I Told My Wife Oue Daughter And Her Husband Were Freeloading In Our House r/Relationships

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@sunnie9754 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: I’m a film student and we were told on the Uni’s open day “you’re probably never going to be famous filmmakers”. It sounds harsh but it was really important to be told before signing on to the course because so many people go into it wanting to edit or write or direct films as a career but most people, no matter how talented, will never achieve it. The film industry is all about pulling strings and getting lucky being in the right place at the right time. The son-in-law’s dream career is admirable but they need to look at it realistically because if they waited to achieve their dreams to move out the chances are they would be living there forever.
@WhitneyDahlin Жыл бұрын
‼️ I think the Dad should encourage them to start volunteering. Since they're only working part-time, they should be volunteering part-time. So that way they can try out a bunch of different careers and hopefully find something that they love. That's what happened to me! I wasn't living with my parents but I started volunteering for hospice when I was in a really depressed place in life and I just needed something to keep me busy. And I ended up loving it so much I went to school and got my nursing degree and now that's what I do for a career! Volunteering for hospice literally changed my entire life. It puts everything into perspective when you're dealing with life and death problems. When you are helping those who really need it and supporting and making a difference in people's lives. So I think the Dad should tell them if they're working part-time they need to be volunteering part time.
@sunnie9754 Жыл бұрын
@@WhitneyDahlin I second this! Volunteering is such a good thing for testing out career paths you otherwise never would have considered. I used to hate kids but when my cousin had her daughter I realised when I visited how much I loved spending time with her and now I’m looking into teaching English abroad or being a nanny after I finish Uni and look for a path into the film industry. It means I can still use my spare time to work on my dream but in the meantime I have a more stable job and won’t have to worry about putting all my eggs in one basket!
@hilaryelizabeth8812 Жыл бұрын
Actually as someone with a film degree, I wish film programs would tell students that they should open their minds to other possibilities beyond being a director or editor or screenwriter, because it IS possible for people to make it but it takes a lot of luck, and if luck isn't on your side then spending potentially decades doing work that isn't fulfilling in the hopes that you will do the fulfilling work someday is something that most people wouldn't want to do even if they knew after 20 years of working they might finally get the opportunity to work on something that they always dreamed of. I feel like way too many people already tell people who are interested in the arts that they can't make it or that it's worthless when that's really not true, it's really that the more reachable (and honestly sometimes more appealing) options aren't really presented as options to people with these interests. My film degree is vital to my actual job (which is essentially writing and editing about movies/TV shows) and having a film-related career actually IS very doable, but it would have been far more helpful if studying film was framed from a POV of "don't imagine what you want the end result to be, imagine something that you can actually do every day of the week and enjoy." Because I now know that I think production is a slog and the grind is absolutely not worth it if it's not a project you're passionate about, but I also know that I can sit around all day writing about the movies that I do love, and I tend to enjoy filmmaking more as a viewer and analyst than as a creator because I don't have the patience for all of the legwork that goes into making a good movie. So I think it's actually realistic for OP's son-in-law to find something to do with his talents and abilities, it just might not be what he expects it to be, and it's unfortunate that he doesn't have anyone there to present him with ideas for possibilities that he probably hasn't considered yet. So telling students that you're probably never going to be famous filmmakers is fair, but it would be awesome if they added on "but here's all of the shit you CAN do with a film education and never even thought of as an option."
@sunnie9754 Жыл бұрын
@@hilaryelizabeth8812 Oh I very much over-simplified what was said as it was a whole introduction to the course and they very much did not imply it was a useless degree, more saying the same thing you are. So many students want to be a famous director, cinematographer, screenwriter, etc, and the teacher was more saying it's extremely unlikely that you'd reach those levels as there are a lot of students that join and will pretty much refuse to do anything except the one area they're interested in. They were very enthusiastic about the variety of roles available and how much students enjoyed it so apologies if it read as completely dismissive of the subject. I actually wish people would respect Film as an area of study more. I personally take Film Studies (not Production but I have taken Production modules) and I've had people on scientific or more traditionally "academic" courses belittle the subject saying it's just watching and talking about movies when in reality for my modules and essays we've studied business, sociology, psychology, history, and politics. It's a humanities degree which unfortunately some people don't realise and then are really surprised when I pull out an assignment about Thatcherism in 1970s Britain and how it's reflected in [Insert Film Here]. It's a really detailed subject and a lot more complex than just watching movies. In some of my modules I've even had to learn coding, a bunch of photo and video editing softwares, and even gone into physics for lighting and sound! I've been lucky enough to gain a mentor in one of my teachers for even after I graduate (which I will hopefully do next year) and I really appreciate the fact I can study something creative that I love. I completely agree with you - the arts are such an important and yet overlooked subject and I hope that some day they'll be given the same respect as more traditionally "academic" subjects.
@untiedshoelaces2588 Жыл бұрын
The son in law could do some short films that highlight his skills and post them on KZbin linked to his LinkedIn
@seaweedbrain5598 Жыл бұрын
Please don't fix the Oue, Im loving it
@Markee Жыл бұрын
@Goldenxbih Жыл бұрын
@jfcfanfic Жыл бұрын
I have to agree...made me laugh.
@angelaa7388 Жыл бұрын
Does this mean something I am missing, or is it just a typo?
@nurhaqim7159 Жыл бұрын
​@@Markee you better don't. It sound more authentic.
