How To Cope With Feelings Of Guilt

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Sullivan + Associates Clinical Psychology

Sullivan + Associates Clinical Psychology

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Twenty-five years in clinical practice and over 20,000 appointments later, it still amazes me how powerful feelings of guilt can be.
In my experience, feelings of guilt are often widespread and can be particularly damaging for mood.
And as we learn more about feelings of guilt through research, it seems that some people are particularly prone to feeling guilty, which can make it even more challenging to manage.
A dynamic model of guilt:
Personality and Major Depression:
Guilt Proneness and Moral Character:
There’s a heaviness to the word ‘guilt’ that seems to come with simply pronouncing it, and this feeling is even heavier to carry.
By definition, guilt can be described as “… a cognitive or emotional experience that occurs when a person believes or realizes - accurately or not - that they have compromised their own standards of conduct or have violated a universal moral standard and bear significant responsibility for that violation.”
But why do we experience feelings of guilt?
Based on a 2006 study by Dr. David Amodio and colleagues, their findings provide support for 2 popular theories of guilt.
First, that guilt is about punishing the self, and second, this feeling of guilt provides an impetus to undo the damage we’ve done.
Now that we know what guilt means and the purpose of guilt, I am going to discuss 2 initial steps that can help you cope with this uncomfortable feeling.
First, It’s important to identify when you feel guilty.
So, over the course of a day or two, write down which thoughts and situations create feelings of guilt, as well as the frequency and intensity of these feelings.
And second, I want you to review the thoughts and situations you’ve listed in your thought record and ask yourself, what would be an appropriate amount of guilt to feel for these thoughts or situations.
Or, said another way, if someone else had these same thoughts or situations listed, how much guilt do you think they should feel.
So, I hope you found this initial information about the purpose of guilt and initial steps for coping with feelings of guilt to be educational.
If you’re experiencing challenges implementing these steps, please contact us @
Thank you for watching, and be sure to watch part 2 of my video about How To Cope With Feelings of Guilt, which will be released shortly.
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@nynomadfjc3907 11 ай бұрын
On a daily and hourly basis i feel Guilt, Shame, Failure, Loneliness, Numbness, Fear, Isolation, Lost...
@sullivanandassociates 10 ай бұрын
I'm really sorry to hear that you're facing such difficult emotions on a regular basis, @nynomadfjc3907. The feelings you've described are intense and could be indicative of a deeper issue that deserves thorough evaluation and support. Although my videos aim to educate and provide general advice, they cannot fully substitute for one-on-one consultation and tailored treatment. Given the gravity of what you're going through, I strongly recommend you consider speaking with a healthcare provider or mental health professional as soon as possible. You don't have to navigate this challenging emotional landscape alone, and targeted professional help can offer you the tools to improve your mental well-being. If you're in immediate danger or experiencing a crisis, it's crucial to seek emergency help right away. Thank you for sharing your feelings here, and I truly hope you find the appropriate support.
@JM-ie4uf Жыл бұрын
I came up with a list of 50 items that make me feel guilty within an hour. Including "feeling guilty makes me feel guilty", "wanting to reduce my feelings of guilt makes me feel guilty". This video helped me sort through that list. My two mentioned items got removed from the list when I thought about whether I would find it fair if someone else felt guilty for these reasons and I did feel a sense of relief. I think one of the reasons why I kept these feelings of guilt is because I like riddles, I wanted to know the "why". The solution to this one turned out to be for me "being *filled* with feelings of guilt has no use". I trust the speaker because he is not famous (yet), so I think he can still focus on what he is most knowledgeable in and does not have to start giving an opinion about everything (sidepunch to JP). I also like that reference to research is included as well as mixing in some jokes to lift up the mood. Makes it very legit to me. Thank you, Trevor. P.s. I want to share a statement that I believe is true, that a therapist said on another video: AI, self help books, or self help videos are not threatening her job, because she has the opinion that "People do not lack knowledge, they lack taking action" and that's where she steps in with them. Keep that in mind!
