while no where near poor, we struggled with money quite a bit. But it was not neglect. Anyone can be a bad parent, you don't have to be poor.
@cmaven4762 Ай бұрын
I remember we went an entire semester one year just eating baloney on white bread for lunch. . . No dressings sauces or veggies... It made sense to us at the time 😂 and our parents didn't hassle us.
@dt4654 Ай бұрын
I mean there are people who somehow manage to get with a partner who won't lift a finger and work despite being poor but that is rare since most people will dump them before any kids get in the picture.
@AnitaAhr-og3ct Ай бұрын
i remember in kindergarten being told by a lunch aid that my food was unhealthy and to ask my mom to pack me better food, it was all my family could afford because we were lower class and it made me feel like i was unhealthy and fat because of her
@rochellecraig1597 Ай бұрын
When I was a teenager I took a Bun with a slice of meat in it for lunch everyday. My morning tea changed but refused to have anything else on my bun.
@hayleyhellbound9513 25 күн бұрын
My daughter has safe foods and has recently started opening up her food interests, but I hated the passive aggressive comments from her aides when her lunch was the same every day. Yes, I packed her a bag of goldfish with her main food everyday, because SHE’LL EAT IT.
@spookypotatolady9097 2 ай бұрын
Still can't wrap myself around the fact that recording yourself doing mundane daily tasks is a thing.
@cuteDRAGO 2 ай бұрын
It's great cuz U could potentially earn money by doing something U were gonna do anyways
@hoorayitsjackie6166 2 ай бұрын
I agree. The cleaning, the eating, the shopping, all of it. like who cares. Just live your life. Sometimes when I see the super edited ones I think about how a 20 minute task was turned into a 2 hour task because they had to set up each shot and check it and record each one and then edit the video. Is this really how you want to spend your time? Will any of this matter a few years from now? When you look back on your videos will you have precious memories of basic stuff that isn’t memorable anyway?
@spookypotatolady9097 2 ай бұрын
@@hoorayitsjackie6166 That's it exactly - "Is this really how you want to spend your time?" Setting up your kitchen so that it looks nice on camera while making a sandwich, making a sandwich while filming, editing footage of you making a sandwich, worrying about how you look while making a sandwich, and waiting for external feedback on how other people enjoyed watching you make a sandwich. Isn't life exhausting enough as it is?
@sydneyj7560 Ай бұрын
Why'd I have to scroll so far to find this comment??? Like yeah, let's not be classiest, but also why do you think anyone wants to watch you silently open a bag of donuts and chop them with a spoon???????? 😭😭😭😭
@spookypotatolady9097 Ай бұрын
@@sydneyj7560 Is this not the content we crave? 🤣
@molli_gothitelle 3 ай бұрын
There was another mother of 4 who would specifically use the term "cooking for my 4 kids in a trailer park" she also has a similar expression on her face when making her videos. That creator would constantly be harrassed in the comments. Calling her a horrible mother, she didn't want her kids. Until recently, that creator was able to move out of the trailer park into a suburban home. All the hate comments ceased to exist anymore. Clearly we still live in a classiest society. It's sad
@pandarox9697 3 ай бұрын
I've seen her videos. I believe she's also in her early 20s which got her even more hate for having so many kids at such a young age
@TabbyWithMittens 3 ай бұрын
Idk why people think they look upset or anything, they just look focused to me. I get super focused and lost in thought when doing something like that. Granted I also had people say I look “mad” for focusing or staring off to space lul.
@kphoria1009 2 ай бұрын
yeah they were complaining about her cooking SPAGHETTI… like who doesn’t cook spaghetti?
@evarandell9372 2 ай бұрын
@frofrofrofro900 2 ай бұрын
If you can not afford for children you should not make them
@Rosalie_Hayes 3 ай бұрын
I work in education and in the last few years the child abuse workshop that all EDU professionals are supposed to take has an extra section added just to emphasize that poverty does not equal abuse, and that one is not supposed to report people for child abuse because their family is poor and makes the same lunch each day / has an old-looking backpack / has worn-looking clothes, etc. The hate on poor people is so strong that they had to put it into childcare providers' mandated training.
@Authorthings 3 ай бұрын
People don't understand that even hygiene stuff can be expensive
@darkydoom 3 ай бұрын
That is wild, wtf
@lainiwakura1776 3 ай бұрын
@@Authorthings Dollar Tree exists.
@lainiwakura1776 3 ай бұрын
I'm sorry, but if your child is constantly showing up to school dirty and disheveled, that's neglect and gets kids bullied.
@Iphideen 3 ай бұрын
People so quick to talk about child abuse when they're not paying for anything. As if most of us today aren't struggling to just feed ourselves.
@SebastianSeanCrow 3 ай бұрын
4:05 it doesn’t look like the kid even ate the donuts but they at the fruit packet. It gives very much “my child refuses to eat all but 4 things and I won’t allow them to starve”. Been there tbh
@EliSoza23 2 ай бұрын
Same. I have a very picky eater and as long as she's not eating in excess. She can have whatever as long as she eats.
@lilianabrice8837 Ай бұрын
I don't understand why people are upset about 3 mini donuts and apple sauce. Even if she eats more than a few things it's perfectly fine for a kid to have sugar. She gave her a serving size too which is 3.
@intensestare5027 Ай бұрын
Yea my brother is like that, hes autistic and has like 4 safe foods
@witchykittyy Ай бұрын
@@lilianabrice8837 no, it’s really not “perfectly fine” for a child to have that much processed sugar
@deno9607 Ай бұрын
​@witchykittyy Let's see your medical license then.
@yumosayck14 Ай бұрын
That feathery long sleeve the pb&j lady is wearing is an absolute NIGHTMARE. No one in their right minds would wear that while (supposedly) kneading a dough 7:24
@WeAreASecret 3 ай бұрын
"my child aske for pb&j, so I made her wait 5 hours while I made all of it from scratch" ??? Lady, why do you not have bread already made that you make sure you have ready and in stock?
@burmessafox3939 3 ай бұрын
Because she loved "fresh bread" as a kid.
@IHopeSoM 3 ай бұрын
Her child must have mastered the art of waiting. lol I don't know a child under the age of 10 who is good at waiting for food. Adults don't even like to wait long for food. Fresh bread IS nice to have though.
@Killjoy_Mel 3 ай бұрын
She does have it all prepped, she just capitalises on viewers not thinking too deeply about it.
@MissyMuthaTruckiN 3 ай бұрын
i had wonder bread and smuckers strawberry 😂 i turned out fine 😂😂😂
@dry_strawberries 3 ай бұрын
She made jam and pb from scratch, she could've done a bigger batch and put those in glass jar before and use them. Its all for show( comung from someone whose family does jams and eats those all year round)
@mariahnicole9906 3 ай бұрын
The think about that girl making her kids food completely from scratch is wild to me cause by the time she finishes making breakfast, it’s lunch time lmao those kids are starving 😂 there’s always something to critique ofc. Truly as long as the kids are full and loved who cares.
@lainiwakura1776 3 ай бұрын
I see you don't cook. Scrambled eggs take 5 minutes tops and can cool down a little while fruits are washed and cut up, another five minutes, and you can have maybe some toast in the toaster while doing all that. So ten minutes total. You take for granted all our modern day conveniences. Even then, before that, food and laundry were still somehow done.
@Sunshineattacks3 3 ай бұрын
@@lainiwakura1776 I feel like you didn’t read the comment. She was referring to the woman in the video that made the bread and the peanut butter and jelly all from scratch, which would’ve taken hours
@letyv9071 3 ай бұрын
@@Sunshineattacks3they are a troll
@letyv9071 3 ай бұрын
I think she makes a batch but even that time is a luxery😭
@SirHorned19 3 ай бұрын
@@Sunshineattacks3 And would all have been prepared in advance... Do you people not understand planning?
@bellemoore9534 2 ай бұрын
"What's classy if you're rich and trashy if you're poor?" EVERYTHING.
@asthenamesuggests9513 3 ай бұрын
As a poor-ish Asian.. I can sympathize with her but also wish that she'd have time to learn easy recipes. My parents took turns to make delicious vegetable stir-fry with some kind of cheap protein for flavor (egg or chicken or corned beef or spam). These dishes usually takes less than 30 minutes to whip up and that was while she/he was being "helped" (read: disturbed) me and my siblings 😂
@TheMonarchofGold 2 ай бұрын
Sure, the kids are disturbing you, but if they're trying to help in the kitchen you at least know where they are and that they're safe (important for a single parent)
@cmaven4762 Ай бұрын
The thing with the donuts is as much cultural as it is anything else. Poorer homes in my part of the world would alternate between minced meats with grits/hominy and tea with bread. The emphasis on carb heavy breakfast has stuck, even though they are now mostly simple processed prepackaged versions of such foods.