@poohbear4515 Жыл бұрын
S2: “I’m calling the police, you thief!” “Okay. Call them. I’ll just show evidence that your little shitheads have been coming onto my property constantly and throwing their ball over which is probably on purpose at this point. Let’s see who will get the ticket, then.”
@recycledapathy7411 Жыл бұрын
That's my thought too. "Do it. I fixed my fence so they couldn't trespass anymore. They're targeting us now because my wife is disabled."
@annaisnotdum3337 Жыл бұрын
She probably is selling tattoo designs to the people who are getting them NOT to the shop
@jgw5491 Жыл бұрын
OP with the baby at the cafe should have told the old fuddy-duddies that they had taught their baby to save his outside voice for outside, and that he had learned splendidly!
@catsncrows Жыл бұрын
I feel horrified for her kids. Did she keep them locked in an attic and told them to be seen but not heard when company is over? I wonder if they still talk to her
@recycledapathy7411 Жыл бұрын
​@@catsncrows Right? If the sound of a happy baby annoys her that much, she's a miserable person and her kids were probably miserable having her as a mother.
@wmdkitty Жыл бұрын
Nope, OP should have left. Babies don't belong in public.
@stellamccoy5259 Жыл бұрын
Story 1, NTA OP. Your daughter and her boyfriend are too old to be living with you without having proper jobs. This is called enabling. My aunt enabled her son, and after she died, he became a drug addict and even ended up in jail. No one knows if he is even alive today. Parents aren't doing their kids any good by enabling them. Credit card debt, no shit, get a job dead beats. So these are college grads working in a movie theater? Why even go to college?
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
You really think you can just walk into a business, slap your degree down on the counter, and ask, "When do I start?" Having a college degree does not automatically mean better employers will hire you. Employers almost always want someone with "job experience", hence, you have to work somewhere else first, like... 😲 a movie theater!
@jessicarichards6796 Жыл бұрын
Who gets mad at baby babbles? It’s about as cute as puppies playing.
@anymous8407 Жыл бұрын
Right? It’s one of the cutest things on earth
@Thewavedemonjackal Жыл бұрын
@streamerssaymyname Жыл бұрын
Who gets mad at baby babbles? People who hate kids. She probably lied about not bringing her kids out until they learned to be quiet too, just to feel superior.
@katphish30 Жыл бұрын
I have a sensory processing disorder, and some of the happy sounds babies make are very painful for me. Squealing and screeching especially hurt. BUT. That's what babies do. They need to do it, and there's nothing to be done about it anyway. I've politely asked to be moved indoors when it was very loud and I couldn't deal with it, but I've never said a single word or shot a single dirty look to a baby's parent.
@animatorstanley Жыл бұрын
There are places where you shouldn't bring babies. Theaters, super fancy restaurants, adult only spaces. An outdoor Cafe is not one of those places.
@PinkMarshmallows Жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. I know how OP feels, as I have a BIL freeloading at my husband's and I's house. We have told him he can stay with us IF he helps around the house, and he does, though he takes care of the outside. So, if OP's daughter and SIL are helping around the house, then he shouldn't be complaining, but it sounds like they do not.
@sonialinsey8083 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like they pulled the emotional manipulation card on OP no offense. 6k of debt is pretty depressing but 1/2 of America is on antidepressants so they need to get off their butts.
@JK-sh8rc Жыл бұрын
OP's daughter designs tatoos and the fiance wants to be a film editor? Without proper jobs they're going to have a hard time finding anyone who's willing to rent to them. And when OP said they had a really hard time finding jobs after graduating, I assumed he meant college. If the only jobs they can find are at a movie theater then maybe he meant high school. Depression or not, they're both taking advantage of OP. And OP's wife is an enabler.
@dannyholland7209 Жыл бұрын
​@@JK-sh8rc Video editors can and do make good money and will only be more in demand going forward. (Source: you're watching an edited video.) It's just leveraging yur skillset.
@ruthhenderson5413 Жыл бұрын
@@dannyholland7209: There is also a lot of demand for skilled, well-paid editing of demonstration "reels" for actors, singers, musicians, stunt people and others in the entertainment industry. While building up a clientele, it's good to have a day job.
@kyriacarica5862 Жыл бұрын
People really getting up in arms about babies existing. Lots of people feel like children should be seen and not heard. If it was a kid or a toddler screeching at the top of their lungs and throwing a tantrum then definitely, parents would be TA for just letting them. But this was a babbling *baby* ffs. Who the hell gives a baby grief for *babbling* “Wife is hesitant to go out to avoid me responding like that to people” Why is the wife punishing OP for *defending their child* from an entitled AH??
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
The problem with hopping the fence is that today people are far more litigious than they were 30/40 years ago and kids aren't taught boundaries and respect as early as they used to (i.e. get the ball and leave). It's also not as easy since nowadays the 4ft chain link fences have been replaced with 6ft PVC privacy fences. My back yard is adjacent to other peoples' back yards and separated by fences. Their balls go over the fence and our balls go over the fence. Sometimes we/they walk around the block and ask, sometimes we/they yell over the fence and ask, and other times we/they wait until someone sees it and throws it back over. It just takes patience and manners. Unless it's a really low income area, most kids can find another ball they can substitute for a couple of hours.