@sullivanandassociates 4 ай бұрын
I'm so glad to hear that the video was helpful for you, @JM-ie4uf! It sounds like you've made significant progress in understanding and managing your feelings of guilt. The approach you took to challenge and reevaluate your feelings is a powerful example of self-reflection and growth. Remember, it's completely okay to seek understanding in our emotions, but it's also important to recognize when they may not be serving us in a positive way. Your insight about the value of taking action, as highlighted by the therapist you mentioned, is incredibly poignant. Knowledge is indeed crucial, but the transformation happens through action. It's wonderful that you've found a way to apply what you've learned to make meaningful changes in how you cope with guilt. Keep exploring, reflecting, and, most importantly, taking steps towards your well-being. And thank you for your kind words! Your feedback and insights are truly appreciated.
@homelessalcoholic2716 Жыл бұрын
Leaving my mark on a lonely video; good work, good info!
@sullivanandassociates Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it.
@hannahduggan3599 8 күн бұрын
I feel guilty all the time. When I was a little girl, I often bullied my dear baby brother Seth. Since he was a late talker, I bit his little ear, pushed him down the stairs, pushed him off the rocking chair, and hurt him in so many other ways. Now, I'm almost 28 years old and he's 23 years old. We still live in the same home together. Whenever I apologize to him, he says, "That's okay. I love you very much." When I was 12 years old, I called my newborn baby brother Jeremiah evil. He's 15 years old now. Whenever I apologize to him for that, he says, "That's okay. I don't remember any of that. I will always love you." Whenever I remind him that the real evil person was me for saying that about him, he says, "No. You're not evil. If you love and believe in God and Jesus Christ, you're not evil. I love and believe in God and Jesus." I also feel extremely guilty about how I treated my music teacher when I was in elementary school. When I was in the 1st grade, I loved him. When I was in the 2nd grade, I started getting annoyed by him. When I was in the 3rd grade, I started hating him. When I was in the 4th grade, I accused him of doing things that he never did. When I was in the 3rd grade, he was teaching me and my class how to play Down By The Station on the recorder. I threw my recorder at him and yelled, "I HATE YOU!" I always write sincere apology letters to him, but he never writes back. He probably hates me now. Also, when I was 10 to 11 years old, I accused my loving parents, especially my loving father, of child abuse. Whenever I apologize to Daddy, he tells me to forget about it and that he will always love me. Whenever I apologize to Mommy, she tells me that I have already been forgiven a long time ago. Last year, when I was 26 years old, I felt extremely guilty about lying to my elementary school guidance counselor when I was 10 years old. I often told her that Daddy was hurting me, which was a big fat lie. So, at 26 years old, I decided to write her a letter, telling her the truth. When she got the letter, she called the police department. The police department then called my home while I was helping Mommy do laundry. When a handsome young policeman came to my house, he talked to me about the letter I mailed to my elementary school guidance counselor. He told me that she already knew that I lied to her at 10 years old. Every night, I just lie in bed thinking about what a horrible person I am for treating all these wonderful people so horribly. The only thing I want to do right now is go to my elementary school music teacher's house, apologize to him in person, and have him teach me how to play Down By The Station on the recorder. He retired in the mid 2010's. If he is still doing anything with music, that's great. Even if he's just lying in bed while listening to music, that's great, too. My elementary school music teacher was such a kind man. He was also very handsome. I saw recent pictures of him on his Facebook page. He has grandchildren now. He is still as handsome as as when he was my elementary school music teacher. I want this same guy to teach me how to play Down By The Station on the recorder.