@deno9607 Ай бұрын
I make my kids healthy food all the time. You know what they do? Leave in on the table untouched and ask for cereal 30 minutes later. I can't afford to keep wasting food and I won't give my kid a issues with food by forcing them soooooo. 🤷‍♀️ I'm literally about to give up.
@Graine01 20 күн бұрын
There is a thing called food desert, basically in some areas in US there are places where freshest vegable that is not in an hr drive is the letuce on mcdonalds burger.
@mukai__ 11 күн бұрын
​@@deno9607 This is when you become the parent, and guide and LEAD your children to eating what they have, and teach them how to be grateful for that. Make it into a lesson, show them a documentary on food scarcity. Make them a meal and don't BEND. They will thank you later. They might be hungry for a day or so trying to throw a fit.... but they'll eat when they are ready. Do not bend, because that's only teaching them bad habits and sugar addictions they will have a horrendous time kicking in the future. On top of that it teaches values.
@x_x753 3 ай бұрын
the misogyny is strong with the “youre not smiling” and “you look like you hate your life.” friendly reminder that women dont need to smile more!
@TabbyWithMittens 3 ай бұрын
I thought the same thing too! The moment I heard the "you're not smiling" gave me the icks. I think it's just a family thing (my sister and I do this), but we tend to make similar faces when focusing or thinking to ourselves. When I saw the first Mom I was like "huh reminds me of my sister". She often gets repeatable asked if she's upset, but no she's just thinking or focused. I do the same thing and had other family members say I look "angry". I'm not I swear I'm just focused ):
@Gottaknow 3 ай бұрын
She isn't smiling. Read the comments, she acts like she hates her life and her kid. She sux as a parent!
@coyotemars5130 2 ай бұрын
i mean, she should smile when her kids are present, and she isn’t… kids pick up on that sort of thing, you know.
@TabbyWithMittens 2 ай бұрын
@@coyotemars5130 I get all kids are different but as a kid I could tell whenever my Mom was forcing a smile or pretending to be happy around me. I rather not feel like a burden by forcing my parents feel happy around me all the time. Beside, it’s just clips, maybe she does smile off camera. Could be just focused and doesn’t smile when focused. That’s just my thoughts though.
@80HDTV333 2 ай бұрын
Meanwhile, the "aesthetic" mom looks like she overdosed just before she started hand-rolling cereal, and she's just waiting for her sweet release to kick in.
@mirage-cat 3 ай бұрын
By the time the pb and j was finished it was already dinner .__.
@silverghostcat1924 3 ай бұрын
@Ratqueenaisy 3 ай бұрын
Ikr!!! That kid probably was done and over it by then LOL
@justabooberv4298 3 ай бұрын
Where's the character from your pfp from? I remember seeing it somewhere but i can't remember the name
@mirage-cat 3 ай бұрын
@@justabooberv4298 manga named "lightning degree," or sometimes "master of lightning knives"
@user-qx1om2wj1h 3 ай бұрын
Kid: Mom...I said I wanted pb&j for breakfast not lunch.
@deb.d 3 ай бұрын
in italy everything you have for breakfast is sweets. cookies, croissant, nutella sandwich or cereal, it’s all sweets and we’re doing just fine
@Mario-us7ds 11 күн бұрын
20% of italian kids are overweight. you're not "fine" by any definition
@DeathRisiing 2 күн бұрын
That doesn’t make then healthy or good options every day. Especially for children. You should not be eating fkn _cookies_ for breakfast.
@deb.d 2 күн бұрын
@@DeathRisiing bro we’re all fine it’s been like this forever there, there’s no breakfast that isn’t sweet and everyone is literally fine. all lunches especially in school are extremely healthy tho, which is not the case in some other countries
@giulshere 3 ай бұрын
What really surprises me is the outrage towards an all sweet breakfast, when *the* typical breakfast for kids in Italy (where I'm from) is a cup of milk, sometimes chocolate milk, and a bunch of cookies or cereals. It is just very not typical over here to have a savory breakfast
@ccc93584 2 ай бұрын
Same in Argentina. It's usually just chocolate milk, sometimes yogurt, in some cases mate cocido or tea, with a sweet appetizer like cookies or bread with a sweet thing over it. At least it's like that in middle class. Idk about upper class tho, never been there😂
@lilianabrice8837 Ай бұрын
Right. They act like some sugar is going to have their kids dropping dead. God forbid kids enjoy beings kids and have fun things to eat. (Adults can too but yk)
@giulshere Ай бұрын
@@lilianabrice8837 absolutely agree. Cookies for breakfast? Outrageous! PB&J sandwich for lunch? Absolutely normal! I don't see the issue if all your other meals are balanced and not also filled with sugars and carbs
@bbkyuu Ай бұрын
i think it's mostly because of the childs age, our bodies need anything but processed sugar until at least 2-3 years old
@nonir670 23 күн бұрын
It's like that in the US too. Kids eat cereal and donuts and things like that. People comment what they think they should, not what actually happens. And contrary to popular belief, sugar doesn't cause hyperactivity.
@sofetchxx 3 ай бұрын
Being a parent during the age of social media had made me so insecure when I was a new mother. As if being a new mom wasn’t hard enough. And this was before TikTok.
@JamieLBW 3 ай бұрын
My kiddo is 18 months and it's hard to find a balance of getting useful advice and ideas and getting overwhelmed with trying to be a mommy blogger in your daily life all of a sudden
@amandapanda528 3 ай бұрын
I had to delete my tiktok right after having my first, I was already so hormonal and dealing with PPD, I didn't need all of that on top of it
@YandereApologist 3 ай бұрын
Hey there, it’s me, a mom with an older child. I promise it gets easier and easier to not care about as you get out of the baby and toddler zone. It’s a weird phenomenon that only occurs during those stages and then they’re old enough to be people with opinions and others stop caring so much about what you’re doing with them.
@willowleigh1786 3 ай бұрын
Take it with a grain of salt and only take advice from actual professionals not social media.
@Gr95dc 3 ай бұрын
no one makes you post your shitty parenting on the internet tho and no one is forcing you to use social media yk
@AhsetofAtum 3 ай бұрын
The second mom was in the kitchen making that PB&J for at least 3-4 hours? Where was her child during all of this? Obviously someone is watching her kids for her while she spends all day cooking in the kitchen, esp. since you don't even hear the daughter in the background during any of the clips so she's not nearby.
@dicksdrugsanddebutantes9305 3 ай бұрын
Also makes me wonder what the poor girl ended up eating for breakfast instead since it took 5 hours for the sandwich.
@silverghostcat1924 3 ай бұрын
I know it's petty but I find her voice incredibly annoying. And geez Louise her kid could pass out from hypoglycemia by the time she had any meal ready.
@ih2439 3 ай бұрын
Apparently these people have perfect little robot children who never demand to be held or who won’t accidentally kill themselves if they’re unsupervised for more than a few minutes.
@purrari1477 3 ай бұрын
theres probably another parent
@lovelymill 3 ай бұрын
​@@ih2439 i bet they have a nanny
@NunuDaRat 3 ай бұрын
Simple healthy-ish breakfast without sugar that makes 10 minutes to cook. Good old egg and toast.
@Viewer962 2 ай бұрын
That’s great and all and sure protein could def be added. But how is this different from a pop tart, or croissant with nutella, or Belgian waffles, or pancakes with syrup, or jam on toast?
@NunuDaRat 2 ай бұрын
@@Viewer962 difference is, no sugar. Wasn't a very long sentence to miss that.