@streamerssaymyname Жыл бұрын
Even 30/40 years ago you had kids be jerks because they were bored and go through other peoples property. The kid didn't do it because he wasn't taught boundaries/respect, he is entertaining himself with the beginnings of thievery and a ball going over the fence is a great cover.
@GleekPlay1 Жыл бұрын
I've been this person in 2 weddings. I was good enough to help plan the shower, to show up early to make sure things ran smoothly for the bride, to provide many engagement, shower, and wedding gifts - but every time, "not enough spots, sorry." One, it's made me hate weddings in general, and two, when you've helped the bridal party learn their stupid entry dance, but can't participate - I'm sorry, you do feel left out and hurt. NTA, as far as I'm concerned. Wish I could sit with OP through the ceremony and make fun of the bridal party with her to cheer her up!
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
This may seem silly, but I'm reminded of an episode of "Facts of Life" where Mrs. Garrett realizes she's been supporting her son's dreams of being a musician too long. She made a good speech about a dream vs. a fantasy. A dream is something you work towards, while a fantasy is something you wait to come. In this instance, her son was relieved as he felt he had to keep up appearances and had been lying because he didn't want to disappoint her by "giving up" and going in another direction. Turned out he was really talented at carpentry. There are full time jobs people can do while working towards making a living at what they love. A lot of careers have ancillary occupations that are easier to get into and allow you to make contacts (e.g. many actors and filmmakers started out in stunt work). If the future SIL wants to get into film editing, maybe he needs to learn other aspects of the industry (sound, lighting, etc.) and get a fulltime job in one of those fields. It will get him in the door.
@sunnie9754 Жыл бұрын
I think this is a really good analogy actually. I'm a film student and a lot of students join the course and insist on only doing one area of it because they want to be a famous [insert film production role here] before trying another role halfway through the course and then realising they could never see themselves doing the original role and instead have found a passion for the new one. I did it myself actually; I was so insistent that I wanted to do cinematography or editing before realising I actually find them really dull and much prefer screenwriting, the pre-production side of things, and marketing. It's such a varied field of work with so many interesting jobs you just have to work your way up and find your niche!
@carlrood4457 Жыл бұрын
Look, there are places where kids/babies don't belong. An outdoor cafe in a public park IS NOT one of those places. Also, there's a big difference between a baby babbling and screaming/crying. One is fairly quiet/easily ignored (also usually adorable). The other is disrupting. I suspect the woman has other issues regarding babies, like son/daughter is either child free and won't let this lady see her grandchildren.
@jbgra2566 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! It wasn't a cinema or a night club, it was a cafe in a public park! The karen lady seems way too bitter, or she's actually a child hater and didn't really had any kids to begin with
@wmdkitty Жыл бұрын
Nope. Babies don't belong in public until they can keep quiet.
@scarlettg.5772 Жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty babies and kids need to be socialized. They can’t be socialized if they’re never allowed in public… Also parents shouldn’t have to be outcast from society because they have babies. It’s often necessary for parents to bring babies places. You cannot leave babies or young children alone and you don’t always have someone else to watch them.
@kyriacarica5862 Жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty if you can’t handle children co-existing with you, a fully grown adult, I don’t know what to tell you. How are they supposed to learn socialization if they aren’t put in a situation where they need to do it, genius
@ZombieSazza Жыл бұрын
So he’s not asking that his daughter pay rent or that she try and look for somewhere else to live, it just sounds like he’s disappointed that she isn’t what he expected her to be. She’s a grown woman and has chosen her own path in life, one she’s happy with by the sounds of it, and instead of being proud of his daughters artistic skill or proud she’s found happiness in life, he sounds bitter than she isn’t what he wants her to be. The reason I get that feeling? Phrases like “pissing away her life” and “wasting away her potential”, which is just depressing. Equally folk do often have to take on jobs to earn a reasonable wage so they can pay for bills and rent, the credit card debt is worrying and honestly the best thing OPs daughter could do is seek financial advice, whilst finding a full time job to help pay off her debts. It’s fine to want to have a dream job, but you do also need to survive in this world.
@QueenOfTheZombieApocalypse Жыл бұрын
Yeah, this is one I would love to get a “the other side” post. I think there is a good chance they are both actively working - just not in what OP considers “real jobs”
@sorantohell5096 Жыл бұрын
She is pissing her life away though. Did you even listen to the update? They are in 6k debt and had no savings, no work, no prospects of a future. They had to realize their "dream" was never going to work so they can finally do something else.
@axlengland Жыл бұрын
​@@QueenOfTheZombieApocalypsethis is one hell of an asinine comment. The story isn't poorly told, or one-sided at all. These late twenties "kids" don't have jobs or jobs prospects, and have maxed out their 5 credit cards.... A reasonable person would tell them to get a(ny) job to pay down the debt and find their own place. Reasonable.
@QueenOfTheZombieApocalypse Жыл бұрын
@@axlengland sounds like you have some personal issues to work through. Good luck with that buddy.