@cypherpunk12 Жыл бұрын
Believe it or not I feel extremely guilty about a fish I had to euthanize. This fish became ill because I didn't know how to keep the aquarium correctly, despite following all instructions the fish still ended up in a bad way, and eventually could not move and was floating on the surface, still breathing, and it could not eat food. I wanted it to die in peace so I left it peacefully in the tank to die in its sleep. 3 days later it is still alive, starving, suffering and can no longer see. Now I felt guilt about letting it go so long, in my defence I did buy the medication and it still did not work, there was nothing else I could do. I looked online about how to humanly euthanize a fish. Some seemed quite terrable, things like putting it in the freezer or taking a knife and decapitation of the fish, one even said "put it in boiling water." I found one that explained that putting aspirin in a cup and putting the fish in would kill the fish in seconds, it explained that the carbon dioxide from the tablet removed the oxygen from the water fast. I put the sick fish in the cup, appologised for letting it suffer so long and dropped in the tablet, I made a huge mistake. I should have put the aspirin in the water first and let it build up the CO2 first. The fish started to panic threw in 2 more aspirin as quickly as I could it lived about 30 or more seconds. I can't be sure exactly how long it lasted because the aspirin bubbles made it move. I know that fish are cold blooded and do not feel pain the fish had already been slipping in and out of consciousness so this was nothing new. Finally I asked if I were in that situation what would I choose, well 30 seconds of stress rather than another few days of starvation. Given all this I can not feel better about my actions. The crazy part is I'm ex military and have shot people. I don't feel guilty about this as these people deserved to die, and would have shot me if I didn't shoot them. I also eat fish, that due in less humaine ways than my sick fish. I feel this guilt because I didn't care for the fish properly and it got to this state because of me. In my defence it was an honest mistake, I read all the labels on the bottles and measured exactly. But my mistake meant something I purchased for my entertainment died, I had a duty to look after this tiny life and I failed. Had the fish gotten older and died of old age I would have been fine with this, but this one was young. Why do I feel such horrendous guilt over something so simple?
@myth.2k Жыл бұрын
Bro that is repressed guilt from the military manifesting into a much smaller issue. Trust me.
@cypherpunk12 Жыл бұрын
@@myth.2k you are probably right to an extent, the people I shot were trying to kill me or others, this is why there is no guilt. The fish was small and innocent, that's why I feel guilt, it was not trying to hurt me or my family.
@sullivanandassociates 9 ай бұрын
Guilt can be a complex emotion that doesn't always follow linear logic. The disproportionate guilt you're feeling about the fish compared to your military experience might be tied to the different contexts and ethical considerations in each situation. In the military, the lines are drawn-you have a duty to protect yourself and your comrades. The actions you took were a result of life-or-death situations where you likely felt justified in your actions, as you were operating under an established moral and legal framework. On the other hand, your relationship with the fish was one where you held all the power and responsibility for its well-being. You set out to care for it and unintentionally failed. It was dependent on you, and the choices you made directly led to its suffering and eventual death. In that sense, the guilt might be tied to a perceived breach of responsibility you had towards a vulnerable being. Moreover, the fish's suffering was drawn out, and you had time to ponder the ethical implications of your actions. This differs from a battlefield scenario, where decisions often have to be made in the blink of an eye. And as @myth.2k pointed out, there might be elements of repressed guilt from your military experiences manifesting in this situation. Sometimes, we displace emotions from one scenario to another, especially if the original situation was too overwhelming to process fully. Your guilt might also serve as a 'safety valve' for moral and ethical considerations that you haven't fully processed, a way for your conscience to 'act out' in a scenario with lower stakes but clear moral implications. If the feelings of guilt persist, it might be helpful to talk to a therapist who can help you explore these complex emotions more thoroughly. Remember, understanding your guilt is the first step toward coping with it and forgiving yourself.
@cypherpunk12 9 ай бұрын
@@sullivanandassociates I think you hit the nail on the head, thanks for that. I don't see any link to what myth.2k said, but what you said made a lot of sense. The people I killed in the military also deserved to die, my fish did not, it was just living its life, and I took that from him in a painful manner. I deserve the guilt for the fish, I do not feel guilt for the enemies I killed. The only guilt I have ever felt for the enemies is their family, Sometimes the bodies would have a wedding ring on them, this means that a wife is not going to see her husband again, and its highly likely children will never see their father again. Children in particular do not understand what a douche bag their father is, and why death was appropriate, so I feel guilt for those children, but its very little guilt. I myself had a dead beat father, and although it was horrid as a child, I have no sadness now as an adult. Thank you for your response, I still feel horrid for the fish, but I also understand my ex girlfriend who purchased the fish did nothing, she slept like a baby whilst I was awake trying to help the fish, spending days studying what the cause is. I also believe that I know what we did wrong, and she was told by the pet store when she purchased them, and she did not listen. I still feel about 10% responsible but the blame lies 90% with her.