@nanananananananana00 2 ай бұрын
never fails and always tasty
@nanananananananana00 2 ай бұрын
@@NunuDaRat not as much, bread usually has sugar but i think natural sugars are too demonized 😅 some people are out here scared to eat fruit because of the sugar
@grasicais8214 2 ай бұрын
eggs have been getting more and more expensive lately, at least where i live
@zerokiryuu3387 3 ай бұрын
First of all, coming from a Hispanic family and being the middle child of four, I would NEVER, judge how someone's tools or food is served. Why? Because I'm not the one slaving away at the stove at the crack of dawn. I'm not the breadwinner or head of house dealing with carrying an entire family. Besides, for people who are only children, or live alone or without children, you may be unaware of this big secret...CHILDREN ARE PICKY EATERS! Sure it's not healthy. But you know another 'healthy' labeled and portioned snacks are...EXPENSIVE! I remember just wishing to have donuts or snacks like this for food. But the fries? That's timeless. So you have to be mindful of culture, living conditions, and family dynamics. Her pots are beautiful to me. My family has pots that look the same. They're durable, cook well, and show the sign of USAGE! Doesn't mean my mom doesn't have newer pot sets. But we use what's reliable and easier. I feel like all the hate this strong parent is getting is from 'aesthetic trenders'. Like Beige/White Parent's criticizing how un-aesthetically pleasing her routine and kitchen is. Like, really? When did we get to this level? 😔🌎🍷
@LuluTheCorgi 2 ай бұрын
The pots are a health hazard, ingesting teflon is incredibly bad for you If you want forever lasting pots just get cast iron ones, you will never have to replace them and you can leave them to your kids if you die
@enbyoyo 3 ай бұрын
i think this really just comes down to classism. as a person who grew up in poverty i can tell u first hand how hard it is to eat healthy + spend a ton of time in the kitchen cooking AND take care of ur kids full time when you have no assistance, when you're a single mother, and people around u are shaming u 24/7 for something u cant help (being poor Especially as a single mother) just makes me sad that instead of maybe helping this woman out financially (or even by recommending cheap healthy recipes) in order to get fresher healthier ingredients, they resort to fat shaming and being classist. which really helps no one and probably just makes this mothers life harder
@TabbyWithMittens 3 ай бұрын
Instant stuff or stuff that can be cooked easily (like spam) was our always to-go because were raised by a single Mom who was out of town (plus my older sisters raising us, one working while one was still in High school). Of course I can look back on it now and be like "well this cause my sugar addiction" or "wish I ate better", but the reality was there wasn't really anytime for anyone to cook or provide that healthier replacements. When our Mom did cook (which is mostly on her days off, if she isn't sleeping) it be something that can be saved and use as a leftover for a while. I wouldn't say she was the greatest Mom, but the last thing I'm going to complain about is "well she could had provided better food for us" ☠.
@enbyoyo 3 ай бұрын
@@TabbyWithMittens yea exactly how i view my childhood too she did the best she could with the tools she had. the food was never the healthiest by any means when i was young but shes definitely gotten better over the years and tries to commit to a healthier lifestyle (im 21 now) i love her more than anything :) i think ppl need to give poor single moms some credit bc they usually really are trying its just not the best circumstances they are given
@TabbyWithMittens 3 ай бұрын
@@enbyoyo We are in a better position now too plus being an adult now myself (24) I know I can make these choices myself too. I'm kind of a picky person, but luckily I am finding ways to make better choices.
@lynnboartsdye1943 3 ай бұрын
Can relate! As a kid my mom barely had the energy to make a healthy supper for us and eating out was very often the next best thing. My sibling and I didn’t really have any education regarding our nutrition so what was healthy was the furthest thing on our minds which in part contributed to bullying from being overweight and later health problems as adults. Do I wish maybe we had a better nutritional starting point? Yeah but you can’t blame your parent if they were earnestly trying their best at the time and didn’t always have the best information. If fresh produce and other foods that aren’t heavily processed were affordable or even free and we all had access to nutritional education then I like to imagine this wouldn’t be a problem. Hope you’re having a good day!
@TabbyWithMittens 3 ай бұрын
@@lynnboartsdye1943 Yeah I'm sure manyyyyy parents would preferred to get healthy stuff for their kids, I bet some of them feel guilty over it too, but it's just how things work out. Doesn't help actual healthy stuff that isn't over processed tend to expire so easily. I have to learn that myself. A couple times I got something like carrots (I like baby carrots, but it's always in BIG bulks/bags, can't buy something smaller) or something like apples and I get shocked how fast it can go bad.
@asteriaaa16 3 ай бұрын
that fact tat social media has convinced us there are only two ways to parent is insane
@LyssieLysse 3 ай бұрын
The fact that social media is showing folks how to parent is mind blowing. As a society we are screwed 😬
@free_duh7066 3 ай бұрын
Convinced who? I'm on social media for entertainment. Not life lessons lol
@cvyyjg 3 ай бұрын
​@@free_duh7066 Exactly 😂🤝
@vizionara Ай бұрын
I’ll never understand how someone can buy so much junk food in one grocery shop. That pantry filled with snacks at the end is crazy.
@MarkusCommenter 3 ай бұрын
I’m an Asian person and almost had a stroke looking at all the pancake options on screen. Although my breakfast wasn’t much better. When I was a kid I’d eat shit like Maruchan Instant ramen and call it a day. As a teenager I just wouldn’t eat breakfast nor lunch. Honestly while these kids could be eating much better, I appreciate making the effort.
@FFF-xz6wn Ай бұрын
Men. I had eat a cup of tea and one cookie for breakfast, sometimes it was just bread and butter. No one cooked for me.
@jamie1602 3 ай бұрын
People would have hated my mother when I was small. I didn't like breakfast foods because let's face it, even the "healthy" options are a little on the sweet side. I'd scream and pull at my face and head. So she'd often run to McDonalds to get me an Egg McMuffin. It was the only thing I could stomach for a very long time until we figured out I had actual diagnosed migraines. Not just "bad headaches". And strong tastes and artificial sugar (too much and I'm gone for the day) were a huge trigger. But the thing is, you have to feed a child. Going hungry isn't acceptable. She had to run this by the doctor because... I just was not eating. It was doctor approved! This helped me learn to love eggs and other more savory breakfast foods which are still my choice today. I can better tolerate sweeter foods now, but just barely. I can only imagine how many people would try to ridicule my mother for trying to help a child who was screaming in pain after eating certain foods and we could settle on one item that we knew wouldn't hurt me, all because it came out of McDonald's.
@TabbyWithMittens 3 ай бұрын
Same here. Most times my brother and I were raised on processed stuff. Instantly cook stuff too. It wasn’t healthy, but with the limited money, raising four kids, and being a single mom who worked in the morning, it’s very limited. My sisters took over raising too when older so they just did fast stuff for us, spam being our go to lul. My brother and I only really ate poptarts before leaving for school (our breakfast). Now older I have to make healthier choices myself, it’s kind of hard to undo being attached to sweetness, but I’m just happy to be alive and know how hard it was for my Mom.
@stacki1040 3 ай бұрын
I had a similar situation for a long time. Ate hot dogs almost every day when I was little b/c there was almost nothing else my parents could get me to eat. Unhealthy diet is better than watching your kid starve because you want them to eat healthy. Although to cut everyone a little slack, a 30-second tiktok might not be enough to have that sort of context/if it is or isn't that kind of situation.
@hennigadient4265 3 ай бұрын
just a question: And why exactly could she make a egg sandwitch het self? its egg and bread ... no mc needed for that. Was ther something special about the mc that was needed?
@cutecats532 3 ай бұрын
​@@hennigadient4265dollar sandwich you know works vs making a small child wait longer for a messy egg on toast that might not work because "McDonald's bad." Really the bad things at McDonald's are the sugary drinks and the deep fried stuff. I guess also the fact the lettuce doesn't go bad....
@alzbetabaldovska360 3 ай бұрын
Omg migraines as a child? I'm so sorry and I hope you're doing better now 😔
@magdalenehagey4079 3 ай бұрын
"Technically it's the same thing, they're feeding their kids donuts, in different fonts" 💀💀💀
@momentsformoms9467 2 ай бұрын
Yeah but one seems like she feeds her kids trash everyday, and the other one was more of a treat. Idk I don’t watch either of them but that’s how it comes off.
@nyandoesthings 2 ай бұрын
@@momentsformoms9467why does it come off that way? because one of them is poor?
@momentsformoms9467 2 ай бұрын
@@nyandoesthings because the first kid didn’t seem want it,grabbed the applesauce first. The other kids were excited which typically means it’s something they don’t get often.
@lilianabrice8837 Ай бұрын
​@@momentsformoms9467what exactly is trash. Banana bread? A serving size of mini donuts and applesauce? Those are both perfectly fine things for kids to eat. I would rather a kid be able to enjoy fruits, veggies and sweet things and have a good relationship with food than sugar become a novelty they see as a treat and scarf down when they see it.