@thebigmystery7841 Жыл бұрын
Man...the first story and how depression works is very very true. My husband and I also lived with his mom after our home was flooded after we had just moved back to our home town. So we were already shaky on the job situation and then had no home. His mother told us to live with her...and it wasnt until living with her I realized why my husband moved states to be with me. She berated us, didnt believe in mental health issues and she was born in the 50s. So she had a lot of a old mindset and views of how our relationship should be. It was pretty awful to live with. Our depression got worse and worse, job situation got worse, and his mother almost loved to get into arguments for no reason. After a fight we were able to move out quick after 2 years of living there, and now live with a friend who DOES understand us and commiunicates with us. If things get hard and our depression acts up where we stop doing dishes or become more reclusive, hell approach us and find out whats going on and try and understand. And now, we have solid jobs, have an apartment, and our depression is not as bad as it was those 2 years. Depression can be awful and can affect those you live with. But having an understanding and being honest with those you live with and showing kindness can more times than not get a good result and have them motivated to do something for themselves. Knowing our friend has our back when things get tough makes me want to really battle my depression and be better.
@autumn557 Жыл бұрын
Just shows you how messed up we all are if I’m 20,000$ in CC and Loan debt and I’m like “meh, that’s life I guess”. …. I’ve had issues. But in that note I did contact a consolidation company that is paying it off faster now and negotiating lower payments. Dude. Don’t ever let your parents take loans out in your name.
@Taecoconut Жыл бұрын
Ahhhhhhh the emotional blackmail of doing nothing and using mental health as a way of not getting yelled at.
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
You're extremely lucky to have never been depressed, anxious, or stuck in a rut. Instead of being hateful towards people with mental illness, maybe be grateful that you've had it so easy.
@ZombieSazza Жыл бұрын
@@nyxx5357 bro I have mental health issues, I’ve PTSD, it doesn’t mean I get to use my mental health as a shield to hide from my own shitty behaviour, that’s what OP was saying here.
@mogulmade Жыл бұрын
@ZombieSazza Same! And not only is the daughter depressed she brought a second leech in. Wait till the baby comes looool.
@sonialinsey8083 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 NTA but I’m worried about his partner not being able to hear knocking at the door etc. What if it’s an emergency? I’m sure they have flashing light doorbells like my grandma used to have a flashing phone years ago. Be safe.
@SnowyWolborg Жыл бұрын
Story #1: NTA. Support and love don't pay the bills, and doesn't buy any groceries. The daughter has a specially gotten too comfortable, undoubtedly because Mommy is always going to jump to her defense. Two years and they haven't found anything? Or is it that they haven't found anything up to a certain standard? Either way, if the wife is so comfortable with his, maybe their expenses should come out of her personal pocket?
@joycec8 Жыл бұрын
Fence story: LMAO I would've called the cops for the mom and kids.
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA for wanting your adult daughter and her fiance out of your house. YTA for saying they're "wasting their potential".
@anymous8407 Жыл бұрын
I mean they are
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
@@anymous8407 The phrase bothers me because it implies they were being lazy, which they weren't. Even before the update, they were paying all of their own bills and each working in their own way. That's not a waste. It's not like they were sitting on their asses all day.
@spikesgirl9371 Жыл бұрын
​@Nyxx well he said they spend most of the day sleeping, going to movies and having sex.
@owl7072 Жыл бұрын
​@@spikesgirl9371 true, but they're still doing at least _something_ to make money and pay for stuff, you gotta give them that much. Same can't be said for a lot of people in other stories I've heard like this one. Not trying to argue, just noting that they're at least doing some type of work even if it's not making them much.
@spikesgirl9371 Жыл бұрын
@@owl7072 they are almost 30. 30 freaking years old. This isn't I lost my job and need a little help, this is immature and childish. We have massive credit card debt and are depressed and cried so now we get to live free until our mid thirties. Just because others have done worse doesn't make them less guilty of freeloading. That's like saying well that dude only killed one person and Bundy was worst so cut the first murderer some slack and give him a ticket.
@sidhedanu Жыл бұрын
S1 - He's the asshole for even mentioning his daughter's sex life as if it's relevant to whether she's being productive.
@sorantohell5096 Жыл бұрын
It is when she does nothing but stay home and waste time. And she even admitted she was wasting her life away.
@sidhedanu Жыл бұрын
Her sex life has nothing to do with the rest is my point.
@nowetherider Жыл бұрын
Op was gaslit so well
@amemooress6291 Жыл бұрын
Okay. I dont enjoy kids, but if they arent shrieking (because it hurts my ears 😂) or crying their lungs out, I dont understand what the problem is.
@ZombieSazza Жыл бұрын
Story 2: lmao let them call the police, they’re harassing you and your wife, they’re breaking onto your property, they’re breaking your fence, it’s just straight up harassment at this point, that entitled mother doesn’t care that her kids are damaging your property and trespassing, endangering your pets, and seems to think she can dictate your lives. Both parents sound shitty and neglectful tho, the mother wants to harass you, the father didn’t care and begged not to call the cops once actually confronted with the facts. Shout out to that mother who grounded her child and said “pop the football” next time it happens in the future, she’s a legend. Also, as a Scot, I relate HARD to “piss off and get out my face”, I’d be hard pushed not to slap her at that point. As a kid tho we just played in the public playing field, that way you’re not pissing off any neighbours. Or we played at the beach with a football and my dogs.
@deballen7031 Жыл бұрын
That last story just makes me think...." Parents, who'd have'em?! " 😂
@GlucoseGuy Жыл бұрын
Carrying credit card debt is one of the worst kinds of debt. If they're talking about paying rent, get them pay off and then cancel the credit cards. CCs are NOT free money and I physically cringe when I hear about people carrying CC debt. Yes it's convenient that you get to delay paying off your purchases and earn points in the process. But you need to pay that off when the bill comes! Other kinds of terrible debt: Loan Sharks & Payday loans
@notevenlistening6072 Жыл бұрын
It was baby babbles! Not pterodactyl screeching! My girl was often inconsolable. I would get such flak, even when just rushing her home in her stroller.