@Hrat_6221 10 ай бұрын
What about when your guilt is justified? I hurt someone I love. I deserve to feel guilty, I just don’t know how to process it and make it right.
@sullivanandassociates 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, @user-pb3bc4nn9z. The feelings you describe are complex and challenging to navigate. Guilt can serve as a sign that we've done something against our values and gives us the opportunity to make amends. However, it's important to remember that while guilt can be a motivating force to improve and make reparations, chronic guilt can be unproductive and damaging. That being said, I must emphasize that my videos are not a substitute for professional therapeutic advice. If you're struggling with feelings of guilt and looking to make amends in a relationship, a qualified mental health professional can provide the necessary guidance and coping strategies tailored to your situation. Thank you for bringing up this important point, and I hope you find the help you need to navigate this challenging emotional landscape.
@zurileon5801 4 ай бұрын
I feel it's important to mention that guilt can alsi stem from lack of action. I have suspicions my sister might be being assaulted, but i have no proof, and everyone to whom I've brought it up tells me it's just my trust issues. But she looks so horrible and it's eating me alive to not be able to help her.
@sullivanandassociates 4 ай бұрын
It's incredibly difficult to watch someone you care about suffer, especially when you feel unsure about how to help. Guilt stemming from perceived inaction is a heavy burden to carry. It's important to trust your instincts. If you believe your sister might be in danger or is experiencing harm, it's critical to approach the situation with sensitivity and care. Consider having an open, non-judgmental conversation with her, expressing your concerns and letting her know you're there for her, without pressuring her to open up before she's ready. Remember, support comes in many forms. Encouraging her to speak with a professional who can provide the right support and guidance could be a helpful step. There are also hotlines and organizations dedicated to helping individuals in abusive situations that can offer advice on how to proceed. Taking action, even if it's just gathering information or offering your support, can make a difference. It's also important to care for yourself during this time. Seeking support from a counselor or a support group can provide you with a space to process your feelings and learn how to best assist your sister. Remember, you're doing the best you can with the information and resources you have.
@flatsamiscool 5 ай бұрын
I grew up in a religion where I was taught that my guilt needed to stay until I told my bishop and talked to God about it. I’m no longer part of that religion, but I had that drilled into me so much that I have no idea how to handle guilt and how to let it go without telling someone. Often telling someone would only cause problems that wouldn’t be necessary. Either that person wasn’t involved or I feel like I’d be bringing up things both of us would rather move on from. It’s confusing.
@sullivanandassociates 5 ай бұрын
@flatsamiscool, navigating feelings of guilt without the framework of a religion you've moved away from can indeed feel confusing and overwhelming. The process you were accustomed to provided a clear path for resolving guilt, and without it, you might feel untethered. It's important to remember that guilt is a natural emotion, serving as a signal that we've acted against our values. Acknowledging your feelings internally and learning to forgive yourself are crucial steps toward healing. One method to cope without involving others unnecessarily is to write down your feelings. This can be a form of confession and release without burdening or involving others, especially if the matter is personal or resolved. Reflect on why you feel guilty, what you've learned, and how you can avoid similar situations in the future. This self-reflection can be a powerful tool for personal growth. Mindfulness practices can also help you sit with your feelings without judgment, acknowledging them as temporary states that do not define you. Over time, this can help reduce the intensity of guilt and teach you healthier ways to process it. If guilt persists and affects your well-being, seeking counseling can provide a confidential space to explore these feelings. A therapist can help you develop new strategies for coping with guilt and moving forward in a way that aligns with your current beliefs and values. Remember, it's okay to seek help and support as you navigate this journey.
@yeebby1 6 ай бұрын
Unfortunately my family engraved the hate inside of me long before I even realized it. Let’s just say, it’s been a long and painful road to healing.
@sullivanandassociates 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely, @yeebby1. Healing from deeply ingrained negative feelings, especially those rooted in family dynamics, is indeed challenging. Acknowledging this difficult journey is a crucial step in your healing process. Consider exploring these feelings with a therapist who can offer guidance and support. Finding communities that share similar experiences can also be incredibly beneficial. Remember, healing is a journey that involves small, yet significant steps. Your resilience in facing these challenges is commendable. Thank you for opening up about your experiences. Keep taking care of yourself and celebrating each step forward in your healing journey.