@luckasalkova8524 3 ай бұрын
Also, most parents hate on the first mom for giving her child unhealthy breakfast and then feed their own children cereal, as if it´s any healthier
@luckasalkova8524 3 ай бұрын
Nevermind, wrote this before he mentioned the cereal in the video xd
@samarasonik 3 ай бұрын
imo the strawberry donut mom comes off more like "hey this is a special treat. We got a coupon and we're out". The powdered sugar mom is recording the "typical day in my life" video which gives the impression that they are always eating that crap. I'm sure subconsciously the weight does add a bit of a negative light in people's minds, but it's just the day to day appearance for me. my mom did not let me have any of that sugary crap really. At a sleep over, I'd binge on all my friend's sugary cereal. So it should definitely not be a regular occurrence (and I'm grateful for it overall) but a little special snack sometimes is good for your soul 🎉
@msSweeTae 3 ай бұрын
I'm so thankful for the dietitian saying what she said. My mom barely gave us something like cereals and such. She always said: "it's candy sold as breakfast"
@msSweeTae 3 ай бұрын
*I'm aware that there are sugarfree options, but who actually like them, especially as a child🙈
@junkerburn2341 3 ай бұрын
man i feel you on the "healthy" cereal thing, cant stomach cornflakes without a couple sugar packets on top lol, they're so bland otherwise! (but with a little sugar on top the crunchy texture is pretty nice actually, cornflakes are good but not all that filling)
@nanananananananana00 2 ай бұрын
my family has a thing for Grape Nuts and i HATEEEEE them so much omg, even the smell makes me sick because i never liked it but had to eat it as a kid 😂
@jocelynhunter2359 2 ай бұрын
My Mum was obsessed with cornflakes. So much that she let us try anything to eat them. We used to eat them with thickened cream and chocolate drops at one point.
@gwennorthcutt421 2 ай бұрын
im reminded of a blog post i read many years ago, about the writer saying that she ate the crappy carrot sticks at her school dining hall with ranch. she would never skip the ranch even if it'd be ""healthier"" bc without it she just wouldn't eat carrot sticks. the nutrition doesnt cancel out so if shes eating the carrots who care how? and thats why i like my super thick oatmeal with brown sugar and cinnamon
@tacticalmisandrist 3 ай бұрын
“Who let me, a child, raise a child?” Scientologists. That’s who.
@-xxMelissaxx- 3 ай бұрын
Incoming weird scientology cult belief - They don't "believe" in children as children. They think of them as adults in small bodies that contain thetans who are capable as the same responsibilities as adults. Super problematic in various ways.
@redstoner5614 3 ай бұрын
Please i need to know the context of this,im so confused
@user-hr1hf4kb4i 3 ай бұрын
Me too ​@@redstoner5614
@swored. 3 ай бұрын
@@redstoner5614they are
@nickih1267 3 ай бұрын
@@swored. wdym
@SebastianSeanCrow 3 ай бұрын
15:25 premade cereal is typically enriched with extra nutrients that aren’t gonna be in homemade cereal too
@HerWanderlust Ай бұрын
This is just not true…synthetic minerals ash’s vitamins added to cereals actually deplete our bodies natural minerals bc they don’t come within the package our body recognizes…so no…that cereal is in no way healthy or healthier bc of the synthetic additives
@felucca 2 ай бұрын
8:28 One year olds typically haven't gotten picky about food yet - this is actually the prime age to get them used to eating a lot of different (and good) things, BEFORE the pickiness kicks in! Which happens around age 2, and reeeeally kicks into gear around 3-4, after which it slowly, slowly gets better again (until they're an adult eating donuts for breakfast, of course)
@Aaarandom 3 ай бұрын
Are these parents seriously trying to tell me their kid asked for something and then had to wait hours to eat so it could be pretty??
@spinelessdevil 3 ай бұрын
Not even burger King would hire her
@espeon871 3 ай бұрын
@@spinelessdevilshes a runway model with generational wealth she doesnt need burger king money 😭
@Strawation 3 ай бұрын
some kids wake up and blank out for around 1 hour+. not doing anything but staring at you and maybe taking a second or third 5-minute nap. Her children could be like that but we'll never know because it's fun to keep us all guessing
@normalaboutpathologic 2 ай бұрын
"mommy needs the views, kaightlynn, so shut up about being hungry"
@chubbyduumpling 3 ай бұрын
what’s crazy to me is the snack drawer restocks. people praise it but it’s crazy. i grew up kinda lower class and everything my parents fed me was out of a package. but they did not let me eat some of that stuff in that drawer!
@millena7 3 ай бұрын
Same!! When I was little I was not allowed to have sunny d or cosmic brownies since they were unhealthy and I was raised by a single mom.
@zazzycatlady 2 ай бұрын
mommy bullying and harassing others online is never helpful nor appropriate! at the same time, feeling a one year old a full meal of donuts - or chicken nuggets and cheetos without a fruit or veg is also not appropriate or helpful for any household regardless of income. as a teacher, caregiver and child of a loud child nutrition expert; i can tell you outright that an under 2 should be introduced to healthier, more natural (or at least balanced) meals.
@AstaGruwier-vi5ht 2 ай бұрын
Yea but that doesn’t mean all of your meals have to be fully balanced with plenty of veggies as that just isn’t realistic for a lot of people. It’s okay to eat donuts for breakfast if it just isn’t every day
@HudaefCares 2 ай бұрын
That's the ideal, but I'll take what I can get. My mom used to go around wet markets asking vendors for veggie scraps and pork bones to make soup. I never complained about that (tho I did do a 😦 face at her when she fed me pig brain lol) and grew up loving soupy dishes. What I _did_ complain about was eating rice, but ever since she forced me to eat just plain rice coz I ate all the side dishes already I stopped complaining about it. Nowadays I hate that I can't eat as much as rice I used to. (Entering my 30s means being on the lookout for diabetes unfortunately, runs in the family)
@lycha298 2 ай бұрын
Nah, okay, I get the point of the video, but I actually, really, don't f* care if it's aesthetically pleasing or not, rich or poor, feeding your 1 y.o. that kind of overly processed food full of sugar for breakfast is not something we shouldn't frown upon. You don't need to cook fruits. They are full of healthy, needed sugar. I mean... I think we just normalize too much what we all have been doing wrong because no one wants to be the one to change. It's easier to say "okay what that mom's doing is alright because I eat like that too and I'm an adult" instead of thinking a bit deeper and realizing we might need to change too.
@butter9713 Күн бұрын
@vertanishock7900 3 ай бұрын
6:52 as a former amish, ma'am your kids are hungry, you should have leftover jam from the last canning. FEED YOUR HUNGRY KIDS
@Narangarath 3 ай бұрын
And she wasn't even actually making jam, looked like she used a starch to thicken it, so I'd call it a "raspberry spread" instead. Not to knock it, it's just a different product which won't keep long in the fridge unlike actual jam, although you definitely can freeze it. Which brings me to the fact that anyone who makes all or most of their food from scratch never makes small batches of anything that can be prepared and then stored (freeze, dry, brine etc) for later, so I would bet good money that mom does not only feed her kids made from scratch food.
@dealwithit9772 3 ай бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking and as someone who was excited to have home made bread you can't just cut it fresh from the oven. I mean you can, but it's not fun.
@bosmer3836 3 ай бұрын
I thought it was powdered sugar
@Killjoy_Mel 3 ай бұрын
She has everything prepped and that kid eats what mom decides to feed her. It just doesn't sell as well as 'my kid wanted pbj so I spent 3 hours making everything from scratch to the tune of a toddler's unhappy stomach grumbles'.
@dokessezeaka5159 3 ай бұрын
She said they had snacks whilst they waited
@clarabp2613 3 ай бұрын
It all boils down to the classic: if you are hot and pretty it's fine but if you are not it's the worst thing in the world
@namedrop721 2 ай бұрын
You misspelled *rich* darlin. World ain’t got no problem hating on pretty poor folks ‘such a waste’ etc
@clarabp2613 2 ай бұрын
@@namedrop721 I disagree. Remember the hot criminal mugshot? Now, you also have a point because being rich and pretty are usually together because if you are rich you usually have more time to take care of yourself, access to the best food and procedures and less stress.
@Aadhitiya Ай бұрын
​@@clarabp2613 and also that if you are pretty, it will improve your social standing and help you network yourself into more richer circles
@JustAGuySlayingDragons Ай бұрын
There's nothing wrong with being pretty but to excuse crime because of their looks is just hell naw
@alyssiataylor546 3 ай бұрын
Tbh I get the donut slander. She would have been better off just applesauce + some milk or water. Otherwise, everything is just a giant class war and we should be fighting rich people in the streets 💃
@HerWanderlust Ай бұрын
Having money doesn’t make one a bad person just like being poor doesn’t make someone a bad person. All of these poor people going around thinking it’s evil to have everything you need…are subconsciously affecting their own ability to thrive
@handuo6301 Ай бұрын
yeah i don’t think not having a lot of money immediately equates to feeding your child three donuts for breakfast but the rest of her meals look fine
@alyssiataylor546 Ай бұрын
@@HerWanderlust There's a difference between having everything you need, and otbaining way more than what you need by trampling on/exploiting other people. People don't get rich without that shit
@hellcatspangledsxm 18 күн бұрын
I think it looks fine I just feel like some of the stuff is too big and feels like a choking hazard
@LuluTheCorgi 2 ай бұрын
Thats so incredibly depressing, those poor kids are gonna have an awful relationship to food and will struggle their entire life with being overweight My mother is a horrible mother, i grew up in constant filth, cat litterboxes permanently overflowing, bugs everywhere snd not even I got food this disgusting And no, the rich parents feeding their kids the same garbage is not any better
@froggo130 3 ай бұрын
I have been on both sides of the argument. My family grew up broke which meant emergency beans and almost losing our home. There were days when working two jobs just to put food on the table would push my parents to their breaking point. They were tired, they were grouchy, of course, they wouldn't be smiling while their three kids screeched and ran about throwing playdough into the carpet. As my parents continued to work their butts off we were blessed to finally live in a comfortable and spacious home with a huge yard. Now my parents do have the time to bake two-hour PB and j to their heart's content. We do not know everyone's story, which is why kindness is such a needed thing these days.