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
People will give you the dirtiest looks, and I just don't understand. Like, what am I supposed to do, tape the kid's mouth shut? They're fed, they're clean and dry, and they're not lonely or bored, so there's not really a whole lot else I can do besides cry with them!
@ZombieSazza Жыл бұрын
@@nyxx5357 I think some just really hate kids and then give parents the dirtiest of looks for having happy children near their presence. I don’t want kids (disabled, child abuse survivor, infertile, pick any of those) but that doesn’t mean I need to be horrible towards them or their parents either! I actually love my nieces and nephew, I’m always happy to help out if I’m able, and hell if you’re a mother in public and needed some help then honestly I’d happily assist. I don’t understand why there is such an open hatred towards kids these days, they’re merely existing and not actually bothering anyone, and who TF hates happy baby babble? That’s one of the purest and happiest sounds out there FFS!
@wmdkitty Жыл бұрын
@@nyxx5357 Don't take it out if you can't keep it quiet.
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty See, you say that, but it's also illegal for me to leave my infant home alone, so... and no, I am not paying for a babysitter every time I have to run an errand or go to an appointment.
@scarlettg.5772 Жыл бұрын
@@nyxx5357 exactly, I swear this commenter just hates babies… but doesn’t seem to realize that you shouldn’t be excommunicated from society because you have a baby…
@comedyloverism Жыл бұрын
Story 2, this isn’t a novel idea but maybe try to teach your kids how not to kick the ball into somebody’s yard.
@KE-hr4sb Жыл бұрын
S1: NTA. Your wife is enabling your daughter to be a lazy mooch, which is not going to help your daughter become a self-sufficient member of society. The question is, how big of a deal is this to you? Is it a mild annoyance that you’re willing to live with until the end of time, or is it a dealbreaker worth ending your marriage over? What happens when the frequent sex they’re having leads to babies they can’t afford to feed, house, clothe, and hire childcare for? Because unless your wife is willing to set reasonable timelines and boundaries, it looks like the two extremes are going to be your only options. Maybe I’m just jaded, but the update sounded like a manipulation guilt trip. “We’ve just been so depressed!” Going to the movies all the time and having frequent sex? Hey, can I have that kind of depression, please? I get the super fun kind where I don’t want to go anywhere, don’t want to do anything, don’t want to talk to anyone, don’t want to eat, I hurt and just want to sleep all the time. Oh, and I get anxiety attacks. Those are super fun. /s I don’t mean to downplay what they’re going through and say “you’re not really depressed if your depression doesn’t look exactly like mine!” but…I dunno. It just felt off to me. Or maybe I’m jaded because my mother was a master manipulator so I’m always extra suspicious.
@krystalfloods6197 Жыл бұрын
Baby babbling is absolutely adorable! And OP said the right thing to her, if the baby had been screaming and crying at the top of their lungs nonstop, I could understand, but it is ridiculous to be that upset over a baby just talking. I doubt it was louder than the adults in the place talking. She sure as heck wouldn’t say anything about that.
@vanzy01 Жыл бұрын
@ruthhenderson5413 Жыл бұрын
She was in the wrong, but it wasn't necessary to tell her she should be ashamed of herself. He could have said, "I am surprised that you ..." She could be having trouble with the volume on her hearing aid or be in some kind of pain from another source.
@jenniferhanses Жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. While if you were inside there might be some argument (and even that is not a strong argument as it was babble, not crying) for leaving the premises, you were already outside, which is going to be filled with all kinds of noises. You were fine. She was being a controlling b.
@wmdkitty Жыл бұрын
LOL nope OP is deliberately downplaying just how much noise his kid was making, and is 100% lying.
@kyriacarica5862 Жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty and you know this because you were there?
@youarehere594 Жыл бұрын
Second one, how in the world are they kicking that ball over the fence that much? Maybe they should try not kicking the ball against the fence if they lose it that often. Surely there are other areas around that they can kick the ball against.
@EnDB Жыл бұрын
Babies babbling = adorable. Everybody else is allowed to speak. Why can't the baby??
@crystaliskandar2 Жыл бұрын
@renaeodonnell4558 Жыл бұрын
Story 2, oh you know this story isn’t over. I give it 2 months max before we have another update to this story
@MortalOrder Жыл бұрын
6:27 “(which I absolutely didn’t mean to do)” So you did call her a loser
@tamsel814 Жыл бұрын
He also posted on reddit that she was wasting her life/potential which makes me hopes that that was the extend to his remarks.
@nightdweller6446 Жыл бұрын
The fence issue? NTA and the kids need to keep their freaking ball out of the damn garden. And no, it's not theft but trespassing and damage of private property. Babbling baby in an outdoor Cafe? NTA. Coffee Karen is full of it. Bet she did take her kids out and they were super annoying special angels.