@jodrichy 7 ай бұрын
I know why I feel guilt. I keep feeling like I don't want to be here.I know I should appreciate my life because the world is lovely but I don't feel like the I fit in and what they humanrace dose to the earth and to each other hurts my heart everyday.
@sullivanandassociates 7 ай бұрын
It sounds like you're carrying a lot of emotional weight, @jodrichy. The feelings you're describing, of not fitting in and being deeply affected by the state of the world and human actions, are valid and more common than you might think. This kind of empathy and sensitivity can be both a gift and a burden, as it allows you to deeply understand and feel for the world around you, but it can also lead to feelings of guilt and disconnection. Remember, it's okay to feel overwhelmed by these things, but it's also important to find ways to cope and take care of your mental health. Finding a balance between staying informed and engaged with the world and protecting your own emotional well-being is crucial. This might involve setting boundaries around your exposure to news or distressing information, seeking support from like-minded individuals, or engaging in activities that ground you and bring you peace. If these feelings continue to weigh heavily on you, consider speaking with a mental health professional. They can offer strategies and support to help you navigate these complex emotions. Remember, your feelings are important, and taking care of your mental and emotional health is a priority.
@axeemmax1616 5 ай бұрын
I feel guilty because I lost a lot of things from my past life just because of other people advice . When I was going through that phase of life i was in extreme pain for some reason . I hurt myself and other people a lot .I dont have my own opinion over anything .I feel ashamed of it😢..This iss the same reason I lost the love of my life . Now I alone and guilty at same time .
@sullivanandassociates 5 ай бұрын
@axeemmax1616, coping with feelings of guilt, especially when it's linked to significant losses and self-harm, is indeed challenging. The pain and isolation you're feeling are understandable reactions to such profound experiences. However, it's important to remember that healing is possible, and you can move past this guilt. First, acknowledging these feelings is a crucial step towards healing. It shows a willingness to face the pain rather than avoid it. Your awareness of the impact of others' advice and the subsequent consequences is an essential insight that can guide your healing process. Self-compassion is critical. Understand that everyone makes decisions that they later regret, but these decisions don't define your worth. Practicing self-compassion means treating yourself with the same kindness, concern, and support you would offer a good friend. Seeking professional support can be incredibly beneficial. A therapist can provide a safe space to explore these feelings, understand their roots, and develop strategies to cope with them. They can also help you build self-esteem and learn to trust your judgment, which seems to be a significant area of pain for you. Lastly, finding ways to reconnect with yourself and others, perhaps through shared activities, support groups, or hobbies, can help alleviate loneliness and build a new sense of community and belonging. Remember, guilt is an emotion that signals us to reflect on our actions, but it shouldn't be a place where we live permanently. You deserve forgiveness, from yourself most of all.
@sunishabali6703 6 ай бұрын
My six old daughter got sexully abused by a 12 years girl i blame my that i not good mother i was able to protect my child can't sleep at night . I cry i get bad headache. I dont what to do.
@sullivanandassociates 6 ай бұрын
I'm really sorry to hear about what you and your daughter are going through. It's an incredibly difficult and painful situation. Please know that what happened is not a reflection of your worth or capabilities as a mother. These situations can be extremely complex and are not your fault. Your feelings of guilt, while understandable, are a natural response to a very traumatic event. It's important to seek professional support for both you and your daughter. A therapist or counsellor can provide a safe space to process these emotions and help guide you through healing. They can also offer specific strategies for coping with the trauma and its aftermath. For your daughter, receiving age-appropriate counselling is crucial. A child psychologist or therapist trained in dealing with trauma can help her understand and heal in a way that's suitable for her age and the situation. Remember, taking care of yourself is also important. It's okay to seek support for your own mental health. Support groups, either in-person or online, might be helpful as well. Connecting with others who have been through similar experiences can be comforting and provide a sense of community and understanding. If you're struggling with sleep and physical symptoms like headaches, it might be worth discussing these with your healthcare provider. They can offer medical advice and help address these symptoms which may be exacerbated by stress and trauma. Your strength in seeking help and wanting to heal is commendable. Please take care and reach out to local resources for support.