@tikusblue 2 ай бұрын
Beans are much better than powdered donuts and apple sauce pouches! Also the thing I don't get is everyone's assuming the mother is extremely poor, but based on what? She can afford all those juice packets and things that aren't necessarily that cheap and juice is always kind of a splurge purchase? Its not an essential. Regardless I agree there's no need to hate and people can be so cruel. They could just give her some helpful feedback or tips instead on what to make that would be better
@EmL-kg5gn 2 ай бұрын
To be fair, not everyone who gets a lovely visit from poverty has the skill of living frugally. Or the time, energy, community, and other resources to do so. And even if they do have all that learning new skills while you’re stressed out is super difficult!!
@mastershake3040 2 ай бұрын
The woman feeding her baby is a stay at home mom with 2 kids. She doesn't work. Also those damn hostess donuts can't seriously be considered a budget friendly meal. You can buy a box of cereal for BABIES that is the same price and is actually healthy. I mean we can't just ignore that she is teaching her kid extremely unhealthy habits and addictions so young. Yes the PBJ woman is annoying ASF, but it doesn't subtract from the nasty cooking the other mom does. Like poor ppl aren't bad cooks just bc they're poor. Bad cooks are bad cooks. And junk food eaters are junk food eaters. My friend from HS grew up pretty well off and he always had those gross snacks. He was fat from it and now has an obsession with losing weight and working out. His unhealthy habits transferred over to another unhealthy habit. Also you can buy an entire bag of apples for like 3.50, canned peas carrots or any vegetable really for like 2 dollars a can. This woman clearly doesn't want to spend the time to buy good food for her kid. She probably doesn't want to budget either bc it takes effort. I stopped buying junk food for MYSELF bc it was making my bill too expensive at the grocery store. Why are we enabling this behavior lmao
@LM.312 2 ай бұрын
@@tikusblueI think the problem is that with parenting videos, people are so quick to crucify a parent for not being perfect 24/7. So she gave her baby a powdered donut breakfast. You didn’t care to say anything until you saw something you could criticize. Who’s to say that that’s not a once in a blue moon type of thing? I think society is over dramatic. The baby will survive, and she has plenty of adequately healthy meals. Y’all get on your high horses bc she was fed a donut ONE morning, give me a break lmao
@shavonyawade1152 2 ай бұрын
I completely get it. My financial situation has been up and down my whole life. It was good for several years and then covid. I've been struggling ever since but my wardrobe is still from my better times. All that being said, where I grew up there is a dented can store that also sells other products that are close to expiring like bread and oh my goodness!!! Hostess powdered donuts. There is also the Wonder bread day old bread store. So, for all anyone knows she didn't pay full price for that stuff. And please, why can't you give a kid a treat like you give yourself a treat. I know I have donuts for breakfast occasionally. I have since I was a kid.
@F00tsie 3 ай бұрын
RIP kid waiting for that PB&J
@thecoolintroverttv8381 3 ай бұрын
Stop being stupid 😊
@KatieDeGo 3 ай бұрын
Dude the kid isn't even hanging out w her mom while she's cooking. The mom cares about views, not her kid
@DohMkay Ай бұрын
I was poor growing up. Going to McDonalds was a luxury. You guys know you can eat healthy and cheap right? My mom would fry eggs in the morning, maybe make some pancakes, a sandwich would be 100 times better than those donuts. It seems she doesnt want to put any effort into anything. Why would you have children if making breakfast is such a huge chore?
@lourvecantspell19 Ай бұрын
everything is a chore nowadays
@dollarstorevodka Ай бұрын
Pancakes are shite food too. Get off your high horse lady
@mistbloodyfists Ай бұрын
eggs are hella expensive now wdym 😭
@DohMkay Ай бұрын
@mistbloodyfists all food is getting expensive unfortunately. But our health is priceless.
@mistbloodyfists Ай бұрын
@@DohMkay ah that wasn't rlly what i was saying sorry let me reword: Eggs were easier to have for breakfast back then because they were so much cheaper, but now that they are so expensive it's easier for the lower class to buy foods such as pop tarts and powdered donuts as a breakfast because 1. they're quicker 2. they're a lot cheaper than eggs, pancakes, and basically any healthier food sadly.
@i.shuuya3231 3 ай бұрын
This is your best video yet IMO. I can't explain why exactly, but all the elements are perfectly balanced, the comedy, seriousness, empathy, cynicism
@LouisaWatt 3 ай бұрын
As someone dealing with insulin resistance, I HATE the breakfast industry. Cereal has ruined my life
@rosystrawberry 3 ай бұрын
Same. It's just so sad that it's easier to afford unhealthy foods more than anything remotely healthy. And I'm a diabetic, so it's either, don't eat it and go hungry. Eat very little and be hungry. Or eat a until I'm full and take a lot of insulin. I just want a salad but I can't even get that. 100 a week for one single salad a day. All store brand, with coupons, three vegetables including the spinach, and a single bottle of dressing. It's so ridiculous, and even more ridiculous when people just act like it's so easy to just magically afford it. The system is rigged to make sure the poor stays poor because I have yet to touch how people can't afford to make any more money because then they will lose the little help they have to jump though a billion hoops to get.
@LouisaWatt 3 ай бұрын
@@rosystrawberry food is crazy expensive now and our lifestyles are too exhausting to cook every meal. I do ok with breakfast now by having a cold meat, cheese and avocado wrap with hot sauce, but during the week it’s hard to find affordable and timely options for lunch 🥗
@fburnsDubstepEnderFox 3 ай бұрын
When I found out I had PCOS, I yeeted cereal from my diet. 😅
@lcr1141 3 ай бұрын
Tbh I developed a gluten intolerance and SAME. When people want to go out for breakfast and they all get these huge stacks of syrupy pancakes or Nutella French toast etc. and I'm over here with my eggs and if I'm lucky - an out of season fruit plate. Like why am I even paying for this. But most breakfast food would make me really sick, and apparently has been for a long time before I figured out what was wrong.
@Mill-wl9bx 2 ай бұрын
You can always use oats and put whatever you want in it.
@MompreneurDiary 3 ай бұрын
Also don't forget that these same pancake Nutella cereal brands were telling you that eggs would give you high cholesterol and that bacon would give you heart attacks
@agatamazur9810 2 ай бұрын
I won't stand for the egg slander. Eggs are godsend
@mitsuya6860 2 ай бұрын
“Atleast Sal, Ella and E Coli won’t be attending the party”😂
@gracie20 3 ай бұрын
I just can’t get over the second mom making food with those fluffy sleeves on. Keep imagining the feathers that end up in the food and haven’t gotten over it still at the end of the video lol
@otakulys 3 ай бұрын
I feel like I'm losing my mind here--am I the only one who thinks the first mom is peak satire? She's making a parody of all of the perfect, polished moms with their organic food. She's going in the other direction, which is more relatable in a funny way. I'm not a mom myself, so maybe I'd feel more passionate about a stranger feeding her child if I were, but it seems to me like people are just getting off on outrage.
@Lei3195i 3 ай бұрын
I thought she might be half relatable, half milking it for rage content. So I don't know. Sometimes the reality and satire are indistinguishable from the outside. Now if those plastic frisbee looking plates she was flopping onto the counter fell on the floor and she just chimed "5 second rule" before retrieving them and proceeding to slap the breakfast on it and hand over the to kid, I would be more confident which one it was. I hope.
@lainiwakura1776 3 ай бұрын
She's not, a lot of parents are like that.
@promisemochi 3 ай бұрын
she's not. she's checked out and neglectful and my heart breaks for her kids
@evelynwright329 3 ай бұрын
​@@promisemochihow is she neglectful? genuinely have no idea who this woman is beyond this drama.