@PowerStruggle555 Жыл бұрын
growing up, we did have neighbors next to you. But it wasnt a picket white fence type of neighborhood. most houses were on hills with winding driveways. Our two next door neighbors there was a large space between us (before you ask. these were manisons. they were decent sized houses, just how the neighborhood was built) On our right was actually my grandma's house (its as crazy and not as crazy as you think. she was a bit entitled. loving but italian grandma entitled) and on our left there was woods seperating us (so that was the fence). so wouldnt be a problem if a ball went off our property. but the bigger problem was the ball rolling (if a basketball or anything round) down the driveway (again on a hill, winding). our parents told us. if the ball is rolling down the driveway you can chase it but unless street is empty. stop if it goes into streets (the road itself was a hill as well so ball would go down further to a stop at the end)
@nicknitro86 Жыл бұрын
Naw. They weren't trying. They wanted to stay and mooch. The only reason why they feel 'shame' is because they got called out.
@Xenaga Жыл бұрын
Man, I would hate to sleep in that bed in the picture. That tree looks way too much like a person at the window. Yikes!
@AllistorMichelle Жыл бұрын
story 1: i'm leaning towards YTA cause shes doing what she loves and making money for it. it sounds like shes making a decent amount cause of the bills she is paying. just because shes not making a name for herself to you doesn't mean shes not known for her work. art is a big thing and having tattoo artist buy your work is amazing. so they aren't actually freeloading. i feel the word freeloading means they pay nothing at all but you op edited the post to say they buy their own food, toothpaste, ect. the only thing they're not paying is rent. op just say you want their money and make them renters story 3: nta baby babbles are fine and cute. it's the crying and loud screeching they do that ruin the day for others
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
I don't think it's about the money. I think that OP is disappointed in his daughter and sees her as a failure, and I think he also just wants her and her fiance to move out. I get the second one, having to share your home does suck. I agree with you though that the daughter and fiance weren't freeloading. OP sucks for viewing them as lazy.
@Andbit365 Жыл бұрын
Right! It sound more like because his daughter is not living up to HIS expectations, he sees them as a failure.
@MemristerBoogieDown Жыл бұрын
From an obscure artist, I’m not paying more than 10 or $15 a sheet. Sheet has to have at least four drawings. No one makes bank drawing flash unless you’re David Bolt.
@ZombieSazza Жыл бұрын
@@nyxx5357 that’s the feeling I get from it too, he’s not asking that his daughter pay rent or that she try and look for somewhere else to live, it just sounds like he’s disappointed that she isn’t what he expected her to be. She’s a grown woman and has chosen her own path in life, one she’s happy with by the sounds of it, and instead of being proud of his daughters artistic skill or proud she’s found happiness in life, he sounds bitter than she isn’t what he wants her to be. Which is depressing.
@mogulmade Жыл бұрын
@Sebong1356 They are a failure. You're living rent free, brought a second person into your parents home, lounging daily and still in debt? Op is going to regret being manipulated into this once she gets pregnant.
@nimisilverbird1239 Жыл бұрын
Nta. They can stop throwing the ball towards your house. They are damaging property and trespassing
@ajillofmanytrades8638 Жыл бұрын
Dreams should be a focus after rent and bills are paid. They were being bummy. If you have anxiety and depression, get help. Don't stagnate. I have dealt with both. Therapy helps. By 27 , they should have their frap together
@PowerStruggle555 Жыл бұрын
2nd story: Id tell her. I doubt police will care about a ball that probably depending on where it was bought. Cost between $1-$10. Theyd tell her its a civil matter as no larsony. Plus OP cant get something they arent there. Plus Id say, do that and Ill press charges for multiple count of trespassing.
@gigicat3943 Жыл бұрын
S1 - OMG! They are total freeloaders! You know they're going to be middle aged, living with OP and OP and wife will be taking care of their kids. They're depressed - boo hoo! Get jobs, move out and grow up! I'd give them 60 days notice and tell them to figure it out!
@telinhajp Жыл бұрын
Good night, Markee! Wishing you an awesome Friday! ❤️🤗
@msredux Жыл бұрын
They have debts but are just mooching, NTA and be ready to continue to support them because "she is your child"
@nightdweller6446 Жыл бұрын
The spooky figure is back in the windows again
@daisychain5087 Жыл бұрын
You have to be some kind of EEEEEEVVIL, to find the soft, innocent, lovely sound of a baby babbling, grating, disruptive, or worse, ANGERING, in any way, shape or form. I've never even been sure I wanted children, and a baby babbling has still always been like music 🎵🎶💕 to my ears. I pity the complaining couple's children. To have had parents who found the essence of innocence infuriating, IS DOWNRIGHT TERRIFYING!
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
I can kinda get it if noises bother you for whatever reason (having a headache or migraine, being overstimulated, etc.), but in that case, don't go to an outdoor cafe? Even in public, there are quiter places than that. I think the lady just wanted something to be mad about.
@Human-kb6xc Жыл бұрын
I heard Mermaid Man in my head when I read the way you wrote "evil."
@fiyahquacker2835 Жыл бұрын
Personally to me it's a little bit annoying but babbling isn't something that can't just be fixed with something like earphones.
@averycheesypotato Жыл бұрын
I’m not a fan of kids either, but babbling is nothing to be mad at! People go to cafes to talk. Babies babble to learn to talk. Rude couple might as well have insisted no one was allowed to talk in the cafe!
@scarlettg.5772 Жыл бұрын
@@nyxx5357 agreed
@Noethos Жыл бұрын
Oue ❤ Love your videos!