@sunishabali6703 6 ай бұрын
@sullivanandassociates thank for your reply 🙏 I will definitely seek help.
@user-ne2uw8ji7h Ай бұрын
So sorry to hear that.Evil. Another child abusing another child,sad also. You can only do your best your human. Being there for your child is the best medicine. ✌️❤️
@warriorxtman2 Ай бұрын
Fast forward to 6:09
@woman178 7 ай бұрын
You can learn here guilty feeling s your feelings of guilt tremendous kind of phychology and experiment
@sullivanandassociates 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment, @woman178! It sounds like you found the insights on feelings of guilt quite enlightening. Psychology and experimentation can indeed offer valuable perspectives on understanding and managing our emotions. I'm glad to hear that this information resonated with you. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any points, feel free to ask! 🧠✨
@user-fu7mu2bs5y 8 ай бұрын
"what's fair in this situation" is not useful because Every situation and person is unique And "fairness" is similar or jealousy It's not about the other, what they do, it's about are YOU living your life as your Unique Self or not If you are living your life aligned with your Unique Self then there is no jealousy because you're enough, you know your Unique Self is the source of your dignity and prosperity "Fairness" is not useful also because it's similar to "equality" and the universe creates everything Unique and no two things are exactly the same, so equality and fairness are most likely a part of magical thinking or a similarity bias
@sullivanandassociates 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely, @user-fu7mu2bs5y. Your unique take is really intriguing, especially how you connect 'fairness' with living as your 'Unique Self.' It suggests that being true to who we are can help us avoid getting tangled up in comparisons or worries about fairness. Every situation and person is indeed different, and the idea of a one-size-fits-all notion of fairness doesn’t always hold up. It's a crucial reminder that what’s effective for one person may not be for another. Your perspective on the universe’s uniqueness is quite profound. It challenges us to think beyond the conventional notions of equality and fairness, acknowledging the distinct journey each person embarks on. Thank you for contributing your thoughts to this discussion. They offer valuable insights into the complexities of guilt. Your perspective underscores the importance of exploring and understanding what resonates with us on an individual level.
@skandamurgan4378 Жыл бұрын
I feel guilty because I ruin my dream of getting my dream job. I had done several guesses in negative marking and miss cutoff by 2 marks. After crossing 3 stages . I ruined my 6 months of hardship
@sullivanandassociates 9 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear about your experience, @skandamurgan4378. Missing a goal by such a narrow margin after putting in so much effort is understandably disappointing and can evoke strong feelings of guilt. While it's natural to dwell on what you could have done differently, it's also important to remember that setbacks are a part of any journey. Your effort over those 6 months wasn't in vain; it's experience that you can build upon for your next opportunity. Guilt can be a harsh emotion, but it can also be a motivator to reassess and recalibrate your strategies for the future. Take this as a learning experience and don't let it define you. Thank you for sharing, and I hope your path leads you to your dream job or perhaps even something better.