@promisemochi 3 ай бұрын
@@evelynwright329 she doesn't interact with her kids at all on camera. which...why? if you interact with them why post videos where you don't? in every video, she looks zoned out, her eyes are glazed over, she slaps their plates down at them like they're barn yard animals she's feeding vs. her babies. there's no singing to them, laughing with them, talking to them, interacting with them. there's no regard to what foods they can eat developmentally. she acts like even just placing food on a plate and putting it in front of them is a chore. kids can pick up on that. kids can pick up on parents who treat their basic needs like an imposition and its heartbreaking. not to mention the nutition. i am 30 and 150 lbs and i'd feel so, so sick if i ate powdered donuts. she gives them to a one year old. i've known parents like this. my childhood best friend was so obese she had to shop in women's plus in elementary school. her parents would only buy sugary gorceries. they had access to healthy things. they wouldn't buy them. they'd spend thousands on junk food and get mad at her for being "wasteful" if she didn't eat like they did. it's neglect.
@kagumiharuna7511 3 ай бұрын
I grow up poor but my parents always provide good and healthy food to compare with rich in my class, i am so grateful my parents always put their kids health first,
@Killjoy_Mel 3 ай бұрын
It's likely it's all they had available. I grew up so poor we used a horse to till the soil in which we grew our food. However if you're living in a city, you can't have fields of vegetables and a hog pen to sustain you off the land. You have poorly stocked grocery stores. It's very difficult to raise a healthy child in a poorly planned city whose grocery stores prioritise convenience over health. I wish people left that mother alone. We don't know why she feeds her kid the way she does and until we do, I think we should mind our own business.
@promisemochi 3 ай бұрын
@@Killjoy_Melgrocery stores and bell even gas stations have canned fruit and veggies and oatmeal and eggs. there's no excuse. none.
@hhaannnnaahh222 3 ай бұрын
same. i'm very lucky my parents did their best with what they had. fruit and vegetables and grains aren't generally that expensive, at least in the uk. being vegetarian maybe helped
@randomlyashy 3 ай бұрын
@@promisemochihave you ever considered that person may not live in the same country as you? different countries have different supplies.
@promisemochi 3 ай бұрын
@@randomlyashyshe doesn't.
@morganrae2614 2 ай бұрын
It's not even just classist (which it is) but also the difference between how people react to two of basically the same "trailer park feeding kids" videos based on their weight is incredible
@carolerobbins9522 3 ай бұрын
She gave her kid food. She’s already miles ahead of Ruby Franke and Jody Hildebrandt
@richardwilhorst4589 3 ай бұрын
Morning? Ihop? Sir, you are confused. One does not eat the cupcake pancake for breakfast; but rather at 3am in a drunken stupor as you hold your tshirt as tightly as you can over the open wound you got from fighting your booth neighbor with a bar stool while waiting for the police to arrive. Geeze.
@M.Campbell-Sherwood 3 ай бұрын
You’d be surprised how many do actually eat that 💩 for breakfast.
@melissasue3863 3 ай бұрын
Well, I'm guessing that it's because our dearest Edvasion is looking at the menu from an idealistic Canadian point of view whilst I am guessing you are a fellow American. 😉
@Lei3195i 3 ай бұрын
Exactly. 3am in a drunken stupor like respectable human being. Where do they get these people? 🤣
@nyastalgiakitten 3 ай бұрын
I eat like shit when I'm high and then wonder why I wake up with acid reflux as if I didn't smash a box of cosmic brownies before falling asleep
@ophilianecr 3 ай бұрын
​@nyastalgiakitten Hey! You need to be more inclusive, binge eaters and stress eaters also go through that!😂
@darkydoom 3 ай бұрын
Eggs guys, like just cook some eggs with a slice of bread and a cup of tea. Cooking a pan of scrambled eggs for 5x people in the morning is the easy go to
@lainiwakura1776 3 ай бұрын
I don't think a baby would appreciate the tea much though.
@darkydoom 3 ай бұрын
@@lainiwakura1776 coffee is an acceptable alternative if tea isn't to your liking
@lme918 3 ай бұрын
@@darkydoom You have to be kidding me. It's not acceptable at all. Child shouldn't drink any coffee till 12 years old.
@darkydoom 3 ай бұрын
@@lme918 I mean, I never said give it to a baby, but a toddler sure, and I was joking about coffee but lmfao wow, and I bet you think juice is healthy. Caffeine isn't bad for you and it is not a drug the way people say it is. LMFAO
@Killjoy_Mel 3 ай бұрын
@@darkydoomYes. Make your toddler drink coffee. What an excellent and healthy suggestion.
@SerenaC4 3 ай бұрын
Someone who grew up being fed a plate of teddy grams, and cheezits as meals, I gotta say that I wish my mother took at least one second to cook me some sort of food. I have so many issues as an adult now with my intestinal tract as well as just my mentality towards food. I want to have a healthy relationship with food but I just can’t break those habits of eating nothing but crackers/candy. I love eating salad/fruit/meat/etc but I can’t bring myself to feel satiated by those things because all I’m used to is eating junk
@EverAppl14 2 ай бұрын
The most concerning part for me is that a 1 yr old can definitely easily choke on sliced-in-half chicken tenders or giant hunks of donut like that. The pieces need to be smaller for a baby. The Nutella commercial is a thing I routinely cringe at, so I’m glad you included it. It’s 100% the fault of unchecked corporations and their audaciously dishonest ad campaigns that our grocery stores are filled with “convenience” foods which don’t actually offer people nutritionally sound options.
@LimewirePirate 3 ай бұрын
I cook most of my son's meals and try to limit processed and sugary food as much as possible. He gets proteins, grains, fruits, and veggies daily. He doesn't drink milk, but eats other dairy products. One of my mom friends disagrees with my feeding style, even though he eats everything I feed him. So you're right. Even if a parent feeds their child the "right" way, there's definitely a parent who will find something wrong.
@LaNoir. Ай бұрын
what exactly does she disagree with, this seems like selective information
@VirtualRealibri 3 ай бұрын
The way the lady smiles while making a cake gives stepford wife vibes. Somebody save her.
@joannewang86 3 ай бұрын
It's satire, and hilarious too
@pokelolmc6826 2 ай бұрын
I thought she was acting like some real life old-fashioned cartoon character lol.
@sweetLemonist 2 ай бұрын
The 42 months balloons weren't a hint that she's sarcastic?
@mielregino Ай бұрын
the dietician review at 8:52 made me so grateful. Obviously not the ideal meal but literally not that much worse than these trendy options. And the most important thing is love, care, and presence for a kid. Not perfection.
@Ladyclara 2 ай бұрын
I think it's funny the way we like to imagine a Victorian child being handed a mountain dew, but if we were given their products I think we would be the ones getting folded. They were regularly eating things like chalk and/or aluminum bread and weed, chloroform, alcohol, with morphine in their cough syrup. Thank you for your critical thinking and kindness when viewing other people's lifestyles in their little clips. Very refreshing.
@ZiggaMau 3 ай бұрын
"They're feeding their kids donuts but in different fonts" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣you kill me❤
@pokeyoureyeman2288 3 ай бұрын
Both moms looked bad. Donuts for breakfast isn't terrible, but her cooking could probably use work; And as a parent it's your responsibility to give your kid a healthy diet. The second mom is pretentious. Homemade stuff is really nice but she should have that shit prepped beforehand if she was serious. Like you know you're kids' are going to want pb&j and cereal. You can cook that stuff ahead of time and put it in a container.
@artheaux666 3 ай бұрын
OK this needs to be said but most likely she already made that peanut butter in advance and didn’t make her daughter wait. It’s just a storytelling in the video makes it seem that way because making bread does take a long time and she knows that. It’s just for the content.
@pokeyoureyeman2288 3 ай бұрын
@@artheaux666 you're probably right. At least I hope so. I don't want to imagine that kid waiting hours for a pb&j.
@Killjoy_Mel 3 ай бұрын
It's not nice. Sugary jam, overly salted peanut butter, sandwiched between bread. That's not a breakfast, that's a dessert.
@notsofaeryish 3 ай бұрын
You said it she’s pretentious, so are we really gonna believe her daughter asked for it when she is like in the point of starving, maybe she is just using that context to show how she prepares meal, and of crs the size of what she made isnt just for 2 slices and definitely stored for other uses lmao. In the end nothing wont pleases people like you. homemade is still the best than store bought. It can have the same sugar, but store bought have more chemicals to preserve the food so choose your battle lmao.
@pokeyoureyeman2288 3 ай бұрын
@@notsofaeryish I said what I said knowing that she probably did it for the video. Which is why I said she's pretentious.