@vetaroberts3333 Жыл бұрын
Nta Nta, you and your family have a right to enjoy your day out. Like everyone else
@MemristerBoogieDown Жыл бұрын
Just because you can design flash and I buy it, that doesn’t mean you would make a good tattoo artist. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna apprentice you. Apprenticeships are not free and require dedication.
@princesssunshine874 Жыл бұрын
NTA: I would 100% understand if the baby was screaming bloody murder, but it was a baby babbling. I think it's cute personally. Even if the person didn't. Seriously, it's an outdoor cafe. It's not like they were at a 5 star restaurant.
@gigicat3943 Жыл бұрын
S3 - Parents think everyone wants to enjoy their screeching kids. There should be kid areas away from adults wanting a peaceful time.
@spikesgirl9371 Жыл бұрын
It's called a nursing home.
@gigicat3943 Жыл бұрын
@@spikesgirl9371 I said "kid areas" - why would you put kids in a nursing home?
@spikesgirl9371 Жыл бұрын
@@gigicat3943 no I'm saying if you don't want to deal with kids go live in a nursing home.
@fiyahquacker2835 Жыл бұрын
There is a difference between babbling and screaming/yelling.
@gigicat3943 Жыл бұрын
@@fiyahquacker2835 It's all annoying to me!
@vetaroberts3333 Жыл бұрын
Wow, they spending money they didn’t have and you feel bad for because they taking advantage you. They are using you and trying to use you more.
@rorimorgant.williams6647 Жыл бұрын
In the story where the mother comes up to OP right after he gets out of the car and calls him a thief, If it was me I would call her Karen and tell her if her crotch demon comes onto my property again I would call the police. I don’t react well to being yelled at and there would most definitely be many swear words included. There is nothing in the world cuter than a baby babbling that old woman was just beyond cranky.
@jimmyjohnjuan Жыл бұрын
"Having sex" I'm done lol can't do it. Till this very moment I was going to the same type of parent. No. I'm going to do everything in my power short of breaking the law(maybe) keeping the baby birds gone.
@OuchingTigerLimpingDragon Жыл бұрын
Okay, but how is the OP with an 8 month old supposed to get the baby to "keep its voice down"? How would you even accomplish that?
@averycheesypotato Жыл бұрын
Press the mute button! Babies have those, right?
@wmdkitty Жыл бұрын
@@averycheesypotato They do, it's called a pacifier.
@averycheesypotato Жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty Yeah… not sure that’s how that works
@scarlettg.5772 Жыл бұрын
@@wmdkitty a pacifier doesn’t always work. It’s not magic.
@KazumiKiguma Жыл бұрын
How you gonna jump straight to kicking out just cause you dont like what they're doing? Discuss a fucking rent first. It's not freeloading if you don't even try to get them to pay. Also, gossiping about it to other family members is definitely not ok.
@KazumiKiguma Жыл бұрын
Love that the update kind of humbles the "nta" verdicts too, really shows how lacking of empathy people are and how a conversation needs to be had rather than just making decisions.
@abbie_joan Жыл бұрын
bro if they're paying all their own experiences then they're not freeloading... they're just living in your house
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Thank you!! That made me so mad!
@spikesgirl9371 Жыл бұрын
​@@nyxx5357 rent is the most expensive bill by a long shot. If you can't pay rent, you're freeloading.
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
@@spikesgirl9371 No. Just no. That's literally not what freeloading means. You don't get to use a negative word that you don't even know the definition of just because you like making others feel bad.
@spikesgirl9371 Жыл бұрын
@@nyxx5357 yes. Just yes. You obviously don't know the meaning of freeloading. Getting to live rent free in someone's house for years is literally the definition of freeloading. Go give your mom and dad some rent money because this appears to make YOU feel bad. Telling the truth is just that. Facts don't care about your feelings.
@nyxx5357 Жыл бұрын
​@@spikesgirl9371 The definition of freeloading is to "take advantage of other people's generosity without giving anything in return." That really doesn't apply here.
@nimisilverbird1239 Жыл бұрын
If they got jobs and such. They would not be drowning in debt. OP your daughter is trying to gaslight you
@jlyo1991 Жыл бұрын
Now I’m wondering if it was supposed to be OUR or the German town AUE.
@19Levsko19 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: OP is close to being TA, but NTA. I don't like babies that much but I have learned to deal with them in public transport, parks or restaurants, since those are acceptable places for them. Now, if someone brings their baby to the cinema, then I become mean. There is nothing worse than a screaming baby in the theater
@babybookworm003 Жыл бұрын
So on the last story there’s this invention called earphones if you don’t want to hear others children. I have used this method for children and for people having conversations that I shouldn’t hear I just pop in my headphones and turn on music
@TsunamiJuri Жыл бұрын
Story 3 I'm sorry I hate kid but as long as its not screaming, crying, or yelling even I don't have an issue with them existing. On the odd occasion they might even sometimes make me smile
@EluneAnzu Жыл бұрын
Story 3: ....why did the co-worker say OP should have ignored it and not commented? The other person could have done that but didn't. I'd be delighted if I were somewhere with a baby where the worst it was doing was...making baby noises, considering it could have been screaming/crying which MIGHT have been justified to get upset over.
@oreolover9321 Жыл бұрын
The wife in the 3rd story is annoying to me embarrassed by her husband she sounds like a pushover. The husband said the right thing, and if babies babbling is annoying, then dont go put on public places
@dumbidot1073 Жыл бұрын
Don't remove Oue please 😭🤣
@boneymeroney2674 Жыл бұрын
@You_said_what1 Жыл бұрын
Married, in their 20’s, living at their parents house, and just started working at a movie theater. How is that not a loser?