@AnshikaYadav-dj9pu 2 ай бұрын
am girl when I entered in new school in 9th standard. Classmates and dthat school was somehow seems like to give attention to beautiful girls and only talk to them may be they are not mature enough. So I was not beautiful I was skinny and I had not have dressing sense and before that I have not realised that I am lacking something in me. So whey whispers in ears that I am not beautiful I am looking or I am walking bad there eyes and all says everything so there was a boy in my class who was not good looking so they add my name to him and even girls who are beautiful they are very much proud of themselves this all give me depression or anxiety and I show that I am happy and I don't feel bad what they say. But inner me was saying that where I am i awant to leave this place right now I was young and also want that attention because emot a single friend there so I always start to find bad company. And I failed in that class. And repeat that class sma ehappened in that class too boys whispers and said I am a boy because ei don't have figure and all and how bad I am looking. And that was my age where we all need male attention. So I start lying by making fake Facebook I'd that I have a good family and they are good looking talking to one or three of my classmates and theys tart talking to me in class for five ten minutes but that was enough for me they also got to know I am good at study but I am repeating the class. After conversation one become my friend and after sometime I fall in love with them and he also but he never considered me beautiful and never praised even I know deep down he loves or support beautiful but somehow he loves my conversation. So he is connected deeply. Because whenever hsi friends and all say bad about my face and body or they spread rumours he present there but never defend me I was feeling more sad. Whom I love I can't even tell truth about those fake I'd and how I am in depression my confidence was low. And there was no empathy in classmates. Whatever beutiful girls said they believe. And after some in my class 12th one person gotbto know that I am using those I'd because I talk a lot to two three people and he got to know and I was using picture of someone beautiful girl s sister or brother who was always feels me down and and that boy said to everyone how can she do it I was talking to her because ei thought that were her sister or brother who are beautiful I never talk to her he said to my bf that leave her she is a liar. After that I also scared I closed every account and that boy and my whole class against me he tell mor ethings he said I have bad intention towards texing them and all he said slut and all things make fun wherever he goes. I stayed away from my bf he was confused and also feeling betrayed I was not able to tell truth because I never want to hurt that he can't even trust girl and I don't want myself to look down in his eyes. And after sometime when he start researching he also got to know. He got some idea that I was lying. But I had promised that I have to tell something before this happens but I was unable to he went to delhi he falls in love with another girl when I watch that photo on Instagram I couldn't hold my tears from 4 years I isolated myself I tried to message him when he asked me I scared and tell more lie about my family so I stop texting and he also got to know ia lways make false story I regret. When I was in college I thought I should make new friends but those eclassmates of mine they tell evryone that she is a liar don't talk to her. Talk to her if you want to enjoy. I am feeling guilty since 4 years I am not doing significant in life even though I had big dreams
@sullivanandassociates Ай бұрын
Anshika, your story is a poignant reminder of the immense pain that bullying and feelings of inadequacy can cause. It's clear that you've been through a lot, and it's understandable to feel overwhelmed by guilt and regret. However, please remember that you were young and trying to navigate a difficult social environment. Your actions were driven by a desire for connection and acceptance, which is something we all yearn for. It's important to acknowledge the hurt you may have caused, but it's equally crucial to forgive yourself. Holding onto guilt will only weigh you down and prevent you from moving forward. Instead, focus on learning from your experiences and using them to grow stronger and more resilient. Remember, you are not defined by your past mistakes. You have the power to create a new narrative for yourself, one that is filled with self-love, compassion, and authenticity. Don't let the negativity of others dim your light. Focus on your strengths, pursue your passions, and surround yourself with people who appreciate you for who you are. Your dreams are still within reach. It may take time and effort to heal and rebuild your confidence, but it is possible. Seek support from loved ones, a therapist, or a support group. Remember, you are not alone. This is a new chapter in your life. Let go of the past, embrace your true self, and move forward with courage and determination. You deserve happiness and success.
@prasantkumar7074 Ай бұрын
A very thanks to you
@GTRliffe 11 ай бұрын
single incidents no matter the size help children grow small snippets of trauma does wonders to children, they get too experience hyper-reality for a brief moment children are less human today, that’s for sure! Learning technique is different, discipline techniques are also need too add some “hyper-realism” in order too snap away from the digital sphere there usually in
@sullivanandassociates 8 ай бұрын
It's an interesting perspective you have there, @GTRliffe. It sounds like you're touching on the idea that encountering challenges can contribute to growth, which is a valid point to a certain extent. However, it's crucial to differentiate between the kind of stress that can foster resilience and what could be traumatic. While it's true that overcoming minor challenges can indeed help children develop coping skills, we have to be careful when using the word 'trauma.' True trauma can have long-lasting negative effects on a child's emotional well-being and development. You're right that the digital age has brought significant changes to how children learn and interact with the world, which isn't necessarily a bad thing; it's just different. Adapting to these changes while maintaining a balance with 'real-world' experiences is something that educators and parents are continually working on. Your point about adding "hyper-realism" is thought-provoking. It seems you're advocating for experiences that connect children more directly with tangible, everyday life situations, which can be beneficial. It's all about balance and ensuring that the experiences we provide for children support their growth in healthy ways. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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