@SebastianSeanCrow 3 ай бұрын
14:42 more than 50% of that just goes in the pantry
@zebraskin 3 ай бұрын
"Nuerodivergent hermit in the forest" I feel called out
@download351 3 ай бұрын
I mean, every now and then? Sure. I have three kids. Parenting is exhausting. But every single meal she puts up comes from a packet. There is rarely any suitable amount of fresh fruit and vegetables in their diet. Donuts aren't breakfast no matter who's serving them. They're a snack and that's fine. My kids have snacks like that too. But SNACKS. Not whole entire meal consisting of powdered donuts.
@WeirdSnakeGal 3 ай бұрын
Yeah that was my thought too. It looks like that is all she feeds her rather than every now and then, but again it's the Internet so we don't know what really happens.
@roccafille 3 ай бұрын
@Killjoy_Mel 3 ай бұрын
Assuming that she lives anywhere near a place where you can get affordable fresh fruit. This is what poverty is like, chief. I don't know it, I come from an European country that was mostly agricultural just 33 years ago so the fresh veg culture still exists, and the country's so tiny that you can't swing a dead cat without slapping a store with fresh veg in it, but I moved to a different country, into a proper metropolis recently, and listen. For me to get fresh fruit, I have to walk for 1h or drive 15 minutes on congested roads to get to a place that sells fresh fruit and vegetables at a price that doesn't demand me to sell my firstborn and my kidney too. Powdered donuts however are a 5min walk away. Are you gonna drive this woman around and pay for the expensive fresh produce? No? Then sit down and think about the reality so many parents are in. And don't even dare to start about how poor people should think twice before they have kids.
@womankisserjermaluvr 3 ай бұрын
@@Killjoy_Mel lmao man i get the sentiment but thats a fuckin one year old. even most gas stations have better options than powdered donuts for breakfast. no ones saying to drive to the store every morning and get fruits and veggies. when she goes to buy groceries, she can get frozen fruits and veggies, and certain fruits and veggies hold well over a week or so. get the kid some carrots/celery/pears, its not as expensive as you make it out to be. its one thing to give your one year old a sugary snack here and there and another to feed them like shit for 9/10 meals.
@moth1560 3 ай бұрын
@@Killjoy_Melfrozen vegetables are as healthy
@annft7550 3 ай бұрын
If my asian mom saw that many snacks stocked for kids, she'd have a seizure. Even I started hearing sirens in my head after seeing that.
@nozomu-jd3pd 3 ай бұрын
9:11 watching this while eating cereal 😭😭
@Suzied2016 2 ай бұрын
4:40 this is a satire account BTW! She mocks trad wives (obviously she does cook stuff) but she does the look and stuff on purpose.
@aabcc 3 ай бұрын
4:30 before anyone freaks out about this, know that this woman does this ironically lol. The eyes closed, months for ages gets her engagement. And tbh shes so smart for that
@roundsdm 3 ай бұрын
Caring for children with autism that struggle so much while being autistic & disabled myself is a special kind of draining 😢 & because hes autistic, all hell eat right now is cheetos, i know how many people would judge me for that, but starving him completely wouldnt help anything, we use nutrition drinks to make up for what it can
@alleycat616 3 ай бұрын
Fellow mom of an autistic child and I feel you! Don’t worry about what others think. My older child who is not autistic and eats more things/what we eat. So it’s not like I’m just a lazy or bad parent like, as you know others will assume or judge. But it really is a case of (for my younger autistic child) he’s eating chicken nuggets and chips (at home) every day because he won’t eat much else. Thankfully he does eat fruit daily. But really he will starve himself. We try and try to give him new foods but most of the time he refuses or spits them out. I can’t force him to swallow something. He did just start liking steak and pork chops thank goodness so at least that’s something new. People really just don’t understand until they too have an autistic child. They can judge all they want they just don’t understand.
@pawsandnuggy1635 3 ай бұрын
I’m autistic and I have 1 autistic kid and 2 with adhd (hubs audhd). The 7 asked me why I always eat all of my bread crust first even though I say that I don’t like my bread crust. I explained that I don’t like wasting food, so I eat the things I don’t like first and the things I like best last so I can have a happy end to my meal. He’s been doing the same thing since, and the other two have followed suit. “Why you eating (food)? You don’t like (food).” “Because (food) has (nutrients, ie calcium), which helps my body (what those are for, ie building strong bones).” And bam the kid stops complaining they don’t like it like 85% of the time. It helps that they like a lot of healthy stuff. Still make Nutella sandwiches for breakfast, though, I feel like it’s offset by their lunch being heavy on fruit and veg plus they usually ask for a fruit or yogurt once they finish waking up.
@turtleanton6539 3 ай бұрын
@DarkVideogamer 2 ай бұрын
@@pawsandnuggy1635 this reminded me when I was a kid, I hated any bread that wasn't white bread (adhd here) and the thing that got me to actually enjoy whole wheat and whole grain breads was being told "It has scrubby brushes that help your stomach feel good." Like somehow giving a reason made it easier to get me to eat things?? any speculation as to why that worked?
@johncarter4411 2 ай бұрын
I feel ya, my son will only eat pizza
@keepscrolling3652 2 ай бұрын
Eggs,toast and bacon or turkey bacon are my usual go to but I understand the just grab a muffin and go mentality because sometimes you honestly don't have time.
@manuel-mr6ri 3 ай бұрын
feeding your child a donut as a meal replacement isnt at all comparable to giving them a donut as a treat in between meals.
@noahh.8737 3 ай бұрын
fr and how is he not getting the point that the donut mom is just feeding her child highly processed junk foods at every meal.. yes she’s getting fed but it’s not that hard or expensive to make decently healthy meals
@TheLadyKemet 2 ай бұрын
​@@noahh.8737I am from Chile and I have lived here all my life, but is it really that expensive to eat vegetables there? I am even vegan and I spend less than my omnivorous family.
@Viewer962 2 ай бұрын
@@TheLadyKemetyes and no, its more expensive to buy any kind of fresh produce. Packaged foods are SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper as is fast food. Unfortunately poverty in the US looks like packaged foods and junk food.
@tanie3543 2 ай бұрын
She could literally just give him boiled eggs. Or airfry some potatoes. Or oatmeal with lots of dried fruits. She's just useless af.
@momentsformoms9467 2 ай бұрын
@@TheLadyKemetI make most of our meals from scratch or at least as close as I can being I work a lot and have depression, anxiety, adhd,& ocd it’s so difficult being constantly exhausted mentally and physically. However I don’t feed my kid much packaged anything bc it’s so unhealthy you look at the ingredients & nutrition labels. Also overpriced like $8 for 6 small bars of mostly sugar? No thanks. Overall it depends on what you eat,what season you buy it,& in what form. Like frozen veggies & fruit are usually cheaper than fresh but not always. Also depends on the store-I buy a lot from meijer but mushrooms are like $4 there and only around $1.88 at Walmart. Eggs,rye or sourdough bread, oatmeal are all fairly cheap. Pure honey,peanut butter and maple syrup not so much but they’re decently affordable for how long they last. Lastly space-I live in a tiny rental so there’s little space for anything yet alone scratch cooking like some people do with more space in an actual house & a bigger kitchen. I can use a blender and a cookie sheet mainly.
@LordDomielOfElysium 3 ай бұрын
Alright, the first thing I thought was wether the donut was even soft enough for a one year old to eat. Giving a donut to a one year old is different from a 7 year old.. no?
@stacki1040 3 ай бұрын
I think it was. Also it looked like a hostess donut and those are like cotton candy once you bite down.
@P1kachuSandwich 3 ай бұрын
My thought was that the pieces were too big.
@whelkpeopleofdoom 3 ай бұрын
You are right that the larger woman is being unfairly targeted, but those breakfasts are still AWFUL and not okay. You can absolutely be poor and eat healthy. I do it for myself, and a child, toddler or baby would need a fraction of the calories I (an adult) am consuming. I think one of the reasons some of the other people don't get called out is because they're making rheir content more about "aesthetic" than about parenting, which again, yes, is unfair, but we can say that without pretending the woman giving her one year old sugary processed crap for breakfast every day is okay and "relatable." Just because a lot of people do it doesnt mean it's okay - thats a fallacy called "appeal to popularity." The average american diet is awful, and most people need to be better about what they feed their kids, including the people in this video, regardless of how they present their content.
@bluehairedvixen 3 ай бұрын
@juliacmendes 3 ай бұрын
Totally agree! I wouldn't eat those things every day myself, let alone give it to a kid on a daily basis. It's a road to very dangerous health problems, plus the kid will never enjoy fruits or other natural food, since he is getting used to these addictive chemicals.