@ZombieSazza Жыл бұрын
I think some just really hate kids and then give parents the dirtiest of looks for having happy children near their presence. I don’t want kids (disabled, child abuse survivor, infertile, pick any of those) but that doesn’t mean I need to be horrible towards them or their parents either! I actually love my nieces and nephew, I’m always happy to help out if I’m able, and hell if you’re a mother in public and needed some help then honestly I’d happily assist. I don’t understand why there is such an open hatred towards kids these days, they’re merely existing and not actually bothering anyone, and who TF hates happy baby babble? That’s one of the purest and happiest sounds out there FFS! The angry wifie trying to shame you for, what, having a happy child? Trying to berate you for having a happy child? She confronted you SEVERAL TIMES and has that wonderful old school attitude of “children should be seen and not heard”, aka “children should not make any noise whatsoever”, it’s extremely depressing knowing this attitude still exists in todays world. That wifie should’ve kept her mouth SHUT, OP was absolutely spot on with everything he said to her. If she doesn’t like the sounds of other people existing then why is she going out to a cafe?! And personally, she’s someone I’d have legit wanted to slap in person, because what TF is wrong with you?
@ferretunicorn838 Жыл бұрын
I don’t even like toddlers or babies at all and I get annoyed when they make noise. But I would never say something to a parent unless they were like letting their baby scream at a play/theater or very quiet space.
@averycheesypotato Жыл бұрын
Story 3: I’m not a huge fan of kids, but to get mad at the baby’s babbling is ridiculous. He’s learning to talk. People go to cafes to talk. Saying the child can’t be there or be making noise is basically saying he’s not entitled to being treated like a human at all. Besides… even though I’d rather pass on grabby hands & the tendency to self-destruct that children seem to consistently exhibit, the baby noises are *SOMEWHAT* cute- in small doses!
@francb1634 Жыл бұрын
Story 3: YTA but not for the babbling. in public, listening to something on a phone requires the use of headphones. forcing others to hear your entertainment is ALWAYS an asshole move.
@Human-kb6xc Жыл бұрын
Uhh you clearly missed the part where OP said the phone was just loud enough for the baby to hear but they couldn't even hear it. You ever try to put headphones on an infant?
@fiyahquacker2835 Жыл бұрын
Given what happened it the story that whole comment of yours is asinine nonsense.
@averycheesypotato Жыл бұрын
OP only put the phone on to try & quiet the baby. OP is NTA, 100%
@wmdkitty Жыл бұрын
@@Human-kb6xc OP lied.
@yaaaawwn Жыл бұрын
Is he by any chance connected to mark narrations?
@teacheschem Жыл бұрын
Nothing about baby babble is adorable!
@anymous8407 Жыл бұрын
Story one - adult kids need to gtfo and grow up parents don’t live forever
@ethansuto62 Жыл бұрын
@SpecSolve Жыл бұрын
i love how no one cares about the people around them or thinks about how they are doing.
@rachaelclark8465 11 ай бұрын
I have a problem with people complaining about a baby. They were in a PUBLIC place. If they wanted privacy, they should have stayed home. I would have told them to practice what they preach.
@Batman-lg2zj Жыл бұрын
What’s up Markee
@Markee Жыл бұрын
Sleepin hbu
@Batman-lg2zj Жыл бұрын
@@Markee oh okay I like your work and I gotta say I love your work .
@Tyggs42 Жыл бұрын
$6k is "drowning in debt"? 😂😂😂 Being someone who just filed bankruptcy over $80k+ debt, I find that hilarious.
@firelordoregano5632 Жыл бұрын
i don’t like babies, they kind of repulse me, and the noises they make can be incredibly irritating. that being said, “babies should be banned from flying/public transportation/outside” people absolutely bewilder me. like?? they’re people?? they’re small, incoherent, loud people, but people nonetheless. parents need to bring their children with them to the places they go sometimes. they can’t very well just stick the child in a cabinet or something until they magically pop out a well adjusted adolescent.
@kiraalexandraruizburgos1236 Жыл бұрын
@OuchingTigerLimpingDragon Жыл бұрын
@Nox.the.nightingale Жыл бұрын
Oueeeeeeeee ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@vetaroberts3333 Жыл бұрын
Nta,your child wasn’t crying, . Tell them to move if they had a problem
@ondank Жыл бұрын
Story 1 : OP is kinda an arsehole for not asking in the first bloody place
@nimisilverbird1239 Жыл бұрын
If the ball is in your yard can they prove it was theirs. This mother needs to discipline her kids and be a parent. This is happening everyday. it isnt an accident. It is a problem habit. Call the cops and file a report. They are just wanting to get into your yard
@wmdkitty Жыл бұрын
Story 3: YTA. Shut your kid up, or leave. It's the polite thing to do. Babies don't belong in cafes.
@kaykay8855 Жыл бұрын
They were outside and the baby was babbling. As long as the baby wasn’t shrieking, screaming, crying and op wasn’t ignoring the baby, NTA.
@alexius23 Жыл бұрын
@starsagaart4788 Жыл бұрын
These kids need to watch the sandlot
@Goldenxbih Жыл бұрын
Early ganggg
@ladyfootZ Жыл бұрын
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