@duxghost3985 3 ай бұрын
I definitely agree, however I can also say spending 5 hours to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that your child wanted for breakfast is so weird Atp just give me the awful donuts for breakfast
@kezia8027 3 ай бұрын
yes, AND we can recognize that there ARE disadvantaged groups who do not have the education, time, access etc to always make the right choice. Instead of pointing out the flaws with individuals, how about we focus on the lack of support and education for new parents and children/teenagers in regards to health and anatomy. Whether that's about babies or about diet and exercise. Focusing on the individual is only shaming people. Focus on the systems and mechanisms that create these situations.
@lawliet6910 3 ай бұрын
I feel like maybe you could benefit from watching the clip at 8:58 again
@marsmellon 3 ай бұрын
11:14 beauty privilege and rich privilege. yes, thank you! though, rich privilege is a new concept for me, but all the more important that you're talking about this. appearance, not only you but also everything you own has to look good, so it makes sense. Edit. I mean rich privilege in this context specifically was new to me.
@KurryPop 3 ай бұрын
Dude my american breakfasts were trash 😂 and it was all we had. Along with dinner from a can or the frozen tv dinners. Cooking takes time and effort. Something some people dont have. Time is definitely an overlooked luxury and something we can all strive to conserve for more healthful activities.
@AeraYoo 3 ай бұрын
The Korean mom in me is like yea no we aren’t doing buckets of sugar before noon. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@hobog12777 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's only Americans doing this. "Food shaming?" I will gladly food shame anyone that regularly feeds their baby donuts for "breakfast" out of a package. Meanwhile people here are clowning on the other moms for putting time and care into their cooking. Tf? I used to live in the same apt building as Middle Eastern and African immigrants in a low-income hood in Denmark, and every time I came home around dinnertime, the entire building smelled like curry. Cooking for yourself is healthier and cheaper (both in terms of food and healthcare expenses) than eating pop tarts.
@tenneluna6948 3 ай бұрын
It's not americans. It's a white thing including europeans. I'm spanish and never met anyone my race in my life that ate salty things for breakfast. Normally here kids eat milk and cereal for breakfast, then they may have something like a sandwich later in the morning during recess. It's not particularly unhealthy as long as the rest of your diet is balanced. It's just a cultural thing like how european sweets are way sweeter than asian sweets. Personally i can't stomach much breakfast at all and never could so drinking some cereal milk (or dipping some cookies in cofee now as an adult) is the best i can do
@hobog12777 3 ай бұрын
​@@tenneluna6948 It's not a race thing, White Europeans consist of like a million different cultures (same way Africa consists of a million cultures etc.). Nobody eats sweet breakfasts in my (Central European) country. "American" is also not a race, it's a culture, hence why Americans will share similar breakfast habits despite ethnicity, especially if we're talking about 2nd-3rd+ generation Americans.
@hobog12777 3 ай бұрын
Also, a big influence of what we eat for breakfast is just marketing. What is sold as, and marketed as, "breakfast"? Pop tarts, sweet cereals and pancakes are marketed and advertised as "nutritious" breakfasts in many countries, the US especially (being the spiritual birthplace of "convenience breakfast", such as cereals). In my country, there is a type of cracker called "Good Morning Crackers" that are basically just sugar, yet they are advertised as nutritious because they have a couple pieces of oats sprinkled in. For years, I ate that thing thinking it was a breakfast substitute. No problem with eating whatever you want. In the US, you yourself will bear the health consequences, not public healthcare. But feeding your child donuts for breakfast, and putting that burden of compromised diet and thus health on them, day in day out, is wrong.
@tenneluna6948 3 ай бұрын
@@hobog12777 There is no serious health consequences to eating a sweet breakfast vs eating a salty breakfast. It is cultural and it doesn't make people who eat one thing healthier over the other. Western europe does have sweet breakfasts, from adults to children consume them and we have some of the longest healthiest lifespan. While some people will get sick from sugar, others who are used to it like us need that rush in the morning to wake up and will feel heavy instead eating a greasy "proper meal" like eggs, bacon and baked beans. It's your diet as a whole that matters. The problem with most americans is that they eat many heavily processed, "junk" type of foods and not much fresh produce to balance the sweets they get in a day.
@erikad0511 3 ай бұрын
I really thought mom making cereal from scratch was gonna say she harvested almonds from her trees to hand press fresh almond milk
@Eloraurora Ай бұрын
She's performing the long-wait-at-a-restaurant joke I used to make as a kid. "They're sowing the field with wheat to make the pizza. They're milking the cow to make the cheese. They're watering the tomato vines."
@SebastianSeanCrow 3 ай бұрын
5:35 this all looks very normal. Also she just looks tired to me
@Jibberish55 3 ай бұрын
Yes because toddlers are famously known for having the patience to wait six hours for their mom to make every element of their PB&J from scratch.
@gab.bee123 3 ай бұрын
i remember when i first saw the "aesthetically pleasing" snack organizing videos and thought that there was no way that was a fridge in a single family home, it had to be a break/lunch room in an office that actually meant it when the job description mentioned snacks always being available daily for employees 🤭
@ninas8210 3 ай бұрын
what i dont understand about the ticktok where the peanut butter and jelly is being made from scratch, is if you literally took the time to bake fresh bread, why would you take off the crust....its the BEST part
@eliteluxurymeditations950 2 ай бұрын
I hateee crust. It’s definitely not the best part 😒 😅
@ninas8210 2 ай бұрын
@@eliteluxurymeditations950 I understand not liking it i guess, but the thing that doesnt make sense is going out of your way to make fresh bread (that will almost always have a crispy crust) just to cut off the crust
@forelsketis 26 күн бұрын
probably because the child doesn't like that part?
@CrazyMama75 2 ай бұрын
With my first born I was so careful to make her organic home made healthy baby food from scratch, when I had no work and just one baby before my health really declined. By the time my second baby came alone I was just happy if my kids were fed and healthy. Then as they got old food sensitivities became an issue. So some days we had "normal" breakfasts like cereals, waffles, toast, etc. Some days we had biscuits or left over cake from a party the evening before maybe, or doughnuts as a treat. Cinnamon rolls were a family fav. And and some days we'd have left over dinner from the night before, such as rice with chicken but a smaller portion (great when enough left overs for light lunch or brunch size meals but not for a main meal). Breakfast is just food to give your kids the energy they need for school and you for work, it's any good will do so long as it's overall balanced. Ironically, as a Brit, we rarely have fry ups, we all picky eaters due to sensory issue needs and "traditional" breakfasts for our culture are rarely cooked in ours. Cereals bars or breakfast biscuits. And then we had a phase when all my kids would eat, for every meal, was plain porridge and custard cream biscuits lol. Thankful for vitamin tablets rofl.
@cs4887 2 ай бұрын
3:25 hummm a bread slice with something would be better and cheaper than sugar donuts......
@Unicorgo 3 ай бұрын
7:00 baby died of hunger before she made her home bake bread and grow peanuts for peanut butter
@dyskelia 3 ай бұрын
Both extremes are cringe
@TheLadyKemet 2 ай бұрын
@trishafilm 2 ай бұрын
Well said.
@lynnboartsdye1943 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree with you on how we judge so much of the moral and internal lives of people based on how ✨aesthetic✨ their video looks. Viewing someone’s parenting as an outsider is a very tricky situation. It feels like there’s some line or maybe a quadratic grid of judging peoples parenting that hasn’t been made clear because let’s be real there are things we catch parents doing that “I’m the parent I know best” just isn’t going to cover. It’d be nice if instead of freaking out over a parents one video we tried to encourage parental training/education, nutrition science and lifting eachother up instead of tearing people apart.
@yungembarrassment619 2 ай бұрын
Poverty is no excuse for feeding ur kids horribly. There is such thing as ebt and the dollar store. And common sense!
@astronomicalmars 3 ай бұрын
10:05 In my country, eating one or two slices of toast with nutella is a super common and popular breakfast option. Also, our commercials still look like that, portraying happy families sitting around the breakfast table eating their bread and nutella
@gwennorthcutt421 2 ай бұрын
i first got introduced to nutella while visiting new zealanda nd i was like oh shit frosting for breakfast fuck yeah and then i got so stoked when it came to the US. i dont eat it anymore bc i fell out of habit but yeah its not that different from having pancakes w syrup really. i do think the commercial saying "hint of cocoa" is funny like. more than a hint lady!
@UrLocalPoTaTo_xd 2 ай бұрын
6:25 or you can just get pb & j from the jar and put on a slice of bread from Costco. Am I that lazy?
@colleenmarin8907 2 ай бұрын
I don't see how pointing out the lack of nutritional value is food shaming. When my parent decided that dinner was donuts or ice cream, it didn't make her a good parent
@ghostnebula8805 8 күн бұрын
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